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The development of the nervous system involves the generation of a stunningly diverse array of neuronal subtypes that enable complex information processing and behavioral outputs. Deciphering how the nervous system acquires and interprets information and orchestrates behaviors will be greatly enhanced by the identification of distinct neuronal circuits and by an understanding of how these circuits are formed, changed, and/or maintained over time. Addressing these challenging questions depends in part on the ability to accurately identify and characterize the unique neuronal subtypes that comprise individual circuits. Distinguishing characteristics of neuronal subgroups include but are not limited to neurotransmitter phenotype, dendritic morphology, the identity of synaptic partners, and the expression of constellations of subgroup-specific proteins, including ion channel subtypes.  相似文献   

In addition to describing behavior in terms of neuronal properties and interconnections, some studies are using these well defined neuronal circuits to see how the circuits interact, how they develop, and how they are modified by experience, hormones and neuromodulators. The ready availability of computers and computational techniques has helped in some efforts, as have improvements in physiological and morphological techniques. The major insights, however, still come from experiments that ask clear and direct questions. This review highlights some of the promising approaches and suggests some general features of how neuronal circuits produce behavior.  相似文献   

Neuronal circuits with whisker-related patterns, such as those observed in the rodent somatosensory barrel cortex, have been widely used as a model system for investigating the anatomical organization, development and physiological roles of functional neuronal circuits. Whisker-related patterns exist not only in the barrel cortex but also in subcortical structures along the trigeminal neuraxis from the brainstem to the cortex. Here, we briefly summarize the organization, formation, and function of each neuronal circuit with whisker-related patterns, including the novel axonal trajectories that we recently found with the aid of in utero electroporation. We also discuss their biological implications as model systems for the studies of functional neuronal circuits.  相似文献   

Powerful ultrastructural tools are providing new insights into neuronal circuits, revealing a wealth of anatomically-defined synaptic connections. These wiring diagrams are incomplete, however, because functional connectivity is actively shaped by neuromodulators that modify neuronal dynamics, excitability, and synaptic function. Studies of defined neural circuits in crustaceans, C. elegans, Drosophila, and the vertebrate retina have revealed the ability of modulators and sensory context to reconfigure information processing by changing the composition and activity of functional circuits. Each ultrastructural connectivity map encodes multiple circuits, some of which are active and some of which are latent at any given time.  相似文献   

By controlling spike timing and sculpting neuronal rhythms, inhibitory interneurons play a key role in regulating neuronal circuits and behavior. The pronounced diversity of GABAergic (gamma-aminobutyric acid) interneurons is paralleled by an extensive diversity of GABAA receptor subtypes. The region- and domain-specific location of these receptor subtypes offers the opportunity to gain functional insights into the role of defined neuronal circuits. These developments are reviewed with regard to the regulation of sleep, anxiety, memory, sensorimotor processing and post-natal developmental plasticity.  相似文献   

How cortical neurons process information crucially depends on how their local circuits are organized. Spontaneous synchronous neuronal activity propagating through neocortical slices displays highly diverse, yet repeatable, activity patterns called “neuronal avalanches”. They obey power-law distributions of the event sizes and lifetimes, presumably reflecting the structure of local circuits developed in slice cultures. However, the explicit network structure underlying the power-law statistics remains unclear. Here, we present a neuronal network model of pyramidal and inhibitory neurons that enables stable propagation of avalanche-like spiking activity. We demonstrate a neuronal wiring rule that governs the formation of mutually overlapping cell assemblies during the development of this network. The resultant network comprises a mixture of feedforward chains and recurrent circuits, in which neuronal avalanches are stable if the former structure is predominant. Interestingly, the recurrent synaptic connections formed by this wiring rule limit the number of cell assemblies embeddable in a neuron pool of given size. We investigate how the resultant power laws depend on the details of the cell-assembly formation as well as on the inhibitory feedback. Our model suggests that local cortical circuits may have a more complex topological design than has previously been thought. Competing financial interests: The authors declare that they have no competing financial interests. Action Editor: Peter Latham  相似文献   

