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以前研究发现,辽宁地区大豆生长期间及收获期土壤中胞囊孵出的二龄幼虫量很少,推测线虫卵的休眠与大豆生长时期或季节相关。为明确该地区大豆胞囊线虫的休眠特点,2002-2003年采用田间随机多点取样、室内分离及模拟自然条件孵化等方法对大豆胞囊线虫的休眠进行深入研究。结果表明:在生长季节,感病品种辽豆10根围土壤中的白色雌虫、卵囊及褐色的胞囊均可孵出二龄幼虫,且孵化持续时间较长,第21d仍有幼虫孵出,白色雌虫及卵囊内的卵孵化率高于褐色胞囊;不同作物对其根围土壤中胞囊内卵的孵化影响不大,寄主作物大豆、非寄主作物玉米根围及休闲地土壤中的胞囊在条件适宜均可孵出二龄幼虫;季节对胞囊内卵的孵化有较大的影响,出苗期孵化率最高,收获期最低,2周时平均1个胞囊孵出幼虫分别为83.8和9.7条;胞囊皮对线虫卵的孵化有显著的影响。表明沈阳地区大豆胞囊线虫在正常和逆境条件下均有部分卵表现休眠。  相似文献   

CLE peptides are small extracellular proteins important in regulating plant meristematic activity through the CLE‐receptor kinase‐WOX signalling module. Stem cell pools in the SAM (shoot apical meristem), RAM (root apical meristem) and vascular cambium are controlled by CLE signalling pathways. Interestingly, plant‐parasitic cyst nematodes secrete CLE‐like effector proteins, which act as ligand mimics of plant CLE peptides and are required for successful parasitism. Recently, we demonstrated that Arabidopsis CLE receptors CLAVATA1 (CLV1), the CLAVATA2 (CLV2)/CORYNE (CRN) heterodimer receptor complex and RECEPTOR‐LIKE PROTEIN KINASE 2 (RPK2), which transmit the CLV3 signal in the SAM, are required for perception of beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii CLEs. Reduction in nematode infection was observed in clv1, clv2, crn, rpk2 and combined double and triple mutants. In an effort to develop nematode resistance in an agriculturally important crop, orthologues of Arabidopsis receptors including CLV1, CLV2, CRN and RPK2 were identified from soybean, a host for the soybean cyst nematode Heterodera glycines. For each of the receptors, there are at least two paralogues in the soybean genome. Localization studies showed that most receptors are expressed in the root, but vary in their level of expression and spatial expression patterns. Expression in nematode‐induced feeding cells was also confirmed. In vitro direct binding of the soybean receptors with the HgCLE peptide was analysed. Knock‐down of the receptors in soybean hairy roots showed enhanced resistance to SCN. Our findings suggest that targeted disruption of nematode CLE signalling may be a potential means to engineer nematode resistance in crop plants.  相似文献   

Resistance of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] to cyst nematode (SCN) (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe), one of the most destructive pathogens affecting soybean, involves a complex genetic system. The identification of QTLs associated with SCN resistance may contribute to the understanding of such system. The objective of this work was to identify and map QTLs for resistance to SCN Race 14 with the aid of molecular markers. BC3F2:3 and F2:3 populations, both derived from an original cross between resistant cv. Hartwig and the susceptible line BR-92–31983 were screened for resistance to SCN Race 14. Four microsatellite (Satt082, Sat_001, Satt574 and Satt301) and four RAPD markers (OPAA-11795, OPAE-08837, OPR-07548 and OPY-072030) were identified in the BC3F2:3 population using the bulked segregant analysis (BSA) technique. These markers were amplified in 183 F2:3 families and mapped to a locus that accounts for more than 40% of the resistance to SCN Race 14. Selection efficiency based on these markers was similar to that obtained with the conventional method. In the case of the microsalellite markers, which identify homozygous resistant genotypes, the efficiency was even higher. This new QTL has been mapped to the soybean linkage group D2 and, in conjunction with other QTLs already identified for SCN resistance, will certainly contribute to our understanding of the genetic basis of resistance of this important disease in soybean. Received: 12 October 1999 / Accepted: 14 April 2000  相似文献   

