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Chloranthaceae is a small family of flowering plants (65 species) with an extensive fossil record extending back to the Early Cretaceous. Within Chloranthaceae, Hedyosmum is remarkable because of its disjunct distribution--1 species in the Paleotropics and 44 confined to the Neotropics--and a long "temporal gap" between its stem age (Early Cretaceous) and the beginning of the extant radiation (late Cenozoic). Is this gap real, reflecting low diversification and a recent radiation, or the signature of extinction? Here we use paleontological data, relaxed-clock molecular dating, diversification analyses, and parametric ancestral area reconstruction to investigate the timing, tempo, and mode of diversification in Hedyosmum. Our results, based on analyses of plastid and nuclear sequences for 40 species, suggest that the ancestor of Chloranthaceae and the Hedyosmum stem lineages were widespread in the Holarctic in the Late Cretaceous. High extinction rates, possibly associated with Cenozoic climatic fluctuations, may have been responsible for the low extant diversity of the family. Crown group Hedyosmum originated c. 36-43 Ma and colonized South America from the north during the Early-Middle Miocene (c. 20 Ma). This coincided with an increase in diversification rates, probably triggered by the uplift of the Northern Andes from the Mid-Miocene onward. This study illustrates the advantages of combining paleontological, phylogenetic, and biogeographic data to reconstruct the spatiotemporal evolution of an ancient lineage, for which the extant diversity is only a remnant of past radiations. It also shows the difficulties of inferring patterns of lineage diversification when incomplete taxon sampling is combined with high extinction rates.  相似文献   

Sphenodontians were a successful group of rhynchocephalian reptiles that dominated the fossil record of Lepidosauria during the Triassic and Jurassic. Although evidence of extinction is seen at the end of the Laurasian Early Cretaceous, they appeared to remain numerically abundant in South America until the end of the period. Most of the known Late Cretaceous record in South America is composed of opisthodontians, the herbivorous branch of Sphenodontia, whose oldest members were until recently reported to be from the Kimmeridgian–Tithonian (Late Jurassic). Here, we report a new sphenodontian, Sphenotitan leyesi gen. et sp. nov., collected from the Upper Triassic Quebrada del Barro Formation of northwestern Argentina. Phylogenetic analysis identifies Sphenotitan as a basal member of Opisthodontia, extending the known record of opisthodontians and the origin of herbivory in this group by 50 Myr.  相似文献   

壳斗科的地质历史及其系统学和植物地理学意义   总被引:42,自引:1,他引:42  
在收集整理现有壳斗科化石资料的基础上,讨论了壳斗科及其各属的起源时间、地史分布和地史 演替过程以及这些化石资料在系统学和植物地理学上的意义。白垩纪尚无壳斗科可靠的大化石记录, 微化石需要进一步研究才能确定亲缘关系以及古新世壳斗科已经分化出两个类群。从以上这些事实推 论壳斗科起源于白垩纪晚期,而壳斗科现代各属出现的时间应不晚于古新世。最早发现的壳斗科化石和现代栗亚科和水青冈亚科在形态结构上非常相似,这一事实表明,壳斗科分为两个亚科的观点更接近客观事实。在水青冈亚科中,三棱栎类的化石最早出现;在栎属中,青冈亚属更接近祖先类群;在地史中全缘栎类较具齿栎类出现早,粗齿的落叶栎类出现最晚。三棱栎属、栲属和石栎属的化石在老第三纪出现于北美和欧洲的事实说明,北美、欧洲和东亚在老第三纪时有一个相通的壳斗科植物区系。南美的三棱栎是通过北美进入南美的。中国横断山、欧洲地中海沿岸和北美西北部有一类形态特征相似、亲缘关系相近的硬叶栎类,它们之间有相同的地质演替历史,它们现代分布边界可能就是古地中海的边界。美洲的栎类有两个来源,常绿硬叶栎类是通过古地中海沿岸而经北美-欧洲陆桥到达的,落叶栎类则是在中新世以后通过白令海峡到达的。  相似文献   

