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Folic acid plays an important role in neuroplasticity and acts as a neuroprotective agent, as observed in experimental brain ischemia studies. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of folic acid on locomotor activity, aversive memory and Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity in the frontal cortex and striatum in animals subjected to neonatal hypoxia-ischemia (HI). Wistar rats of both sexes at postnatal day 7 underwent HI procedure and were treated with intraperitoneal injections of folic acid (0.011 μmol/g body weight) once a day, until the 30th postnatal day. Starting on the day after, behavioral assessment was run in the open field and in the inhibitory avoidance task. Animals were sacrificed by decapitation 24 h after testing and striatum and frontal cortex were dissected out for Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity analysis. Results show anxiogenic effect in the open field and an impairment of aversive memory in the inhibitory avoidance test in HI rats; folic acid treatment prevented both behavioral effects. A decreased Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity in striatum, both ipsilateral and contralateral to ischemia, was identified after HI; a total recovery was observed in animals treated with folic acid. A partial recovery of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity was yet seen in frontal cortex of HI animals receiving folic acid supplementation. Presented results support that folic acid treatment prevents memory deficit and anxiety-like behavior, as well as prevents Na(+),K(+)-ATPase inhibition in the striatum and frontal cortex caused by neonatal hypoxia-ischemia.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that cerebral hypoxia results in nitric oxide (NO)-mediated modification of the glycine-binding site of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor. Glycine binding characteristics were determined in normoxic, hypoxic, and hypoxic with 7-nitroindazole (7-NINA)-pretreated newborn piglets. The role of nitration was evaluated by determining binding characteristics in non-nitrated and in-vitro nitrated membranes. Bmax and Kd values were 30% higher in the hypoxic group than the normoxic and 7-NINA pretreated hypoxic groups. Kd values in the in-vitro normoxic nitrated membranes were similar to the non-nitrated hypoxic group. Bmax values in the in-vitro) normoxic nitrated membrane samples were 16% lower than in the non-nitrated hypoxic group. We conclude cerebral hypoxia causes modification of the glycine-binding site of the NMDA receptor and this modification of the glycine-binding site may be NO mediated. We propose that NO-mediated modification of the glycine-binding site of the NMDA receptor regulates calcium influx through its ion-channel.  相似文献   

A quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) study has been made on a new series of digitalis-like Na+,K+-ATPase inhibitors in which the guanylhydrazone group has been replaced by an aminoalkyloxime group. The correlations obtained have shown that the oxime moiety, primary amine group, overall size, and polarizability of the new type of substituents are higly beneficial to the Na+,K+-ATPase inhibition potency of the compounds and that their effect can be quantitatively assessed. The study also showed that the inotropic activity of the compounds is very well correlated with their Na+,K+-ATPase inhibition potency.  相似文献   

It was found that ouabain and marinobufagenin, specific inhibitors of Na+,K+-ATPase, increased the contraction of the isolated rat diaphragm by ~15% (positive inotropic effect) at EC50 = 1.2 ± 0.3 nM and 0.3 ± 0.1 nM, respectively, which was indicative of the participation of the ouabain-sensitive Na+,K+-ATPase α2 isoform. Analysis of the dose-response curves for the effect of ouabain on the resting membrane potential of muscle fibers in the absence and in the presence of 100 nM acetylcholine (hyperpolarizing the membrane) showed the presence of two pools of Na+,K+-ATPase α2 that differed in affinity for ouabain. Only the high-affinity pool (IC50 ~ 9 nM) mediates the hyperpolarizing effect of nanomolar concentrations of acetylcholine. Most likely, it is this pool of that is involved in the positive inotropic effect of ouabain, which can be a mechanism of regulation of the muscle function by circulating endogenous inhibitors of Na+,K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Modulation of the physiologically influential Na+,K+-ATPase is a complex process involving a wide variety of factors. To determine the possible effects of the protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) inhibitors dephostatin and Et-3,4-dephostatin on human and pig, renal cells and enzymatic extracts, we treated our samples (15 min–24 h) with those PTP inhibitors (0–100 μM). PTP inhibitors were found to possess a concentration-dependent inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase activity in both human and pig samples. The inhibition was similarly demonstrated on all cellular, microsomal fraction and purified Na+,K+-ATPase levels. Despite rigorous activity recovery attempts, the PTP inhibitors’ effects were sustained on Na+,K+-ATPase activity. Western blotting experiments revealed the expression of both α1- and β1-subunits in both human and pig tissues. α1-Subunits possessed higher tyrosine phosphorylation levels with higher concentrations of PTP inhibitors. Meanwhile, serine/threonine residues of both α1- and β1-subunits demonstrated diminished phosphorylation levels upon dephostatin treatment. Accordingly, we provide evidence that Na+,K+-ATPase can be regulated through tyrosine phosphorylation of primarily their α1-subunits, using PTP inhibitors.  相似文献   

-Aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) has been shown to be toxic to cultured neurons and glia at concentrations as low as 10 M. In an attempt to elucidate the mechanism of toxicity, the effects of ALA on membrane ATPase activity were investigated. Exposure of neuron cultures to 1 mM ALA for 7 days caused a substantial decrease in both Na+, K+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activities. At lower concentrations, ALA affected only the Na+, K+-component. ALA appeared to act directly, inhibiting Na+, K+-ATPase activity in rat brain cortex membrane preparations at 10 M Although this effect was slight, it may well represent the mechanism of action of ALA, since ouabain, a potent inhibitor of Na+, K+-ATPase activity, proved to be more toxic to cultured neurons than ALA. Furthermore, cardiac glycoside overdosage causes neurological disturbances which are very similar to those observed in the acute attack of porphyria.  相似文献   

This review summarizes our experiments on the significance of the -subunit in the functional expression of Na+/K+-ATPase. The -subunit acts like a receptor for the -subunit in the biogenesis of Na+/K+-ATPase and facilitates the correct folding of the -subunit in the membrane. The -subunit synthesized in the absence of the -subunit is subjected to rapid degradation in the endoplasmic reticulum. Several assembly sites are assigned in the sequence of the -subunit from the cytoplasmic NH2-terminal domain to the extracellular COOH-terminus: the NH2-terminal region of the extracellular domain, the conservative proline in the third disulfide loop, the hydrophobic amino acid residues near the COOH-terminus and the cysteine residues forming the second and the third disulfide bridges. Upon assembly, the -subunit confers a resistance to trypsin on the -subunit. The conformations induced in the -subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase by Na+/K+- and H+/K+-ATPase -subunits are somehow different from each other and are named the NK-type and KH-type, respectively. The extracellular domain of the -subunit is involved in the folding of the -subunit leading to trypsin-resistant conformations. The sequences from Cys150 to the COOH-terminus of the Na+/K+-ATPase -subunit and from Ile89 to the COOH–terminus of the H+/K+-ATPase -subunit are necessary to form trypsin-resistant conformations of the NK- and HK-type. respectively. The first disulfide loop of the extracellular domain of the -subunits is critical in the expression of functional Na+/K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Renal sodium reabsorption depends on the activity of the Na+,K+-ATPase α/β heterodimer. Four α (α1–4) and 3 β (β1–3) subunit isoforms have been described. It is accepted that renal tubule cells express α11 dimers. Aldosterone stimulates Na+,K+-ATPase activity and may modulate α11 expression. However, some studies suggest the presence of β3 in the kidney. We hypothesized that the β3 isoform of the Na+,K+-ATPase is expressed in tubular cells of the distal nephron, and modulated by mineralocorticoids. We found that β3 is highly expressed in collecting duct of rodents, and that mineralocorticoids decreased the expression of β3. Thus, we describe a novel molecular mechanism of sodium pump modulation that may contribute to the effects of mineralocorticoids on sodium reabsorption.  相似文献   

