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Geographic variation in male bird songs has been studied extensively, but there have been few investigations of geographic variation in female songs or sex differences in patterns of geographic variation. We compared patterns of variation in male and female songs of eastern whipbirds Psophodes olivaceus by analyzing recordings from 16 populations across the species’ geographic range in eastern Australia. We found remarkably different patterns of geographic variation between the sexes. Female eastern whipbird songs are easily categorized into discrete song types. Song types are shared between nearby females, but female songs show pronounced differences at a continental scale. In contrast, male eastern whipbird songs show high consistency throughout the species’ geographic range. All recorded males share the ability to transpose the frequency of the introductory whistle and most recorded males share the ability to vary the direction of the slope of the terminal whip crack. For eight of nine measured variables, female songs show significantly higher levels of variation than male songs. We discuss whether sex differences in dispersal, song learning strategies, and song function may explain these sex differences in patterns of song variation. We suggest that eastern whipbirds have experienced a decoupling of male and female song learning strategies and that the songs of each sex have responded to different selective pressures in the context of countersinging interactions. We speculate that consistency in male songs throughout the geographic range of eastern whipbirds may arise through female preference for males that perform large bandwidth whip cracks.  相似文献   

Male crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) produce a complex call consisting of two elements, the long chirp (three to eight sound pulses) followed by a series of short chirps (each with two sound pulses). There is significant geographic variation in the temporal structure of calls, and the long chirp is selected against by acoustically orienting parasitoids in some populations. Here we examine geographic variation in female preference functions for the amount of long chirp. In general, females prefer calls with greater proportions of long chirp, although the strength and nature of selection varied across populations. Variation in preference functions did not match variation in call structure. There was a mismatch between the proportion of long chirp produced by males in a population and the proportion of long chirp preferred by females. The convergent preferences of predators and females are likely to maintain genetic variation in song traits in parasitized populations. The apparent mismatch between preference and trait is discussed in relation to theoretical models of preference evolution.  相似文献   

To study the variation and consistency of song preferences in Drosophila virilis females, we played them species-specific song and songs with modified sound pulses and/or interpulse intervals on 3 consecutive days. Species-specific song was played again on the fourth day. All playbacks were done without the presence of males. About 62% of the females indicated their readiness to mate by spreading their wings in at least one of the trials. The proportion of the females responding to species-specific song was about twice that of the females responding to modified songs. The majority of females responded to only one song type, which suggests that the females varied in their preferences and that their preference windows were rather narrow. The females were consistent in their responsiveness to species-specific song played on 2 days. If the female responded to normal song during the first trial, the probability of her responding to the same song during the second trial increased by about 32%. The number of songs required by the females before responding in the two subsequent trials was also correlated within the females (repeatability 0.328). Repeatability of female preferences for male sexual traits is expected both in the viability and Fisherian models of sexual selection. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In the duetting grasshopper Chorthippus biguttulus, a female's decision to reply to a conspecific male is based on the evaluation of a number of features of the male's song, which consists of uninterrupted syllables separated by pauses. Female responses are tuned to a restricted range of pause durations. However, males produce songs with noisy rather than silent pauses, which should make the measurement of pause durations more difficult for the female. We examined the adaptive value of these noisy pauses by testing female responses to (1) pairs of natural phrases, which differed only with respect to clear or noisy syllable pauses, and (2) synthetic phrases, in which the syllable onset accentuations and noise levels in the pauses were systematically varied. There was considerable variation between females, both in their preference for clear or noisy pauses in natural phrases, and in the optimal combinations of syllable onset accentuations and noise levels in pauses that they preferred in synthetic phrases. The response profiles of individual females were consistent. The experiments with synthetic phrases showed that, on average, females preferred more extreme values of syllable onset accentuations than were present in male songs. Noisy pauses increased the range of syllable pause durations accepted by females. The results suggest that noisy pauses could buffer signallers against the negative consequences of both signal degradation during transmission and extreme receiver choosiness.  相似文献   

