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A phage-neutralizing rabbit antiserum collected after immunization with tail-fiberless bacteriophage T4 particles was adsorbed with complete T4 phage. The resulting adsorbed serum inhibited tail fiber attachment in vitro. To identify the antigens against which this inhibitory activity was directed, blocking experiments were carried out with the adsorbed serum. Isolated complete baseplates and mutant-infected-cell extracts lacking known baseplate gene products but containing gene 9 product showed similar high levels of blocking activity. By contrast, both tail-fiberless particles lacking gene 9 product and infected-cell extracts made with gene 9 mutants showed 30-fold to 100-fold lower blocking activity. These results strongly support the conclusion that gene 9 product is the baseplate protein to which tail fibers attach.  相似文献   

The collar and whiskers of bacteriophage T4 extend outward from the top of the tail and play a role in regulating retraction of the tail fibers (Conley &; Wood, 1975). The collar and whiskers also are required for efficient tail fiber attachment during phage assembly. The structural gene for the collar/whisker protein is called wac. In vitro, infected-cell extracts that contain tail fibers activate whiskerless (wac) tail fiberless particles and ordinary (wac+) tail fiberless particles at equal rates if the extracts contain the wac+ gene product. However, extracts that contain tail fibers but no wac+ gene product activate wac particles about ten times more slowly. In vivo, whiskers are not essential for plaque formation, but a wac mutation causes a delay in the appearance of intracellular phage and a fivefold decrease in the burst size of infectious particles.The effect of the whiskers on tail fiber attachment is due to an interaction between the whisker and the distal half of the tail fiber, similar if not identical to the interaction that controls tail fiber retraction in complete phage. The following observations support this view: a slow rate of in vitro tail fiber attachment similar to that described above is seen with wac+ particles when they are pretreated with anti-whisker serum, or when the tail fibers carry a mutational alteration in gp36, a structural protein in the distal half fiber near the central kink. Lack of whiskers does not affect the slow rate of attachment of proximal half fibers to the baseplate of fiberless particles, but lack of whiskers greatly decreases the rate at which particles with attached proximal half fibers are activated by addition of distal half fibers. Since whiskers normally are attached to the phage only after head—tail union (Coombs &; Eiserling, 1977; Terzaghi et al., 1978), these findings explain why tail fibers do not attach efficiently to the baseplates of free tails.  相似文献   

A low molecular weight (approximately 16,000), early protein is characterized as the product of the essential T4 head assembly gene 31. This gene is known to be required to allow formation of any ordered head structure from the major T4 capsid protein, P23 (Laemmli, U.K., Beguin, F., and Gujer-Kellenberger, G. (1970) J. Mol. Biol. 47, 69-85). In wild type infection P31 synthesis ceases at late times; in contrast, P31 is overproduced in certain early or regulatory T4 mutant infections, particularly gene 55 mutant infections. P31 was purified preparatively from Escherichia coli infected with the latter mutant, but could only be obtained for the most part in modified form, possibly due to unusual sensitivity to a proteolytic activity. P31 is not cleaved in vivo during normal head assembly, nor does it become a part of the mature head or any ordered prehead structure as determined by an immunological assay using antiserum prepared against the purified protein. However P31 does appear to become a part of the unordered P23 aggregates (lumps) which accumulate when ordered P23 assembly is prevented. We cound find no evidence for P31 association with T4 DNA or the host membrane. Our experiments favor the hypothesis that P31 directly affects the aggregation state and solubility properties of P23.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage T4 gene 61 protein is required, together with the gene 41 protein and single-stranded DNA, for the synthesis of the pentaribonucleotides that are used as primers for the start of each new Okazaki DNA fragment during T4 DNA replication. Using this priming activity as an assay, we have purified the 61 protein to essential homogeneity in milligram amounts. The priming activity was identified with the product of T4 gene 61 by using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to compare all of the T4-induced proteins in wild-type and mutant infections; the purified protein co-migrates with the only detectable protein missing in a 61- mutant infection. The purified 61 protein is shown to bind to the T4 helix-destabilizing protein (gene 32 protein) and to both single-stranded and double-stranded DNA. We have failed to detect any ribonucleotide polymerizing activity in either the 61 protein or the 41 protein alone; both the 61 and 41 proteins must be present to observe any synthesis of oligoribonucleotides.  相似文献   

