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In line with the Gifu University''s initiative to map the Japanese quail genome, a total of 100 Japanese quail microsatellite markers isolated in our laboratory were evaluated in a population of 20 unrelated quails randomly sampled from a colony of wild quail origin. Ninety-eight markers were polymorphic with an average of 3.7 alleles per locus and a mean heterozygosity of 0.423. To determine the utility of these markers for comparative genome mapping in Phasianidae, cross-species amplification of all the markers was tested with chicken and guinea fowl DNA. Amplification products similar in size to the orthologous loci in quail were observed in 42 loci in chicken and 20 loci in guinea fowl. Of the cross-reactive markers, 57.1% in chicken and 55.0% in guinea fowl were polymorphic when tested in 20 birds from their respective populations. Five of 15 markers that could cross-amplify Japanese quail, chicken, and guinea fowl DNA were polymorphic in all three species. Amplification of orthologous loci was confirmed by sequencing 10 loci each from chicken and guinea fowl and comparing with them the corresponding quail sequence. The microsatellite markers reported would serve as a useful resource base for genetic mapping in quail and comparative mapping in Phasianidae.  相似文献   

Brassica rapa comprises many important cultivated vegetables and oil crops. However, Chiifu v3.0, the current B. rapa reference genome, still contains hundreds of gaps. Here, we presented a near-complete genome assembly of B. rapa Chiifu v4.0, which was 424.59 Mb with only two gaps, using Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT) ultralong-read sequencing and Hi-C technologies. The new assembly contains 12 contigs, with a contig N50 of 38.26 Mb. Eight of the ten chromosomes were entirely reconstructed in a single contig from telomere to telomere. We found that the centromeres were mainly invaded by ALE and CRM long terminal repeats (LTRs). Moreover, there is a high divergence of centromere length and sequence among B. rapa genomes. We further found that centromeres are enriched for Copia invaded at 0.14 MYA on average, while pericentromeres are enriched for Gypsy LTRs invaded at 0.51 MYA on average. These results indicated the different invasion mechanisms of LTRs between the two structures. In addition, a novel repetitive sequence PCR630 was identified in the pericentromeres of B. rapa. Overall, the near-complete genome assembly, B. rapa Chiifu v4.0, offers valuable tools for genomic and genetic studies of Brassica species and provides new insights into the evolution of centromeres.  相似文献   

Populus euphratica is well adapted to extreme desert environments and is an important model species for elucidating the mechanisms of abiotic stress resistance in trees. The current assembly of P. euphratica genome is highly fragmented with many gaps and errors, thereby impeding downstream applications. Here, we report an improved chromosome‐level reference genome of P. euphratica (v2.0) using single‐molecule sequencing and chromosome conformation capture (Hi‐C) technologies. Relative to the previous reference genome, our assembly represents a nearly 60‐fold improvement in contiguity, with a scaffold N50 size of 28.59 Mb. Using this genome, we have found that extensive expansion of Gypsy elements in P. euphratica led to its rapid increase in genome size compared to any other Salicaceae species studied to date, and potentially contributed to adaptive divergence driven by insertions near genes involved in stress tolerance. We also detected a wide range of unique structural rearrangements in P. euphratica, including 2,549 translocations, 454 inversions, 121 tandem and 14 segmental duplications. Several key genes likely to be involved in tolerance to abiotic stress were identified within these regions. This high‐quality genome represents a valuable resource for poplar breeding and genetic improvement in the future, as well as comparative genomic analysis with other Salicaceae species.  相似文献   

Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is an important horticultural crop and one of the most widely grown vegetables from the Solanaceae family. It was domesticated from a wild, prickly progenitor carrying small, round, non-anthocyanic fruits. We obtained a novel, highly contiguous genome assembly of the eggplant ‘67/3’ reference line, by Hi-C retrofitting of a previously released short read- and optical mapping-based assembly. The sizes of the 12 chromosomes and the fraction of anchored genes in the improved assembly were comparable to those of a chromosome-level assembly. We resequenced 23 accessions of S. melongena representative of the worldwide phenotypic, geographic, and genetic diversity of the species, and one each from the closely related species Solanum insanum and Solanum incanum. The eggplant pan-genome contained approximately 51.5 additional megabases and 816 additional genes compared with the reference genome, while the pan-plastome showed little genetic variation. We identified 53 selective sweeps related to fruit color, prickliness, and fruit shape in the nuclear genome, highlighting selection leading to the emergence of present-day S. melongena cultivars from its wild ancestors. Candidate genes underlying the selective sweeps included a MYBL1 repressor and CHALCONE ISOMERASE (for fruit color), homologs of Arabidopsis GLABRA1 and GLABROUS INFLORESCENCE STEMS2 (for prickliness), and orthologs of tomato FW2.2, OVATE, LOCULE NUMBER/WUSCHEL, SUPPRESSOR OF OVATE, and CELL SIZE REGULATOR (for fruit size/shape), further suggesting that selection for the latter trait relied on a common set of orthologous genes in tomato and eggplant.  相似文献   

Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) trees are both economically important fruit crops but also important components of natural forest ecosystems in Europe, Asia and Africa. Wild and domesticated trees currently coexist in the same geographic areas with important questions arising on their historical relationships. Little is known about the effects of the domestication process on the evolution of the sweet cherry genome. We assembled and annotated the genome of the cultivated variety “Big Star*” and assessed the genetic diversity among 97 sweet cherry accessions representing three different stages in the domestication and breeding process (wild trees, landraces and modern varieties). The genetic diversity analysis revealed significant genome‐wide losses of variation among the three stages and supports a clear distinction between wild and domesticated trees, with only limited gene flow being detected between wild trees and domesticated landraces. We identified 11 domestication sweeps and five breeding sweeps covering, respectively, 11.0 and 2.4 Mb of the P. avium genome. A considerable fraction of the domestication sweeps overlaps with those detected in the related species, Prunus persica (peach), indicating that artificial selection during domestication may have acted independently on the same regions and genes in the two species. We detected 104 candidate genes in sweep regions involved in different processes, such as the determination of fruit texture, the regulation of flowering and fruit ripening and the resistance to pathogens. The signatures of selection identified will enable future evolutionary studies and provide a valuable resource for genetic improvement and conservation programs in sweet cherry.  相似文献   

Cucumber, Cucumis sativus L. is the only taxon with 2n = 2x = 14 chromosomes in the genus Cucumis. It consists of two cross‐compatible botanical varieties: the cultivated C. sativus var. sativus and the wild C. sativus var. hardwickii. There is no consensus on the evolutionary relationship between the two taxa. Whole‐genome sequencing of the cucumber genome provides a new opportunity to advance our understanding of chromosome evolution and the domestication history of cucumber. In this study, a high‐density genetic map for cultivated cucumber was developed that contained 735 marker loci in seven linkage groups spanning 707.8 cM. Integration of genetic and physical maps resulted in a chromosome‐level draft genome assembly comprising 193 Mbp, or 53% of the 367 Mbp cucumber genome. Strategically selected markers from the genetic map and draft genome assembly were employed to screen for fosmid clones for use as probes in comparative fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of pachytene chromosomes to investigate genetic differentiation between wild and cultivated cucumbers. Significant differences in the amount and distribution of heterochromatins, as well as chromosomal rearrangements, were uncovered between the two taxa. In particular, six inversions, five paracentric and one pericentric, were revealed in chromosomes 4, 5 and 7. Comparison of the order of fosmid loci on chromosome 7 of cultivated and wild cucumbers, and the syntenic melon chromosome I suggested that the paracentric inversion in this chromosome occurred during domestication of cucumber. The results support the sub‐species status of these two cucumber taxa, and suggest that C. sativus var. hardwickii is the progenitor of cultivated cucumber.  相似文献   

