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Homologous pairing and chromosome dynamics in meiosis and mitosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pairing of homologous chromosomes is an essential feature of meiosis, acting to promote high levels of recombination and to ensure segregation of homologs. However, homologous pairing also occurs in somatic cells, most regularly in Dipterans such as Drosophila, but also to a lesser extent in other organisms, and it is not known how mitotic and meiotic pairing relate to each other. In this article, I summarize results of recent molecular studies of pairing in both mitosis and meiosis, focusing especially on studies using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and GFP-tagging of single loci, which have allowed investigators to assay the pairing status of chromosomes directly. These approaches have permitted the demonstration that pairing occurs throughout the cell cycle in mitotic cells in Drosophila, and that the transition from mitotic to meiotic pairing in spermatogenesis is accompanied by a dramatic increase in pairing frequency. Similar approaches in mammals, plants and fungi have established that with few exceptions, chromosomes enter meiosis unpaired and that chromosome movements involving the telomeric, and sometimes centromeric, regions often precede the onset of meiotic pairing. The possible roles of proteins involved in homologous recombination, synapsis and sister chromatid cohesion in homolog pairing are discussed with an emphasis on those for which mutant phenotypes have permitted an assessment of effects on homolog pairing. Finally, I consider the question of the distribution and identity of chromosomal pairing sites, using recent data to evaluate possible relationships between pairing sites and other chromosomal sites, such as centromeres, telomeres, promoters and heterochromatin. I cite evidence that may point to a relationship between matrix attachment sites and homologous pairing sites.  相似文献   

Three activities hallmark meiotic cell division: homologous chromosome pairing, synapsis, and recombination. Recombination and synapsis are well-studied but homologous pairing still holds many black boxes. In the past several years, many studies in plants have yielded insights into the mechanisms of chromosome pairing interactions. Research in several plant species showed the importance of telomere clustering on the nuclear envelope (telomere bouquet formation) in facilitating alignment of homologous chromosomes. Homologous pairing was also shown to be tied to the early stages of recombination by mutant analyses in Arabidopsis and maize. In contrast, little is known about the mechanisms that guide homolog interaction after their rough alignment by the bouquet and before the close-range recombination-dependent homology search. The relatively large and complex genomes of plants may require additional mechanisms, not needed in small genome eukaryotes, to distinguish between local homology of duplicated genes or transposable elements and global chromosomal homology. Plants provide an excellent large genome model for the study of homologous pairing and dissection of this process.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Meiotic pairing is essential for the proper orientation of chromosomes at the metaphase plate and their subsequent disjunction during anaphase I. In male Drosophila melanogaster, meiosis occurs in the absence of recombination or a recognizable synaptonemal complex (SC). Due to limitations in available cytological techniques, the early stages of homologous chromosome pairing in male Drosophila have not been observed, and the mechanisms involved are poorly understood.RESULTS: Chromosome tagging with GFP-Lac repressor protein allowed us to track, for the first time, the behavior of meiotic chromosomes at high resolution, live, at all stages of male Drosophila meiosis. Homologous chromosomes pair throughout the euchromatic regions in spermatogonia and during the early phases of spermatocyte development. Extensive separation of homologs and sister chromatids along the chromosome arms occurs in mid-G2, several hours before the first meiotic division, and before the G2/M transition. Centromeres, on the other hand, show complex association patterns, with specific homolog pairing taking place in mid-G2. These changes in chromosome pairing parallel changes in large-scale chromosome organization.CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that widespread interactions along the euchromatin are required for the initiation, but not the maintenance, of meiotic pairing of autosomes in male Drosophila. We propose that heterochromatic associations, or chromatid entanglement, may be responsible for the maintenance of homolog association during late G2. Our data also suggest that the formation of chromosome territories in the spermatocyte nucleus may play an active role in ensuring the specificity of meiotic pairing in late prophase by disrupting interactions between nonhomologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

Premeiotic association of homologous chromosomes in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been shown, by means of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)(1,2). Time course and mutant studies show that the premeiotic associations are disrupted upon entry into meiosis, to be reestablished shortly before synapsis. The data are consistent with a model in which multiple, unstable interactions bring homologues together, prior to stable joining by recombination(3).  相似文献   