P18, the sole component of T4 tail sheath, has been isolated in a monomeric active form from extended sheaths of intact tails which were dissociated at low ionic strength. The molecular weight of P18 is determined to be 65,000 from sedimentation equilibrium and 73,000 from sodium dodecyl sulphate/gel electrophoresis. Combining the diffusion constant (D20,w = 5·5× 10?7cm2s?1)and the sedimentation constant (s020,w = 4·2 S) a value of 67,000 is obtained. The circular dichroism spectra reveal a striking similarity of the structure of P18 in the monomeric state and in the extended sheath conformation.The purified P18 is found to reassemble into extended sheaths if the core-baseplate complex is present, forming normal length tails. Structures similar to polysheath are formed in the absence of core-baseplates.  相似文献   

The tail of bacteriophage T4 undergoes large structural changes upon infection while delivering the phage genome into the host cell. The baseplate is located at the distal end of the contractile tail and plays a central role in transmitting the signal to the tail sheath that the tailfibers have been adsorbed by a host bacterium. This then triggers the sheath contraction. In order to understand the mechanism of assembly and conformational changes of the baseplate upon infection, we have determined the structure of an in vitro assembled baseplate through the three-dimensional reconstruction of cryo-electron microscopy images to a resolution of 3.8 Å from electron micrographs. The atomic structure was fitted to the baseplate structure before and after sheath contraction in order to elucidate the conformational changes that occur after bacteriophage T4 has attached itself to a cell surface. The structure was also used to investigate the protease digestion of the assembly intermediates and the mutation sites of the tail genes, resulting in a number of phenotypes.  相似文献   

Using a novel purification procedure, the protein composition of the tail fibers of bacteriophage T4 has been determined. Fibers contain four proteins whose molecular weights, as estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate/acrylamide gel electrophoresis, are 150,000, 125,000, 40,000 and 24,000. The two largest proteins have been previously identified as the products of genes 34 (P34) and 37 (P37), respectively (King and Laemmli, 1971; Ward and Dickson, 1971). The two smaller proteins have now been identified as the products of genes 35 (P35) and 36 (P36), respectively. The products of the two other known phage genes required for fiber assembly, 38 and 57, have been identified as non-structural phage proteins with molecular weights of 26,000 and 10,000, respectively.  相似文献   

Assembly of the long tail fibers of the Escherichia coli bacteriophage T4 requires the catalytic action of two auxiliary proteins. It was found that a gene of the entirely unrelated phage lambda codes for a protein which can substitute for one of these T4 polypeptides, protein 38. The lambda gene was designated tfa (tail fiber assembly). Protein 38 consists of 183 residues, and the Tfa protein consists of 194 residues; the two polypeptides are about 40% homologous. Although the tfa gene is dispensable for the growth of phage lambda, these results indicate that it may have a function in lambda morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Protein interactions in the assembly of the baseplate have been investigated. The baseplate of the phage T4 tail consists of a hub and six wedges which surround the former. Both reversible and irreversible interactions were found. Reversible association includes gp5 and gp27 (gp: gene product) which form a complex in a pH-dependent manner and gp18 polymerization, i.e. the tail sheath formation depends on the ionic strength. These reversible interactions were followed by irreversible or tight binding which pulls the whole association reaction to complete the assembly. The wedge assembly is strictly ordered which means that if one of the seven wedge proteins is missing, the assembly proceeds to that point and the remaining molecules stay non-associated. The strictly sequential assembly pathway is suggested to be materialized by successive conformational change upon binding, which can be shown by proteolytic probe.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the purification of gp groE, an Escherichia coli protein which is required for correct assembly of bacteriophages λ, T4, T5 and others, gp groE is a soluble protein which is found as an oligomer containing 14 subunits of molecular weight 65,000 each. The gp groE particle is cylindrical with a diameter of 125 Å and a height of 100 Å, and it has 7-fold rotational symmetry. It has a weak ATPase activity, and is identical to a protein commonly found to copurify with RNA polymerase and which was originally misidentified as RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

