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This study presents the results of a landscape‐scale survey for insect floral visitors in the Skukuza Ranger District, Kruger National Park, South Africa. Floral visitors were sampled from flowering trees and shrubs along linear transects spanning the entire district. Six plant species were sampled in the late dry season (Acacia grandicornuta Gerstner, A. nigrescens Oliver, Cassia abbreviata Oliver, Combretum hereroense Schinz, Combretum zeyheri Sonder, Euclea divonorum Hiern), and eleven plant species were sampled during the rainy season (Acacia exuvialis Verdcourt, A. grandicornuta Gerstner, A. nilotica (L.) Willdenow, A. tortilis (Forsskal) Hayne, Dichrostachys cinerea Miquel, Flueggea virosa (Roxburgh) Baillon, Grewia bicolor Jussieu, G. flava De Candolle, G. flavescens Jussieu, G. monticola Sonder, and Peltophorum africanum Sonder). Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera comprised the majority of floral visitors, while species of Blattodea, Diptera, Hemiptera and Neuroptera also occurred on flowers. Known or likely pollinators include bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Halictidae and Megachilidae) and scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). These plant species appear to have generalist pollination systems, with the exception of species of Grewia L., which appear to be pollinated primarily by bees. A provisional plant–pollinator food web is presented for the eleven species of trees and shrubs which flower during the rainy season.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of mopane canopy cover on litter decomposition in a semi‐arid African savannah. We used a randomized block design with five blocks of 100 × 100 m demarcated in a 10‐ha pocket of open mopane woodland. Litterbags were placed beneath large (8.3 m crown diameter) and small mopane trees (2.7 m crown diameter) and in the intercanopy area. Decomposition was fastest in the intercanopy area exposed to solar radiation (k = 0.35 year?1), intermediate beneath small trees (k = 0.28 year?1) and slowest beneath large trees (k = 0.23 year?1). Soil temperatures beneath small and large trees were 3–5 and 6–9°C lower than in the intercanopy area, respectively. Bacterial and fungal counts were significantly higher (P < 0.05) beneath large than small trees and in the intercanopy area. The amount of N and P released did not vary significantly among sampling sites. Soil moisture in the dry season was similar among sampling sites but rainy‐season soil moisture was significantly greater (P < 0.05) beneath large than small trees and in the intecanopy area. Mopane canopy cover retarded litter decomposition suggesting that photodegradation could be an important factor controlling carbon turnover in semi‐arid African savannahs.  相似文献   

For the past century, woody plants have increased in grasslands and savannas worldwide. Woody encroachment may significantly alter ecosystem functioning including fire regimes, herbivore carrying capacity, biodiversity and carbon storage capacity. Traditionally, increases in woody cover and density have been ascribed to changes in the disturbance regime (fire and herbivores) or rainfall. Increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations may also contribute, by increasing growth rates of trees relative to grasses. This hypothesis is still heavily debated because usually potential CO2 effects are confounded by changes in land use (disturbance regime). Here we analyse changes in woody density in fire experiments at three sites in South African savannas where the disturbance regime (fire and herbivores) was kept constant for 30 and 50 years. If global drivers had significant effects on woody plants, we would expect significant increases in tree densities and biomass over time under the constant disturbance regime. Woody density remained constant in a semiarid savanna but tripled in a mesic savanna between the 1970s and 1990s. At the third site, a semiarid savanna near the southern limits of the biome, tree density doubled from the mid 1990s to 2010. Interpretation of the causes is confounded by population recovery after clearing, but aerial photograph analysis on adjacent non‐cleared areas showed an accompanying 48% increase in woody cover. Increased CO2 concentrations are consistent with increased woody density while other global drivers (rainfall) remained constant over the duration of the experiments. The absence of a response in one semiarid savanna could be explained by a smaller carbon sink capacity of the dominant species, which would therefore benefit less from increased CO2. Understanding how savannas and grasslands respond to increased CO2 and identifying the causes of woody encroachment are essential for the successful management of these systems.  相似文献   

