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Abstract: The fossil record of the two primary subclades of softshell turtles (Trionychidae) is exceedingly asymmetric, as a result of a ghost range of total clade Cyclanorbinae that is estimated at 80 Ma. Herein, we present the first phylogenetic analysis of Trionychidae that includes a representative of the poorly studied taxon Plastomenidae, which is known from the Campanian to Eocene of North America. The analysis reveals that plastomenids are stem cyclanorbines, thus significantly reducing the apparent ghost range of total group Cyclanorbinae to approximately 30 Ma. Plastomenids are either an early branching clade of stem Cyclanorbinae, or they represent a paraphyletic grade that gave rise to modern cyclanorbines. Although abundant, the fossil record is still too poorly understood to distinguish between these two primary hypotheses. The previously persistent extremely long ghost range of total clade Cyclanorbinae appears to have been the result of a research bias.  相似文献   

Diatoms, unicellular eukaryotic algae with a siliceous skeleton, offer the rare advantage of displaying both an extensive fossil record and numerous extant species, thus providing the opportunity of confronting molecular and paleontological data in a protist group. A portion of the 28S ribosomal RNA was sequenced from 5 diatoms, the divergence times of which are well known. The nucleotide substitution rate was estimated in these unicellular eukaryotes and compared with the rate of multicellular eukaryotes, using a broad data base comprising metazoans and metaphytes. When using fossil record derived divergence times, our results show that the nucleotide substitution rate is about 5 times faster in diatoms than in chordates. But, when using the relative rate test, it is observed that, over a long time period, the nucleotide substitution rate may in fact have been slightly slower in diatoms than in chordates. For this contradiction, two possible explanations are proposed: (i) a failure of the relative rate test, (ii) a gap in the pre-Jurassic diatom fossil record. We have checked that our results concerning the relative rate test were valid. Thus, the second hypothesis, which implies pre-Jurassic diatom evolution, in fact already suggested by some non-molecular evidences, is favoured. Decoupling of morphological differentiation from genetic speciation also appears to have occurred and may account in part for the underestimation of the dates of recent cladogenesis events.  相似文献   

The Paleogene (Paleocene-Oligocene) fossil record of birds in Europe is reviewed and recent and fossil taxa are placed into a phylogenetic framework, based on published cladistic analyses. The pre-Oligocene European avifauna is characterized by the complete absence of passeriform birds, which today are the most diverse and abundant avian taxon. Representatives of small non-passeriform perching birds thus probably had similar ecological niches before the Oligocene to those filled by modern passerines. The occurrence of passerines towards the Lower Oligocene appears to have had a major impact on these birds, and the surviving crown-group members of many small arboreal Eocene taxa show highly specialized feeding strategies not found or rare in passeriform birds. It is detailed that no crown-group members of modern 'families' are known from pre-Oligocene deposits of Europe, or anywhere else. The phylogenetic position of Paleogene birds thus indicates that diversification of the crown-groups of modern avian 'families' did not take place before the Oligocene, irrespective of their relative position within Neornithes (crown-group birds). The Paleogene fossil record of birds does not even support crown-group diversification of Galliformes, one of the most basal taxa of neognathous birds, before the Oligocene, and recent molecular studies that dated diversification of galliform crown-group taxa into the Middle Cretaceous are shown to be based on an incorrect interpretation of the fossil taxa used for molecular clock calibrations. Several taxa that occur in the Paleogene of Europe have a very different distribution than their closest extant relatives. The modern survivors of these Paleogene lineages are not evenly distributed over the continents, and especially the great number of taxa that are today restricted to South and Central America is noteworthy. The occurrence of stem-lineage representatives of many taxa that today have a restricted Southern Hemisphere distribution conflicts with recent hypotheses on a Cretaceous vicariant origin of these taxa, which were deduced from the geographical distribution of the basal crown-group members.  相似文献   

