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The uptake and fate of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT), hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX), and octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) by hybrid poplars in hydroponic systems were compared and exposed leaves were leached with water to simulate potential exposure pathways from groundwater in the field. TNT was removed from solution more quickly than nitramine explosives. Most of radioactivity remained in root tissues for 14C-TNT, but in leaves for 14C-RDX and 14C-HMX. Radiolabel recovery for TNT and HMX was over 94%, but that of RDX decreased over time, suggesting a loss of volatile products. A considerable fraction (45.5%) of radioactivity taken up by whole plants exposed to 14C-HMX was released into deionized water, mostly as parent compound after 5 d of leaching. About a quarter (24.0%) and 1.2% were leached for RDX and TNT, respectively, mostly as transformed products. Leached radioactivity from roots was insignificant in all cases (< 2%). This is the first report in which small amounts of transformation products of RDX leach from dried leaves following uptake by poplars. Such behavior for HMX was reported earlier and is reconfirmed here. All three compounds differ substantially in their fate and transport during the leaching process.  相似文献   

Several factors influence land availability for the growth of short rotation coppices (SRC) with fast‐growing tree species, including the nationwide availability of agricultural land, economic efficiency, ecological impacts, political boundaries and environmental protection regulations. In this study, we analysed the growing potential of poplar and willow SRC for bioenergy purposes in Germany without negative ecological impacts or land use conflicts. The potential biomass production using SRC on agricultural land in Germany was assessed taking into account ecological, ethical, political and technical restrictions. Using a geographic information system (GIS), digital site maps, climate data and a digital terrain model, the SRC biomass production potential on cropland and grassland was estimated using water supply and mean temperature during the growing season as parameters. From this analysis, a yield model for SRC was developed based on the analysed growth data and site information of 62 short rotation plantations in Germany and France. To assess the technical, ethical and ecological potential of SRC, restrictions in protected areas, technical constraints and competition with food and feed production were investigated. Our results revealed that approximately 18% (2.12 Mio. ha) of cropland and 54% (2.5 Mio. ha) of grassland in Germany were highly suitable for SRC plantations, providing favourable water supplies and mean temperatures during the growing season. These identified sites produced an average yield of more than 14 tons of dry matter per hectare per year. Due to local climate and soil conditions, the federal states in northern and eastern Germany had the highest theoretical SRC potential for agricultural land. After considering all ecological, ethical, political and technical restrictions, as well as future climate predictions, 5.7% (680 000 ha) of cropland and 33% (1.5 Mio. ha) of grassland in Germany were classified as suitable for biomass production with fast‐growing tree species in SRC.  相似文献   

The success of using Populus and Salix for phytoremediation has prompted further use of leachate as a combination of irrigation and fertilization for the trees. A common protocol for such efforts has been to utilize a limited number of readily-available genotypes with decades of deployment in other applications, such as fiber or windbreaks. However, it may be possible to increase phytoremediation success with proper genotypic screening and selection, followed by the field establishment of clones that exhibited favorable potential for cleanup of specific contaminants. There is an overwhelming need for testing and subsequent deployment of diverse Populus and Salix genotypes, given current availability of clonal material and the inherent genetic variation among and within these genera. Therefore, we detail phyto-recurrent selection, a method that consists of revising and combining crop and tree improvement protocols to meet the objective of utilizing superior Populus and Salix clones for remediation applications. Although such information is lacking for environmental clean-up technologies, centuries of plant selection success in agronomy, horticulture, and forestry validate the need for similar approaches in phytoremediation. We bridge the gap between these disciplines by describing project development, clone selection, tree establishment, and evaluation of success metrics in the context of their importance to utilizing trees for phytoremediation.  相似文献   

