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Nakagawa K Suzuki S Fujii R Gardiner AT Cogdell RJ Nango M Hashimoto H 《Photosynthesis research》2008,95(2-3):339-344
Stark spectroscopy is a powerful technique to investigate the electrostatic interactions between pigments as well as between
the pigments and the proteins in photosynthetic pigment–protein complexes. In this study, Stark spectroscopy has been used
to determine two nonlinear optical parameters (polarizability change Tr(Δα) and static dipole-moment change |Δμ| upon photoexcitation) of isolated and of reconstituted LH1 complexes from the purple photosynthetic bacterium, Rhodospirillum (Rs.) rubrum. The integral LH1 complex was prepared from Rs. rubrum S1, while the reconstituted complex was assembled by addition of purified carotenoid (all-trans-spirilloxanthin) to the monomeric subunit of LH1 from Rs. rubrum S1. The reconstituted LH1 complex has its Qy absorption maximum at 878 nm. This is shifted to the blue by 3 nm in comparison to the isolated LH1 complex. The energy transfer
efficiency from carotenoid to bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a), which was determined by fluorescence excitation spectroscopy of the reconstituted LH1 complex, is increased to 40%, while
the efficiency in the isolated LH1 complex is only 28%. Based on the differences in the values of Tr(Δα) and |Δμ|, between these two preparations, we can calculate the change in the electric field around the BChl a molecules in the two situations to be E
Δ ≈ 3.4 × 105 [V/cm]. This change can explain the 3 nm wavelength shift of the Qy absorption band in the reconstituted LH1 complex. 相似文献
The development of functional photosynthetic units in Rhodobacter sphaeroides was followed by near infra-red fast repetition rate (IRFRR) fluorescence measurements that were correlated to absorption spectroscopy, electron microscopy and pigment analyses. To induce the formation of intracytoplasmic membranes (ICM) (greening), cells grown aerobically both in batch culture and in a carbon-limited chemostat were transferred to semiaerobic conditions. In both aerobic cultures, a low level of photosynthetic complexes was observed, which were composed of the reaction center and the LH1 core antenna. Interestingly, in the batch cultures the reaction centers were essentially inactive in forward electron transfer and exhibited low photochemical yields FV/FM, whereas the chemostat culture displayed functional reaction centers with a rather rapid (1-2 ms) electron transfer turnover, as well as a high FV/FM of ∼0.8. In both cases, the transfer to semiaerobiosis resulted in rapid induction of bacteriochlorophyll a synthesis that was reflected by both an increase in the number of LH1-reaction center and peripheral LH2 antenna complexes. These studies establish that photosynthetic units are assembled in a sequential manner, where the appearance of the LH1-reaction center cores is followed by the activation of functional electron transfer, and finally by the accumulation of the LH2 complexes. 相似文献
Piero Pollesello Renato Toffanin Erminio Murano Sergio Paoletti Roberto Rizzo Bjarne J. Kvam 《Journal of applied phycology》1992,4(4):315-322
One- and two-dimensional1H- and13C-NMR spectra of lipid extracts fromUlva rigida, Gracilaria longa, Fucus virsoides andCodium tomentosum collected in the northern Adriatic Sea allowed screening of the content of fatty acid chains, carotenoids, free and acylated cholesterol and chlorophylls. The carotenoid-to-polyunsaturated fatty acid molar ratio was taken as a comparison parameter in samples ofUlva rigida collected in differentloci and seasons; the value was markedly higher in samples from the Lagoon of Venice than from marine coastal waters. The total cholesterol concentration was evaluated by1H-NMR spectroscopy and similar values were found for all species. Two-dimensional heterocorrelated NMR spectroscopy was shown to give characteristic fingerprints of the lipid extracts from algal samples as regards the content in chlorophylls, unsaturated fatty acids and carotenoids.author for correspondence 相似文献
The key step of the "protonmotive Q-cycle" mechanism for cytochrome bc1 complex is the bifurcated oxidation of ubiquinol at the Qp site. ISP is reduced when its head domain is at the b-position and subsequent move to the c1 position, to reduce cytochrome c1, upon protein conformational changes caused by the electron transfer from cytochrome b(L) to b(H). Results of analyses of the inhibitory efficacy and the binding affinity, determined by isothermal titration calorimetry, of Pm and Pf, on different redox states of cytochrome bc1 complexes, confirm this speculation. Pm inhibitor has a higher affinity and better efficacy with the cytochrome b(H) reduced complex and Pf binds better and has a higher efficacy with the ISP reduced complex. 相似文献
We have characterized genomic loci encoding translation elongation factor 1Bα (eEF1Bα) in mice and humans. Mice have a single structural locus (named Eef1b2) spanning six exons, which is ubiquitously expressed and maps close to Casp8 on mouse chromosome 1, and a processed pseudogene. Humans have a single intron-containing locus, EEF1B2, which maps to 2q33, and an intronless paralogue expressed only in brain and muscle (EEF1B3). Another locus described previously, EEF1B1, is actually a processed pseudogene on chromosome 15 corresponding to an alternative splice form of EEF1B2. Our study illustrates the value of comparative mapping in distinguishing between processed pseudogenes and intronless paralogues. 相似文献
