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Contact inhibition of what? An analytical review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Quite a number of phenomena having to do with cells' influences upon one another's movements have come to be regarded as expressions of “contact inhibition.” However, no single, central mechanism has been shown to underlie them all. Consequently, the term “contact inhibition” should not be used without operational modifiers. Inhibitions of individual cell movements imputed to be mediated by cell-cell contacts include inhibition of overlapping (which results in monolayering), of colony expansion, of cell speed (nuclear translocation), of ruffling, of orthogonal movement (proposed to explain spontaneous parallel alignment of cells), and of neighbor exchanges. The six inhibitions listed above are operationally distinct, and only two (overlapping and colony expansion) are known to result from a common mechanism. A seventh phenomenon, so-called “contact inhibition of cell division” (more operationally termed postconfluence inhibition of cell division) is in a separate category and is not considered here. Evidence eliminating action-at-a-distance is available only for the first three, and hence only these should at present be termed contact inhibitions. Inhibition of neighbor exchanges is yet hypothetical; at its extreme, it would immobilize cells in a confluent monolayer, but such immobilization has been found not to occur. Contact inhibition of overlapping, the most studied of the six, is not displayed by invasive cells with respect to normal cells; invasive tumor cells overlap freely upon normal cells, although not necessarily upon one another. Contact inhibition of overlapping, and its loss by invasive cells, can readily be interpreted, by means of the differential adhesion hypothesis, as consequences of cell-type-specific differences in cell-cell and cell-substratum “strengths of adhesion.” These strengths of adhesion are formulated as specific interfacial free energies, which are the only parameters of cellular adhesiveness that have been rigorously shown to determine equilibrium configurations of cell populations.  相似文献   


Global biodiversity monitoring systems through remote sensing can support consistent assessment, monitoring, modelling and reporting on biodiversity which are key activities intended for sustainable management. This work presents an overview of biodiversity monitoring components, i.e. biodiversity levels, essential biodiversity variables, biodiversity indicators, scale, biodiversity inventory, biodiversity models, habitat, ecosystem services, vegetation health and biogeochemical heterogeneity and discusses what remote sensing through Earth Observations has contributed to the study of biodiversity. The technological advancements in remote sensing have enabled information-rich data on biodiversity. Remote sensing data are making a strong contribution in providing unique information relevant to various biodiversity research and conservation applications. The extensive use of Earth observation data are not yet realized in biodiversity assessment, monitoring and conservation. The development of direct remote sensing approaches and the techniques for quantifying biodiversity at the community to species level is likely to be a great challenge for comprehensive earth observation-based monitoring strategy.


Psychosis is a heterogeneous psychiatric condition for which a multitude of risk and protective factors have been suggested. This umbrella review aimed to classify the strength of evidence for the associations between each factor and psychotic disorders whilst controlling for several biases. The Web of Knowledge database was searched to identify systematic reviews and meta‐analyses of observational studies which examined associations between socio‐demographic, parental, perinatal, later factors or antecedents and psychotic disorders, and which included a comparison group of healthy controls, published from 1965 to January 31, 2017. The literature search and data extraction followed PRISMA and MOOSE guidelines. The association between each factor and ICD or DSM diagnoses of non‐organic psychotic disorders was graded into convincing, highly suggestive, suggestive, weak, or non‐significant according to a standardized classification based on: number of psychotic cases, random‐effects p value, largest study 95% confidence interval, heterogeneity between studies, 95% prediction interval, small study effect, and excess significance bias. In order to assess evidence for temporality of association, we also conducted sensitivity analyses restricted to data from prospective studies. Fifty‐five meta‐analyses or systematic reviews were included in the umbrella review, corresponding to 683 individual studies and 170 putative risk or protective factors for psychotic disorders. Only the ultra‐high‐risk state for psychosis (odds ratio, OR=9.32, 95% CI: 4.91‐17.72) and Black‐Caribbean ethnicity in England (OR=4.87, 95% CI: 3.96‐6.00) showed convincing evidence of association. Six factors were highly suggestive (ethnic minority in low ethnic density area, second generation immigrants, trait anhedonia, premorbid IQ, minor physical anomalies, and olfactory identification ability), and nine were suggestive (urbanicity, ethnic minority in high ethnic density area, first generation immigrants, North‐African immigrants in Europe, winter/spring season of birth in Northern hemisphere, childhood social withdrawal, childhood trauma, Toxoplasma gondii IgG, and non‐right handedness). When only prospective studies were considered, the evidence was convincing for ultra‐high‐risk state and suggestive for urbanicity only. In summary, this umbrella review found several factors to be associated with psychotic disorders with different levels of evidence. These risk or protective factors represent a starting point for further etiopathological research and for the improvement of the prediction of psychosis.  相似文献   