Neuronal circuitry for pain processing in the dorsal horn   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neurons in the spinal dorsal horn process sensory information, which is then transmitted to several brain regions, including those responsible for pain perception. The dorsal horn provides numerous potential targets for the development of novel analgesics and is thought to undergo changes that contribute to the exaggerated pain felt after nerve injury and inflammation. Despite its obvious importance, we still know little about the neuronal circuits that process sensory information, mainly because of the heterogeneity of the various neuronal components that make up these circuits. Recent studies have begun to shed light on the neuronal organization and circuitry of this complex region.  相似文献   

Central pattern generators (CPGs) are defined as neuronal circuits capable of producing a rhythmic and coordinated output without the influence of sensory input. The locomotor and respiratory neuronal circuits are two of the better-characterized CPGs, although much work remains to fully understand how these networks operate. Glutamatergic neurons are involved in most neuronal circuits of the nervous system and considerable efforts have been made to study glutamate receptors in nervous system signaling using a variety of approaches. Because of the complexity of glutamate-mediated signaling and the variety of receptors triggered by glutamate, it has been difficult to pinpoint the role of glutamatergic neurons in neuronal circuits. In addition, glutamate is an amino acid used by every cell, which has hampered identification of glutamatergic neurons. Glutamatergic excitatory neurotransmission is dependent on the release from glutamate-filled presynaptic vesicles loaded by three members of the solute carrier family, Slc17a6-8, which function as vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs). Recent data describe that Vglut2 (Slc17a6) null mutant mice die immediately after birth due to a complete loss of the stable autonomous respiratory rhythm generated by the pre-B?tzinger complex. Surprisingly, we found that basal rhythmic locomotor activity is not affected in Vglut2 null mutant embryos. With this perspective, we discuss data regarding presence of VGLUT1, VGLUT2 and VGLUT3 positive neuronal populations in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

The year 2009 marks the tenth anniversary of the founding of Institute of Neuroscience (ION) in the Shanghai campus of Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

The genetic dissection of spinal circuits is an essential new means for understanding the neural basis of mammalian behavior. Molecular targeting of specific neuronal populations, a key instrument in the genetic dissection of neuronal circuits in the mouse model, is a complex and time-demanding process. Here we present a circuit-deciphering ‘tool box’ for fast, reliable and cheap genetic targeting of neuronal circuits in the developing spinal cord of the chick. We demonstrate targeting of motoneurons and spinal interneurons, mapping of axonal trajectories and synaptic targeting in both single and populations of spinal interneurons, and viral vector-mediated labeling of pre-motoneurons. We also demonstrate fluorescent imaging of the activity pattern of defined spinal neurons during rhythmic motor behavior, and assess the role of channel rhodopsin-targeted population of interneurons in rhythmic behavior using specific photoactivation.  相似文献   

One approach to understanding behavior is to define the cellular components of neuronal circuits that control behavior. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, neuronal circuits have been delineated based on patterns of synaptic connectivity derived from ultrastructural analysis. Individual cellular components of these anatomically defined circuits have previously been characterized on the sensory and motor neuron levels. In contrast, interneuron function has only been addressed to a limited extent. We describe here several classes of interneurons (AIY, AIZ, and RIB) that modulate locomotory behavior in C. elegans. Using mutant analysis as well as microsurgical mapping techniques, we found that the AIY neuron class serves to tonically modulate reversal frequency of animals in various sensory environments via the repression of the activity of a bistable switch composed of defined command interneurons. Furthermore, we show that the presentation of defined sensory modalities induces specific alterations in reversal behavior and that the AIY interneuron class mediates this alteration in locomotory behavior. We also found that the AIZ and RIB interneuron classes process odorsensory information in parallel to the AIY interneuron class. AIY, AIZ, and RIB are the first interneurons directly implicated in chemosensory signaling. Our neuronal mapping studies provide the framework for further genetic and functional dissections of neuronal circuits in C. elegans.  相似文献   

