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胡明行  谭群英  杨道德 《生态学报》2013,33(6):1778-1783
尖吻蝮(Deinagkistrodon acutus)野生资源日益枯竭,食用和药用压力巨大,亟需开展人工养殖。目前尖吻蝮的人工养殖技术还不够成熟,大多数养殖场采用半地下室饲养尖吻蝮,有关该条件下尖吻蝮的繁殖特性报道较少。为促进尖吻蝮的人工养殖,2010年4—9月,在湖南永州市对半地下室圈养的尖吻蝮成体的体型指标、窝卵数、窝卵重、卵重等繁殖特征之间的关系进行了研究。结果表明:圈养尖吻蝮成年雌体产单窝柔性卵,平均窝卵数为23.0±7.8(13—37)枚(n=23);将产后雌体体重和窝卵重相加记为产前雌体体重,采用SPSS 13.0软件处理数据,设置α=0.05和α=0.01,发现产前雌体体重分别与窝卵数、窝卵重、卵重均呈显著相关性;产前雌体体长分别与窝卵数、窝卵重、卵重无显著相关性;窝卵数与卵重无显著相关性,卵重分别与卵短径、卵长径均呈显著相关性。产前体重在1000—1200 g之间的雌蛇所产窝卵数和单枚卵重的数值均较大且最集中,这保证了雌体繁殖输出后代的生存优势,对尖吻蝮人工养殖挑选雌性种蛇有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Aim Ecogeographical ‘rules’, large‐scale patterns in ecological variables across geographical space, can provide important insights into the mechanisms of evolution and ecological assembly. However, interactions between rules could obscure both the observation of large‐scale patterns and their interpretation. Here, we examine a system of three variables interrelated by ecogeographical rules – the latitudinal increase in body size within closely related homeotherms (Bergmann’s rule), the negative allometry of clutch size (Calder’s rule) and the latitudinal increase in clutch size (Lack’s rule) – in a global dataset of birds. Location Global. Methods We used linear regressions and meta‐analysis techniques to quantify the three rules across clades and through the taxonomic hierarchy. Path analysis was used to quantify interactions between rules at multiple taxonomic levels, as a function of both phylogenetic inheritance of traits and indirect feedbacks between the three rules. Independent contrasts analyses were performed on four clades with available phylogenies, and the taxonomic partitioning of variation in each trait was quantified. Results Standardizing across all clades, Lack’s and Bergmann’s rules were supported at all taxonomic levels, with Calder’s rule being supported at the order level. Lack’s rule was consistently stronger and more often detected than the other two rules. Path analysis showed that the indirect effects often outweighed the direct effects of Calder’s rule at the genus level and Bergmann’s rule at the order level. Strong interactions between Calder’s and Bergmann’s rules led to a trade‐off between the rules depending on taxonomic resolution. Main conclusions We found strong interactions between Bergmann’s, Lack’s and Calder’s rules in birds, and these interactions varied in strength and direction over the taxonomic hierarchy and among avian clades. Ecogeographical rules may be masked by feedbacks from other, correlated variables, even when the underlying selective mechanism is operating. The apparently conflicting pairwise relationships among clutch size, body size and latitude illustrate the difficulty of interpreting individual pairwise correlations without recognition of interdependence with other variables.  相似文献   

Synopsis Regional Indo-Pacific fish faunas were examined for broad patterns in species size composition. An analysis of the New Guinea fauna, based on data compiled by Munro (1967), revealed that (i) maximum body size for a species tended to be larger in the more advanced teleost families; (ii) intrafamilial size variation (expressed by the standard deviation of log-transformed maximum body size) was significantly lower in the suborder Percoidei than in families drawn from broader taxonomic groupings; and (iii) size variation was significantly positively correlated with mean maximum body size and, in the percoids only, with the number of species in a family. An analysis of Marshall Islands reef fish assemblages, based mainly on the data of Matt & Strasburg (1960), indicated, that (i) mean maximum body size varied significantly between habitats and feeding categories, and tended to increase with openness of habitat and with trophic level; (ii) size variation within feeding categories increased with the number of species, but not significantly so; and (iii) confamilial species generally exhibited close similarities in terms of preferred habitats, trophic levels and foraging modes. These findings indicate that interspecific body size variation is both phylogenetically and ecologically constrained. Size variation within ecological categories (especially habitats) was much greater than within families. Thus, confamilial species generally did not exhibit the range of body sizes theoretically open to members of their habitat feeding guilds. The results are also consistent with aspects of resource-partitioning theory, notably that resource-utilisation breadth should increase with the number of coexisting species.  相似文献   

