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Danilov  Roman A.  Ekelund  Nils G. A. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,444(1-3):203-212
Impacts of solar radiation, humic substances and nutrients on phytoplankton abundance at different depths were investigated in a temperate dimictic lake, Lake Solumsjö. Penetration of solar radiation profiles at different depths, represented as light attenuation coefficient (K d) were examined. Water sampling and downward irradiance of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), ultraviolet-A (UV-A, 320–400 nm) and ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280–320 nm) radiation were performed once a week and at three different times of the day (08.00, 12.00 and 16.00 hrs, local time) between September 13 and November 1, 1999. During the period of investigation, solar radiation above the water surface declined from 474 to 94 mol m–2 s–1 for PAR, from 1380 to 3.57 W m–2 for UV-A and from 13.1 to 0.026 W m–2 for UV-B, respectively. The attenuation coefficient (K d) for UV-B radiation ranged from 3.7 to 31 m–1 and UV-B radiation could not be detected at depths greater than 0.25 m. Humic substances measured at 440 nm ranged from 35.5 to 57.7 Pt mg l–1. Mean values of biomass, estimated from chlorophyll a, in the whole water column (0–10 m) varied between 2.3 and 5.6 g l–1 and a diel fluctuation was observed. During stratified conditions, high levels of iron (1.36 mg l–1) and manganese (4.32 mg l–1) were recorded in the hypolimnion, suggesting that the thermocline played a major role in the vertical distribution of phytoplankton communities in Lake Solumsjö. The high levels of iron and manganese stimulated the growth of Trachelomonas volvocinopsis in the hypolimnion at a depth of 10 m. Negative impacts of UV-B radiation on phytoplankton in lake Solumsjö are reduced due to the high levels of humic substances and the high degree of solar zenith angle at the latitude studied.  相似文献   

Grass pollen is an important risk factor for allergic rhinitis and asthma in Australia and is the most prevalent pollen component of the aerospora of Brisbane, accounting for 71.6% of the annual airborne pollen load. A 5-year (June 1994–May 1999) monitoring program shows the grass pollen season to occur during the summer and autumn months (December–April), however the timing of onset and intensity of the season vary from year to year. During the pollen season, Poaceae counts exceeding 30 grains m–3 were recorded on 244 days and coincided with maximum temperatures of 28.1 ± 2.0 °C. In this study, statistical associations between atmospheric grass pollen loads and several weather parameters, including maximum temperature, minimum temperature and precipitation, were investigated. Spearmans correlation analysis demonstrated that daily grass pollen counts were positively associated (P < 0.0001) with maximum and minimum temperature during each sampling year. Precipitation, although considered a less important daily factor (P < 0.05), was observed to remove pollen grains from the atmosphere during significant periods of rainfall. This study provides the first insight into the influence of meteorological variables, in particular temperature, on atmospheric Poaceae pollen counts in Brisbane. An awareness of these associations is critical for the prevention and management of allergy and asthma for atopic individuals within this region.  相似文献   

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany - Shielings are the historically known form of transhumance in Scandinavia, where livestock were moved from the farmstead to sites in the outlands for summer...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to construct a picture of the influence of meteorological conditions on the start and duration of the airborne Betulaceae pollen season and the pollen concentrations in the atmosphere of Zagreb, Croatia. The study during three seasons (2002–2004) used a 7‐day Hirst‐type volumetric pollen and spore trap. Total annual airborne pollen of Alnus, Corylus and Betula greatly varied from year to year. The differences in the dates of onset of airborne pollen presence of Alnus, Corylus and Betula noted in Zagreb in 2002–2004 were controlled by weather conditions, particularly temperature and precipitation. In all years studied, airborne pollen peaks were recorded on days with temperature above 0°C and without or minimal precipitation. The mean number of days with airborne pollen concentrations exceeding levels which provoke symptoms of an allergic reaction was 15, 16 and 29 days for alder, hazel and birch, respectively. The results of the present study may provide useful data for allergologists to reach accurate diagnoses, and timely information on concentrations of airborne pollen types and concentrations for individuals with pollen hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

