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The human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes produces pili that are essential for adhesion to host surface receptors. Cpa, the adhesin at the pilus tip, was recently shown to have a thioester-containing domain. The thioester bond is believed to be important in adhesion, implying a mechanism of covalent attachment analogous to that used by human complement factors. Here, we have characterized a second active thioester-containing domain on Cpa, the N-terminal domain of Cpa (CpaN). Expression of CpaN in Escherichia coli gave covalently linked dimers. These were shown by x-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry to comprise two CpaN molecules cross-linked by the polyamine spermidine following reaction with the thioester bonds. This cross-linked CpaN dimer provides a model for the covalent attachment of Cpa to target receptors and thus the streptococcal pilus to host cells. Similar thioester domains were identified in cell wall proteins of other Gram-positive pathogens, suggesting that thioester domains are more widely used and provide a mechanism of adhesion by covalent bonding to target molecules on host cells that mimics that used by the human complement system to eliminate pathogens.  相似文献   

Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LC-MS-based quantitative proteomics has become increasingly applied to a wide range of biological applications due to growing capabilities for broad proteome coverage and good accuracy and precision in quantification. Herein, we review the current LC-MS-based quantification methods with respect to their advantages and limitations and highlight their potential applications.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pyogenes is a significant bacterial pathogen in the human population. The importance of virulence factors for the survival and colonization of S. pyogenes is well established, and many of these factors are exposed to the extracellular environment, enabling bacterial interactions with the host. In the present study, we quantitatively analyzed and compared S. pyogenes proteins in the growth medium of a strain that is virulent to mice with a non-virulent strain. Particularly, one of these proteins was present at significantly higher levels in stationary growth medium from the virulent strain. We determined the three-dimensional structure of the protein that showed a unique tetrameric organization composed of four helix-loop-helix motifs. Affinity pull-down mass spectrometry analysis in human plasma demonstrated that the protein interacts with histidine-rich glycoprotein (HRG), and the name sHIP (streptococcal histidine-rich glycoprotein-interacting protein) is therefore proposed. HRG has antibacterial activity, and when challenged by HRG, sHIP was found to rescue S. pyogenes bacteria. This and the finding that patients with invasive S. pyogenes infection respond with antibody production against sHIP suggest a role for the protein in S. pyogenes pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pyogenes AP1, a strain of the highly virulent M1 serotype, uses exclusively protein H to bind the complement inhibitor C4b-binding protein (C4BP). We found a strong correlation between the ability of AP1 and its isogenic mutants lacking protein H to inhibit opsonization with complement C3b and binding of C4BP. C4BP bound to immobilized protein H or AP1 bacteria retained its cofactor activity for degradation of 125I-C4b. Furthermore, C4b deposited from serum onto AP1 bacterial surfaces was processed into C4c/C4d fragments, which did not occur on strains unable to bind C4BP. Recombinant C4BP mutants, which (i) lack certain CCP domains or (ii) have mutations in single aa as well as (iii) mutants with additional aa between different CCP domains were used to determine that the binding is mainly mediated by a patch of positively charged amino acid residues at the interface of domains CCP1 and CCP2. Using recombinant protein H fragments, we narrowed down the binding site to the N-terminal domain A. With a peptide microarray, we identified one single 18-amino acid-long peptide comprising residues 92–109, which specifically bound C4BP. Biacore was used to determine KD = 6 × 10−7 m between protein H and a single subunit of C4BP. C4BP binding also correlated with elevated levels of adhesion and invasion to endothelial cells. Taken together, we identified the molecular basis of C4BP-protein H interaction and found that it is not only important for decreased opsonization but also for invasion of endothelial cells by S. pyogenes.  相似文献   