Given the important role that animal vocalizations play in mate attraction and resource defence, acoustic signals are expected to play a significant role in speciation. Most studies, however, have focused on the acoustic traits of male animals living in the temperate zone. In contrast to temperate environments, in the tropics, it is commonplace for both sexes to produce complex acoustic signals. Therefore, tropical birds offer the opportunity to compare the sexes and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the evolution of animal signals. In this study, we quantified patterns of acoustic variation in Rufous‐and‐white Wrens (Thryophilus rufalbus) from five populations in Central America. We quantified similarities and differences between male and female songs by comparing the role that acoustic adaptation, cultural isolation and neutral genetic divergence have played in shaping acoustic divergence. We found that males and females showed considerable acoustic variation across populations, although females exhibited greater population divergence than males. Redundancy analysis and partial‐redundancy analysis revealed significant relationships between acoustic variation and ecological variables, genetic distance, and geographic distance. Both ambient background noise and geographic distance explained a high proportion of variance for both males and females, suggesting that both acoustic adaptation and cultural isolation influence song. Overall, our results indicate that parallel evolutionary forces act on male and female acoustic signals and highlight the important role that cultural drift and selection play in the evolution of both male and female songs.  相似文献   

Phenotypic traits such as songs are important in species recognition. Variation in acoustic traits can form barriers to gene flow and promote speciation. Therefore, understanding song divergence is crucial in groups with controversial taxonomy such as Olive Sparrows (Arremonops rufivirgatus), a widespread Neotropical species of songbird with multiple allopatric populations. Taxonomic authorities disagree on the number of Olive Sparrow subspecies, placing them into either two or three main groups. These groups may represent separate species based on morphological traits, but trait divergence within the complex has not been examined. We studied geographic variation in the characteristics of the songs of Olive Sparrows at two geographical levels: among three proposed groups and among five allopatric populations. In a second analysis, we evaluated the strength of acoustic divergence within the complex by comparing acoustic distances among groups and allopatric populations of Olive Sparrows with the acoustic distance among three recognized species in the genus Arremonops. We analyzed 802 songs from 174 individuals across 81 locations and measured 12 variables to describe the fine structural characteristics of the songs of Olive Sparrows, Green-backed Sparrows (A. chloronotus), Black-striped Sparrows (A. conirostris), and Tocuyo Sparrows (A. tocuyensis). We found significant acoustic variation in the Olive Sparrow complex at both geographical levels. Our divergence analysis also revealed that vocal divergence within the complex is similar to or greater than that found between recognized species in the genus. Together, these results suggest that acoustic diversity within the Olive Sparrow complex probably originated by isolation in tandem with selective and/or non-selective factors.  相似文献   

Female singing and coordinated male–female duetting are often but not always found in the same species. Both behaviors are more common in tropical than temperate songbirds, but few studies have differentiated between the factors selecting for each. Here we investigate the evolution of female vocal complexity and male–female vocal coordination in Carolina wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus), one of the few non-tropical members of a songbird family (Troglodytidae) that is well known for producing coordinated male–female duets. Female Carolina wrens are not known to sing; rather, they produce relatively simple, sex-specific chatters, often during territorial encounters. We analyzed field recordings to show that females coordinate these chatters with male songs at rates similar to those observed in some tropical duetting wren species. We then used phylogenetic comparative methods to show that the evolutionary ancestors of Carolina wrens had female songs that were more acoustically complex than the vocalizations of current females, suggesting past selection against female vocal complexity. Levels of vocal coordination with males, in contrast, have changed relatively little from those of tropical ancestors. Our results suggest that these two aspects of female behavior, acoustic complexity and vocal coordination with males, have evolved independently and have different functions in communication.  相似文献   