Alroy J 《Systematic biology》1999,48(1):107-118
Paleontologists long have argued that the most important evolutionary radiation of mammals occurred during the early Cenozoic, if not that all eutherians originated from a single common post-Cretaceous ancestor. Nonetheless, several recent molecular analyses claim to show that because several interordinal splits occurred during the Cretaceous, a major therian radiation was then underway. This claim conflicts with statistical evidence from the well-sampled latest Cretaceous and Cenozoic North American fossil record. Paleofaunal data confirm that there were fewer mammalian species during the latest Cretaceous than during any interval of the Cenozoic, and that a massive diversification took place during the early Paleocene, immediately after a mass extinction. Measurement data show that Cretaceous mammals were on average small and occupied a narrow range of body sizes; after the Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction, there was a rapid and permanent shift in the mean. The fact that there was an early Cenozoic mammalian radiation is entirely compatible with the existence of a few Cretaceous splits among modern mammal lineages.  相似文献   

Studies of the earliest Cretaceous angiosperms in the 1970s made only broad comparisons with living taxa, but discoveries of fossil flowers and increasingly robust molecular phylogenies of living angiosperms allow more secure recognition of extant clades. The middle to late Albian rise of tricolpate pollen and the first local dominance of angiosperm leaves mark the influx of near-basal lines of eudicots. Associated flowers indicate that palmately lobed ‘platanoids’ and Sapindopsis are both stem relatives of Platanus, while Nelumbites was related to Nelumbo (also Proteales) and Spanomera to Buxaceae. Monocots are attested by Aptian Liliacidites pollen and Acaciaephyllum leaves and Albian araceous inflorescences. Several Albian–Cenomanian fossils belong to Magnoliidae in the revised monophyletic sense, including Archaeanthus in Magnoliales and Virginianthus and Mauldinia in Laurales, while late Barremian pollen tetrads (Walkeripollis) are related to Winteraceae. In the basal ANITA grade, Nymphaeales are represented by Aptian and Albian flowers and whole plants (Monetianthus, Carpestella and Pluricarpellatia). Epidermal similarities of lower Potomac leaves to woody members of the ANITA grade are consistent with Albian flowers assignable to Austrobaileyales (Anacostia). Aptian to Cenomanian mesofossils represent both crown group Chloranthaceae (Asteropollis plant) and stem relatives of Chloranthaceae and/or Ceratophyllum (Canrightia, Zlatkocarpus, Pennipollis plant and possibly Appomattoxia).  相似文献   

Abstract Although pterosaurs are a well‐known lineage of Mesozoic flying reptiles, their fossil record and evolutionary dynamics have never been adequately quantified. On the basis of a comprehensive data set of fossil occurrences correlated with taxon‐specific limb measurements, we show that the geological ages of pterosaur specimens closely approximate hypothesized patterns of phylogenetic divergence. Although the fossil record has expanded greatly in recent years, collectorship still approximates a sigmoid curve over time as many more specimens (and thus taxa) still remain undiscovered, yet our data suggest that the pterosaur fossil record is unbiased by sites of exceptional preservation (lagerstätte). This is because as new species are discovered the number of known formations and sites yielding pterosaur fossils has also increased – this would not be expected if the bulk of the record came from just a few exceptional faunas. Pterosaur morphological diversification is, however, strongly age biased: rarefaction analysis shows that peaks of diversity occur in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous correlated with periods of increased limb disparity. In this respect, pterosaurs appear unique amongst flying vertebrates in that their disparity seems to have peaked relatively late in clade history. Comparative analyses also show that there is little evidence that the evolutionary diversification of pterosaurs was in any way constrained by the appearance and radiation of birds.  相似文献   

