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The contribution of ozone to forest decline   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
More than 10 years of intensive research into forest decline in Germany has ascertained that the full extent of the visible damage cannot be explained by just one of the current hypotheses on forest decline. One of the prominent hypotheses is that chronic exposure of forest trees to ozone is probably one of the primary causes of forest decline. The aim of this paper is the critical review of a number of recent results dealing with the ozone hypothesis from a plant physiological point of view. The synopsis focusses on the effects of ozone on conifers because the most extensive data are available for coniferous trees, especially for spruce ( Picea sp.) and pine ( Pinus sp.) trees.  相似文献   

The Mongolian Steppe is one of the largest remaining grassland ecosystems. Recent studies have reported widespread decline of vegetation across the steppe and about 70% of this ecosystem is now considered degraded. Among the scientific community there has been an active debate about whether the observed degradation is related to climate, or over‐grazing, or both. Here, we employ a new atmospheric correction and cloud screening algorithm (MAIAC) to investigate trends in satellite observed vegetation phenology. We relate these trends to changes in climate and domestic animal populations. A series of harmonic functions is fitted to Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) observed phenological curves to quantify seasonal and inter‐annual changes in vegetation. Our results show a widespread decline (of about 12% on average) in MODIS observed normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) across the country but particularly in the transition zone between grassland and the Gobi desert, where recent decline was as much as 40% below the 2002 mean NDVI. While we found considerable regional differences in the causes of landscape degradation, about 80% of the decline in NDVI could be attributed to increase in livestock. Changes in precipitation were able to explain about 30% of degradation across the country as a whole but up to 50% in areas with denser vegetation cover (P < 0.05). Temperature changes, while significant, played only a minor role (r2 = 0.10, P < 0.05). Our results suggest that the cumulative effect of overgrazing is a primary contributor to the degradation of the Mongolian steppe and is at least partially responsible for desertification reported in previous studies.  相似文献   

To elucidate potential ecological and evolutionary processes associated with the assembly of plant communities, there is now widespread use of estimates of phylogenetic diversity that are based on a variety of DNA barcode regions and phylogenetic construction methods. However, relatively few studies consider how estimates of phylogenetic diversity may be influenced by single DNA barcodes incorporated into a sequence matrix (conservative regions vs. hypervariable regions) and the use of a backbone family‐level phylogeny. Here, we use general linear mixed‐effects models to examine the influence of different combinations of core DNA barcodes (rbcL, matK, ITS, and ITS2) and phylogeny construction methods on a series of estimates of community phylogenetic diversity for two subtropical forest plots in Guangdong, southern China. We ask: (a) What are the relative influences of single DNA barcodes on estimates phylogenetic diversity metrics? and (b) What is the effect of using a backbone family‐level phylogeny to estimate topology‐based phylogenetic diversity metrics? The combination of more than one barcode (i.e., rbcL + matK + ITS) and the use of a backbone family‐level phylogeny provided the most parsimonious explanation of variation in estimates of phylogenetic diversity. The use of a backbone family‐level phylogeny showed a stronger effect on phylogenetic diversity metrics that are based on tree topology compared to those that are based on branch lengths. In addition, the variation in the estimates of phylogenetic diversity that was explained by the top‐rank models ranged from 0.1% to 31% and was dependent on the type of phylogenetic community structure metric. Our study underscores the importance of incorporating a multilocus DNA barcode and the use of a backbone family‐level phylogeny to infer phylogenetic diversity, where the type of DNA barcode employed and the phylogenetic construction method used can serve as a significant source of variation in estimates of phylogenetic community structure.  相似文献   