To address potential causes of disturbances in recent New Zealand vegetation a sediment core from Tiniroto Lakes near Gisborne was used to reconstruct the local history of ecological disturbance and vegetation dynamics. Our approach was to examine the pattern and rate of vegetation change, against known disturbances, in order to identify different causes of disturbance. Despite intermittent disturbances, a steady transformation of vegetation dominates the period from c. 4,900 to c. 2,300 cal. yrs b.p. This is a time of climatic amelioration, with increasing precipitation suggested by the decline of light-adapted taxa, together with the establishment of forest. After c. 2,300 cal. yrs b.p., vegetation change becomes much more irregular, and apparently driven by disturbances, including unusual ones, such as earthquakes. In contrast to earlier disturbances, later vegetation responses are typified by a reduction of forest species and the establishment of semi-open vegetation, which persists for decades. This dichotomy suggests that a change in disturbance regime, especially in terms of fire, characterises the period after c. 2,300 cal. yrs b.p. The rises of fire frequency and of intensity at that time could be a result of severe droughts under climate extremes associated with intensified ENSO frequencies.  相似文献   

People in urban areas frequently use parks for recreation and outdoor activities. Owing to the complexity of the outdoor environment, there have only been a few attempts to understand the effect of the thermal environment on people's use of outdoor spaces. This paper therefore seeks to determine the relationship between the thermal environment, park use and behavioural patterns in an urban area of Sweden. The methods used include structured interviews, unobtrusive observations of the naturally occurring behaviour and simultaneous measurements of thermal comfort variables, i.e., air temperature, air humidity, wind speed and global radiation. The thermal environment is investigated through the mean radiant temperature (Tmrt) and the predicted mean vote (PMV) index. The outcome is compared to the subjective behaviour and thermal sensation of the interviewees. It is found that the thermal environment, access and design are important factors in the use of the park. In order to continue to use the park when the thermal conditions become too cold or too hot for comfort, people improve their comfort conditions by modifying their clothing and by choosing the most supportive thermal opportunities available within the place. The study also shows that psychological aspects such as time of exposure, expectations, experience and perceived control may influence the subjective assessment. Comparison between the thermal sensation of the interviewees and the thermal sensation assessed by the PMV index indicates that steady-state models such as the PMV index may not be appropriate for the assessment of short-term outdoor thermal comfort, mainly because they are unable to analyse transient exposure.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the results of a transect analysis carried out in order to detect small-scale patterns ofAvenetum species in a limestone grassland on the Great Alvar on the Baltic island of Öland, Sweden. Three transects consisting of 500 10×10 cm quadrats were used. The cover and number of flowering stalks (if any) of the 21 most common species were recorded. In addition the total cover of vascular plants, cover of mosses and lichens, cover of cow dung and soil depth in each quadrat were recorded. Ellenberg indicator values for light, moisture, reaction and nitrogen were calculated for each quadrat as weighted averages of the values for the species included in the analysis. Patch size frequency analysis, PASFRAN, a new method for detecting patches and their sizes, revealed that 42% of all significant species patches detected had mean patch sizes (diameter) in the range of 26–50 cm, which matched the size of dung patches—49 cm in transect 1 and 30 cm in transect 2. Results of association analysis revealed correlations for several species pairs and between species and environmental factors with similar patch sizes. Combination of PASFRAN and association analysis is recommended as an effective method for pattern detection.  相似文献   

Z. Kaplan 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3):344-351

Potamogeton×salicifolius, a hybrid between P. lucens and P. perfoliatus, is identified as a new taxon for Italy. This is the first record of this hybrid from southern Europe. The Italian sample was studied in cultivation and compared with a living specimen of Psalicifolius from Sweden, where the hybrid is rather widespread. In addition to morphological features, the most compelling evidence for the hybrid origin of these plants came from the isozyme analysis. The additive “hybrid” banding patterns of the five enzyme systems studied indicate inheritance from P. lucens and P. perfoliatus. The distribution of this hybrid in Europe coincides with the areas most severely affected by the Late Pleistocene glaciation. The relationships between environmental conditions, history of the habitat and rise of hybrids are discussed.  相似文献   