Ideas about the mechanisms that regulate chromosome pairing, recombination, and segregation during meiosis have gained in molecular detail over the last few years. The purpose of this article is to survey briefly the shifts in paradigms and experiments that have generated new perspectives. It has never been very clear what it is that brings together the homologous chromosomes at meiotic prophase. For a while it appeared that the synaptonemal complex might be the nuclear organelle responsible for synapsis, but the supporting evidence has not been entirely convincing. Whatever the mechanism, it has always been assumed that homologous synapsis creates the opportunity for homologous DNA sequences to initiate recombination. At present, alternative ideas are developing. Attractive is the concept that double strand DNA repair mechanisms, that find and use the undamaged homologue for repair, have evolved into a meiotic mechanism for the recognition and pairing of homologous sequences. Subsequent intimate synapsis of homologous chromosomes in the context of the synaptonemal complex may serve later functions in the regulation of interference and segregation at first anaphase. A number of areas that are being tested at present and some that may be investigated in the future are discussed at the end of the review.  相似文献   

Sex chromosome pairing during male meiosis in marsupials   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Peter Sharp 《Chromosoma》1982,86(1):27-47
The pairing of the sex chromosomes at pachytene has been examined in twenty-two species of Australian marsupials, including four with complex sex chromosome systems. The axial elements of the sex chromosomes associate in all but one species. However, no synaptonemal complex has been observed between the axes of the X and Y chromosome in any of the examined species. Both the type of association between the sex chromosome axes, and the structural modifications of these axes are conserved within taxonomic groupings. In three species with complex sex chromosome systems, the t(XA), Y, A trivalents do not have a favoured relative orientation of the axes of the Y and A chromosomes, whereas in a fourth species with a t(XA1), t(A2YA2), A2 system the t(XA1) and A2 axes are in a cis arrangement with each other.  相似文献   

Meiosis is a specialized eukaryotic cell division, in which diploid cells undergo a single round of DNA replication and two rounds of nuclear division to produce haploid gametes. In most eukaryotes, the core events of meiotic prophase I are chromosomal pairing,synapsis and recombination. To ensure accurate chromosomal segregation, homologs have to identify and align along each other at the onset of meiosis. Although much progress has been made in elucidating meiotic processes, information on the mechanisms underlying chromosome pairing is limited in contrast to the meiotic recombination and synapsis events. Recent research in many organisms indicated that centromere interactions during early meiotic prophase facilitate homologous chromosome pairing, and functional centromere is a prerequisite for centromere pairing such as in maize. Here, we summarize the recent achievements of chromosome pairing research on plants and other organisms, and outline centromere interactions, nuclear chromosome orientation,and meiotic cohesin, as main determinants of chromosome pairing in early meiotic prophase.  相似文献   

While many studies have provided significant insight into homolog pairing during meiosis, information on non-homologous pairing is much less abundant. In the present study, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to investigate non-homologous pairing in haploid rice during meiosis. At pachytene, non-homologous chromosomes paired and formed synaptonemal complexes. FISH analysis data indicated that chromosome pairing could be grouped into three major types: (1) single chromosome paired fold-back as the univalent structure, (2) two non-homologous chromosomes paired as the bivalent structure, and (3) three or more non-homologous chromosomes paired as the multivalent structure. In the survey of 70 cells, 65 contained univalents, 45 contained bivalents, and 49 contained multivalent. Moreover, chromosomes 9 and 10 as well as chromosomes 11 and 12 formed non-homologous bivalents at a higher frequency than the other chromosomes. However, chiasma was always detected in the bivalent only between chromosomes 11 and 12 at diakinesis or metaphase I, indicating the pairing between these two chromosomes leads non-homologous recombination during meiosis. The synaptonemal complex formation between non-homologs was further proved by immunodetection of RCE8, PAIR2, and ZEP1. Especially, ZEP1 only loaded onto the paired chromosomes other than the un-paired chromosomes at pachytene in haploid.  相似文献   

Nuclei are dynamic structures that move through the mitotic cell cycle, are involved in differentiation, and divide and fuse during reproduction. The DNA contents of nuclei from different plants vary by 2500-fold. The design and structure of nuclei is, therefore, both flexible and versatile. Features relating to genome, chromosome, and maybe even gene localization during interphase are now emerging. At the chromosomal level, studies of scaffold associations and DNA sequence organization are indicating structures that impose nuclear architecture.  相似文献   

Nuclear architecture in plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Structure within the nucleus of plants is becoming increasingly clear in both metaphase and interphase nuclei, although there are conflicting data about the relative positions of individual and pairs of chromosomes. At interphase, individual chromosomes may generally occupy discrete domains that are not intermixed with other chromosomes. Aspects of mechanical chromosome behaviour and even of gene expression may correlate with interphase chromosome position, and imply that a better understanding of nuclear architecture is required.  相似文献   