Termites play fundamental roles in tropical ecosystems, and mound-building species in particular are crucial in enhancing species diversity, from plants to mammals. However, it is still unclear which factors govern the occurrence and assembly of termite communities. A phylogenetic community approach and null models of species assembly were used to examine structuring processes associated with termite community assembly in a pristine savannah. Overall, we did not find evidence for a strong influence of interspecific competition or environmental filtering in structuring these communities. However, the presence of a single species, the mound-building termite Macrotermes bellicosus, left a strong signal on structuring and led to clustered communities of more closely related species. Hence, this species changes the assembly rules for a whole community. Our results show the fundamental importance of a single insect species for community processes, suggesting that more attention to insect species is warranted when developing conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Whether dominance drives species loss can depend on the power of conspecific self-limitation as dominant populations expand; these limitations can stabilize competitive imbalances that might otherwise cause displacement. We quantify the relative strength of conspecific and heterospecific soil feedbacks in an exotic-dominated savannah, using greenhouse trials and field surveys to test whether dominants are less self-suppressed, highly suppressive of others or both. Soil feedbacks can impact plant abundance, including invasion, but their implications for coexistence in invader-dominated systems are unclear. We found that conspecific feedbacks were significantly more negative than heterospecific ones for all species including the dominant invaders; even the rarest natives performed significantly better in the soils of other species. The strength of these negative feedbacks, however, was approximately 50 per cent stronger for natives and matched their field abundance--the most self-limited natives were rare and narrowly distributed. These results suggest that exotics dominate by interacting with natives carrying heavier conspecific feedback burdens, without cultivating either negative heterospecific effects that suppress natives or positive ones that accelerate their own expansion. These feedbacks, however, could contribute to coexistence because all species were self-limited in their own soils. Although the net impact of this feedback stabilization will probably interact with other factors (e.g. herbivory), soil feedbacks may thus contribute to invader dominance without necessarily being detrimental to species richness.  相似文献   

Understanding factors influencing large herbivore densities and distribution in terrestrial ecosystems is a fundamental goal of ecology. This study examined environmental factors influencing the density and distribution of wild large herbivores in Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe. Vegetation and surface water were predicted to have a stronger influence than anthropogenic‐related disturbances (livestock grazing, fires, settlements and poaching) on the density and distribution of wild large herbivores. Aerial survey data for seven common wild large herbivores conducted in 2007 and 2009 and environmental data were collected. Only grass cover explained a significant proportion of the variation in large herbivore densities and distribution. Moreover, only two species densities significantly differed across the Gonarezhou, namely impala and zebra. In contrast, buffalo, elephant, giraffe, kudu and nyala densities did not differ significantly across the Gonarezhou. Overall, the findings only partly support the study prediction. The study results suggest the need to further investigate the roles of environmental factors at smaller scales in order to tease out their relative strengths in influencing density and distribution of large herbivores.  相似文献   

Sahelian savannah faces increasing pressure from human activities, leading to its degradation. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of restoration of dryland savannah vegetation by the elimination of disturbance factors on the ecosystem. Is degraded dryland savannah vegetation able to be restored by means of natural succession? What is the timescale for its recovery? The study took place in the Bandia Reserve, 65 km south‐east of Dakar (Senegal), a unique site with two successional stages due to the elimination of uncontrolled exploitation. The vegetation structure of 15 years (15YRS) and 5 years (5YRS) after fencing was compared with vegetation exposed to continuous livestock grazing and wood collection outside the fenced area. Calculated by redundancy analysis, a significant effect of selected areas on the cover of all species was revealed and successional stage explained more than 45% of data variability. Perennial forbs, annual forbs and perennial grasses achieved the highest cover in 5YRS, woody species in 15YRS and annual grasses in the area outside of the fenced reserve. The dominant woody species Acacia seyal, A. ataxacantha, A. nilotica subsp. adstringens and Balanites aegyptiaca reconstituted the dense formation of Acacia bushland by means of natural succession in the 15YRS area.  相似文献   

