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Many genetic mouse models of Huntington’s disease (HD) have established that mutant huntingtin (htt) accumulates in various subcellular regions to affect a variety of cellular functions, but whether and how synaptic mutant htt directly mediates HD neuropathology remains to be determined. We generated transgenic mice that selectively express mutant htt in the presynaptic terminals. Although it was not overexpressed, synaptic mutant htt caused age-dependent neurological symptoms and early death in mice as well as defects in synaptic neurotransmitter release. Mass spectrometry analysis of synaptic fractions and immunoprecipitation of synapsin-1 from HD CAG150 knockin mouse brains revealed that mutant htt binds to synapsin-1, a protein whose phosphorylation is critical for neurotransmitter release. We found that polyglutamine-expanded exon1 htt binds to the C-terminal region of synapsin-1 to reduce synapsin-1 phosphorylation. Our findings point to a critical role for synaptic htt in the neurological symptoms of HD, providing a new therapeutic target.  相似文献   

We have developed yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) transgenic mice expressing normal (YAC18) and mutant (YAC46 or YAC72) human huntingtin (htt), in a developmental- and tissue-specific manner, that is identical to endogenous htt. YAC72 mice develop selective degeneration of medium spiny projection neurons in the lateral striatum, similar to what is observed in Huntington disease. Mutant human htt expressed by YAC transgenes can compensate for the absence of endogenous htt and can rescue the embryonic lethality that characterizes mice homozygous for targeted disruption of the endogenous Hdh gene (-/-). YAC72 mice lacking endogenous htt (YAC72 -/-) manifest a novel phenotype characterized by infertility, testicular atrophy, aspermia, and massive apoptotic cell death in the testes. The testicular cell death in YAC72 -/- mice can be markedly reduced by increasing endogenous htt levels. YAC72 mice with equivalent levels of both wild-type and mutant htt (YAC72 +/+) breed normally and have no evidence of increased testicular cell death. Similar findings are seen in YAC46 -/- mice compared with YAC46 +/+ mice, in which wild-type htt can completely counteract the proapoptotic effects of mutant htt. YAC18 -/- mice display no evidence of increased cellular apoptosis, even in the complete absence of endogenous htt, demonstrating that the massive cellular apoptosis observed in YAC46 -/- mice and YAC72 -/- mice is polyglutamine-mediated toxicity from the mutant transgene. These data provide the first direct in vivo evidence of a role for wild-type htt in decreasing the cellular toxicity of mutant htt.  相似文献   

Huntington’s disease (HD) is caused by abnormal CAG repeat expansion in the 5′-end of the Huntingtin (HTT) gene. In addition to the canonical C-terminal full-length huntingtin (htt) nuclear export signal, a cytoplasmic localization-related domain (CLRD) in the N-terminus of htt has recently been reported. Here, we analyzed this domain by introducing deletion and substitution mutations in a truncated N-terminal htt protein and subsequently monitored htt expression, aggregation and subcellular localization by immunocytochemistry and Western blot analysis. We demonstrated that Htt4–17 was the essential sequence for htt cytoplasmic localization. We also found that the subcellular distribution of htt was altered when Htt1–17 was mutated to contain amino acids of different charges, suggesting a structural requirement of Htt1–17 for the cytoplasmic localization of htt. Deletion of the first three amino acids did not affect its association with mitochondria. We observed that defective cytoplasmic localization resulted in a reduction of total htt aggregates and increased nuclear aggregates, indicating that the subcellular distribution of the protein might influence the aggregation process. These studies provide new insight into the molecular mechanism of htt aggregation in HD.  相似文献   

Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) has been reported to interact with proteins containing the polyglutamine (polyQ) domain. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the potential contributions of the polyQ and polyproline (polyP) domains to the co-localization of mutant huntingtin (htt) and GAPDH. Overexpression of N-terminal htt (1-969 amino acids) with 100Q and 46Q (httl-969- 100Q and httl-969-46Q, mutant htt) in human mammary gland carcinoma MCF-7 cells formed more htt aggregates than that of httl-969-18Q (wild-type htt). The co-localization of GAPDH with htt aggregates was found in the cells expressing mutant but not wild-type htt. Deletion of the polyP region in the N-terminal htt had no effect on the co-localization of GAPDH and mutant htt aggregates. These results suggest that the polyQ domain, but not the polyP domain, plays a role in the sequestration of GAPDH to aggregates by mutant htt. This effect might contribute to the dysfunction of neurons caused by mutant htt in Huntington's disease.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) tract in the huntingtin (htt) protein. Mutant htt toxicity is exposed after htt cleavage by caspases and other proteases release NH(2)-terminal fragments containing the polyQ expansion. Here, we show htt interacts and colocalizes with cdk5 in cellular membrane fractions. Cdk5 phosphorylates htt at Ser434, and this phosphorylation reduces caspase-mediated htt cleavage at residue 513. Reduced mutant htt cleavage resulting from cdk5 phosphorylation attenuated aggregate formation and toxicity in cells expressing the NH(2)-terminal 588 amino acids (htt588) of mutant htt. Cdk5 activity is reduced in the brains of HD transgenic mice compared with controls. This result can be accounted for by the polyQ-expanded htt fragments reducing the interaction between cdk5 and its activator p35. These data predict that the ability of cdk5 phosphorylation to protect against htt cleavage, aggregation, and toxicity is compromised in cells expressing toxic fragments of htt.  相似文献   

The cause of Huntington's disease (HD) is a pathological expansion of the polyglutamine domain within the NH(2)-terminal region of huntingtin. Neuronal intranuclear inclusions and cytoplasmic aggregates composed of the mutant huntingtin within certain neuronal populations are a characteristic hallmark of HD. Because in vitro expanded polyglutamine repeats are glutaminyl-donor substrates of tissue transglutaminase (tTG), it has been hypothesized that tTG may contribute to the formation of these aggregates in HD. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance to establish whether tTG plays a significant role in the formation of mutant huntingtin aggregates in the cell. Human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells were stably transfected with truncated NH(2)-terminal huntingtin constructs containing 18 (wild type) or 82 (mutant) glutamines. In the cells expressing the mutant truncated huntingtin construct, numerous SDS-resistant aggregates were present in the cytoplasm and nucleus. Even though numerous aggregates were present in the mutant huntingtin-expressing cells, tTG did not coprecipitate with mutant truncated huntingtin. Further, tTG was totally excluded from the aggregates, and significantly increasing tTG expression had no effect on the number of aggregates or their intracellular localization (cytoplasm or nucleus). When a YFP-tagged mutant truncated huntingtin construct was transiently transfected into cells that express no detectable tTG due to stable transfection with a tTG antisense construct, there was extensive aggregate formation. These findings clearly demonstrate that tTG is not required for aggregate formation, and does not facilitate the process of aggregate formation. Therefore, in HD, as well as in other polyglutamine diseases, tTG is unlikely to play a role in the formation of aggregates.  相似文献   

We have produced yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) transgenic mice expressing normal (YAC18) and mutant (YAC46 and YAC72) huntingtin (htt) in a developmental and tissue-specific manner identical to that observed in Huntington's disease (HD). YAC46 and YAC72 mice show early electrophysiological abnormalities, indicating cytoplasmic dysfunction prior to observed nuclear inclusions or neurodegeneration. By 12 months of age, YAC72 mice have a selective degeneration of medium spiny neurons in the lateral striatum associated with the translocation of N-terminal htt fragments to the nucleus. Neurodegeneration can be present in the absence of macro- or microaggregates, clearly showing that aggregates are not essential to initiation of neuronal death. These mice demonstrate that initial neuronal cytoplasmic toxicity is followed by cleavage of htt, nuclear translocation of htt N-terminal fragments, and selective neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Expression of huntingtin fragments with 103 glutamines (HttQ103) is toxic in yeast containing either the [PIN(+)] prion, which is the amyloid form of Rnq1, or [PSI(+)] prion, which is the amyloid form of Sup35. We find that HttQP103, which has a polyproline region at the C-terminal end of the polyQ repeat region, is significantly more toxic in [PSI(+)] yeast than in [PIN(+)], even though HttQP103 formed multiple aggregates in both [PSI(+)] and [PIN(+)] yeast. This toxicity was only observed in the strong [PSI(+)] variant, not the weak [PSI(+)] variant, which has more soluble Sup35 present than the strong variant. Furthermore, expression of the MC domains of Sup35, which retains the C-terminal domain of Sup35, but lacks the N-terminal prion domain, almost completely rescued HttQP103 toxicity, but was less effective in rescuing HttQ103 toxicity. Therefore, the toxicity of HttQP103 in yeast containing the [PSI(+)] prion is primarily due to sequestration of the essential protein, Sup35.  相似文献   

