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Ubiquitously reduced signaling via Methuselah (MTH), a G‐protein‐coupled receptor (GPCR) required for neurosecretion, has previously been reported to extend life and enhance stress resistance in flies. Whether these effects are due to reduced MTH signalling in specific tissues remains unknown. We determined that reduced expression of mth targeted to the insulin‐producing cells (IPCs) of the fly brain was sufficient to extend life and enhance oxidative stress resistance. Paradoxically, we discovered that overexpression of mth targeted to the same cells has similar phenotypic effects to reduced expression due to MTH's interaction with β‐arrestin, which uncouples GPCRs from their G‐proteins. We confirmed the functional relationship between MTH and β‐arrestin by finding that IPC‐targeted overexpression of β‐arrestin alone mimics the longevity phenotype of reduced MTH signaling. As reduced MTH signaling also inhibits insulin secretion from the IPCs, the most parsimonious mechanistic explanation of its longevity and stress‐resistance enhancement might be through reduced insulin/IGF signaling (IIS). However, examination of phenotypic features of long‐lived IPC‐mth modulated flies as well as several downstream IIS targets implicates enhanced activity of the JNK stress‐resistance pathway more directly than insulin signaling in the longevity and stress‐resistance phenotypes.  相似文献   

Research in aging biology has identified several pathways that are molecularly conserved across species that extend lifespan when mutated. The insulin/insulin‐like signaling (IIS) pathway is one of the most widely studied of these. It has been assumed that extending lifespan also extends healthspan (the period of life with minimal functional loss). However, data supporting this assumption conflict and recent evidence suggest that life extension may, in and of itself, extend the frail period. In this study, we use Caenorhabditis elegans to further probe the link between lifespan and healthspan. Using movement decline as a measure of health, we assessed healthspan across the entire lifespan in nine IIS pathway mutants. In one series of experiments, we studied healthspan in mass cultures, and in another series, we studied individuals longitudinally. We found that long‐lived mutants display prolonged mid‐life movement and do not prolong the frailty period. Lastly, we observed that early‐adulthood movement was not predictive of late‐life movement or survival, within identical phenotypes. Overall, these observations show that extending lifespan does not prolong the period of frailty. Both genotype and a stochastic component modulate aging, and movement late in life is more variable than early‐life movement.  相似文献   

Cognitive function declines with age throughout the animal kingdom, and increasing evidence shows that disruption of the proteasome system contributes to this deterioration. The proteasome has important roles in multiple aspects of the nervous system, including synapse function and plasticity, as well as preventing cell death and senescence. Previous studies have shown neuronal proteasome depletion and inhibition can result in neurodegeneration and cognitive deficits, but it is unclear if this pathway is a driver of neurodegeneration and cognitive decline in aging. We report that overexpression of the proteasome β5 subunit enhances proteasome assembly and function. Significantly, we go on to show that neuronal‐specific proteasome augmentation slows age‐related declines in measures of learning, memory, and circadian rhythmicity. Surprisingly, neuronal‐specific augmentation of proteasome function also produces a robust increase of lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster. Our findings appear specific to the nervous system; ubiquitous proteasome overexpression increases oxidative stress resistance but does not impact lifespan and is detrimental to some healthspan measures. These findings demonstrate a key role of the proteasome system in brain aging.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin–proteasome system is central to the regulation of cellular proteostasis. Nevertheless, the impact of in vivo proteasome dysfunction on the proteostasis networks and the aging processes remains poorly understood. We found that RNAi‐mediated knockdown of 20S proteasome subunits in Drosophila melanogaster resulted in larval lethality. We therefore studied the molecular effects of proteasome dysfunction in adult flies by developing a model of dose‐dependent pharmacological proteasome inhibition. Impaired proteasome function promoted several ‘old‐age’ phenotypes and markedly reduced flies' lifespan. In young somatic tissues and in gonads of all ages, loss of proteasome activity induced higher expression levels and assembly rates of proteasome subunits. Proteasome dysfunction was signaled to the proteostasis network by reactive oxygen species that originated from malfunctioning mitochondria and triggered an Nrf2‐dependent upregulation of the proteasome subunits. RNAi‐mediated Nrf2 knockdown reduced proteasome activities, flies' resistance to stress, as well as longevity. Conversely, inducible activation of Nrf2 in transgenic flies upregulated basal proteasome expression and activity independently of age and conferred resistance to proteotoxic stress. Interestingly, prolonged Nrf2 overexpression reduced longevity, indicating that excessive activation of the proteostasis pathways can be detrimental. Our in vivo studies add new knowledge on the proteotoxic stress‐related regulation of the proteostasis networks in higher metazoans. Proteasome dysfunction triggers the activation of an Nrf2‐dependent tissue‐ and age‐specific regulatory circuit aiming to adjust the cellular proteasome activity according to temporal and/or spatial proteolytic demands. Prolonged deregulation of this proteostasis circuit accelerates aging.  相似文献   

