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In this paper, we propose a general ratio-dependent prey-predator model with disease in predator subject to the strong Allee effect in prey. We obtain the complete dynamics of both models: (a) full model with Allee effect; (b) full model without Allee effect. Model (a) may have more than one interior equilibrium point, but model (b) has only one interior equilibrium point. Numerical results reveal that the coexistence of all the populations at the endemic state is possible for both the models. But for the model with Allee effect, the coexistence can be destroyed by an increased supply of alternative food for the predators. It can also be proved that for the full model with Allee effect, the disease can be suppressed under certain parametric conditions. Also by comparing models (a) and (b), we conclude that Allee effect can create or destroy the interior attractor. Finally, we have studied the disease free-submodel (prey and susceptible predator model) with and without Allee effect. The comparative study between these two submodels leads to the following conclusions: 1) In the presence of Allee effect, the number of interior equilibrium points can change from zero to two whereas the submodel without Allee effect has unique interior equilibrium point; 2) Both with and without Allee effect, initial conditions play an important role on the survival and extinction of prey as well as its corresponding predator; 3) In the presence of Allee effect, bi-stability occurs with stable or periodic coexistence of prey and susceptible predator and the extinction of prey and susceptible predator; 4) Allee effect can generate or destroy the interior equilibrium points.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a general prey–predator model with disease in prey and predator subject to the weak Allee effects. We make the following assumptions: (i) infected prey competes for resources but does not contribute to reproduction; and (ii) in comparison to the consumption of the susceptible prey, consumption of infected prey would contribute less or negatively to the growth of predator. Based on these assumptions, we provide basic dynamic properties for the full model and corresponding submodels with and without the Allee effects. By comparing the disease free submodels (susceptible prey–predator model) with and without the Allee effects, we conclude that the Allee effects can create or destroy the interior attractors. This enables us to obtain the complete dynamics of the full model and conclude that the model has only one attractor (only susceptible prey survives or susceptible-infected coexist), or two attractors (bi-stability with only susceptible prey and susceptible prey–predator coexist or susceptible prey-infected prey coexists and susceptible prey–predator coexist). This model does not support the coexistence of susceptible-infected-predator, which is caused by the assumption that infected population contributes less or are harmful to the growth of predator in comparison to the consumption of susceptible prey.  相似文献   

The stability of predator-prey systems subject to the Allee effects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In recent years, many theoreticians and experimentalists have concentrated on the processes that affect the stability of predator-prey systems. But few papers have addressed the Allee effect with focus on the their stability. In this paper, we select two classical models describing predator-prey systems and introduce the Allee effects into the dynamics of both the predator and prey populations in these models, respectively. By combining mathematical analysis with numerical simulation, we have shown that the Allee effect may be a destabilizing force in predator-prey systems: the equilibrium point of the system could be changed from stable to unstable or otherwise, the system, even when it is stable, will take much longer time to reach the stable state. We also conclude that the equilibrium of the prey population will be enlarged due to the Allee effect of the predator, but the Allee effects of the prey may decrease the equilibrium value of the predator, or that of both the predator and prey. It should also be pointed out that the impact of the Allee effects of predator and prey due to different mechanisms on different predator-prey systems could also vary.  相似文献   

Invasion of an exotic species initiated by its local introduction is considered subject to predator-prey interactions and the Allee effect when the prey growth becomes negative for small values of the prey density. Mathematically, the system dynamics is described by two nonlinear diffusion-reaction equations in two spatial dimensions. Regimes of invasion are studied by means of extensive numerical simulations. We show that, in this system, along with well-known scenarios of species spread via propagation of continuous population fronts, there exists an essentially different invasion regime which we call a patchy invasion. In this regime, the species spreads over space via irregular motion and interaction of separate population patches without formation of any continuous front, the population density between the patches being nearly zero. We show that this type of the system dynamics corresponds to spatiotemporal chaos and calculate the dominant Lyapunov exponent. We then show that, surprisingly, in the regime of patchy invasion the spatially average prey density appears to be below the survival threshold. We also show that a variation of parameters can destroy this regime and either restore the usual invasion scenario via propagation of continuous fronts or brings the species to extinction; thus, the patchy spread can be qualified as the invasion at the edge of extinction. Finally, we discuss the implications of this phenomenon for invasive species management and control.  相似文献   