Since the discovery that Helicobacter pylori infection leads to gastric cancer, other chronic bacterial infections have been shown to cause cancer. The bacterial and host molecular mechanisms remain unclear. However, many bacteria that cause persistent infections produce toxins that specifically disrupt cellular signalling to perturb the regulation of cell growth or to induce inflammation. Other bacterial toxins directly damage DNA. Such toxins mimic carcinogens and tumour promoters and might represent a paradigm for bacterially induced carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

An elongated clavicle is one of the distinct features of apes and humans. It plays an important role in providing mobility as well as stability for the shoulder joints. The relative length of the clavicle is an especially important factor in limiting the range of shoulder joint excursion. It is said that among primates, Asian apes, i.e., gibbons and orang-utans, have very long clavicles. At the same time, they also have a wide upper thoracic cage, which may diminish the effective length of the clavicle. To clarify the length of the clavicle in apes, from the standpoint of the functional anatomy of the shoulder girdle, we examined clavicular length in 15 anthropoid species exhibiting various positional behaviors. The results confirm that clavicle length in Asian apes is long, and chimpanzees have a short clavicle like that of Old and New World monkeys, when scaled to body mass. The clavicular length of chimpanzees, however, is intermediate between Old World monkeys and Asian apes when scaled against thoracic width. Therefore, living apes can be grouped together, albeit just barely, by possession of a relatively long clavicle for their thoracic cage size. Interestingly, New World monkeys tend to exhibit a longer clavicle than Old World monkeys of equivalent body mass or thoracic cage width. Although it is unclear whether the ancestral condition of clavicular length in anthropoids was similar to that of living Old or New World monkeys, an elongation of clavicle was an important step toward evolution of the modern body plan of hominoids.  相似文献   

Biological functions are dependent on the temperature of the organism. Animals may respond to fluctuation in the thermal environment by regulating their body temperature and by modifying physiological and biochemical rates. Phenotypic flexibility (reversible phenotypic plasticity, acclimation, or acclimatisation) in rate functions occurs in all major taxonomic groups and may be considered as an ancestral condition. Within the Reptilia, representatives from all major groups show phenotypic flexibility in response to long-term or chronic changes in the thermal environment. Acclimation or acclimatisation in reptiles are most commonly assessed by measuring whole animal responses such as oxygen consumption, but whole animal responses are comprised of variation in individual traits such as enzyme activities, hormone expression, and cardiovascular functions. The challenge now lies in connecting the changes in the components to the functioning of the whole animal and its fitness. Experimental designs in research on reptilian thermal physiology should incorporate the capacity for reversible phenotypic plasticity as a null-hypothesis, because the significance of differential body temperature–performance relationships (thermal reaction norms) between individuals, populations, or species cannot be assessed without testing that null-hypothesis.  相似文献   

The development and antimicrobial properties of peptaibiotics and peptaibols are discussed. Also, the role of emerging peptaibol analogues, of alamethicin, e.g., harzianins HC, trichotoxin, and antiamoebin, is outlined.  相似文献   