The systematic characterization of the whole interactomes of different model organisms has revealed that the eukaryotic proteome is highly interconnected. Therefore, biological research is progressively shifting away from classical approaches that focus only on a few proteins toward whole protein interaction networks to describe the relationship of proteins in biological processes. In this minireview, we survey the most common methods for the systematic identification of protein interactions and exemplify different strategies for the generation of protein interaction networks. In particular, we will focus on the recent development of protein interaction networks derived from quantitative proteomics data sets.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pyogenes is an exclusively human pathogen. Streptococcal attachment to and entry into epithelial cells is a prerequisite for a successful infection of the human host and requires adhesins. Here, we demonstrate that the multidomain protein Epf from S. pyogenes serotype M49 is a streptococcal adhesin. An epf-deficient mutant showed significantly decreased adhesion to and internalization into human keratinocytes. Cell adhesion is mediated by the N-terminal domain of Epf (EpfN) and increased by the human plasma protein plasminogen. The crystal structure of EpfN, solved at 1.6 Å resolution, shows that it consists of two subdomains: a carbohydrate-binding module and a fibronectin type III domain. Both fold types commonly participate in ligand receptor and protein-protein interactions. EpfN is followed by 18 repeats of a domain classified as DUF1542 (domain of unknown function 1542) and a C-terminal cell wall sorting signal. The DUF1542 repeats are not involved in adhesion, but biophysical studies show they are predominantly α-helical and form a fiber-like stalk of tandem DUF1542 domains. Epf thus conforms with the widespread family of adhesins known as MSCRAMMs (microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules), in which a cell wall-attached stalk enables long range interactions via its adhesive N-terminal domain.  相似文献   

A great challenge in functional or interaction proteomics is to map protein networks and establish a functional relationship between expressed proteins and their effects on cellular processes. These cellular processes can be studied by characterizing binding partners to a "bait" protein against a complex background of other molecules present in cells, tissues, or biological fluids. This so-called ligand fishing process can be performed by combining surface plasmon resonance biosensors with MS. This combination generates a unique and automated method to quantify and characterize biomolecular interactions, and identify the interaction partners. A general problem in chip-based affinity separation systems is the large surface-to-volume ratio of the fluidic system. Extreme care, therefore, is required to avoid nonspecific adsorption, resulting in losses of the target protein and carry-over during the affinity purification process, which may lead to unwanted signals in the final MS analysis and a reduction in sensitivity. In this study, carry-over of protein and low-molecular weight substances has been investigated systematically and cleaning strategies are presented. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that by the introduction of colloidal particles as a capturing and transporting agent, the recovery yield of the affinity-purified ligand could be improved nearly twofold.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacterial pathogens have developed specialized secretion systems to transfer bacterial proteins directly into host cells. These bacterial effectors are central to virulence and reprogram host cell processes to favor bacterial survival, colonization, and proliferation. Knowing the complete set of effectors encoded by a particular pathogen is the key to understanding bacterial disease. In addition, the identification of the molecular assemblies that these effectors engage once inside the host cell is critical to determining the mechanism of action of each effector. In this work we used stable isotope labeling of amino acids in cell culture (SILAC), a powerful quantitative proteomics technique, to identify the proteins secreted by the Salmonella pathogenicity island-2 type three secretion system (SPI-2 T3SS) and to characterize the host interaction partners of SPI-2 effectors. We confirmed many of the known SPI-2 effectors and were able to identify several novel substrate candidates of this secretion system. We verified previously published host protein-effector binding pairs and obtained 11 novel interactions, three of which were investigated further and confirmed by reciprocal co-immunoprecipitation. The host cell interaction partners identified here suggest that Salmonella SPI-2 effectors target, in a concerted fashion, cellular processes such as cell attachment and cell cycle control that are underappreciated in the context of infection. The technology outlined in this study is specific and sensitive and serves as a robust tool for the identification of effectors and their host targets that is readily amenable to the study of other bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni is the major worldwide cause of bacterial gastroenteritis. C. jejuni possesses an extensive repertoire of carbohydrate structures that decorate both protein and non-protein surface-exposed structures. An N-linked glycosylation system encoded by the pgl gene cluster mediates the synthesis of a rigidly conserved heptasaccharide that is attached to protein substrates or released as free oligosaccharide in the periplasm. Removal of N-glycosylation results in reduced virulence and impeded host cell attachment. Since the N-glycan is conserved, the N-glycosylation system is also an attractive option for glycoengineering recombinant vaccines in Escherichia coli. To determine whether non-canonical N-glycans are present in C. jejuni, we utilized high throughput glycoproteomics to characterize C. jejuni JHH1 and identified 93 glycosylation sites, including 34 not previously reported. Interrogation of these data allowed the identification of a phosphoethanolamine (pEtN)-modified variant of the N-glycan that was attached to multiple proteins. The pEtN moiety was attached to the terminal GalNAc of the canonical N-glycan. Deletion of the pEtN transferase eptC removed all evidence of the pEtN-glycan but did not globally influence protein reactivity to patient sera, whereas deletion of the pglB oligosaccharyltransferase significantly reduced reactivity. Transfer of eptC and the pgl gene cluster to E. coli confirmed the addition of the pEtN-glycan to a target C. jejuni protein. Significantly reduced, yet above background levels of pEtN-glycan were also observed in E. coli not expressing eptC, suggesting that endogenous E. coli pEtN transferases can mediate the addition of pEtN to N-glycans. The addition of pEtN must be considered in the context of glycoengineering and may alter C. jejuni glycan-mediated structure-function interactions.  相似文献   