Although propofol has been reported to offer neuroprotection against cerebral ischemia injury, its impact on cerebral edema following ischemia is not clear. The objective of this investigation is to evaluate the effects of propofol post-treatment on blood–brain barrier (BBB) integrity and cerebral edema after transient cerebral ischemia and its mechanism of action, focusing on modulation of aquaporins (AQPs), matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1α. Cerebral ischemia was induced in male Sprague–Dawley rats (n = 78) by occlusion of the right middle cerebral artery for 1 h. For post-treatment with propofol, 1 mg kg?1 min?1 of propofol was administered for 1 h from the start of reperfusion. Nineteen rats undergoing sham surgery were also included in the investigation. Edema and BBB integrity were assessed by quantification of cerebral water content and extravasation of Evans blue, respectively, following 24 h of reperfusion. In addition, the expression of AQP-1, AQP-4, MMP-2, and MMP-9 was determined 24 h after reperfusion and the expression of HIF-1α was determined 8 h after reperfusion. Propofol post-treatment significantly reduced cerebral edema (P < 0.05) and BBB disruption (P < 0.05) compared with the saline-treated control. The expression of AQP-1, AQP-4, MMP-2, and MMP-9 at 24 h and of HIF-1α at 8 h following ischemia/reperfusion was significantly suppressed in the propofol post-treatment group (P < 0.05). Propofol post-treatment attenuated cerebral edema after transient cerebral ischemia, in association with reduced expression of AQP-1, AQP-4, MMP-2, and MMP-9. The decreased expression of AQPs and MMPs after propofol post-treatment might result from suppression of HIF-1α expression.  相似文献   

The very existence of higher metazoans depends on the vectorial transport of substances across epithelia. A crucial element of this transport is the membrane enzyme Na+,K+-ATPase. Not only is this enzyme distributed in a polarized manner in a restricted domain of the plasma membrane but also it creates the ionic gradients that drive the net movement of glucose, amino acids, and ions across the entire epithelium. In a previous work, we have shown that Na+,K+-ATPase polarity depends on interactions between the β subunits of Na+,K+-ATPases located on neighboring cells and that these interactions anchor the entire enzyme at the borders of the intercellular space. In the present study, we used fluorescence resonance energy transfer and coprecipitation methods to demonstrate that these β subunits have sufficient proximity and affinity to permit a direct interaction, without requiring any additional extracellular molecules to span the distance.  相似文献   

