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In this paper we present a method that allows dynamic flux analysis without a priori kinetic knowledge. This method was developed and validated using the pulse-feeding experimental data obtained in our previous study (Matsuda et al., 2005), in which incorporation of exogenously applied l-phenylalanine-d(5) into seven phenylpropanoid metabolites in potato tubers was determined. After identification of the topology of the metabolic network of these biosynthetic pathways, the system was described by dynamic mass balances in combination with power-law kinetics. After the first simulations, some reactions were removed from the network because they were not contributing significantly to network behaviour. As a next step, the exponents of the power-law kinetics were identified and then kept at fixed values during further analysis. The model was tested for statistical reliability using Monte Carlo simulations. Most fluxes could be identified with high accuracy. The two test cases, control and after elicitation, were clearly distinguished, and with elicitation fluxes to N-p-coumaroyloctopamine (pCO) and N-p-coumaroyltyramine (pCT) increased significantly, whereas those for chlorogenic acid (CGA) and p-coumaroylshikimate decreased significantly. According to the model, increases in the first two fluxes were caused by induction/derepression mechanisms. The decreases in the latter two fluxes were caused by decreased concentrations of their substrates, which in turn were caused by increased activity of the pCO- and pCT-producing enzymes. Flux-control analysis showed that, in most cases, flux control was changed after application of elicitor. Thus the results revealed potential targets for improving actions against tissue wounding and pathogen attack.  相似文献   

Three different theoretical approaches are used and compared to refine our understanding of ion permeation through the channel formed by OmpF porin from Escherichia coli. Those approaches are all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) in which ions, solvent, and lipids are represented explicitly, Brownian dynamics (BD) in which ions are represented explicitly, while solvent and lipids are represented as featureless dielectrics, and Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) electrodiffusion theory in which both solvent and local ion concentrations are represented as a continuum. First, the ability of the different theoretical approaches in reproducing the equilibrium average ion density distribution in OmpF porin bathed by a 1M KCl symmetric salt solution is examined. Under those conditions the PNP theory is equivalent to the non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) theory. Analysis shows that all the three approaches are able to capture the important electrostatic interactions between ions and the charge distribution of the channel that govern ion permeation and selectivity in OmpF. The K(+) and Cl(-) density distributions obtained from the three approaches are very consistent with one another, which suggests that a treatment on the basis of a rigid protein and continuum dielectric solvent is valid in the case of OmpF. Interestingly, both BD and continuum electrostatics reproduce the distinct left-handed twisted ion pathways for K(+) and Cl(-) extending over the length of the pore which were observed previously in MD. Equilibrium BD simulations in the grand canonical ensemble indicate that the channel is very attractive for cations, particularly at low salt concentration. On an average there is 1.55 K(+) inside the pore in 10mM KCl. Remarkably, there is still 0.17 K(+) on average inside the pore even at a concentration as low as 1microM KCl. Secondly, non-equilibrium ion flow through OmpF is calculated using BD and PNP and compared with experimental data. The channel conductance in 0.2M and 1M KCl calculated using BD is in excellent accord with the experimental data. The calculations reproduce the experimentally well-known conductance-concentration relation and also reveal an asymmetry in the channel conductance (a larger conductance is observed under a positive transmembrane potential). Calculations of the channel conductance for three mutants (R168A, R132A, and K16A) in 1M KCl suggest that the asymmetry in the channel conductance arises mostly from the permanent charge distribution of the channel rather than the shape of the pore itself. Lastly, the calculated reversal potential in a tenfold salt gradient (0.1:1M KCl) is 27.4(+/-1.3)mV (BD) and 22.1(+/-0.6)mV (PNP), in excellent accord with the experimental value of 24.3mV. Although most of the results from PNP are qualitatively reasonable, the calculated channel conductance is about 50% higher than that calculated from BD probably because of a lack of some dynamical ion-ion correlations.  相似文献   