A former gas production site that was converted to a public park was chosen as the research location for the present study. Some of the contaminants at the site have been remediated; however, much of the soil is still contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAHs are toxic pollutants that have been shown to have numerous negative health effects. The primary form of remediation at the site has been capping, which is usually considered a temporary remediation strategy since it does not remove contaminants from the site but simply covers them, and this requires repeated re-capping efforts. Endophyte-assisted phytoremediation using willow shrubs is an alternative remediation strategy that could improve soil quality and permanently reduce contaminant levels in the soil. The goal of the present study was to explore the social acceptability of utilizing phytoremediation strategies. Surveys were used to explore public perceptions of the park and of using phytoremediation to clean up existing contamination. Results indicated a high level of social acceptability of phytoremediation at the park. Additionally, ecocentrism was shown to be a significant predictor of phytoremediation acceptability. Risk and anthropocentrism were not significant predictors of acceptability. Results suggest that messages intended to encourage the use and acceptability of phytoremediation should focus on the environmental benefits of phytoremediation.  相似文献   

Cyanide compounds are contaminants of growing importance that could be remediated biologically via phytoremediation, provided the plants possess suitable mechanisms for managing these pollutants without toxicity. The transport and metabolism of two cyanide compounds, potassium cyanide and potassium ferrocyanide, by willow (Salix eriocephala L. var. Michaux) were compared using a hydroponic system that preserved cyanide speciation and solubility. The cyanide compounds were labelled with 15N to quantify transport while a novel tissue extraction procedure was used to relate tissue 15N to cyanide content and speciation. These analyses revealed that although little free cyanide was detected in the aerial tissues of plants exposed to either of these two cyanide compounds, significant enrichments in 15N were observed, suggesting transport and subsequent metabolism of free cyanide as well as ferrocyanide. The results for ferrocyanide are of interest because this molecule is resistant to microbial degradation and if oxidized to ferricyanide is purportedly membrane impermeable. Nevertheless, these results and mass balance calculations for tissue 15N and solution cyanide confirming 100% recovery for the added ferrocyanide are suggestive of ferrocyanide uptake and metabolism. This study provides new information describing the biological transport and metabolism of these two cyanide compounds in plants. Moreover, the data also suggest that phytoremediation of cyanide may be possible and ecologically safe due to the lack of cyanide bioaccumulation in aerial tissues.  相似文献   

Uptake of Cd, Zn, Pb and Mn by the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens was studied by pot trials in plant growth units and in populations of wild plants growing over Pb/Zn base-metal mine wastes at Les Malines in the south of France. The pot trials utilised metal-contaminated soils from Auby in the Lille area. Zinc and Cd concentrations in wild plants averaged 1.16% and 0.16% (dry weight) respectively. The unfertilised biomass of the plants was 2.6 t/ha. A single fertilised crop with the above metal content could remove 60 kg of Zn and 8.4 kg Cd per hectare. Experiments with pot-grown and wild plants showed that metal concentrations (dry weight basis) were up to 1% Zn (4% Zn in the soil) and just over 0.1% Cd (0.02% Cd in the soil). The metal content of the plants was correlated strongly with the plant-available fraction in the soils as measured by extraction with ammonium acetate and was inversely correlated with pH. Bioaccumulation coefficients (plant/soil metal concentration quotients) were in general higher for Cd than for Zn except at low metal concentrations in the soil. There was a tendency for these coefficients to increase with decreasing metal concentrations in the soil. It is proposed that phytoremediation using Thlaspi caerulescens would be entirely feasible for low levels of Cd where only a single crop would be needed to halve a Cd content of 10 g/g in the soil. It will never be possible to remediate elevated Zn concentrations within an economic time frame (<10 yr) because of the lower bioaccumulation coefficient for this element coupled with the much higher Zn content of the soils.  相似文献   

