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天主教传教士Pierre Marie Heude(1836-1902)1867年自法国来到中国,他特别钟情于自然历史研究,把几乎所有的精力倾注于他在东亚地区的标本收藏上。1868年,他在现上海市郊的徐家汇建立了一座博物馆并收藏大量的动物标本。1933年徐家汇博物馆被震旦大学(现复旦大学)接管,并建立了一座新馆,更名为震旦博物院(欧洲称为Musee Heude),在Heude收藏的标本中,一部分是他在菲律宾,印度尼西亚,日本,印度及中国等地区探险时采集的,而绝大多数标本则是他通过各种方法联络各国同僚收集而来,在他死后,由他的接班人Courtois和Sowerby等继承了他的研究,1952年,上海自然历史博物馆接收了原震旦博物院,1958年原震旦博物院的标本被送至上海自然历史博物馆和中国科学院 研究所收藏。源自原震旦博物院的哺乳动物头骨标本可能是目前仍保存在国内有关亚洲地区收藏数量最大的一部分,然而,由于历史久远和中国近代变迁等因素的影响,Heude当时收藏的原始记录资料和标本标签大多遗佚或破损,使这批具有极高学术价值的头骨标本一直在标本馆中沉睡了一百多年。2000年4月中旬至5月中旬,作者将存放在上海和北京的所有兽类头骨标本进行了整理,重新进行标识和编目,经整理,共清理出兽类头骨2139件,根据Heude当时的分类,共查出模式标本188件(其中正模54,副模6,配模79,余模49),用红色圆点在模林标本上进行了标记,并将其名写于其上,尽管Heude标本中模式标本绝大多数为同物异名,这在一定程度上降低了它们的价值,但仍有一部分模式标本是名符其实的,如Bubalus mindorensis和Sus cebifrons等。在本文中,作者按现代分类顺序进行排列,并将保存于上海和北京两地的标本分开排列,以便于查找,同时用现代学术界认可的种名,在每一种名之后,分别列出标本中雌,雄个体,亚成体和性别不明标本的数量,如3.4.7+5表示,标本中有3个雄性成体,4个雌性成体,7个亚成体和5只性别不明个体。在种名的下面,按Heude在标本上标识的种名进行排列,在种名后是作者名和在著作中进行描述的时间,模式标本排列在前,其它标本在后。目录中的地名来自Heude在头骨上的标记,在目录最后列出了所有在目录中出现的地名。Heude在标签和头骨上书写的地名,可能是他根据当地口音或其他方式所确定,多数不是学术上公开使用的有效名称,给现在及将来使用带来诸多不便,因此在研究历史文献的基础上尽可能地附上了这些地名的现代名称。  相似文献   

犀角杆蝉属-新种(同翅目:叶蝉科:杆蝉亚科)张雅林,沈林(西北农业大学昆虫研究所,陕西省杨陵区712100)关键词杆蝉亚科,犀角杆蝉属,分类,新种,中国南部犀角杆蝉属由SPinola建立于1850年,Kramer1965年对本属进行了订正。该属现已知...  相似文献   

拟扁枝衣属Pseudevernia隶属于子囊菌门Ascomycota,茶渍目Lecanorales,梅衣科Parmeliaceae。迄今已知6种,即粉芽拟扁枝衣P.soralifera、细拟扁枝衣P.cladonia、粗拟扁枝衣P.intensa、茶渍拟扁枝衣P.consocians、橄榄陶拟扁枝衣P.olivetorina及拟扁枝衣P.furfuracea。后三种地衣之界定是在形态特征相似但仍有区别的前提下,以其各自所含次生代谢产物之不同与地理分布区之差异为根据的。茶渍拟扁枝衣含有茶渍酸;裂芽发育良好而密度中等;裂片狭窄,为北美所特有。橄榄陶拟扁枝衣含橄榄陶酸;裂芽较稀少;裂片狭长;分布区以北欧为主,延伸至北非及西亚,如巴基斯坦。而拟扁枝衣则含袋衣酸;形态多变;分布区以南欧洲为主,遍布于整个欧洲,向南延伸至北非,向东延伸至亚洲,如蒙古等。本文首次报道了该属地衣在中国的分布。文中除了对拟扁枝衣进行形态、化学及分布类型的描述外,还配有该种的照片以及该属已知种的检索表。  相似文献   

对世界取食、危害竹子的飞虱类昆虫的物种多样性、区系成分和分布特点进行了统计、分析,并对该类昆虫的分布格局及可能的起源与演化路径进行了初步研究。结果表明:截至目前全世界共记录竹子飞虱20属105种,均隶属于飞虱亚科,以凹距飞虱族为优势类群,有18属95种,分别占竹子飞虱属、种数的90%和90.5%,余下的为飞虱族的类群;竹子飞虱主要分布于东洋界(16属96种,占91.4%)和新热带界(6属13种,占12.4%),少数属种可渗透分布至古北界;竹子飞虱的特有属、种极为丰富,特有属13个,占竹子飞虱总属数的65%,特有种89个,比例高达84.8%;竹子飞虱可能起源于新生代第三纪的冈瓦纳古陆,东洋界的中国南部和南亚诸岛是竹子飞虱的现代分布和分化中心,新热带界的厄瓜多尔可能是竹子飞虱的又一现代分布和分化中心。  相似文献   