The rise in atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Ca) has been related to tree growth enhancement and increasing intrinsic water‐use efficiency (iWUE). However, the extent that rising Ca has led to increased long‐term iWUE and whether climate could explain deviations from expected Ca‐induced growth enhancement are still poorly understood. The aim of this research was to use Ca and local climatic variability to explain changes during the 20th century in growth and tree ring and needle δ13C in declining and nondeclining Abies alba stands from the Spanish Pyrenees, near the southern distribution limit of this species. The temporal trends of iWUE were calculated under three theoretical scenarios for the regulation of plant‐gas exchange at increasing Ca. We tested different linear mixed‐effects models by multimodel selection criteria to predict basal area increment (BAI), a proxy of tree radial growth, using these scenarios and local temperature together with precipitation data as predictors. The theoretical scenario assuming the strongest response to Ca explained 66–81% of the iWUE variance and 28–56% of the observed BAI variance, whereas local climatic variables together explained less than 11–21% of the BAI variance. Our results are consistent with a drought‐induced limitation of the tree growth response to rising CO2 and a decreasing rate of iWUE improvement from the 1980s onward in declining A. alba stands subjected to lower water availability.  相似文献   

Climate change may have limited effect on global risk of potato late blight   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Weather affects the severity of many plant diseases, and climate change is likely to alter the patterns of crop disease severity. Evaluating possible future patterns can help focus crop breeding and disease management research. We examined the global effect of climate change on potato late blight, the disease that caused the Irish potato famine and still is a common potato disease around the world. We used a metamodel and considered three global climate models for the A2 greenhouse gas emission scenario for three 20‐year time‐slices: 2000–2019, 2040–2059 and 2080–2099. In addition to global analyses, five regions were evaluated where potato is an important crop: the Andean Highlands, Indo‐Gangetic Plain and Himalayan Highlands, Southeast Asian Highlands, Ethiopian Highlands, and Lake Kivu Highlands in Sub‐Saharan Africa. We found that the average global risk of potato late blight increases initially, when compared with historic climate data, and then declines as planting dates shift to cooler seasons. Risk in the agro‐ecosystems analyzed, varied from a large increase in risk in the Lake Kivu Highlands in Rwanda to decreases in the Southeast Asian Highlands of Indonesia.  相似文献   

Worldwide, extreme climatic events such as drought and heatwaves are associated with forest mortality. However, the precise drivers of tree mortality at individual and stand levels vary considerably, with substantial gaps in knowledge across studies in biomes and continents. In 2010–2011, a drought‐associated heatwave occurred in south‐western Australia and drove sudden and rapid forest canopy collapse. Working in the Northern Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) Forest, we quantified the response of key overstory (E. marginata, Corymbia calophylla) and midstory (Banksia grandis, Allocasuarina fraseriana) tree species to the extreme climate event. Using transects spanning a gradient of drought impacts (minimal (50–100 m), transitional (100–150 m) and severe (30–60 m)), tree species mortality in relation to stand characteristics (stand basal area and stem density) and edaphic factors (soil depth) was determined. We show differential mortality between the two overstory species and the two midstory species corresponding to the drought‐associated heatwave. The dominant overstory species, E. marginata, had significantly higher mortality (~19%) than C. calophylla (~7%) in the severe zone. The midstory species, B. grandis, demonstrated substantially higher mortality (~59%) than A. fraseriana (~4%) in the transitional zone. Banksia grandis exhibited a substantial shift in structure in response to the drought‐associated heatwave in relation to tree size, basal area and soil depth. This study illustrates the role of climate extremes in driving ecosystem change and highlights the critical need to identify and quantify the resulting impact to help predict future forest die‐off events and to underpin forest management and conservation.  相似文献   

Aphids are the most common vector of plant viruses, and their feeding behavior is an important determinant of virus transmission. Positive effects of global change on aphid performance have been documented, but effects on aphid behavior are not known. We assessed the plant‐mediated behavioral responses of a generalist aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), to increased CO2 and nitrogen when feeding on each of three host species: Amaranthus viridis L. (Amaranthaceae), Polygonum persicaria L. (= Persicaria maculosa Gray) (Polygonaceae), and Solanum dulcamara L. (Solanaceae). Via a family of constrained Markov models, we tested the degree to which aphid movements demonstrate preference among host species or plants grown under varying environmental conditions. Entropy rates of the estimated Markov chains were used to further quantify aphid behavior. Our statistical methods provide a general tool for assessing choice and quantitatively comparing animal behavior under different conditions. Aphids displayed strong preferences for the same host species under all growth conditions, indicating that CO2‐ and N‐induced changes in plant chemistry have minimal effects on host preference. However, entropy rates increased in the presence of non‐preferred hosts, even when preferred hosts were available. We conclude that the presence of a non‐preferred host species affected aphid‐feeding behavior more than changes in plant leaf chemistry when plants were grown under elevated CO2 and increased N availability.  相似文献   

