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Summary A431 malignant keratinocytes, although derived from a muco-cutaneous carcinoma of the vulva, fail to achieve terminal epidermal differentiation in culture as shown by their inability to form cornified envelopes. Even after culture in a serum-free medium (MCDB 153) containing no retinoic acid and a high (10−3 M) calcium concentration (conditions known to facilitate epidermal differentiation), the cells do not become competent as shown by the fact that subsequent treatment with a calcium ionophore is unable to provoke the formation of cornified envelopes. Nevertheless, A431 cells are able to synthesize the envelope precursor involucrin. The block in formation of cornified envelopes is thus not due to a lack in involucrin. The results described here suggest that the absence of cross-linking of this molecule is due to a lowered epidermal membrane-bound transglutaminase activity in A431 cells, enhances involucrin accumulation in these cells, although in normal human keratinocytes it stimulates growth and reduces involucrin synthesis. These results suggest that involucrin synthesis is triggered by the arrest of growth. EDITOR'S STATEMENT The A431 cell line has been used extensively in the study of EGF receptors and effects, and recently has been employed in studies of surface membrane receptors for other factors, as well as studies of extracellular matrix synthesis and deposition and tumor promoter activities. The expanding use of A431 cells calls for a more thorough understanding of the cell type it represents and the degree to which it represents a general in vitro model of normal or neoplastic epidermal cells. This article addresses some of these questions.  相似文献   

Cell interaction with extracellular matrix is a multi-step process characterized by cell attachment to substrata with subsequent cell spreading accompanied by actin cytoskeleton and cellular membrane receptor reorganization. It has been shown elsewhere that epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells, spread on solid substrata coated with fibronectin, laminin-2/4 or antibodies to EGF receptor, form specific actin filament structures typical for each particular ligand. Here quantitative analysis of heterogeneous A431 cell population spread on the above ligands has been reported. Cells were subdivided into morphological classes, according to their shape and actin filament structure, and the relationship among classes under various experimental conditions were quantitatively estimated for every ligand. We studied the influence of cell detachment pattern, short-term and long-term starvation, and cell incubation in suspended state in the medium before plating on the cell population composition. It was possible to recognize the modal morphological class of cells with typical actin cytoskeleton structure dominating for the ligand in the population. Long-term starvation and incubation in suspension before cell spreading are considered as the crucial experimental parameters leading to dramatic changes in cell population.  相似文献   

EGF induces cell cycle arrest of A431 human epidermoid carcinoma cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The human carcinoma cell line A431 is unusual in that physiologic concentrations of epidermal growth factor (EGF) inhibit proliferation. In the presence of 5-10 nM EGF proliferation of A431 cells is abruptly and markedly decreased compared to the untreated control cultures, with little loss of cell viability over a 4-day period. This study was initiated to examine how EGF affects the progression of A431 cells through the cell cycle. Flow cytometric analysis of DNA in EGF-treated cells reveals a marked change in the cell cycle distribution. The percentage of cells in late S/G2 increases and early S phase is nearly depleted. Since addition of the mitotic inhibitor vinblastine causes accumulation of cells in mitosis and prevents reentry of cells into G1, it is possible to distinguish between slow progression through G1 and G2 and blocks in those phases. When control cells, not treated with EGF, are exposed to vinblastine, the cells accumulate mitotic figures, as expected, and show progression into S, thus diminishing the number of cells in G1. In contrast, no mitotic figures are found among the EGF-treated cells in the presence or absence of vinblastine, and progression from G1 into S is not observed, as the number of cells in G1 remains constant. These results suggest that there are two EGF-induced blocks in cell cycle transversal; one is in late S and/or G2, blocking entry into mitosis, and the other is in G1, blocking entry into S phase. After 24 hours of EGF treatment, DNA synthesis is reduced to less than 10% compared to untreated controls as measured by the incorporation of [3H]thymidine or BrdU. In contrast, protein synthesis is inhibited by about twofold. Although inhibition of protein synthesis is less extensive, it occurs 6 hours prior to an equivalent inhibition of DNA synthesis. The rapid decrease in protein synthesis may result in the subsequent cell cycle arrest which occurs several hours later.  相似文献   

Colin R. Hopkins 《Cell》1983,35(1):321-330
Using transferrin peroxidase (Tfn-HRP) and a transferrin receptor-specific antibody complexed to colloidal gold (ATR) we have identified the intracellular compartments concerned with processing internalized transferrin-receptor complexes. We have identified major membrane-bound systems in the peripheral cytoplasm and in the juxtanuclear area, from which components of these complexes are returned to the cell surface. Time course studies indicate that the peripheral system is concerned with a “short circuit,” recycling ligand and receptor complexes back to the upper surface of the cell. The juxtanuclear compartment is part of a longer circuit that routes some receptors to the basal surface and others, along with ligand, to the lysosome.  相似文献   