Ferret heart expresses the α1- as well as the α3-isoform of the Na+, K+-ATPase. We have shown previously that the α3 isoform is differentially upregulated during postnatal cardiac development and that in adult ferrets expression of α3 is not responsive to regulation by thyroid hormone (TH). Since developmental-stage dependent effects of TH have been reported previously, the present study examined whether effects of TH on expression of the Na+, K+-ATPase isoforms in ferret heart is modulated during development and possible mechanisms were examined. Ferrets of different age groups were treated with TH and the relative abundance of Na+, K+-ATPase isoforms in ferret myocardium was determined by immunoblotting. Thyroid hormone (T3; 50 μg/100 g body weight on 3 alternating days, s.c.) increased protein levels of the α3 isoform, but not that of α1 or β1, in myocardium of 5-day-old and 3-week-old ferrets. By contrast, in myocardium of 6- and 8-week-old ferrets T3 failed to increase protein levels of α1 and α3. To determine whether elevated plasma levels of TH during development plays a role in the transition, mature ferrets were first made hypothyroid before TH treatment. In these hypothyroid ferrets expression of the α3 isoform remained unresponsive to TH (T4, 0.5 mg/kg for 7 days, s.c.). The transition from TH-responsive to TH-unresponsive appears to be isoform-specific because in skeletal muscle of 8-week-old ferrets and in hypothyroid ferrets the α2 isoform is upregulated by TH. Finally, there appears to be functional thyroid hormone receptors throughout development because in each age group TH effectively induced expression of α-MHC in the myocardium. In conclusion, these findings demonstrate that expression of α3 isoform in the myocardium of newborn ferret is responsive to TH; however, the responsiveness terminates between 3- and 6-weeks of age. Neither elevated endogenous TH level nor a lack of functional thyroid hormone receptor appears to be responsible for the transition from TH-responsive to TH-unresponsive.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the effects of lipoic acid (LA) in the brain oxidative stress caused by pilocarpine-induced seizures in adult rats. Wistar rats were treated with 0.9% saline (i.p., control group), lipoic acid (10 mg/kg, i.p., LA group), pilocarpine (400 mg/kg, i.p., pilocarpine group), and the association of LA (10 mg/kg, i.p.) plus pilocarpine (400 mg/kg, i.p.), 30 min before the administration of LA (LA plus pilocarpine group). After the treatments, all groups were observed for 1 h. The enzyme activities [δ-aminolevulinic dehydratase (δ-ALA-D), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), and Na+,K+-ATPase] as well as the glutathione-reduced (GSH) and ascorbic acid (AA) concentrations were measured using spectrophotometric methods, and the results were compared to values obtained from saline and pilocarpine-treated animals. Protective effects of LA were also evaluated on the same parameters. In pilocarpine group, no changes were observed in GPx and GR activities and AA content. Moreover, in the same group, decrease in GSH levels as well as a reduction in δ-ALA-D and Na+,K+-ATPase activities after seizures was observed. In turn, in LA plus pilocarpine group, the appearance of seizures was abolished, and the decreases in δ-ALA-D and Na+,K+-ATPase activities produced by seizures as well as increases in GSH levels and GPx activity were reversed, when compared to the pilocarpine seizing group. The results of the present study demonstrated that preadministration of LA abolished seizure episodes induced by pilocarpine in rat, probably by reducing oxidative stress in rat hippocampus caused by seizures.  相似文献   

Missense mutations in ATP1A3 encoding Na+,K+-ATPase α3 have been identified as the primary cause of alternating hemiplegia of childhood (AHC), a motor disorder with onset typically before the age of 6 months. Affected children tend to be of short stature and can also have epilepsy, ataxia and learning disability. The Na+,K+-ATPase has a well-known role in maintaining electrochemical gradients across cell membranes, but our understanding of how the mutations cause AHC is limited. Myshkin mutant mice carry an amino acid change (I810N) that affects the same position in Na+,K+-ATPase α3 as I810S found in AHC. Using molecular modelling, we show that the Myshkin and AHC mutations display similarly severe structural impacts on Na+,K+-ATPase α3, including upon the K+ pore and predicted K+ binding sites. Behavioural analysis of Myshkin mice revealed phenotypic abnormalities similar to symptoms of AHC, including motor dysfunction and cognitive impairment. 2-DG imaging of Myshkin mice identified compromised thalamocortical functioning that includes a deficit in frontal cortex functioning (hypofrontality), directly mirroring that reported in AHC, along with reduced thalamocortical functional connectivity. Our results thus provide validation for missense mutations in Na+,K+-ATPase α3 as a cause of AHC, and highlight Myshkin mice as a starting point for the exploration of disease mechanisms and novel treatments in AHC.  相似文献   