This study identifies patterns of elephant Loxodonta africana africana impacts upon tree species and woody plant communities in Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park, a South African savannahs/woodlands area. Elephants were reintroduced there from 1981, following more than 80 years of absence. Data were collected in 2003 on elephant impact on woodland in the Park. Different vegetation types were susceptible to different types and levels of damage by elephants, suggesting that elephants will not homogenize the vegetation. Elephants targeted larger stems for all types of damage, with a strong preference for some of the less abundant species such as Albizia versicolor (breaking and toppling) and Cordia caffra and Schotia brachypetala (debarking). Elephant impacts tended to be distributed evenly across the park landscape, irrespective of stem density or proximity to permanent water. Overall, elephants have little impact on slowing or reversing the spread of undesirable woody species, but are having a marked impact on certain less common tree species and larger tree size-classes in the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park.  相似文献   

Question : The formation of large woody debris (LWD) piles during floods has significant impacts on riparian succession through pioneering plants often establishing in association with wood. We assess the importance of LWD for seed regeneration of riparian plants after a century‐scale flood disturbance in a semi‐arid environment. Location : The Sabie River within Kruger National Park in the semi‐arid northeast of South Africa. Methods : Our approach was to quantify the riparian soil seed bank, to record the frequency of establishment of riparian plants in woody debris piles, and to conduct experimental out‐plantings of common riparian trees in plots with and without LWD. Results : We found the abundance and diversity of seedlings were higher in soils taken from wood piles than from open reference areas, and most seedlings were herbaceous species. Surveys indicated that numbers of seedlings recorded within woody debris were significantly greater than in open reference areas or within established vegetation. Seedling establishment in various cover‐types also varied for different riparian tree species. Experimental out‐planting of seedlings of two riparian tree species (Philenoptera violacea and Combretum erythrophyllum) revealed that, after 433 days, planted seedlings survived only in woody debris piles. Conclusion : LWD formed after a large flood creates heterogeneous patches that may influence post‐disturbance regeneration of riparian vegetation by providing a variety of environmental niches for seedlings establishment. We suspect that higher seedling survival in LWD is due to increased moisture (particularly in the dry season) and nutrients, and protection from seasonal flooding and herbivory.  相似文献   

Boundaries are the most reactive nodes in landscapes and may be hypersensitive to global change in climate and land use. Investigations on how soils govern vegetation boundaries are scant, particularly in arid and semiarid ecosystems. The Tankwa Karoo National Park (TKNP) is a unique arid biodiversity hotspot with an unrivalled aridity gradient from < 100 mm MAP to about 700 mm in < 10 km. We investigated the abruptness of four soil‐vegetation boundaries separating eight communities. Two 50 m transects were established across four boundaries for 24 descending point transects, in which the cover‐abundance of each plant encounter at 1 m intervals was recorded. In addition, three soil samples were collected from the top 5 cm in each of the four boundaries and twelve patches. Soil and vegetation parameters altogether indicated three boundary syndromes that were context dependent: (a) a sharp boundary, (b) a gradual boundary or (c) no boundary exists. Soil respiration recorded here, and perhaps other ecosystem processes, was mediated by the soil‐vegetation boundaries. These nodes should be the focus of ecological studies since they reveal much more than the constituent patches themselves.  相似文献   

In Africa, no other nonhuman animal fulfils the role of ecosystem engineers to the extent of the elephant. However, little is known about the relationship between elephant modified habitats and species composition of other animals. Our objective was to sample the herpetofauna within an Acacia habitat that varied in the degree of elephant impact. If elephant foraging was only modifying but not degrading or enriching the habitat, then herpetofauna species abundance and richness were predicted to be similar in elephant damaged and elephant excluded areas. We conducted this study at Endarakwai Ranch in northeastern Tanzania for 6 months in 2007 and 2008. We sampled herpetofaunal species richness and abundance within high, medium and low elephant damaged areas and in a plot that excluded elephants. Areas of heavy damage yielded higher species richness than the exclusion plot. Species diversity did not differ between the damaged areas and the exclusion plot. Frogs were more abundant in areas of high damage; in contrast, toads were found the least in high damage areas. The results support the notion that free ranging elephants influence herpetofaunal species distribution by creating habitat complexity through modifying the woodland area.  相似文献   

