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Leukotrienes augment interleukin 1 production by human monocytes   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The effects of leukotrienes (LT) on production of interleukin 1 (IL 1) by human peripheral blood monocytes were examined. LTB4 enhanced IL 1 production by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated monocytes twofold to threefold, and the most efficient concentrations of LTB4 were 10(-8) to 10(-7) M. LTD4 also enhanced IL 1 production, but to a lesser extent than LTB4. Adherence-purified, but otherwise unstimulated, human monocytes could also be induced to produce IL 1 in response to LTB4. Similarly, IL 1 production by monocytes stimulated with the known IL 1 inducers muramyl dipeptide, silica, or zymosan was also enhanced by LTB4. Inhibition of cyclooxygenase with use of indomethacin during IL 1 production by LPS-treated monocytes enhanced thymocyte response to IL 1, but LTB4 further enhanced IL 1 production when added to indomethacin-treated monocyte cultures. Neither LTB4 nor indomethacin had any direct effect on thymocyte proliferation. Optimal enhancement of IL 1 production occurred when LPS and LTB4 were present together at the initiation of the 24-hr monocyte culture. Significant enhancement was also observed, however, when monocyte cultures were either preincubated with LTB4 before addition of LPS or cultured with LPS alone for 3 hr before addition of LTB4. These results indicate that leukotrienes can modulate IL 1 production by human monocytes and suggest that they may play a role in IL 1-mediated functions of monocytes in inflammatory and immune reactions.  相似文献   

Effects of the Ca2+-ionophore A23187 and concanavalin A on the membrane potential of human lymphocytes and rat thymocytes have been studied using the fluorescent potential probe diS-C3-(5). At concentrations of 10(-8) to 10(-6) M A23187 changes the membrane potential, inducing both hyper- and depolarization. Depending on concentrations of A23187 and the external Ca2+, and on the type of lymphocytes, one of these effects predominates. The hyperpolarization induced by A23187 is caused by activation of Ca2+-dependent K+ channels. It is blocked by quinine and high concentrations of extracellular K+. The dependence of Ca2+-activated K+ transport on extracellular Ca2+ and its sensitivity to calmodulin antagonists is different for human lymphocytes and for thymocytes. As distinct from lymphocytes, in thymocytes calmodulin is not involved in activation of Ca2+-dependent K+ transport. The depolarization induced in lymphocytes by A23187 is caused by an increase in Na+ permeability of the lymphocyte plasma membrane: it is eliminated in a low-Na+ medium. At mitogenic concentrations concanavalin A does not change the membrane potential of the lymphocytes. The results obtained permit elucidation of the relationship between two early events in lymphocyte activation, namely the increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration and the increase in lymphocyte plasma membrane permeabilities to monovalent cations.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide and superoxide form the unstable compound, peroxynitrite, which can nitrate proteins and compromise function of proinflammatory cytokines at sites of inflammation. Reduced function of proinflammatory proteins such as IL-8, macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha, and eotaxin suggest an anti-inflammatory effect of nitration. The effects of nitration on anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10 are unknown. We hypothesized that peroxynitrite would modify the function of anti-inflammatory cytokines like IL-10. To test this hypothesis, the capacity of recombinant human IL-10 to inhibit production of human IL-1beta (IL-1) from LPS-stimulated human PBMC was evaluated. Human IL-10 was nitrated by incubation with peroxynitrite or by incubation with 3-morpholinosydnonimine, a peroxynitrite generator, for 2 h and then incubated with LPS-stimulated PBMC for 6 h, and IL-1 was measured in the culture supernatant fluids. Human IL-1 production was significantly lower in the peroxynitrite- or 3-morpholinosydnonimine-nitrated IL-10 group than in the IL-10 controls (p < 0.05, all comparisons). This finding demonstrates that although peroxynitrite inhibits proinflammatory cytokines, it may augment anti-inflammatory cytokines and further point to an important role for peroxynitrite in the regulation of inflammation.  相似文献   