The initiation and progression of homologous chromosome pairing at meiosis were investigated in female mice. The proximal end of the X chromosome was identified in fetal oocytes using fluorescence in situ hybridisation with the repeat copy probe 70-38. The X centromeres appeared to be randomly positioned in the nuclei from pre-meiotic interphase to leptotene. The observations indicated no pre-synaptic association for the proximal end of the X chromosome. There was a significant increase in the number of paired X centromeres from mid-zygotene to late zygotene. The proximal end of the X chromosome is therefore a generally late pairing region with no significant association seen before mid-zygotene. The centromeric heterochromatin of all chromosomes could be seen to associate into varying numbers of clusters during pre-leptotene through to pachytene. These clusters do not seem to be directly involved in bringing homologues together, as X centromeres did not consistently localise to the same cluster. Received: 1 August 1996; in revised form: 1 June 1997 / Accepted: 1 June 1997  相似文献   

Meiosis is a specialized cell division that occurs in sexually reproducing organisms, generating haploid gametes containing half the chromosome number through two rounds of cell division. Homologous chromosomes pair and prepare for their proper segregation in subsequent divisions. How homologous chromosomes recognize each other and achieve pairing is an important question. Early studies showed that in most organisms, homologous pairing relies on homologous recombination. However, pairing mechanisms differ across species. Evidence indicates that chromosomes are dynamic and move during early meiotic stages, facilitating pairing. Recent studies in various model organisms suggest conserved mechanisms and key regulators of homologous chromosome pairing. This review summarizes these findings and compare similarities and differences in homologous chromosome pairing mechanisms across species.  相似文献   

In budding yeast, absence of the Hop2 protein leads to extensive synaptonemal complex (SC) formation between nonhomologous chromosomes, suggesting a crucial role for Hop2 in the proper alignment of homologous chromosomes during meiotic prophase. Genetic analysis indicates that Hop2 acts in the same pathway as the Rad51 and Dmc1 proteins, two homologs of E. coli RecA. Thus, the hop2 mutant phenotype demonstrates the importance of the recombination machinery in promoting accurate chromosome pairing. We propose that the Dmc1/Rad51 recombinases require Hop2 to distinguish homologous from nonhomologous sequences during the homology search process. Thus, when Hop2 is absent, interactions between nonhomologous sequences become inappropriately stabilized and can initiate SC formation. Overexpression of RAD51 largely suppresses the meiotic defects of the dmc1 and hop2 mutants. We conclude that Rad51 is capable of carrying out a homology search independently, whereas Dmc1 requires additional factors such as Hop2.  相似文献   

Meiotic chromosome segregation requires homologue pairing, synapsis, and crossover recombination, which occur during meiotic prophase. Telomere-led chromosome motion has been observed or inferred to occur during this stage in diverse species, but its mechanism and function remain enigmatic. In Caenorhabditis elegans, special chromosome regions known as pairing centers (PCs), rather than telomeres, associate with the nuclear envelope (NE) and the microtubule cytoskeleton. In this paper, we investigate chromosome dynamics in living animals through high-resolution four-dimensional fluorescence imaging and quantitative motion analysis. We find that chromosome movement is constrained before meiosis. Upon prophase onset, constraints are relaxed, and PCs initiate saltatory, processive, dynein-dependent motions along the NE. These dramatic motions are dispensable for homologous pairing and continue until synapsis is completed. These observations are consistent with the idea that motions facilitate pairing by enhancing the search rate but that their primary function is to trigger synapsis. This quantitative analysis of chromosome dynamics in a living animal extends our understanding of the mechanisms governing faithful genome inheritance.  相似文献   

Chromosome pairing at meiosis is an essential feature in cell biology, which determines trait inheritance and species evolution. Complex polyploids may display diverse pairing affinities and offer favorable situations for studying meiosis. The genus Saccharum encompasses diverse forms of polyploids with predominantly bivalent pairing. We have focused on a modern cultivar of sugarcane, R570, and taken advantage of a particular single copy probe (BNL 12.06) revealing 11 alleles by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). As for other cultivars, R570 is highly polyploid (2n=ca. 115) and indirectly derived from interspecific hybridization between Saccharum officinarum (2n=80, x=10) and S. spontaneum (2n=40-128, x=8). Here we determined the doses of the various BNL12.06 RFLP alleles among 282 progeny of R570 and estimated the mutual pairing frequencies among the corresponding homo- or homoeologous chromosomes using a maximum likelihood method. The result is an atypical picture, with pairing frequencies ranging from 0 to 40% and differential affinities leading to the identification of several chromosome subsets. This example illustrates the unsystematic meiotic behavior in a complex polyploid. It highlights a continuous range of pairing affinities between chromosomes and pinpoints a strong role of individual chromosome features, partly related to their ancestral origin, in the determination of these affinities.  相似文献   

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