The demand for bioenergy has increased the interest in short‐rotation woody crops (SRWCs) in temperate zones. With increased litter input and ceased annual soil cultivation, SRWC plantations may become soil carbon sinks for climate change mitigation. A chronosequence of 26 paired plots was used to study the potential for increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) under SRWC willow and poplar after conversion from cropland (CR) on well‐drained soils. We estimated SOC stocks in SRWC stands and adjacent CR and related the difference to time since conversion, energy crop species, SOC stock of the adjacent CR (proxy for initial SOC of SRWC) and the fine soil percentage (<63 μm) (FS). Soil cores to 40 cm depth were sampled and separated by layers of fixed depths (0–5, 5–10, 10–15, 15–25 and 25–40 cm). Additionally, soils were sampled from soil pits by genetic horizons to 100 cm depth. Comparisons of SOC stocks by equivalent soil masses showed that mean SOC stocks in SRWC were 1.7 times higher than those of CR in the top 5 cm of the soil (P < 0.001). The differences between SRWC and CR remained significant for the plough layer (0–25 cm) by a factor of 1.2 (P = 0.003), while no changes were detectable for the 0–40 cm (P = 0.32), or for the entire 0–100 cm soil layer (P = 0.29). The SOC stock ratio, that is the ratio of SOC stock in SRWC relative to CR, did not change significantly with time since conversion, although there was a tendency to an increase over time for the top 40 cm (P = 0.09). The SOC stock ratio was negatively correlated to SOC in CR and FS percentage, but there was no significant difference between willow and poplar at any depth. Our results suggest that SOC stocks in the plough layer increase after conversion to SRWC.  相似文献   

Using the nutrient film technique, we screened 21 clones of poplar for growth in the presence of a mix of trace elements (TE) and for TE accumulation capacities. Poplar cuttings were exposed for four weeks to a multipollution solution consisting in 10 microM Cd, Cu, Ni, and Pb, and 200 microM Zn. Plant biomass and TE accumulation patterns in leaves varied greatly between clones. The highest Cd and Zn concentrations in leaves were detected in P. trichocarpa and P. trichocarpa hybrids, with the clone Skado (P. trichocarpa x P. maximowiczii) accumulating up to 108 mg Cd kg(-1) DW and 1510 mg Zn kg(-1) DW when exposed to a multipollution context. Our data also confirm the importance of pH and multipollution, as these factors greatly affect TE accumulation in above ground biomass. The NFT technique applied here to a large range of poplar clones also revealed the potential of the Rochester, AFO662 and AFO678 poplar clones for use in phytostabilization programs and bioenergy production, where production of less contaminated above ground biomass is suitable.  相似文献   

水葱对镉的超富集作用及其用于植物修复的潜力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李硕  刘云国  李永丽  徐卫华  李欣   《广西植物》2007,27(2):180-185
野外观察与研究发现水葱(Scirpus tabernaemontani G.)可以耐受土壤中高浓度的重金属污染,并对镉有很高的生物富集量。实验室水培试验研究了两个主要因素,营养液pH值以及镉含量,对其生物量以及镉富集效果的影响。结果表明,水葱可耐受的高浓度Cd(30mg/L)和大范围pH值变化(3.7~7.7)。当营养液pH值为4.7,Cd含量为25mg/L时,水葱富集的Cd达到最大值:地上部分264.71mg/kg,地下部分234·39mg/kg,平均转运系数1.13。这显示了它用于植物修复镉污染土壤的巨大潜力。  相似文献   

A two-year in-situ phytoremediation trial was launched in Shenyang Zhangshi (Sewage) Irrigation Area (SZIA). The phytoremediation efficiency of Solanum nigrum L. was determined, by both monitoring the change of soil Cadmium level in the upper 20 cm of soil, and calculating the plant uptake of soil Cd. After two years experimental, by monitoring the soil Cd concentrations, The Cd concentrations decreased on average from 2.75 mg kg?1to 2.45 mg kg?1 in the first year and from 2.33 mg kg?1 to 1.53 mg kg?1 in the second year, amounting to a decrease by a factor of 10.6% in the first year and 12% in the second year. After two years phytoremediation by S. nigrum, Cd concentrations of the seven experimental plots with S. nigrum growth decreased from 2.75 mg kg?1 to 1.53 mg kg?1, a decrease by a factor of 24.9%. And the soil Cd concentration decreased only 2.1% and 1.7% in the bared experimental plot. And the calculating of Cd uptake by S. nigrum shown that, the plants uptake 4.46% and 5.18% of the total soil Cd in 2008 and 2009, while the soil Cd concentrations decreased by a factor of 10.6% in 2008 and 12.1% in 2009.  相似文献   