Alpha-actinin 4 (ACTN4) belongs to actin binding proteins of the spectrin superfamily. Structural organisation of actin fibres and focal contacts is considered to be its primary function in a cell. Besides that, nucleocytoplasmic shuffling of ACTN4 and its involvement in nuclear processes were demonstrated. Lately, additional isoforms of ACTN4 resulted from an alternative splicing has been described in various cell types and malignant tumours. In this study, we present investigation of a novel ACTN4 isoform of 80 kDa. The isoform was found in human epidermoid carcinoma cells A431, and it was not detected in human skin fibroblasts, normal human keratinocytes and transformed human embryonic cells HEK293T. Analysis of ACTN4 mRNA in A431 cells showed the presence of a splice variant that lacked the exons 2-8. The deleted exons code two calponin homology domains responsible for ACTN4 binding to F-actin. Intracellular distribution of the described ACTN4 isoform (ACTN4ISO) overexpressed in HEK293T cells differed from that of the full size protein. In the cytoplasm, ACTN4ISO was allocated diffusively with no colocalisation with actin cytoskeleton structures. Intranuclear distribution of ACTN4ISO also differed from that of the full size ACTN4. Nevertheless, immunochemical analysis demonstrated possibility of ACTN4ISO to form heterodimers with the full size protein. Additional investigations of novel isoform interactions with ACTN4 protein partners might clarify its functional features in A431 cells.  相似文献   

A rapid and simple method was developed for isolating denatured epidermal growth factor (EGF)-receptor suitable for use in preparation of polyclonal antisera. Membranes from A431 cells (which possess unusually high numbers of EGF-receptors) were phosphorylated in vitro with [gamma-32P]ATP and run on preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gels. The Mr 170,000 major phosphorylated region was excised from the gels, eluted, and protein chromatographed on SDS-hydroxylapatite. Fractions containing the Mr 170,000 tyrosine-phosphorylated protein were pooled, concentrated, and rerun on preparative SDS gels. The protein eluted from these gels was judged to be highly purified, based on peptide mapping and on comparison of proteins immunoprecipitated by monoclonal antibody against the EGF-receptor with proteins precipitated by polyclonal antibody prepared against the Mr 170,000 protein described here. The polyclonal antiserum recognized native and denatured EGF-receptor from human, rat, and mouse cells and should prove useful in studying EGF-receptor synthesis and function.  相似文献   

Summary The intracellular location of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) was determined in A431 human epidermoid carcinoma cells both on immunofluorescence and on immunoelectron microscopy using a monoclonal anti-bFGF antibody. The immunofluorescence was located in the cytoplasm in quiescent cells. Following the addition of FCS to the culture medium of quiescent sparse cells the growth factor was translocated to and accumulated in the nucleolus. Immunogold particles were dense near the ribosomes, but were not recognized in the cytoplasmic structures concerned with the usual secretory pathway such as the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, and secretory granules. These results suggest that endogenous bFGF undergoes intracellular sorting and enters the nucleoli in A431 cells according to an extracellular growth signal.  相似文献   

Adenosine modulates cell growth in human epidermoid carcinoma (A431) cells.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Adenosine mediates many physiological functions via activation of extracellular receptors. The modulation of cell growth by adenosine was found to be receptor-mediated. In A431 cells adenosine evoked a biphasic response in which a low concentration (approximately 10 microM) produced inhibition of colony formation but at higher concentrations (up to 100 microM) this inhibition was progressively reversed. Evidence for the involvement of A1 (inhibitory) and A2 (stimulatory) adenosine receptors in regulating cell growth of these tumor cells was obtained through plating efficiency studies based on the relative potency of adenosine agonists and antagonists. When both A1 and A2 receptors were blocked, colony formation or growth was not inhibited at low concentrations of adenosine but was inhibited at high adenosine concentrations.  相似文献   

We determined certain stages of spontaneous formation of “cell-in-cell” structures in the A431 cell line. Cell cannibalism was accompanied with morphological alterations in host and internalized cells and lysosome-mediated degradation of the internalized cell.  相似文献   