Conditional mouse models of polyglutamine diseases, such as Huntington's disease (HD), have revealed that cells can clear accumulated pathogenic proteins if the continuous production of the mutant transgene is halted. Invariably, the clearance of the protein leads to regression of the disease symptoms in mice. In light of these findings, it is critical to determine the pathway responsible for alleviating this protein accumulation to define targets to fight these diseases. In a functional genetic screen of HD, we found that activation of insulin receptor substrate-2, which mediates the signaling cascades of insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1, leads to a macroautophagy-mediated clearance of the accumulated proteins. The macroautophagy is triggered despite activation of Akt, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), and S6 kinase, but still requires proteins previously implicated in macroautophagy, such as Beclin1 and hVps34. These findings indicate that the accumulation of mutant protein can lead to mTOR-independent macroautophagy and that lysosome-mediated degradation of accumulated protein differs from degradation under conditions of starvation.  相似文献   

N-terminal proteolysis of huntingtin is thought to be an important mediator of HD pathogenesis. The formation of short N-terminal fragments of huntingtin (cp-1/cp-2, cp-A/cp-B) has been demonstrated in cells and in vivo. We previously mapped the cp-2 cleavage site by mass spectrometry to position Arg167 of huntingtin. The proteolytic enzymes generating short N-terminal fragments of huntingtin remain unknown. To search for such proteases, we conducted a genome-wide screen using an RNA-silencing approach and an assay for huntingtin proteolysis based on the detection of cp-1 and cp-2 fragments by Western blotting. The primary screen was carried out in HEK293 cells, and the secondary screen was carried out in neuronal HT22 cells, transfected in both cases with a construct encoding the N-terminal 511 amino acids of mutant huntingtin. For additional validation of the hits, we employed a complementary assay for proteolysis of huntingtin involving overexpression of individual proteases with huntingtin in two cell lines. The screen identified 11 enzymes, with two major candidates to carry out the cp-2 cleavage, bleomycin hydrolase (BLMH) and cathepsin Z, which are both cysteine proteases of a papain-like structure. Knockdown of either protease reduced cp-2 cleavage, and ameliorated mutant huntingtin induced toxicity, whereas their overexpression increased the cp-2 cleavage. Both proteases partially co-localized with Htt in the cytoplasm and within or in association with early and late endosomes, with some nuclear co-localization observed for cathepsin Z. BLMH and cathepsin Z are expressed in the brain and have been associated previously with neurodegeneration. Our findings further validate the cysteine protease family, and BLMH and cathepsin Z in particular, as potential novel targets for HD therapeutics.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that accumulation of prion protein (PrP) in the cytoplasm results in the production of aggregates that are insoluble in non-ionic detergents and partially resistant to proteinase K. Transgenic mice expressing PrP in the cytoplasm develop severe ataxia with cerebellar degeneration and gliosis, suggesting that cytoplasmic PrP may play a role in the pathogenesis of prion diseases. The mechanism of cytoplasmic PrP neurotoxicity is not known. In this report, we determined the molecular morphology of cytoplasmic PrP aggregates by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy, in neuronal and non-neuronal cells. Transient expression of cytoplasmic PrP produced juxtanuclear aggregates reminiscent of aggresomes in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, human neuroblastoma BE2-M17 cells and mouse neuroblastoma N2a cells. Time course studies revealed that discrete aggregates form first throughout the cytoplasm, and then coalesce to form an aggresome. Aggresomes containing cytoplasmic PrP were 1-5-microm inclusion bodies and were filled with electron-dense particles. Cytoplasmic PrP aggregates induced mitochondrial clustering, reorganization of intermediate filaments, prevented the secretion of wild-type PrP molecules and diverted these molecules to the cytoplasm. Cytoplasmic PrP decreased the viability of neuronal and non-neuronal cells. We conclude that any event leading to accumulation of PrP in the cytoplasm is likely to result in cell death.