Aging manipulation is an emerging strategy aimed to postpone the manifestation of late‐onset neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's (AD) and Huntington's diseases (HD) and to slow their progression once emerged. Reducing the activity of the insulin/IGF signaling cascade (IIS), a prominent aging‐regulating pathway, protects worms from proteotoxicity of various aggregative proteins, including the AD‐associated peptide, Aβ‐ and the HD‐linked peptide, polyQ40. Similarly, IGF1 signaling reduction protects mice from AD‐like disease. These discoveries suggest that IIS inhibitors can serve as new drugs for the treatment of neurodegenerative maladies including AD and HD. Here, we report that NT219, a novel IIS inhibitor, mediates a long‐lasting, highly efficient inhibition of this signaling cascade by a dual mechanism; it reduces the autophosphorylation of the IGF1 receptor and directs the insulin receptor substrates 1 and 2 (IRS 1/2) for degradation. NT219 treatment promotes stress resistance and protects nematodes from AD‐ and HD‐associated proteotoxicity without affecting lifespan. Our discoveries strengthen the theme that IIS inhibition has a therapeutic potential as a cure for neurodegenerative maladies and point at NT219 as a promising compound for the treatment of these disorders through a selective manipulation of aging.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that AMP‐activated protein kinase (AMPK) controls autophagy through the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and Unc‐51 like kinase 1 (ULK1/Atg1) signaling, which augments the quality of cellular housekeeping, and that β‐guanidinopropionic acid (β‐GPA), a creatine analog, leads to a chronic activation of AMPK. However, the relationship between β‐GPA and aging remains elusive. In this study, we hypothesized that feeding β‐GPA to adult Drosophila produces the lifespan extension via activation of AMPK‐dependent autophagy. It was found that dietary administration of β‐GPA at a concentration higher than 900 mm induced a significant extension of the lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster in repeated experiments. Furthermore, we found that Atg8 protein, the homolog of microtubule‐associated protein 1A/1B‐light chain 3 (LC3) and a biomarker of autophagy in Drosophila, was significantly upregulated by β‐GPA treatment, indicating that autophagic activity plays a role in the effect of β‐GPA. On the other hand, when the expression of Atg5 protein, an essential protein for autophagy, was reduced by RNA interference (RNAi), the effect of β‐GPA on lifespan extension was abolished. Moreover, we found that AMPK was also involved in this process. β‐GPA treatment significantly elevated the expression of phospho‐T172‐AMPK levels, while inhibition of AMPK by either AMPK‐RNAi or compound C significantly attenuated the expression of autophagy‐related proteins and lifespan extension in Drosophila. Taken together, our results suggest that β‐GPA can induce an extension of the lifespan of Drosophila via AMPK‐Atg1‐autophagy signaling pathway.  相似文献   

NDG‐4 is a predicted transmembrane acyltransferase protein that acts in the distribution of lipophilic factors. Consequently, ndg‐4 mutants lay eggs with a pale appearance due to lack of yolk, and they are resistant to sterility caused by dietary supplementation with the long‐chain omega‐6 polyunsaturated fatty acid dihommogamma‐linolenic acid (DGLA). Two other proteins, NRF‐5 and NRF‐6, a homolog of a mammalian secreted lipid binding protein and a NDG‐4 homolog, respectively, have previously been shown to function in the same lipid transport pathway. Here, we report that mutation of the NDG‐4 protein results in increased organismal stress resistance and lifespan. When NDG‐4 function and insulin/IGF‐1 signaling are reduced simultaneously, maximum lifespan is increased almost fivefold. Thus, longevity conferred by mutation of ndg‐4 is partially overlapping with insulin signaling. The nuclear hormone receptor NHR‐80 (HNF4 homolog) is required for longevity in germline less animals. We find that NHR‐80 is also required for longevity of ndg‐4 mutants. Moreover, we find that nrf‐5 and nrf‐6 mutants also have extended lifespan and increased stress resistance, suggesting that altered lipid transport and metabolism play key roles in determining lifespan.  相似文献   

Our laboratory previously described the oncogenic properties of metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (mGluR1) in melanocytes. mGluR1 transformed immortalized mouse melanocytes in vitro and induced vigorous tumor formation in vivo. Subsequently, we observed the activation of PI3K/AKT in mGluR1‐mediated melanocytic tumorigenesis in vivo. In particular, we identified AKT2 being the predominant isoform contributing to the activation of AKT. Suppression of Grm1 or AKT2 using an inducible Tet‐R siRNA system resulted in a 60 or 30% reduction, respectively, in in vivo tumorigenesis. We show that simultaneous downregulation of Grm1 plus AKT2 results in a reduction of approximately 80% in tumor volumes, suggesting that both mGluR1 and AKT2 contribute to the tumorigenic phenotype in vivo. The discrepancy between the mild in vitro transformation characteristics and the aggressive in vivo tumorigenic phenotypes of these stable mGluR1‐melanocytic clones led us to investigate the possible involvement of other growth factors. Here, we highlight a potential crosstalk network between mGluR1 and tyrosine kinase, insulin‐like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF‐1R).  相似文献   

