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目的:通过对研究脐带间充质干细胞(Umbilical cord mesenchymalstellcells,UCMSCs)与人恶性胶质母细胞瘤细胞U87MG细胞(U87 Malignant glioma cells)体外共培养,模拟肿瘤生长的内环境,以及其对U87MG细胞增值作用的影响及肿瘤细胞与间充质干细胞的共培养方法。方法:提取人脐带间充质干细胞进行体外培养、扩增,用MTT法测定uMSCS上清液对U87MG的影响,用瑞士染色法检测U87MG形态学变化。结果:MTT比色法结果显示UMSCS对U87MG有抑制作用。96小时培养后1:8、1:4、1:2及未稀释的UMSCs上清液对u87MG的抑制率分别为17%,24%,37.2%及46.4%,u87MG细胞形态亦随着培养时间的延长由多角形变为梭形,突起消失,细胞间骨架结构断裂。结论:通过对共培养前后U87MG与UMSCs共培养后形态学变化、生长曲线变化及对生长周期的影响作用的观察分析,得出UMSCs及其上清液对U87MG有抑制作用,而且呈时间及浓度依赖性。  相似文献   

Glioma is one of the most common and aggressive tumors in the brain. Significant attention has been paid to the potential use of neural stem/progenitor cells (NSCs/NPCs) as delivery vehicles to cure gliomas. However, whether the NSCs/NPCs or the factors they produced could make a contribution still remains to be seen. In this study, we focused on the inhibitory effects of the factors produced by NSCs/NPCs on the biological behavior of the glioma stem-like cell in vitro. The human glioma cell line U87 was selected and the U87 stem-like cells were addressed. After being cultured in the NSC condition medium (NSC-CM), the viability and proliferation of U87 stem-like cells were significantly reduced. The invasion of U87 stem-like cells and the migration of U87 cells were also significantly decreased. However, no significant change was observed in regard to the astrocytic differentiation of U87 stem-like cells. These indicated that NSCs/NPCs produced some factors and had an inhibitory effect on the growth and invasion but not the terminal differentiation of U87 stem-like cells. It is worth paying attention to NSCs/NPCs as a high-potential candidate for glioma treatment.  相似文献   

The link between metabolic remodeling and stem cell fate is still unclear. To explore this topic, the metabolic profile of porcine vascular wall mesenchymal stem cells (pVW-MSCs) was investigated. At the first and second cell passages, pVW-MSCs exploit both glycolysis and cellular respiration to synthesize adenosine triphosphate (ATP), but in the subsequent (third to eighth) passages they do not show any mitochondrial ATP turnover. Interestingly, when the first passage pVW-MSCs are exposed to 0.1 or 10 μg/ml lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) for 4 hr, even if ATP synthesis is prevented, the spare respiratory capacity is retained and the glycolytic capacity is unaffected. In contrast, the exposure of pVW-MSCs at the fifth passage to 10 μg/ml LPS stimulates mitochondrial ATP synthesis. Flow cytometry rules out any reactive oxygen species (ROS) involvement in the LPS effects, thus suggesting that the pVW-MSC metabolic pattern is modulated by culture conditions via ROS-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

目的寻找可以维持人胚胎干细胞未分化生长的人源性细胞作为饲养层细胞,从而解决使用鼠源性细胞作为饲养层带来的安全问题。方法尝试以人脐带间充质干细胞作为饲养层细胞来培养人胚胎干细胞,检验其是否可以维持人胚胎干细胞的未分化生长状态。用胶原酶消化法分离人脐带间充质干细胞,光镜下观察细胞形态;流式细胞仪检测其表面标志;诱导人脐带间充质干细胞向成骨细胞和脂肪细胞进行分化。将人胚胎干细胞系H1接种于丝裂霉素C灭活后的人脐带间充质干细胞上,每隔5d进行一次传代。培养20代后,对人胚胎干细胞特性进行相关检测,包括细胞形态、碱性磷酸酶染色、相关多能性基因的表达、分化能力。结果从人脐带中分离出的间充质干细胞为梭形,呈平行排列生长或漩涡状生长;细胞高表达CD44、CD29、CD73、CD105、CD90、CD86、CD147、CD117,不表达CD14、CD38、CD133、CD34、CD45、HLA-DR;具有分化成脂肪细胞和成骨细胞的潜能。人胚胎干细胞在人脐带间充质干细胞饲养层上培养20代后,继续保持人胚胎干细胞的典型形态,碱性磷酸酶染色为阳性,免疫荧光染色显示OCT4、Nanog、SSEA4、TRA-1-81、TRA-1-60的表达为阳性,SSEA1表达为阴性,体外悬浮培养可以形成拟胚体。结论人脐带间充质干细胞可以作为人胚胎干细胞的饲养层细胞,支持其生长,并维持其未分化生长状态。  相似文献   

Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease induced by bacterial pathogens, which not only affect connective tissue attachments but also cause alveolar bone loss. In this study, we investigated the anti-inflammatory effects of Human amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cells (HAMSCs) on human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (HBMSCs) under lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammatory conditions. Proliferation levels were measured by flow cytometry and immunofluorescence staining of 5-ethynyl-2′-deoxyuridine (EdU). Osteoblastic differentiation and mineralization were investigated using chromogenic alkaline phosphatase activity (ALP) activity substrate assays, Alizarin red S staining, and RT-PCR analysis of HBMSCs osteogenic marker expression. Oxidative stress induced by LPS was investigated by assaying reactive oxygen species (ROS) level and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. Here, we demonstrated that HAMSCs increased the proliferation, osteoblastic differentiation, and SOD activity of LPS-induced HBMSCs, and down-regulated the ROS level. Moreover, our results suggested that the activation of p38 MAPK signal transduction pathway is essential for reversing the LPS-induced bone-destructive processes. SB203580, a selective inhibitor of p38 MAPK signaling, significantly suppressed the anti-inflammatory effects in HAMSCs. In conclusion, HAMSCs show a strong potential in treating inflammation-induced bone loss by influencing p38 MAPK signaling.  相似文献   

间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)是骨髓中除造血干细胞以外的另一种成体干细胞,广泛分布于动物体内骨髓、肝脏、脂肪等多种组织中。MSCS具有强大的自我更新能力和多向分化潜能,是移植领域应用前景广阔的再生来源细胞;同时,MSCs是一种重要的免疫调节细胞,MSCs在炎症细胞因子刺激后对免疫系统表现出很强的抑制作用,所以MSCs有望应用于减少免疫排斥,延长移植物存活时间,治疗相关免疫失调症,如自身免疫疾病等方面。本文主要对间充质干细胞与免疫系统相互作用的研究做相关介绍。  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as a therapeutic promise are often quickly cleared by innate immune cells of the host including natural killer (NK) cells. Efforts have been made to generate immune-escaping human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) where T cell immunity is evaded by defecting β-2-microglobulin (B2M), a common unit for human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I, and NK cells are inhibited via ectopic expression of HLA-E or -G. However, NK subtypes vary among recipients and even at different pathologic statuses. It is necessary to dissect and optimize the efficacy of the immune-escaping cells against NK subtypes. Here, we first generated B2M knockout hESCs and differentiated them to MSCs (EMSCs) and found that NK resistance occurred with B2M-/- EMSCs expressing HLA-E and -G only when they were transduced via an inducible lentiviral system in a dose-dependent manner but not when they were inserted into a safe harbor. HLA-E and -G expressed at high levels together in transduced EMSCs inhibited three major NK subtypes, including NKG2A+/LILRB1+, NKG2A+/LILRB1-, and NKG2A-/LILRB1+, which was further potentiated by IFN-γ priming. Thus, this study engineers MSCs with resistance to multiple NK subtypes and underscores that dosage matters when a transgene is used to confer a novel effect to host cells, especially for therapeutic cells to evade immune rejection.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a heterogeneous population of stem/progenitor cells with pluripotent capacity to differentiate into mesodermal and non‐mesodermal cell lineages, including osteocytes, adipocytes, chondrocytes, myocytes, cardiomyocytes, fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, epithelial cells, and neurons. MSCs reside primarily in the bone marrow, but also exist in other sites such as adipose tissue, peripheral blood, cord blood, liver, and fetal tissues. When stimulated by specific signals, these cells can be released from their niche in the bone marrow into circulation and recruited to the target tissues where they undergo in situ differentiation and contribute to tissue regeneration and homeostasis. Several characteristics of MSCs, such as the potential to differentiate into multiple lineages and the ability to be expanded ex vivo while retaining their original lineage differentiation commitment, make these cells very interesting targets for potential therapeutic use in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. The feasibility for transplantation of primary or engineered MSCs as cell‐based therapy has been demonstrated. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on the signals that control trafficking and differentiation of MSCs. J. Cell. Biochem. 106: 984–991, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