2-DE reference maps of Heterodera glycines were constructed. After in-gel digestion with trypsin, 803 spots representing 426 proteins were subsequently identified by LC-MS/MS. Proteins with annotated function were further categorized by Gene Ontology. The results showed that proteins involved in metabolic, developmental and biological regulation processes were the most abundant.  相似文献   

The leaf resemblance of Kallima (Nymphalidae) butterflies is an important ecological adaptive mechanism that increases their survival. However, the genetic mechanism underlying ecological adaptation remains unclear owing to a dearth of genomic information. Here, we determined the karyotype (n = 31) of the dead‐leaf butterfly Kallima inachus, and generated a high‐quality, chromosome‐level assembly (568.92 Mb; contig N50: 19.20 Mb). We also identified candidate Z and W chromosomes. To our knowledge, this is the first study to report on these aspects of this species. In the assembled genome, 15,309 protein‐coding genes and 49.86% repeat elements were annotated. Phylogenetic analysis showed that K. inachus diverged from Melitaea cinxia (no leaf resemblance), both of which are in Nymphalinae, around 40 million years ago. Demographic analysis indicated that the effective population size of K. inachus decreased during the last interglacial period in the Pleistocene. The wings of adults with the pigmentary gene ebony knocked out using CRISPR/Cas9 showed phenotypes in which the orange dorsal region and entire ventral surface darkened, suggesting its vital role in the ecological adaption of dead‐leaf butterflies. Our results provide important genome resources for investigating the genetic mechanism underlying protective resemblance in dead‐leaf butterflies and insights into the molecular basis of protective coloration.  相似文献   

Bivalves, a highly diverse and the most evolutionarily successful class of invertebrates native to aquatic habitats, provide valuable molecular resources for understanding the evolutionary adaptation and aquatic ecology. Here, we reported a high‐quality chromosome‐level genome assembly of the razor clam Sinonovacula constricta using Pacific Bioscience single‐molecule real‐time sequencing, Illumina paired‐end sequencing, 10X Genomics linked‐reads and Hi‐C reads. The genome size was 1,220.85 Mb, containing scaffold N50 of 65.93 Mb and contig N50 of 976.94 Kb. A total of 899 complete (91.92%) and seven partial (0.72%) matches of the 978 metazoa Benchmarking Universal Single‐Copy Orthologs were determined in this genome assembly. And Hi‐C scaffolding of the genome resulted in 19 pseudochromosomes. A total of 28,594 protein‐coding genes were predicted in the S. constricta genome, of which 25,413 genes (88.88%) were functionally annotated. In addition, 39.79% of the assembled genome was composed of repetitive sequences, and 4,372 noncoding RNAs were identified. The enrichment analyses of the significantly expanded and contracted genes suggested an evolutionary adaptation of S. constricta to highly stressful living environments. In summary, the genomic resources generated in this work not only provide a valuable reference genome for investigating the molecular mechanisms of S. constricta biological functions and evolutionary adaptation, but also facilitate its genetic improvement and disease treatment. Meanwhile, the obtained genome greatly improves our understanding of the genetics of molluscs and their comparative evolution.  相似文献   

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is a major soybean yield-limiting pest. The present study was conducted to map broad-based SCN resistance loci from the cultivar Hartwig. Two-hundred F23 lines derived from the cross Williams 82 x Hartwig were screened with a fourth-generation SCN inbred and 56 polymorphic molecular markers. Allele states and phenotypes were analyzed using stepwise regression and the model selection was made at P 0.01. Four unlinked RFLP markers (A006, A567, A487, A112) were associated with SCN resistance and the partial coefficient of determinations (R2) were 91%, 1%, 1%, and 1%. We have mapped a new, major SCN resistance locus (A006) and three minor loci (A567, A487, A112). This complete mapping will accelerate the transfer of broad-based resistance without linkage drag and aid in the determination of relationships among various SCN-resistant germplasm sources.  相似文献   