SIRT2 induces the checkpoint kinase BubR1 to increase lifespan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mice overexpressing the mitotic checkpoint kinase gene BubR1 live longer, whereas mice hypomorphic for BubR1 (BubR1H/H) live shorter and show signs of accelerated aging. As wild‐type mice age, BubR1 levels decline in many tissues, a process that is proposed to underlie normal aging and age‐related diseases. Understanding why BubR1 declines with age and how to slow this process is therefore of considerable interest. The sirtuins (SIRT1‐7) are a family of NAD+‐dependent deacetylases that can delay age‐related diseases. Here, we show that the loss of BubR1 levels with age is due to a decline in NAD+ and the ability of SIRT2 to maintain lysine‐668 of BubR1 in a deacetylated state, which is counteracted by the acetyltransferase CBP. Overexpression of SIRT2 or treatment of mice with the NAD+ precursor nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) increases BubR1 abundance in vivo. Overexpression of SIRT2 in BubR1H/H animals increases median lifespan, with a greater effect in male mice. Together, these data indicate that further exploration of the potential of SIRT2 and NAD+ to delay diseases of aging in mammals is warranted.  相似文献   

Attenuated growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 (GH/IGF-1) signaling is associated with extended lifespan in several animal models. However, the effect of diminished GH/IGF-1 activity on survival in humans has not been confirmed. We tested the hypothesis that IGF-1 levels in nonagenarians (n = 184), measured at study enrollment, predict the duration of their incremental survival. In the Kaplan–Meier analysis, females with IGF-1 levels below the median (≤ 96 ng mL−1) had significantly longer survival compared with females with levels above the median, P < 0.01. However, this survival advantage was not observed in males (P = 0.83). On the other hand, in both males and females with a history of cancer, lower IGF-1 levels predicted longer survival (P < 0.01). IGF-1 level remained a significant predictor of survival duration in linear regression models after multivariable adjustment in females (P = 0.01) and individuals with a history of cancer (P < 0.01). We show for the first time that low IGF-1 levels predict life expectancy in exceptionally long-lived individuals.  相似文献   

The number, size, and composition of lipid droplets can be influenced by dietary changes that shift energy substrate availability. This diversification of lipid droplets can promote metabolic flexibility and shape cellular stress responses in unique tissues with distinctive metabolic roles. Using Drosophila, we uncovered a role for myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2) in modulating diet‐dependent lipid droplet diversification within adult striated muscle, impacting mortality rates. Muscle‐specific attenuation of MEF2, whose chronic activation maintains glucose and mitochondrial homeostasis, leads to the accumulation of large, cholesterol ester‐enriched intramuscular lipid droplets in response to high calorie, carbohydrate‐sufficient diets. The diet‐dependent accumulation of these lipid droplets also correlates with both enhanced stress protection in muscle and increases in organismal lifespan. Furthermore, MEF2 attenuation releases an antagonistic regulation of cell cycle gene expression programs, and up‐regulation of Cyclin E is required for diet‐ and MEF2‐dependent diversification of intramuscular lipid droplets. The integration of MEF2‐regulated gene expression networks with dietary responses thus plays a critical role in shaping muscle metabolism and function, further influencing organismal lifespan. Together, these results highlight a potential protective role for intramuscular lipid droplets during dietary adaptation.  相似文献   

Insulin and insulin‐like growth factor 1 (IGF‐1) are evolutionarily conserved hormonal signalling molecules, which influence a wide array of physiological functions including metabolism, growth and development. Using genetic mouse studies, both insulin and IGF‐1 have been shown to be anabolic agents in osteoblasts and bone development primarily through the activation of Akt and ERK signalling pathways. In this study, we examined the temporal signalling actions of insulin and IGF‐1 on primary calvarial osteoblast growth and differentiation. First, we observed that the IGF‐1 receptor expression decreases whereas insulin receptor expression increases during osteoblast differentiation. Subsequently, we show that although both insulin and IGF‐1 promote osteoblast differentiation and mineralization in vitro, IGF‐1, but not insulin, can induce osteoblast proliferation. The IGF‐1‐induced osteoblast proliferation was mediated via both MAPK and Akt pathways because the IGF‐1‐mediated cell proliferation was blocked by U0126, an MEK/MAPK inhibitor, or LY294002, a PI3‐kinase inhibitor. Osteocalcin, an osteoblast‐specific protein whose expression corresponds with osteoblast differentiation, was increased in a dose‐ and time‐dependent manner after insulin treatment, whereas it was decreased with IGF‐1 treatment. Moreover, insulin treatment dramatically induced osteocalcin promoter activity, whereas IGF‐1 treatment significantly inhibited it, indicating direct effect of insulin on osteocalcin synthesis. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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