化脓链球菌是一种革兰氏阳性致病菌,能引起一系列疾病。运用固定化金属离子亲和层析技术(IMAC)富集化脓链球菌中锌结合蛋白,进行溶液酶解,利用先进的LC-MS/MS技术对富集的锌结合蛋白进行质谱分析。鉴定到48个在化脓链球菌中与锌结合相关蛋白,这些蛋白主要涉及到蛋白翻译、糖代谢、金属转运、氧化等重要生理过程。这些结果对于深入研究化脓链球菌的致病机制,寻找新的抗菌药物作用靶点和疫苗候选物具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue) negatively regulates the PI3K pathway through its lipid phosphatase activity and is one of the most commonly lost tumor suppressors in human cancers. Though the tumor suppressive function involves the lipid phosphatase-dependent and -independent activities of PTEN, the mechanism leading to the phosphatase-independent function of PTEN is understood poorly. Some PTEN mutants have lipid phosphatase activity but fail to suppress cell growth. Here, we use a cancer-associated mutant, G20E, to gain insight into the phosphatase-independent function of PTEN by investigating protein-protein interactions using MS-based stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC). A strategy named parallel affinity purification (PAP) and SILAC has been developed to prioritize interactors and to compare the interactions between wild-type and G20E PTEN. Clustering of the prioritized interactors acquired by the PAP-SILAC approach shows three distinct clusters: 1) wild-type-specific interactors, 2) interactors unique to the G20E mutant, and 3) proteins common to wild-type and mutant. These interactors are involved mainly in cell migration and apoptosis pathways. We further demonstrate that the wild-type-specific interactor, NUDTL16L1, is required for the regulatory function of wild-type PTEN in cell migration. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms of the phosphatase-dependent and -independent functions of PTEN.  相似文献   

MALDI-imaging MS is a new molecular imaging technology for direct in situ analysis of thin tissue sections. Multiple analytes can be monitored simultaneously without prior knowledge of their identities and without the need for target-specific reagents such as antibodies. Imaging MS provides important insights into biological processes because the native distributions of molecules are minimally disturbed, and histological features remain intact throughout the analysis. A wide variety of molecules can be imaged, including proteins, peptides, lipids, drugs, and metabolites. Several specific examples are presented to highlight the utility of the technology.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile infection is a serious and highly prevalent nosocomial disease in which the two large, Rho-glucosylating toxins TcdA and TcdB are the main virulence factors. We report for the first time crystal structures revealing how neutralizing and non-neutralizing single-domain antibodies (sdAbs) recognize the receptor-binding domains (RBDs) of TcdA and TcdB. Surprisingly, the complexes formed by two neutralizing antibodies recognizing TcdA do not show direct interference with the previously identified carbohydrate-binding sites, suggesting that neutralization of toxin activity may be mediated by mechanisms distinct from steric blockage of receptor binding. A camelid sdAb complex also reveals the molecular structure of the TcdB RBD for the first time, facilitating the crystallization of a strongly negatively charged protein fragment that has resisted previous attempts at crystallization and structure determination. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry measurements confirm the stoichiometries of sdAbs observed in the crystal structures. These studies indicate how key epitopes in the RBDs from TcdA and TcdB are recognized by sdAbs, providing molecular insights into toxin structure and function and providing for the first time a basis for the design of highly specific toxin-specific therapeutic and diagnostic agents.  相似文献   