The brain operates through the coordinated activation and the dynamic communication of neuronal assemblies. A major open question is how a vast repertoire of dynamical motifs, which underlie most diverse brain functions, can emerge out of a fixed topological and modular organization of brain circuits. Compared to in vivo studies of neuronal circuits which present intrinsic experimental difficulties, in vitro preparations offer a much larger possibility to manipulate and probe the structural, dynamical and chemical properties of experimental neuronal systems. This work describes an in vitro experimental methodology which allows growing of modular networks composed by spatially distinct, functionally interconnected neuronal assemblies. The protocol allows controlling the two-dimensional (2D) architecture of the neuronal network at different levels of topological complexity.A desired network patterning can be achieved both on regular cover slips and substrate embedded micro electrode arrays. Micromachined structures are embossed on a silicon wafer and used to create biocompatible polymeric stencils, which incorporate the negative features of the desired network architecture. The stencils are placed on the culturing substrates during the surface coating procedure with a molecular layer for promoting cellular adhesion. After removal of the stencils, neurons are plated and they spontaneously redirected to the coated areas. By decreasing the inter-compartment distance, it is possible to obtain either isolated or interconnected neuronal circuits. To promote cell survival, cells are co-cultured with a supporting neuronal network which is located at the periphery of the culture dish. Electrophysiological and optical recordings of the activity of modular networks obtained respectively by using substrate embedded micro electrode arrays and calcium imaging are presented. While each module shows spontaneous global synchronizations, the occurrence of inter-module synchronization is regulated by the density of connection among the circuits.  相似文献   

大脑神经回路高度有序的神经元活动是高级脑功能的基础,神经元之间的突触联结是神经回路的关键功能节点。神经突触根据神经元活动调整其传递效能的能力,亦即突触可塑性,被认为是神经回路发育和学习与记忆功能的基础。其异常则可能导致如抑郁症和阿尔茨海默病等精神、神经疾病。将介绍这两种疾病与突触可塑性的关系,聚焦于相关分子和细胞机制以及新的研究、治疗手段等进展。  相似文献   

The formation and refinement of synaptic circuits are areas of research that have fascinated neurobiologists for decades. A recurrent theme seen at many CNS synapses is that neuronal connections are at first imprecise, but refine and can be rearranged with time or with experience. Today, with the advent of new technologies to map and monitor neuronal circuits, it is worthwhile to revisit a powerful experimental model for examining the development and plasticity of synaptic circuits--the retinogeniculate synapse.  相似文献   

Precision of synaptic connections in neuronal circuits is the product of an orderly assembly process during development. Circuits controlling motor behavior have been studied extensively in many animal species, allowing an assessment of evolutionarily conserved organizational principles that underlie neuronal subtype specification, connectivity and function. Across phylogenetically distant species, motor circuit assembly is based on spatial organization of interconnected circuit elements. Developmental molecular coordinate systems demarcate dendritic and axonal targeting territories, thereby regulating convergence of synaptic partners. Additional mechanisms subsequently control fine synaptic connection specificity within these domains. Spatial organization often correlates with the orderly sequence of neurogenesis contributing to the generation of distinct postmitotic neuronal subpopulations, a developmental strategy implemented far beyond motor circuits.  相似文献   

The challenge to understand the complex neuronal circuit functions in the mammalian brain has brought about a revolution in light-based neurotechnologies and optogenetic tools. However, while recent seminal works have shown excellent insights on the processing of basic functions such as sensory perception, memory, and navigation, understanding more complex brain functions is still unattainable with current technologies. We are just scratching the surface, both literally and figuratively. Yet, the path towards fully understanding the brain is not totally uncertain. Recent rapid technological advancements have allowed us to analyze the processing of signals within dendritic arborizations of single neurons and within neuronal circuits. Understanding the circuit dynamics in the brain requires a good appreciation of the spatial and temporal properties of neuronal activity. Here, we assess the spatio-temporal parameters of neuronal responses and match them with suitable light-based neurotechnologies as well as photochemical and optogenetic tools. We focus on the spatial range that includes dendrites and certain brain regions (e.g., cortex and hippocampus) that constitute neuronal circuits. We also review some temporal characteristics of some proteins and ion channels responsible for certain neuronal functions. With the aid of the photochemical and optogenetic markers, we can use light to visualize the circuit dynamics of a functioning brain. The challenge to understand how the brain works continue to excite scientists as research questions begin to link macroscopic and microscopic units of brain circuits.  相似文献   