Cancer research is increasingly focused on discovering strategies to induce cancer cell apoptosis without affecting surrounding normal cells. One potential biocompatible method is mechanical vibration, which has been developed as part of the emerging field of mechanomedicine. Previous studies of mechanical vibration have employed high‐frequency vibration, which damages healthy cells. In this study, we examined the effects of brief (1 h) low‐frequency (20 Hz) mechanical vibration on glucose consumption and survival (apoptosis, necrosis, HMGB1 release) of the human epidermoid carcinoma cell line A431. We found that apoptosis, but not necrosis, was significantly increased at 48 h after mechanical vibration compared with cells maintained in static culture. In keeping with this, extracellular release of HMGB1, a necrosis marker, was lower in cultures of A431 cells subjected to mechanical vibration compared with control cells. Glucose consumption was increased in the first 24 h after mechanical vibration but returned to control levels before the onset of apoptosis. Although the precise intracellular mechanisms by which low‐frequency mechanical vibration triggers apoptosis of A431 cells is unknown, these results suggest a possible role for metabolic pathways. Mechanical vibration may thus represent a novel application of mechanomedicine to cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Eicosanoids, which include prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes, are produced from arachidonic acid by three main pathways in cells, including cyclooxygenases and lipoxygenases, and cytochrome P450 enzymes. Accumulated evidence indicates that a certain peroxide tone is required for the initiation of reaction by lipoxygenases and cyclooxygenases. An endogenous inhibitor of arachidonate oxygenation was suspected in the cytosolic fraction of human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells. After a series of studies, the existence of this inhibitor was confirmed, while it was purified and characterized. By amino acid sequence analysis, the inhibitor in A431 cells was subsequently identified as a phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx). Depletion of cellular glutathione in cells by diethyl maleate or by dibuthionine-sulfoximine results in an increase in enzyme activities of 12(S)-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase, suggesting that glutathione-depleting agents abolish the enzyme activity of PHGPx in cells. Stable transfectants of A431 cells with overexpression and depletion of PHGPx have been constructed, respectively. Reduction of arachidonate metabolism through 12(S)-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase 1 and that of the arsenite-induced generation of reactive oxygen species are observed in cells overexpressing PHGPx. On the other hand, enhancement of arachidonate metabolism and the arsenite-induced generation of reactive oxygen species is detected in PHGPx-depleted cells. In conclusion, the endogenous inhibitor of arachidonate metabolism present in A431 cells is a PHGPx, which plays a functional role in the down-regulation of arachidonate oxygenation catalyzed by 12(S)-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase 1 through the reduction of the level of intracellular lipid hydroperoxides. The latter acts as the peroxide tone for arachidonate metabolism in A431 cells.  相似文献   

1. G-protein-linked transmembrane signaling has emerged as a major pathway for information transduction across the cell membrane. 2. In addition to photopigments that propagate the signal from light, cell-surface receptors for hormones, neurotransmitters, and autacoids propagate signals from ligand binding to membrane-bound effector units via G-proteins. 3. Biochemical and molecular features of one prominent member of these receptors, the beta-adrenergic receptor, will be highlighted in the present article. 4. The role of the human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells as a model for the study of the structure and biology of beta-adrenergic receptors will be emphasized. 5. A model for receptor regulation, gleaned from recent advances in the biochemistry, cell and molecular biology of beta-adrenergic receptors, is discussed.  相似文献   

The intracellular location of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) was determined in A431 human epidermoid carcinoma cells both on immunofluorescence and on immunoelectron microscopy using a monoclonal anti-bFGF antibody. The immunofluorescence was located in the cytoplasm in quiescent cells. Following the addition of FCS to the culture medium of quiescent sparse cells the growth factor was translocated to and accumulated in the nucleolus. Immunogold particles were dense near the ribosomes, but were not recognized in the cytoplasmic structures concerned with the usual secretory pathway such as the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, and secretory granules. These results suggest that endogenous bFGF undergoes intracellular sorting and enters the nucleoli in A431 cells according to an extracellular growth signal.  相似文献   

To examine in vivo phosphorylation of lipocortin I we made use of a polyclonal antibody to an amino terminal peptide of lipocortin I. This antibody does not recognize any other member of the annexin protein family, and can both immunoprecipitate lipocortin I and recognize this protein on western blots. Using cleaved forms of lipocortin I, we have been able to demonstrate that protein kinase C phosphorylates this protein in vitro within the first 29 amino terminal amino acids. However, the addition of phorbol esters to A431 cells over a wide range of concentrations and for varying periods of time did not stimulate the phosphorylation of this protein. Since in vitro lipocortin I is an excellent substrate for all three isoforms, alpha, beta, gamma, of protein kinase C, the discrepancy in these findings is not secondary to the presence of varying forms of this protein kinase within different cell types.  相似文献   