Vine decline of kiwifruit was observed in an orchard in Bart?n province of Turkey. Affected vines exhibited poor terminal growth, leaf discoloration and various degrees of dieback, including complete vine death. Symptoms were observed in the field on roots, crowns and stems. Two Phytophthora species were isolated from decayed cortical roots and lower stems of kiwifruits. They were identified as Phytophthora cryptogea and Phytophthora megasperma by their morphological characteristics and the analysis of sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the rDNA. Pathogenicity of the isolates was tested by stem inoculation on kiwifruit seedlings. After 4 weeks, cankers developed in the plants inoculated with P. cryptogea, while no cankers formed in those inoculated with P. megasperma and in control plants. This is the first report of P. cryptogea causing root and stem rot of kiwifruit in Turkey.  相似文献   

Long‐term tree recruitment dynamics of subalpine forests mainly depend on temperature changes, but little is known about the feedbacks between historical land use and climate. Here, we analyze a southern European, millennium‐long dataset of tree recruitment from three high‐elevation pine forests located in Mediterranean mountains (Pyrenees, northeastern Spain; Pollino, southern Italy; and Mt. Smolikas, northern Greece). We identify synchronized recruitment peaks in the late 15th and early 16th centuries, following prolonged periods of societal and climate instability. Major European population crises in the 14th and 15th centuries associated with recurrent famines, the Black Death pandemic, and political turmoil are likely to have reduced the deforestation of subalpine environments and caused widespread rewilding. We suggest that a distinct cold phase in the Little Ice Age around 1450 ce could also have accelerated the cessation of grazing pressure, particularly in the Pyrenees, where the demographic crisis was less severe. Most pronounced in the Pyrenees, the enhanced pine recruitment from around 1500–1550 ce coincides with temporarily warmer temperatures associated with a positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation. We diagnose that a mixture of human and climate factors has influenced past forest recruitment dynamics in Mediterranean subalpine ecosystems. Our results highlight how complex human–climate interactions shaped forest dynamics during pre‐industrial times and provide historical analogies to recent rewilding.  相似文献   

The ubiquity, high diversity and often‐cryptic manifestations of fungi and oomycetes frequently necessitate molecular tools for detecting and identifying them in the environment. In applications including DNA barcoding, pathogen detection from plant samples, and genotyping for population genetics and epidemiology, rapid and dependable DNA extraction methods scalable from one to hundreds of samples are desirable. We evaluated several rapid extraction methods (NaOH, Rapid one‐step extraction (ROSE), Chelex 100, proteinase K) for their ability to obtain DNA of quantity and quality suitable for the following applications: PCR amplification of the multicopy barcoding locus ITS1/5.8S/ITS2 from various fungal cultures and sporocarps; single‐copy microsatellite amplification from cultures of the phytopathogenic oomycete Phytophthora ramorum; probe‐based P. ramorum detection from leaves. Several methods were effective for most of the applications, with NaOH extraction favored in terms of success rate, cost, speed and simplicity. Frozen dilutions of ROSE and NaOH extracts maintained PCR viability for over 32 months. DNA from rapid extractions performed poorly compared to CTAB/phenol‐chloroform extracts for TaqMan diagnostics from tanoak leaves, suggesting that incomplete removal of PCR inhibitors is an issue for sensitive diagnostic procedures, especially from plants with recalcitrant leaf chemistry. NaOH extracts exhibited lower yield and size than CTAB/phenol‐chloroform extracts; however, NaOH extraction facilitated obtaining clean sequence data from sporocarps contaminated by other fungi, perhaps due to dilution resulting from low DNA yield. We conclude that conventional extractions are often unnecessary for routine DNA sequencing or genotyping of fungi and oomycetes, and recommend simpler strategies where source materials and intended applications warrant such use.  相似文献   