Insect diversity in Cape fynbos and neighbouring South African vegetation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim  It has often been suggested that South Africa's Cape fynbos shrublands, although extremely rich in plant species, are poor in insects, thus representing a notable exception from the broad plant–insect diversity relationship. The aims of this study were to compare the diversity patterns of plant-inhabiting insects in fynbos and the vegetation of three neighbouring biomes (grassland, subtropical thicket, and Nama-karoo), and to test for a general relationship between plant diversity and insect diversity across these biomes.
Location  South-western to south-eastern South Africa.
Methods  We conducted seasonal plant surveys and sweep insect sampling in 10 × 10 m plots in the Baviaanskloof Conservation Area (Eastern Cape), where all four biomes occur. We also conducted once-only collections in the core area of each biome.
Results  Fynbos plots had insect diversity values similar to those of grassland and subtropical thicket (a dense, evergreen and spinescent shrubland with a high abundance of succulents and climbers), and significantly higher than Nama-karoo (an open, semiarid shrubland). A remarkably strong positive relationship was found between plant and insect species richness.
Main conclusions  Previous generalizations were based on a few insect groups (e.g. butterflies, under-represented in fynbos), but ignored published results on other groups (e.g. galling insects, which are in fact over-represented in this vegetation). We show that, overall, insect diversity in fynbos is comparable to that of neighbouring biomes. Fynbos vegetation does not represent a significant exception from the broad positive relationship between plant diversity and insect diversity.  相似文献   

There are many different anthropogenic causes of wetland degradation, such as disturbances which affect the physical structure of wetlands, resulting in erosion (altered fire regimes, road and railway building through wetlands, channelization of wetlands), pollution, land-cover change, and climate change. These different types of degradation have various impacts, depending on the type of wetland, soils, biochemistry and other factors. We researched a poorly-studied South African valley-bottom peatland that is dominated by the ecosystem engineer Palmiet: Prionium serratum. We ask the question: what is the impact of degradation by gully erosion, pollution and alien tree invasion on biochemistry and plant community composition of palmiet wetlands? In 39 plots from three palmiet wetlands situated approximately 200 km apart we found that channel erosion, through a loss of alluvium, has probably resulted in leached soils with lower soil organic matter and water content, less able to retain nutrients and cations. Soil leaching is a possible explanation for the groundwater of degraded wetlands having higher electrical conductivity and pH than that of pristine wetlands and a lower soil cation exchange capacity (21.3?±?5.80–7.7?±?4.91 meq/100 g). The loss of alluvium typically resulted in a completely new plant community, composed mostly of pioneer species and several alien species. The increase in base saturation (17.5?±?8.46–30.2?±?17.85%) and soil pH (4.8?±?0.51–5.1?±?0.50) with degradation was hypothesized to be the result of liming practices. Once extremely degraded, i.e. all the alluvium is lost, it is unlikely that these sensitive palmiet wetlands will recover original vegetation communities and lost functions, except on long timescales. We recommend conservation of the few pristine wetlands that remain, and rehabilitation of those that still retain some of their original function.  相似文献   