The fossil history of the Fagaceae from China and its systematic and biogeographic implications are discussed based on revisionary studies of the fossil records. No creditable macrofossil record of the Fagaceae exists in the Cretaceous deposits and all the Cretaceous microfossil reports remain equivocal and require further study. The Paleocene fossils show the appearance and diversification of the two groups corresponding to the subfamilies Fagoideae and Castaneoideae sensu Nixon. By the Eocene, all modern genera had been present. The oldest fagaceous fossils represent subfamily Fagoideae with affinities to the extant genus Trigonobalanus. The leaf fossil genus Berryophyllum, with affinities to Quercus subg. Cyclobalanopsis, has been documented by the early Eocene and might have occurred earlier than other fossils assignable to Quercus. The appearance of evergreen sclerophyllous Ouercus with entire leaves might have occurred earlier than those with toothed leaves. Deciduous, urticoid-leaved oak fossils (Quercus subg. Quercus sect. Quercus) had not appeared until the Miocene. Fossil equivalents of Trigonobalanus, Castanopsis and Lithocarpus had occurred in Europe and North America by the early Tertiary, suggesting that continuous distributions were achieved via the northern hemisphere land bridges. Three groups of evergreen sclerophyllous oaks of apparent close phylogenetic relationships occurred in the Hengduan mountains, the Mediterranean area and northwestern North America. Their fossil forms have become dominant elements of those vegetation zones since the Miocene. A shared fossil history indicates a possible biogeographic boundary formed by the ancient Mediterranean. The evidence suggests that the oaks might arrive in North America during two distinct geologic periods: evergreen sclerophyllous entire-leaved oaks appeared by the Early Tertiary, whereas thedeciduous oaks with urticoid leaves appeared in the Late Tertiary.  相似文献   

The fossil record of Lauraceae can be traced back to the Early Cretaceous of eastern Asia based on fossil flowers. Here, we refer a number of new occurrences of leaf and fruit fossils of Lauraceae from the Middle Miocene of Zhangpu, Fujian, China, to seven species. These data provide evidence supporting the fact that a diverse subtropical, or tropical, Lauraceae-dominated evergreen forest surrounded this region 15 million years ago (Mya). The Lauraceae fossils presented in this paper provide evidence for the evolution of this group as well as new materials that enable the study of the Fujian Province Neogene flora. The fossils described in this paper fill in the gaps in studies about Lauraceae pollen in the Middle Miocene from Fotan, Fujian, China. In addition, these fossils also enrich the Middle Miocene fossil records of Lauraceae in eastern Asia, especially improving the study of the macrostructures and reproductive organs of fossil Lauraceae from southern China. The similarity between fossil and modern fruits shows that during the Middle Miocene the fruit morphological of Lauraceae have changed very little. We also identify families where the fossils we report belong to their closest relatives and can be used to reconstruct the paleoenvironment of Fujian in the Middle Miocene.  相似文献   

Lactoridaceae are a monotypic family confined to Masatierra Island, Juan Fernández Archipelago, in the Pacific Ocean. It grows in the understorey of a subtropical montane rain forest. Lactoridaceae most probably originated in southern South Africa in the Cretaceous, with the oldest records in the Turonian–Campanian, and reached its widest palaeogeographical distribution by the Maastrichtian, extending into Australia, India, Antarctica, and North and South America. In this paper, we report a new fossil find of lactoridaceous tetrads from the early Miocene of eastern Patagonia, southern South America. This record is the youngest and geographically one of the closest to the extant Lactoris distribution area. Patagonian fossil material shows greater similarities to extant L. fernandeziana Phil. than to any other described morphotaxon. The family may have migrated into South America, either via Africa (through the Atlantic Ocean) or Antarctica, by the Maastrichtian, growing in eastern Patagonia up to the early Miocene. Arid conditions established in this region by the middle–late Miocene onwards would have determined the restriction of forests to the western lands. Lactoridaceae may have followed a similar migration pattern towards the Pacific coast of South America. The shifting of Lactoridaceae towards Masatierra Island would have occurred in the last 4 Myr by long‐distance dispersal events (perhaps by birds). © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 41–50.  相似文献   

