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Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) ears were removed to investigate long-term regulation of photosynthesis by sink demand at ambient CO2 and 22 °C. The CO2 level was also increased to 660 μmol mol?1 and temperature was lowered to 5 °C to examine short-term responses of photosynthesis to low sink demand. Sink removal inhibited photosynthesis and increased leaf levels of glucose, fructose and ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate (RuBP), and the glucose-6-phosphate (G6P)/fructose-6-phosphate (F6P) and RuBP/3-phosphoglycerate (PGA) ratios under growth conditions, but had no effect on the activity and activation state of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco) either under growth or short-term conditions, suggesting an inhibition of photosynthesis by decreased in vivo catalysis of Rubisco. Photosynthesis increased similarly in eared and earless shoots after a rise in CO2 concentration, and the ratio of triose-phosphates (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate, TP) to PGA was similar or higher for removed than intact ears, suggesting that feedback inhibition of photosynthesis was not caused by a limitation of ATP synthesis in chloroplasts. Under short-term conditions (660 μmol mol?1 CO2, 5 °C), TP and RuBP levels and the TP/PGA and TP/RuBP ratios were increased by sink removal, indicating an additional limitation of photosynthesis by the rate of RuBP regeneration.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of soybean leaf development to water deficits   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Abstract. Drought effects on the final leaf area of individual leaves were hypothesized to depend on the leaf developmental stage at which drought occurred. To evaluate this hypothesis, final leaf area and cell number were measured for soybean ( Glycine max (L.) Merr.) leaves that were at different stages of development when single or cyclical drought treatment was imposed. Leaf emergence rate from the meristem, as depicted by changes in the plastochron index, was not as sensitive as leaf expansion to cyclical droughts. For leaf expansion, small leaves, once they emerged from the meristem, suffered larger decreases in growth than leaves undergoing rapid leaf area expansion. Decreases in final leaf area as a result of a cyclical drought were correlated with decreases in final cell number. Decreases resulting from a single 8-d drought were dependent on the age of the leaf at the time of drought, because small leaves were found to have proportionately larger decreases in final cell number and area than larger leaves. These results indicated that age-dependent leaf responses to drought are based on the relative activity of cell division and expansion at the time stress was imposed.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) supply can limit the yields of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] in highly productive environments. To explore the physiological mechanisms underlying this limitation, seasonal changes in N dynamics, aboveground dry matter (ADM) accumulation, leaf area index (LAI) and fraction of absorbed radiation (fAPAR) were compared in crops relying only on biological N2 fixation and available soil N (zero-N treatment) versus crops receiving N fertilizer (full-N treatment). Experiments were conducted in seven high-yield environments without water limitation, where crops received optimal management. In the zero-N treatment, biological N2 fixation was not sufficient to meet the N demand of the growing crop from early in the season up to beginning of seed filling. As a result, crop LAI, growth, N accumulation, radiation-use efficiency and fAPAR were consistently higher in the full-N than in the zero-N treatment, leading to improved seed set and yield. Similarly, plants in the full-N treatment had heavier seeds with higher N concentration because of greater N mobilization from vegetative organs to seeds. Future yield gains in high-yield soybean production systems will require an increase in biological N2 fixation, greater supply of N from soil or fertilizer, or alleviation of the trade-off between these two sources of N in order to meet the plant demand.  相似文献   

Effects of drought on nitrogen fixation in soybean root nodules   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Soybean plants [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] were grown in silica sand and were drought stressed for a 4 week period during reproductive development and without any mineral N supply in order to maximize demand for fixed nitrogen. A strain of Bradyrhizobium japonicum that forms large quantities of polysaccharide in nodules was used to determine whether or not the supply of reduced carbon to bacteroids limits nitrogenase activity. A depression of 30–40% in nitrogen content in leaves and pods of stressed plants indicated a marked decline in nitrogen fixation activity during the drought period. A 50% increase in the accumulation of bacterial polysaccharide in nodules accompanied this major decrease in nitrogen fixation activity and this result indicates that the negative impact of drought on nodules was not due to a depression of carbon supply to bacteroids. The drought treatment resulted in a statistically significant increase in N concentration in leaves and pods. Because N concentration and chlorophyll concentration in leaves were not depressed, there was no evidence of nitrogen deficiency in drought‐stressed plants, and this result indicates that the negative impact of drought on nodule function was not the cause of the depression of shoot growth. At the end of the drought period, the concentration of carbohydrates, amino nitrogen, and ureides was significantly increased in nodules on drought‐stressed plants. The overall results support the view that, under drought conditions, nitrogen fixation activity in nodules was depressed because demand for fixed N to support growth was lower.  相似文献   