Spike timing is believed to be a key factor in sensory information encoding and computations performed by the neurons and neuronal circuits. However, the considerable noise and variability, arising from the inherently stochastic mechanisms that exist in the neurons and the synapses, degrade spike timing precision. Computational modeling can help decipher the mechanisms utilized by the neuronal circuits in order to regulate timing precision. In this paper, we utilize semi-analytical techniques, which were adapted from previously developed methods for electronic circuits, for the stochastic characterization of neuronal circuits. These techniques, which are orders of magnitude faster than traditional Monte Carlo type simulations, can be used to directly compute the spike timing jitter variance, power spectral densities, correlation functions, and other stochastic characterizations of neuronal circuit operation. We consider three distinct neuronal circuit motifs: Feedback inhibition, synaptic integration, and synaptic coupling. First, we show that both the spike timing precision and the energy efficiency of a spiking neuron are improved with feedback inhibition. We unveil the underlying mechanism through which this is achieved. Then, we demonstrate that a neuron can improve on the timing precision of its synaptic inputs, coming from multiple sources, via synaptic integration: The phase of the output spikes of the integrator neuron has the same variance as that of the sample average of the phases of its inputs. Finally, we reveal that weak synaptic coupling among neurons, in a fully connected network, enables them to behave like a single neuron with a larger membrane area, resulting in an improvement in the timing precision through cooperation.  相似文献   

The visual and oculomotor systems in the brain have been studied extensively in the primate. Together, they can be regarded as a single brain system that underlies active vision—the normal vision that begins with visual processing in the retina and extends through the brain to the generation of eye movement by the brainstem. The system is probably one of the most thoroughly studied brain systems in the primate, and it offers an ideal opportunity to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the series of perturbation techniques that have been used to study it. The perturbations have been critical in moving from correlations between neuronal activity and behaviour closer to a causal relation between neuronal activity and behaviour. The same perturbation techniques have also been used to tease out neuronal circuits that are related to active vision that in turn are driving behaviour. The evolution of perturbation techniques includes ablation of both cortical and subcortical targets, punctate chemical lesions, reversible inactivations, electrical stimulation, and finally the expanding optogenetic techniques. The evolution of perturbation techniques has supported progressively stronger conclusions about what neuronal circuits in the brain underlie active vision and how the circuits themselves might be organized.  相似文献   

Finding out the physical structure of neuronal circuits that governs neuronal responses is an important goal for brain research. With fast advances for large-scale recording techniques, identification of a neuronal circuit with multiple neurons and stages or layers becomes possible and highly demanding. Although methods for mapping the connection structure of circuits have been greatly developed in recent years, they are mostly limited to simple scenarios of a few neurons in a pairwise fashion; and dissecting dynamical circuits, particularly mapping out a complete functional circuit that converges to a single neuron, is still a challenging question. Here, we show that a recent method, termed spike-triggered non-negative matrix factorization (STNMF), can address these issues. By simulating different scenarios of spiking neural networks with various connections between neurons and stages, we demonstrate that STNMF is a persuasive method to dissect functional connections within a circuit. Using spiking activities recorded at neurons of the output layer, STNMF can obtain a complete circuit consisting of all cascade computational components of presynaptic neurons, as well as their spiking activities. For simulated simple and complex cells of the primary visual cortex, STNMF allows us to dissect the pathway of visual computation. Taken together, these results suggest that STNMF could provide a useful approach for investigating neuronal systems leveraging recorded functional neuronal activity.  相似文献   

Based on brain imaging findings, we present a model according to which addiction emerges as an imbalance in the information processing and integration among various brain circuits and functions. The dysfunctions reflect (a) decreased sensitivity of reward circuits, (b) enhanced sensitivity of memory circuits to conditioned expectations to drugs and drug cues, stress reactivity, and (c) negative mood, and a weakened control circuit. Although initial experimentation with a drug of abuse is largely a voluntary behavior, continued drug use can eventually impair neuronal circuits in the brain that are involved in free will, turning drug use into an automatic compulsive behavior. The ability of addictive drugs to co‐opt neurotransmitter signals between neurons (including dopamine, glutamate, and GABA) modifies the function of different neuronal circuits, which begin to falter at different stages of an addiction trajectory. Upon exposure to the drug, drug cues or stress this results in unrestrained hyperactivation of the motivation/drive circuit that results in the compulsive drug intake that characterizes addiction.  相似文献   

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