This study focuses on unravelling the carbon and redox metabolism of a previously developed glycerol-overproducing Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain with deletions in the structural genes encoding triosephosphate isomerase (TPI1), the external mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenases (NDE1 and NDE2) and the respiratory chain-linked glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GUT2). Two methods were used for analysis of metabolic fluxes: metabolite balancing and (13)C-labelling-based metabolic flux analysis. The isotopic enrichment of intracellular primary metabolites was measured both directly (liquid chromatography-MS) and indirectly through proteinogenic amino acids (nuclear magnetic resonance and gas chromatography-MS). Because flux sensitivity around several important metabolic nodes proved to be dependent on the applied technique, the combination of the three (13)C quantification techniques generated the most accurate overall flux pattern. When combined, the measured conversion rates and (13)C-labelling data provided evidence that a combination of assimilatory metabolism and pentose phosphate pathway activity diverted some of the carbon away from glycerol formation. Metabolite balancing indicated that this results in excess cytosolic NADH, suggesting the presence of a cytosolic NADH sink in addition to those that were deleted. The exchange flux of four-carbon dicarboxylic acids across the mitochondrial membrane, as measured by the (13)C-labelling data, supports a possible role of a malate/aspartate or malate/oxaloacetate redox shuttle in the transfer of these redox equivalents from the cytosol to the mitochondrial matrix.  相似文献   

Genetic similarities (GS) based on molecular markers have been proposed as a tool for identification of essentially derived varieties (EDVs). Nevertheless, scientifically reliable criteria for discrimination of EDVs and independently derived varieties with GS estimates are scanty, and implementation into practical breeding has not yet taken place. Our objectives were to (1) assess the influence of chromosome number and length, marker density, and distribution, as well as the degree of polymorphism between the parental inbreds on the distribution of GS between parental inbreds and their progenies [GS(P1,O)] derived from F2 and different backcross populations and (2) evaluate these factors with regard to the power for distinguishing F2- versus BC1- and BC1- versus BC2-derived lines with molecular markers. We developed an approach based on statistical test theory for the identification of EDVs with molecular markers. Standard deviations and overlaps of distributions of GS(P1,O) of F2-, BC1-, and BC2-derived lines were smaller with (1) increasing chromosome number and length, (2) increasing marker density, and (3) uniformly instead of randomly distributed markers, approaching a lower boundary determined by the genetic parameters. The degree of polymorphism between the parental inbreds influenced the power only if the remaining number of polymorphic markers was low. Furthermore, suggestions are made for (1) determining the number of markers required to ascertain a given power and (2) EDV identification procedures.  相似文献   

Bipolar disorder is characterized by repeated episodes of mania and depression, and can be understood as pathological complex system behaviour involving cognitive, affective and psychomotor disturbance. Accurate prediction of episode transitions in the long-term pattern of mood changes in bipolar disorder could improve the management of the disorder by providing an objective early warning of relapse. In particular, circadian activity changes measured via actigraphy may contain clinically relevant signals of imminent systemic dysregulation. In this study, we propose a mathematical index to investigate the correlation between apparently irregular circadian activity rhythms and critical transitions in episodes of bipolar disorder. Not only does the proposed index illuminate the effects of pharmacological and psychological therapies in control over the state, but it also provides a framework to understand the dynamic (or state-dependent) control strategies. Modelling analyses using our new approach suggest that key clinical goals are minimizing side effects of mood stabilizers as well as increasing the efficiency of other therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

A growing body of knowledge is available on the cellular regulation of overflow metabolism in mammalian hosts of recombinant protein production. However, to develop strategies to control the regulation of overflow metabolism in cell culture processes, the effect of process parameters on metabolism has to be well understood. In this study, we investigated the effect of pH and temperature shift timing on lactate metabolism in a fed‐batch Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) process by using a Design of Experiments (DoE) approach. The metabolic switch to lactate consumption was controlled in a broad range by the proper timing of pH and temperature shifts. To extract process knowledge from the large experimental dataset, we proposed a novel methodological concept and demonstrated its usefulness with the analysis of lactate metabolism. Time‐resolved metabolic flux analysis and PLS‐R VIP were combined to assess the correlation of lactate metabolism and the activity of the major intracellular pathways. Whereas the switch to lactate uptake was mainly triggered by the decrease in the glycolytic flux, lactate uptake was correlated to TCA activity in the last days of the cultivation. These metabolic interactions were visualized on simple mechanistic plots to facilitate the interpretation of the results. Taken together, the combination of knowledge‐based mechanistic modeling and data‐driven multivariate analysis delivered valuable insights into the metabolic control of lactate production and has proven to be a powerful tool for the analysis of large metabolic datasets. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:1657–1668, 2015  相似文献   

