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The orange protein (ORP) isolated from the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio gigas (11.8 kDa) contains a mixed-metal sulfide cluster of the type [S2MoS2CuS2MoS2]3- noncovalently bound to the polypeptide chain. The D. gigas ORP was heterologously produced in Escherichia coli in the apo form. Different strategies were used to reconstitute the metal cluster into apo-ORP and obtain insights into the metal cluster synthesis: (1) incorporation of a synthesized inorganic analogue of the native metal cluster and (2) the in situ synthesis of the metal cluster on the addition to apo-ORP of copper chloride and tetrathiomolybdate or tetrathiotungstate. This latter procedure was successful, and the visible spectrum of the Mo–Cu reconstituted ORP is identical to the one reported for the native protein with absorption maxima at 340 and 480 nm. The 1H–15N heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectra of the reconstituted ORP obtained by strategy 2, in contrast to strategy 1, exhibited large changes, which required sequential assignment in order to identify, by chemical shift differences, the residues affected by the incorporation of the cluster, which is stabilized inside the protein by both electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

Desulfovibrio gigas ferredoxin II (DgFdII) is a small protein with a polypeptide chain composed of 58 amino acids, containing one Fe3S4 cluster per monomer. Upon studying the redox cycle of this protein, we detected a stable intermediate (FdIIint) with four 1H resonances at 24.1, 20.5, 20.8 and 13.7 ppm. The differences between FdIIox and FdIIint were attributed to conformational changes resulting from the breaking/formation of an internal disulfide bridge. The same 1H NMR methodology used to fully assign the three cysteinyl ligands of the [3Fe–4S] core in the oxidized state (DgFdIIox) was used here for the assignment of the same three ligands in the intermediate state (DgFdIIint). The spin-coupling model used for the oxidized form of DgFdII where magnetic exchange coupling constants of around 300 cm−1 and hyperfine coupling constants equal to 1 MHz for all the three iron centres were found, does not explain the isotropic shift temperature dependence for the three cysteinyl cluster ligands in DgFdIIint. This study, together with the spin delocalization mechanism proposed here for DgFdIIint, allows the detection of structural modifications at the [3Fe-4S] cluster in DgFdIIox and DgFdIIint.  相似文献   

The 1.2?Å resolution crystal structure of the 29?kDa di-tetrahaem cytochrome c 3 from the sulfate reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio gigas was solved by ab initio methods, making this the largest molecule to be solved by this procedure. The actual refined model of the cysteine-linked dimeric molecule reveals that this molecule is very similar to the non-covalently linked symmetrical dimer of the di-tetrahaem cytochrome c 3 from Desulfomicrobium norvegicum. Each monomer has the typical polypeptide fold, haem arrangement and iron coordination found for the tetrahaem cytochrome c 3 molecules. The interface between the covalently linked monomers in the asymmetric unit of the crystal shows a pseudo two-fold arrangement, disturbed from symmetry by crystal packing forces. The fact that D. gigas contains a dimeric tetrahaem cytochrome with solvent accessible disulfide bridges and that this cytochrome specifically couples hydrogen oxidation to thiosulfate reduction in bacterial extracts provides an interesting aspect related to disulfide exchange reactions in this microorganism.  相似文献   

A family of Clostridium perfringens glycoside hydrolases (CpGH84A-E), with a conserved family 84 catalytic module, are thought to target the gastric mucosal layer. Chemical shift assignments have been completed for a putative protein-protein interaction X82 module from CpGH84C.  相似文献   

A novel metalloprotein containing a unique [S2MoS2CuS2MoS2]3? cluster, designated as Orange Protein (ORP), was isolated for the first time from Desulfovibrio gigas, a sulphate reducer. The orp operon is conserved in almost all sequenced Desulfovibrio genomes and in other anaerobic bacteria, however, so far D. gigas ORP had been the only ORP characterized in the literature. In this work, the purification of another ORP isolated form Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20 is reported. The native protein is monomeric (12443.8 ± 0.1 Da by ESI–MS) and contains also a MoCu cluster with characteristic absorption bands at 337 and 480 nm, assigned to S–Mo charge transfer bands. Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20 recombinant protein was obtained in the apo-form from E. coli. Cluster reconstitution studies and UV–visible titrations with tetrathiomolybdate of the apo-ORP incubated with Cu ions indicate that the cluster is incorporated in a protein metal-assisted synthetic mode and the protein favors the 2Mo:1Cu stoichiometry. In Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20, the orp genes are encoded by a polycistronic unit composed of six genes whereas in Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough the same genes are organized into two divergent operons, although the composition in genes is similar. The gene expression of ORP (Dde_3198) increased 6.6 ± 0.5 times when molybdate was added to the growth medium but was not affected by Cu(II) addition, suggesting an involvement in molybdenum metabolism directly or indirectly in these anaerobic bacteria.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of outer surface protein A (OspA) from Borrelia burgdorferi contains a single-layer -sheet connecting the N- and C-terminal globular domains. The central -sheet consists largely of polar amino acids and it is solvent-exposed on both faces, which so far appears to be unique among known protein structures. We have accomplished nearly complete backbone H, C and N and C;/H assignments of OspA (28 kDa) using standard triple resonance techniques without perdeuteration. This was made possible by recording spectra at a high temperature (45 °C ). The chemical shift index and 15N T1/T2 ratios show that both the secondary structure and the global conformation of OspA in solution are similar to the crystal structure, suggesting that the unique central -sheet is fairly rigid.  相似文献   