Direct electron transfer (DET) from bare spectrographic graphite (SPGE) or 3-mercaptopropionic acid-modified gold (MPA-gold) electrodes to Trachyderma tsunodae bilirubin oxidase (BOD) was studied under anaerobic and aerobic conditions by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. On cyclic voltammograms nonturnover Faradaic signals with midpoint potentials of about 700 mV and 400 mV were clearly observed corresponding to redox transformations of the T1 site and the T2/T3 cluster of the enzyme, respectively. The immobilized BOD was differently oriented on the two electrodes and its catalysis of O2-electroreduction was also massively different. On SPGE, where most of the enzyme was oriented with the T1 copper site proximal to the carbon with a quite slow ET process, well-pronounced DET-bioelectroreduction of O2 was observed, starting already at > 700 mV vs. NHE. In contrast, on MPA-gold most of the enzyme was oriented with its T2/T3 copper cluster proximal to the metal. Indeed, there was little DET-based catalysis of O2-electroreduction, even though the ET between the MPA-gold and the T2/T3 copper cluster of BOD was similar to that observed for the T1 site at SPGE. When BOD actively catalyzes the O2-electroreduction, the redox potential of its T1 site is 690 mV vs. NHE and that of one of its T2/T3 copper centers is 390 mV vs. NHE. The redox potential of the T2/T3 copper cluster of a resting form of BOD is suggested to be about 360 mV vs. NHE. These values, combined with the observed biocatalytic behavior, strongly suggest an uphill intra-molecular electron transfer from the T1 site to the T2/T3 cluster during the catalytic turnover of the enzyme. 相似文献
Santosh Kumar Sahu Gopala Krishna Aradhyam Sathyanarayana N. Gummadi 《Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/General Subjects》2009
Phospholipid scramblases are a group of four homologous proteins conserved from C. elegans to human. In human, two members of the scramblase family, hPLSCR1 and hPLSCR3 are known to bring about Ca2+ dependent translocation of phosphatidylserine and cardiolipin respectively during apoptotic processes. However, affinities of Ca2+/Mg2+ binding to human scramblases and conformational changes taking place in them remains unknown.Methods
In the present study, we analyzed the Ca2+ and Mg2+ binding to the calcium binding motifs of hPLSCR1–4 and hPLSCR1 by spectroscopic methods and isothermal titration calorimetry.Results
The results in this study show that (i) affinities of the peptides are in the order hPLSCR1 > hPLSCR3 > hPLSCR2 > hPLSCR4 for Ca2+ and in the order hPLSCR1 > hPLSCR2 > hPLSCR3 > hPLSCR4 for Mg2+, (ii) binding of ions brings about conformational change in the secondary structure of the peptides. The affinity of Ca2+ and Mg2+ binding to protein hPLSCR1 was similar to that of the peptide I. A sequence comparison shows the existence of scramblase-like motifs among other protein families.Conclusions
Based on the above results, we hypothesize that the Ca2+ binding motif of hPLSCR1 is a novel type of Ca2+ binding motif.General significance
Our findings will be relevant in understanding the calcium dependent scrambling activity of hPLSCRs and their biological function. 相似文献8.
Chen R John J Rode B Hitzmann B Gerardy-Schahn R Kasper C Scheper T 《Journal of biotechnology》2011,154(4):222-229
The polysialic acid (PSA) production in Escherichia coli (E. coli) K1 was studied using three different cultivation strategies. A batch cultivation, a fed-batch cultivation at a constant specific growth rate of 0.25 h−1 and a fed-batch cultivation at a constant glucose concentration of 50 mg l−1 was performed. PSA formation kinetics under different cultivation strategies were analyzed based on the Monod growth model and the Luedeking-Piret equation. The results revealed that PSA formation in E. coli K1 was completely growth associated, the highest specific PSA formation rate (0.0489 g g−1 h−1) was obtained in the batch cultivation. However, comparing biomass and PSA yields on the glucose consumed, both fed-batch cultivations provided higher yields than that of the batch cultivation and acetate formation was prevented. Moreover, PSA yield on glucose was also correlated to the specific growth rate of the cells. The optimal specific growth rate for PSA production was 0.32 h−1 obtained in the fed-batch cultivation at a constant glucose concentration of 50 mg l−1, with highest conversion efficiency of 43 mg g−1. 相似文献
N.E. Belyaeva F.-J. SchmittV.Z. Paschenko G.Yu. RiznichenkoA.B. Rubin G. Renger 《Bio Systems》2011,103(2):188-195
Our recently presented PS II model (Belyaeva et al., 2008) was improved in order to permit a consistent simulation of Single Flash Induced Transient Fluorescence Yield (SFITFY) traces that were earlier measured by Steffen et al. (2005) on whole leaves of Arabidopsis (A.) thaliana at four different energies of the actinic flash. As the essential modification, the shape of the actinic flash was explicitly taken into account assuming that an exponentially decaying rate simulates the time dependent excitation of PS II by the 10 ns actinic flash. The maximum amplitude of this excitation exceeds that of the measuring light by 9 orders of magnitude. A very good fit of the SFITFY data was achieved in the time domain from 100 ns to 10 s for all actinic flash energies (the maximum energy of 7.5 × 1016 photons/(cm2 flash) is set to 100%, the relative energies of weaker actinic flashes were of ∼8%, 4%, ∼1%). Our model allows the calculation and visualization of the transient PS II redox state populations ranging from the dark adapted state, via excitation energy and electron transfer steps induced by pulse excitation, followed by final relaxation into the stationary state eventually attained under the measuring light. It turned out that the rate constants of electron transfer steps are invariant to intensity of the actinic laser flash. In marked contrast, an increase of the actinic flash energy by more than two orders of magnitude from 5.4 × 1014 photons/(cm2 flash) to 7.5 × 1016 photons/(cm2 flash), leads to an increase of the extent of fluorescence quenching due to carotenoid triplet (3Car) formation by a factor of 14 and of the recombination reaction between reduced primary pheophytin (Phe−) and P680+ by a factor of 3 while the heat dissipation in the antenna complex remains virtually constant.The modified PS II model offers new opportunities to compare electron transfer and dissipative parameters for different species (e.g. for the green algae and the higher plant) under varying illumination conditions. 相似文献