Solventogenic clostridia are an important class of microorganisms that can produce various biofuels. One of the bottlenecks in engineering clostridia stems from the fact that central metabolic pathways remain poorly understood. Here, we utilized the power of (13) C-based isotopomer analysis to re-examine central metabolic pathways of Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824. We demonstrate using [1,2-(13) C]glucose, MS analysis of intracellular metabolites, and enzymatic assays that C. acetobutylicum has a split TCA cycle where only Re-citrate synthase (CS) contributes to the production of α-ketoglutarate via citrate. Furthermore, we show that there is no carbon exchange between α-ketoglutarate and fumarate and that the oxidative pentose-phosphate pathway (oxPPP) is inactive. Dynamic gene expression analysis of the putative Re-CS gene (CAC0970), its operon, and all glycolysis, pentose-phosphate pathway, and TCA cycle genes identify genes and their degree of involvement in these core pathways that support the powerful primary metabolism of this industrial organism.  相似文献   


The aptamers with the ability to form a G-quadruplex structure can be stable in the presence of some ions. Hence, study of the interactions between such aptamers and ions can be beneficial to determine the highest selective aptamer toward an ion. In this article, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and quantum mechanics (QM) calculations have been applied to investigate the selectivity of the T30695 aptamer toward Pb2+ in comparison with some ions. The Free Energy Landscape (FEL) analysis indicates that Pb2+ has remained inside the aptamer during the MD simulation, while the other ions have left it. The Molecular Mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann Surface Area (MM-PBSA) binding energies prove that the conformational stability of the aptamer is the highest in the presence of Pb2+. According to the compaction parameters, the greatest compressed ion-aptamer complex, and hence, the highest ion-aptamer interaction have been induced in the presence of Pb2+. The contact maps clarify the closer contacts between the nucleotides of the aptamer in the presence of Pb2+. The density functional theory (DFT) results show that Pb2+ forms the most stable complex with the aptamer, which is consistent with the MD results. The QM calculations reveal that the N-H bonds and the O…H distances are the longest and the shortest, respectively, in the presence of Pb2+. The obtained results verify that the strongest hydrogen bonds (HBs), and hence, the most compressed aptamer structure are induced by Pb2+. Besides, atoms in molecules (AIM) and natural bond orbital (NBO) analyses confirm the results.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

A previous report of this work (Ringeissen et al. 2003) described the use of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy coupled with multivariate statistical data analysis (MVDA) to identify novel biomarkers of peroxisome proliferation (PP) in Wistar Han rats. Two potential biomarkers of peroxisome proliferation in the rat were described, N-methylnicotinamide (NMN) and N-methyl-4-pyridone-3-carboxamide (4PY). The inference from these results was that the tryptophan-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) pathway was altered in correlation with peroxisome proliferation, a hypothesis subsequently confirmed by TaqMan® analysis of the relevant genes encoding two key enzymes in the pathway, aminocarboxymuconate-semialdehyde decarboxylase (EC and quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase (EC The objective of the present study was to investigate these data further and identify other metabolites in the NMR spectrum correlating equally with PP. MVDA Partial Least Squares (PLS) models were constructed that provided a better prediction of PP in Wistar Han rats than levels of 4PY and NMN alone. The resulting Wistar Han rat predictive models were then used to predict PP in a test group of Sprague Dawley rats following administration of fenofibrate. The models predicted the presence or absence of PP (above on arbitrary threshold of >2-fold mean control) in all Sprague Dawley rats in the test group.  相似文献   