While a cAMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase A) has been suggested to phosphorylate epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor in vitro, both intrinsic and EGF- or potent phorbol tumor promoter-induced phosphorylation of EGF receptor were found to be depressed in human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells by prior incubation of the cells with various protein kinase A activators (e.g. cholera toxin, forskolin, cAMP analogues, or a combination of prostaglandin E1 and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine). Protein kinase A activators did not change significantly either the number of EGF receptors or their affinity for EGF. The tryptic phosphopeptide map of EGF receptors from cells treated with cholera toxin alone or cholera toxin followed by EGF revealed unique peptides whose serine phosphorylation was preferentially depressed. However, the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A phosphorylated no threonine and little serine in the EGF receptors in the plasma membranes of isolated A431 cells in vitro, while serine residues in an unidentified 170-kDa membrane protein(s) other than EGF receptor were heavily phosphorylated. Pretreatment of the cells with forskolin blocked 1,2-diacylglycerol induction by EGF; growth inhibition by nanomolar levels of EGF could be partially restored by the presence of forskolin. These results indicate that an increase in intracellular cAMP modulates the EGF receptor signal transduction system by reducing EGF-induced production of diacylglycerol without direct phosphorylation of EGF receptors by protein kinase A in A431 cells.  相似文献   

The relation between the concentration of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor/kinase and effects of EGF on cell proliferation has been studied using variant A431 cells and antagonist anti-EGF receptor monoclonal antibodies. Clonal A431 cell variants selected for escape from the EGF-mediated growth inhibition of parental A431 cells all have reduced concentrations of EGF receptor/kinase; Harvey sarcoma virus-transformed A431 cells, which have escaped from EGF-mediated growth inhibition, also have reduced EGF receptors. Three clonal variants which have reacquired EGF-mediated growth inhibition have 2- to 4-fold more EGF receptor than their respective parent variant. A biphasic response with stimulation at low and inhibition at high concentrations of EGF was especially evident in revertants of clone 29. Three separate antagonist monoclonal anti-EGF receptor antibodies block the growth inhibitory effects of EGF and uncover EGF-mediated growth stimulation. These studies indicate that in A431 cell variants a continuum of ligand-activated EGF receptors determines proliferative responses from low concentrations of active receptors under basal conditions to intermediate concentrations causing growth stimulation to high concentrations, causing inhibition of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The structural interaction of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor and the cytoskeleton of A431 cells has been studied using a monoclonal anti-EGF receptor antibody. This has been done with immunogold labeling using a variety of electron microscopical preparation procedures and EGF binding studies. By providing an image of the membrane-associated cytoskeleton, the dry cleavage method reveals a preferential localization of EGF receptors superimposed upon cytoskeletal filaments. The colocalization of gold particles with cytoskeletal filaments is not affected when pre-labeled cells are extracted with the non-ionic detergent Triton X-100, as visualized by dry cleavage. Using surface replication, this treatment results in visualization of the cytoskeleton. In these latter preparations, it is also observed that EGF receptor-coupled gold particles remain associated with cytoskeletal elements. Moreover, Triton extraction performed before immunogold labeling of EGF receptors demonstrates that isolated cytoskeletons contained binding sites for anti-EGF receptor antibodies. Using stereo micrographs of replica's obtained from these isolated cytoskeletons, it is shown that gold-labeled EGF receptors are exclusively present on the cortical membrane-associated region of the cytoskeleton and not on more intracellular-located filaments. Scatchard analysis of EGF binding to cells fixed with glutaraldehyde and treated with Triton X-100 before and after EGF binding indicates that a high affinity EGF binding site is associated with the Triton X-100 insoluble cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) light is a strong apoptotic trigger that induces caspase-dependent biochemical changes in cells. Previously we showed that UV irradiation can activate caspase-3, and the subsequent cleavage and activation of p21(Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 2 (PAK2) in human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells. In this study we demonstrate that curcumin (Cur), the yellow pigment of Curcuma longa with known anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, can prevent UV irradiation-induced apoptotic changes, including c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), mitochondrial release of cytochrome C, caspase-3 activation, and cleavage/activation of PAK2 in A431 cells. Flow cytometric analysis using the cell permeable dye 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin diacetate (DCF-DA) as an indicator of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation revealed that the increase in intracellular oxidative stress caused by UV irradiation could be abolished by Cur. In addition, we found that SP600125, a JNK-specific inhibitor, reduced UV irradiation-induced JNK activation as well as caspase-3 activation, indicating that JNK activity is required for UV irradiation-induced caspase activation. Collectively, our results demonstrate that Cur significantly attenuates UV irradiation-induced ROS formation, and suggest that ROS triggers JNK activation, which in turn causes MMP change, cytochrome C release, caspase activation, and subsequent apoptotic biochemical changes.  相似文献   

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