The important question of early angiosperm growth habit (i.e., trees, shrubs or herbs?) remains unanswered. Various theories have been based on data from both living and fossil plants. The Early Cretaceous fossil wood record, however, was seldom used to investigate early angiosperm habit. We set up a database for the Early Cretaceous and Cenomanian of Europe, as this area has the most complete and stratigraphically well-constrained record. The database has 170 entries, based on a bibliographical survey and on the examination of more than 600 new fossil wood specimens from a wide range of palaeoenvironments. In our record the woody characteristic in angiosperms appeared during the Albian, whereas most of the angiosperm's early evolution took place earlier, during the earliest Cretaceous. From the European fossil wood record for the Early Cretaceous and Cenomanian, the global extension and dominance of angiosperms in the Cenomanian is concomitant with a sharp increase in heteroxylous wood diversity. It appears that small stature and weak wood limited the angiosperm ecological radiation for some time.  相似文献   

Elucidating the spatio-temporal distributions of terrestrial plants is a key for interpreting the origin of distribution patterns and the tempo of intercontinental disjunction. Nordenskioeldia was distributed in eastern Asia and North America from the Late Cretaceous to the Miocene. Its fossil record provides important information on former patterns of disjunction and dispersal in the Northern Hemisphere. New specimens from the Paleocene of China allow us to further extend the history of the group and provide the impetus to review its distribution in space and time. The comparative morphological survey on fossil Nordenskioeldia found in the Paleocene sediments in both eastern Asia and North America confirms that they belonged to the same morpho-species, which indicates a close floristic continuity between both continents due to land connection available during that time. The spatio-temporal distributions of Nordenskioeldia indicate that the taxon probably expanded eastward from eastern Asia into North America by the end of Early/Middle Maastrichtian, subsequently colonized Greenland, northeastern North America and Spitsbergen in the Early Paleocene, and finally became extinct in the Miocene. The fluctuations in its northern limits took place in response to climate changes: warming from the Paleocene to the Eocene, cooling during the Eocene–Oligocene and amelioration during the Late Oligocene–Mid-Miocene.  相似文献   

The fossil record of Araceae pollen beginning in the late Early Cretaceous and peaking in the Paleocene/Eocene is very sparse up to now, consisting of three highly distinctive types: zona-aperturate pollen of the Monstera or Gonatopus type (very similar to Proxapertites operculatus), an ulcerate-spiny type typical for Limnobiophyllum, and a polyplicate, omniaperturate pollen type (an ephedroid pollen with non-gnetalean affinities) which was recently reported from the late Early Cretaceous (Mayoa portugallica). An extensive literature search has shown that some distinctive Ephedripites forms (the Paleogene Ephedripites vanegensis, and the Late Cretaceous Ephedripites elsikii) are very similar to pollen of Spathiphyllum and both species are here transferred from Ephedripites to Spathiphyllum (as comb. nov.). We also add new fossil findings to the Araceae record. The new findings include a zona-aperturate, microperforate to microreticulate pollen type from the Palaeocene of Colombia, highly similar to extant Gonatopus or Zamioculcas or Monstera pollen (Araceae) and to fossil Proxapertites operculatus, which is currently seen as a fossil equivalent; and, an ulcerate, spiny pollen from the Eocene of Stolzenbach, Germany, extending the range of Limnobiophyllum (Pandaniidites), which is thought to be an extinct member of extant Araceae. The three pollen types add considerably to the reliable fossil record of the family that now contains more than 20 records of these three pollen types: with the zona-aperturate type recorded from the tropical or subtropical regions of Northern and Southern America, Central Africa, Southern and Central Europe, from the Indian subcontinent and the Malayan Archipelago; the ulcerate type occurring in North America and Europe; and the polyplicate type mainly occurring in South America and South-West Europe. Now we have good evidence that some of the aroid subfamilies were already in existence in the Cretaceous, increasing in diversity and worldwide distribution in the Paleogene. Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Stefan Vogel on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