Synopsis Recruitment of juvenile fishes to five 25 m2 quadrats on an extensive natural reef in Kona, Hawaii was monitored over 51 months. Pronounced between-year variability in recruit abundance was evident for some species. Many exhibited strikingly low levels of recruitment. Overall recruitment was highly seasonal with a major peak in June and July, and a generally smaller, secondary peak in February and March. Recruitment was minimal during early winter (October–December) and a review of other studies similarly indicates minimal recruitment in Hawaii during this period. Spawning in Hawaiian fishes generally begins during the winter months of relatively low temperatures, increases during late winter and early summer and declines rapidly as maximum summer water temperatures are reached (September–October). Seasonal changes in food availability, ocean currents or salinity seem unlikely to be responsible for observed patterns of recruitment and spawning. Rather, the patterns appear to be most closely tied to changes in water temperature or photoperiod. Loss of propagules to offshore-moving eddies or other unfavorable currents may be responsible for the low levels of juvenile recruitment found in this and other Hawaiian studies. In Kona, at least 6 species of fishes recruited in pulses during quarter or new moon phases. Four other species have been reported elsewhere in Hawaii to recruit during either new or full moon phases. Lunar spawning periodicity was present in fewer than half of the species so far examined, and no single adaptive function for lunar periodicity was applicable to all species.  相似文献   

Spawning sites used by one or more species were located by intensively searching nearshore coral reefs of Kimbe Bay (New Britain, Papua New Guinea). Once identified, the spawning sites were surveyed repeatedly within fixed 5 m radius circular areas, for > 2000 h of observations ranging from before dawn to after dusk spanning 190 days between July 2001 and May 2004. A total of 38 spawning sites were identified on the seven study reefs distributed at an average of one site every 60 m of reef edge. Pelagic spawning was observed in 41 fish species from six families. On three intensively studied reefs, all 17 spawning sites identified were used by at least three species, with a maximum of 30 different species observed spawning at a single site. Spawning was observed during every month of the study, on all days of the lunar month, at all states of the tide and at most hours of the day studied. Nevertheless, the majority of species were observed spawning on proportionately more days from December to April, on more days around the new moon and in association with higher tides. The strongest temporal association, however, was with species‐specific diel spawning times spanning < 3 h for most species. While dawn spawning, afternoon spawning and dusk spawning species were differentiated, the time of spawning for the striated surgeonfish Ctenochaetus striatus also differed significantly among sites. The large number of species spawning at the same restricted locations during predictable times suggests that these sites are extremely important on this low‐latitude coral reef.  相似文献   