Human blood eosinophils and neutrophils that had been incubated with the supernatants of cultures of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated blood mononuclear cells demonstrated respective enhanced abilities to produce immunoreactive leukotriene C4 (LTC4) and immunoreactive leukotriene B4 (LTB4) after activation by the calcium ionophore A23187. Under optimal conditions, the enhancing effect was observed with the eosinophils (n = 21) and the neutrophils (n = 14) from all but one donor of each type of granulocyte. Enhancement was maximum when granulocytes were preincubated with a 1/3 dilution of LPS-stimulated mononuclear cell culture supernatants for 1 to 2.5 min and were then stimulated with 2.5 microM ionophore for 1 to 2 min (neutrophils) or 15 min (eosinophils). Maximal enhancement ranged from 20 to 4500% for LTC4 generation by eosinophils (geometric mean, 87%) and from 30 to 1600% for LTB4 generation by neutrophils (geometric mean, 105%). There was no enhancement of leukotriene biosynthesis when the LPS-stimulated mononuclear cell culture supernatants and ionophore were added simultaneously to the granulocytes. The enhancing activity for LTC4 generation by eosinophils was removed by washing the cells after the addition of the LPS-stimulated mononuclear cell culture supernatants and before the introduction of ionophore. This enhancing activity was produced by Ig-, Leu-1- adherent blood mononuclear cells, which are presumed to be monocytes; supernatants of adherent cells augmented A23187-induced LTC4 generation by eosinophils from 21 to 2300% (geometric mean, 402%) in 11 experiments and LTB4 generation by neutrophils from 7 to 200% (geometric mean, 60%) in 10 experiments. There was an inverse correlation between the percent enhancement and the LTC4 levels produced by stimulated eosinophils in the absence of the monokine(s) (r = -0.79, p less than 0.01), but not between percent enhancement and the LTB4 levels generated by ionophore-activated neutrophils in the control buffer. The activity of the monocyte-derived enhancing material on each type of granulocyte was relatively heat stable. Enhancement of eosinophil production of LTC4 was associated with an acidic group of monocyte-derived molecules having isoelectric points of 4.2 to 4.3, 4.5 to 4.6, and 4.9, and exhibiting marked heterogeneity in size.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

C3H/HeJ mice are hyporesponsive to the biologic effects of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The defect in the strain of mice is believed to be due to the expression of a mutant allele designated Lpsd at the chromosome four locus. The molecular basis of this hyporesponsiveness is not known, but it may result from some defective membrane signal transductions. To examine this possibility, we compared the abilities of interleukin 1 (IL-1) production by C3H/HeJ macrophages with those by C3H/He macrophages (LPS responsive) after stimulation with the calcium ionophore A23187 or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). A23187 induced IL-1 production by C3H/He macrophages, but it did not induce IL-1 production by C3H/HeJ macrophages and neither did LPS. However, it had the ability to increase intracellular free Ca2+ in C3H/HeJ macrophages as well as in C3H/He macrophages, this being examined by the changes in cytosolic Ca2+ in the macrophages by using Quin 2. In contrast, PMA was able to induce IL-1 production by both C3H/He and C3H/HeJ macrophages without increasing intracellular Ca2+. Since polymyxin B did not inhibit A23187- or PMA-induced IL-1 production by C3H/He macrophages, these results are not due to the little amount of LPS in culture medium, but due to their own characteristics. A calmodulin antagonist W-7 effectively inhibited A23187-induced IL-1 production by C3H/He macrophages. However, it hardly inhibited LPS-induced IL-1 production except at high concentration, and it caused no inhibition of the PMA-stimulated one. These results suggest that the blocking sites expressed phenotypically by the Lpsd are shared by LPS- and A23187-stimulated cellular processes, although the actions of LPS and A23187 are different from each other. In addition to the direct study with LPS or lipid A, A23187 should provide another useful approach to clarify the molecular mechanisms of Lpsd defect in C3H/HeJ macrophages.  相似文献   

