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Current methods of identifying positively selected regions in the genome are limited in two key ways: the underlying models cannot account for the timing of adaptive events and the comparison between models of selective sweeps and sequence data is generally made via simple summaries of genetic diversity. Here, we develop a tractable method of describing the effect of positive selection on the genealogical histories in the surrounding genome, explicitly modeling both the timing and context of an adaptive event. In addition, our framework allows us to go beyond analyzing polymorphism data via the site frequency spectrum or summaries thereof and instead leverage information contained in patterns of linked variants. Tests on both simulations and a human data example, as well as a comparison to SweepFinder2, show that even with very small sample sizes, our analytic framework has higher power to identify old selective sweeps and to correctly infer both the time and strength of selection. Finally, we derived the marginal distribution of genealogical branch lengths at a locus affected by selection acting at a linked site. This provides a much-needed link between our analytic understanding of the effects of sweeps on sequence variation and recent advances in simulation and heuristic inference procedures that allow researchers to examine the sequence of genealogical histories along the genome.  相似文献   

The eastern honey bee (Apis cerana) is of central importance for agriculture in Asia. It has adapted to a wide variety of environmental conditions across its native range in southern and eastern Asia, which includes high‐altitude regions. eastern honey bees inhabiting mountains differ morphologically from neighbouring lowland populations and may also exhibit differences in physiology and behaviour. We compared the genomes of 60 eastern honey bees collected from high and low altitudes in Yunnan and Gansu provinces, China, to infer their evolutionary history and to identify candidate genes that may underlie adaptation to high altitude. Using a combination of FST‐based statistics, long‐range haplotype tests and population branch statistics, we identified several regions of the genome that appear to have been under positive selection. These candidate regions were strongly enriched for coding sequences and had high haplotype homozygosity and increased divergence specifically in highland bee populations, suggesting they have been subjected to recent selection in high‐altitude habitats. Candidate loci in these genomic regions included genes related to reproduction and feeding behaviour in honey bees. Functional investigation of these candidate loci is necessary to fully understand the mechanisms of adaptation to high‐altitude habitats in the eastern honey bee.  相似文献   

The identification of genes influencing fitness is central to our understanding of the genetic basis of adaptation and how it shapes phenotypic variation in wild populations. Here, we used whole‐genome resequencing of wild Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) to >50‐fold coverage to identify 2.8 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and genomic regions bearing signatures of directional selection (i.e. selective sweeps). A comparison of SNP diversity between the X chromosome and the autosomes indicated that bighorn males had a dramatically reduced long‐term effective population size compared to females. This probably reflects a long history of intense sexual selection mediated by male–male competition for mates. Selective sweep scans based on heterozygosity and nucleotide diversity revealed evidence for a selective sweep shared across multiple populations at RXFP2, a gene that strongly affects horn size in domestic ungulates. The massive horns carried by bighorn rams appear to have evolved in part via strong positive selection at RXFP2. We identified evidence for selection within individual populations at genes affecting early body growth and cellular response to hypoxia; however, these must be interpreted more cautiously as genetic drift is strong within local populations and may have caused false positives. These results represent a rare example of strong genomic signatures of selection identified at genes with known function in wild populations of a nonmodel species. Our results also showcase the value of reference genome assemblies from agricultural or model species for studies of the genomic basis of adaptation in closely related wild taxa.  相似文献   

In this article we describe and demonstrate the versatility of a computer program, GENOME MAPPING, that uses interactive graphics and runs on an IRIS workstation. The program helps to visualize as well as analyse global and local patterns of genomic DNA sequences. It was developed keeping in mind the requirements of the human genome sequencing programme, which requires rapid analysis of the data. Using GENOME MAPPING one can discern signature patterns of different kinds of sequences and analyse such patterns for repetitive as well as rare sequence strings. Further, one can visualize the extent of global homology between different genomic sequences. An application of our method to the published yeast mitochondrial genome data shows similar sequence organizations in the entire sequence and in smaller subsequences  相似文献   

We analysed 81 whole genome sequences of threespine sticklebacks from Pacific North America, Greenland and Northern Europe, representing 16 populations. Principal component analysis of nuclear SNPs grouped populations according to geographical location, with Pacific populations being more divergent from each other relative to European and Greenlandic populations. Analysis of mitogenome sequences showed Northern European populations to represent a single phylogeographical lineage, whereas Greenlandic and particularly Pacific populations showed admixture between lineages. We estimated demographic history using a genomewide coalescence with recombination approach. The Pacific populations showed gradual population expansion starting >100 Kya, possibly reflecting persistence in cryptic refuges near the present distributional range, although we do not rule out possible influence of ancient admixture. Sharp population declines ca. 14–15 Kya were suggested to reflect founding of freshwater populations by marine ancestors. In Greenland and Northern Europe, demographic expansion started ca. 20–25 Kya coinciding with the end of the Last Glacial Maximum. In both regions, marine and freshwater populations started to show different demographic trajectories ca. 8–9 Kya, suggesting that this was the time of recolonization. In Northern Europe, this estimate was surprisingly late, but found support in subfossil evidence for presence of several freshwater fish species but not sticklebacks 12 Kya. The results demonstrate distinctly different demographic histories across geographical regions with potential consequences for adaptive processes. They also provide empirical support for previous assumptions about freshwater populations being founded independently from large, coherent marine populations, a key element in the Transporter Hypothesis invoked to explain the widespread occurrence of parallel evolution across freshwater stickleback populations.  相似文献   

Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is a highly energy‐efficient crop primarily for sugar and bio‐ethanol production. Sugarcane genetics and cultivar improvement have been extremely challenging largely due to its complex genomes with high polyploidy levels. In this study, we deeply sequenced the coding regions of 307 sugarcane germplasm accessions. Nearly five million sequence variations were catalogued. The average of 98× sequence depth enabled different allele dosages of sequence variation to be differentiated in this polyploid collection. With selected high‐quality genome‐wide SNPs, we performed population genomic studies and environmental association analysis. Results illustrated that the ancient sugarcane hybrids, S. barberi and S. sinense, and modern sugarcane hybrids are significantly different in terms of genomic compositions, hybridization processes and their potential ancestry contributors. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis showed a large extent of LD in sugarcane, with 962.4 Kbp, 2739.2 Kbp and 3573.6 Kbp for Sspontaneum, Sofficinarum and modern S. hybrids respectively. Candidate selective sweep regions and genes were identified during domestication and historical selection processes of sugarcane in addition to genes associated with environmental variables at the original locations of the collection. This research provided an extensive amount of genomic resources for sugarcane community and the in‐depth population genomic analyses shed light on the breeding and evolution history of sugarcane, a highly polyploid species.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a common and complex neurodegenerative disease. Age at onset (AAO) of AD is an important component phenotype with a genetic basis, and identification of genes in which variation affects AAO would contribute to identification of factors that affect timing of onset. Increase in AAO through prevention or therapeutic measures would have enormous benefits by delaying AD and its associated morbidities. In this paper, we performed a family‐based genome‐wide association study for AAO of late‐onset AD in whole exome sequence data generated in multigenerational families with multiple AD cases. We conducted single marker and gene‐based burden tests for common and rare variants, respectively. We combined association analyses with variance component linkage analysis, and with reference to prior studies, in order to enhance evidence of the identified genes. For variants and genes implicated by the association study, we performed a gene‐set enrichment analysis to identify potential novel pathways associated with AAO of AD. We found statistically significant association with AAO for three genes (WRN, NTN4 and LAMC3) with common associated variants, and for four genes (SLC8A3, SLC19A3, MADD and LRRK2) with multiple rare‐associated variants that have a plausible biological function related to AD. The genes we have identified are in pathways that are strong candidates for involvement in the development of AD pathology and may lead to a better understanding of AD pathogenesis.  相似文献   

In this study, we introduce the novel image‐guided recording system (IGRS) for efficient interpretation of neuronal activities in the brain slice. IGRS is designed to combine microelectrode array (MEA) and optical coherence tomography at the customized upright microscope. It allows to record multi‐site neuronal signals and image of the volumetric brain anatomy in a single body configuration. For convenient interconnection between a brain image and neuronal signals, we developed the automatic mapping protocol that enables us to project acquired neuronal signals on a brain image. To evaluate the performance of IGRS, hippocampal signals of the brain slice were monitored, and corresponding with two‐dimensional neuronal maps were successfully reconstructed. Our results indicated that IGRS and mapping protocol can provide the intuitive information regarding long‐term and multi‐sites neuronal signals. In particular, the temporal and spatial mapping capability of neuronal signals would be a very promising tool to observe and analyze the massive neuronal activity and connectivity in MEA‐based electrophysiological studies.   相似文献   

The evolution of self‐compatibility (SC) is the first step in the evolutionary transition in plants from outcrossing enforced by self‐incompatibility (SI) to self‐fertilization. In the Brassicaceae, SI is controlled by alleles of two tightly linked genes at the S‐locus. Despite permitting inbreeding, mutations at the S‐locus leading to SC may be selected if they provide reproductive assurance and/or gain a transmission advantage in a population when SC plants self‐ and outcross. Positive selection can leave a genomic signature in the regions physically linked to the focus of selection when selection has occurred recently. From an SC population of Leavenworthia alabamica with a known nonfunctional mutation at the S‐locus, we collected sequence data from a ~690 Kb region surrounding the S‐locus, as well as from regions not linked to the S‐locus. To test for recent positive selection acting at the S‐locus, we examined polymorphism and the site‐frequency spectra. Using forward simulations, we demonstrate that recent selection of the strength expected for SC at a locus formerly under balancing selection can generate patterns similar to those seen in our empirical data.  相似文献   