The primary type material of five species of Odonata, previously in the collection of Roderick Dobson, has been transferred to the Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. It comprises the holotypes of Archaeophya adamsi Fraser and Micromidia rodericki Fraser, and the type series of Gynacantha dobsoni Fraser, Argiolestes calcaris Fraser, and Argiolestes calcaris tenuis Fraser, from which lectotypes are designated.
A neotype is selected for Agriolestes griseus subgriseus Fraser.  相似文献   

本文对鲤科、亚科的属鱼类分类进行全面的整理和研究,除增补和作必要更动外,还描记二新种,间,新种Hemibarbusmediussp.nov.和短鳍,新种Hemibarbusbrevipennussp.nov,重整后本属共计8种。  相似文献   

William  Serle M.B. 《Ibis》1965,107(2):230-246
A collection of over 1, 900 skins made in Southern British Cameroons 1955–1957 is described. The range of many forms is extended.
The field habits of many forms are described and there are observations on the nidification of the following:
Francolinus bicalcaratus ogilvie-granti
Columba arquatrix sjöstedti
Centropus monachus occidentalis
Apus affinis abessynicus
Motacilla clara chapini
Ixonotus g. guttatus
Andropadus I. latirostris
Alseonax adjustus obscurus
Erranornis longicauda teresita
Terpsiphone r. rufocinerea
Turdus libonyanus saturatus
Cossypha c. cyanocampter
Petrochelidon preussi
Cinnyricinclus l. leucogaster
Chalcomitra r. rubescens Cyanomitra oritis bansoensis Gymnoris d. dentata Quelea erythrops Spermestes bicolor poensis
The stomach contents of several hundred specimens are noted and recorded in such general terms as fruit, seeds, or insects.
Taxonomy . The following races are regarded as invalid: Streptopelia vinacea savannae, Gymnobucco calvus major, Bradypterus barratti youngi, Anthreptes fraseri cameroonensis .
The following controversial races are upheld: Tympanistria tympanistria fraseri, Pedilorhynchus comitatus camerunensis .
Megabyas flammulatus is regarded as a species without races.  相似文献   

During the course of the stratigraphical studies of the Taitzeho valleyLiaotung Province,N.E.China in April-September 1950,the members ofthe Taitzeho party were able to make a considerable collection of graptolitesin association with trilobites,brachiopods and ostracods from the CambroOrdovician beds.The graptolites,chiefly the Dendroids,seem to be entirelynew to science.They are derived from four areas along the Tzitze river,namely,the Yentai,Penchi,Hsiaoshih and Tienshihfu areas counting fromwest to east.The first one belongs to the Liaoyang district and theremainder to the Penchi district.The age of the lower Palaeozoic rocks ofthis region has not yet been definitely settled.The present discovery affordstherefore a considerable interest.  相似文献   

作者系统描述了在重庆城口廖子口和宜昌分乡普溪河奥陶系庙坡组Nemagraptusgracilis笔石带中发现的几丁虫化石,共7属9种。由于此前对该层位的几丁虫研究较少,因此本次所发现的几丁虫化石具有重要的生物地层意义。  相似文献   

The marine flora of Panama remains poorly described to date, having been described from a few sporadic and species poor (<50 species) collections in the early half of the century and a couple of dedicated surveys in the latter half. With the exception of a few studies that have focused on particular genera or species, only a single marine floral survey has been published in the past three decades. In 1999 we collected marine algae from nearly 100 different collection sites along both coasts of Panama over a 10 month period of time. Over 1500 specimens have been curated, representing 250 Caribbean species and 117 Pacific species. This is an increase in algal diversity of approximately 100 and 50% for the Caribbean and Pacific flora, respectively, relative to Earle's compilation of 1972. We estimate that algal diversity in Panama may approach 450 species as the remaining 30% of the collection is identified and previous records are incorporated. Aspects of biogeography will be discussed in light of such extraordinary diversity over a relatively confined region.  相似文献   

夜蛾科卵的分类(二)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王素梅  丁传生 《昆虫学报》1995,38(3):355-358
本文记述了14种夜蛾的卵。注明每种产卵日期,形状,尺寸,颜色,精孔区的形态特征,卵孔数目,纵脊与横脊的数目,小室的形状与斑纹,气孔的位置与形状,以及卵的腹面的细微构造[1-6]。  相似文献   

A systematic account is given of the birds of the Santa Elena peninsula in S.W. Ecuador, based on three years observations (1954-7) and a collection of 425 skins. The status of individual species is decribed and the different elements of the avifauna discussed, viz. the Equatorial arid fauna, Nearctic migrants, sea-birds, and other wide-ranging forms and waterfowl. Seasonal movements of species of the Equatorial arid fauna are indicated in greater detail than has been previously known. The effect of a recently constructed reservoir on the bird life is mentioned. More detailed knowledge of the occurrence of species from the cold Humboldt current is provided. Several additions to the Ecuadorian list are given, and some birds recorded which were hitherto unknown or very rarely recorded from the west coast of S. America. Various matters of taxonomy affecting races of birds along the whole west coast of S. America are discussed.  相似文献   