As rapid climate warming creates a mismatch between forest trees and their home environment, the ability of trees to cope with warming depends on their capacity to physiologically adjust to higher temperatures. In widespread species, individual trees in cooler home climates are hypothesized to more successfully acclimate to warming than their counterparts in warmer climates that may approach thermal limits. We tested this prediction with a climate‐shift experiment in widely distributed Eucalyptus tereticornis and E. grandis using provenances originating along a ~2500 km latitudinal transect (15.5–38.0°S) in eastern Australia. We grew 21 provenances in conditions approximating summer temperatures at seed origin and warmed temperatures (+3.5 °C) using a series of climate‐controlled glasshouse bays. The effects of +3.5 °C warming strongly depended on home climate. Cool‐origin provenances responded to warming through an increase in photosynthetic capacity and total leaf area, leading to enhanced growth of 20–60%. Warm‐origin provenances, however, responded to warming through a reduction in photosynthetic capacity and total leaf area, leading to reduced growth of approximately 10%. These results suggest that there is predictable intraspecific variation in the capacity of trees to respond to warming; cool‐origin taxa are likely to benefit from warming, while warm‐origin taxa may be negatively affected.  相似文献   

Behavioural responses of diverse insect groups to electric stimuli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anecdotal evidence suggests that cockroaches respond to electrical appliances or outlets. Our objectives were to determine the effect of field‐inducing sources and field attributes on attraction of German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.) (Blattodea: Blattellidae), and to test those parameters found effective for attraction of B. germanica for attraction of other groups of insects. In two‐choice, large‐arena experiments, significantly more female, but not nymphal, B. germanica settled in or near electrified coils with static or fluctuating electromagnetic fields produced by low‐level direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC) sources than in control coils without current. Electromagnetic fields with the magnetic, but not the electric, component of the field nulled still attracted B. germanica, suggesting that the electric component of the field may contribute to the attraction or arrestment response of B. germanica. DC‐powered coils with static electromagnetic fields also attracted/arrested brown‐banded cockroaches, Supella longipalpa (Fabricius) (Blattodea: Blattellidae), common silverfish, Lepisma saccharina (L.), firebrats, Thermobia domestica (Packard) (both Thysanura: Lepismatidae), and European earwigs, Forficula auricularia (L.) (Dermaptera: Forficulidae), but they repelled American cockroaches, Periplaneta americana (L.) (Blattodea: Blattidae). If proven in field experiments, electrified coils as trap baits may offer non‐toxic alternatives to pesticides for selective insect control in urban environments.  相似文献   

Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) is the primary vector of Candidatus Liberibacter spp. bacteria that cause citrus greening, a disease of worldwide importance. Olfactometry was employed to test responses of D. citri to odours from intact citrus plants (Mexican lime, Citrus aurantifolia, sour orange, Citrus aurantium, Marsh grapefruit, Citrus paradisi and Valencia orange, Citrus sinensis), citrus plants previously infested with D. citri, and odours of conspecifics including nymphs, adult insects of same and opposite sex, and their products (honeydew), both alone and in combination. In contrast to other studies, psyllids of both sexes were attracted to volatiles of undamaged Mexican lime leaves, whereas undamaged grapefruit attracted only females, and leaves of Valencia and sour orange did not attract either sex. All four plant species attracted female psyllids when previously infested, but only Mexican lime and sour orange‐attracted males. Thus, Citrus species appear to vary in the production of both constituitive and induced volatiles that attract adult psyllids. Volatiles emitted by nymphs did not attract either sex, but psyllid honeydew was attractive to males, likely due to female pheromone residues. Males oriented to the odour of females, whereas the reverse was not true, and neither males nor females oriented to same‐sex volatiles. The addition of conspecific cues (adults, nymphs or honeydew) did not increase female attraction to previously infested leaves, but male response was increased by the presence of adults and honeydew, regardless of plant species. Thus, female psyllids appear to orient more strongly to volatiles of plant origin, whereas males respond more strongly to cues emanating from females and conspecific excretions. These results suggest that female psyllids drive the initial colonization of host plants, whereas males orient to females and infested plants. Identification of the specific volatiles involved may permit their use in monitoring and management of this pest.  相似文献   