Salicylic acid plays a critical role in activating plant defence responses after pathogen attack. Salicylic acid methyltransferase (SAMT) modulates the level of salicylic acid by converting salicylic acid to methyl salicylate. Here, we report that a SAMT gene from soybean (GmSAMT1) plays a role in soybean defence against soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe, SCN). GmSAMT1 was identified as a candidate SCN defence‐related gene in our previous analysis of soybean defence against SCN using GeneChip microarray experiments. The current study started with the isolation of the full‐length cDNAs of GmSAMT1 from a SCN‐resistant soybean line and from a SCN‐susceptible soybean line. The two cDNAs encode proteins of identical sequences. The GmSAMT1 cDNA was expressed in Escherichia coli. Using in vitro enzyme assays, E. coli‐expressed GmSAMT1 was confirmed to function as salicylic acid methyltransferase. The apparent Km value of GmSAMT1 for salicylic acid was approximately 46 μm . To determine the role of GmSAMT1 in soybean defence against SCN, transgenic hairy roots overexpressing GmSAMT1 were produced and tested for SCN resistance. Overexpression of GmSAMT1 in SCN‐susceptible backgrounds significantly reduced the development of SCN, indicating that overexpression of GmSAMT1 in the transgenic hairy root system could confer resistance to SCN. Overexpression of GmSAMT1 in transgenic hairy roots was also found to affect the expression of selected genes involved in salicylic acid biosynthesis and salicylic acid signal transduction.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) salicylic acid methyl transferase (GmSAMT1) catalyses the conversion of salicylic acid to methyl salicylate. Prior results showed that when GmSAMT1 was overexpressed in transgenic soybean hairy roots, resistance is conferred against soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines Ichinohe. In this study, we produced transgenic soybean overexpressing GmSAMT1 and characterized their response to various SCN races. Transgenic plants conferred a significant reduction in the development of SCN HG type (race 2), HG type 0 (race 3) and HG type 2.5.7 (race 5). Among transgenic lines, GmSAMT1 expression in roots was positively associated with SCN resistance. In some transgenic lines, there was a significant decrease in salicylic acid titer relative to control plants. No significant seed yield differences were observed between transgenics and control soybean plants grown in one greenhouse with 22 °C day/night temperature, whereas transgenic soybean had higher yield than controls grown a warmer greenhouse (27 °C day/23 °C night) temperature. In a 1‐year field experiment in Knoxville, TN, there was no significant difference in seed yield between the transgenic and nontransgenic soybean under conditions with negligible SCN infection. We hypothesize that GmSAMT1 expression affects salicylic acid biosynthesis, which, in turn, attenuates SCN development, without negative consequences to soybean yield or other morphological traits. Thus, we conclude that GmSAMT1 overexpression confers broad resistance to multiple SCN races, which would be potentially applicable to commercial production.  相似文献   

Dendrolimus spp. are important destructive pests of conifer forests, and Dendrolimus punctatus Walker (Lepidoptera; Lasiocampidae) is the most widely distributed Dendrolimus species. During periodic outbreaks, this species is said to make “fire without smoke” because large areas of pine forest can be quickly and heavily damaged. Yet, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that underlie the unique ecological characteristics of this forest insect. Here, we combined Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) RSII single‐molecule long reads and high‐throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi‐C) genomics‐linked reads to produce a high‐quality, chromosome‐level reference genome for D. punctatus. The final assembly was 614 Mb with contig and scaffold N50 values of 1.39 and 22.15 Mb, respectively, and 96.96% of the contigs anchored onto 30 chromosomes. Based on the prediction, this genome contained 17,593 protein‐coding genes and 56.16% repetitive sequences. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that D. punctatus diverged from the common ancestor of Hyphantria cunea, Spodoptera litura and Thaumetopoea pityocampa ~ 108.91 million years ago. Many gene families that were expanded in the D. punctatus genome were significantly enriched for the xenobiotic biodegradation system, especially the cytochrome P450 gene family. This high‐quality, chromosome‐level reference genome will be a valuable resource for understanding mechanisms of D. punctatus outbreak and host resistance adaption. Because this is the first Lasiocampidae insect genome to be sequenced, it also will serve as a reference for further comparative genomics.  相似文献   