Gene product 18 (gp18, 659 amino acids) forms bacteriophage T4 contractile tail sheath. Recombinant protein assembles into different length polysheaths during expression in the cell, which complicates the preparation of protein crystals for its spatial structure determination. To design soluble monomeric gp18 mutants unable to form polysheaths and useful for crystallization, we have used Bal31 nuclease for generation deletions inside gene 18 encoding the Ile507-Gly530 region. Small deletions in the region of Ile507-Ile522 do not affect the protein assembly into polysheaths. Protein synthesis termination occurs because of reading frame failure in the location of deletions. Some fragments of gp18 containing short pseudoaccidental sequence in the C-terminal, while being soluble, have lost the ability for polysheath assembly. For the first time we succeeded in obtaining crystals of a soluble gp18 fragment containing 510 amino acids which, according to trypsin resistance, is similar to native protein monomer.  相似文献   

Complete sequence determination of gene 18 encoding the tail sheath protein was carried out mainly by the Maxam-Gilbert method. Approximately 40 peptides contained in a tryptic digest and a lysyl endopeptidase digest of gp 18 were isolated by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. All the peptides were identified along the nucleotide sequence of gene 18 based on the amino acid compositions. These peptides cover 88% of the total primary structure. Furthermore, the amino acid sequences of 9 of the 40 peptides were determined by a gas-phase protein sequencer; one of them turned to be the N-terminal one. The C-terminal peptide in the tryptic digest was isolated from the unadsorbed fraction of affinity chromatography on immobilized anhydrotrypsin and the amino acid sequence was also determined. Thus, the complete primary structure of gp 18 was determined; it has 658 amino acid residues and a molecular weight of 71,160.This article was presented during the proceedings of the International Conference on Macromolecular Structure and Function, held at the National Defence Medical College, Tokorozawa, Japan, December 1985.  相似文献   

Gene 4 of bacteriophage T7 encodes two proteins, a 63-kDa protein and a colinear 56-kDa protein, that are essential for synthesis of leading and lagging strands during DNA replication. The gene 4 proteins together catalyze the synthesis of oligoribonucleotides, pppACC(C/A) or pppACAC, at the single-stranded DNA sequences 3'-CTGG(G/T)-5' or 3'-CTGTG-5', respectively. Purified 56-kDa protein has helicase activity, but no primase activity. In order to study 63-kDa gene 4 protein free of 56-kDa gene 4 protein, mutations were introduced into the internal ribosome-binding site responsible for the translation of the 56-kDa protein. The 63-kDa gene 4 protein was purified 16,000-fold from Escherichia coli cells harboring an expression vector containing the mutated gene 4. Purified 63-kDa gene 4 protein has primase, helicase, and single-stranded DNA-dependent dTTPase activities. The constraints of primase recognition sequences, nucleotide substrate requirements, and the effects of additional proteins on oligoribonucleotide synthesis by the 63-kDa gene 4 protein have been examined using templates of defined sequence. A three-base sequence, 3'-CTG-5', is necessary and sufficient to support the synthesis of pppAC dimers. dTTP hydrolysis is essential for oligoribonucleotide synthesis. Addition of a 7-fold molar excess of 56-kDa gene 4 protein to 63-kDa protein increases the number of oligoribonucleotides synthesized by 63-kDa protein 100-fold. The increase in oligonucleotides results predominantly from an increase in the synthesis of tetramers, with relatively little change in the synthesis of dimers and trimers. The presence of 56-kDa protein also causes 63-kDa protein to synthesize "pseudo-templated" pppACCCC pentamers at the recognition sequence 3'-CTGGG-5'. T7 gene 2.5 protein, a single-stranded DNA binding protein, increases the total number of oligoribonucleotides synthesized by 63-kDa gene 4 protein on single-stranded M13 DNA, but has no effect on the ratio of dimers to trimers and tetramers.  相似文献   

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