岩芋属Remusatia(Araceae)是一个特征鲜明的属,共含三种,即R. vivipara(Lodd. )Schott,R. hookeriana Schott,R. ornata(Schott)H. Li et Q.F.Guo。Gonatanthus (?) ornatus Schott中的 (?) 这类植物转入Remusatia属,其名应为秀丽岩芋Remusatia ornata(Schott)H. Liet Q. F. Guo. Gonatanthuc ornatus 的模式标本是Hooker f.s.n.采自印度喀西山,现只有Schott绘制的模式图照片;Schlagintweit n.313,亦采自喀西山,是Krause(1920)补充描述本种的重要凭证标本,现只有遗图。R. hookeriana Schott(1857)的模式标本Hooker f.s.n.产锡金,Krause(1920)发表的图和描述的大部分可作为该种的凭证,是一个不同于R. ornata的好种。Rao et Verma(1968)所描述的Gonatanthus ornatus应是Remusatia hookeriana。  相似文献   

本文报道采自中国西南地区贵州省的巨口长足虻属Diostracus Loew,1861三新种:白斑巨口长足虻D.albuginosus sp.nov.,薄叶巨口长足虻D.lamellatus sp.nov.,和双突巨口长足虻D.dicer-aeus sp.nov.。新种的模式标本保存于作者所在单位。  相似文献   

Some studies have found intermediate heritabilities for fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in traits, but almost all of these are flawed and/or based on laboratory experiments. We therefore tested if there was heritable variation for FA in bristle and wing traits in three field collections of Drosophila melanogaster by rearing F1s from field flies under laboratory conditions. One of the collections was reared to the F2 generation in the laboratory to compare heritability estimates from the laboratory with those from the field-laboratory comparison. Trait means indicated an increase in size under laboratory rearing. FAs increased in one collection, decreased in another collection, and showed no changes in the third collection under laboratory rearing. FAs from the collections tended to converge under laboratory conditions. Morphological traits were heritable under field conditions. However, FA was not significantly heritable for any of the individual traits or when FA was determined by combining traits. Comparisons of the two laboratory generations showed that FA heritability was low under laboratory conditions, in contrast to the morphological traits themselves. These findings suggest a very low heritability for FA in field and laboratory Drosophila. FA in bristle and wing traits may therefore be a poor indicator of genetic quality in Drosophila.  相似文献   

黄山药不同物候期薯蓣皂甙元含量变化规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要研究黄山药(Dioscorea panthaica)不同物候期薯蓣皂甙元的消涨规律.分析了各物候期薯蓣皂甙元含量与根茎产量和著蓣皂甙元产量的关系,提出了采挖根茎的最佳时期,对生产有重要指导意义.  相似文献   

Abstract  The Australian Plague Locust Commission (APLC) is responsible for the monitoring and control of locust populations that pose a threat to agriculture in the inland areas of four Australian States, a total area of 2 million km2. A GIS-based decision support system (DSS) is used to co-ordinate the collection, processing, analysis and display of a range of spatial data for the forecasting of locust population development and to assist control operations. The resultant forecasts are used to help locate population aggregations early in a breeding sequence so as to enable effective preventive control. The data collection components of the DSS include wireless direct transfer of locust survey data from the field and daily internet collections of weather data. Locust distribution and age information is collected by APLC officers on regular vehicle surveys using GPS-connected palmtop computers, and sent directly to a GIS server via high frequency (HF) radio modems. Locust reports from landholders and state extension staff are also incorporated into the system. The current survey data are used to estimate broad distributions, and to seed spatially-explicit development models that can identify the timing of life stages that can be effectively managed. Information on the distribution of rainfall, temperature and wind-fields is collected automatically from the internet and integrated with habitat information and locust distributions. Online weather data products from the Bureau of Meterology are also accessed regularly to assist in operational decision making.  相似文献   

河南蜜粉源植物的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蜜粉源资源是人类的宝贵财富。河南地处中原,省内环境既复杂多样,又彼此差异较大,生长了较多的蜜粉源植物。笔者在调查、收集、整理的基础上,初步筛选出蜜粉源植物595种及变种,隶属于98科296属,以刺槐、荆条、枣树、紫去英等植物组成主要蜜源。河南是我国重要商品蜜生产基地。最后对河南蜜究源植物的开发利用与保护提出了建议。  相似文献   

The paintings in the John Bradby Blake collection should be admired for their sophisticated artistry and accurate depiction of botanical features, but they are also significant because they reveal the diversity of plants grown in the gardens of Chinese in Guangzhou (Canton). They therefore provide a precious insight into a relatively neglected topic in Chinese garden history, namely the cultivation of plants in gardens. This paper identifies one of the gardens from which the plants depicted by John Bradby Blake might have come, and looks at how those plants were used and appreciated in their Chinese context.  相似文献   

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