Globally, commercialized plum cultivars are mostly diploid Chinese plums (Prunus salicina Lindl.), also known as Japanese plums, and are one of the most abundant and variable fruit tree species. To advance Prunus genomic research, we present a chromosome-scale P. salicina genome assembly, constructed using an integrated strategy that combines Illumina, Oxford Nanopore, and high-throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) sequencing. The high-quality genome assembly consists of a 318.6-Mb sequence (contig N50 length of 2.3 Mb) with eight pseudo-chromosomes. The expansion of the P. salicina genome is led by recent segmental duplications and a long terminal repeat burst of approximately 0.2 Mya. This resulted in a significant expansion of gene families associated with flavonoid metabolism and plant resistance, which impacted fruit flavor and increased species adaptability. Population structure and domestication history suggest that Chinese plum may have originated from South China and provides a domestication route with accompanying genomic variations. Selection sweep and genetic diversity analysis enabled the identification of several critical genes associated with flowering time, stress tolerance, and flavonoid metabolism, demonstrating the essential roles of related pathways during domestication. Furthermore, we reconstructed and exploited flavonoid–anthocyanin metabolism using multi-omics analysis in Chinese plum and proposed a complete metabolic pathway. Collectively, our results will facilitate further candidate gene discovery for important agronomic traits in Chinese plum and provide insights into future functional genomic studies and DNA-informed breeding.  相似文献   

A high-quality reference genome is necessary to determine the molecular mechanisms underlying important biological phenomena; therefore, in the present study, a chromosome-level genome assembly of the Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis was performed. Muscle of a male shrimp was sequenced using PacBio platform, and assembled by Hi-C technology. The assembled F. chinensis genome was 1.47 Gb with contig N50 of 472.84 Kb, including 57.73% repetitive sequences, and was anchored to 43 pseudochromosomes, with scaffold N50 of 36.87 Mb. In total, 25,026 protein-coding genes were predicted. The genome size of F. chinensis showed significant contraction in comparison with that of other penaeid species, which is likely related to migration observed in this species. However, the F. chinensis genome included several expanded gene families related to cellular processes and metabolic processes, and the contracted gene families were associated with virus infection process. The findings signify the adaptation of F. chinensis to the selection pressure of migration and cold environment. Furthermore, the selection signature analysis identified genes associated with metabolism, phototransduction, and nervous system in cultured shrimps when compared with wild population, indicating targeted, artificial selection of growth, vision, and behavior during domestication. The construction of the genome of F. chinensis provided valuable information for the further genetic mechanism analysis of important biological processes, and will facilitate the research of genetic changes during evolution.  相似文献   



Domestic goats (Capra hircus) have been selected to play an essential role in agricultural production systems, since being domesticated from their wild progenitor, bezoar (Capra aegagrus). A detailed understanding of the genetic consequences imparted by the domestication process remains a key goal of evolutionary genomics.


We constructed the reference genome of bezoar and sequenced representative breeds of domestic goats to search for genomic changes that likely have accompanied goat domestication and breed formation. Thirteen copy number variation genes associated with coat color were identified in domestic goats, among which ASIP gene duplication contributes to the generation of light coat-color phenotype in domestic goats. Analysis of rapidly evolving genes identified genic changes underlying behavior-related traits, immune response and production-related traits.


Based on the comparison studies of copy number variation genes and rapidly evolving genes between wild and domestic goat, our findings and methodology shed light on the genetic mechanism of animal domestication and will facilitate future goat breeding.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1606-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Cetaceans (dolphins and whales) have undergone a radical transformation from the original mammalian bodyplan. In addition, some cetaceans have evolved large brains and complex cognitive capacities. We compared approximately 10 000 protein-coding genes culled from the bottlenose dolphin genome with nine other genomes to reveal molecular correlates of the remarkable phenotypic features of these aquatic mammals. Evolutionary analyses demonstrated that the overall synonymous substitution rate in dolphins has slowed compared with other studied mammals, and is within the range of primates and elephants. We also discovered 228 genes potentially under positive selection (dN/dS > 1) in the dolphin lineage. Twenty-seven of these genes are associated with the nervous system, including those related to human intellectual disabilities, synaptic plasticity and sleep. In addition, genes expressed in the mitochondrion have a significantly higher mean dN/dS ratio in the dolphin lineage than others examined, indicating evolution in energy metabolism. We encountered selection in other genes potentially related to cetacean adaptations such as glucose and lipid metabolism, dermal and lung development, and the cardiovascular system. This study underlines the parallel molecular trajectory of cetaceans with other mammalian groups possessing large brains.  相似文献   