易笑  刘凡  陈枫  王沂峰  高毅 《生物工程学报》2022,38(3):1183-1196
间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cell,MSC)在再生医学中具有广阔的应用前景,其临床转化应用已成为研究热点,如何大量获取原代间充质干细胞以及针对不同疾病选择最为合适的细胞来源是关键。为了探讨不同来源间充质干细胞的异同,为临床治疗与研究选择合适的种子细胞提供参考,文中比较了人脐带和胎盘不同层次间充质干细胞(MSC)的生物学特性,包括细胞形态、表面标志物、分化能力及核型分析,并对4种胎儿来源的MSCs进行了转录组序列分析,针对转录组测序结果,从增殖能力和分泌细胞因子等方面对不同来源的MSCs进行了分析验证。结果显示,脐带(umbilical cord,UC)、羊膜(amniotic membrane,AM)、绒毛膜平滑肌层(chorionic membrane,CM)、绒毛膜滋养层(chorionicvilli,CV)和蜕膜(deciduae,DC)等5种不同来源的MSCs均符合2006年国际细胞治疗协会(international society for cell therapy,ISCT)的最低标准,符合干细胞的一般特性;核型分析表明除了DC来源MSCs来自母体,UC、AM、CM、CV来源MSCs均来自胎儿;转录组测序分析结果显示,来自脐带和胎盘的MSCs具有相似的基因表达模式,但也存在一些差异,这些特定基因涉及细胞周期、细胞分裂、细胞死亡、细胞生长和发育。这些基因还在转录调节、DNA修复、DNA复制和染色体稳定性中起作用,这是细胞或亚细胞组分运动、细胞通信、细胞组织突起、细胞因子分泌和激素代谢的重要组成部分。转录组测序分析的结果在一定程度上解释了不同来源的MSCs之间生物学特征的差异;基于测序结果的验证实验可知,不同来源的MSCs在增殖能力和细胞因子分泌能力存在显著差异。总的来说,UC-MSCs和CV-MSCs表现出更强的增殖能力,分泌更高水平的旁分泌因子,可能在未来疾病的治疗中有不同的优势。  相似文献   

研究人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)感染对神经胶质瘤U87细胞自噬的影响。通过观察微管相关蛋白1轻链3(LC3)、自噬相关基因Beclin1及其蛋白表达的变化,从而探讨HCMV与神经胶质瘤发生、发展的关系及意义。用HCMV AD169(MOI=5)感染神经胶质瘤U87细胞,同时将未感染HCMV的U87细胞作为对照组。分别在6、12、24、48 h用RT-PCR检测Beclin1的表达,Western-blot和免疫荧光检测Beclin1和LC3编码蛋白的表达,最后用CCK-8检测细胞的增殖活性。结果显示,HCMV感染的U87细胞LC3-II蛋白表达水平逐渐下降(P<0.05);同时,HCMV感染的U87细胞Beclin1基因及蛋白的表达水平也逐渐下降(P<0.01),且HCMV感染U87细胞增殖显著(P<0.01)。以上结果表明,HCMV感染抑制胶质瘤U87细胞自噬,并会引起Beclin1表达水平下调,进而导致胶质瘤细胞增殖。  相似文献   

Treatment of osteoarthritis with mesenchymal stem cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Osteoarthritis(OA)is one of the most prevalent joint diseases with prominent symptoms affecting the daily life of millions of middle aged and elderly people.Despite this,there are no successful medical interventions that can prevent the progressive destruction of OA joints.The onset of pathological changes in OA is associated with deviant activity of mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs),the multipotent precursors of connective tissue cells that reside in joints.Current therapies for OA have resulted in poor clinical outcomes without repairing the damaged cartilage.Intra-articular delivery of culture-expanded MSCs has opened new avenues of OA treatment.Pre-clinical and clinical trials demonstrated the feasibility,safety,and efficacy of MSC therapy.The Wnt/β-catenin,bone morphogenetic protein 2,Indian hedgehog,and Mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways have been demonstrated to be involved in OA and the mechanism of action of MSC therapies.  相似文献   

线粒体移植( mitochondrial transplantation)是从患者正常组织分离线粒体然后注入线粒体损伤或缺失的部位,使损伤细胞获得救治、器官功能得以恢复的全新干预技术。本研究重点探讨线粒体移植对人神经胶质瘤细胞(U87)辐射敏感性的影响。提取人星形胶质细胞(human astrocytes, HA)的线粒体,用荧光探针Mito-Tracker Red进行标记后再与U87细胞共培养,激光共聚焦显微镜观察发现,Mito-Tracker Red的红色荧光大量出现在U87细胞内;随后对进入细胞内的游离线粒体荧光强度进行定量分析,游离线粒体和U87细胞共培养12 h时,单细胞内荧光强度由本底值0.08上升至1.83,表明游离线粒体可以通过共培养方式进入U87细胞内。随后给予U87细胞X射线辐照,Western印迹结果显示,联合组与单独辐照组相比,Cyto-C和Bax的表达量分别由179.5%和198.5%升高至251.72%和256.10%,Bcl-2的表达量由57.17%降低至22.23%;使用Annexin V/PI双染法检测到联合组U87细胞凋亡量相比单独辐照组的3.1%和23.5%上升至19.2%和43.8%;RT-CES检测结果表明,96 h内联合组U87细胞生长曲线被抑制;联合组克隆形成率相对单独辐照组的53%下降至29.3%。鬼笔环肽染色发现,线粒体移植组细胞表面丝状伪足相比对照组明显减少。本研究提示,线粒体移植能够促进辐射诱导的肿瘤细胞凋亡,对U87细胞具有辐射增敏作用,其作用机制与重新激活线粒体凋亡通路、降低肿瘤恶性程度有关。  相似文献   

