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A cDNA clone for sapecin, an antibacterial protein produced by an embryonic cell line of Sarcophaga peregrina, was isolated and characterized. This clone was found to encode a precursor of sapecin consisting of 94 residues, with sapecin (40 residues) constituting its carboxyl-terminal half. RNA blot hybridization revealed that the gene for the sapecin precursor is activated in the hemocytes of the third instar larvae of Sarcophaga in response to body injury. Thus, sapecin is probably a defense protein synthesized by Sarcophaga to prevent bacterial infection through the damaged body wall. This gene was also found to be activated in the embryonic and early pupal stages, suggesting that sapecin also plays a role in the ontogenetic processes of Sarcophaga.  相似文献   

A previous paper described the complete amino acid sequences of sarcotoxins IA, IB and IC, which are a group of potent antibacterial proteins with almost identical primary structures produced by Sarcophaga peregrina (fleshfly) larvae [Okada & Natori (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 7174-7177]. The present paper describes the cDNA cloning and complete nucleotide sequencing of a cDNA clone for sarcotoxin IA. The C-terminal amino acid residue of sarcotoxin IA deduced from the nucleotide sequence was glycine, whereas it was found to be arginine by amino acid sequencing of purified sarcotoxin IA. Analysis of the elution profiles on h.p.l.c. of the synthetic derivatives of sarcotoxin IA showed that the C-terminal amino acid residue of authentic sarcotoxin IA is amidated arginine, which is probably produced by enzymic cleavage of terminal glycine.  相似文献   

K Ando  S Natori 《Biochemistry》1988,27(5):1715-1721
A cDNA clone for sarcotoxin IIA, an antibacterial protein of Sarcophaga peregrina (flesh fly) larvae [Ando, K., Okada, M., & Natori, S. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 226-230], was isolated and characterized. Sarcotoxin IIA was found to consist of 270 amino acid residues. Northern blot analysis showed that the sarcotoxin IIA gene was activated in response to injury of the body wall of the larvae. The gene was activated for much longer after injection of Escherichia coli into the abdominal cavity of larvae than after injection of saline alone. A common nucleotide sequence for mammalian inflammatory mediator protein cDNAs, TTATTTAT, was found in the 3'-untranslated region of sarcotoxin IIA cDNA, suggesting that this protein plays a role in the inflammatory response of this insect.  相似文献   

Effects of long day and short day treatments during the embryonic and larval stages on induction of pupal diapause were studied on a diapausing race of Sarcophaga peregrina. Two long day (15L 9D) cycles during 2 days before or after the larviposition completely stopped the induction of pupal diapause on larvae which grow in short day condition before and after the long day treatment. The sensitivity appeared to decrease during the early stage of the third instar and to increase again to some extent in the prepupal stage.  相似文献   

In the previous paper, we described the identification of two abundant mRNAs of Sarcophaga peregrina (flesh-fly) which are selectively expressed in the fat body of middle third instar larvae. One of these mRNAs was found to encode a protein with a molecular mass of about 25,000 (25-kDa protein) when translated in vitro (Tamura, H., et al. (1983) Dev. Biol. 99, 145-151). Present paper reports the nucleotide sequence of a 2.3 kb DNA containing the entire gene for the 25-kDa protein. This gene consisted of four exons and contained an open reading frame for 184 amino acids. A CAT box and a TATA box were found in the 5'-flanking sequence. A poly A addition signal of AATAAA was assigned to the non-coding region in the fourth exon. A sequence having 75% homology with SV40 enhancer core sequence was identified in the non-coding region of the first exon.  相似文献   

We have cloned the genomic DNA and cDNA of Drosophila DNA polymerase epsilon (pol-epsilon) catalytic subunit (GenBank No. AB035512). The gene is separated into four exons by three short introns, and the open reading frame consists of 6660 base pairs (bp) capable of encoding a polypeptide of 2220 amino acid residues. The calculated molecular mass is 255018, similar to that of mammalian and yeast homologues. The deduced amino acid sequence of the pol-epsilon catalytic subunit shares approximately 41% identity with human and mouse homologues as well as significant homology those of C. elegans, S. cerevisiae and S. pombe. Similar to the pol-epsilon catalytic subunits from other species, the pol-epsilon catalytic subunit contains domains for DNA polymerization and 3'-5' exonuclease in the N-terminal region, and two potential zinc-finger domains in the C-terminal regions. Interestingly, a 38 amino acid sequence in the C-terminal region from amino acid positions 1823 to 1861 is similar to the site for Mycoplasma ATP binding and/or ATPase domain (GenBank No. P47365). Northern hybridization analysis indicated that the gene is expressed at the highest levels in unfertilized eggs, followed by zero to 4h embryos and adult females, and then embryos at other embryonic stages, instar larva stages and adult males. Low levels of the mRNA were also detected at the pupa stage. This pattern of expression is similar to those of DNA replication-related enzymes such as DNA polymerase alpha and delta except for the high level of expression in adult males.  相似文献   