Growth, tolerance and zinc and cadmium hyperaccumulation of Thlaspi caerulescens populations from three metal contaminated soils and three normal soils were compared under controlled conditions. Individuals of six populations were cultivated on five soils with increasing concentrations of zinc (50–25000 μg g−1) and cadmium (1–170 μg g−1). There was no mortality of normal soil populations in the four metal-contaminated soils, but plant growth was reduced to half that of populations from metal-contaminated soils. However, in noncontaminated soil, the growth of individuals from normal soils was greater than that of individuals from metal-contaminated soils. Individuals from normal soils concentrated three times more zinc in the aboveground biomass than those from metal-contaminated soils, but the latter accumulated twice as much cadmium. We conclude that populations of T. caerulescens from both normal and metal-contaminated soils are interesting material for phytoextraction of zinc and cadmium, but to optimize the process of phytoextraction it is necessary to combine the extraction potentials of both type of populations.  相似文献   

Contamination by heavy metals is one of the most serious environmental problems generated from human activities. Because phytoremediation utilizes plants to uptake contaminants, it could potentially be used to remediate metal-contaminated areas. A pot culture experiment with four levels of cadmium (Cd) (0, 20, 40, and 80 mg of Cd/kg dry soil) was conducted to investigate Cd accumulation and tolerance of roots, shoots, and leaves of Lagerstroemia indica and Lagerstroemia fauriei as well as their potential for phytoremediation. Experimental results indicated that Cd inhibited seedling growth only at the higher Cd exposure concentration (40 and 80 mg/kg). The tolerance index revealed that on average L. indica is more tolerant of Cd than L. fauriei. Moreover, plants in the experiment accumulated Cd differentially. In comparisons between L. indica and L. fauriei, the leaves of the former had higher concentrations of Cd, while the roots of latter had higher concentrations of Cd. Furthermore, the roots, shoots, and leaves had very high bioaccumulation factors that markedly exceeded 1.0 (exceptional only in shoots of 80 mg/kg for L. fauriei), indicating that the seedlings extracted Cd from the soil. The leaves' translocation factor of L. indica was greater than 1.0, being significantly higher than that of L. fauriei. Chlorophyll a, Chlorophyll b and total declined in both species significantly as Cd concentrations exceeded 40 mg/kg in the soil. In contrast, lipid peroxidation and proline content was found to increase with increasing Cd concentration. From the assessments of biomass production, Cd tolerance and uptake L. indica and L. fauriei could stand as excellent species for remediating Cd-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

There is a need for the identification and selection of specific tree genotypes that can sequester elements from contaminated soils, with elevated rates of uptake. We irrigated Populus (DN17, DN182, DN34, NM2, NM6) and Salix (94003, 94012, S287, S566, SX61) genotypes planted in large soil-filled containers with landfill leachate or municipal water and tested for differences in inorganic element concentrations (P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Zn, B, Mn, Fe, Cu, Al, Na, and Cl) in the leaves, stems, and roots. Trees were irrigated with leachate or water during the final 12 wk of the 18-wk study. Genotype-specific uptake existed. For genera, tissue concentrations exhibited four responses. First, Populus had the greatest uptake of P, K, S, Cu, and Cl. Second, Salix exhibited the greatest uptake of Zn, B, Fe, and Al. Third, Salix had greater concentrations of Ca and Mg in leaves, while Populus had greater concentrations in stems and roots. Fourth, Populus had greater concentrations of Mn and Na in leaves and stems, while Salix had greater concentrations in roots. Populus deltoides x P. nigra clones exhibited better overall phytoremediation than the P. nigra x P. maximowiczii genotypes tested. Phytoremediation for S. purpurea clones 94003 and 94012 was generally less than for other Salix genotypes. Overall, concentrations of elements in the leaves, stems, and roots corroborated those in the plant-sciences literature. Uptake was dependent upon the specific genotype for most elements. Our results corroborated the need for further testing and selecting of specific clones for various phytoremediation needs, while providing a baseline for future researchers developing additional studies and resource managers conducting on-site remediation.  相似文献   