Dacus tryoni (Frogg.) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is the main tephritid pest of cultivated fruits in Australia. D. jarvisi (Tryon) is also able to infest these fruits. Some factors influencing the rate at which D. tryoni and D. jarvisi exploit patches of host fruits were examined to determine whether one species may have an advantage when they exploit the same fruits in the field. Measurements of the intrinsic rate of increase, ovariole number, clutch size and egg size and the influence of body size on these parameters were made for both species in the laboratory. Up to 10 weeks of age D. tryoni produced twice as many eggs as D. jarvisi, most during a peak 3–5 weeks after adult emergence. The difference in fecundity up to 10 weeks can be explained partly by the higher number of ovarioles in D. tryoni (38/ovary) compared to D. jarvisi (27/ovary). In addition D. tryoni produces smaller eggs than D. jarvisi and distributes them in smaller clutches; 3–4 eggs/clutch vs 10–15. In both species there was a positive correlation between ovariole number and body size (as measured by wing length). By contrast, egg size remained constant over a broad range of body sizes. The influence of these life history differences on the interaction between D. tryoni and D. jarvisi in the field is discussed.
Résumé D. tryoni Frogg est la principale téphrididae nuisible aux fruits cultivés en Australie. Cependant, plusieurs autres espèces de Dacus, dont D. jarvisi Tryon sont susceptibles de contaminer ces fruits. Quelques facteurs influant sur le taux de contamination de fruits ont été examinés pour déterminer si une espèce peut être avantagée lors de l'exploitation des mêmes fruits dans la nature. L'influence de la taille de l'adulte sur le taux d'accroissement intrinsèque, sur le nombre d'ovarioles, sur l'effectif des pontes et sur la taille des ufs a été examinée au laboratoire sur les 2 espèces. Pendant les 10 premières semaines, D. tryoni produit 2 fois plus d'ufs que D. jarvisi, la plupart étant pondus entre la 3e et la 5e semaines après l'émergence. La production de D. tryoni diminue rapidement après ce maximum. D. jarvisi ne présente pas ce maximum précoce, et la production des ufs se fait au même rythme entre les 3e et 7e semaines, avant de diminuer graduellement. La différence de fécondité au bout de 10 semaines peut être expliquée partiellement par le plus grand nombre d'ovarioles de D. tryoni (38/ovaire) contre 24/ovaire pour D. jarvisi. De plus, D. tryoni forme des ufs plus petits que D. jarvisi et l'effectif de chacune de ses pontes est plus limité: 3 à 4 ufs contre 10 à 15. Chez les deux espèces, il y a une relation directe nette entre le nombre d'ovarioles et la taille du corps de la femelle (mesurée par la longueur de l'aile). Par contre, la taille des ufs est indépendante d'une grande gamme de tailles du corps des femelles. Les caractéristiques biologiques de D. tryoni le rendent capable de contaminer rapidement les bouquets de fruits qu'il vient de coloniser, ce qui réduit les disponibilités pour les autres espèces susceptibles de contaminer ces fruits. Dans le cas particulier de D. jarvisi, D. tryoni a peu d'impact sur son niveau de population, puisque D. jarvisi peut exploiter aussi son hôte d'origine, Planchonia careya: Il ne tend à entrer en compétition avec D. tryoni que pour une ou deux générations tardives en été, quand l'hôte partage (la goyave) est souvent abondant. Néanmoins, si les fruits sont rares à cette époque ou si les 2 espèces sont obligées de partager leurs hôtes pendant plusieurs générations (hors de l'aire de Planchonia), D. tryoni aura un avantage certain.

The factors explaining interspecific differences in clutch investment in precocial birds are poorly understood. We investigated how variations in clutch characteristics are related to environmental factors in a comparative study of 151 extant species of ducks, geese and swans (Anseriformes). Egg mass was negatively related to clutch size in a phylogenetic regression, a relationship that was much stronger when controlling for female mass. Nest placement was related to both egg size and clutch size, with cavity-nesting species laying more but smaller eggs. Egg size was positively correlated with incubation period and with female mass, and also with sexual size dimorphism (i.e. male mass relative to that of the female). Clutch size was not related to female mass. Species with long term pair bonds laid smaller clutches and larger eggs. The size of the breeding range was strongly positively correlated with clutch size and clutch mass, and its inclusion in multivariate models made other biogeographical variables (hemisphere, breeding latitude or insularity) non-significant. The small clutches in insular species appear to be a product of small range size rather than insularity per se. Our results suggest there is an evolutionary trade-off between clutch and egg size, and lend support to Lack’s resource-limitation hypothesis for the waterfowl.  相似文献   

Synopsis The spawning patterns of four Hawaiian reef fishes with similar reproductive habits, but different biogeographic distributions were studied from September 1980 to October 1981. Two species are Hawaiian endemics [Centropyge potteri (Pomacanthidae) and Chaetodon multicinctus (Chaetodontidae)] and the other two have pan-tropical Pacific distributions [Ctenochaetus strigosus and Zebrasoma flavescens (Acanthuridae)]. All showed increased spawning activity from January to July, the prevalent pattern among a majority of coastal marine fishes in Hawaii. Environmental correlatives to the period of peak reproduction include cycles of (a) daylight length and temperature which probably function as proximate cues and (b) seasonal variations in ocean current patterns which may ultimately affect survival of larvae and dispersal. Peak reproduction takes place during months when (1) mesoscale eddies most likely occur, and (2) the probability is greatest of drifting objects remaining near the islands.  相似文献   

B. Baur 《Oecologia》1988,77(3):390-394
Summary The relationships between local population density and adult size, clutch size and spatial distribution of egg batches were investigated in 11 natural populations of the land snail Arianta arbustorum in a forest near Uppsala, Sweden. Shell size of adults decreased with increasing population density as did clutch size. Within populations, clutch size scaled allometrically with shell size indicating size-specific fecundity. It is hypothesized that food unpalatability caused by mucus deposition slows down juvenile growth rate in high density populations, resulting in small adults and thus reducing their fecundity in subsequent years. The influence of the distance between batches on the incidence of egg cannibalism by hatchlings was examined in a laboratory experiment. In this experiment the number of eggs cannibalized increased with decreasing distance to the batch of hatching snails. Thus, in the field, eggs of highly aggregated batches suffer a high risk of cannibalism. In the 3 populations with the highest snail density, 21–39% of all batches were deposited close to each other (nearest neighbour distance 5 cm, i.e. less than hatchlings more within 1 day). These findings indicate that egg cannibalism can act as a population regulating factor.  相似文献   