Adenylylsulfate reductase (adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate [APS] reductase [APSR]) plays a key role in catalyzing APS to sulfite in dissimilatory sulfate reduction. Here, we report the crystal structure of APSR from Desulfovibrio gigas at 3.1-Å resolution. Different from the α2β2-heterotetramer of the Archaeoglobus fulgidus, the overall structure of APSR from D. gigas comprises six αβ-heterodimers that form a hexameric structure. The flavin adenine dinucleotide is noncovalently attached to the α-subunit, and two [4Fe-4S] clusters are enveloped by cluster-binding motifs. The substrate-binding channel in D. gigas is wider than that in A. fulgidus because of shifts in the loop (amino acid 326 to 332) and the α-helix (amino acid 289 to 299) in the α-subunit. The positively charged residue Arg160 in the structure of D. gigas likely replaces the role of Arg83 in that of A. fulgidus for the recognition of substrates. The C-terminal segment of the β-subunit wraps around the α-subunit to form a functional unit, with the C-terminal loop inserted into the active-site channel of the α-subunit from another αβ-heterodimer. Electrostatic interactions between the substrate-binding residue Arg282 in the α-subunit and Asp159 in the C terminus of the β-subunit affect the binding of the substrate. Alignment of APSR sequences from D. gigas and A. fulgidus shows the largest differences toward the C termini of the β-subunits, and structural comparison reveals notable differences at the C termini, activity sites, and other regions. The disulfide comprising Cys156 to Cys162 stabilizes the C-terminal loop of the β-subunit and is crucial for oligomerization. Dynamic light scattering and ultracentrifugation measurements reveal multiple forms of APSR upon the addition of AMP, indicating that AMP binding dissociates the inactive hexamer into functional dimers, presumably by switching the C terminus of the β-subunit away from the active site. The crystal structure of APSR, together with its oligomerization properties, suggests that APSR from sulfate-reducing bacteria might self-regulate its activity through the C terminus of the β-subunit.Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) are a special group of prokaryotes that are found in sulfate-rich environments because of their ability to metabolize sulfate. SRB use sulfate as the final electron acceptor in various anaerobic environments, such as soil, oil fields, the sea, or the innards of animals or even human beings (10, 11, 19, 25, 33). Their ability to degrade sulfate offers protection against environmental pollution. SRB can remove sulfate and toxic heavy atoms from factory waste waters (12). The Desulfovibrio species is a much-studied representative of SRB, and Desulfovibrio gigas has been studied under many diverse conditions to elucidate metabolic pathways (23, 35).Sulfate reduction is one of the oldest forms of cellular metabolism. The reduction can be either assimilatory or dissimilatory. Sulfate is the terminal electron acceptor in dissimilatory reduction and the raw material for the biosynthesis of cysteine in assimilatory reduction. The latter type of reduction occurs in archaebacteria, bacteria, fungi, and plants via various pathways (17). For example, in Escherichia coli, the reduction initially catalyzes sulfate to adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (APS) by ATP sulfurylase. APS is then phosphorylated by APS kinase to 3′-phosphate APS, which is then further reduced to sulfite by 3′-phosphate APS reductase (APSR). Finally, sulfite is reduced by sulfite reductase to sulfide, which condenses with O-acetylserine by O-acetylserine lyase to form cysteine. For comparison, in dissimilatory sulfate reduction, sulfate is first catalyzed by ATP sulfurylase to APS, which is then directly reduced by APSR to sulfite. Sulfite is subsequently reduced by dissimilatory sulfite reductase to the following three possible products: trithionite (S3O62−), thiosulfate (S2O32−), or sulfide (S2−).Adenylylsulfate reductase, also called APSR, plays an important role in catalyzing APS to AMP and sulfite in the dissimilatory sulfate reduction. APSR was first partially purified and characterized from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (32). Multiple forms of APSR in Desulfovibrio vulgaris were observed in buffers under varied conditions (1) and were found in the cytoplasm of cells (18). APSR from D. gigas was first purified by Lampreia et al. (21) and showed a molecular mass of 400 kDa comprised of α- and β-subunits, corresponding to the molecular masses of 70 kDa and 23 kDa, respectively. One flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and two [4Fe-4S] clusters per APSR have been observed and characterized by electron paramagnetic resonance and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The enzyme from D. gigas has been described as an α2β complex involving one FAD and two [4Fe-4S] clusters (20). In D. vulgaris, APSR is apparently an α2β2 complex with a molecular mass of 186 kDa; only one Fe-S cluster is found in the αβ-heterodimer (31). Thus, the subunit and quaternary structures of APSR and their constitution of cofactors in terms of FAD and iron-sulfur clusters are still under debate. Only the enzyme from Archaeoglobus fulgidus has benefited from having an X-ray crystal structure. In this APSR, the functional unit has been shown to be the 1:1 αβ-heterodimer, containing two iron-sulfur clusters and one FAD in the structure (7). However, crystal packing shows that the asymmetric unit is an α2β2-heterotetramer.The catalytic mechanism of APSR can be divided into the transport of electrons and the cleavage of APS by FAD. Electron input to the FAD catalyzes the cleavage of APS, releasing AMP and sulfite. Although there have been a number of mechanisms proposed to explain the catalytic cleavage of APS to AMP and sulfite (7, 8, 13, 20, 34), many features of the postulated mechanism remain unsettled, including the proteinogenic hydrogen acceptor in the reaction, the conformational change in the enzyme induced by reduction/oxidation of the FAD cofactor, and the reasons for the observed multiple forms of APSR. The divergence between A. fulgidus and Desulfovibrio species also suggests an obvious distinction in the phylogeny of the α- and β-subunits of APSR.To clarify the difference between APSR from A. fulgidus and that from Desulfovibrio species, we have undertaken a structural study of APSR from D. gigas for comparison with the A. fulgidus enzyme. We have isolated and purified APSR directly from massive, anaerobically grown D. gigas cells for structure determination and characterization. The comparison of the structures and sequences revealing the notable differences at the C termini, activity sites, and other regions for the function is discussed. The structure of oxidized APSR from D. gigas provides much direct evidence about the subunit interactions and the role of the quaternary structure in the regulation of the catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

