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We studied circular sand pile formation by two colonies of Brazilian Dorymyrmex ants, in which workers dumped sand excavated from their underground nest around the nest entrance hole. In most cases a worker dumped its load just beyond the ridge of the pile. Each dumped piece either stayed where it was deposited (81.9% in colony A and 73.0% in colony B) or rolled down the outer slope of the sand pile away from the entrance (17.9% in colony A and 27.0% in colony B). Ants almost never dumped in a way that resulted in the load rolling back to the entrance. When one side of the sand pile was experimentally removed, ants preferentially dumped soil on the now flat side, thereby restoring the original circular shape.  相似文献   

The small ant Camponotus anderseni lives exclusively in twigs of the mangrove tree Sonneratia alba, and during inundation, the entrance hole is blocked with a soldier’s head which effectively prevents flooding. The nests can be very crowded, with the ants and coccids filling up to 50% of the volume, and due to their metabolic activity, the conditions in the nests during inundation become hypercapnic and hypoxic. Each nest has only one entrance, and the opening is quite small (1.56 ± 0.03 mm). The mean diameter of the galleries is 2.31 ± 0.23 mm, independent of the thickness of the twig and length of the nest. During normal conditions with open nests, the oxygen depletion is substantial in the part of the nest most distant from the opening, and in a 120 mm long nest the oxygen concentration can be as low as 15.7%. During simulated inundation, in which the nest entrances were blocked, the oxygen concentration dropped to very low levels (<0.5%) after one hour. After opening the nest entrance, the oxygen concentration increased again, but for a 100 mm long nest it took nearly 20 minutes before the concentration was back to the normal depressed level. Mathematical modelling of the steady-state oxygen concentrations in the innermost part of the nests shows a lower O2 concentration than calculated. The time for equilibration of oxygen after inundation is longer than expected for small nests, presumably because the passive diffusion is obstructed by the nest contents. The “dilemma” faced by C. anderseni is to avoid drowning without suffering anoxia or hypercapnia, and they show a remarkable ability to adapt to the extreme conditions in the mangrove and exploit a niche where the density of other ants is insignificant. Received 13 December 2007; revised 30 July 2008; accepted 6 September 2008.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies use interactions among workers to regulate collective behavior. Harvester ant foragers interact in a chamber just inside the nest entrance, here called the ''entrance chamber''. Previous studies of the activation of foragers in red harvester ants show that an outgoing forager inside the nest experiences an increase in brief antennal contacts before it leaves the nest to forage. Here we compare the interaction rate experienced by foragers that left the nest and ants that did not. We found that ants in the entrance chamber that leave the nest to forage experienced more interactions than ants that descend to the deeper nest without foraging. Additionally, we found that the availability of foragers in the entrance chamber is associated with the rate of forager return. An increase in the rate of forager return leads to an increase in the rate at which ants descend to the deeper nest, which then stimulates more ants to ascend into the entrance chamber. Thus a higher rate of forager return leads to more available foragers in the entrance chamber. The highest density of interactions occurs near the nest entrance and the entrances of the tunnels from the entrance chamber to the deeper nest. Local interactions with returning foragers regulate both the activation of waiting foragers and the number of foragers available to be activated.  相似文献   

During their approximately annual nest relocations, Florida harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex badius) excavate large and architecturally-distinct subterranean nests. Aspects of this process were studied by planting a harvester ant colony in the field in a soil column composed of layers of 12 different colors of sand. Quantifying the colors of excavated sand dumped on the surface by the ants revealed the progress of nest deepening to 2 m and enlargement to 8 L in volume. Most of the excavation was completed within about 2 weeks, but the nest was doubled in volume after a winter lull. After 7 months, we excavated the nest and mapped its structure, revealing colored sand deposited in non-host colored layers, especially in the upper 30 to 40 cm of the nest. In all, about 2.5% of the excavated sediment was deposited below ground, a fact of importance to sediment dating by optically-stimulated luminescence (OSL). Upward transport of excavated sand is carried out in stages, probably by different groups of ants, through deposition, re-transport, incorporation into the nest walls and floors and remobilization from these. This results in considerable mixing of sand from different depths, as indicated in the multiple sand colors even within single sand pellets brought to the surface. Just as sand is transported upward by stages, incoming seeds are transported downward to seed chambers. Foragers collect seeds and deposit them only in the topmost nest chambers from which a separate group of workers rapidly transports them downward in increments detectable as a "wave" of seeds that eventually ends in the seed chambers, 20 to 80 cm below the surface. The upward and downward transport is an example of task-partitioning in a series-parallel organization of work carried out by a highly redundant work force in which each worker usually completes only part of a multi-step process.  相似文献   