Sarcophaga peregrina is considered to be of great ecological, medical and forensic significance, and has unusual biological characteristics such as an ovoviviparous reproductive pattern and adaptation to feed on carrion. The availability of a high‐quality genome will help to further reveal the mechanisms underlying these charcateristics. Here we present a de novo‐assembled genome at chromosome scale for S. peregrina. The final assembled genome was 560.31 Mb with contig N50 of 3.84 Mb. Hi‐C scaffolding reliably anchored six pseudochromosomes, accounting for 97.76% of the assembled genome. Moreover, 45.70% of repeat elements were identified in the genome. A total of 14,476 protein‐coding genes were functionally annotated, accounting for 92.14% of all predicted genes. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that S. peregrina and S. bullata diverged ~ 7.14 million years ago. Comparative genomic analysis revealed expanded and positively selected genes related to biological features that aid in clarifying its ovoviviparous reproduction and carrion‐feeding adaptations, such as lipid metabolism, olfactory receptor activity, antioxidant enzymes, proteolysis and serine‐type endopeptidase activity. Protein‐coding genes associated with ovoviparity, such as yolk proteins, transferrin and acid sphingomyelinase, were identified. This study provides a valuable genomic resource for S. peregrina, and sheds insight into further revealing the underlying molecular mechanisms of adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

The greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood, is an agricultural pest of global importance. Here we report a 787‐Mb high‐quality draft genome sequence of T. vaporariorum assembled from PacBio long reads and Hi‐C chromatin interaction maps, which has scaffold and contig N50 lengths of 70 Mb and 500 kb, respectively, and contains 18,275 protein‐coding genes. About 98.8% of the assembled contigs were placed onto the 11 T. vaporariorum chromosomes. Comparative genomic analysis reveals significantly expanded gene families such as aspartyl proteases in T. vaporariorum compared to Bemisia tabaci Mediterranean (MED) and Middle East‐Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1). Furthermore, the cytochrome CYP6 subfamily shows significant expansion in T. vaporariorum and several genes in this subfamily display developmental stage‐specific expression patterns. The high‐quality T. vaporariorum genome provides a valuable resource for research in a broad range of areas such as fundamental molecular ecology, insect–plant/insect–microorganism or virus interactions and pest resistance management.  相似文献   

Parasitoid wasps represent a large proportion of hymenopteran species. They have complex evolutionary histories and are important biocontrol agents. To advance parasitoid research, a combination of Illumina short‐read, PacBio long‐read and Hi‐C scaffolding technologies was used to develop a high‐quality chromosome‐level genome assembly for Pteromalus puparum, which is an important pupal endoparasitoid of caterpillar pests. The chromosome‐level assembly has aided in studies of venom and detoxification genes. The assembled genome size is 338 Mb with a contig N50 of 38.7 kb and a scaffold N50 of 1.16 Mb. Hi‐C analysis assembled scaffolds onto five chromosomes and raised the scaffold N50 to 65.8 Mb, with more than 96% of assembled bases located on chromosomes. Gene annotation was assisted by RNA sequencing for the two sexes and four different life stages. Analysis detected 98% of the BUSCO (Benchmarking Universal Single‐Copy Orthologs) gene set, supporting a high‐quality assembly and annotation. In total, 40.1% (135.6 Mb) of the assembly is composed of repetitive sequences, and 14,946 protein‐coding genes were identified. Although venom genes play important roles in parasitoid biology, their spatial distribution on chromosomes was poorly understood. Mapping has revealed venom gene tandem arrays for serine proteases, pancreatic lipase‐related proteins and kynurenine–oxoglutarate transaminases, which have amplified in the P. puparum lineage after divergence from its common ancestor with Nasonia vitripennis. In addition, there is a large expansion of P450 genes in P. puparum. These examples illustrate how chromosome‐level genome assembly can provide a valuable resource for molecular, evolutionary and biocontrol studies of parasitoid wasps.  相似文献   