This paper describes efforts of the structural genomics project in the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) laboratory at the University of Science and Technology of China. This structural genomics project is biological-functional driven. Targets are mainly selected from two systems: proteins related with regulation of gene expression in humans and other eukaryotes, and proteins existing in the cell junction in humans. The majority of proteins selected from these two systems are related with human health and diseases, and some are potential drug targets. Twenty-five protein structures from Homo sapiens and other eukaryotes have been determined during last 5 years in this laboratory. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is highly suited to investigate molecular interactions at a close physiological condition and is particularly suited for the study of low-affinity, transient complexes. It can provide information on protein surface interaction, their complex structure, and their dynamic properties during protein recognition. Several examples are given in this paper.  相似文献   

Polymorphism is a common and important phenomenon for protein fibrils which has been linked to the appearance of strains in prion and other neurodegenerative diseases. Parkinson disease is a frequently occurring neurodegenerative pathology, tightly associated with the formation of Lewy bodies. These deposits mainly consist of α-synuclein in fibrillar, β-sheet-rich form. α-synuclein is known to form numerous different polymorphs, which show distinct structural features. Here, we describe the chemical shift assignments, and derive the secondary structure, of a polymorph that was fibrillized at higher-than-physiological pH conditions. The fibrillar core contains residues 40–95, with both the C- and N-terminus not showing any ordered, rigid parts. The chemical shifts are similar to those recorded previously for an assigned polymorph that was fibrillized at neutral pH.  相似文献   