Birdsong evolution has influenced by various ecological and social factors. When related species that sing similar songs coexist, the acoustic properties of the songs of one or both species may shift, and the songs may diverge. We investigated geographic variation in the songs of the Japanese tit (Parus minor) and the varied tit (Poecile varius) in the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan, whose islands harbor either one or both species. The songs of the two species exhibited similar structure, but acoustic measurements differed between them. For example, varied tits sang songs at higher frequency than Japanese tits did. The songs of both species varied geographically. At sites with higher relative densities of varied tits, Japanese tits sang lower frequency songs, indicating that in areas of coexistence, Japanese tits sang songs that had acoustically diverged from those of varied tits. Song variation in varied tits was not related to sympatry with Japanese tits. These asymmetric results suggest that the subordinate Japanese tit modified the acoustic characteristics of its song to avoid harassment by the dominant varied tit. We observed no effects of genetic divergence or local intraspecific density on Japanese tit or varied tit songs. This study used geographic variation to examine hypotheses of song evolution, and the results highlight the importance of character displacement.  相似文献   

Few mammalian species produce vocalizations that are as richly structured as bird songs, and this greatly restricts the capacity for information transfer. Syntactically complex mammalian vocalizations have been previously studied only in primates, cetaceans and bats. We provide evidence of complex syntactic vocalizations in a small social mammal: the rock hyrax (Procavia capensis: Hyracoidea). We adopted three algorithms, commonly used in genetic sequence analysis and information theory, to examine the order of syllables in hyrax calls. Syntactic dialects exist, and the syntax of hyrax calls is significantly different between different regions in Israel. Call syntax difference is positively correlated to geographical distance over short distances. No correlation is found over long distances, which may reflect limited dispersal movement. These findings indicate that rich syntactic structure is more common in the vocalizations of mammalian taxa than previously thought and suggest the possibility of vocal production learning in the hyrax.  相似文献   

Many animals produce complex vocalizations that show pronounced variation between populations. The Acoustic Adaptation Hypothesis helps to explain this variation, suggesting that acoustic signals are optimized for transmission through different environments. Little is known about the transmission properties of female vocalizations because most studies of the Acoustic Adaptation Hypothesis have focused on male vocalizations of organisms living at temperate latitudes. We explored the relationship between environmental variation and the transmission properties of songs of Rufous-and-white Wrens, resident Neotropical songbirds where both sexes sing. Using playback, we broadcast and re-recorded elements of male and female songs from three populations of wrens living in three different forest habitats in Costa Rica. We measured four variables of the re-recorded sounds: signal-to-noise ratio, excess attenuation, tail-to-signal ratio and blur ratio. Our results show a significant difference between transmission characteristics of both male and female song elements across the three habitats, indicating that sounds transmit differently through different types of tropical forest. The population from which the broadcast sounds were recorded (source population) had little effect on sound transmission, however, suggesting that acoustic differences between these populations may not arise through acoustic adaptation to these habitats. Male and female elements showed similar transmission properties overall, although signal-to-noise ratio of male elements was influenced by source population, whereas blur ratio and excess attenuation of female elements were influenced by source population. Our study highlights the differences in transmission characteristics of animal sounds through different habitats, and reveals some sex differences in transmission properties.  相似文献   