Prolactin was purified from chum salmon pituitaries. It was resolved into two variants by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. A cDNA library was prepared from Pacific chinook salmon pituitaries. Salmon prolactin gene was screened using a synthetic oligonucleotide based on partial protein sequence. A positive clone (PRL-10) was identified and sequenced. It is a full-size clone containing 1.1 kb and coding for a preprolactin of 211 amino acids. A modified prolactin plasmid (PRL-10A), in which the 5' untranslated sequence and the nucleotide sequence coding for the signal peptide of prolactin were deleted, was reconstructed into an expression vector using the heat-inducible lambda pL promotor. Mature prolactin, a single polypeptide of 22 kDa, was efficiently expressed in the bacteria at an elevated temperature.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning and expression of rat betacellulin cDNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cDNA encoding an entire open reading frame of rat betacellulin has been cloned from rat kidney. Expression of this cDNA in COS7 cells showed a significant amount of mitogenic activity in the culture media. Western blotting of the cell lysates suggested that the membrane-anchored precursor was cleaved to release its ectodomain very efficiently.  相似文献   

肌肉生长抑制素(myostatin,MSTN)属于转化生长因子β(TGF-β)超家族中的一个成员,是骨骼肌生长发育的负调控因子。该文以黄河裸裂尻鱼肌肉总RNA为模板,采用RT-PCT、5’-RACE和3’-RACE法获得MSTN基因全长cDNA序列为2180bp,包含长为1128bp的开放阅读框,编码375个氨基酸。以肌肉总DNA为模板,通过PCR法进一步获得了MSTN基因的2个内含子序列,分析表明,黄河裸裂尻鱼MSTN基因与其他脊椎动物具有相似的基因结构(包括3个外显子和2个内含子)。黄河裸裂尻鱼MSTN具有脊椎动物MSTN的共同序列特征,含有1个蛋白酶水解位点RXXR和8个位于TGF-β功能区域保守的半胱氨酸残基。氨基酸序列同源性分析表明,黄河裸裂尻鱼MSTN序列与其他鲤科鱼类MSTN具有较高的同源性;而与哺乳动物和禽类的MSTN同源性较低。系统发育分析表明,黄河裸裂尻鱼MSTN与其他鲤科鱼类聚于同一进化支。RT-PCR分析表明,该基因在黄河裸裂尻鱼9个被检组织中均有表达,但在心、肾、肠、精巢中表达量较高。Real-TimePCR分析显示,MSTN基因在胚胎中的相对表达量,随胚胎发育阶段的不同而有所差异,暗示MSTN的功能可能并不局限在对肌肉生长发育的负调控作用,可能还有其他功能。  相似文献   

The current report documents the molecular cloning of the mouse mitochondrial NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydronegase (mNADP-IDH) cDNA. The cDNA was 1,863 bp in length and contained one open reading frame encoding a 523-residue polypeptide with a predicted molecular weight of 58 kDa. The cDNA and the deduced amino acid (AA) sequence of the mouse mNADP-IDH had a high degree of homology with those of porcine, bovine, alfalfa, and yeast. The recombinant mNADP-IDH expressed in Escherichia coli had active enzymatic function, as well as an expected molecular weight. The heart had the highest constitutive expression of the steady-state mNADP-IDH mRNA, followed by the kidney, while the expression of the gene in other tissues was low. The enzymatic activity of different tissues was in agreement with their mNADP-IDH mRNA levels. The resting lymphocytes had low constitutive expression of the gene, but the steady-state mRNA could be induced 48 h after mitogen stimulation. At the protein level, the resting lymphocytes had low enzymatic activity of mNADP-IDH, but the activity was augmented fivefold after mitogen stimulation. The cytosolic NADP-IDH, on the contrary, remained low or undetectable before and after the mitogen stimulation. Based on our current findings as well as the known roles of the mNADP-IDH in anabolism and in the isocitrate shuttle, it is conceivable that the mNADP-IDH is necessary for optimizing proliferation in lymphocytes. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A Kanai  S Natori 《FEBS letters》1989,258(2):199-202
A genomic clone of sarcotoxin I was isolated. This clone contained four genes of structurally related proteins belonging to the sarcotoxin I family present in tandem array. One of these genes was sequenced and found to be the sarcotoxin IB gene. This gene contained a single intron of 95 bases.  相似文献   