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) is a dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by expansion of a translated CAG repeat in the N terminus of the huntingtin (htt) protein. Here we describe the generation and characterization of a full-length HD Drosophila model to reveal a previously unknown disease mechanism that occurs early in the course of pathogenesis, before expanded htt is imported into the nucleus in detectable amounts. We find that expanded full-length htt (128Qhtt(FL)) leads to behavioral, neurodegenerative, and electrophysiological phenotypes. These phenotypes are caused by a Ca2+-dependent increase in neurotransmitter release efficiency in 128Qhtt(FL) animals. Partial loss of function in synaptic transmission (syntaxin, Snap, Rop) and voltage-gated Ca2+ channel genes suppresses both the electrophysiological and the neurodegenerative phenotypes. Thus, our data indicate that increased neurotransmission is at the root of neuronal degeneration caused by expanded full-length htt during early stages of pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrated that the Golgi reassembly stacking proteins (GRASPs), especially GRASP55, regulate Golgi-independent unconventional secretion of certain cytosolic and transmembrane cargoes; however, the underlying mechanism remains unknown. Here, we surveyed several neurodegenerative disease–related proteins, including mutant huntingtin (Htt-Q74), superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), tau, and TAR DNA–binding protein 43 (TDP-43), for unconventional secretion; our results show that Htt-Q74 is most robustly secreted in a GRASP55-dependent manner. Using Htt-Q74 as a model system, we demonstrate that unconventional secretion of Htt is GRASP55 and autophagy dependent and is enhanced under stress conditions such as starvation and endoplasmic reticulum stress. Mechanistically, we show that GRASP55 facilitates Htt secretion by tethering autophagosomes to lysosomes to promote autophagosome maturation and subsequent lysosome secretion and by stabilizing p23/TMED10, a channel for translocation of cytoplasmic proteins into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum–Golgi intermediate compartment. Moreover, we found that GRASP55 levels are upregulated by various stresses to facilitate unconventional secretion, whereas inhibition of Htt-Q74 secretion by GRASP55 KO enhances Htt aggregation and toxicity. Finally, comprehensive secretomic analysis identified novel cytosolic cargoes secreted by the same unconventional pathway, including transgelin (TAGLN), multifunctional protein ADE2 (PAICS), and peroxiredoxin-1 (PRDX1). In conclusion, this study defines the pathway of GRASP55-mediated unconventional protein secretion and provides important insights into the progression of Huntington’s disease.  相似文献   

The hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) integral membrane protein of paramyxoviruses is expressed at the cell surface as a tetramer consisting of a pair of disulfide-linked dimers. HN has a large C-terminal ectodomain, a 19-residue uncleaved signal-anchor domain, and a 17-residue N-terminal cytoplasmic tail. Various mutant HN genes were constructed to examine the role of residues flanking the signal-anchor domain, including the cytoplasmic tail, on assembly and intracellular transport of the HN glycoprotein. Expression of the altered genes showed that by 90 min after synthesis the majority of the mutant HN proteins were in a conformationally mature form as assayed by their reactivity with conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies. However, the mutant proteins showed varied endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi apparatus transport rates, ranging from that of wild-type HN (t1/2 approximately 90 min) to slowly transported molecules (t1/2 approximately 5 h) and to molecules in which transport was not detected. Pulse-chase experiments indicated that the altered HN molecules had a specific and transient interaction with the resident endoplasmic reticulum protein GRP78-BiP, and thus the altered HN molecules were not retained in the endoplasmic reticulum by a prolonged interaction with GRP78-BiP. Sucrose density gradient sedimentation analysis of the mutant HN molecules indicated that they all had an oligomeric form that differed from that of wild-type HN; most of the molecules were found as disulfide-linked dimers rather than as tetramers. These data suggest that the HN cytoplasmic tail may function in the assembly of the final transport-competent oligomeric form of HN and that mutant HN molecules with seemingly properly folded ectodomains are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum by an as yet unidentified mechanism. The possible role of the HN cytoplasmic tail as a signal for intracellular transport is discussed.  相似文献   