Numerous organisms display conspicuous eyespots. These eye‐like patterns have been shown to effectively reduce predation by either deflecting strikes away from nonvital organs or by intimidating potential predators. While investigated extensively in terrestrial systems, determining what factors shape eyespot form in colorful coral reef fishes remains less well known. Using a broadscale approach we ask: How does the size of the eyespot relate to the actual eye, and at what size during ontogeny are eyespots acquired or lost? We utilized publicly available images to generate a dataset of 167 eyespot‐bearing reef fish species. We measured multiple features relating to the size of the fish, its eye, and the size of its eyespot. In reef fishes, the area of the eyespot closely matches that of the real eye; however, the eyespots “pupil” is nearly four times larger than the real pupil. Eyespots appear at about 20 mm standard length. However, there is a marked decrease in the presence of eyespots in fishes above 48 mm standard length; a size which is tightly correlated with significant decreases in documented mortality rates. Above 75–85 mm, the cost of eyespots appears to outweigh their benefit. Our results identify a “size window” for eyespots in coral reef fishes, which suggests that eyespot use is strictly body size‐dependent within this group.  相似文献   

The variation in reproductive variables is documented both within and across species of chelonians. At both the generic and family levels, egg weight and clutch size show positive, significant correlations with adult carapace length. There is a negative correlation across both genera and families between clutch size and egg weight after removing the effects of body size, suggesting an evolutionary trade-off between these two life-history characteristics. However, the trade-off is not complete, since clutch size is positively correlated with clutch weight after removing the effects of body size. Terrestrial species lay fewer and larger eggs for their size than freshwater or marine species, but this association is statistically confounded by the fact that chelonian families form ecological groups. There is no significant association between habitat and clutch weight after removing the effects of body size, nor between latitude and either egg weight or clutch size, but temperate species have a heavier clutch weight after removing the effects of body size. Larger species lay eggs that are more spherical, but after controlling for body size, egg shape is not associated with clutch size. The patterns of covariation between adult weight, egg weight and clutch size contrast with those reported for birds and mammals, and some reasons for these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Across animal species, body size and clutch size often form part of a suite of associated life history traits, exemplified by the "fast-slow continuum" in mammals. Across the parasitoid Hymenoptera however, a major axis of life history variation is the development mode of the larva (koinobiosis versus idiobiosis), and body size and clutch size do not seem to form clear associations with this major axis. Here we use a large comparative data set and the latest phylogenetic information to explore hypotheses that might explain the variation in body size and clutch size across species in parasitoids. We find evidence for three novel evolutionary correlations: changes in the stage of host attacked by the parasitoid (i.e. egg, larva, pupa) significantly predict changes in both body size and clutch size, whilst in gregarious species changes to higher latitudes are associated with reduced clutch size. We also find a number of hypothesized cross-species (phenotypic) associations that, however, we cannot demonstrate are the result of evolutionary correlations: large bodied species in our data tend to lay small clutches; koinobionts are larger than idiobionts attacking the same host stage; tropical species are smaller than temperate species (Bergmann's rule). Our results provide support for theoretical models of trait evolution in parasitoids, whilst the associations between latitude and life history may help explain why species richness in the family Ichneumonidae peaks at intermediate latitudes. Our results also show the continuing value of phylogenetically-based comparative analyses and demonstrate that recent work on parasitoid phylogenetics has produced significant benefits for our understanding of life history evolution.  相似文献   

Because resources are finite, female animals face trade‐offs between the size and number of offspring they are able to produce during a single reproductive event. Optimal egg size (OES) theory predicts that any increase in resources allocated to reproduction should increase clutch size with minimal effects on egg size. Variations of OES predict that egg size should be optimized, although not necessarily constant across a population, because optimality is contingent on maternal phenotypes, such as body size and morphology, and recent environmental conditions. We examined the relationships among body size variables (pelvic aperture width, caudal gap height, and plastron length), clutch size, and egg width of diamondback terrapins from separate but proximate populations at Kiawah Island and Edisto Island, South Carolina. We found that terrapins do not meet some of the predictions of OES theory. Both populations exhibited greater variation in egg size among clutches than within, suggesting an absence of optimization except as it may relate to phenotype/habitat matching. We found that egg size appeared to be constrained by more than just pelvic aperture width in Kiawah terrapins but not in the Edisto population. Terrapins at Edisto appeared to exhibit osteokinesis in the caudal region of their shells, which may aid in the oviposition of large eggs.  相似文献   