In this work we describe the establishment of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and the role of bFGF in adipocyte differentiation. The totipotency of ESCs and MSCs was assessed by immunofluorescence staining and RT-PCR of totipotency factors. MSCs were successfully used to induce osteoblasts, chondrocytes and adipocytes. MSCs that differentiated into adipocytes were stimulated with and without bFGF. The OD/DNA (optical density/content of total DNA) and expression levels of the specific adipocyte genes PPARγ2 (peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ2) and C/EBPs were higher in bFGF cells. Embryonic bodies had a higher adipocyte level compared with cells cultured in plates. These findings indicate that bFGF promotes adipocyte differentiation. MSCs may be useful cells for seeding in tissue engineering and have enormous therapeutic potential for adipose tissue engineering.  相似文献   

动脉粥样硬化是一种病因复杂的血管壁慢性炎症性疾病。动脉粥样硬化及其相关并发症已成为人类死亡的主要原因,然而,其病因和发病机制尚未完全阐明,治疗效果还不满意。目前已经证实,动脉内皮细胞功能发生障碍是动脉粥样硬化的始动过程,内皮细胞功能失调和内皮细胞丢失是动脉粥样硬化症的主要特点;而血管平滑肌细胞的异常增生在动脉粥样硬化的发生发展中也扮演着重要角色。因此,探索有效措施促进有益的内皮细胞再生并抑制平滑肌细胞增生是血管损伤防治的关键。近年来有研究发现,体外输注的间充质干细胞能够向受损部位募集,并进一步分化为内皮细胞,修复损伤血管。然而,也有研究显示体外输注的间充质干细胞还可以分化为血管平滑肌细胞进而在血管局部增生,参与血管再狭窄的发生。文中综述了间充质干细胞输注对动脉粥样硬化发展的最新研究进展,希望为后续开展的用间充质干细胞治疗动脉粥样硬化的研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are self-renewable multipotent progenitor cells with the capacity to differentiate into several distinct mesenchymal lineages. While MSCs display significant potential in tissue engineering and therapeutic applications, the regulatory mechanisms underlying the differentiation of these cells are yet to be established. Phosphorylation is a post-translational modification that plays a significant role in diverse biological phenomena. In this study, to mine the protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) involved in adipogenesis of human MSCs, differential expression of human PTPs was examined using RT-PCR analysis. Among the 107 human PTPs, PTP-RQ was dramatically downregulated during the early phase of adipogenesis. PTP-RQ is classified as a receptor-type III PTP with phosphatidylinositol phosphatase (PIPase) activity. Overexpression of PTP-RQ consistently led to reduced differentiation of MSCs into adipocytes via decreasing the phosphatidyl inositol phosphate level in cells, and consequently downregulating Akt/PKB phosphorylation. Our results collectively suggest that PTP-RQ is a useful target protein for regulating the differentiation of MSCs into adipocytes, and may be used to develop novel drugs for the treatment of obesity.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) inhibit proliferation of allogeneic T cells and express low levels of major histocompatibility complex class I (MHCI), MHCII and vascular adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). We investigated whether their immunosuppressive properties and low immunophenotype protect allogeneic rat MSCs against cytotoxic lysis in vitro and result in a reduced immune response in vivo. Rat MSCs were partially protected against alloantigen-specific cytotoxic T cells in vitro. However, after treatment with IFN-γ and IL-1β, MSCs upregulated MHCI, MHCII and VCAM-1, and cytotoxic lysis was significantly increased. In vivo, allogeneic T cells but not allogeneic MSCs induced upregulation of the activation markers CD25 and CD71 as well as downregulation of CD62L on CD4(+) T cells from recipient rats. However, intravenous injection of allo-MSCs in rats led to the formation of alloantibodies with the capacity to facilitate complement-mediated lysis, although IgM levels were markedly decreased compared with animals that received T cells. The allo-MSC induced immune response was sufficient to lead to significantly reduced survival of subsequently injected allo-MSCs. Interestingly, no increased immunogenicity of IFN-γ stimulated allo-MSCs was observed in vivo. Both the loss of protection against cytotoxic lysis under inflammatory conditions and the induction of complement-activating antibodies will likely impact the utility of allogeneic MSCs for therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

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