Caldesia, a genus of aquatic monocotyledons, is represented by four living species, which are widely distributed in the temperate and tropical Old World. The genus has an extensive Oligocene through Pleistocene fossil record in Eurasia. We survey the morphology of the extant and fossil fruits of the Alismataceae, and provide a detailed review of the morphology and anatomy of living and fossil Caldesia fruits. The latter exhibit substantial similarity, making the recognition of separate species on the basis of fruit morphology difficult. We erect the new species Caldesia brandoniana from the Early Miocene Brandon Lignite of Vermont primarily on the basis of its geographic isolation; careful revision of all fossil fruiting material of Caldesia might require placement of the Brandon specimens in a more inclusive form species. Together with leaves of Caldesia from the Miocene Clarkia flora of Idaho, this occurrence indicates that Caldesia was in the New World as recently as the Early Miocene.  相似文献   

Fossil evidence is consistent with origination and diversification of extant placental orders in the early Tertiary (Explosive Model), and with the possibility of some orders having stem taxa extending into the Cretaceous (Long Fuse Model). Fossil evidence that 15 of 18 extant placental orders appeared and began diversification in the first 16 m.y. of the Cenozoic is, however, at odds with molecular studies arguing some orders diversified up to 40 m.y. earlier in the Early Cretaceous (Short Fuse Model). The quality of the fossil record was assessed by tabulating localities of all mammals in the last 105 m.y. Global locality data (except Africa) for 105 m.y. of eutherian evolution indicate discernible biogeographic patterns by the last 15 m.y. of the Cretaceous. Eutherian genera increase from 11 in latest Cretaceous to 139 in earliest Tertiary, although both are represented by about 50 localities. Yet even in the Late Cretaceous of North America and Asia where eutherians are abundant, none of the 18 extant orders are definitely known. A series of Monte Carlo simulations test whether the rapid appearance of most mammalian orders is statistically significant, and if so, whether it is a radiation event or an artifact of a limited fossil record. Monte Carlo tests affirm that the clustering of appearances in the early Cenozoic is statistically significant. Quantitative analysis of the locality data suggests that the number of genera described is a function of the number of localities sampled. In contrast, the number of orders is not a simple function of localities and thus does not appear to be limited by localities. A second set of Monte Carlo simulations confirms that the increase in orders cannot be explained by the limited number of localities sampled. Even for best-fit simulations, the observed pattern of ordinal appearances is steeper than expected under a variety of null models. These quantitative analyses of the fossil record demonstrate that the rapid ordinal appearances cannot be ascribed to limited Late Cretaceous sample sizes; thus, early Tertiary ordinal diversification is real. Although the fossil record is incomplete, it appears adequate to reject the hypothesis that orders of placentals began to diversify before the K/T boundary.  相似文献   

Knowing the age of lineages is key to understanding their biogeographic history. We aimed to provide the best estimate of the age of Cichorieae and its subtribes based on available fossil evidence and DNA sequences and to interpret their biogeography in the light of Earth history. With more than 1,550 species, the chicory tribe (Cichorieae, Asteraceae) is distributed predominantly in the northern Hemisphere, with centres of distribution in the Mediterranean region, central Asia, and SW North America. Recently, a new phylogenetic hypothesis of Cichorieae based on ITS sequences has been established, shedding new light on phylogenetic relationships within the tribe, which had not been detected so far. Cichorieae possess echinolophate pollen grains, on the surface of which cavities (lacunae) are separated by ridges. These lacunae and ridges show patterns characteristic of certain groups within Cichorieae. Among the fossil record of echinolophate pollen, the Cichorium intybus-type is the most frequent and also the oldest type (22 to 28.4 million years old). By using an uncorrelated relaxed molecular clock approach, the Cichorieae phylogenetic tree was calibrated with this fossil find. According to the analysis, the tribe originated no later than Oligocene. The species-rich core group originated no later than Late Oligocene or Early Miocene and its subtribes diversified no later than Middle/Late Miocene or Early Pliocene—an eventful period of changing geological setting and climate in the Mediterranean region and Eurasia. The first dispersal from Eurasia to North America, which resulted in the radiation of genera and species in North America (subtribe Microseridinae), also occurred no later than Middle or Late Miocene, suggesting the Bering land bridge as the route of dispersal.  相似文献   