In leaf-cutting ants, workers are expected to excavate the nest at a soil depth that provides suitable temperatures, since the symbiotic fungus cultivated inside nest chambers is highly dependent on temperature for proper growth. We hypothesize that the different nesting habits observed in Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants in the South American continent, i.e. superficial and subterranean nests, depend on the occurrence, across the soil profile, of the temperature range preferred by workers for digging. To test this hypothesis, we first explored whether the nesting habits in the genus Acromyrmex are correlated with the prevailing soil temperature regimes at the reported nest locations. Second, we experimentally investigated whether Acromyrmex workers engaged in digging use soil temperature as a cue to decide where to excavate the nest. A bibliographic survey of nesting habits of 21 South American Acromyrmex species indicated that nesting habits are correlated with the soil temperature regimes: the warmer the soil at the nesting site, the higher the number of species inhabiting subterranean nests, as compared to superficial nests. For those species showing nesting plasticity, subterranean nests occurred in hot soils, and superficial nests in cold ones. Experimental results indicated that Acromyrmex lundi workers use soil temperature as an orientation cue to decide where to start digging, and respond to rising and falling soil temperatures by moving to alternative digging places, or by stopping digging, respectively. The soil temperature range preferred for digging, between 20°C and maximally 30.6°C, matched the range at which colony growth would be maximized. It is suggested that temperature-sensitive digging guides digging workers towards their preferred range of soil temperature. Workers’ thermopreferences lead to a concentration of digging activity at the soil layers where the preferred range occurs, and therefore, to the construction of superficial nests in cold soils, and subterranean ones in hot soils. The adaptive value of the temperature-related nesting habits, and the temperature-sensitive digging, is further discussed.  相似文献   

Many animals, including humans, organize their foraging activity along well-defined trails. Because trails are cleared of obstacles, they minimize energy expenditure and allow fast travel. In social insects such as ants, trails might also promote social contacts and allow the exchange of information between workers about the characteristics of the food. When the trail traffic is heavy, however, traffic congestion occurs and the benefits of increased social contacts for the colony can be offset by a decrease of the locomotory rate of individuals. Using a small laboratory colony of the leaf-cutting ant Atta colombica cutting a mix of leaves and Parafilm, we compared how foraging changed when the width of the bridge between the nest and their foraging area changed. We found that the rate of ants crossing a 5 cm wide bridge was more than twice as great as the rate crossing a 0.5 cm bridge, but the rate of foragers returning with loads was less than half as great. Thus, with the wide bridge, the ants had about six times lower efficiency (loads returned per forager crossing the bridge). We conclude that crowding actually increased foraging efficiency, possibly because of increased communication between laden foragers returning to the nest and out-going ants. Received 15 December 2006; revised 16 February 2007; accepted 19 February 2007.  相似文献   

The Chaco leaf-cutting ant Atta vollenweideri (Forel) inhabits large and deep subterranean nests composed of a large number of fungus and refuse chambers. The ants dispose of the excavated soil by forming small pellets that are carried to the surface. For ants in general, the organisation of underground soil transport during nest building remains completely unknown. In the laboratory, we investigated how soil pellets are formed and transported, and whether their occurrence influences the spatial organisation of collective digging. Similar to leaf transport, we discovered size matching between soil pellet mass and carrier mass. Workers observed while digging excavated pellets at a rate of 26 per hour. Each excavator deposited its pellets in an individual cluster, independently of the preferred deposition sites of other excavators. Soil pellets were transported sequentially over 2 m, and the transport involved up to 12 workers belonging to three functionally distinct groups: excavators, several short-distance carriers that dropped the collected pellets after a few centimetres, and long-distance, last carriers that reached the final deposition site. When initiating a new excavation, the proportion of long-distance carriers increased from 18% to 45% within the first five hours, and remained unchanged over more than 20 hours. Accumulated, freshly-excavated pellets significantly influenced the workers'' decision where to start digging in a choice experiment. Thus, pellets temporarily accumulated as a result of their sequential transport provide cues that spatially organise collective nest excavation.  相似文献   