Capsazepine (CPZ) inhibits Na+,K+-ATPase-mediated K+-dependent ATP hydrolysis with no effect on Na+-ATPase activity. In this study we have investigated the functional effects of CPZ on Na+,K+-ATPase in intact cells. We have also used well established biochemical and biophysical techniques to understand how CPZ modifies the catalytic subunit of Na+,K+-ATPase. In isolated rat cardiomyocytes, CPZ abolished Na+,K+-ATPase current in the presence of extracellular K+. In contrast, CPZ stimulated pump current in the absence of extracellular K+. Similar conclusions were attained using HEK293 cells loaded with the Na+ sensitive dye Asante NaTRIUM green. Proteolytic cleavage of pig kidney Na+,K+-ATPase indicated that CPZ stabilizes ion interaction with the K+ sites. The distal part of membrane span 10 (M10) of the α-subunit was exposed to trypsin cleavage in the presence of guanidinum ions, which function as Na+ congener at the Na+ specific site. This effect of guanidinium was amplified by treatment with CPZ. Fluorescence of the membrane potential sensitive dye, oxonol VI, was measured following addition of substrates to reconstituted inside-out Na+,K+-ATPase. CPZ increased oxonol VI fluorescence in the absence of K+, reflecting increased Na+ efflux through the pump. Surprisingly, CPZ induced an ATP-independent increase in fluorescence in the presence of high extravesicular K+, likely indicating opening of an intracellular pathway selective for K+. As revealed by the recent crystal structure of the E1.AlF4 -.ADP.3Na+ form of the pig kidney Na+,K+-ATPase, movements of M5 of the α-subunit, which regulate ion selectivity, are controlled by the C-terminal tail that extends from M10. We propose that movements of M10 and its cytoplasmic extension is affected by CPZ, thereby regulating ion selectivity and transport through the K+ sites in Na+,K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Oligodendrocytes in the CNS myelinate neuronal axons, facilitating rapid propagation of action potentials. Myelin basic protein (MBP) is an essential component of myelin and its absence results in severe hypomyelination. In oligodendrocyte lineage cell (OLC) monocultures MBP synthesis starts at DIV4. Ouabain (10 nM), a Na+,K+-ATPase (NKA) blocker, stimulates MBP synthesis. As OLCs express the α2 isoform of NKA (α2-NKA) that has a high affinity for ouabain, we hypothesized that α2-NKA mediates this effect. Knockdown of α2-NKA with small interfering (si)RNA (α2-siRNA) significantly potentiated MBP synthesis at DIV4 and 5. This effect was completely blocked by KB-R7943 (1 μM), a Na+,Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) antagonist. α2-NKA ablation increased the frequency of NCX-mediated spontaneous Ca2+ transients ([Ca2+]t) at DIV4, whereas in control OLC cultures comparable frequency of [Ca2+]t was observed at DIV5. At DIV6 almost no [Ca2+]t were observed either in control or in α2-siRNA-treated cultures. Immunocytochemical analyses showed that α2-NKA co-localizes with MBP in proximal processes of immature OLCs but is only weakly present in MBP-enriched membrane sheets. Knockdown of α2-NKA in cortical slice cultures did not change MBP levels but reduced co-localization of neurofilament- and MBP-positive compartments. We conclude that α2-NKA activity in OLCs affects NCX-mediated [Ca2+]t and the onset of MBP synthesis. We suggest therefore that neuronal activity, presumably in form of local extracellular [K+] changes, might locally influence NCX-mediated [Ca2+]t in OLC processes thus triggering local MBP synthesis in the vicinity of an active axon.  相似文献   

Rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism (RDP), a rare neurological disorder, is caused by mutation of the neuron-specific α3-isoform of Na+,K+-ATPase. Here, we present the functional consequences of RDP mutation D923N. Relative to the wild type, the mutant exhibits a remarkable ∼200-fold reduction of Na+ affinity for activation of phosphorylation from ATP, reflecting a defective interaction of the E1 form with intracellular Na+. This is the largest effect on Na+ affinity reported so far for any Na+,K+-ATPase mutant. D923N also affects the interaction with extracellular Na+ normally driving the E1P to E2P conformational transition backward. However, no impairment of K+ binding was observed for D923N, leading to the conclusion that Asp923 is specifically associated with the third Na+ site that is selective toward Na+. The crystal structure of the Na+,K+-ATPase in E2 form shows that Asp923 is located in the cytoplasmic half of transmembrane helix M8 inside a putative transport channel, which is lined by residues from the transmembrane helices M5, M7, M8, and M10 and capped by the C terminus, recently found involved in recognition of the third Na+ ion. Structural modeling of the E1 form of Na+,K+-ATPase based on the Ca2+-ATPase crystal structure is consistent with the hypothesis that Asp923 contributes to a site binding the third Na+ ion. These results in conjunction with our previous findings with other RDP mutants suggest that a selective defect in the handling of Na+ may be a general feature of the RDP disorder.  相似文献   