Drought‐induced tree mortality is occurring across all forested continents and is expected to increase worldwide during the coming century. Regional‐scale forest die‐off influences terrestrial albedo, carbon and water budgets, and land‐surface energy partitioning. Although increased temperatures during drought are widely identified as a critical contributor to exacerbated tree mortality associated with “global‐change‐type drought”, corresponding changes in vapor pressure deficit (D) have rarely been considered explicitly and have not been disaggregated from that of temperature per se. Here, we apply a detailed mechanistic soil–plant–atmosphere model to examine the impacts of drought, increased air temperature (+2°C or +5°C), and increased vapor pressure deficit (D; +1 kPa or +2.5 kPa), singly and in combination, on net primary productivity (NPP) and transpiration and forest responses, especially soil moisture content, leaf water potential, and stomatal conductance. We show that increased D exerts a larger detrimental effect on transpiration and NPP, than increased temperature alone, with or without the imposition of a 3‐month drought. Combined with drought, the effect of increased D on NPP was substantially larger than that of drought plus increased temperature. Thus, the number of days when NPP was zero across the 2‐year simulation was 13 or 14 days in the control and increased temperature scenarios, but increased to approximately 200 days when D was increased. Drought alone increased the number of days of zero NPP to 88, but drought plus increased temperature did not increase the number of days. In contrast, drought and increased D resulted in the number of days when NPP = 0 increasing to 235 (+1 kPa) or 304 days (+2.5 kPa). We conclude that correct identification of the causes of global change‐type mortality events requires explicit consideration of the influence of D as well as its interaction with drought and temperature.  相似文献   

We report in this study large induction of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from a single inflorescence of mossy sorrel (Rumex confertus Willd., Polygonaceae), by herbivory of the weevil (Hypera rumicis L., Coleoptera: Curculionidae). VOCs blend induced by the weevil herbivory included 1 green leaf volatiles (GLVs) ((Z)‐3‐hexen‐1‐yl acetate), five terpenes ((Z)‐β‐ocimene, linalool, geranyl acetate, β‐caryophyllene and (E)‐β‐farnesene), three esters (benzyl acetate, methyl salicylate and methyl anthranilate) and one aromatic heterocyclic organic compound (indole). Uninjured plants produced only detectable amounts of VOCs. A Y‐tube experiment revealed that both females and males of H. rumicis were not attracted to any of tested concentrations (1, 5, 25, 125 ng/min). Also both females and males were significantly repelled by the highest concentrations (25 and 125 ng/min). Additionally, concentration of 5 ng/min proved to be repellent for females of H. rumicis.  相似文献   

Corals at the world's southernmost coral reef of Lord Howe Island (LHI) experience large temperature and light fluctuations and need to deal with periods of cold temperature (<18°C), but few studies have investigated how corals are able to cope with these conditions. Our study characterized the response of key photophysiological parameters, as well as photoacclimatory and photoprotective pigments (chlorophylls, xanthophylls, and β‐carotene), to short‐term (5‐d) cold stress (~15°C; 7°C below control) in three LHI coral species hosting distinct Symbiodinium ITS2 types, and compared the coral–symbiont response to that under elevated temperature (~29°C; 7°C above control). Under cold stress, Stylophora sp. hosting Symbiodinium C118 showed the strongest effects with regard to losses of photochemical performance and symbionts. Pocillopora damicornis hosting Symbiodinium C100/C118 showed less severe bleaching responses to reduced temperature than to elevated temperature, while Porites heronensis hosting Symbiodinium C111* withstood both reduced and elevated temperature. Under cold stress, photoprotection in the form of xanthophyll de‐epoxidation increased in unbleached P. heronensis (by 178%) and bleached Stylophora sp. (by 225%), while under heat stress this parameter increased in unbleached P. heronensis (by 182%) and in bleached P. damicornis (by 286%). The xanthophyll pool size was stable in all species at all temperatures. Our comparative study demonstrates high variability in the bleaching vulnerability of these coral species to low and high thermal extremes and shows that this variability is not solely determined by the ability to activate xanthophyll de‐epoxidation.  相似文献   

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