Chilika Lake is the largest lagoon in Asia, situated in the state of Orissa in India. In the year 2000, many surface samples and cores were taken. Here the lithological results and especially those of the pollen analysis are shown. The oldest sediments of core CHI 9 were dated at about 13,500 cal years b.p. At this time the area of Chilika Lake was a river or a river delta with fresh water vegetation. With the increase in the sea level after about 9,500 cal years b.p. the area became an estuary with mangrove vegetation. Small variations in the sea level between about 5,000 and 2,500 cal years b.p. are not visible in our pollen profile. However the regression after about 2,000 cal years b.p. caused the formation of a barrier spit and sand ridges with the consequence that a big lagoon was formed, Chilika Lake. Marine influence diminished and the fresh water impact from the rivers increased. Mangrove vegetation disappeared and was replaced by fresh water vegetation. This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Beug on his 75th birthday.  相似文献   

Compared with most parts of Europe, northern Sweden is essentially a sparsely populated wilderness. There is, however, an ever increasing body of archaeological and palaeoecological information that shows that the region has a long cultural history. In this paper, results of pollen analytical investigations from four lakes with varved lake sediments, in the province of Ångermanland, are presented. These investigations have yielded evidence of continuous and sedentary agriculture from the 6th century in the region close to the Bothnian coast and near the mouth of the large river Ångermanälven. This early agriculture appears to have been based on animal husbandry and cereal, mainly barley, cultivation. During a second farming expansion phase at ca. A.D. 1200, rye cultivation became more important. The increased farming activity during this period was most pronounced at the coast and in the river valley, but more peripheral regions away from the river valley were also exploited. During the period A.D. 1600–1800, arable farming assumed greater importance. In the first decades of the 20th century, the area under cultivation declined, cereal cultivation mostly ceased and the fields were used for pasture.  相似文献   



In this two-part paper (Background and Initial Assumptions (part 1) and Results of Survey Research (part 2)), we present surveys whose main objective is to determine whether, and to what extent, the life cycle assessment (LCA) technique is used for the identification and assessment of environmental aspects in environmental management systems (EMS) and whether there are any differences in this respect between the companies and countries analysed.


The survey research was carried out using the computer assisted self-administered interviewing method among selected Polish, German and Swedish organisations which implement EMS in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001 and/or the EMAS regulation.


The organisations investigated, regardless of their country, are dominated by qualitative and semi-quantitative techniques of assessment and identification of environmental aspects. LCA was used sporadically, although some differences can be observed between the countries analysed.


The environmental managers accustomed to traditional qualitative and semi-quantitative solutions have not been given preparation to enable them to understand and adopt different approaches such as LCA. On the other hand, representatives of the organisations investigated declared that they were ready to accept an even longer timescale for the identification and assessment processes relating to environmental aspects, which represents a potential opportunity for LCA. The more precise understanding and definition of environmental problems that are precisely defined in LCA would represent a novelty for environmental managers. In practice, environmental problems are defined in a general sense and rather ambiguously, as this level of detail is sufficient in the context of qualitative and semi-quantitative techniques commonly used for the identification and assessment of environmental aspects.  相似文献   

A sediment core encompassing the last 2000 years was extracted from Lake Laja, Chile, (36°54′S, 71°05′W) using an Uwitec drilling platform. The sediment was subsampled for loss on ignition, nutrients, biogenic silica, and biological proxies (diatoms, chironomids, pollen). The sedimentary profile was characterized by several coarse volcanic layers. Loss on ignition, nutrients, and biogenic silica showed an increasing trend that suggests a recent shift to a higher trophic status. Diatom assemblages also suggested higher nutrient content with increased abundances of Aulacoseira granulata, A. distans, and Asterionella formosa. At the same time, a marked change in the benthic and facultative planktonic taxa may be associated with cooling. This period of change coincides with the European Little Ice Age (LIA). The chironomid profile showed four key zones distinguished largely by changes in the abundance of Tanytarsini, Parachironomus, and Macropelopia. Like diatoms, chironomids also seemed to reflect a shift to higher trophic conditions in the upper part reflected by increasing abundance of taxa such as Tribelos/Phaenopsectra, Cricotopus/Orthocladius, and Ablabesmyia. The most striking feature in the chironomid assemblage is the abundance of Podonominae, Parapsectrocladius, and Limnophyes/Compterosmittia, which could be associated with a cold-dry period between 1500 and 1900 AD in Lake Laja (the period of the European LIA). Pollen assemblages indicated fluctuations in humidity through changes in Nothofagus dombeyi-type, Poaceae, and Ephedra, and we inferred a strong human impact over the last 100 years from the appearance of Plantago and increased levels of Poaceae and Asteraceae subf. Cichorioidae. Finally, the three proxies showed the occurrence of a cold-dry event in Lake Laja (~1550–1900 AD), which roughly coincides with the European LIA. However the data from this research, does not prove neither rejects the existence of the occurrence of the MWP in the central Andes.  相似文献   