Influenza viruses are the etiological agents of influenza. Although vaccines and drugs are available for the prophylaxis and treatment of influenza virus infections, the generation of escape mutants has been reported. To develop vaccines and drugs that are less susceptible to the generation of escape mutants, it is important to understand the evolutionary mechanisms of the viruses. Here natural selection operating on all the proteins encoded by the H3N2 human influenza A virus genome was inferred by comparing the numbers of synonymous (d(S) [D(S)]) and nonsynonymous (d(N) [D(N)]) substitutions per site. Natural selection was also inferred for the groups of functional amino acid sites involved in B-cell epitopes (BCEs), T-cell epitopes (TCEs), drug resistance, and growth in eggs. The entire region of PB1-F2 was positively selected, and positive selection also appeared to operate on BCEs, TCEs, and growth in eggs. The frequency of escape mutant generation appeared to be positively correlated with the d(N)/d(S) (D(N)/D(S)) values for the targets of vaccines and drugs, suggesting that the amino acid sites under strong functional constraint are suitable targets. In particular, TCEs may represent candidate targets because the d(N)/d(S) (D(N)/D(S)) values were small and negative selection was inferred for many of them.  相似文献   

The rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) is grown in tropical regions and is the major source of natural rubber. Using traditional breeding approaches, the latex yield has increased by sixfold in the last century. However, the underlying genetic basis of rubber yield improvement is largely unknown. Here, we present a high-quality, chromosome-level genome sequence of the wild rubber tree, the first report on selection signatures and a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of its yield traits. Population genomic analysis revealed a moderate population divergence between the Wickham clones and wild accessions. Interestingly, it is suggestive that H. brasiliensis and six relatives of the Hevea genus might belong to the same species. The selective sweep analysis found 361 obvious signatures in the domesticated clones associated with 245 genes. In a 15-year field trial, GWAS identified 155 marker–trait associations with latex yield, in which 326 candidate genes were found. Notably, six genes related to sugar transport and metabolism, and four genes related to ethylene biosynthesis and signalling are associated with latex yield. The homozygote frequencies of the causal nonsynonymous SNPs have been greatly increased under selection, which may have contributed to the fast latex yield improvement during the short domestication history. Our study provides insights into the genetic basis of the latex yield trait and has implications for genomic-assisted breeding by offering valuable resources in this new domesticated crop.  相似文献   

Understanding natural selection's effect on genetic variation is a major goal in biology, but the genome‐scale consequences of contemporary selection are not well known. In a release and recapture field experiment we transplanted stick insects to native and novel host plants and directly measured allele frequency changes within a generation at 186 576 genetic loci. We observed substantial, genome‐wide allele frequency changes during the experiment, most of which could be attributed to random mortality (genetic drift). However, we also documented that selection affected multiple genetic loci distributed across the genome, particularly in transplants to the novel host. Host‐associated selection affecting the genome acted on both a known colour‐pattern trait as well as other (unmeasured) phenotypes. We also found evidence that selection associated with elevation affected genome variation, although our experiment was not designed to test this. Our results illustrate how genomic data can identify previously underappreciated ecological sources and phenotypic targets of selection.  相似文献   

The genomes of barley and wheat, two of the world's most important crops, are very large and complex due to their high content of repetitive DNA. In order to obtain a whole-genome sequence sample, we performed two runs of 454 (GS20) sequencing on genomic DNA of barley cv. Morex, which yielded approximately 1% of a haploid genome equivalent. Almost 60% of the sequences comprised known transposable element (TE) families, and another 9% represented novel repetitive sequences. We also discovered high amounts of low-complexity DNA and non-genic low-copy DNA. We identified almost 2300 protein coding gene sequences and more than 660 putative conserved non-coding sequences. Comparison of the 454 reads with previously published genomic sequences suggested that TE families are distributed unequally along chromosomes. This was confirmed by in situ hybridizations of selected TEs. A comparison of these data for the barley genome with a large sample of publicly available wheat sequences showed that several TE families that are highly abundant in wheat are absent from the barley genome. This finding implies that the TE composition of their genomes differs dramatically, despite their very similar genome size and their close phylogenetic relationship.  相似文献   