Murine B cell mitogens such as bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), butanol-extracted water soluble adjuvant (Bu-WSA), dextran sulfate (DS), synthetic muramyl dipeptide (MDP), and its analog MDP-Lys (L18) do not show any mitogenic ability in vitro on human peripheral blood lymphocytes or mixed cell populations of purified T and B cells obtained from the lymphocytes in an ordinary culture system. However, these mitogens are capable of enhancing the mitogenic effect of concanavalin A (Con A) in the cultures. In the presence of one of these mitogens, the activity of interleukin 2 (IL 2), but not interleukin 1, in the supernatants obtained from cultures containing Con A-stimulated T cell and B cell populations was higher than that of control cultures. The role of the newly produced IL 2 in the synergistic effect of the mitogens in human lymphocyte cell cultures was discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of selective PDE-I (vinpocetine), PDE-III (milrinone, CI-930), PDE-IV (rolipram, nitroquazone), and PDE-V (zaprinast) isozyme inhibitors on TNF-alpha and IL-1beta production from LPS stimulated human monocytes was investigated. The PDE-IV inhibitors caused a concentration dependent inhibition of TNF-alpha production, but only partially inhibited IL-1beta at high concentrations. High concentrations of the PDE-III inhibitors weakly inhibited TNF-alpha, but had no effect on IL-1beta production. PDE-V inhibition was associated with an augmentation of cytokine secretion. Studies with combinations of PDE isozyme inhibitors indicated that PDE-III and PDE-V inhibitors modulate rolipram's suppression of TNF production in an additive manner. These data confirm that TNF-alpha and IL-1beta production from LPS stimulated human monocytes are differentially regulated, and suggest that PDE-IV inhibitors have the potential to suppress TNF levels in man.  相似文献   

Human PBMC were cultured in medium containing human rIL-2, and the supernatants and cell lysates were analyzed for IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta using specific RIA. IL-2, but not the excipient detergents included in the rIL-2 preparation, induced the synthesis of both cytokines. The concentrations of IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta in the cell lysates and supernatants depended on both the concentration of rIL-2 in the culture medium and the duration of the incubation. After 24 h of stimulation, IL-2-induced IL-1 alpha remained almost entirely cell-associated. In contrast, IL-1 beta was present in both cell lysates and supernatants and was more abundant in the latter. SDS-PAGE analysis after radioimmunoprecipitation with anti-IL-1 antibodies indicates that cell-associated IL-1 resulting from IL-2 stimulation was in the form of the 35 kDa IL-1 precursor whereas secreted IL-1 was almost entirely in the form of the mature 18 kDa product. Depletion of monocytes from the PBMC culture substantially reduced IL-2-induced IL-1 production. In addition, Leu M3+ monocytes obtained through FACS, but not CD16+ NK cells, produced both IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta in response to IL-2. The low level of endotoxin present in the IL-2 preparation used in our studies and the selective inhibition by polymyxin B of LPS-induced, but not IL-2-induced, IL-1 production by PBMC indicate that IL-2-induced IL-1 production was not due to endotoxin contamination. Furthermore, an anti-IL-2 antiserum selectively inhibited IL-1 production in response to IL-2 stimulation. We conclude that IL-2 is a potent inducer of IL-1 synthesis and secretion in vitro and propose that IL-1 may be generated in vivo in patients undergoing IL-2 immunotherapy.  相似文献   