The diverse proteome of an organism arises from such events as single nucleotide substitutions at the DNA level, different RNA processing, and dynamic enzymatic post-translational modifications. This minireview focuses on the measurement of intact proteins to describe the diversity found in proteomes. The field of biological mass spectrometry has steadily advanced, enabling improvements in the characterization of single proteins to proteins derived from cells or tissues. In this minireview, we discuss the basic technology for "top-down" intact protein analysis. Furthermore, examples of studies involved with the qualitative and quantitative analysis of full-length polypeptides are provided.  相似文献   

eIF3a (eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3a), one of the core subunits of the eIF3 complex, has been implicated in regulating translation of different mRNAs and in tumorigenesis. A subcomplex consisting of eIF3a, eIF3b, eIF3g, and eIF3i (eIF3(a:b:i:g)) has also been identified. However, how eIF3a participates in translational regulation and in formation of the eIF3(a:b:i:g) subcomplex remain to be solved. In this study, we used the tandem affinity purification approach in combination with tandem MS/MS and identified the spectrin domain of eIF3a as the docking site for the formation of eIF3(a:b:i:g) subcomplex. Although eIF3b and eIF3i bind concurrently to the spectrin domain of eIF3a within ∼10–15 amino acids apart, eIF3g binds to eIF3a indirectly via binding to the carboxyl-terminal domain of eIF3b. The binding of eIF3b to the spectrin domain of eIF3a occurs in its RNA recognition motif domain where eIF3j also binds in a mutually exclusive manner. Together, we conclude that the spectrin domain of eIF3a is responsible for the formation of eIF3(a:b:i:g) subcomplex and, because of mutually exclusive nature of bindings of eIF3a and eIF3j to eIF3b, different subcomplexes of eIF3 likely exist and may perform noncanonical functions in translational regulation.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus causes a wide range of human disease ranging from localized skin and soft tissue infections to potentially lethal systemic infections. S. aureus has the biosynthetic ability to generate numerous virulence factors that assist in circumventing the innate immune system during disease pathogenesis. Recent studies have uncovered a set of extracellular peptides produced by community-associated methicillin-resistant S. aureus (CA-MRSA) with homology to the phenol-soluble modulins (PSMs) from Staphylococcus epidermidis. CA-MRSA PSMs contribute to skin infection and recruit and lyse neutrophils, and truncated versions of these peptides possess antimicrobial activity. In this study, novel CA-MRSA PSM derivatives were discovered by the use of microbial imaging mass spectrometry. The novel PSM derivatives are compared with their parent full-length peptides for changes in hemolytic, cytolytic, and neutrophil-stimulating activity. A potential contribution of the major S. aureus secreted protease aureolysin in processing PSMs is demonstrated. Finally, we show that PSM processing occurs in multiple CA-MRSA strains by structural confirmation of additional novel derivatives. This work demonstrates that IMS can serve as a useful tool to go beyond genome predictions and expand our understanding of the important family of small peptide virulence factors.  相似文献   