Soil contaminant levels and early tree growth data are helpful for assessing phytoremediation systems. Populus (DN17, DN182, DN34, NM2, and NM6) and Salix (94003, 94012, S287, S566, and SX61) genotypes were irrigated with landfill leachate or municipal water and tested for differences in (1) element concentrations (P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Zn, B, Mn, Fe, Cu, Al, and Na) of a topsoil layer and a layer of sand in tanks with a cover crop of trees or no trees and (2) height, diameter, volume, and dry mass of leaves, stems, and roots. Trees were irrigated with leachate or water during the final 12 wk of the 18-wk study. Differences in most soil element concentrations were negligible (P > 0.05) for irrigation treatments and cover main effects. Phosphorous, K, Mg, S, Zn, Mn, Fe, and Al concentrations were greater in topsoil than sand (P = 0.0011 for Mg; P < 0.0001 for others). There was broad variation between genera and among clones for all growth traits. The treatment x clone interaction governed height, volume, and root dry mass, with (94012, SX61), (NM2, S566, SX61), and (S287, S566) exhibiting the greatest levels, respectively,following leachate application. Given the broad amount of variability among and within these genera, there is great potential for the identification and selection of specific genotypes with a combination of elevated phytoremediation capabilities and tree yield. From a practical standpoint, these results may be used as a baseline for the development of future remediation systems.  相似文献   

The efficacy for phytoremediation of five willow species was tested by experimental copper and cadmium uptake in a greenhouse hydroponic system. Five treatments included two concentrations (5 and 25 microM for each metal) and a control. Metal concentrations in solution as well as solution uptake were monitored. Metal resistance was assessed through effects on the dry weight of roots and shoots. The willow species tested were generally resistant of increased Cu and Cd content. Metal accumulation was found in all plant organs of all species. Growth and transpiration were not decreased by 5 microM of copper and 25 microM of cadmium in the solution for most species. 25 microM copper caused injury and reduced the dry weight for all species after 21 d. Salix nigra was highly resistant of both Cu and Cd and accumulated more metals than other species. Future field study should be conducted to confirm the findings and feasibility of the phytoremediation technology using those species.  相似文献   

The current study was performed to assess the effect of Burkholderia cepacia CS8 on the phytoremediation of cadmium (Cd) by Catharanthus roseus grown in Cd-contaminated soil. The plants cultivated in Cd amended soil showed reduced growth, dry mass, gas-exchange capacity, and chlorophyll contents. Furthermore, the plants exhibited elevated levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) under Cd stress. The bacterized plants showed higher shoot length, root length; fresh and dry weight. The improved stress tolerance in inoculated plants was attributed to the reduced quantity of MDA and H2O2, enhanced synthesis of protein, proline, phenols, flavonoids, and improved activity of antioxidant enzymes including peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, and catalase. Similarly, the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase activity, phosphate solubilization, auxin, and siderophore production capability of B. cepacia CS8 improved growth and stress alleviation in treated plants. The bacterial inoculation enhanced the amount of water extractable Cd from soil. Furthermore, the inoculated plants showed higher bioconcentration factor and translocation factor. The current study exhibits that B. cepacia CS8 improves stress alleviation and phytoextraction potential of C. roseus plants growing under Cd stress.  相似文献   