Summary In the North American opossum, heat-stable specific binding sites for E. coli enterotoxin are observed (i) in epithelial cells lining the small intestine, colon, gall bladder, cystic duct, common bile duct and trachea, and (ii) in epithelial cells forming the duodenal (Brunner's) glands, liver, kidneys (metanephros, mesonephros) and testis, as demonstrated by autoradiography. Enterotoxin-specific binding sites in the intestinal tract are only found in intestinal epithelial cells with the highest concentration in the microvillus border. Enterotoxin-specific binding sites also occur in epithelial cells comprising the secretory tubules and ducts of the duodenal glands. In the kidneys (metanephros and mesonephros), enterotoxin-specific binding sites are confirmed primarily to the proximal tubules, whereas in the testis they are localized in seminiferous tubules. In the liver, enterotoxin-specific binding sites are confined primarily to hepatocytes. E. coli enterotoxin caused a 7-fold increase of cGMP in the liver and a 30-fold increase in the duodenal glands. The liver responded in about half of the animals studied, whereas the duodenal glands gave a consistent response in each case. Likewise, the duodenal glands consistently showed strong labelling for 125I-enterotoxin, whereas receptor labelling of hepatocytes was inconsistent in nearly half the incubations and corresponds to the observed cGMP measurements.Supported by a Weldon Springs Grant, University of Missouri and by funds from the Medical Research Service, Department of Veteran's Affairs  相似文献   

Despite their importance for understanding phylogeny, character evolution and classification, well-constrained homology relationships for posterior plating in crinoids have only recently been attempted. Here, we re-evaluate posterior plate homologies in all major crinoid lineages using development, fossil ontogenies and phylogenetic evidence. Based on these lines of evidence, we change terminology for some posterior plates to correct misnomers and make recommendations for updated terminology of others to better reflect homology. Among pentacrinoids (disparids, hybocrinids, eucladids, flexibles and articulates) the relative position of posterior interray plates, not their topology, reflects homology. From proximal to distal, pentacrinoid posterior plates are the radianal, anal X and right sac plate, regardless of the total number of plates in the adult calyx. Camerate posterior plating contrasts with pentacrinoids, but insufficient data are available to resolve homology relationships between these two clades. More examples of early post-larval ontogeny are needed in camerates and other Palaeozoic crinoids.  相似文献   

Stomata play a critical ecological role as an interface between the plant and its environment. Although the guard‐cell pair is highly conserved in land plants, the development and patterning of surrounding epidermal cells follow predictable pathways in different taxa that are increasingly well understood following recent advances in the developmental genetics of the plant epidermis in model taxa. Similarly, other aspects of leaf development and evolution are benefiting from a molecular–genetic approach. Applying this understanding to extinct taxa known only from fossils requires use of extensive comparative morphological data to infer ‘fossil fingerprints’ of developmental evolution (a ‘palaeo‐evo‐devo’ perspective). The seed‐plant order Bennettitales, which flourished through the Mesozoic but became extinct in the Late Cretaceous, displayed a consistent and highly unusual combination of epidermal traits, despite their diverse leaf morphology. Based on morphological evidence (including possession of flower‐like structures), bennettites are widely inferred to be closely related to angiosperms and hence inform our understanding of early angiosperm evolution. Fossil bennettites – even purely vegetative material – can be readily identified by a combination of epidermal features, including distinctive cuticular guard‐cell thickenings, lobed abaxial epidermal cells (‘puzzle cells’), transverse orientation of stomata perpendicular to the leaf axis, and a pair of lateral subsidiary cells adjacent to each guard‐cell pair (termed paracytic stomata). Here, we review these traits and compare them with analogous features in living taxa, aiming to identify homologous – and hence phylogenetically informative – character states and to increase understanding of developmental mechanisms in land plants. We propose a range of models addressing different aspects of the bennettite epidermis. The lobed abaxial epidermal cells indicate adaxial–abaxial leaf polarity and associated differentiated mesophyll that could have optimised photosynthesis. The typical transverse orientation of the stomata probably resulted from leaf expansion similar to that of a broad‐leaved monocot such as Lapageria, but radically different from that of broad‐leafed eudicots such as Arabidopsis. Finally, the developmental origin of the paired lateral subsidiary cells – whether they are mesogene cells derived from the same cell lineage as the guard‐mother cell, as in some eudicots, or perigene cells derived from an adjacent cell lineage, as in grasses – represents an unusually lineage‐specific and well‐characterised developmental trait. We identify a close similarity between the paracytic stomata of Bennettitales and the ‘living fossil’ Gnetum, strongly indicating that (as in Gnetum) the pair of lateral subsidiary cells of bennettites are both mesogene cells. Together, these features allow us to infer development in this diverse and relatively derived lineage that co‐existed with the earliest recognisable angiosperms, and suggest that the use of these characters in phylogeny reconstruction requires revision.  相似文献   