Bats and moths: what is there left to learn?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract.  Over 14 families of moths have ears that are adapted to detect the ultrasonic echolocation calls of bats. On hearing a bat, these moths respond with an escape response that reduces their chances of being caught. As an evolutionary response, bats may then have evolved behavioural strategies or changes in call design to overcome the moth's hearing. The nature of this interaction is reviewed. In particular, the role of the echolocation calls of bats in the shaping of the structure, neurophysiology and behavioural responses of moths is discussed. Unresolved issues, such as the structural complexity of the moth's auditory system, the nature of temporal integration and the role of the non-auditory B cell, are described. Issues in which the interactions between bats and moths may be of more general interest to biologists, such as noise filtering within the central nervous system, protean behaviours and coevolution between predator and prey, are also discussed. The interaction between bats and moths has much to interest general biologists, and may provide a useful model in understanding the neurophysiological basis of behaviour, including protean escape behaviours. The validity of the term coevolution as applied to this system is discussed, as there is no doubt that the auditory system of moths is a response to the echolocation calls of bats, although the evolutionary response of bats to moths is more ambiguous.  相似文献   



Foreign bodies lodged in the nasal cavity are a common problem in children, and their removal can be challenging. The published studies relating to the “mother’s kiss” all take the form of case reports and case series. We sought to assess the efficacy and safety of this technique.


We performed a comprehensive search of the Cochrane library, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Embase, AMED Complementary and Allied Medicine and the British Nursing Index for relevant articles. We restricted the results to only those studies involving humans. In addition, we checked the references of relevant studies to identify further possibly relevant studies. We also checked current controlled trials registers and the World Health Organization search portal. Our primary outcome measures were the successful extraction of the foreign object from the nasal cavity and any reported adverse effects. We assessed the included studies for factors that might predict the chance of success of the technique. We assessed the validity of each study using the Newcastle–Ottawa scale.


Eight relevant published articles met our inclusion criteria. The overall success rate for all of the case series was 59.9% (91/152). No adverse effects were reported.


Evidence from case reports and case series suggests that the mother’s kiss technique is a useful and safe first-line option for the removal of foreign bodies from the nasal cavities of children.Nasal foreign bodies are a common problem in children, most frequently occurring between the ages of 2 and 5 years, and their removal can be challenging.1,2 Children in this age group have a natural fear of the unknown, and providing care to them can be difficult, especially if previous attempts to remove the foreign body have been painful.Potential complications, most notably the risk of aspiration of the foreign body, mean that objects should be removed from the nasal cavity in a timely fashion. Various techniques have been described: instrumental extraction (using a hook or nasal forceps), suction, balloon catheters,3 cyanoacrylate glue4 and various positive-pressure techniques, the simplest of which is to ask the child to blow his or her nose while occluding the unaffected nostril. However, this technique is only possible for older children.5 Alternatively, a bag valve mask can be applied over the child’s face, the bag then squeezed to apply a puff of air into the child’s mouth;6 a male–male tube adaptor can be attached to an oxygen or air outlet via oxygen tubing placed in the unaffected nostril;7 or the “mother’s kiss” or “parent’s kiss” technique can be used.The mother’s kiss was first described in 1965 by Vladimir Ctibor, a general practitioner from New Jersey.8 The mother, or other trusted adult, places her mouth over the child’s open mouth, forming a firm seal as if about to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. While occluding the unaffected nostril with a finger, the adult then blows until they feel the resistance caused by closure of the child’s glottis, at which point the adult gives a sharp exhalation to deliver a short puff of air into the child’s mouth. This puff of air passes through the nasopharynx, out through the unoccluded nostril and, if successful, results in the expulsion of the foreign body. The procedure is fully explained to the adult before starting, and the child is told that the parent will give him or her a “big kiss” so that minimal distress is caused to the child. The procedure can be repeated a number of times if not initially successful. A modified mother’s kiss technique has been described,9 which involves the adult blowing into a straw in the child’s mouth. We did not include this technique in our review.Although the mother’s kiss technique has been sporadically mentioned in the literature in case reports and case series, it has yet to gain widespread acceptance. It is not a suitable intervention for evaluation using a randomized controlled trial, because there is no appropriate control group: nontreatment is unacceptable, and there is no gold standard for comparison.Randomized controlled trials are considered to be the best trial design, but some treatments result in a dramatic effect that may not require randomized trials.10 The mother’s kiss technique falls into this category, because the foreign body will not usually move without intervention. Hence, case reports are sufficient to show that the technique sometimes works. However, a systematic review is needed to clarify how often it works and under what circumstances.We sought to examine the existing evidence for the efficacy and safety of the mother’s kiss technique, to help clinicians understand this evidence and to confirm or refute the appropriateness of current practice.Although systematic reviews of randomized controlled clinical trials are now common, it is rare to see a report of a systematic review of case reports or case series, and the methods for performing such a review are less clearly defined and tested. The principal elements of a systematic review are the location, appraisal and synthesis of individual studies; however, there are pitfalls to traditional systematic reviews of clinical trials that can introduce bias and inaccuracy in the results, which must be avoided. For this systematic review of case reports and case series, we were ever mindful of the rationale behind the stages in systematic reviews of clinical trials and endeavoured to apply the same principles to reduce bias and improve accuracy.  相似文献   

Transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA) enters stalled translational complexes and, with small protein B (SmpB), mediates peptide tagging of the nascent protein and release of the stalled ribosome. Recent studies clarify how the tmRNA system is targeted to ribosomes and suggest that tmRNA-tagging is used for both quality control and specific regulation of cellular physiology.  相似文献   

Respiratory pathogens are amongst the world's most successful killers. Tuberculosis kills approximately 2 million individuals each year, and pertussis is responsible for roughly 300,000 annual deaths. Although the two diseases are fundamentally different in the expression of their pathogenesis and in the biology of their causative agents, a common heterologous prime/boost vaccination strategy is proposed, using live attenuated vaccines against tuberculosis (the already existing BCG) and pertussis (a novel attenuated Bordetella pertussis strain) early in life for priming, followed by a booster with acellular vaccines, based on the novel heparin-binding haemagglutinin for tuberculosis, and already available acellular vaccines against pertussis.  相似文献   

A 15-year-old female with WPW syndrome and normal heart underwent an electrophysiology study for paroxysmal palpitations and syncope. Intravenous adenosine produced an unexpected response of QRS changes and advanced AV block. During isoproteronol infusion, short-lasting and poorly tolerated wide QRS tachycardia was inducible, but pacing maneuvers were not feasible during tachycardia to determine its definitive mechanism. However, various electrophysiologic phenomena including adenosine response, junctional beats pattern, and multisite atrial pacing were helpful to overcome the diagnosis challenges. Finally, careful evaluation of tachycardia features and the comprehensive electrophysiology study were crucial to establish presence of unusual preexcitation variants, and thus to guide successful catheter ablation of the arrhythmic substrate.  相似文献   

International competition within the dairy market and increasing public awareness about the importance of functional food consumption are providing new challenges for innovation in the probiotic sector. In this context, countless references are currently dedicated to the selection and characterization of new species and more specific strains of probiotic bacteria. In general, these studies adopt basic selection criteria established by the World Health Organization (WHO), including host-associated stress resistance, epithelium adhesion ability, and antimicrobial activity. These aspects are applied to ensure that the candidate probiotic could withstand the stressful conditions of the human digestive system and exert functional proprieties. However, it cannot be assumed that these novel microbial strains are capable of offering several biological benefits attributed to probiotics. Additionally, safety-associated selection criteria, such as plasmid-associated antibiotic resistance spreading and enterotoxin production, are often neglected. This article reviews the recent developments in the processes, strategies, and methods, such as anticarcinogenic, antidepression, antianxiety, antiobesity, antidiabetic, immunostimulatory, and cholesterol-lowering assessments, to select probiotic strains with the ultimate objective of assisting future probiotic microbe evaluation studies.  相似文献   

