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对我国菊科橐吾属(Ligularia Cass.) 3种植物原白中模式标本引证的排印错误进行了改正。君范橐吾(L. lingiana S.W. Liu)原白中错误地将主模式标本引证为赵清盛82946,实际应为赵清盛、牟克平和杨亚斌8294。长毛槖吾(L. changiana S.W. Liu ex Y. L. Chen & Z. Yu Li)(=L. heterophylla C. C. Chang,为L. heterophylla Rupr.的晚出同名)主模式为蔡希陶59771,但L. heterophylla C. C. Chang 的原白中错误地将主模式标本引证为蔡希陶59711;该号标本属于唇形科的灯笼草[Clinopodium polycephalum (Vaniot) C. Y. Wu & Hsuan]。南川橐吾(L. nanchuanica S. W. Liu)原白中引证的副模式标本熊济华和周子林93871实际应为李国凤63871,前者属于桤叶树科的城口桤叶树(Clethra fargesii Franch.)。  相似文献   

桂西南喀斯特地区是广西也是中国生物多样性保护优先区域。基于该地区关键区域的深入调查,该文报道了广西被子植物新记录20种,即木姜叶征镒木[Wuodendron praecox(Hook. f.&Thomson) B. Xue, Y. H. Tan&X. L. Hou]、大果楠(Phoebe macrocarpa C. Y. Wu)、国楣铁线莲(Clematis fengii W. T. Wang)、方籽栝楼(Trichosanthes tetragonosperma C. Y. Cheng&Yueh)、枥叶花楸(Sorbus yunnanensis L. T. Lu)、长苞楼梯草(Elatostema longibracteatum W. T. Wang)、富宁槭(Acer paihengii Fang)、云南山茱萸(Cornus eydeana Q. Y. Xiang&Y. M. Shui)、长梗杜鹃(Rhododendron longipedicellatum Lei Cai&Y. P. Ma)、粉花安息香(Styrax roseus Dunn...  相似文献   

Callicarpa peichieniana W. Y. Chun & S. L. Chen ex W. Z. Fang’ is a replacement name for Premna peii W. Y. Chun ex H. T. Chang. However, this replacement name was not validly published in 1982 by W. Z. Fang because the reference citation of the replaced synonym P. peii that was published in 1960 was contrary to Article 33.4 of ICBN. The first publication of Premna peii in 1960 was invalid due to lack of type indication, in conflict with Article 37.1, and it was subsequently validated in 1963. In this study, we correct the place of valid publication of P. peii, thereby validating C. peichieniana W. Y. Chun & S. L. Chen ex H. Ma & W. B. Yu.  相似文献   

Pinus armandii Franch. var. dabeshanensis (W. C. Cheng & Y. W. Law) Silba, the highly threatened Dabei Shan pine from the mountains of central China, is illustrated; its introduction, cultivation and horticultural merits are discussed.  相似文献   

该文报道了内蒙古被子植物菊科(Compositae)和禾本科(Gramineae)的2个新分布记录属,即石胡荽属(Centipeda Loureiro)和扇穗茅属(Littledalea Hemsley);十字花科(Cruciferae)、蔷薇科(Rosaceae)、豆科(Leguminosae)、堇菜科(Violaceae)、伞形科(Umbelliferae)、紫草科(Boraginaceae)、菊科(Compositae)、禾本科(Gramineae)、莎草科(Cyperaceae) 9个科的11个新分布记录种,即裂叶独行菜(Lepidium lacerum C. A.Meyer)、腺粒委陵菜(Potentilla granulosa T. T. YuC. L. Li)、祁连山棘豆(Oxytropis qilianshanica C. W.ChangC. L. Zhang ex X. Y.H. Ohashi)、石生堇菜(Viola rupestris F. W. Schmidt)、河西阿魏(Ferula hexiensis K. M. Shen)、青海齿缘草(Eritrichium medicarpum Y. S. LianJ. Q. Wang)、斑种草(Bothriospermum chinense Bunge)、青藏蒿(Artemisia duthreuil-de-rhinsi Krascheninnikov)、石胡荽[Centipeda minima (Linnaeus)A. BraunAscherson]、寡穗茅(Littledalea przevalskyi Tzvelev)、旋鳞莎草[Cyperus michelianus (Linnaeus)Link]。相关凭证标本存放于内蒙古大学植物标本馆(HIMC)中。  相似文献   