Twelve petrosal and four nonpetrosal characters were coded for representatives of all 15 extant genera of Didelphidae and for 16 additional genera of marsupials representing all extant orders. Three basal metatherians were used as outgroup comparison. Histological sections of a subset of the data were examined. An intermediate position of the hiatus Fallopii supports the monophyly of Didelphidae. Several basicranial regions support different clades within the Didelphidae that recent molecular work has identified, including a sister group relationship of Caluromys and Caluromysiops , the monophyly of large opossums, a Lestodelphys-Thylamys clade, and a Lestodelphys-Thylamys-Gracilinanus-Marmosops clade. Glironia lacks petrosal and jaw synapomorphies of Caluromys and Caluromysiops. The transverse canal, a synapomorphy of the crown-group Marsupialia, opens as a single foramen anterior to the carotid foramen in most marsupials or as numerous foramina in the pterygoid fossa in diprotodontians. It is either intramural (most marsupials) or simply endocranial (most diprotodontians excluding koalas and wombats). Loss of a deep sulcus in the anterior pole of the promontorium for the internal carotid artery and a rostral tympanic process of the petrosal also characterize the groundplan of the crown group Marsupialia. Pouch-young wombats show a groove in the anterior pole of the petrosal for the internal carotid artery. The absence of a prootic canal foramen in the tympanic side of the petrosal of adults supports the monophyly of Australidelphia. Some pouch-young marsupials possess a prootic canal that is later lost in ontogeny. A rather flat promontorium and a crest running medio-distally in the middle of the promontorium characterize Macropodidae.  相似文献   

After more than two centuries of research, more than 65,000 living and fossil ostracod species have been described and studied, yet much remains to be learned about this ancient, widespread and diverse group of bivalved arthropods. Their higher classification and phylogeny are subjects of vigorous debate, as is their position in the broader picture of crustacean phylogeny. At the same time, major advances in our understanding of ostracod lineages and their relationships are resulting from the application of innovative approaches and techniques. This preface provides a contextual overview of the 15 contributions to this volume, which resulted from the 14th International Symposium on Ostracoda (ISO2001) held in 2001at Shizuoka, Japan. As such it provides a cross-section of topics at the forefront of research on the evolution and diversity of Ostracoda, and indicates directions for future work.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal changes in fossil specimen completeness can bias our understanding of a group's evolutionary history. The quality of the sauropodomorph fossil record was assessed a decade ago, but the number of valid species has since increased by 60%, and 17% of the taxa from that study have since undergone taxonomic revision. Here, we assess how 10 years of additional research has changed our outlook on the group's fossil record. We quantified the completeness of all 307 sauropodomorph species currently considered valid using the skeletal completeness metric, which calculates the proportion of a complete skeleton preserved for each taxon. Taxonomic and stratigraphic age revisions, rather than new species, are the drivers of the most significant differences between the current results and those of the previous assessment. No statistical differences appeared when we use our new dataset to generate temporal completeness curves based solely on taxa known in 2009 or 1999. We now observe a severe drop in mean completeness values across the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary that never recovers to pre-Cretaceous levels. Explaining this pattern is difficult, as we find no convincing evidence that it is related to environmental preferences or body size changes. Instead, it might result from: (1) reduction of terrestrial fossil preservation space due to sea level rise; (2) ecological specificities and relatively high diagnosability of Cretaceous species; and/or (3) increased sampling of newly explored sites with many previously unknown taxa. Revisiting patterns in this manner allows us to test the longevity of conclusions made in previous quantitative studies.  相似文献   