Conundrums of competitive ability in plants: what to measure?   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
LonnieW. Aarssen  Teri Keogh 《Oikos》2002,96(3):531-542
A survey of recent literature indicates that competitive ability in plants has been measured, in most studies, only in terms of the relative intensity of size suppression experienced by competitors within one growing season. Far fewer studies have recorded relative success in terms of survival and even fewer studies have recorded fecundity under competition. Differences in size suppression are usually assumed to reflect differences in relative abilities to deny resources to competitors. However, most previous studies have failed to control or account for other sources of variation in the size suppression that plants experience under competition, i.e. variation between mixtures in the resource supply/demand ratio (approach to carrying capacity), or variation in the degree of niche overlap between competitors, or variation in the intensity of concurrent facilitative interactions between competitors. For future studies, much greater caution is required in recognizing these inherent limitations of traditional measures of competitive ability and, hence, guarding against unfounded conclusions or predictions about potential for competitive success that are based on these measures. There is also a significant challenge for future studies to adopt empirical approaches for minimizing these limitations. Some initial recommendations are considered here based on an emerging view of competitive ability measured in terms of traits associated with all three conventional components of Darwinian fitness, i.e. not just growth (plant size) but also survival and fecundity allocation (offspring production per unit plant size per unit time). According to this model, differences in competitive ability imply differences in the ability, despite intense competition (i.e. low resource supply/demand ratio), to recruit offspring into the next generation and thereby limit offspring recruitment by other plants. The important traits of competitive ability, therefore, are not only those that allow a plant to deny resources to competitors, suppress their sizes and hence, maximize the plant's own size, but also those traits that allow the plant to withstand suppression from competition enough to persist, both as an individual (through survival) and across generations (through descendants).  相似文献   

BackgroundIt is unclear whether weight change after middle adulthood influences the risk of thyroid cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate associations between the risk of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) and body mass index (BMI) and weight change after middle adulthood (age 35).MethodsA matched case–control study based on three hospitals included 516 pairs of cases newly diagnosed with PTC and controls. Current height and weight after defecation in the morning were measured by trained nurses. During measurement, all subjects were requested to wear lightweight clothing and no shoes. Weight at age 35 was self-reported. BMI and weight change were modeled as continuous and categorical variables. Conditional and unconditional logistic regression models were used to estimate the odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (95%CI) for the association between BMI and weight change after middle adulthood and PTC.ResultsAfter adjustment for covariates, measured BMI at the time of current diagnosis was positively associated with PTC (OR 1.16, 95%CI 1.10–1.21). According to WHO BMI guidelines for Asia-Pacific populations, the OR (95%CI) for PTC risk in obesity was 2.99 (1.92–4.67) compared to normal weight (p-trend <0.001). Moreover, PTC was positively associated with BMI at age 35; the OR (95%CI) for PTC risk per unit increase in BMI was 1.06 (1.02–1.11). Compared to stable weight (changed <0.5 kg/year), weight gain ≥1.0 kg/year after middle adulthood was positively associated with PTC (OR 2.57, 95%CI 1.39–4.76, p-trend <0.001). Compared to maintaining non-overweight status, the PTC risk was significantly increased in those individuals who gained weight and became overweight after middle adulthood (OR 3.82, 95%CI 2.50–5.85).ConclusionThis study showed that high BMI and obesity were positively associated with increased risk of PTC, and weight gain after middle adulthood also could elevate the PTC risk.  相似文献   

The double-stranded (ds) RNA-activated protein kinase, PKR, has a key role in the innate immunity response to viral infection in higher eukaryotes. PKR contains an N-terminal dsRNA-binding domain and a C-terminal kinase domain. In the prevalent autoinhibition model for PKR activation, dsRNA binding induces a conformational change that leads to the release of the dsRNA-binding domain from the kinase, thus relieving the inhibition of the latent enzyme. Structural and biophysical data now favor a model whereby dsRNA principally functions to induce dimerization of PKR via the kinase domain. This dimerization model has implications for other PKR regulatory mechanisms and represents a new structural paradigm for control of protein kinase activity.  相似文献   

In modern medicine, vigorous efforts are being made in the prediction and prevention of diseases. Mental disorders are suitable candidates for the application of this program. The currently known neurobiological and psychosocial risk indicators for schizophrenia do not have a predictive power sufficient for selective prevention in asymptomatic patients at risk. However, once predictive basic and later pre-psychotic high risk symptoms of psychosis develop into the five-year initial prodrome, the impending outbreak of the disease can be predicted with high accuracy. Research findings suggest a differential strategy of indicated prevention with cognitive behavioral therapy in early initial prodromal states and low dosage atypical antipsychotics in late initial prodromal states. The most important future tasks are the improvement of the predictive power by risk enrichment and stratification, as well as the confirmation of the existing and the development of new prevention strategies, with a stronger focus on the etiology of the disorder. In addition, the prediction and prevention approach would benefit from the inclusion of risk symptoms in the DSM-5 criteria.  相似文献   

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