The effect of the protein structure of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase on its incorporation into liposome membranes was investigated as follows: the catalytic α-subunit of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase was split into low-molecular weight fragments by trypsin treatment and the digested enzyme was reconstituted at the same protein concentration as intact control enzyme. The reconstitution process was quantified by the average number of intramembrane particles appearing on concave and convex fracture faces after freeze-fracture of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase liposomes. The number of intramembrane particles as well as their distribution on concave and convex fracture faces is not modified by the proteolysis. In contrast, the ATPase activity and the transport capacity of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase decrease progessively with increasing incubation times in the presence of trypsin and are abolished when the original 100 000 molecular weight α-subunit is no longer visible by sodium dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis. Apparently, functional (Na+ + K+)-ATPase with intact protein structure and digested, non functional enzyme consisting of fragments of the α-subunit reconstitute in the same manner and to the same extent as judged by freeze-fracture analysis. We conclude that, while trypsin treatment modifies the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase molecule in a functional sense, it appears not to modify its interaction with the bilayer in producing intramembrane particles. On the basis of our results, we propose a lipid-lipid interaction mechanism for reconstitution of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

A new function for tubulin was described by our laboratory: acetylated tubulin forms a complex with Na+,K +-ATPase (NKA) and inhibits its activity. This process was shown to be a regulatory factor of physiological importance in cultured cells, human erythrocytes, and several rat tissues. Formation of the acetylated tubulin–NKA complex is reversible. We demonstrated that in cultured cells, high concentrations of glucose induce translocation of acetylated tubulin from cytoplasm to plasma membrane with a consequent inhibition of NKA activity. This effect is reversed by adding glutamate, which is coctransported to the cell with Na +. Another posttranslational modification of tubulin, detyrosinated tubulin, is also involved in the regulation of NKA activity: it enhances the NKA inhibition induced by acetylated tubulin. Manipulation of the content of these modifications of tubulin could work as a new strategy to maintain homeostasis of Na + and K +, and to regulate a variety of functions in which NKA is involved, such as osmotic fragility and deformability of human erythrocytes. The results summarized in this review show that the interaction between tubulin and NKA plays an important role in cellular physiology, both in the regulation of Na +/K + homeostasis and in the rheological properties of the cells, which is mechanically different from other roles reported up to now.  相似文献   

Regulation of the Na+/K+-ATPase by insulin: Why and how?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The sodium-potassium ATPase (Na+/K+-ATPase or Na+/K+-pump) is an enzyme present at the surface of all eukaryotic cells, which actively extrudes Na+ from cells in exchange for K+ at a ratio of 3:2, respectively. Its activity also provides the driving force for secondary active transport of solutes such as amino acids, phosphate, vitamins and, in epithelial cells, glucose. The enzyme consists of two subunits ( and ) each expressed in several isoforms. Many hormones regulate Na+/K+ -ATPase activity and in this review we will focus on the effects of insulin. The possible mechanisms whereby insulin controls Na+/K+-ATPase activity are discussed. These are tissue- and isoform-specific, and include reversible covalent modification of catalytic subunits, activation by a rise in intracellular Na+ concentration, altered Na+ sensitivity and changes in subunit gene or protein expression. Given the recent escalation in knowledge of insulin-stimulated signal transduction systems, it is pertinent to ask which intracellular signalling pathways are utilized by insulin in controlling Na+/K+-ATPase activity. Evidence for and against a role for the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase and mitogen activated protein kinase arms of the insulin-stimulated intracellular signalling networks is suggested. Finally, the clinical relevance of Na+/K+-ATPase control by insulin in diabetes and related disorders is addressed.  相似文献   

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