This paper investigates complex dynamics of a predator–prey interaction model that incorporates: (a) an Allee effect in prey; (b) the Michaelis–Menten type functional response between prey and predator; and (c) diffusion in both prey and predator. We provide rigorous mathematical results of the proposed model including: (1) the stability of non-negative constant steady states; (2) sufficient conditions that lead to Hopf/Turing bifurcations; (3) a prior estimates of positive steady states; (4) the non-existence and existence of non-constant positive steady states when the model is under zero-flux boundary condition. We also perform completed analysis of the corresponding ODE model to obtain a better understanding on effects of diffusion on the stability. Our analytical results show that the small values of the ratio of the prey's diffusion rate to the predator's diffusion rate are more likely to destabilize the system, thus generate Hopf-bifurcation and Turing instability that can lead to different spatial patterns. Through numerical simulations, we observe that our model, with or without Allee effect, can exhibit extremely rich pattern formations that include but not limit to strips, spotted patterns, symmetric patterns. In addition, the strength of Allee effects also plays an important role in generating distinct spatial patterns.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for spatiotemporal dynamics of prey–predator system was studied by means of linear analysis and numerical simulations. The model is a system of PDEs of taxis–diffusion–reaction type, accounting for the ability of predators to detect the locations of higher prey density, which is formalized as indirect prey–taxis, according to hypothesis that the taxis stimulus is a substance being continuously emitted by the prey, diffusing in space and decaying with constant rate in time (e.g. odour, pheromone, exometabolit). The local interactions of the prey and predators are described by the classical Rosenzweig – MacArthur system, which is modified in order to take into account the Allee effect in the predator population. The boundary conditions determine the absence of fluxes of population densities and stimulus concentration through the habitat boundaries. The obtained results suggest that the prey–taxis activity of the predator can destabilize both the stationary and periodic spatially-homogeneous regimes of the species coexistence, causing emergence of various heterogeneous patterns. In particular, it is demonstrated that formation of local dense aggregations induced by prey–taxis allows the predators to overcome the Allee effect in its population growth, avoiding the extinction that occurs in the model in the absence of spatial effects.  相似文献   

Allee效应与种群的灭绝密切相关,其研究对生态保护和管理至关重要。Allee效应对物种续存是潜在的干扰因素,濒危物种更容易受其影响,可能会增加生存于生境破碎化斑块的濒危物种的死亡风险,因此研究Allee效应对种群的动态和续存的影响是必要的。从包含由生物有机体对环境的修复产生的Allee效应的集合种群模型出发,引入由其他机制形成的Allee效应,建立了常微分动力系统模型和基于网格模型的元胞自动机模型。通过理论分析和计算机模拟表明:(1)强Allee效应不利于具有生境恢复的集合种群的续存;(2)生境恢复有利于种群续存;(3)局部扩散影响了集合种群的空间结构、动态行为和稳定性,生境斑块之间的局部作用将会减缓或消除集合种群的Allee效应,有利于集合种群的续存。  相似文献   

杨立  李维德 《生态学报》2012,32(6):1773-1782
利用概率元胞自动机模型对空间隐式的、食饵具Allee效应的一类捕食食饵模型进行模拟,发现随着相关参数的变化,种群的空间扩散前沿由连续的扩散波逐渐转变为一种相互隔离的斑块向外扩散,这种斑块扩散现象与以往的扩散模式有所不同。研究结果表明:(1)在斑块扩散的情况下,相关参数的微小变化会导致种群灭绝或者形成连续的扩散波,即斑块扩散发生在种群趋于灭绝和连续扩散之间;(2)当种群的空间扩散方式为斑块扩散时,种群的扩散速度会变慢,与其他扩散方式下的速度有着明显的区别。该研究结果对生物入侵控制和外来物种监测有重要的启发和指导作用。  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal dynamics of a predator-prey system is considered under the assumption that prey growth is damped by the strong Allee effect. Mathematically, the model consists of two coupled diffusion-reaction equations. The initial conditions are described by functions of finite support which corresponds to invasion of exotic species. By means of extensive numerical simulations, we identify the main scenarios of the system dynamics as related to biological invasion. We construct the maps in the parameter space of the system with different domains corresponding to different invasion regimes and show that the impact of the Allee effect essentially increases the system spatiotemporal complexity. In particular, we show that, as a result of the interplay between the Allee effect and predation, successful establishment of exotic species may not necessarily lead to geographical spread and geographical spread does not always enhance regional persistence of invading species.  相似文献   