We present new material of the selenodont anthracothere Hemimeryx blanfordi from the Oligocene deposits of the Bugti Hills (Balochistan, Pakistan), collected between 1999 and 2002. This is the first undisputed Oligocene occurrence of the species, previously known from the early Miocene of Pakistan. Investigation of the molar enamel microstructure reveals a surprising mono-zonal Schmelzmuster, already detected in some middle to Late miocene selenedont anthracotheres. We include this observation combined with a morphological revision of H. blanfordi and a cladistic assessment of the dental evidence, to propose a new phylogenetic hypothesis regarding Hemimeryx and its close relatives. We confirm the clade including advanced bothriodontines, which we erect to a tribe rank and name Merycopotamini. The South Asian origin of Merycopotamini is consistent with hypothesized subsequent dispersal events of Merycopotamini from Asia to Africa.  相似文献   

Finite-element models of 29 intact molars were created and subjected to cleavage-type loads in order to assess differences in the biomechanical behaviour of molars. A simulated food particle, which was one-third the size of the intercuspal distance and had the properties of a Mezzettia seed, was pushed onto the occlusal basin of these models at various angles, resulting in either both or one particular cusp being preferentially loaded. In all cases, the maximum tensile stresses occurred in enamel at the intercuspal fissure. With regard to first maxillary molars, supporting (functional) and guiding (nonfunctional) cusps apparently dissipate loads equally well, whereas, in second and third maxillary molars, the guiding cusps are better designed to resist loads. Overall, lingual cusps of maxillary posterior molars dissipate loads poorly. Conversely, loads exerted toward supporting cusps of mandibular molars are consistently well dissipated, regardless of position along the tooth row. Because the directions of loads to which these teeth are best adapted change along the tooth row, it seems reasonable to suggest that these may correlate with the well-documented structural and functional orofacial complex. This study indicates that the biomechanical behaviour of molars and the orofacial skeleton are likely to have undergone complementary directional changes during evolution. Consequently, caution must be exercised in making inferences about dietary adaptations of extinct species on the basis of isolated teeth or fragmentary gnathic remains without proper regard of the orofacial skeleton as a whole. Am J Phys Anthropol 106:467–482, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Morphometric and stratigraphic analyses that encompass the known fossil record of enantiornithine birds (Enantiornithes) are presented. These predominantly flighted taxa were the dominant birds of the second half of the Mesozoic; the enantiornithine lineage is known to have lasted for at least 60 million years (Ma), up until the end of the Cretaceous. Analyses of fossil record dynamics show that enantiornithine 'collectorship' since the 1980s approaches an exponential distribution, indicating that an asymptote in proportion of specimens has yet to be achieved. Data demonstrate that the fossil record of enantiornithines is complete enough for the extraction of biological patterns. Comparison of the available fossil specimens with a large data set of modern bird (Neornithes) limb proportions also illustrates that the known forelimb proportions of enantiornithines fall within the range of extant taxa; thus these birds likely encompassed the range of flight styles of extant birds. In contrast, most enantiornithines had hindlimb proportions that differ from any extant taxa. To explore this, ternary diagrams are used to graph enantiornithine limb variation and to identify some morphological oddities ( Otogornis , Gobipteryx ); taxa not directly comparable to modern birds. These exceptions are interesting – although anatomically uniform, and similar to extant avians in their wing proportions, some fossil enantiornithines likely had flight styles not seen among their living counterparts.  相似文献   

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