Understanding the patterns and intensity of anthropogenic impacts on habitats is important in the conservation of tropical ecosystems. The aim of the study was to establish the associated edge effects of anthropogenic disturbances on vegetation in western Umfurudzi Park, Zimbabwe. Three study strata were established using distance from the boundary into the park. Vegetation attributes and anthropogenic disturbance levels data were collected in 2012. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were noted on tree and shrub density, woody plant height, woody plant diversity, grass height and grass sward width across the three strata. Land clearing, livestock grazing and firewood collection were the most frequent and pronounced disturbances occurring along the park boundary. These disturbances decreased in intensity as distance from the boundary increased. We recommend the following: (i) the need to revisit the buffer zone concept and policy measures associated with ecosystem services and goods provision for communities surrounding protected areas, (ii) engaging neighbouring communities on sustainable ways of deriving ecosystem goods and services from buffer zones and protected areas and (iii) further studies on the regeneration and recovery of cleared patches along the boundary and their use by wildlife species in the park.  相似文献   

The apparent influence of elephants on the structure of savannahs in Africa may be enhanced by management activities, fire and other herbivores. We separated the effect elephants have on grasses, woody seedlings (<0.5 m) and saplings (0.5–2 m) from the effect of tree canopies (canopy effect), and herbivory (park effect). We defined the canopy effect as the differences between plant abundances and diversity indices under tree canopies and 20 m away from these. Our testing of the park effect relied on the differences in the sub-canopy plant indices inside and outside a protected area that supported a range of herbivores. We based our assessment of the elephant effect on sub-canopy vegetation indices associated with elephant induced reductions in tree canopies. The park and canopy effects were more pronounced than the elephant effect. The park effect suppressed the development of woody seedlings into saplings. Conditions associated with tree canopies benefited woody plants, but not the grasses, as their indices were lower under trees. Elephants reducing canopies facilitated grass species tolerant of direct solar radiation. We concluded that management should consider other agents operating in the system when deciding on reducing the impact that elephants may have on vegetation.  相似文献   

近50年华南气象干旱时空特征及其变化趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用标准化前期降水指数(SAPI)和常年平均相对湿润度指数(M)构建的逐日气象干旱指数(DI),根据华南(广东、广西)174个气象站资料分析了近50年(1961—2010年)气象干旱时空特征及其气候变化趋势。结果表明:(1)华南近30年(1981—2010年)总旱日频率平均为26.0%,其中轻旱、中旱、重旱和特旱日分别为12.3%、8.1%、4.2%和1.4%。(2)各等级旱日频率具有非汛期(10月至次年3月)高于汛期(4月至9月)、广西高于广东的特征。(3)近50年华南最旱的5a依次为:1963、1991、2004、2009、1977。(4)气候变化趋势分析表明,1至9月降水和月干旱指数(MI)以增加趋势为主,各等级旱日数以减少趋势为主,其中7月份MI增加趋势及各等级旱日减少趋势均达到0.1显著水平;而10至12月降水和MI以减小趋势为主,各等级旱日数以增加趋势为主,其中11月份MI减小趋势及中旱、重旱、总旱日增加趋势均达到0.05显著水平。(5)年总旱日趋于增加、减少的站点数各占60%、40%,有11%的站点达到0.1以上显著水平。各等级旱日显著增加的站点大多集中在广西,而旱日显著减少的站点主要集中在广东,表明广西干旱总体上重于广东的格局可能进一步加剧。目的为进一步开展华南气候变化影响评估、水资源利用及应对气候变化提供基础。  相似文献   

Social information networks have the potential to shape the spatial structure of ecological communities by promoting the formation of mixed‐species groups. However, what actually drives social affinity between species in the wild will depend on the characteristics of the species available to group. Here we first present an agent‐based model that predicts trait‐related survival benefits from mixed‐species group formation in a multi‐species community and we then test the model predictions in a community‐wide field study of African savannah herbivores using multi‐layered network analysis. We reveal benefits from information transfer about predators as a key determinant of mixed‐species group formation, and that dilution benefits alone are not enough to explain patterns in interspecific sociality. The findings highlight the limitations of classical ecological approaches focusing only on direct trophic interactions when analysing community structure and suggest that declines in species occupying central social network positions, such as key informants, can have significant repercussions throughout communities.  相似文献   

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