Glass sponges (Class Hexactinellida) are important components of deep-sea ecosystems and are of interest from geological and materials science perspectives. The reconstruction of their phylogeny with molecular data has only recently begun and shows a better agreement with morphology-based systematics than is typical for other sponge groups, likely because of a greater number of informative morphological characters. However, inconsistencies remain that have far-reaching implications for hypotheses about the evolution of their major skeletal construction types (body plans). Furthermore, less than half of all described extant genera have been sampled for molecular systematics, and several taxa important for understanding skeletal evolution are still missing. Increased taxon sampling for molecular phylogenetics of this group is therefore urgently needed. However, due to their remote habitat and often poorly preserved museum material, sequencing all 126 currently recognized extant genera will be difficult to achieve. Utilizing morphological data to incorporate unsequenced taxa into an integrative systematics framework therefore holds great promise, but it is unclear which methodological approach best suits this task. Here, we increase the taxon sampling of four previously established molecular markers (18S, 28S, and 16S ribosomal DNA, as well as cytochrome oxidase subunit I) by 12 genera, for the first time including representatives of the order Aulocalycoida and the type genus of Dactylocalycidae, taxa that are key to understanding hexactinellid body plan evolution. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that Aulocalycoida is diphyletic and provide further support for the paraphyly of order Hexactinosida; hence these orders are abolished from the Linnean classification. We further assembled morphological character matrices to integrate so far unsequenced genera into phylogenetic analyses in maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), Bayesian, and morphology-based binning frameworks. We find that of these four approaches, total-evidence analysis using MP gave the most plausible results concerning congruence with existing phylogenetic and taxonomic hypotheses, whereas the other methods, especially ML and binning, performed more poorly. We use our total-evidence phylogeny of all extant glass sponge genera for ancestral state reconstruction of morphological characters in MP and ML frameworks, gaining new insights into the evolution of major hexactinellid body plans and other characters such as different spicule types. Our study demonstrates how a comprehensive, albeit in some parts provisional, phylogeny of a larger taxon can be achieved with an integrative approach utilizing molecular and morphological data, and how this can be used as a basis for understanding phenotypic evolution. The datasets and associated trees presented here are intended as a resource and starting point for future work on glass sponge evolution.  相似文献   

Many groups of animals defend shared resources with coordinated signals. The best-studied of these signals are the vocal duets produced by mated pairs of birds. Duets are believed to be more common among tropical-breeding species, but a comprehensive test of this hypothesis is lacking, and the mechanisms that generate latitudinal patterns in duetting are not known. We used a stratified sample of 372 songbird species to conduct the first broad-scale, phylogenetically explicit analysis of duet evolution. We found that duetting evolves in association with the absence of migration, but not with sexual monochromatism or tropical breeding. We conclude that the evolution of migration exerts a major influence on the evolution of duetting. The perceived association between tropical breeding and duetting may be a by-product of the migration–duetting relationship. Migration reduces the average duration of partnerships, potentially reducing the benefits of cooperative behaviour, including duetting. Ultimately, the evolution of coordinated resource-defence signals in songbirds may be driven by ecological conditions that favour sedentary lifestyles and social stability.  相似文献   

To investigate whether song variability or activity could be used as a cue to male quality in the Whitethroat Sylvia communis and whether the song influenced female choice, songs from 18 males were recorded and analysed, and their perch song and flight song activity were registered. Song repertoire was measured as Rep1000 (the average number of different elements within sequences of 1000 elements), Max1000 (the maximum number of different elements in a 1000 element sequence) and number of elements per repertoire. Old males had larger Rep1000, Max1000 and number of different elements per song than 1-yr-old males. 1-yr-old males had higher perch song and flight song activity than old males. A principal component factor analysis on the song variables showed that (1) males with a large principal component factor score on the first component (PCFS1) typically were old males and (2) the PCFS1 was positively related to male wing length. Rep1000 and Max1000 and a low perch and flight song activity contributed to a positive factor score. Males that mated had larger PCFS1 than males that remained unmated, and there was a significant negative correlation between mating date and PCFS1.
The study suggests that song variability potentially could act as a cue to male quality. Females may prefer males with elaborate songs. However, arrival date could account for the mating pattern and it cannot be excluded that other factors, such as territory quality, also could have influenced the observed mating pattern.  相似文献   