Next‐generation sequencing of complete genomes has given researchers unprecedented levels of information to study the multifaceted evolutionary changes that have shaped elite plant germplasm. In conjunction with population genetic analytical techniques and detailed online databases, we can more accurately capture the effects of domestication on entire biological pathways of agronomic importance. In this study, we explore the genetic diversity and signatures of selection in all predicted gene models of the storage starch synthesis pathway of Sorghum bicolor, utilizing a diversity panel containing lines categorized as either ‘Landraces’ or ‘Wild and Weedy’ genotypes. Amongst a total of 114 genes involved in starch synthesis, 71 had at least a single signal of purifying selection and 62 a signal of balancing selection and others a mix of both. This included key genes such as STARCH PHOSPHORYLASE 2 (SbPHO2, under balancing selection), PULLULANASE (SbPUL, under balancing selection) and ADP‐glucose pyrophosphorylases (SHRUNKEN2, SbSH2 under purifying selection). Effectively, many genes within the primary starch synthesis pathway had a clear reduction in nucleotide diversity between the Landraces and wild and weedy lines indicating that the ancestral effects of domestication are still clearly identifiable. There was evidence of the positional rate variation within the well‐characterized primary starch synthesis pathway of sorghum, particularly in the Landraces, whereby low evolutionary rates upstream and high rates downstream in the metabolic pathway were expected. This observation did not extend to the wild and weedy lines or the minor starch synthesis pathways.  相似文献   

Field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) is being domesticated as a new winter cover crop and biofuel species for the Midwestern United States that can be double-cropped between corn and soybeans. A genome sequence will enable the use of new technologies to make improvements in pennycress. To generate a draft genome, a hybrid sequencing approach was used to generate 47 Gb of DNA sequencing reads from both the Illumina and PacBio platforms. These reads were used to assemble 6,768 genomic scaffolds. The draft genome was annotated using the MAKER pipeline, which identified 27,390 predicted protein-coding genes, with almost all of these predicted peptides having significant sequence similarity to Arabidopsis proteins. A comprehensive analysis of pennycress gene homologues involved in glucosinolate biosynthesis, metabolism, and transport pathways revealed high sequence conservation compared with other Brassicaceae species, and helps validate the assembly of the pennycress gene space in this draft genome. Additional comparative genomic analyses indicate that the knowledge gained from years of basic Brassicaceae research will serve as a powerful tool for identifying gene targets whose manipulation can be predicted to result in improvements for pennycress.  相似文献   

Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is an important oil crop renowned for its high oil content and quality. Recently, genome assemblies for five sesame varieties including two landraces (S. indicum cv. Baizhima and Mishuozhima) and three modern cultivars (S. indicum var. Zhongzhi13, Yuzhi11 and Swetha), have become available providing a rich resource for comparative genomic analyses and gene discovery. Here, we employed a reference‐assisted assembly approach to improve the draft assemblies of four of the sesame varieties. We then constructed a sesame pan‐genome of 554.05 Mb. The pan‐genome contained 26 472 orthologous gene clusters; 15 409 (58.21%) of them were core (present across all five sesame genomes), whereas the remaining 41.79% (11 063) clusters and the 15 890 variety‐specific genes were dispensable. Comparisons between varieties suggest that modern cultivars from China and India display significant genomic variation. The gene families unique to the sesame modern cultivars contain genes mainly related to yield and quality, while those unique to the landraces contain genes involved in environmental adaptation. Comparative evolutionary analysis indicates that several genes involved in plant‐pathogen interaction and lipid metabolism are under positive selection, which may be associated with sesame environmental adaption and selection for high seed oil content. This study of the sesame pan‐genome provides insights into the evolution and genomic characteristics of this important oilseed and constitutes a resource for further sesame crop improvement.  相似文献   

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