The temporal dynamics of fish recruitment to equatorial Indo-Pacific coral reefs are not well known. This paper documents fish recruitment over a 2.5-year period in Kimbe Bay (PNG) and shows that it is much less seasonal than is typically described for higher latitude coral reefs. Two families, wrasses (Labridae) and damselfishes (Pomacentridae), which accounted for 90% of all non-cryptic reef fish settlers, exhibited contrasting patterns. Most wrasse species had year-round recruitment with irregular peaks in abundance between November and May. Damselfish species showed a wider range of recruitment patterns, but most had negligible recruitment during the wet season (December–February), followed by one or two recruitment peaks between May and November. Species with longer seasonal recruitment periods exhibited higher cumulative levels of recruitment. For three focal damselfish species, reproductive output was reduced during the wet season, but this alone did not account for the low recruitment at this time. The lack of damselfish recruitment during the wet season is hypothesised to be due to a combination of reduced reproductive output and increased larval mortality associated with monsoonal conditions. The results indicate that there are consistent family-wide recruitment strategies that may play a significant role in the dynamics of populations in equatorial waters.  相似文献   

Juvenile and adult reef fishes often undergo migration, ontogenic habitat shifts, and nocturnal foraging movements. The orientation cues used for these behaviours are largely unknown. In this study, the use of sound as an orientation cue guiding the nocturnal movements of adult and juvenile reef fishes at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef was examined. The first experiment compared the movements of fishes to small patch reefs where reef noise was broadcast, with those to silent reefs. No significant responses were found in the 79 adults that were collected, but the 166 juveniles collected showed an increased diversity each morning on the reefs with broadcast noise, and significantly greater numbers of juveniles from three taxa (Apogonidae, Gobiidae and Pinguipedidae) were collected from reefs with broadcast noise. The second experiment compared the movement of adult and juvenile fishes to reefs broadcasting high (>570 Hz), or low (<570 Hz) frequency reef noise, or to silent reefs. Of the 122 adults collected, the highest diversity was seen at the low frequency reefs; and adults from two families (Gobiidae and Blenniidae) preferred these reefs. A similar trend was observed in the 372 juveniles collected, with higher diversity at the reefs with low frequency noises. This preference was seen in the juvenile apogonids; however, juvenile gobiids were attracted to both high and low sound treatments equally, and juvenile stage Acanthuridae preferred the high frequency noises. This evidence that juvenile and adult reef fishes orientate with respect to the soundscape raises important issues for management, conservation and the protection of sound cues used in natural behaviour.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that most tetrapod groups (mammals,birds, chelonians, amphibians) show general intraspecific tendenciesfor increasing body size with latitude, whereas squamates (lizardsand snakes) show an intraspecific tendency towards decreasingbody size with latitude. Here I evaluate whether these sizetrends are general by using independent contrasts analysis toinvestigate the dependence of intraspecific size-latitude relationships(r), and the magnitude alone of size-latitude relationships([r]), for tetrapod vertebrates, on sample size, range of latitudessampled, average latitude sampled, and body size. Range of latitudessampled, average latitude sampled, and body size did not influencebody size-latitude relationships (r) or the magnitude aloneof body size-latitude relationship ([r]). Sample size did notinfluence size-latitude relationships (r), but did influencethe magnitude alone of size-latitude relationships ([r]), possiblyindicating increased precision of estimating size-latitude relationshipswith increased sampling. In short, intraspecific size-latituderelationships are similar for species of different sizes, occurringat different latitudes, sampled over different latitudinal ranges,and differing in number of populations sampled (though magnitudealone is influenced by sample size). These results suggest thatintraspecific size-latitude trends are general, and biologicallysignificant (i.e., are not artifacts of sampling), thus deservingexplanation.  相似文献   

The author presents for the first time empirical allometrical equations corresponding the mass of dinosaurs with the mass of their eggs, clutch size and its total mass. Comparison of these equations with those that were proposed for modern taxa of reptiles and birds shows that dinosaurs can be characterized by intermediate value of allometry index.  相似文献   

Integrating theory of clutch size and body size evolution for parasitoids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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