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In the eggs of four species of echinoderms, Mespilia globulus, Pseudocentrotus depressus, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus and Clypeaster japonicus, changes in the distribution of protein-bound SH groups from fertilization to the 2 cell stage have been studied cytochemically by use of a mercaptide-forming azo dye. In the eggs of these species, the color intensity in the cytoplasm increased upon fertilization. The astral centers and spindle during mitosis were stained deeply. When the aster formation was suppressed by ether, hyaline spots appeared in the egg cytoplasm instead of well formed astral centers and these spots were stained by the SH-specific dye. Upon recovery of such eggs in pure sea water, and when cleavage ensued, such spots disappeared and two new astral centers were reorganized. The SH-protein occurring in the centrosphere is considered to be the precursor material for the asters and spindle, and this material is apparently derived from the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Unfertilized sea urchin eggs were exposed to sea water solutions of local anesthetics, such as caffeine, tetracaine and ethyl urethane, and the herbicide, isopropyl N-phenyl carbamate (IPC) for 10min and returned to normal sea water. Then they were inseminated 5min later. When eggs were pre-treated with 1–2 mM caffeine, 0.02–0.05 mM tetracaine, 50–100 mM ethyl urethane and 2% saturated sea water of IPC, respectively, they could cleave and hatch earlier than the control eggs. However, when fertilized eggs were continuously post-treated with solutions of the agents except IPC at the same concentrations as those in the case of the pre-treatments, the fertilized eggs could not cleave or were retarded in development. The possible mechanisms of the cleavage acceleration by pre-treatments with local anesthetics were discussed.  相似文献   

The cell cycles of the early cleavage stages of the mouse were analyzed by examining Feulgen-stained ova. The period from ovulation to the completion of second cleavage division was investigated. The ova donors were C57BL/6 × DBA/2 female mice, which were hormonally superovulated. To estimate the durations of DNA synthesis and mitotic phases of the cleavage divisions, the ova were pooled into culture medium, and as a function of time, aliquots were removed from the batch of pooled ova. The ova specimens were Feulgen-stained and classified as the ova nuclei in G1, S, G2 or mitosis by use of a cytophotometric technique and then the durations of these phases were determined by probit analysis.
The pronuclear stage had a generation time of 11 hr, with a G1 phase of 6 hr and a short S phase of 1.7 hr. In contrast the two-cell stage had a generation time of 18 hr, with a G1 phase of 2 hr and an S phase of 3 hr. The duration of cleavage division also changed; the first cleavage division spanned 3 hr while the second spanned 1 hr.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to provide information on the taxonomic classification and analysis of mitochondrial genomes of Spirometra theileri. One strobila of S. theileri was collected from the intestine of an African leopard (Panthera pardus) in the Maswa Game Reserve, Tanzania. The complete mtDNA sequence of S. theileri was 13,685 bp encoding 36 genes including 12 protein genes, 22 tRNAs and 2 rRNAs with absence of atp8. Divergences of 12 protein-coding genes were as follow: 14.9% between S. theileri and S. erinaceieuropaei, 14.7% between S. theileri and S. decipiens, and 14.5% between S. theileri with S. ranarum. Divergences of 12 proteins of S. theileri and S. erinaceieuropaei ranged from 2.3% in cox1 to 15.7% in nad5, while S. theileri varied from S. decipiens and S. ranarum by 1.3% in cox1 to 15.7% in nad3. Phylogenetic relationship of S. theileri with eucestodes inferred using the maximum likelihood and Bayesian inferences exhibited identical tree topologies. A clade composed of S. decipiens and S. ranarum formed a sister species to S. erinaceieuropaei, and S. theileri formed a sister species to all species in this clade. Within the diphyllobothridean clade, Dibothriocephalus, Diphyllobothrium and Spirometra formed a monophyletic group, and sister genera were well supported.  相似文献   

Sea urchin eggs stained with fluorescein-conjugated wheat germ agglutinin (F-WGA) before or after fixation showed a marked accumulation of fluorescence at the cleavage furrow in the first and the second cell divisions. WGA receptors (WGA-binding membrane glycoproteins) were redistributed to the equatorial region through several steps in compressed eggs. Accumulated WGA receptors showed a distribution similar to that of contractile-ring microfilaments throughout most of the steps. Therefore, the former is probably associated with the latter directly or indirectly. Labeling with F-WGA provides a simple method to detect contractile-ring microfilaments in living eggs. Treatment of eggs with colcemid shortly before cytokinesis dispersed the ring-like accumulation of WGA receptors together with contractile-ring microfilaments. This result suggests that microtubule structures, probably asters, are involved in the redistribution of WGA receptors. Cytochalasin B prevented furrowing when it was applied shortly before cytokinesis. While contractile-ring microfilaments showed a spotty distribution in the expected furrow region, WGA receptors were normally redistributed. Furthermore, a higher concentration of the drug allowed the appearance of accumulated WGA receptors in compressed eggs although the development into a ring-like configuration was inhibited. These observations suggest the possibility that the redistribution of WGA receptors is involved in the formation of contractile ring.  相似文献   



Autonomic urinary dysfunction affects patients with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP); however, the severity and prevalence of urinary dysfunctions in these patients compared with those observed in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and multiple system atrophy (MSA) are unknown.