We have studied whether the decreased lymphocyte proliferative responses of AIDS lymphocytes to stimulation by mitogens and antigens may be overcome when challenged with a combination of calcium ionophore A23187 and phorbol ester PMA. Comparison of the proliferative response of lymphocytes from nine patients with AIDS with the response of lymphocytes from nine control subjects showed that the response of AIDS lymphocytes was severely decreased when stimulated with PHA and no further response could be achieved by stimulation with A23187/PMA. On the other hand, no significant difference between the PHA-induced rise of cytoplasmic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]1) in normal and AIDS lymphocytes was observed. The percentage of cells expressing IL-2 receptors (CD25) was also normal both after addition of PHA and after addition of A23187/PMA and the expression was normal on both CD4 and CD8 cells. The production of IL-2 in normal lymphocytes stimulated with A23187/PMA was 33 times higher than that after stimulation with PHA. In AIDS lymphocytes the production of IL-2 induced by all activators was severely decreased compared to control subjects, although the production of IL-2 after stimulation with A23187/PMA was higher than that in control lymphocytes after stimulation with PHA. The present study shows that a direct activation of protein kinase C combined with mobilization of cytoplasmic calcium does not overcome the lymphocyte proliferative deficiency of AIDS lymphocytes.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of in vitro culture on prostaglandin (PG) production, human monocyte-enriched peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated and incubated on gelatin-coated plates. On days zero, five and eleven of culture, the cells were examined microscopically and the production of PGF, PGE2, PGD2, F metabolite (PGFM) and E metabolite (PGEM) were measured by radioimmunoassay. Differences in PG output were analyzed using the Wilcoxon and Friedman tests. Freshly isolated human peripheral blood monocytes produced mainly PGE2. In vitro, however, PGE2 production decreased from 196 (48–288) fmol/106 cells per 3h on day zero of culture to 28 (6–51) on day eleven (p=0.04); median (range), n=7. Prostaglandin D2 and PGEM output decreased similarly, but these differences failed to reach significance. Prostaglandin F and PGFM output, on the other hand, increased from 32 and 19 fmol/106 cells per 3h, respectively, on day zero of culture to 127 (p<0.05) and 58 (p=0.01) on day eleven. Changes in PG output were associated with in vitro differentiation as evidenced by changes in cellular morphology. These result suggest that differentiation of human peripheral blood monocytes in vitro is accompanied by a shift in PG output from PGE2 and PGD2, towards PGF.  相似文献   

Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) is a macrophage-activating factor that has also been shown to act on endothelial cells (EC). Interleukin 1 (IL 1), first described as a monocyte product, is also produced by EC after stimulation by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In this study, the effect of IFN-gamma on the release of IL 1 by EC stimulated with LPS has been investigated. Although IFN-gamma did not stimulate the release of IL 1 or increase the apparent intracellular pool of IL 1 when incubated with EC, there was an increase in the amount of IL 1 released when cells preincubated with IFN-gamma were stimulated with LPS. The effect of IFN-gamma increased with concentration (1 to 1000 U/ml) and with duration of preincubation (24 to 96 hr). The presence of IFN-gamma was not required during the stimulation with LPS. When EC were cultured without IFN-gamma for increasing time periods up to 96 hr, the amount of IL 1 released by EC on subsequent stimulation with LPS progressively decreased. Addition of as little as 1 U/ml of IFN-gamma, however, prevented the loss in capacity of EC to secrete IL 1 when stimulated with LPS. In vivo, EC are involved in the emigration of mononuclear cells from the blood to inflammatory sites. Because IL 1 is chemotactic for lymphocytes and also increases the binding of lymphocytes to EC, activation of EC by T cell-derived factors such as IFN-gamma may augment lymphocyte emigration by increasing the release of IL 1 at the blood-tissue interface.  相似文献   

In vitro production of intracellular, membrane-associated and secreted interleukin-1 was investigated by peripheral blood monocytes from healthy donors. Activity of three IL-1 variants was assayed by the proliferation of responsive C3H/HeJ mouse thymocytes. Complex evaluation of IL-1 pools production by human PBM would provide a key to a better understanding of various diseases pathogenesis.  相似文献   