The fossil record for neoceratopsian (horned) dinosaurs in the Lower Cretaceous of North America primarily comprises isolated teeth and postcrania of limited taxonomic resolution, hampering previous efforts to reconstruct the early evolution of this group in North America. An associated cranium and lower jaw from the Cloverly Formation (?middle–late Albian, between 104 and 109 million years old) of southern Montana is designated as the holotype for Aquilops americanus gen. et sp. nov. Aquilops americanus is distinguished by several autapomorphies, including a strongly hooked rostral bone with a midline boss and an elongate and sharply pointed antorbital fossa. The skull in the only known specimen is comparatively small, measuring 84 mm between the tips of the rostral and jugal. The taxon is interpreted as a basal neoceratopsian closely related to Early Cretaceous Asian taxa, such as Liaoceratops and Auroraceratops. Biogeographically, A. americanus probably originated via a dispersal from Asia into North America; the exact route of this dispersal is ambiguous, although a Beringian rather than European route seems more likely in light of the absence of ceratopsians in the Early Cretaceous of Europe. Other amniote clades show similar biogeographic patterns, supporting an intercontinental migratory event between Asia and North America during the late Early Cretaceous. The temporal and geographic distribution of Upper Cretaceous neoceratopsians (leptoceratopsids and ceratopsoids) suggests at least intermittent connections between North America and Asia through the early Late Cretaceous, likely followed by an interval of isolation and finally reconnection during the latest Cretaceous.  相似文献   

SAM W. HEADS 《Palaeontology》2008,51(2):499-507
Abstract:  Eoproscopia martilli gen. et sp. nov. is described from the Early Cretaceous (Aptian) Crato Formation Lagerstätte of Ceará State, north-east Brazil. The new taxon is assigned to the extant family Proscopiidae and represents the first occurrence of the group in the fossil record. Eoproscopia is similar to crown group proscopiids in its stick-like habitus, elongate prothorax and absence of the cryptopleuron, but differs in the presence of well-developed wings, the short head with a small, simple fastigium, the prothoracic legs being inserted near the posterior margin of the prothorax, and the absence of spines on the metathoracic tibiae. The discovery of Eoproscopia extends the geological range of the family by approximately 110 myr and confirms the presence of stem-group proscopiids in the Atlantic rift zone of South America during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Calissounemys matheroni gen. et sp. nov. (Testudines) is described on the basis of a skull and shell elements from the Upper Cretaceous of Var, southern France. This new taxon is assigned to the family Compsemydidae and characterized by a thick-boned, robust skull, a shallow temporal emargination, a crista supraoccipitalis not extending beyond the posterior edge of the skull roof, large nasals meeting along the midline for their full length; frontals retracted from the orbital margin, absence of a cheek emargination, a large jugal forming a substantial part of the orbital margin, absence of a secondary palate and an uneven upper triturating surface; and the shell with vertebral 1 clearly wider than vertebrals 2-3, with the lateral margins strongly divergent towards the anterior border and wider than long vertebrals 2-3. This find increases the diversity of the Late Cretaceous turtle fauna from southern France, and fills a stratigraphical gap in the fossil record of Compsemydidae between the Early Cretaceous and the Paleocene in Europe.  相似文献   