The proteomic analysis of body fluids is a growing technology for the identification of protein biomarkers of disease. Given that Papanicolaou tests (Pap tests) are routinely performed on over 30 million women annually in the U.S. to screen for cervical cancer, we examined the residual Pap test fluid as a source of protein for analysis by mass spectrometry (MS). In the liquid-based Pap test, cervical cells are collected from the ectocervix and placed into an alcohol-based fixative prior to staining and pathologic examination. We hypothesized that proteins shed by cells of the female genital tract can be detected in the Pap test fixative by MS-based proteomic techniques. We examined the feasibility of using residual fluid from discarded Pap tests with cytologically “normal” results to optimize sample preparation for MS analysis. The protein composition of the cell-free Pap test fluid was determined by silver staining of sodium dodecyl sulfate -polyacrylamide gels, and the abundance of serum proteins was examined by Western immunoblot using an antibody against human serum albumin. Both pooled and individual samples were trypsin digested and analyzed by two-dimensional MS/MS. Proteins were identified by searching against the Human Uniprot database, and characterized for localization, function and relative abundance.


The average volume of the residual Pap test fluid was 1.5 ml and the average protein concentration was 0.14 mg/ml. By Western immunoblot we showed that the amount of albumin in each sample was significantly reduced compared to normal serum. By MS/MS, we identified 714 unique proteins in pooled Pap test samples and an average of 431 proteins in individual samples. About 40% of the proteins identified were extracellular or localized to the plasma membrane. Almost 20% of the proteins identified were involved in immunity and defense, characteristic of the healthy cervical-vaginal proteome. By merging the protein sets from the individual and pooled Pap test samples, we created a “Normal Pap test Core Proteome” consisting of 153 proteins.


Residual Pap test fluid contains a sufficient amount of protein for analysis by MS and represents a valuable biospecimen source for the identification of protein biomarkers for gynecological diseases.  相似文献   

Gram-negative porcine pathogens from the Pasteurellaceae family possess a surface receptor complex capable of acquiring iron from porcine transferrin (pTf). This receptor consists of transferrin-binding protein A (TbpA), a transmembrane iron transporter, and TbpB, a surface-exposed lipoprotein. Questions remain as to how the receptor complex engages pTf in such a way that iron is positioned for release, and whether divergent strains present distinct recognition sites on Tf. In this study, the TbpB-pTf interface was mapped using a combination of mass shift analysis and molecular docking simulations, localizing binding uniquely to the pTf C lobe for multiple divergent strains of Actinobacillus plueropneumoniae and suis. The interface was further characterized and validated with site-directed mutagenesis. Although targeting a common lobe, variants differ in preference for the two sublobes comprising the iron coordination site. Sublobes C1 and C2 participate in high affinity binding, but sublobe C1 contributes in a minor fashion to the overall affinity. Further, the TbpB-pTf complex does not release iron independent of other mediators, based on competitive iron binding studies. Together, our findings support a model whereby TbpB efficiently captures and presents iron-loaded pTf to other elements of the uptake pathway, even under low iron conditions.  相似文献   

In the adaptive immune response, immunoglobulins develop that bind specifically to the antigens to which the organism was exposed. Immunoglobulins may bind to known or unknown antigens in a variety of diseases and have been used in the past to identify novel antigens for use as a biomarker. We propose that the immunoglobulins themselves could also be used as biomarkers in antibody-mediated disease. In this proteomic study, rats were immunized with one of two purified antigens, and immunoglobulins from pre- and postimmune sera were analyzed with nano-LC coupled mass spectrometry. It was found that the two treatment groups could be distinguished based on cluster analysis of the immunoglobulin peptides from the immune sera. In addition, we identified 684 specific peptides that were differentially present in one of the two treated groups. We could find an amino acid sequence for 44% of the features in the mass spectra by combining database-driven and de novo sequencing techniques. The latter were essential for sequence identification, as the more common database-driven approach suffers from a poor representation of immunoglobulins in the available databases. Our data show that the development of immunoglobulins during an immune response is not a fully random process, but that instead selection pressures exist that favor the best binding amino acid sequences, and that this selection is shared between different animals. This finding implies that immunoglobulin peptides could indeed be a powerful and easily accessible class of biomarkers.  相似文献   

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