Triplophysa is an endemic fish genus of the Tibetan Plateau in China. Triplophysa tibetana, which lives at a recorded altitude of ~4,000 m and plays an important role in the highland aquatic ecosystem, serves as an excellent model for investigating high‐altitude environmental adaptation. However, evolutionary and conservation studies of T. tibetana have been limited by scarce genomic resources for the genus Triplophysa. In the present study, we applied PacBio sequencing and the Hi‐C technique to assemble the T. tibetana genome. A 652‐Mb genome with 1,325 contigs with an N50 length of 3.1 Mb was obtained. The 1,137 contigs were further assembled into 25 chromosomes, representing 98.7% and 80.47% of all contigs at the base and sequence number level, respectively. Approximately 260 Mb of sequence, accounting for ~39.8% of the genome, was identified as repetitive elements. DNA transposons (16.3%), long interspersed nuclear elements (12.4%) and long terminal repeats (11.0%) were the most repetitive types. In total, 24,372 protein‐coding genes were predicted in the genome, and ~95% of the genes were functionally annotated via a search in public databases. Using whole genome sequence information, we found that T. tibetana diverged from its common ancestor with Danio rerio ~121.4 million years ago. The high‐quality genome assembled in this work not only provides a valuable genomic resource for future population and conservation studies of T. tibetana, but it also lays a solid foundation for further investigation into the mechanisms of environmental adaptation of endemic fishes in the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

The ladybird beetle Propylea japonica is an important natural enemy in agro‐ecological systems. Studies on the strong tolerance of P. japonica to high temperatures and insecticides, and its population and phenotype diversity have recently increased. However, abundant genome resources for obtaining insights into stress‐resistance mechanisms and genetic intra‐species diversity for P. japonica are lacking. Here, we constructed the P. japonica genome maps using Pacific Bioscience (PacBio) and Illumina sequencing technologies. The genome size was 850.90 Mb with a contig N50 of 813.13 kb. The Hi‐C sequence data were used to upgrade draft genome assemblies; 4,777 contigs were assembled to 10 chromosomes; and the final draft genome assembly was 803.93 Mb with a contig N50 of 813.98 kb and a scaffold N50 of 100.34 Mb. Approximately 495.38 Mb of repeated sequences was annotated. The 18,018 protein‐coding genes were predicted, of which 95.78% were functionally annotated, and 1,407 genes were species‐specific. The phylogenetic analysis showed that P. japonica diverged from the ancestor of Anoplophora glabripennis and Tribolium castaneum ~ 236.21 million years ago. We detected that some important gene families involved in detoxification of pesticides and tolerance to heat stress were expanded in P. japonica, especially cytochrome P450 and Hsp70 genes. Overall, the high‐quality draft genome sequence of P. japonica will provide invaluable resource for understanding the molecular mechanisms of stress resistance and will facilitate the research on population genetics, evolution and phylogeny of Coccinellidae. This genome will also provide new avenues for conserving the diversity of predator insects.  相似文献   

 The restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) clone pBLT65 is a 450-nt soybean cDNA encoding a portion of the bifunctional enzyme aspartokinase-homoserine dehydrogenase (AK-HSDH). pBLT65 maps within 3.5 cM of the i locus, conferring a pigmented seed coat, on linkage group A; hence, it is closely linked to the Rhg 4 locus conferring resistance to race 3 of the soybean cyst nematode. From this useful RFLP we developed a PCR reaction yielding polymorphic bands for use in marker-assisted breeding programs to select progeny containing the Rhg 4 allele. The polymorphic bands were sequenced to determine the cause of the polymorphisms. Using primers 548 and 563, PCR amplification of DNA from the soybean cultivar Peking (Rhg 4 ) yielded three DNA fragments, 1a (1160 bp), 1b (1146 bp) and 3 (996 bp). Amplification of DNA from the cultivar Kent (rhg 4) yielded DNA fragments 2 (1020 bp), 3 (996 bp) and 4 (960 bp). Fragments 1a, 1b, 2 and 4 were also polymorphic between the soybean lines PI 290136 and BARC-2(Rj 4 ). A segregating population of 80 F2 and F3 plants derived from the cross PI 290136×BARC-2 (Rj 4 ) was used to confirm the map position of the PCR polymorphisms near the i locus, and hence the Rhg 4 locus on linkage group A. The nucleotide sequences of fragments 1b, 3 and 4 were determined. Large and small deletions in the intronic region were responsible for the size differences of the different fragments, whereas the exon was well conserved. Received: 8 January 1998 / Accepted: 15 July 1998  相似文献   

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