The reporter strain Pseudomonas putida TOD102 (with a tod-lux fusion) was used in chemostat experiments with binary substrate mixtures to investigate the effect of potentially occurring cosubstrates on toluene degradation activity. Although toluene was simultaneously utilized with other cosubstrates, its metabolic flux (defined as the toluene utilization rate per cell) decreased with increasing influent concentrations of ethanol, acetate, or phenol. Three inhibitory mechanisms were considered to explain these trends: (1) repression of the tod gene (coding for toluene dioxygenase) by acetate and ethanol, which was quantified by a decrease in specific bioluminescence; (2) competitive inhibition of toluene dioxygenase by phenol; and (3) metabolic flux dilution (MFD) by all three cosubstrates. Based on experimental observations, MFD was modeled without any fitting parameters by assuming that the metabolic flux of a substrate in a mixture is proportional to its relative availability (expressed as a fraction of the influent total organic carbon). Thus, increasing concentrations of alternative carbon sources "dilute" the metabolic flux of toluene without necessarily repressing tod, as observed with phenol (a known tod inducer). For all cosubstrates, the MFD model slightly overpredicted the measured toluene metabolic flux. Incorporating catabolite repression (for experiments with acetate or ethanol) or competitive inhibition (for experiments with phenol) with independently obtained parameters resulted in more accurate fits of the observed decrease in toluene metabolic flux with increasing cosubstrate concentration. These results imply that alternative carbon sources (including inducers) are likely to hinder toluene utilization per unit cell, and that these effects can be accurately predicted with simple mathematical models.  相似文献   

黄初龙  于昌平  高兵  黄云凤 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7267-7278
自然水循环与社会水循环的关联研究是制定系统性水代谢对策的前提。从水资源代谢过程与格局角度,用物质流分析法(MFA)剖析了亚热带季风气候雨影区缺水城市枯水年份资源水与虚拟水耦合代谢的路径、数量,提取代谢效率评价所需的过程与结构指标,以社会、经济、生态环境效益最优化为评价原则构建了城市水资源代谢效率评价指标体系,采用层次分析法赋权,评价了近10年来枯水年份厦门市资源水与虚拟水耦合代谢效率。结果表明,厦门水资源代谢效率呈加速提高趋势,主要由用水效率类和水代谢过程与结构类指标驱动。说明提高水资源代谢效率的根本对策在于用水行为和用水过程与结构的改善。采用情景分析法设计主导驱动指标不同组合下水资源代谢效率情景方案,提高了方案的可操作性,可基于这些指标制定水资源管理对策。基于MFA结果提取指标丰富了指标体系构建理论。  相似文献   

Coenzyme A (CoA) holds a central position in cellular metabolism and therefore can be assumed to be an ancient molecule. Starting from the known E. coli and human enzymes required for the biosynthesis of CoA, phylogenetic profiles and chromosomal proximity methods enabled an almost complete reconstruction of archaeal CoA biosynthesis. This includes the identification of strong candidates for archaeal pantothenate synthetase and pantothenate kinase, which are unrelated to the corresponding bacterial or eukaryotic enzymes. According to this reconstruction, the topology of CoA synthesis from common precursors is essentially conserved across the three domains of life. The CoA pathway is conserved to varying degrees in eukaryotic pathogens like Giardia lamblia or Plasmodium falciparum, indicating that these pathogens have individual uptake-mechanisms for different CoA precursors. Phylogenetic analysis and phyletic distribution of the CoA biosynthetic enzymes suggest that the enzymes required for the synthesis of phosphopantothenate were recruited independently in the bacterial and archaeal lineages by convergent evolution, and that eukaryotes inherited the genes for the synthesis of pantothenate (vitamin B5) from bacteria. Homologues to bacterial enzymes involved in pantothenate biosynthesis are present in a subset of archaeal genomes. The phylogenies of these enzymes indicate that they were acquired from bacterial thermophiles through horizontal gene transfer. Monophyly can be inferred for each of the enzymes catalyzing the four ultimate steps of CoA synthesis, the conversion of phosphopantothenate into CoA. The results support the notion that CoA was initially synthesized from a prebiotic precursor, most likely pantothenate or a related compound.  相似文献   