Although seed dispersal by ants might reduce seed predation near the parent plants, predation on discarded seeds clustered on nest refuse piles may reduce any initial benefit provided by seed removal. Here we examine the fate of Croton sonderianus seeds that were discarded by Pheidole fallax Mayr ants on their nest refuses in caatinga vegetation of northeast Brazil. We collected all seeds discarded in refuse piles of 20 nests and within a radius of 50 cm from their borders, and examined them for evidence of predation. A total of 3,017 seeds were recorded either located in the P. fallax refuse piles (89.1%) or nest vicinity (10.9%). Predation was three fold higher in nest vicinity as compared to refuse piles. By removing seeds from beneath parent plants and relocating then to refuse piles, P. fallax is possibly providing double protection services for C. sonderianus seeds. Our findings represent the first evidence for predator-avoidance as benefit for plants resulting from ant seed-dispersal in the neotropics.  相似文献   

Honeybees employ different defensive strategies depending on the nature of potential predators. The Cape honeybee, Apis mellifera capensis, exhibits a unique fan-blowing behaviour to repel ants and similar sized insects at the nest entrance. Guard bees turn in alternating clockwise and anticlockwise circles on a fixed vertical axis and fan their wings when encountering tramp ants (Pheidole megacephala), aphids (Myzus persicae) and termites (Trinervitermes trinovoides) on the landing board of a hive. The blowing force was constant and was driven by fanning with a wing-beat frequency of 274.8 ± 16.3 Hz, which exceeds that of flight. On the contrary, small hive beetles (Aethina tumida) were removed by mauling and expulsion whereas larvae of the greater waxmoth (Galleria mellonella) and the mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) were seized with mandibles and thrown from the nest area.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by ants (i.e. myrmecochory) is usually considered as a mutualism: ants feed on nutritive bodies, called elaiosomes, before rejecting and dispersing seeds in their nest surroundings. While mechanisms of plant dispersal in the field are well documented, the behaviour of the ant partner was rarely investigated in details. Here, we compared in laboratory conditions the foraging behaviour of two ant species, the omnivorous Lasius niger and the insectivorous Myrmica rubra to which seeds of two European myrmecochorous plants (Chelidonium majus and Viola odorata) were given. Ant colonies were simultaneously presented three types of items: entire seeds with elaiosome (SE), seeds without elaiosome (S) and detached elaiosomes (E). The presence of elaiosomes on seeds did not attract workers from a distance since ants first contact equally each type of items. Although ants are mass-recruiting species, we never observed any recruitment nor trail-laying behaviour towards seeds. For ants having contacted seed items, their antennation, manipulation and seed retrieval behaviour strongly varied depending on the species of each partner. Antennation behaviour, followed by a loss of contact, was the most frequent ant-seed interaction and can be considered as a “hesitation” clue. For both plant species, insectivorous Myrmica ants removed items in larger number and at higher speed than Lasius. This fits with the hypothesis of a convergence between odours of elaiosomes and insect preys. For both ant species, the small Chelidonium seeds were retrieved in higher proportion than Viola ones, confirming the hypothesis that ants prefer the higher elaiosome/diaspore-ratio. Thus, in these crossed experiments, the ant-plant pair Myrmica/Chelidonium was the most effective as ants removed quickly almost all items after a few antennations. The presence of an elaiosome body increased the seed removal by ants excepting for Myrmica which retrieved all Chelidonium seeds, even those deprived of their elaiosome. After 24 h, all the retrieved seeds were rejected out of the nest to the refuse piles. In at least half of these rejected items, the elaiosome was discarded by ants. Species-specific patterns and behavioural differences in the dynamics of myrmecochory are discussed at the light of ant ecology. Received 10 September 2007; revised 5 February 2008; accepted 5 March 2008.  相似文献   

Leaf-cutting ants produce large quantities of waste that harbor bacteria and fungi that are harmful to the colony. To be protected from these pathogens, the workers of Atta species present a sophisticated organization to manage harmful material, which can be deposited outside the nest or in internal chambers. However, little is known about the behavior of Acromyrmex species in handling and disposal of waste. Due to some observations, we assume that the same species of Acromyrmex can deposit waste outside the nest and into internal chambers and raise the following question: what determines the occurrence of internal waste chambers in Acromyrmex? To address this question, we verified whether nest depth influences the waste-chamber occurrence. We also verified the nest structure and the abiotic factors of soil beside each waste-chamber: pH and water content of the soil. For this, eight nests were excavated for Acromyrmex balzani and Acromyrmex rugosus rugosus. We verified that not only can the same leaf-cutting ant species deposit debris both outside and inside the nest but also the same nest can present internal chambers and external waste deposit. The soil beside the waste chamber always presented an acidic pH, while the humidity varied widely. Our results showed that the nest depth was highly correlated with the depth of the waste chamber (p = 0.0003) and probably has some influence on waste disposal. The characteristics of the nest and the role of depth in the choice of waste chamber location are discussed.  相似文献   