Sulphur dioxide in air as well as dry deposition of sulphur dioxide to a forest has decreased by a factor of 20 during the last two decades. It was earlier found that the internal circulation of calcium in Norway spruce follows the dry deposition of sulphur dioxide. The sulphur and calcium fluxes from 1992 were calculated from wet deposition, throughfall and a surrogate surface. Earlier fluxes from 1981 to 1991 were calculated using assumptions of the dry deposition of non-marine sulphate and calcium. The new estimates confirm the earlier studies that the internal circulation of calcium in a coniferous forest is directly related to the dry deposition of sulphur dioxide to the canopies and that the internal circulation of calcium decreases at the same rate as the deposition of sulphur decreased during the last two decades. The deposition fluxes were also compared to run-off and uptake of calcium in the forest as well as on modelled weathering rates from severely acidified forested catchments near the coast and inland and the soil pool. A reconstruction of changes in the soil pool of calcium over the last 100 years indicate that the soil pool has decreased by ca. 70% in catchments with complete harvest of the forest and ca. 40% if branches and needles are left on the ground. In a natural forest without acid deposition the soil pool of calcium would have increased by 6%. Estimates for the 21st century show that harvesting of stems+branches and needles may almost empty the soil pool of calcium in the next 100 years. Increased nitrogen deposition has increased forest growth, which indirectly increased uptake of calcium by the trees and indirectly caused a further decrease of the soil pool of calcium.  相似文献   

Pressure-resistant circulating systems were constructed to enable the investigation of attached and unattached microbial populations under in situ pressure (2.5 MPa), diversity, dissolved gas and chemistry conditions. Three parallel flow cell cabinets were configured to allow observation of the effect on microbial metabolic activity of adding 3 mM hydrogen or 2.4 mM acetate, compared with an untreated control. Hydrogen addition reduced the generation time fourfold to 2 weeks, doubled the sulphide production rate and increased acetate production by approximately 50%. The acetate addition induced acetate consumption. The studied subterranean microbial processes appeared to proceed very slowly in terms of volume and time, although the results suggest that individual cells could be very active. Lytic bacteriophages are hypothesized to have caused this contradictive observation. Phages may consequently significantly reduce the rates of subterranean microbial processes. Furthermore, the results suggest that hydrogen from corroding underground constructions could induce significant local microbial activity and that the low concentrations of hydrogen often observed in pristine subterranean environments may support slow but sustainable microbial activity in deep groundwater.  相似文献   

Summary Fermentation time-courses for a recombinantBacillus subtilis strain grown in starch and glucose modia were investigated. The results indicate the absence of glucose catabolite repression controlling expression of the -amylase genes in the recombinant but not in the donor strain. Plasmid instability was associated largely with the post-exponential phases of growth and decline.  相似文献   

Context: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic skin disease characterized by inflammation of the skin and has exhibited remarkable repercussions on human life across the globe. Fluocinolone acetonide (FA), a topical corticosteroid is employed in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, but suffers from limited penetration into deeper epidermis of atopic skin.

Objective: The present investigation was focused to explore the utility of β-cylcoethosomes in improvising the penetration deep into the skin.

Materials and methods: β-Cylcoethosomes developed using β-cycloamylose by injection method were evaluated for vesicle size, entrapment efficiency and in vitro release. Central Composite design employed for the preparation depicted FA8 as an optimized formulation which was then formulated as dermatological gel using carbomer 934P as a gel base. The gels were characterized for pH, viscosity, drug content and in vitro permeability.