缺硼对大豆根瘤结构和功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在营养液培养条件下以普通结结瘤大豆Braggcv.「Glycinemax(L.)Merr」及其超结瘤突变体nts382为实验材料,运用光学显微方法研究了硼对大豆根瘤结构的影响,并测定了根瘤固氮酶活性结果表明,缺硼使根瘤结构受到严重破坏,并使固氮酶活性显著下降,缺硼使根瘤结构受到破坏是导致固氮酶活性下降的可能原因。  相似文献   

Abstract. The relative growth rates and leaf area were graphed against leaf area, normalized with respect to final leaf area, to assess the applicability of the Lockhart cell wall expansion equation to soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., leaf development under field conditions. For leaves that had completed more than 20% of their growth, relative growth rates decreased linearly with an increase in the normalized leaf area, indicating that these leaves were undergoing strictly expansive growth. Drought stress significantly decreased the relative growth rate of these larger leaves. Small leaves which had completed less than 20% of their growth, were found to have highly variable relative growth rates. The large variability in relative growth rates indicated that the Lockhart cell wall expansion equation was inadequate to evaluate the growth of these young leaves. Drought stress had virtually no influence on the relative growth rates observed in the small leaves.  相似文献   

Abstract. Wall-yield threshold pressures of growing leaves obtained from field-grown soybean ( Glycine max [L.] Merr.) plants were measured in vapour pressure psychrometers. The plants were grown either under well-watered or water deficit conditions. Wall-yield threshold pressures were measured at night when turgor pressure was expected to exceed the wall-yield threshold pressure both in drought-stressed and well-watered growing leaves. Wall-yield threshold pressure increased as the area of the growing leaves increased in both treatments. After an 8-d drought, wall-yield threshold pressure in leaves which had recently emerged from the meristem was 0.50 MPa, while in well-watered leaves these values ranged from 0.03 to 0.23 MPa. Upon release from drought, wall-yield threshold pressure rapidly returned to unstressed values.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - Elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration increases plant photosynthesis, biomass and carbohydrate accumulation. Since plants have grown in low CO2 (200 to 300 µmol...  相似文献   

The soybean seed mutant T311, when grown under specific environmental conditions, produces shriveled seed. This research investigated changes in development of protein bodies and accumulation of carbohydrates during seed development by comparing the mutant with P2180 seeds. The shriveled seeds contained larger protein bodies but fewer protein bodies per cell than round seeds. Protein bodies in T311 seeds included more dispersed crystals and less globoid regions than P2180 seeds. The elemental compositions of the crystals and of whole seeds in T311 were different from that in P2180 seeds. Starch breakdown was reduced with concomitant lower soluble sugar content in T311 seeds after the D11 stage (10.0-11.9 mm long seeds). The reduced starch breakdown and lowered soluble sugar content were consistent with lower a-amylase activity and earlier and greater water loss in T311 seeds. Changes in development of protein bodies and accumulation of carbohydrates were associated with the development of the shriveled seeds.  相似文献   