Cremanthodium latilobum Y. S. Chen and C. medogense Y. S. Chen, two new species from Chinese eastern Himalaya are described and illustrated. A diagnostic key to the species of Cremanthodium section Pinnatinervia Y. Ling & S. W. Liu series Cuneata Y. Ling & S. W. Liu is provided.  相似文献   

From 1997 to 1999Cycas debaoensis Y. C. Zhong & C. J. Chen andC. changjiangensis N. Liu were described from South China. The wild populations ofCycas szechuanensis were discovered in Fujian.Cycas guizhouensis K. M. Lan & R. F. Zou at the higher elevations andC. segmentifida D. Y. Wang & C. Y. Deng at the lower elevations along the Nanpanjiang River should be good species, which were treated by Chen and Wang (1995) and Chen and Stevenson (1999) as synonyms forC. szechuanensis. However, 11 other new species have been reduced by Chen and Stevenson (1999) and the present authors. They areC. longlinensis Huang T. Chang & Y. C. Zhong,C. xilinensis Huang T. Chang & Y. C. Zhong, C.multifida Huang T. Chang & Y. C. Zhong, C.longiconifera Huang T. Chang & Y. C. Zhong, andC. acuminatissima Huang T. Chang & Y. C. Zhong, all treated as synonyms ofC. segmentifida. Cycas spiniformis J. Y. Liang,C. longisporophylla F. N. Wei,C. septermsperma Huang T. Chang & H. X. Zhang,C. brevipinnata Huang T. Chang et al. should be synonyms forC. exseminifera F. N. Wei.Cycas miquelii Warb, andEpicycas miquelii (Warb.) de Laub, should be the synonyms forC revoluta because their “stype” specimens are somewhat likeC. revoluta. The Honghe Nature Cycad Reserve forCycas multipinnata andC. hongheensis was recently established in Yunnan. The Debao Cycad Reserve will be established soon. However, most existing cycad reserves in China have not been so successful because of shortages of funding and poor management. In ex situ conservation the Qingxiushan Cycad Garden in Nanning, Guangxi, was established. Cycad nurseries have begun to appear in some villages in South China.  相似文献   

The name Lithocarpus longinux (Hu) Chun ex Y. C. Hsu & H. W. Jen is reinstated. It used to be treated as a synonym of L. areca (Hickel & A. Camus) A. Camus, but morphological characters of cupules and leaves support the reinstatement. These two species, together with L. longzhouicus (C. C. Huang & Y. T. Chang) J. Q. Li & L. Chen, make up a small group that is distributed in limestone areas and have similar morphological characters. A key is provided to distinguish between them, and their is discussed.  相似文献   

夏蜡梅属花粉形态的研究   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
李林初 《植物研究》1990,10(1):93-98
本文首次报道了夏蜡梅(Calycanthus chinensis)花粉的扫描电镜观察结果,并与西美国蜡梅(C.occidentalis)、美国蜡梅(C.floridus)的作了比较,表明前者较为原始,后者比较进化,夏蜡梅属(Calycanthus L.)可能以夏蜡梅起源于东亚(中国),与从细胞学、形态学等得到的结果一致。鉴于夏蜡梅与西美国蜡梅、美国蜡梅在许多性状上的较大差异,作者认为以Sinocalycanthus chinensis (Cheng et S.Y.Chang) Cheng et S.Y.Chang为模式种的单型属Sinocalycanthus Cheng et S.Y.Chang也许应予确认。  相似文献   