The imaginal discs of Sarcophaga were found not to develop normally in the presence of galactose, a hapten sugar of Sarcophaga lectin, or anti-Sarcophaga lectin antibody. Wing and leg discs cultured with these substances became morphologically abnormal and no imaginal discs reached the stage of terminal differentiation, even in the presence of 20-hydroxyecdysone. The development of the imaginal discs was shown to be autonomously regulated in an autocrine manner by Sarcophaga lectin; namely Sarcophaga lectin was secreted by the imaginal discs in the presence of 20-hydroxyecdysone, and the stimulus of self-induced Sarcophaga lectin seemed to be indispensable for further development of the imaginal discs. Sarcophaga lectin was originally found as a defense protein, but these results show that it plays independent roles in both defense and development.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA complementary to the rat pancreatic cholesterol esterase mRNA was isolated by screening a rat pancreatic cDNA expression library in lambda gt11 vector with antibodies against the porcine pancreatic cholesterol esterase. The isolated cholesterol esterase cDNA is 2050 bp in length and contains an open reading frame coding for a protein of 612 amino acids. A 20-amino acid hydrophobic leader sequence is predicted, based on the position of the first ATG initiation codon upstream from the sequenced amino terminus of the isolated cholesterol esterase. The cholesterol esterase cDNA was subcloned into a mammalian expression vector, pSVL, for transfection studies. Expression of the cDNA in COS cells resulted in the production of bile salt-stimulated cholesterol esterase. Comparison of the cholesterol esterase cDNA sequence with other proteins revealed that the pancreatic cholesterol esterase is identical to rat pancreatic lysophospholipase. The primary structure of cholesterol esterase displayed no significant homology with other lipases, although the putative lipid interfacial recognition site of G-X-S-X-G is present in the cholesterol esterase sequence. However, the cholesterol esterase sequence revealed a 63-amino-acid domain which is highly homologous to the active site domain of other serine esterases. These data suggest that cholesterol esterase may be a member of the serine esterase supergene family. Analysis of the cholesterol esterase structure also revealed a repetitive sequence enriched with Pro, Asp, Glu, Ser, and Thr residues at the C-terminal end of the protein. This sequence is reminiscent of the PEST-rich sequences in short-lived proteins, suggesting that cholesterol esterase may have a short half-life in vivo. Northern blot hybridization showed that the bile salt-stimulated cholesterol esterase mRNA is present in liver suggesting that this protein may also be synthesized by liver cells.  相似文献   

myo-Inositol 1-phosphate synthase (EC (IPS) is a key enzyme in myo-inositol biosynthesis pathway. This study describes the molecular cloning of the full length human myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase (hIPS) cDNA, tissue distribution of its mRNA and characterizes its gene expression in cultured HepG2 cells. Human testis, ovary, heart, placenta, and pancreas express relatively high level of hIPS mRNA, while blood leukocyte, thymus, skeletal muscle, and colon express low or marginal amount of the mRNA. In the presence of glucose, hIPS mRNA level increases 2- to 4-fold in HepG2 cells. hIPS mRNA is also up-regulated 2- to 3-fold by 2.5 microM lovastain. This up-regulation is prevented by mevalonic acid, farnesol, and geranylgeraniol, suggesting a G-protein mediated signal transduction mechanism in the regulation of hIPS gene expression. hIPS mRNA expression is 50% suppressed by 10mM lithium ion in these cells. Neither 5mM myo-inositol nor the three hormones: estrogen, thyroid hormone, and insulin altered hIPS mRNA expression in these cells.  相似文献   

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