Experimental research has identified many putative agents of amphibian decline, yet the population-level consequences of these agents remain unknown, owing to lack of information on compensatory density dependence in natural populations. Here, we investigate the relative importance of intrinsic (density-dependent) and extrinsic (climatic) factors impacting the dynamics of a tree frog (Hyla arborea) population over 22 years. A combination of log-linear density dependence and rainfall (with a 2-year time lag corresponding to development time) explain 75% of the variance in the rate of increase. Such fluctuations around a variable return point might be responsible for the seemingly erratic demography and disequilibrium dynamics of many amphibian populations.  相似文献   

A novel approach for association testing in the presence of population stratification has been introduced by Pritchard et al. (2000a) and Pritchard et al. (2000b). The structured association approach is a two-tiered procedure that first estimates the population structure and then tests the null hypothesis H0: 'no association within subpopulations' in the second step. A power comparison of the stratified test for association (STRAT) (Pritchard et al., 2000b) and the Transmission-Disequilibrium-Test (TDT) (Spielman and Ewens, 1993a) in a simulation framework showed superiority of STRAT if allele frequencies or associations between allele and disease differ strongly in subpopulations. In more homogeneous situations, the TDT had greater power than STRAT. However, the TDT, based on family trios,that uses population controls, needs 50% more genotyping compared to STRAT. The Sib-Transmission-Disequilibrium-Test (S-TDT) needs the same amount of genotyping since it relays in its minimal configuration on pairs of siblings. This raises the question how the S-TDT (Spielman and Ewens, 1998a) performs compared to the population based methods STRAT and Genomic Controls (GC). In this paper, we present a simulation study accounting for two different models of population stratification in different settings of allele frequencies and under different risk models. The results showed that under a discrete as well as under an admixed population model, STRAT strongly outperformed the S-TDT and the GC when different alleles were associated in different subpopulations. In contrast, the S-TDT had greater power than STRAT when the same allele was associated in both subpopulations. Here, the GC was sometimes even more powerful than the S-TDT, depending on the population model and the allele frequency differences. A general recommendation for the use of one of the tests can therefore not be given.  相似文献   


In order to study the interaction of the anticancer agent Doxorubicin with the single-walled carbon nanotubes with different diameters as drug delivery systems, the molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been used. Also, for design and development of intracellular Doxorubicin drug delivery systems, a series of steered MD simulations are applied to explore the possibility of encapsulated Doxorubicin–carbon nanotube penetration through a lipid bilayer in presence and absence of Nicotine molecules at different pulling rates. Our simulation results showed that in spite of the adsorption of drug molecules on the outer sidewall of the nanotubes, the spontaneous localization of one Doxorubicin molecule into the cavity of the nanovectors with larger diameters is observed. It is found that the presence of Nicotine molecules in extracellular medium increases the required force for pulling nanotube-encapsulated drug as well as the required time for penetration process, especially at higher velocity. Also, the entering process of the Nicotine molecules into the carbon nanotube causes that the encapsulated drug molecule is fully released in the hydrophobic phase of the lipid bilayer.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

刘晓曼  吕娜  侯鹏  黄艳  高吉喜  袁静芳 《生态学报》2023,43(21):8973-8984
研究生态文明建设和社会经济发展之间的耦合协调关系对评估生态文明建设示范区的建设成效具有重要参考价值。以我国最早开始生态文明建设的安吉县为对象,通过构建生态文明建设系统和社会经济发展系统的指标体系,引入耦合协调模型,对安吉县的生态文明建设与社会经济发展之间的耦合过程及演变趋势进行研究。结果表明:(1)总体上,安吉县从2006年生态文明示范创建以来,生态文明建设和社会经济发展均实现持续、稳步的提升,呈现同步向好、生态文明建设领先的态势,实现了社会经济发展与生态文明建设的双提升;(2)2006—2021年,安吉县生态文明建设和社会经济发展呈现出“整体水平高-稳定增长”的耦合特征,实现了“低位高耦合-高位高耦合”的转变,两者长期之间的相互作用紧密,共振耦合关系紧密;(3)2006—2021年,安吉县生态文明建设和社会经济发展的协调等级经历了“失调-勉强协调-中度协调-良好协调”的循序渐进递增特征,稳步从低级别向高级别发展演变,完成了从失调到协调的跨越。反映出安吉县不断推进社会经济发展和生态文明建设的相互支撑,走出了一条生态经济化、经济生态化的高质量绿色协同发展之路。评估结果不仅能为安吉县下一步...  相似文献   