We surveyed 165 sites to determine the ecological factors influencing the distribution, abundance, and occurrence of polygyny in the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) in Louisiana. On average, sites had 220 nests/ha, 14% of mounds were polygyne, and 22% of sites had ≥ one polygyne mound. The density of nests and ants per site both increased with the proportion of mounds that were polygyne and the organic and phosphorous content of the soil but decreased with longitude, latitude, and the silt: clay, calcium and sodium content of the soil. Ant density also declined with ambient relative humidity. These multivariate models explained ~25% of the variation in nest and ant density per site. Mean mound size per site increased with the phosphorous content of the soil and the number of nests at the site suggesting that prospective queens may select sites that are conducive to produce large mounds. Mean nest size, however, decreased with the proportion of nests that were polygyne and soil potassium while mounds in forests were typically larger than those in residential areas. Overall, this model accounted for 29% of the variation in mean nest size per site. Polygyne sites were patchily distributed across Louisiana. The probability of a site being polygyne declined with mean monthly temperature for 1999 – 2003 and distance to the nearest commercial waterway suggesting that shipping activities may have played a role in the introduction of polygyne colonists to an area. Forested sites were also less likely to be polygyne than those in residential areas. Finally, the density of polygyne nests and ants increased with latitude whereas that of the monogyne form generally declined with latitude. The abundance of both social forms was also greater when they occurred alone. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that monogyne and polygyne S. invicta compete with one another. Received 28 July 2006; revised 2 March 2007; accepted 29 May 2007.  相似文献   

During colony growth, leaf-cutting ants enlarge their nests by excavating tunnels and chambers housing their fungus gardens and brood. Workers are expected to excavate new nest chambers at locations across the soil profile that offer suitable environmental conditions for brood and fungus rearing. It is an open question whether new chambers are excavated in advance, or will emerge around brood or fungus initially relocated to a suitable site in a previously-excavated tunnel. In the laboratory, we investigated the mechanisms underlying the excavation of new nest chambers in the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex lundi. Specifically, we asked whether workers relocate brood and fungus to suitable nest locations, and to what extent the relocated items trigger the excavation of a nest chamber and influence its shape. When brood and fungus were exposed to unfavorable environmental conditions, either low temperatures or low humidity, both were relocated, but ants clearly preferred to relocate the brood first. Workers relocated fungus to places containing brood, demonstrating that subsequent fungus relocation spatially follows the brood deposition. In addition, more ants aggregated at sites containing brood. When presented with a choice between two otherwise identical digging sites, but one containing brood, ants'' excavation activity was higher at this site, and the shape of the excavated cavity was more rounded and chamber-like. The presence of fungus also led to the excavation of rounder shapes, with higher excavation activity at the site that also contained brood. We argue that during colony growth, workers preferentially relocate brood to suitable locations along a tunnel, and that relocated brood spatially guides fungus relocation and leads to increased digging activity around them. We suggest that nest chambers are not excavated in advance, but emerge through a self-organized process resulting from the aggregation of workers and their density-dependent digging behavior around the relocated brood and fungus.  相似文献   

In leaf-cutting ants, the handling of waste materials from the fungus culture increases the risk of infection. Consequently, ants should manage their waste in a way that minimizes the spread of diseases. We investigated whether in Acromyrmex lobicornis, waste-worker ants (a) also perform roles in foraging or mound maintenance, (b) are morphologically different than other ant workers, and (c) are aggressively discriminated by other worker ants from the same colony. In addition, we investigated whether the location of external waste piles minimizes the probability that wastes spread to the ant nest. In the field, we (a) marked with different colours waste-workers, foragers and mound-workers and monitored whether these ants interchanged their tasks; (b) measured head width, head length, hind femur length and total length of waste-workers; foragers and mound-workers; (c) forced field encounters between waste-workers and foragers, and (d) measured the cardinal orientation of the waste piles in relation to the colony mound. Waste-worker ants did not perform other function outside the nest; neither foragers nor mound-workers managed the waste. Moreover, waste-workers were smaller than foragers and mound-workers, and were attacked if they tried to enter their nest using foraging entrances. The location of external refuse dumps also appears to reduce contamination risks. Waste piles always were down-slope, and often followed the prevailing wind direction. The importance of behaviours such as the division of labour, aggressions against waste-workers and nest compartmentalization (i.e., the orientation of external waste piles) to minimize the spread of pathogens is discussed.  相似文献   