TNF-like cytokine (TL1A) is a newly identified member of the TNF superfamily of ligands that is important for T cell costimulation and Th1 polarization. However, despite increasing information about its functions, very little is known about expression of TL1A in normal or pathological states. In this study, we report that mononuclear phagocytes appear to be a major source of TL1A in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), as revealed by their strong TL1A expression in either synovial fluids or synovial tissue of rheumatoid factor (RF)-seropositive RA patients, but not RF-/RA patients. Accordingly, in vitro experiments revealed that human monocytes express and release significant amounts of soluble TL1A when stimulated with insoluble immune complexes (IC), polyethylene glycol precipitates from the serum of RF+/RA patients, or with insoluble ICs purified from RA synovial fluids. Monocyte-derived soluble TL1A was biologically active as determined by its capacity to induce apoptosis of the human erythroleukemic cell line TF-1, as well as to cooperate with IL-12 and IL-18 in inducing the production of IFN-gamma by CD4(+) T cells. Because RA is a chronic inflammatory disease with autoimmune etiology, in which ICs, autoantibodies (including RF), and various cytokines contribute to its pathology, our data suggest that TL1A could be involved in its pathogenesis and contribute to the severity of RA disease that is typical of RF+/RA patients.  相似文献   

We report that the addition of human macrophage inflammatory protein-3 beta (MIP-3 beta) to cultures of human PBMCs that have been activated with LPS or PHA results in a significant enhancement of IL-10 production. This effect was concentration-dependent, with optimal MIP-3 beta concentrations inducing more than a 5-fold induction of IL-10 from LPS-stimulated PBMCs and a 2- to 3-fold induction of IL-10 from PHA-stimulated PBMCs. In contrast, no significant effect on IL-10 production was observed when 6Ckine, the other reported ligand for human CCR7, or other CC chemokines such as monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, RANTES, MIP-1 alpha, and MIP-1 beta were added to LPS- or PHA-stimulated PBMCs. Similar results were observed using activated purified human peripheral blood monocytes or T cells. Addition of MIP-3 beta to nonactivated PBMCs had no effect on cytokine production. Enhancement of IL-10 production by MIP-3beta correlated with the inhibition of IL-12 p40 and TNF-alpha production by monocytes and with the impairment of IFN-gamma production by T cells, which was reversed by addition of anti-IL-10 Abs to the cultures. The ability of MIP-3 beta to augment IL-10 production correlated with CCR7 mRNA expression and stimulation of intracellular calcium mobilization in both monocytes and T cells. These data indicate that MIP-3 beta acts directly on human monocytes and T cells and suggest that this chemokine is unique among ligands binding to CC receptors due to its ability to modulate inflammatory activity via the enhanced production of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10.  相似文献   

Purified human C3a(C3adesArg) induced dose-dependent generation of intracellular IL 1 activity and release of IL 1 in cultures of human mononuclear adherent cells in serum-free conditions. Concentrations of C3a(C3adesArg) of 10(-8) M and 6 hr of culture were sufficient to induce production of cell-associated IL 1, as detected in monocyte lysates. Ten- to 100-fold higher concentrations of C3a(C3adesArg) and 24 hr of culture were required for induction of IL 1 release. Release of IL 1 induced by suboptimal amounts of C3a(C3adesArg) was greatly enhanced by the addition of indomethacin to the culture medium. Contamination with C5a of the C3a(C3adesArg) preparation did not account for C3a(C3adesArg)-induced IL 1 production. Induction of IL 1 activity by C3a(C3adesArg) was not due to contaminating LPS, as indicated by the following observations: the amount of contaminating LPS in C3a(C3adesArg) was below that which could induce IL 1 release from human monocytes in serum-free conditions; induction of IL 1 by C3a(C3adesArg) was not suppressed by polymyxin B; kinetics of IL 1 production and release in the presence of C3a(C3adesArg) differed from those observed in the presence of LPS; and sialated gangliosides, which inhibit IL 1 release induced by LPS, had no effect on the induction of IL 1 by C3a(C3adesArg). The C3a(C3adesArg) preparation used in this study mostly contained the desArg derivative, suggesting that, in contrast with the requirement for an intact C-terminal arginyl residue for the spasmogenic activity of C3a, both C3a and its C3adesArg derivative may interact with receptors on human monocytes. By inducing IL 1 production and release, C3a(C3adesArg) may contribute to the generation of the inflammatory process and the regulation of the immune response.  相似文献   