Many diverse human diseases are associated with protein aggregation in ordered fibrillar structures called amyloid. Amyloid formation may mediate aberrant protein interactions that culminate in neurodegeneration in Alzheimer, Huntington, and Parkinson diseases and in prion encephalopathies. Studies of protein aggregation in the brain are hampered by limitations in imaging techniques and often require invasive methods that can only be performed postmortem. Here we describe transgenic mice in which aggregation-prone proteins that cause Huntington and Parkinson disease are expressed in the ocular lens. Expression of a mutant huntingtin fragment or alpha-synuclein in the lens leads to protein aggregation and cataract formation, which can be monitored in real time by noninvasive, highly sensitive optical techniques. Expression of a mutant huntingtin fragment in mice lacking the major lens chaperone, alphaB-crystallin, markedly accelerated the onset and severity of aggregation, demonstrating that the endogenous chaperone activity of alphaB-crystallin suppresses aggregation in vivo. These novel mouse models will facilitate the characterization of protein aggregation in vivo and are being used in efficient and economical screens for chemical and genetic modifiers of disease-relevant protein aggregation.  相似文献   

An unstable expansion of the polyglutamine repeat within exon 1 of the protein Htt (huntingtin) causes HD (Huntington's disease). Mounting evidence shows that accumulation of N-terminal mutant Htt fragments is the source of disruption of normal cellular processes which ultimately leads to neuronal cell death. Understanding the degradation mechanism of mutant Htt and improving its clearance has emerged as a new direction in developing therapeutic approaches to treat HD. In the present study we show that the brain-enriched adaptor protein FE65 is a novel interacting partner of Htt. The binding is mediated through WW-polyproline interaction and is dependent on the length of the polyglutamine tract. Interestingly, a reduction in mutant Htt protein level was observed in FE65-knockdown cells, and the process requires the UPS (ubiquitin/proteasome system). Moreover, the ubiquitination level of mutant Htt was found to be enhanced when FE65 is knocked down. Immunofluroescence staining revealed that FE65 associates with mutant Htt aggregates. Additionally, we demonstrated that overexpression of FE65 increases mutant Htt-induced cell death both in vitro and in vivo. These results suggest that FE65 facilitates the accumulation of mutant Htt in cells by preventing its degradation via the UPS, and thereby enhances the toxicity of mutant Htt.  相似文献   

The suppression of pathogenic antibodies to DNA in NZB/NZW f1 female mice was achieved by repeated inoculation of the mice with a monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibody (anti-Id). The anti-Id, an IgG1, kappa, was directed against a major cross-reactive idiotype (Id) on NZB/NZW IgG antibodies to DNA. One hundred micrograms of the anti-Id were inoculated i.p. every 2 wk, beginning at 6 wk of age (nondiseased mice--no circulating anti-DNA or proteinuria) or 20 wk of age (diseased mice--all with circulating anti-DNA, one-third with proteinuria). As controls, littermates received an IgG, kappa non-DNA-binding myeloma or no treatment. In the young mice, nephritis and anti-DNA antibodies appeared at the same time in all groups, and their circulating antibodies to DNA did not bear the target Id. In the older (20-wk-old) mice, survival was significantly prolonged because of delay in the onset of nephritis; the total quantities of antibodies to DNA were diminished, and the target Id, initially present on circulating IgG, was deleted. These benefits were transient; the suppression of antibodies was followed by the appearance of large quantities of anti-DNA that did not bear the major Id. Therefore, although administration of anti-Id was effective in reducing an undesirable antibody response after the target Id was present on circulating antibodies, the benefits were limited, probably by Id "switch" or by increased synthesis of pathogenic antibodies bearing a minor Id.  相似文献   

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