Boru G  Vantoai T  Alves J  Hua D  Knee M 《Annals of botany》2003,91(4):447-453
Root flooding is damaging to the growth of crop plants such as soybean (Glycine max L.). Field flooding for 3 d often results in leaf chlorosis, defoliation, cessation of growth and plant death. These effects have been widely attributed solely to a lack of oxygen in the root-zone. However, an additional damaging factor may be CO(2), which attains levels of 30 % (v/v) of total dissolved gases. Accordingly, the effects of root-zone CO(2) on oxygen-deficient soybean plants were investigated in hydroponic culture. Soybean plants are shown to be very tolerant of excess water and anaerobiosis. No oxygen (100 % N(2) gas) and low oxygen (non-aerated) treatments for 14 d had no effect on soybean survival or leaf greenness, but plants became severely chlorotic and stunted when the roots were exposed to no oxygen together with CO(2) concentrations similar to those in flooded fields (equilibrium concentrations of 30 %). When root-zone CO(2) was increased to 50 %, a quarter of soybean plants died. Those plants that survived showed severe symptoms of chlorosis, necrosis and root death. In contrast, rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants were not affected by the combination of no oxygen and elevated root-zone CO(2.) A concentration of 50 % CO(2) did not affect rice plant survival or leaf colour. These results suggest that the high susceptibility of soybean to soil flooding, compared with that of rice, is an outcome of its greater sensitivity to CO(2).  相似文献   

Cultivar differences in canopy apparent photosynthesis (CAP) have been observed in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) but little is known about the physiological mechanisms which are responsible for such differences. This study was initiated to determine if variation in ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) and soluble protein exists among cultivars which differ in CAP during reproductive growth. In addition, the relationship between specific leaf weight (SLW) and leaf protein was examined. Two Maturity Group VI cultivars, Tracy (high CAP) and Davis (low CAP), were grown in the field during 1979, 1980, and 1981 and in a greenhouse experiment. Leaves located at two canopy positions (topmost, fully expanded leaf and eighth node from the top) in 1979 and three canopy positions (those mentioned, plus the fourth node from the top) in 1980 and 1981 were sampled. Leaves at the two upper canopy positions exhibited greater SLW, RuBPCase m–2, and soluble protein m–2 than found at the eighth node down. Photosynthetic capacity of leaves at inner canopy regions was therefore affected by both light penetration into the canopy and leaf protein status. Over the three year period, the SLW was 23 percent and the soluble protein m–2 leaf 21 percent greater in Tracy than in Davis. Although the trend in RuBPCase m–2 leaf was not significant, it was consistently greater in Tracy in the field and greenhouse. No cultivar differences were observed when the proteins were expressed on a unit of leaf dry weight. The quantity of RuBPCase per unit leaf area was positively correlated with SLW with significant partial correlation coefficients of 0.62, 0.67, 0.35, and 0.82 for 1979, 1980, 1981, and the greenhouse study, respectively. Since these cultivars have similar leaf area indices during September, the greater SLW of Tracy is translated into more photosynthetic proteins per unit ground area and higher CAP rate.Abbreviations AP Leaf Apparent Photosynthesis - CAP Canopy Apparent Photosynthesis - DAP Days After Planting - DTT Dithothreitol - HEPES N-2-hydroethylpiperazine N-2 ethanesulfonic acid - LAI Leaf Area Index - LSD Least Significant Difference - PPFD Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density - PVP-40 Polyvinylpolypyrroledone (molecular weight, 4000) - RuBPCase Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase - SLW Specific Leaf Weight  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. IR-72) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. cv. Bragg), which have been reported to differ in acclimation to elevated CO2, were grown for a season in sunlight at ambient and twice-ambient [CO2], and under daytime temperature regimes ranging from 28 to 40°C. The objectives of the study were to test whether CO2 enrichment could compensate for adverse effects of high growth temperatures on photosynthesis, and whether these two C3 species differed in this regard. Leaf photosynthetic assimilation rates (A) of both species, when measured at the growth [CO2], were increased by CO2 enrichment, but decreased by supraoptimal temperatures. However, CO2 enrichment more than compensated for the temperature-induced decline in A. For soybean, this CO2 enhancement of A increased in a linear manner by 32–95% with increasing growth temperatures from 28 to 40°C, whereas with rice the degree of enhancement was relatively constant at about 60%, from 32 to 38°C. Both elevated CO2 and temperature exerted coarse control on the Rubisco protein content, but the two species differed in the degree of responsiveness. CO2 enrichment and high growth temperatures reduced the Rubisco content of rice by 22 and 23%, respectively, but only by 8 and 17% for soybean. The maximum degree of Rubisco down-regulation appeared to be limited, as in rice the substantial individual effects of these two variables, when combined, were less than additive. Fine control of Rubisco activation was also influenced by both elevated [CO2] and temperature. In rice, total activity and activation were reduced, but in soybean only activation was lowered. The apparent catalytic turnover rate (Kcat) of rice Rubisco was unaffected by these variables, but in soybean elevated [CO2] and temperature increased the apparent Kcat by 8 and 22%, respectively. Post-sunset declines in Rubisco activities were accelerated by elevated [CO2] in rice, but by high temperature in soybean, suggesting that [CO2] and growth temperature influenced the metabolism of 2-carboxyarabinitol-1-phosphate, and that the effects might be species-specific. The greater capacity of soybean for CO2 enhancement of A at supraoptimal temperatures was probably not due to changes in stomatal conductance, but may be partially attributed to less down-regulation of Rubisco by elevated [CO2] in soybean than in rice. However, unidentified species differences in the temperature optimum for photosynthesis also appeared to be important. The responses of photosynthesis and Rubisco in rice and soybean suggest that among C3 plants species-specific differences will be encountered as a result of future increases in global [CO2] and air temperatures.  相似文献   