Quantitative PCR is becoming widespread for diagnosing and monitoring post‐transplantation diseases associated with EBV and CMV. These assays need to be standardized to manage patients in different facilities. Five independent laboratories in Japan compared home‐brew assays and a prototype assay system to establish a standard quantitative procedure for measuring EBV and CMV. Reference standards and a total of 816 (642 EBV and 174 CMV) whole blood samples from post‐transplantation recipients were used for this multicenter evaluation. The prototype reference standard for EBV was compared to a panel of samples, with a theoretical expected value made using EBV‐positive cells containing two virus genome copies per cell. The mean ratio of the reference standard at each site to the standard of the prototype assay was ≤4.15 for EBV among three different sites and ≤3.0 for CMV between two laboratories. The mean of the theoretical expected number of the EBV genome: prototype reference was close to 1.0. The correlation coefficients between the viral copy numbers determined using the prototype assay and those using each home‐brew assay were high (EBV, 0.73–0.83, median = 0.78; CMV, 0.54–0.60, median = 0.57). The dynamics of the EBV and CMV loads in transplant recipients were similar between the assay types. There was an inter‐laboratory difference among the quantification results, indicating that a unified protocol and kit are favorable for standardizing the quantification of EBV and CMV. Such standardization will help to standardize the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases associated with EBV and CMV.  相似文献   

There is a critical need to understand patterns and causes of intraspecific variation in physiological performance in order to predict the distribution and dynamics of wild populations under natural and human‐induced environmental change. However, the usual explanation for trait differences, local adaptation, fails to account for the small‐scale phenotypic and genetic divergence observed in fishes and other species with dispersive early life stages. We tested the hypothesis that local‐scale variation in the strength of selective mortality in early life mediates the trait composition in later life stages. Through in situ experiments, we manipulated exposure to predators in the coral reef damselfish Dascyllus aruanus and examined consequences for subsequent growth performance under common garden conditions. Groups of 20 recently settled D. aruanus were outplanted to experimental coral colonies in Moorea lagoon and either exposed to natural predation mortality (52% mortality in three days) or protected from predators with cages for three days. After postsettlement mortality, predator‐exposed groups were shorter than predator‐protected ones, while groups with lower survival were in better condition, suggesting that predators removed the longer, thinner individuals. Growth of both treatment groups was subsequently compared under common conditions. We did not detect consequences of predator exposure for subsequent growth performance: Growth over the following 37 days was not affected by the prior predator treatment or survival. Genotyping at 10 microsatellite loci did indicate, however, that predator exposure significantly influenced the genetic composition of groups. We conclude that postsettlement mortality did not have carryover effects on the subsequent growth performance of cohorts in this instance, despite evidence for directional selection during the initial mortality phase.  相似文献   

Aims: In this study, 105 Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from humans, foods and environmental samples were characterized using several typing methods. Moreover, serotyping procedure was evaluated, and a cost‐effective methodological approach based on preliminary PCRs screening was proposed. Methods and Results: The isolates were analysed by conventional serotyping, multiplex‐PCRs for serogroup and lineage identification and PCR–RFLP of inlA gene to identify potentially noninvasive L. monocytogenes. Among the strains, only the serotypes 1/2a, 1/2c, 1/2b, 4b and 3a were identified. The isolates were classified into serogroups I (58·10%), II (22·85%), III (12·38%) and IV (6·67%). Among clinical strains, lineage I was more represented (68·75%) than lineage II; whereas, lineage II was more associated with food (90·24%) and environmental (85·72%) isolates. Most of food (89·02%) and environmental (85·71%) isolates were classified into truncated InlA profiles, whereas the 93·75% of clinical strains were associated with a complete form of the protein. Conclusion: Molecular techniques were sensitive and specific for classifying strains into serogroup and lineage and in agreement with the serotyping. Moreover, a preliminary PCRs‐based screening was proposed to select only the necessary antisera by a flow chart; this methodological approach allows cost saving up to 42%. Our results further suggest the role of InlA protein in human listeriosis, particularly in immunocompetent individuals, and a correlation between truncated protein and serotype. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study further validates molecular methods for L. monocytogenes analysis and proposed a new cost‐effective approach for serotyping. It could help to improve a national surveillance network for L. monocytogenes infections in Italy.  相似文献   

The identification of field mice Apodemus flavicollis, Apodemus sylvaticus, and Apodemus alpicola represents a challenge for field scientists due to their highly overlapping morphological traits and habitats. Here, we propose a new fast real‐time PCR method to discriminate the three species by species‐specific TaqMan assays. Primers and probes were designed based on the alignment of 54 cyt‐b partial sequences from 25 different European countries retrieved from GenBank. TaqMan assays were then tested on 133 samples from three different areas of Italy. Real‐time PCR analysis showed 92 samples classified as A. flavicollis, 13 as A. sylvaticus, and 28 as A. alpicola. We did not observe any double amplification and DNA sequencing confirmed species assignment obtained by the TaqMan assays. The method is implementable on different matrices (ear tissues, tail, and blood). It can be used on dead specimens or on alive animals with minimally invasive sampling, and given the high sensitivity, the assay may be also suitable for degraded or low‐DNA samples. The method proved to work well to discriminate between the species analyzed. Furthermore, it gives clear results (amplified or not) and it does not require any postamplification handling of PCR product, reducing the time needed for the analyses and the risk of carryover contamination. It therefore represents a valuable tool for field ecologists, conservationists, and epidemiologists.  相似文献   

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