Avian remains from the Early Miocene (~17 Ma) Moghra Formation of Egypt include new records of ‘waterbirds’ (storks, herons, pelicans and allies) and a ratite. Only a single avian fossil has been previously reported from Wadi Moghra and, thus, additional knowledge of the avifauna complements previously documented faunal and floral assemblages and provides a more complete picture of the Early Miocene ecosystem of that locality. The presence of ciconiiforms and pelecaniforms is consistent with the relatively abundant records of ‘waterbirds’ from other African freshwater fossil localities. Moreover, avian fossils from Wadi Moghra provide new insight into the avifaunal composition of the Early Miocene in Africa, a period that is relatively underrepresented in the avian fossil record of that continent.  相似文献   

Four new genera and six new species of fossil seed (Buarcospermum tetragonium, Lignierispermum maroneae, Lobospermum glabrum, L. rugosum, L. stampanonii, Rugonella trigonospermum) are described from five Early Cretaceous mesofossil floras from Portugal and eastern North America. The four genera are distinguished by differences in size, shape, and details of seed anatomy, but all are unusual in having an outer seed envelope with a distinctive anatomical structure that surrounds the nucellus and the integument. The integument is extended apically into a long, narrow micropylar tube. The four new genera are part of a diverse, but previously unrecognized, complex of extinct plants that was widespread in Early Cretaceous vegetation and that coexisted in similar habitats with early angiosperms. The distinctive structure of these seeds, and the strong similarities to other fossil seeds (Ephedra, Ephedripites, Erdtmanispermum, Raunsgaardispermum, and some Bennettitales) already known from the Early Cretaceous, suggests that this newly recognized complex of extinct plants, together with Bennettitales, Erdtmanithecales, and Gnetales (the BEG group), is phylogenetically closely related.  相似文献   

Ren D  Shih C  Labandeira CC 《ZooKeys》2011,(129):17-28
The Aneuretopsychidae is an unspeciose and enigmatic family of long-proboscid insects that presently consist of one known genus and three species from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous of north-central Asia. In this paper, a new genus and species of fossil aneuretopsychid is described and illustrated, Jeholopsyche liaoningensisgen. et sp. n. Fossils representing this new taxon were collected from mid Early Cretaceous strata of the well known Jehol Biota in Liaoning Province, China. This finding documents the first formal record of fossil Aneuretopsychidae in China. In addition, this well-preserved and new material reveals previously unknown and detailed morphological structure of the mouthparts, antennae, head, thorax, legs and abdomen of this distinctive insect lineage.  相似文献   

Monotremes have traditionally been considered a remnant group of mammals descended from archaic Mesozoic stock, surviving to the present day on the relatively isolated Australian continent. Challenges to this orthodoxy have been spurred by discoveries of 'advanced' Cretaceous monotremes (Steropodon galmani, Archer, M., et al., 1985. First Mesozoic mammal from Australia-an Early Cretaceous monotreme, Nature. 318, 363-366) as well as by results from molecular data linking monotremes to therian mammals (specifically to marsupials in some studies). This paper reviews the monotreme fossil record and briefly discusses significant new information from additional Cretaceous Australian material. Mesozoic monotremes (including S. galmani) were a diverse group as evidenced by new material from the Early Cretaceous of New South Wales and Victoria currently under study. Although most of these new finds are edentulous jaws (limiting dental comparisons and determination of dietary niches), a range of sizes and forms has been determined. Some of these Cretaceous jaws exhibit archaic features-in particular evidence for the presence of a splenial bone in S. galmani-not seen in therian mammals or in post-Mesozoic (Tertiary and Quaternary) monotreme taxa. Tertiary monotremes were either archaic ornithorhynchids (toothed platypuses in the genera Monotrematum and Obdurodon) or tachyglossids (large echidnas in the genera Megalibgwilia and Zaglossus). Quaternary ornithorhynchid material is referable to the sole living platypus species Ornithorhynchus anatinus. Quaternary echidnas, however, were moderately diverse and several forms are known (Megalibgwilia species; 'Zaglossus' hacketti; Zaglossus species and Tachyglossus aculeatus).  相似文献   

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