1. Leaf‐cutting ants (LCAs) are considered as one of the most important agents of soil disturbances that affect vegetation patterns, but these assertions are based on isolated studies or anecdotal data. In this study, meta‐analysis techniques were used to quantitatively analyse the generality of these effects and determine some of their sources of variation. 2. The results reveal the following: (i) LCA nest sites showed higher levels of soil fertility than control sites, but the key source of these nutrients is the refuse material rather than the nest soil itself; (ii) refuse material from external piles tended to be richer in nutrient content than refuse material from internal refuse chambers; (iii) nest sites from temperate habitats showed higher cation content than those located in tropical/subtropical habitats; and (iv) nest sites showed higher plant growth than adjacent non‐nest sites (especially if plants have access to the refuse) but similar plant density and plant richness. 3. As LCAs improve nutrient availability in nest sites through the accumulation of refuse material, the location of the refuse will have a relevant role affecting vegetation. LCA species with external refuse dumps could benefit herbs, early vegetation stages and short‐living plants, whereas those with internal refuse chambers could benefit long‐living, large trees. However, the positive effect on individual plants does not extend to population and community levels. The foraging preferences of ants and the changes in microclimatic conditions around nests could act as selective ecological filters. 4. As refuse material from external piles and nest sites in temperate habitats tend to show higher fertility than refuse material from internal nest chambers and nest sites in tropical/subtropical habitats, LCA species with external refuse dumps in temperate regions could be of particular relevance for nutrient cycling and vegetation patterns.  相似文献   

J. Zee  D. Holway 《Insectes Sociaux》2006,53(2):161-167
Invasive ants often displace native ants, and published studies that focus on these interactions usually emphasize interspecific competition for food resources as a key mechanism responsible for the demise of native ants. Although less well documented, nest raiding by invasive ants may also contribute to the extirpation of native ants. In coastal southern California, for example, invasive Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) commonly raid colonies of the harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex subnitidus. On a seasonal basis the frequency and intensity of raids vary, but raids occur only when abiotic conditions are suitable for both species. In the short term these organized attacks cause harvester ants to cease foraging and to plug their nest entrances. In unstaged, one-on-one interactions between P. subnitidus and L. humile workers, Argentine ants behaved aggressively in over two thirds of all pair-wise interactions, despite the much larger size of P. subnitidus. The short-term introduction of experimental Argentine ant colonies outside of P. subnitidus nest entrances stimulated behaviors similar to those observed in raids: P. subnitidus decreased its foraging activity and increased the number of nest entrance workers (many of which labored to plug their nest entrances). Raids are not likely to be the result of competition for food. As expected, P. subnitidus foraged primarily on plant material (85% of food items obtained from returning foragers), but also collected some dead insects (7% of food items). In buffet-style choice tests in which we offered Argentine ants food items obtained from P. subnitidus, L. humile only showed interest in dead insects. In other feeding trials L. humile consistently moved harvester ant brood into their nests (where they were presumably consumed) but showed little interest in freshly dead workers. The raiding behavior described here obscures the distinction between interspecific competition and predation, and may well play an important role in the displacement of native ants, especially those that are ecologically dissimilar to L. humile with respect to diet. Received 15 July 2005; revised 19 October 2005; accepted 26 October 2005.  相似文献   

Leave cutting ants rely on a fungus garden as their main food supply. This garden produces debris that must be disposed by workers, as it may favor the contamination of the fungus. We assumed that the growth of undesired microorganisms on garbage would increase with humidity, therefore drier areas should be more suitable for garbage disposal. Accordingly, we tested the hypothesis that leave-cutting ants Atta sexdens rubropilosa choose drier chambers for garbage disposal. We found that 30 out of 30 sub-colonies tested for hygropreference chose drier chambers for garbage disposal when offered a choice between dry (RH=25±5% SD) and humid (RH=95±5% SD) chambers.  相似文献   