王文婷  王万雄 《生态学报》2014,34(16):4596-4602
在Dubis动力系统的基础上,建立了具有Allee效应的捕食系统模型。对系统的稳定性进行了分析,受Allee效应的影响,食饵种群可能因为种群大小处于临界点以下而趋于灭绝。通过对系统进行模拟,结果表明:不受Allee效应的影响,系统的演化属于一种理想化的情形系统到达P(平衡)点的时间较不受Allee效应影响时系统到达P点的时间短,不利于生物的进化,而在Allee效应的影响下,系统的演化将达到一个平衡状态。由此,说明Allee效应为濒临灭绝物种的管理提供了重要的理论依据,对管理部门的决策有参考指导作用。  相似文献   

The authors present an approach for explicit modeling of spatio-temporal dynamics of predator-prey community. This approach is based on a reaction-diffusion-adjection PD (prey dependent) system. Local kinetics of population is determined by logistic reproduction function of prey, constant natural mortality of predator and Holling type 2 trophic function. Searching behavior of predator is described by the advective term in predator balance equation assuming the predator acceleration to be proportional to the prey density gradient. The model was studied with zero-flux boundary conditions. The influence of predator searching activity on the community dynamics, in particular, on the emergence of spatial heterogeneity, has been investigated by linear analysis and numerical simulations. It has been shown how searching activity may effect the persistence of species, stabilizing predator-prey interactions at very low level of pest density. It has been demonstrated that obtaining of such dynamic regimes does not require the use of complex trophic functions.  相似文献   

The extinction of species is a major threat to the biodiversity. The species exhibiting a strong Allee effect are vulnerable to extinction due to predation. The refuge used by species having a strong Allee effect may affect their predation and hence extinction risk. A mathematical study of such behavioral phenomenon may aid in management of many endangered species. However, a little attention has been paid in this direction. In this paper, we have studied the impact of a constant prey refuge on the dynamics of a ratio-dependent predator–prey system with strong Allee effect in prey growth. The stability analysis of the model has been carried out, and a comprehensive bifurcation analysis is presented. It is found that if prey refuge is less than the Allee threshold, the incorporation of prey refuge increases the threshold values of the predation rate and conversion efficiency at which unconditional extinction occurs. Moreover, if the prey refuge is greater than the Allee threshold, situation of unconditional extinction may not occur. It is found that at a critical value of prey refuge, which is greater than the Allee threshold but less than the carrying capacity of prey population, system undergoes cusp bifurcation and the rich spectrum of dynamics exhibited by the system disappears if the prey refuge is increased further.  相似文献   

We present the results of simulations in an individual-based model describing spatial movement and predator-prey interaction within a closed rectangular habitat. Movement of each individual animal is determined by local conditions only, so any collective behavior emerges owing to self-organization. It is shown that the pursuit of prey by predators entails predator interference, manifesting itself at the population level as the dependency of the trophic function (individual ration) on predator abundance. The stabilizing effect of predator interference on the dynamics of a predator-prey system is discussed. Inclusion of prey evasion induces apparent cooperation of predators and further alters the functional response, giving rise to a strong Allee effect, with extinction of the predator population upon dropping below critical numbers. Thus, we propose a simple mechanistic interpretation of important but still poorly understood behavioral phenomena that underlie the functioning of natural trophic systems.  相似文献   

Species establishment in a model system in a homogeneous environment can be dependent not only on the parameter setting, but also on the initial conditions of the system. For instance, predator invasion into an established prey population can fail and lead to system collapse, an event referred to as overexploitation. This phenomenon occurs in models with bistability properties, such as strong Allee effects. The Allee effect then prevents easy re-establishment of the prey species. In this paper, we deal with the bifurcation analyses of two previously published predator-prey models with strong Allee effects. We expand the analyses to include not only local, but also global bifurcations. We show the existence of a point-to-point heteroclinic cycle in these models, and discuss numerical techniques for continuation in parameter space. The continuation of such a cycle in two-parameter space forms the boundary of a region in parameter space where the system collapses after predator invasion, i.e. where overexploitation occurs. We argue that the detection and continuation of global bifurcations in these models are of vital importance for the understanding of the model dynamics.  相似文献   