Results and discussion: Optimized formulation (FA8) showed maximum desirability (0.795) with vesicle size of 228.33?±?1.23?nm), EE (82.49?±?1.21%) and CDR (90.90?±?0.29%). FA8-loaded gels showed maximum in vitro permeability as found in BG and BGP (83.22?±?0.72% and 84.02?±?0.87). BG was selected as an optimized gel and compared with optimized reference ethosomal gel and control gel. CLSM studies depicted deeper uniform penetration of fluorescent dye deep into the epidermis via BG. Improved penetration was observed due to the synergistic effect exerted by ethanol and β-cycloamylose.

Conclusion: β-cylcoethosomes proved to be a promising carrier for improvised penetration of fluocinolone acetonide via topical gel.  相似文献   

An understanding of the occurrence and comparative timing of influenza infections in different age groups is important for developing community response and disease control measures. This study uses data from a Scandinavian county (population 427.000) to investigate whether age was a determinant for being diagnosed with influenza 2005-2010 and to examine if age was associated with case timing during outbreaks. Aggregated demographic data were collected from Statistics Sweden, while influenza case data were collected from a county-wide electronic health record system. A logistic regression analysis was used to explore whether case risk was associated with age and outbreak. An analysis of variance was used to explore whether day for diagnosis was also associated to age and outbreak. The clinical case data were validated against case data from microbiological laboratories during one control year. The proportion of cases from the age groups 10-19 (p<0.001) and 20-29 years old (p<0.01) were found to be larger during the A pH1N1 outbreak in 2009 than during the seasonal outbreaks. An interaction between age and outbreak was observed (p<0.001) indicating a difference in age effects between circulating virus types; this interaction persisted for seasonal outbreaks only (p<0.001). The outbreaks also differed regarding when the age groups received their diagnosis (p<0.001). A post-hoc analysis showed a tendency for the young age groups, in particular the group 10-19 year olds, led outbreaks with influenza type A H1 circulating, while A H3N2 outbreaks displayed little variations in timing. The validation analysis showed a strong correlation (r = 0.625;p<0.001) between the recorded numbers of clinically and microbiologically defined influenza cases. Our findings demonstrate the complexity of age effects underlying the emergence of local influenza outbreaks. Disentangling these effects on the causal pathways will require an integrated information infrastructure for data collection and repeated studies of well-defined communities.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Polyploidization, the doubling of chromosome sets, is common in angiosperms and has a range of evolutionary consequences. Newly formed polyploid lineages are reproductively isolated from their diploid progenitors due to triploid sterility, but also prone to extinction because compatible mating partners are rare. Models have suggested that assortative mating and increased reproductive fitness play a key role in the successful establishment and persistence of polyploids. However, little is known about these factors in natural mixed-ploidy populations. This study investigated floral traits that can affect pollinator attraction and efficiency, as well as reproductive success in diploid and tetraploid Gymnadenia conopsea (Orchidaceae) plants in two natural, mixed-ploidy populations.Methods Ploidy levels were determined using flow cytometry, and flowering phenology and herbivory were also assessed. Reproductive success was determined by counting fruits and viable seeds of marked plants. Pollinator-mediated floral isolation was measured using experimental arrays, with pollen flow tracked by means of staining pollinia with histological dye.Key Results Tetraploids had larger floral displays and different floral scent bouquets than diploids, but cytotypes differed only slightly in floral colour. Significant floral isolation was found between the two cytotypes. Flowering phenology of the two cytotypes greatly overlapped, and herbivory did not differ between cytotypes or was lower in tetraploids. In addition, tetraploids had higher reproductive success compared with diploids.Conclusions The results suggest that floral isolation and increased reproductive success of polyploids may help to explain their successful persistence in mixed-ploidy populations. These factors might even initiate transformation of populations from pure diploid to pure tetraploid.  相似文献   

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany - Human activities have profoundly transformed mountain woodland landscapes, particularly in the Pyrenees where they have intensified and diversified since the...  相似文献   

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