Birds that nest in cavities may regulate nest microclimate by orienting their nest entrance relative to the sun or prevailing winds. Alternatively, birds may orient their nest entrance relative to conspecific individuals around them, especially if the acoustic properties of cavities permit nesting birds to better hear individuals in front of their nest. We measured the cavity entrance orientation of 132 nests and 234 excavations in a colour‐banded population of black‐capped chickadees Poecile atricapillus for which the reproductive behaviour of nesting females was known. Most chickadees excavated cavities in rotten birch Betula papyrifera, aspen Populus tremuloides and maple Acer saccharum. Nest cavities showed random compass orientation around 360° demonstrating that chickadees do not orient their cavities relative to the sun or prevailing winds. We also presented chickadees with nest boxes arranged in groups of four, oriented at 90° intervals around the same tree. Nests constructed in these nest box quartets also showed random compass orientation. To test the acoustic properties of nest cavities, we conducted a sound transmission experiment using a microphone mounted inside a chickadee nest. Re‐recorded songs demonstrate that chickadee nest cavities have directional acoustic properties; songs recorded with the cavity entrance oriented towards the loudspeaker were louder than songs recorded with the cavity entrance oriented away from the loudspeaker. Thus, female chickadees, who roost inside their nest cavity in the early morning during their fertile period, should be better able to hear males singing the dawn chorus in front of their nest cavity. Using GIS analyses we tested for angular‐angular correlation between actual nest cavity orientation and the azimuth from the nest tree to the territories and nest cavities of nearby males. In general, nest cavity entrances showed no angular‐angular correlation with neighbourhood territory features. However, among birds who followed a mixed reproductive strategy and nested in the soft wood of birch and aspen trees, nest cavity entrances were oriented towards their extra‐pair partners. We conclude that nest cavity orientation in birds may be influenced by both ecological and social factors.  相似文献   

Colonies of the Florida harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex badius, excavate species-typical subterranean nests up the 3 m deep with characteristic vertical distribution of chamber area/shape, spacing between levels and vertical arrangement of the ants by age and brood stage. Colonies excavate and occupy a new nest about once a year, and doing so requires that they have information about the depth below ground. Careful excavation and mapping of vacated and new nests revealed that there was no significant difference between the old and new nests in any measure of nest size, shape or arrangement. Colonies essentially built a replicate of the just-vacated nest (although details differed), and they did so in less than a week. The reason for nest relocation is not apparent. Tschinkel noted that the vertical distribution of chamber area, worker age and brood type was strongly correlated to the soil carbon dioxide gradient, and proposed that this gradient serves as a template for nest excavation and vertical distribution. To test this hypothesis, the carbon dioxide gradient of colonies that were just beginning to excavate a new nest was eliminated by boring 6 vent holes around the forming nest, allowing the soil CO2 to diffuse into the atmosphere and eliminating the gradient. Sadly, neither the nest architecture nor the vertical ant distribution of vented nests differed from either unvented control or from their own vacated nest. In a stronger test, workers excavated a new nest under a reversed carbon dioxide gradient (high concentration near the surface, low below). Even under these conditions, the new and old nests did not differ significantly, showing that the soil carbon dioxide gradient does not serve as a template for nest construction or vertical worker distribution. The possible importance of soil CO2 gradients for soil-dwelling animals is discussed.  相似文献   

The foraging behaviour of social insects is highly flexible because it depends on the interplay between individual and collective decisions. In ants that use foraging trails, high ant flow may entail traffic problems if different workers vary widely in their walking speed. Slow ants carrying extra‐large loads in the leaf‐cutting ant Atta cephalotes L. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are characterized as ‘highly‐laden’ ants, and their effect on delaying other laden ants is analyzed. Highly‐laden ants carry loads that are 100% larger and show a 50% greater load‐carrying capacity (i.e. load size/body size) than ‘ordinary‐laden’ ants. Field manipulations reveal that these slow ants carrying extra‐large loads can reduce the walking speed of the laden ants behind them by up to 50%. Moreover, the percentage of highly‐laden ants decreases at high ant flow. Because the delaying effect of highly‐laden ants on nest‐mates is enhanced at high traffic levels, these results suggest that load size might be adjusted to reduce the negative effect on the rate of foraging input to the colony. Several causes have been proposed to explain why leaf‐cutting ants cut and carry leaf fragments of sizes below their individual capacities. The avoidance of delay in laden nest‐mates is suggested as another novel factor related to traffic flow that also might affect load size selection The results of the presennt study illustrate how leaf‐cutting ants are able to reduce their individual carrying performance to maximize the overall colony performance.  相似文献   

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