We compared urinary dysfunction characteristics in patients with PSP, PD, and MSA.

Patients and Methods

Forty-seven patients who satisfied the probable or possible criteria of the National Institute for Neurological Diseases and Stroke and Society for PSP were assessed using the urinary symptoms questionnaire and the urodynamic study at Chiba and Toho Universities (n = 26 and 21, respectively). The results were compared with those of patients with PD and MSA (n = 218 and 193, respectively).


The mean disease duration of PSP and the mean age were 2.97 ± 0.26 and 71.4 ± 0.88 years, respectively. The mini-mental state examination and frontal assessment battery scores were 22.6 ± 0.70 and 10.7 ± 0.49, respectively. Urinary storage and voiding symptoms were observed in 57% and 56% of patients with PSP, respectively. Detrusor overactivity in the urodynamic study was detected in 81% of patients with PSP, which was slightly more than that found in patients with PD (69%) and MSA (67%); however, this was not statistically significant. Postvoid residual volume in patients with PSP was significantly more than that in patients with PD (P < 0.01), but was equivalent to that in patients with MSA.


The present study demonstrated that patients with PSP experienced various urinary dysfunctions. Urinary storage dysfunction in patients with PSP was not different from that in patients with PD or MSA, whereas urinary voiding dysfunction in patients with PSP was milder than that in patients with MSA and more severe than that in patients with PD. These features should be taken into account for the differentiation of PSP from PD and MSA.  相似文献   

We investigated effects of protein kinase inhibitors on the first cell division in sea urchin eggs on the assumption that phosphorylation of myosin is requisite for the formation and/or the contraction of the contractile ring. ML-7 or ML-9, which inhibits myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), inhibited cytokinesis with a half maximal inhibition at 0.1–0.2 mM. The nuclear division was accomplished normally at 0.2–0.25 mM where the cytokinesis was completely blocked. Fluorescent staining of actin filaments with rhodamine-labeled phalloidin revealed that the contractile ring was not formed in the cleavage-inhibited eggs. H-7 which inhibits cAMP-dependent protein kinase, cGMP-dependent protein kinase and protein kinase C arrested the process of the division at mid-cleavage at 0.25–0.3 mM and at metaphase or anaphase at 0.5 mM. H-8 and HA1004, which inhibit cAMP-dependent and cGMP-dependent protein kinases did not show significant effect at millimolar order. In the presence of micromolar concentrations of staurosporine which preferentially inhibits protein kinase C and MLCK small mitotic apparatuses were formed, in which chromosomes did not form the metaphase plate. The role of phosphorylation in the cell division is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have investigated the roles of full-length and carboxyl-terminus-truncated forms of the subtilisin-like prohormone convertase SPC3 in the processing of the radiolabeled vasopressin and oxytocin precursors, in vitro. We found SPC3 cleaves provasopressin at both the vasopressin-neurophysin and neurophysin-glycopeptide processing sites. Prooxytocin is cleaved by SPC3 at the oxytocin-neurophysin cleavage site. However, our results reveal differences in processing of provasopressin by the different molecular forms of SPC3. In incubations where the rate of autocatalytic carboxyl-terminus truncation of SPC3 was dramatically reduced, 86-kDa SPC3, which has an unprocessed carboxyl terminus, cleaved provasopressin at the neurophysin-glycopeptide junction. Cleavage at the vasopressin-neurophysin junction only occurred with the appearance of carboxyl-terminus-truncated forms of the enzyme. Incubations containing 64-kDa SPC3 or 64-kDa SPC3-T, a recombinant form of SPC3 truncated 14 amino acids beyond the conserved carboxyl-terminal "P-domain," rapidly cleaved provasopressin at both the vasopressin-neurophysin and neurophysin-glycopeptide junctions. Our results also suggest that prooxytocin is unable to be cleaved by the 86-kDa form of SPC3. We propose that SPC3 should be considered as a candidate endoprotease in the biosynthesis of vasopressin. Furthermore, we suggest that the carboxyl terminus of SPC3 alters the cleavage specificity of SPC3.  相似文献   

Summary Palmar creases and dermal ridge patterns of 34 patients with alcohol embryopathy are compared with 470 healthy individuals. In alcohol embryopathy several typical deviations were noted. Palmar Creases. The interdigital part of the distal palmar crease is generally sharply bent, the proximal transverse crease is hypoplastic or missing, the thenar crease is commonly well marked. Simian creases and bridged palmar creases are more common in patients with alcohol embryopathy than in healthy individuals. Ridge Patterns of the Palm. The main line D coming from triradius d in patients with alcohol embryopathy mostly shows a low type of ending in the fourth interdigital area; in this area loops are twice as common as in healthy individuals. Patterns of the Fingertips. No deviations were noted in the distribution of whorls and loops, but virtually no arches were observed in patients with alcohol embryopathy. These anomalies suggest embryonic damage in the twelvth week of gestation.  相似文献   