群落演替对夏蜡梅种群分布和数量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对夏蜡梅(Sinocalycanthus chinensis(Cheng et S.Y.Chang)Cheng et S.Y.Chang)所有分布地(浙江临安、天台和安徽绩溪)进行了详细调查,分析夏蜡梅种群面积、密度、结构和群落特征等,并与前人调查结果对比,阐明群落演替对夏蜡梅种群的影响。10余年来,由于国家相关政策的实施(退耕还林、天然林保护以及自然保护区的建立等)以及夏蜡梅分布地林地经营模式的改变,不同夏蜡梅群落呈现发展演替的不同状态,从而对夏蜡梅种群产生了显著影响。从群落类型来看,较为稳定的种群为大明山、西坑、白水坞、捣臼孔种群,种群结构为增长型或稳定型,群落处于乔木或顶级乔木阶段,原生植被保存较好,生境相对稳定,各物种在长期竞争中趋于稳定;直源种群为严重衰退的种群,群落经历了从灌丛阶段向灌乔阶段演化,原来同层次的常绿乔木逐渐形成密集的乔木层,郁闭度高,造成夏蜡梅生长不良甚至死亡,幼苗缺少或数量少,更新困难,此区域的夏蜡梅呈逐渐退化消亡趋势;而溪古坪、龙塘山种群所处群落正是属于这种群落演替的早期阶段,处于衰退过程中种群,不加人工干预也会逐渐退化;而双石边、经过坪等种群虽目前数量多,分布集中,更新良好,但变数最大,一旦人工干扰加剧或消除,则种群结构将快速发生变化,走向消亡的几率极大。该研究结果可为夏蜡梅保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

报道了香港17种植物新记录:无配膜叶铁角蕨[Hymenasplenium apogamum(N.Murak.&Hatan.)Nakaike]、似薄唇蕨(Leptochilus decurrens Blume)、穿心藤[Amydrium hainanense(H.Li,Y.Shiao&S.L.Tseng)H.Li]、毛背...  相似文献   

报道江西省种子植物3个新记录种(变种),即大别五针松Pinus fenzeliana Hand.-Mazz. var. dabeshanensis (C. Y. Cheng et Y. W. Law) L. K. Fu et Nan Li、浙江凤仙花Impatiens chekiangensis Y. L. Chen和浙江金线兰Anoectochilus zhejiangensis Z. Wei et Y. B. Chang。它们均发现于幕阜山脉中段江西省修水县和武宁县境内。文中简述各新记录种的区系地理学意义。  相似文献   

Based on comprehensive field observations and careful herbarium studies, we discuss the status of the type species of Metasasa W. T. Lin (M. carinata W. T. Lin) and entities previously treated as synonyms of its name. Three species in two genera were involved. First, M. carinata and M. albofarinosa W. T. Lin were confirmed to be conspecific and a new combination Acidosasa carinata (Lin) D. Z. Li & Y. X. Zhang is proposed. Secondly, although M. carinata was previously treated as a synonym of Acidosasa nanunica (McClure) C. S. Chao & G. Y. Yang, close morphological study revealed that these two are not conspecific. Pseudosasa nanunica (McClure) Z. P. Wang & G. H. Ye is restored to accommodate this distinct species. Finally, another name previously treated as a synonym of A. nanunica, Pseudosasa acutivagina T. H. Wen & S. C. Chen should also be resumed. Synonyms are provided for each of these three species.  相似文献   

海桐花属一些种类的新异名   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为对英文版“Flora of China”海桐花科的分类学修订结果,提出了海桐花属6个种的8个新异名,并分别进行了讨论。  相似文献   