  • When plants are exposed to a heterogeneous environment, photosynthesis of leaves is not only determined by their local condition, but also by certain signals from other parts of the same plant, termed systemic regulation. Our present study was conducted to investigate the effects of light‐dependent systemic regulation on the photosynthetic performance of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) under heterogeneous light conditions.
  • Soybean plants were treated with heterogeneous light. Then gas exchange characteristics were measured to evaluate the photosynthetic performance of leaves. Parameters related to photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll fluorescence, Rubisco and photosynthates were examined to study the mechanisms of light‐dependent systemic regulation on photosynthesis.
  • Light‐induced systemic signalling by illuminated leaves reduced the Pn of both upper and lower non‐illuminated leaves on the same soybean plant. The decrease in gs and increase in Ci in these non‐illuminated leaves indicated restriction of carbon assimilation, which was further verified by the decline in content and activity of Rubisco. However, the activation state of Rubisco decreased only in upper non‐illuminated leaves. Quantum efficiency of PSII (ΦPSII) and ETR also decreased only in upper non‐illuminated leaves. Moreover, the effects of light‐induced systemic signalling on carbohydrate content were also detectable only in upper non‐illuminated leaves.
  • Light‐induced systemic signalling by illuminated leaves restricts carbon assimilation and down‐regulates photosynthetic performance of non‐illuminated leaves within a soybean plant. However, effects of such systemic regulation differed when regulated in upward or downward direction.

Abstract. Leaf area expansion, photosynthetic carbon dioxide uptake and leaf dry mass accumulation were compared for expanding leaves of well-watered soybean ( Glycine max [L.] Merr.) plants, mildly dehydrated plants and well-watered plants treated with abscisic acid (ABA). Both ABA treatment and dehydration reduced area expansion in the light and over a 24 h period without decreasing the photosynthetic rates of expanding leaves. Dry mass accumulation during the light was less in ABA-treated and water-stressed leaves than in control leaves, with no differences among treatments in leaf mass per unit of area. ABA treatment and water stress both increased export of carbon from expanding leaves in the light. ABA applied near the end of the light period also increased export of carbon during the following dark period. However, it is unlikely that decreased availability of photosynthate caused slow expansion in the ABA and dehydration treatments, because expansion rates were not slowed in plants kept in dim light, even though photosynthetic rates and dry mass accumulation rates were greatly reduced. The data suggest that ABA may mediate the effects of mild dehydration on leaf area expansion and partitioning of photosynthate.  相似文献   