The sulfate-reducing bacterium aldehyde oxidoreductase from Desulfovibrio gigas (MOP) is a member of the xanthine oxidase family of enzymes. It has 907 residues on a single polypeptide chain, a molybdopterin cytosine dinucleotide (MCD) cofactor and two [2Fe-2S] iron-sulfur clusters. Synchrotron data to almost atomic resolution were collected for improved cryo-cooled crystals of this enzyme in the oxidized form. The cell constants of a=b=141.78 A and c=160.87 A are about 2% shorter than those of room temperature data, yielding 233,755 unique reflections in space group P6(1)22, at 1.28 A resolution. Throughout the entire refinement the full gradient least-squares method was used, leading to a final R factor of 14.5 and Rfree factor of 19.3 (4sigma cut-off) with "riding" H-atoms at their calculated positions. The model contains 8146 non-hydrogen atoms described by anisotropic displacement parameters with an observations/parameters ratio of 4.4. It includes alternate conformations for 17 amino acid residues. At 1.28 A resolution, three Cl- and two Mg2+ ions from the crystallization solution were clearly identified. With the exception of one Cl- which is buried and 8 A distant from the Mo atom, the other ions are close to the molecular surface and may contribute to crystal packing. The overall structure has not changed in comparison to the lower resolution model apart from local corrections that included some loop adjustments and alternate side-chain conformations. Based on the estimated errors of bond distances obtained by blocked least-squares matrix inversion, a more detailed analysis of the three redox centres was possible. For the MCD cofactor, the resulting geometric parameters confirmed its reduction state as a tetrahydropterin. At the Mo centre, estimated corrections calculated for the Fourier ripples artefact are very small when compared to the experimental associated errors, supporting the suggestion that the fifth ligand is a water molecule rather than a hydroxide. Concerning the two iron-sulfur centres, asymmetry in the Fe-S distances as well as differences in the pattern of NH.S hydrogen-bonding interactions was observed, which influences the electron distribution upon reduction and causes non-equivalence of the individual Fe atoms in each cluster.  相似文献   

Chemical modification is an easy way for stable isotope labeling of non-labeled proteins. The reductive 13C-methylation of the amino group of the lysine side-chain by 13C-formaldehyde is a post-modification and is applicable to most proteins since this chemical modification specifically and quickly proceeds under mild conditions such as 4 °C, pH 6.8, overnight. 13C-methylation has been used for NMR to study the interactions between the methylated proteins and various molecules, such as small ligands, nucleic acids and peptides. Here we applied lysine 13C-methylation NMR to monitor protein–protein interactions. The affinity and the intermolecular interaction sites of methylated ubiquitin with three ubiquitin-interacting proteins were successfully determined using chemical-shift perturbation experiments via the 1H–13C HSQC spectra of the 13C-methylated-lysine methyl groups. The lysine 13C-methylation NMR results also emphasized the importance of the usage of side-chain signals to monitor the intermolecular interaction sites, and was applicable to studying samples with concentrations in the low sub-micromolar range.  相似文献   

The NMR spectra of the complex between the DNA-binding domain of the Dead ringer protein (DRI-DBD, Gly262-Gly398) and its DNA binding site (DRI-DBD:DNA, 26 kDa) have been optimized by biochemical and spectroscopic means. First, we demonstrate the utility of a modified 2D [F1,F2] 13C-filtered NOESY experiment that employs a 1JHC versus chemical shift optimized adiabatic 13C inversion pulse [Zwahlen, C. et al. (1997) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 119, 6711–6721]. The new sequence is shown to be more sensitive than previously published pulse schemes (up to 40% in favorable cases) and its utility is demonstrated using two protein–DNA complexes. Second, we demonstrate that the targeted replacement of an interfacial aromatic residue in the DRI-DBD:DNA complex substantially reduces line broadening within its NMR spectra. The spectral changes are dramatic, salvaging a protein–DNA complex that was originally ill suited for structural analysis by NMR. This biochemical approach is not a general method, but may prove useful in the spectral optimization of other protein complexes that suffer from interfacial line broadening caused by dynamic changes in proximal aromatic rings.  相似文献   

Human lens epithelium-derived growth factor (LEDGF)/p75 plays an important role in the HIV life cycle by stimulating integrase (IN)-led viral DNA integration into cellular chromosomes. Mechanistic studies show the majority of IN inhibitors chelate magnesium ions in the catalytic active site, a region topologically distant from the LEDGF/p75 binding site. Compounds disrupting the formation of LEDGF/p75 and IN complexes serve as a novel mechanistic approach different from current antiretroviral therapies. We previously built pharmacophore models mimicking LEDGF/p75 residues and identified four classes of LEDGF/p75-IN inhibitors. Substructure and similarity searches yielded additional LEDGF/p75-IN inhibitors containing an acylhydrazone moiety. The most potent of the acylhydrazones inhibited LEDGF/p75-IN interaction with an IC50 value of 400 nM. We explored structure–activity relationships (SAR) and identified new acylhydrazones, hydrazines, and diazenes as lead molecules for further optimization. Two lead LEDGF/p75-IN inhibitors showed antiviral activity.  相似文献   