The main objective of this work is to present a general framework for the notion of the strong Allee effect in population models, including competition, mutualistic, and predator–prey models. The study is restricted to the strong Allee effect caused by an inter-specific interaction. The main feature of the strong Allee effect is that the extinction equilibrium is an attractor. We show how a ‘phase space core’ of three or four equilibria is sufficient to describe the essential dynamics of the interaction between two species that are prone to the Allee effect. We will introduce the notion of semistability in planar systems. Finally, we show how the presence of semistable equilibria increases the number of possible Allee effect cores.  相似文献   

The dynamics of interacting ecological populations results from the interplay between various deterministic and stochastic factors and this is particularly the case for the phenomenon of biological invasion. Whereas the spread of invasive species via propagation of a population front was shown to appear as a result of deterministic processes, the spread via formation, interaction and movement of separate patches has been recently attributed to the influence of environmental stochasticity. An appropriate understanding of the comparative importance of deterministic and stochastic mechanisms is still lacking, however. In this paper, we show that the patchy invasion appears to be possible also in a fully deterministic predator–prey model as a result of the Allee effect.  相似文献   

The Allee effect, a reduction of individual fitness at low population density that can lead to sudden and unannounced extinctions, has been shown to come about through a number of mechanisms, usually associated with group behavior or mate search. Recent papers show that it may arise through size-selective predation, without explicit assumptions relating individual fitness to population density. It arises from the shift that a predator induces in the population stage distribution of its prey. We study the parameter conditions that lead to such an emergent Allee effect. The emergent Allee effect occurs under fairly broad conditions. We show that stage-specific predation can also induce bistability between alternative states where both prey and predator are present. A perturbation analysis on the equilibria shows that all equilibria are highly robust to changes in predator density. Our work shows that when size-specific interactions are taken into account, bistabilities and catastrophic collapses are possible even in purely exploitative food webs, which has substantial implications for questions related to food web theory and conservation issues.  相似文献   

A few spatiotemporal models of population dynamics are considered in relation to biological invasion and biological control. The patterns of spread in one and two spatial dimensions are studied by means of extensive numerical simulations. We show that, in the case that population multiplication is damped by the strong Allee effect (when the population growth rate becomes negative for small population density), in a certain parameter range the spread can take place not via the intuitively expected circular expanding population front but via motion and interaction of separate patches. Alternatively, the patchy spread can take place in a system without Allee effect as a result of strong environmental noise. We then show that the phenomenon of deterministic patchy invasion takes place ‘at the edge of extinction’ so that a small change of controlling parameters either brings the species to extinction or restores the travelling population fronts. Moreover, we show that the regime of patchy invasion in two spatial dimensions actually takes place when the species go extinct in the corresponding 1-D system.  相似文献   

In Rosenzweig-MacArthur models of predator-prey dynamics, Allee effects in prey usually destabilize interior equilibria and can suppress or enhance limit cycles typical of the paradox of enrichment. We re-evaluate these conclusions through a complete classification of a wide range of Allee effects in prey and predator's functional response shapes. We show that abrupt and deterministic system collapses not preceded by fluctuating predator-prey dynamics occur for sufficiently steep type III functional responses and strong Allee effects (with unstable lower equilibrium in prey dynamics). This phenomenon arises as type III functional responses greatly reduce cyclic dynamics and strong Allee effects promote deterministic collapses. These collapses occur with decreasing predator mortality and/or increasing susceptibility of the prey to fall below the threshold Allee density (e.g. due to increased carrying capacity or the Allee threshold itself). On the other hand, weak Allee effects (without unstable equilibrium in prey dynamics) enlarge the range of carrying capacities for which the cycles occur if predators exhibit decelerating functional responses. We discuss the results in the light of conservation strategies, eradication of alien species, and successful introduction of biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal dynamics of a space- and time-discrete predator–prey system is considered theoretically using both analytical methods and computer simulations. The prey is assumed to be affected by the strong Allee effect. We reveal a rich variety of pattern formation scenarios. In particular, we show that, in a predator–prey system with the strong Allee effect for prey, the role of space is crucial for species survival. Pattern formation is observed both inside and outside of the Turing domain. For parameters when the local kinetics is oscillatory, the system typically evolves to spatiotemporal chaos. We also consider the effect of different initial conditions and show that the system exhibits a spatiotemporal multistability. In a certain parameter range, the system dynamics is not self-organized but remembers the details of the initial conditions, which evokes the concept of long-living ecological transients. Finally, we show that our findings have important implications for the understanding of population dynamics on a fragmented habitat.  相似文献   

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