循环农业是当前农业可持续发展理念的具体运作模式。对能值分析方法优化,使其更适合循环复合生态系统的应用上进行优化,并以福建省福清星源循环农业产业示范基地为例验证,评价复合生态系统的可持续发展程度和经济效益。结果表明改进的能值分析方法对循环复合农业生态系统的可持续发展评价更科学,复合系统的可持续发展指数比单纯的生猪养殖提高23.44%—33.86%,在4种组合的循环模式中以"生猪养殖-沼气工程-有机肥生产-种植业"循环复合生态系统整体效益最佳,其可持续发展指数最高,环境负载率最低,净能值产出率仅略低于"生猪养殖-沼气工程-种植业"复合系统。  相似文献   

The growing economic and ecological damage associated with biological invasions, which will likely be exacerbated by climate change, necessitates improved projections of invasive spread. Generally, potential changes in species distribution are investigated using climate envelope models; however, the reliability of such models has been questioned and they are not suitable for use at local scales. At this scale, mechanistic models are more appropriate. This paper discusses some key requirements for mechanistic models and utilises a newly developed model (PSS[gt]) that incorporates the influence of habitat type and related features (e.g., roads and rivers), as well as demographic processes and propagule dispersal dynamics, to model climate induced changes in the distribution of an invasive plant (Gunnera tinctoria) at a local scale. A new methodology is introduced, dynamic baseline benchmarking, which distinguishes climate‐induced alterations in species distributions from other potential drivers of change. Using this approach, it was concluded that climate change, based on IPCC and C4i projections, has the potential to increase the spread‐rate and intensity of G. tinctoria invasions. Increases in the number of individuals were primarily due to intensification of invasion in areas already invaded or in areas projected to be invaded in the dynamic baseline scenario. Temperature had the largest influence on changes in plant distributions. Water availability also had a large influence and introduced the most uncertainty in the projections. Additionally, due to the difficulties of parameterising models such as this, the process has been streamlined by utilising methods for estimating unknown variables and selecting only essential parameters.  相似文献   

城市热环境是城市局部气候与环境的综合表现,它与土地利用格局密切相关,但是相应的机制研究还不充分。以深圳市为例,首先基于2018年LANDSAT 8遥感影像,采用支持向量机方法和线性光谱混合模型提取土地利用与覆盖度信息,分析了城市土地覆盖对地表温度以及热量收支状况的影响。基于2003-2018的MODIS地表温度数据,进一步研究了深圳市城市热岛现象的时空变化,从地表能量的角度分析城市热岛变化背后的形成机制。结果表明,深圳市地表温度从西北到东南逐渐降低,城市不透水面温度显著高于植被覆盖区域,城市热岛效应明显。不透水面和城市植被共同影响深圳市的地表温度与热量收支状况,不透水地表与感热具有较好的相关性,城市植被与潜热具有较好的相关性。长时间序列分析表明深圳的城市热岛现象在夏季较高而冬季较低,月均热岛强度为2.14℃;对于年际变化,深圳在2003-2018表现出显著的下降趋势。归因分析显示感热通量的影响在深圳起主导作用,这一模式在全年和季节上都较为明显。结果表明深圳市经过高速扩张阶段,目前发展方向是提高建成区的利用效率,该现象强调了热传输在加强城市热岛效应过程中对近地面湍流的干扰作用。本研究可以为缓解热岛效应与景观格局优化研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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