In this study, we explored the effect of salinity on cadmium (Cd) tolerance and phytoremediation potential of Acacia nilotica. Two-month-old uniform plants of A. nilotica were grown in pots contaminated with various levels of Cd (0, 5, 10, and 15 mg kg?1), NaCl (0%, 0.5%, 1.0% (hereafter referred as salinity), and all possible combinations of Cd + salinity for a period of six months. Results showed that shoot and root growth, biomass, tissue water content and chlorophyll (chl a, chl b, and total chl a+b) contents decreased more in response to salinity and combination of Cd + salinity compared to Cd alone. Shoot and root K concentrations significantly decreased with increasing soil Cd levels, whereas Na and Cl concentrations were not affected significantly. Shoot and root Cd concentrations, bioconcentration factor (BCF) and translocation factor (TF) increased with increasing soil Cd and Cd + salinity levels. At low level of salinity (0.5%), shoot and root Cd uptake enhanced, while it decreased at high level of salinity (1.0%). Due to Cd tolerance, high shoot biomass and shoot Cd uptake, this tree species has some potential for phytoremediation of Cd from the metal contaminated saline and nonsaline soils.  相似文献   

Zhao  F.J.  Lombi  E.  McGrath  S.P. 《Plant and Soil》2003,249(1):37-43
Thlaspi caerulescens is a Zn and Cd hyperaccumulator, and has been tested for its phytoremediation potential. In this paper we examine the relationships between the concentrations of Zn and Cd in soil and in T. caerulescens shoots, and calculate the rates of Zn and Cd extraction from soil. Using published data from field surveys, field and pot experiments, we show that the concentrations of Zn and Cd in the shoots correlate with the concentrations of Zn and Cd in soils in a log-linear fashion over three orders of magnitude. There is little systematic difference between different populations of T. caerulescens in the relationship between soil and plant Zn concentrations. In contrast, populations from southern France are far superior to those from other regions in Cd accumulation. Bioaccumulation factors (plant to soil concentration ratio) for Zn and Cd decrease log-linearly with soil metal concentration. Model calculations show that phytoremediation using T. caerulescens is feasible when soil is only moderately contaminated with Zn and Cd, and the phytoremediation potential is better for Cd than for Zn if the populations from southern France are used. Recent progress in the understanding of the mechanisms of Zn and Cd uptake by T. caerulescens is also reviewed.  相似文献   

Poplar trees (Populus spp.) are often used in bioremediation strategies because of their ability to phytoextract potential toxic ions, e.g., selenium (Se) from poor quality soils. Soil microorganisms may play a vital role in sustaining health of soil and/or tolerance of these trees grown in poor quality soils by contributing to nutrient cycling, soil structure, overall soil quality, and plant survival. The effect of naturally occurring salts boron (B) and Se on soil microbial community composition associated with poplar trees is not known for bioremediation strategies. In this study, three Populus clones 13–366, 345–1, and 347–14 were grown in spring 2006 under highly saline, B, and Se clay-like soils in the west side of the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) of CA, as well as in non-saline sandy loam soils located in the east side of the SJV. After 7 years of growing in the respective soils of different qualities, soil samples were collected from poplar clones grown in saline and non-saline soils to examine and compare soil quality effects on soil microbial community biomass and composition. The phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis was used to characterize microbial community composition in soils from trees grown at both locations. This study showed that microbial biomass and the amount and proportion of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) community were lower in all three poplar clones grown in saline soil compared to non-saline soil. Amounts of Gram + bacterial and actinomycetes PLFAs were significantly lower in poplar clone 13–366 grown in saline soil compared to non-saline soil; however, they did not differ significantly in poplar clones 347–14 and 345–1. Additionally, amounts of saprophytic fungal, Gram ? bacterial and eukaryotic PLFA remained similar at saline and non-saline sites under poplar clones 347–14, 345–1, and 13–366. Therefore, this study suggested that salinity and B do have an impact on microbial biomass and AMF; however, these poplar clones still recycled sufficient amount of nutrients to support and protect saprophytic fungal and bacterial communities from the effects of poor quality soils.  相似文献   

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