Female tree crickets (Oecanthus nigricornis) prefer large malesbut do not receive larger glandular courtship gifts from thesemales. This finding is puzzling from both the male and femaleperspectives, because females should prefer males providingmore direct benefits, and because males who provide larger giftsachieve higher insemination success. We tested for differencesin the quality of male secretions and found that larger malesprovided more proteinaceous food gifts than did rivals, whichcould explain why they are preferred by females. The preferencein turn could cause depletion of food gift reserves in favoredmales, because natural remating rates are high and because evena single feeding bout negatively affects glandular stores. Mostintriguingly, we showed that preferred males can adaptivelydecrease the size of courtship food-gifts provided (in orderto conserve gifts for future mating events) when they perceivethat the probability of multiple future mating opportunitiesis high. Thus, the elevated mating rates of preferred males(both before and after a focal mating event) could account forthe small size of their courtship food-gifts.  相似文献   

Passive acoustic data were collected January 2012 to April 2013 at four sites in the Chiloense Ecoregion (CER) in southern Chile (≈43°S–44°S, 71°W–73°W) and 1996–2002 from one site in the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP) (8°S, 95°W). Automatic detectors were used to detect the two songs (SEP1 and SEP2) described for southeast Pacific (SEP) blue whales. There was a strong seasonal pattern of occurrence of SEP songs in the CER from December to August, peaking March to May. In the ETP, the occurrence of songs was an order of magnitude lower but songs were present year‐round, with a peak around June. These findings support austral summer/autumn seasonal residency in the CER and a seasonal movement of blue whales towards the ETP during June/July, returning in December. Interannual differences in the ETP were possibly linked to the 1997–1998 El Niño event. At both study sites, SEP2 was significantly more common than SEP1; both songs largely followed the same temporal trends. These findings contribute to our understanding of the seasonal movements of endangered SEP blue whales and can inform conservation strategies, particularly in the CER coastal feeding ground. We recommend future year‐round passive acoustic studies in the CER and the ETP (e.g., near the Galapagos Islands), ideally coupled with oceanographic data.  相似文献   

Eight weeks after gonadectomy male, female, and androgenized [10 μg testosterone propionate (TP), 24 hr after birth] female hamsters were given daily treatment with: 150 μg dihydrotestosterone (DHT), 5 μg estradiol benzoate (EB), 150 μg DHT + 5 μg EB, 150 μg DHT + 1 μg EB, 30 μg DHT + 5 μg EB, 30 μg DHT + 1 μg EB, or the oil vehicle. Treatment of castrated male hamsters with 5 μg EB fully restored mounting but relatively few of these animals intromitted and none ejaculated. Treatment with 150 μg DHT restored all components of male sexual behavior but only in a small proportion of the males. Combined treatment with EB and DHT restored mounts, intromissions, and ejaculations in the majority of the males. Although as little as 30 μg DHT + 1 μg EB restored the full complement of male behavior, the males which received 150 μg DHT + 5 μg EB or 150 μg DHT + 1 μg EB required fewer intromissions to achieve ejaculation than the males which received 30 μg DHT + either dose of EB. The response of the androgenized females was similar to that of the males except that the androgenized females had lower intromission rates and none ejaculated. Relatively few of the nonandrogenized females responded to EB and DHT treatment and those that did mounted only a few times each test. These results demonstrate that both EB and DHT can stimulate male sexual behavior in the hamster and that the sensitivity to EB and DHT for copulatory behavior is determined by early postnatal androgen exposure.  相似文献   

I compared the mate preferences of female house finches (Carpodacusmexicanus) from populations in which males differ in both plumagecoloration and the extent of ventral pigmentation (patch size).Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the small patch of ventralcoloration displayed by males in some populations is derivedfrom a larger-patched ancestral state. Regardless of the appearanceof males in their own populations, however, females from allpopulations showed a preference for the most brightly coloredmales and males with the largest patches. A reduction in patchsize independent of a change in female mate preference is notconsistent with sensory-bias or reproductive isolation modelsof sexual selection or with general predictions of runaway modelsof sexual selection. In contrast, a lack of congruence betweenfemale mate preference and male trait expression is predictedby the honest advertisement model, with house finches respondingto variation in regional and local access to carotenoid plumagepigments.  相似文献   

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