In order to obtain the cytological basis for the periodic flattening and rounding-up of activated amphibian eggs, the surface ultrastructure and the cortical microfilament organization were studied in Xenopus laevis . Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the egg surface revealed that the density of microvilli at the animal pole region decreased significantly when the periodic flattening started, but increased again concomitantly with the commencement of the rounding-up. Isolated pieces of the cortices stained with rhodamine-phalloidin exhibited the periodic disorganization and reorganization of a meshwork with bright dots probably corresponding to microvilli, in good synchrony with the decrease and increase of the microvilli density. Study of appropriate batches of eggs in which the moving front of surface contraction waves (SCWs; 1) can be localized revealed that the decrease and increase of the microvilli density correspond to SCW-1 and -2, respectively. SEM and the cytochemical examination of the eggs from which the germinal vesicle (GV) had been removed revealed that none of these changes occurred in the enucleated eggs. These observations suggest that the GV-dependent regulation of the microfilament organization in an egg cortex constitutes the cytological basis for the SCWs and for the periodic flattening and rounding-up of denuded eggs.  相似文献   

Metorphamide is a [Met]-enkephalin-containing opioid octapeptide with a C-terminal alpha-amide group. It is derived from proenkephalin and is, so far, the only endogenous opioid peptide with a particularly high affinity for mu opioid (morphine) receptors, a somewhat lesser affinity for kappa opioid receptors, and a relatively low affinity for delta opioid receptors. The concentrations of metorphamide in the bovine caudate nucleus, the hypothalamus, the spinal cord, and the neurointermediate pituitary were determined by radioimmunoassay and chromatography separation procedures. Metorphamide concentrations were compared with the concentrations of eight other opioid peptides from proenkephalin and prodynorphin in identical extracts. The other opioid peptides were [Met]-enkephalyl-Arg6-Phe7 and [Met]-enkephalyl-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 from proenkephalin; alpha-neoendorphin, beta-neoendorphin, dynorphin A(1-8), dynorphin A(1-17), and dynorphin B from prodynorphin; and [Leu]-enkephalin, which can be derived from either precursor. All opioid peptides were present in all four bovine neural tissues investigated. Metorphamide concentrations were lower than the concentrations of the other proenkephalin-derived opioid peptides. They were, however, similar to the concentrations of the prodynorphin-derived opioid peptides in the same tissues. Marked differences in the relative ratios of the opioids derived from prodynorphin across brain regions were observed, a finding suggesting differential posttranslational processing. Differences in the ratios of the proenkephalin-derived opioids across brain regions were less pronounced. The results from this study together with previous findings on metorphamide's mu opioid receptor binding and bioactivities suggest that the amounts of metorphamide in the bovine brain are sufficient to make this peptide a candidate for a physiologically significant endogenous mu opioid receptor ligand.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicated that ethanol-induced neurodegeneration in postnatal day 7 (P7) mice, widely used as a model for the fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, was accompanied by glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β) and caspase-3 activation. Presently, we examined whether tau, a microtubule associated protein, is modified by GSK-3β and caspase-3 in ethanol-treated P7 mouse forebrains. We found that ethanol increased phosphorylated tau recognized by the paired helical filament (PHF)-1 antibody and by the antibody against tau phosphorylated at Ser199. Ethanol also generated tau fragments recognized by an antibody against caspase-cleaved tau (C-tau). C-tau was localized in neurons bearing activated caspase-3 and fragmented nuclei. Over time, cell debris and degenerated projections containing C-tau appeared to be engulfed by activated microglia. A caspase-3 inhibitor partially blocked C-tau formation. Lithium, a GSK-3β inhibitor, blocked ethanol-induced caspase-3 activation, phosphorylated tau elevation, C-tau formation, and microglial activation. These results indicate that tau is phosphorylated by GSK-3β and cleaved by caspase-3 during ethanol-induced neurodegeneration in the developing brain.  相似文献   

The effects of the microtubular poisons colchicine, vinblastine and nocodazole, on cleavage furrow formation and induction of furrow-like dents in eggs of the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster , were examined.
Solutions of the poisons were injected beneath the cortex around the small initial furrow, or around the advancing tip of the furrow of eggs during the first cleavage. This resulted in prompt block of the progress of the furrow at the injection site, and subsequent total regression of the furrow or incomplete cleavage.
The ability of the cortex of a cleavage-arrested blastomere to form a furrow-like dent was tested by inhibiting furrow formation of one blastomere of two-cell embryos by injection of the microtubular poisons, and then transplantation of the blastomere under the cortex of the animal half with furrow-inducing cytoplasm (FIC) taken from normally cleaving eggs. No dent was formed. Moreover, FIC from eggs treated with a poison had no ability to induce a dent on the surface of normally cleaving eggs.
These results show that microtubule structures are directly involved in formation of a cleavage furrow.  相似文献   

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