Alt a 1 is the major allergen of the fungus Alternaria alternata and can be found in the cell wall of its spores. It is a cysteine linked homodimeric protein with a unique β-barrel fold as recently revealed by X-ray crystallography. Despite the elucidation of its structure, its biological function remains unknown. For Alternaria-sensitized patients, contact leads to respiratory allergy and in severe cases to asthma-related death. Here we report the sequence-specific Alt a 1 backbone 1H, 15N and 13C chemical shift assignment.  相似文献   

A novel protein molecular targeting system was created using a cytoplasmic face of a plasma membrane-targeting system in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The technique involves a molecular display for the creation of a novel reaction site and interaction sites in the field of biotechnology. In a model system, a fluorescent protein was targeted as a reporter to the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane. The C-terminal transmembrane domain (CTM) of Ras2p and Snc2p was examined as the portions with anchoring ability to the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane. We found that the CTM of Snc2p targeted the enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (ECFP)–protein A fusion protein on the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane more strongly than that of Ras2p. To develop it for use as a detection system for protein–protein interactions, the Fc fragment of IgG (Fc) was genetically fused with the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) and expressed in the cytoplasm of the ECFP–protein A-anchored cell. A microscopic analysis showed that fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between ECFP–protein A and EYFP–Fc occurred, and the change in fluorescence was observed on the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane. The detection of protein–protein interactions at the cytoplasmic face of a plasma membrane using FRET combined with a cytoplasmic face-targeting system for proteins provides a novel method for examining the molecular interactions of cytoplasmic proteins, in addition to conventional methods, such as the two-hybrid method in the nuclei. S. Shibasaki and K. Kuroda equally contributed to this work  相似文献   

Using the sugar transport protein, GalP, from Escherichia coli, which is a homologue of human GLUT transporters, we have overcome the challenges for achieving high-resolution [15N-1H]- and [13C-1H]-methyl-TROSY NMR spectra with a 52?kDa membrane protein that putatively has 12 transmembrane-spanning α-helices and used the spectra to detect inhibitor binding. The protein reconstituted in DDM detergent micelles retained structural and functional integrity for at least 48?h at a temperature of 25?°C as demonstrated by circular dichroism spectroscopy and fluorescence measurements of ligand binding, respectively. Selective labelling of tryptophan residues reproducibly gave 12 resolved signals for tryptophan 15N backbone positions and also resolved signals for 15N side-chain positions. For improved sensitivity isoleucine, leucine and valine (ILV) methyl-labelled protein was prepared, which produced unexpectedly well resolved [13C-1H]-methyl-TROSY spectra showing clear signals for the majority of methyl groups. The GalP/GLUT inhibitor forskolin was added to the ILV-labelled sample inducing a pronounced chemical shift change in one Ile residue and more subtle changes in other methyl groups. This work demonstrates that high-resolution TROSY NMR spectra can be achieved with large complex α-helical membrane proteins without the use of elevated temperatures. This is a prerequisite to applying further labelling strategies and NMR experiments for measurement of dynamics, structure elucidation and use of the spectra to screen ligand binding.  相似文献   

The Desulfovibrio gigas aldehyde-oxido-reductase contains molybdenum and iron-sulfur clusters. M?ssbauer spectroscopy was used to characterize the iron-sulfur clusters. Spectra of the enzyme in its oxidized, partially reduced and benzaldehyde-reacted states were recorded at different temperatures and applied magnetic fields. All the iron atoms in D. gigas aldehyde oxido-reductase are organized as [2Fe-2S] clusters. In the oxidized enzyme, the clusters are diamagnetic and exhibit a single quadrupole doublet with parameters (delta EQ = 0.62 +/- 0.02 mm/s and delta = 0.27 +/- 0.01 mm/s) typical for the [2Fe-2S]2+ state. M?ssbauer spectra of the reduced clusters also show the characteristics of a [2Fe-2S]1+ cluster and can be explained by a spin-coupling model proposed for the [2Fe-2S] cluster where a high-spin ferrous ion (S = 2) is antiferromagnetically coupled to a high-spin ferric ion (S = 5/2) to form a S = 1/2 system. Two ferrous sites with different delta EQ values (3.42 mm/s and 2.93 mm/s at 85 K) are observed for the reduced enzyme, indicating the presence of two types of [2Fe-2S] clusters in the D. gigas enzyme. Taking this observation together with the re-evaluated value of iron content (3.5 +/- 0.1 Fe/molecule), it is concluded that, similar to other Mo-hydroxylases, the D. gigas aldehyde oxido-reductase also contains two spectroscopically distinguishable [2Fe-2S] clusters.  相似文献   

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