Wang  D.  Shannon  M. C. 《Plant and Soil》1999,214(1-2):117-124
Soybean is an important agricultural crop and has, among its genotypes, a relatively wide variation in salt tolerance. As measured by vegetative growth and yield, however, the achievement or failure of a high emergence ratio and seedling establishment in saline soils can have significant economic implications in areas where soil salinity is a potential problem for soybean. This study was conducted to determine the effects of salinity, variety and maturation rate on soybean emergence and seedling growth. Included in the study were the variety ‘Manokin’; four near-isogenic sibling lines of the variety ‘Lee’ belonging to maturity groups IV, V, VI and VII; and the variety ‘Essex’ and two of its near-isogenic related lines representing maturity groups V, VI and VII, respectively. Field plots were salinized with sodium chloride and calcium chloride salts prior to planting. The soybeans were irrigated with furrow irrigation which redistributed the salts towards the tail ends of the field plots. Elevated soil salinity near the tail ends of the field significantly reduced soybean emergence rate, shoot height and root length. No significant reduction was found for emergence or seedling growth of variety ‘Manokin’ when the electrical conductivity of soil solution extract (ECe) was less than 3 dS m−1. Soybean emergence and seedling growth was significantly reduced when soil ECe reached about 11 dS m−1. Maturity groups V and VII of variety ‘Lee’ or V and VI of ‘Essex’ appeared to be more sensitive to salinity stress than other maturity groups. Salt tolerance of different genotypes and maturity groups should be considered, among other limiting factors, in minimizing salinity effects on soybean growth. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

UV-B辐射对8个大豆品种种子萌发率和 幼苗生长的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在生长房5种(暗处、可见光、低、中、高强度紫外线-B)处理下,研究了8个大豆品种的种子萌发率和萌发后幼苗的生长状况。结果表明,暗处种子萌发率高于自然光和UV-B辐射的种子。UV-B辐射增强对大豆种子的萌发率没有显著影响,仅使部分品种的最大萌发率降低和导致部分品种达到最大萌发率的时间延长。幼苗的生长对增强的UV-B辐射非常敏感。使大部分品种的胚根变短增粗,这可能是植物激素作用的结果。大豆的叶绿素a、叶绿素b和总叶绿素含量明显受到UV-B辐射的抑制。UV-B作用能促进类黄酮在幼苗中的积累,紫外吸收色素的增设有利于提高对UV-B的抵抗力。UV-B辐射的这种效应及大豆品种间的差异在自然情况下会产生深远的生物学和生态学意义  相似文献   

The reduction of photosynthetic capacity in many plants grown at elevated CO2 is thought to result from a feedback effect of leaf carbohydrates on gene expression. Carbohydrate feedback at elevated CO2 could result from limitations on carbohydrate utilization at many different points, for example export of triose phosphates from the chloroplast, sucrose synthesis and phloem loading, transport in the phloem, unloading of the phloem at the sinks, or utilization for growth of sinks. To determine the relative importance of leaf versus whole plant level limitations on carbohydrate utilization at elevated CO2, and the possible effects on the regulation of photosynthetic capacity, we constructed a treatment system in which we could expose single, attached, soybean leaflets to CO2 concentrations different from those experienced by the rest of the plant. The single leaflet treatments had dramatic effects on the carbohydrate contents of the treated leaflets. However, photosynthetic capacity and rubisco content were unaffected by the individual leaflet treatment and instead were related to the whole plant CO2 environment, despite the fact that the CO2 environment around the rest of the plant had no significant affect on the total non-structural carbohydrate (TNC) contents of the treated leaflets. These results necessitate a re-evaluation of the response mechanisms to CO2 as well as some of the methods used to test these responses. We propose mechanisms by which sink strength could influence leaf physiology independently of changes in carbohydrate accumulation.  相似文献   

连作障碍因素对大豆养分吸收和固氮作用的影响   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:33  
采用分室装置,利用不同孔径的膜研究大豆连作条件下,化感物质、土壤有害生物和大豆胞囊线虫等因素不断累加对植株生长、生物固氮作用和矿质养分吸收和分配的影响。结果表明,随着各因素不断累加,植株的地上部、根系和根瘤干重逐渐降低;除Ca元素外,植株组织的P、K等矿质元素单位含量下降,吸收总量下降,地上部分配的养分比例下降。在化感物质和土壤有害生物因素的基础上接种线虫,对生物固氮和矿质养 分的吸收和分配影响明显。  相似文献   

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