As part of a revision of Chinese Pittosporum Banks ex Gaertn. for the forthcoming account of Pittosporaceae in “Flora of China”, Volume 9, eight names, all described from China, are reduced to synonymy as follows: P. illicioides Makino var. angustifolium T. C. Huang ex S. Y. Lu, syn. nov. and P. illicioides var. stenophyllum P. L. Chiu ex H. T. Chang & S. Z. Yan, syn. nov., both under P. illicioides; P. densinervatum H. T. Chang & S. Z. Yan, syn. nov. and P. longicarpum S. K. Wu ex C. Y. Wu, syn. nov., both under P. kweichowense Gowda var. kweichowense; P. polycarpum H. T. Chang & S. Z. Yan, syn. nov. under P. paniculiferum H. T. Chang & S. Z. Yan; P. membranifolium S. C. Huang ex C. Y. Wu, syn. nov. under P. perryanum Gowda var. perryanum; P. motanthum C. Y. Wu, syn. nov. under P. podocarpum Gagnep. var. podocarpum; and P. tobira (Thunb.) W. T Aiton var. chinense S. Kobayashi, syn. nov. under P. tobira.  相似文献   

A thermotolerant -amylase was purified from Bacillus circulans S31 isolated from soil in Hong Kong. The purified enzyme has an M r of 64 kDa and was stable at 50°C and pH 7.0 for 30 min. Its K m for starch was 0.9 mg/ml with a V max of 0.3 mg/min. It was not activated by any metal ion although sulphydrys reagents were inhibitory.H.S. Kwan, K.H. So and K.Y. Chan are with the Department of Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong S.C. Cheng is with the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnic, Hung Hom, Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Sequences of chloroplast gene rbcL and partial nuclear 26S rDNA were used to evaluate phylogenetic relationships of Asteropyrum. Four primary clades were recognized in Ranunculaceae, corresponding to subfamilies Hydrastidoideae, Coptidoideae, Thalictroideae, and Ranunculoideae. Our results place Asteropyrum in Ranunculoideae, sister to the tribe Actaeeae, which includes Beesia, Cimicifuga, and Eranthis. This is supported by chromosome characters, including chromosome size and basic number, and the stainability of prophase chromosomes and interphase nuclei. Our results do not support previous placements of Asteropyrum in either Coptidoideae or Thalictroideae. Considering its uniqueness in a few characters (e.g. simple peltate leaves, accumulating benzylisoquinoline alkaloids, vessel elements with only typical scalariform perforation plates), we recognize Asteropyrum as a monotypic tribe of Ranunculoideae, Asteropyreae W. T. Wang et C. Y. Chang.  相似文献   

粗壮光叶拟单性木兰(Magnolia nitida var. robusta)被转移到拟单性木兰属(Parakmeria),升级为种的等级。它与光叶拟单性木兰不同,特征是:长叶片,长叶柄,雌蕊短于雄蕊,花两性或雄性,被片乳白色,附属物尖 (3~3.5 mm)。  相似文献   

In ‘Flora of China’, the combination ‘Gymnosporia graciliramula (S. J. Pei & Y. H. Li) Q. R. Liu & Funston’ was proposed, but this name was not validly published in 2008 because the presumed basionym Maytenus graciliramula S. J. Pei & Y. H. Li was not published in 1979 as stated, but in 1981, contrary to Article 33.4 of ICBN. Meanwhile, two older names, M. thyrsiflora S. J. Pei & Y. H. Li and M. pseudoracemosa S. J. Pei & Y. H. Li, were listed as synonyms in conflict with article 52.3 of ICBN. In this article, we propose a new combination G. thyrsiflora (S. J. Pei & Y. H. Li) W. B. Yu & D. Z. Li that is the correct name when G. thyrsiflora, M. pseudoracemosa and M. graciliramula are treated as a single species in Gymnosporia.  相似文献   

夏蜡梅在安徽首次发现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道安徽种子植物分布新记录种夏蜡梅(Cdycanthus chinensis Cheng etS.Y.Chang),标本存放于筹建中的上海辰山植物园标本馆。  相似文献   

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