Purified serum amyloid P component (SAP), the major acute-phase reactant of mice, induces enhanced interleukin 1 (IL-1) production by elicited monocytes/macrophages in vitro. SAP also enhanced IL-1 elaboration by macrophages from lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-low responder mice and in the presence of polymyxin B, indicating that the small amounts of LPS present in the SAP preparation did not augment IL-1 production. Concentrations of SAP of 0.1 to 10.0 micrograms/ml enhanced IL-1 production by elicited and bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG)-activated peritoneal macrophages, but not by resident peritoneal macrophages. The inflammation-induced monocyte/macrophage population displayed selective binding of SAP. The mouse macrophage line P388D1, also could bind SAP and display enhanced IL-1 production in response to SAP. SAP did not bind to the macrophage cell line RAW264.7 nor did it enhance IL-1 secretion by this line. The results suggest that this acute-phase reactant has the potential to enhance inflammatory and immunological events mediated by IL-1.  相似文献   

The baboon Papio ursinus does not elicit a febrile response upon injection with endotoxin, but fever is produced when injected with Staphylococcus aureus particles (Zurowsky, Y., H. Laburn, D. Mitchell, Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 65, 1402-1407 (1987)). We address the question whether baboon peripheral blood monocytes produce interleukin-1 (IL-1) when stimulated with endotoxin or S. aureus particles in culture. Results show that little IL-1 biological activity was produced from endotoxin-stimulated baboon peripheral blood monocytes, compared with S. aureus-stimulated cells. Measurements of IL-1 beta by radioimmunoassay supported these data. This is contrary to data from human monocytes, which show greater sensitivity to endotoxin. Examination of IL-1 beta mRNA from endotoxin-stimulated and S. aureus-stimulated baboon monocytes, however, showed that more mRNA for IL-1 beta was present in endotoxin-stimulated monocytes than in cells stimulated with S. aureus. This illustrates the possibility that the production and/or the secretion of IL-1 beta is not as efficient in baboon monocytes as it is in human monocytes.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood monocytes progressively lose viability when cultured in the absence of serum, cytokines, or other stimuli. In this study, we investigated whether monocyte death results from membrane damage (i.e., necrosis) or internally regulated processes [i.e., programmed cell death (PCD) or apoptosis]. Our results clearly indicated that monocytes die by PCD when cultured without stimulation. Death was associated with fragmentation of DNA into integer multiples of approximately 200 bp, a decrease in cell size, condensation of the nucleus and cytoplasmic organelles, and membrane blebbing, all of which are cardinal features of PCD. Monocytes exposed to nonphysiologic conditions such as acidic media (pH 4.2), 56 degrees C for 30 min, or freezing and thawing were killed without concomitant DNA fragmentation, indicating that DNA fragmentation was not a result of cell death per se. Addition of Escherichia coli LPS, a potent monocyte activating agent, in concentrations as low as 0.1 ng/ml caused a marked increase in monocyte survival and prevented DNA fragmentation. Moreover, exogenous human rTNF-alpha or IL-1 beta also prevented PCD, suggesting that PCD is regulated by certain cytokines released from LPS-stimulated monocytes. The results indicate that in the absence of appropriate stimulation, monocytes are programmed to undergo a sequence of molecular events leading to cell death. Regulation of PCD may be an important homeostatic mechanism for controlling the number of monocytes available to respond to infection, wound healing, and tumor growth.  相似文献   

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