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Structure and expression of mouse apolipoprotein E gene   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The mouse apolipoprotein E gene was isolated from a genomic library by screening with a cDNA probe. DNA including apolipoprotein E gene plus segments 2.5 kilobases upstream and 0.3 kilobase downstream of the coding region was transfected into NIH3T3 cells. The cells expressed the same-size apolipoprotein E mRNA and protein as those produced by mouse endogenously. The nucleotide sequence of the gene plus 5' and 3' flanking regions (one kilobase each) was determined. The sequence of the mouse apoliprotein E gene was highly homologous to that of the rat gene, not only in the coding regions but also in the non-coding and intron regions. The mouse and the human apolipoprotein E genes were homologous in the 5' proximal flanking region up to about 200 nucleotides as well as in the four exons. This proximal region was highly conserved for the genes of mouse, rat and human; the relative positions of the "TATA box" and the two copies of "GC box" were identical.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein (apo) E is a protein involved in both lipid metabolism and neuroprotection. Recently, it has been suggested that apoE may play a role in the regulation of food intake and body weight in rodents. However, rodent plasma apoE is difficult to purify in reasonable amounts due to numerous time-consuming steps. To circumvent this, we created a bacterial expression system for the efficient production of large amounts of rat apoE. We inserted rat apoE DNA into the pET30 expression vector and overexpressed the proteins in Escherichia coli strain BL21 (DE3). A histidine tag present at the N-terminus allowed for easy purification of the recombinant protein. The tag was removed with an IgA protease (Igase) from Neisseria gonorrhoeae leaving the mature form of the protein. The use of Igase was important as several more common proteases routinely cleave apolipoproteins at undesired sites. The recombinant protein was then compared both structurally and functionally to rat plasma apoE. This expression system will be highly useful for probing the ability of rat apoE to mediate food intake in rats.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is synthesized by a wide variety of cells including cells of the monocyte-macrophage lineage. In order to assess the quantitative significance of apoE synthesis in a mature tissue macrophage, apoE synthesis was compared in Kupffer cells and hepatocytes isolated from rat liver. Immunoreactive apoE synthesized by both cell types exhibited identical isoform patterns when examined by high-resolution two-dimensional gel analysis. ApoE synthesis was not detected in hepatic endothelial cells. Northern blot analysis using a rat apoE cDNA probe demonstrated a single mRNA species of approximately 1200 nucleotides in freshly isolated hepatocytes and Kupffer cells. The absolute content of apoE mRNA in each cell type was determined with a DNA-excess solution hybridization assay. The apoE mRNA content (pg/microgram RNA) for Kupffer cells and hepatocytes was 35.7 and 98.8, respectively. Accounting for cellular RNA content and the population size of each cell type in the liver, Kupffer cells were calculated to contain about 0.7% of liver apoE mRNA; hepatocytes account almost quantitatively for the remainder. These results suggest that Kupffer cells are not major contributors to the plasma apoE pool. After intravenous injection of bacterial endotoxin, apoE mRNA was decreased in freshly isolated Kupffer cells whereas whole liver showed no change in apoE mRNA. Endotoxin treatment had no effect on the apoE mRNA content in several peripheral tissues. These results indicate that apoE expression in vivo is differentially regulated by endotoxin in Kupffer cells as compared to hepatocytes or apoE-producing cells in peripheral tissues.  相似文献   

Incubation of rat hepatocytes in primary culture with IL-1beta at a concentration of 2.5 units/ml resulted in an increase (+80%) in the amount of apoE mRNA without any effect upon apoE synthesis. IL-6 at a low concentration (10 units/ml) induced a decrease (-35%) in the amount of apoE mRNA, but increased apoE synthesis (+28%). No effect was observed with higher concentrations of IL-1beta (10 units/ml) or IL-6 (100 units/ml). These results suggest that inflammatory cytokines IL-1beta and IL-6 modulate the expression of apoE gene in cultured rat hepatocytes, at a concentration that does not induce the acute phase response.  相似文献   

The plasma levels of apo B and apo E, and the level of hepatic and intestinal mRNA coding for these apolipoproteins were investigated in weanling male rats pair-fed for 6 wk with a control or copperdeficient diet. Plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids were significantly increased, and plasma apo B and apo E levels were also markedly increased in copper-deficient rats as compared to control rats. Copper deficiency significantly increased triglyceride levels and decreased cholesterol levels in the liver. No major differences in the levels of hepatic and intestinal apo B and apo E mRNA occurred between control and copper-deficient rats. These data imply that hypertriglyceridemia dn hypercholesterolemia owing to the copper deficiency are not accompanied by modifications in the gene expression at the mRNA level in the liver and intestine of the apolipoproteins studied.  相似文献   

Hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis were induced in New Zealand White rabbits by cholesterol feeding. Apolipoprotein E mRNA levels in livers were found to be slightly increased, as determined by Northern blots. Apolipoprotein E gene expression was dramatically induced in rabbit atherosclerotic aortas with respect to healthy aortas. However, apolipoprotein E mRNA levels in atherosclerotic aortas were low as compared with the hepatic mRNA levels of the same animals. Interestingly, we also found a significant increase in apolipoprotein E expression in human atheromata with respect to healthy aorta from the same individual. This is the first report on apo E gene induction in human atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   

Restriction fragments isolated from a 17-kb rat genomic DNA clone containing the gene for apolipoprotein (apo) E were radiolabeled and used to screen a rat liver cDNA library. A cDNA clone hybridizing to a 6-kb genomic DNA fragment was isolated and the nucleotide sequence of the cDNA insert determined. The sequence was homologous to the sequence for human apo C-I and was used to derive the corresponding amino acid sequence. Unlike human apo C-I, mature rat apo C-I contains histidine, lacks valine, and has alanine at the C terminus and aspartate as the N terminus. Screening the rat liver cDNA library with a radiolabeled 1.9-kb restriction fragment from the genomic DNA clone containing the rat apo E gene identified another cDNA clone (ECL cDNA). Nucleotide sequencing yielded a derived 75-amino-acid sequence for the ECL protein with a hydrophobicity profile similar to that of rat apo C-I. Northern analysis demonstrated a 0.50-kb band for ECL mRNA. The tissue-specific expression of the gene is similar to that of rat apo C-I. This study indicates that the rat apo C-I and ECL genes are closely linked, about 4.5 and 12 kb downstream of the apo E gene, respectively.  相似文献   

The levels of plasma apolipoprotein (apo) E, an anti-atherogenic protein involved in mammalian cholesterol transport, were found to be 2-3 fold lower in mice over-expressing human apoA-I gene. ApoE is mainly associated with VLDL and HDL-size particles, but in mice the majority of the apoE is associated with the HDL particles. Over-expression of the human apoA-I in mice increases the levels of human apoA-I-rich HDL particles by displacing mouse apoA-I from HDL. This results in lowering of plasma levels of mouse apoA-I. Since plasma levels of apoE also decreased in the apoA-I transgenic mice, the mechanism of apoE lowering was investigated. Although plasma levels of apoE decreased by 2-3 fold, apoB levels remained unchanged. As expected, the plasma levels of human apoA-I were almost 5-fold higher in the apoAI-Tg mice compared to mouse apoA-I in WT mice. If the over-expression of human apoA-I caused displacement of apoE from the HDL, the levels of hepatic apoE mRNA should remain the same in WT and the apoAI-Tg mice. However, the measurements of apoE mRNA in the liver showed 3-fold decreases of apoE mRNA in apoAI-Tg mice as compared to WT mice, suggesting that the decreased apoE mRNA expression, but not the displacement of the apoE from HDL, resulted in the lowering of plasma apoE in apoAI-Tg mice. As expected, the levels of hepatic apoA-I mRNA (transgene) were 5-fold higher in the apoAI-Tg mice. ApoE synthesis measured in hepatocytes also showed lower synthesis of apoE in the apoAI-Tg mice. These studies suggest that the integration of human apoA-I transgene in mouse genome occurred at a site that affected apoE gene expression. Identification of this locus may provide further understanding of the apoE gene expression.  相似文献   

The control of apoE gene expression by sterols and the relationship between regulation of the apoE and low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor genes were investigated in a human macrophage line. Incubation of THP1 cells in either LDL or acetylated LDL increased apoE mRNA levels 4- to 15-fold. In addition, the cellular abundance of these two mRNA species (apoE and LDL receptor) was inversely regulated by cellular cholesterol content over an identical dose-response relationship. Regulation of the LDL receptor and apoE genes could, however, be temporally dissociated in response to the accumulation or removal of lipoprotein-derived (exogenous) cholesterol and in response to perturbation of endogenous cellular cholesterol biosynthesis. In addition, we observed that the apoE gene responded more promptly to 25-hydroxycholesterol than to exogenous cholesterol. These data support the concept that the apoE gene be considered among the family of genes sensitively regulated by cellular sterol balance but suggest that the molecular mechanism accounting for the modulation of the LDL receptor and apoE genes are distinct, with the relationship between cell sterol balance and apoE gene regulation being more complex.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Hormonal regulation of apolipoprotein E (apoE) gene expression by insulin and thyroid hormone was studied in a human hepatoma cell line, HepG2.
  • 2.2. Changes at the mRNA level, mRNA translation, in vivo synthesis and secretion were monitored.
  • 3.3. Both insulin and triiodothyronine were found to have no significant effect on apoE mRNA levels.
  • 4.4. Insulin treatment caused an inhibition of: (a) the in vitro translation of endogenous apoE mRNA in a HepG2 cell-free system (25%), and (b) the incorporation of radioactivity into newly-synthesized apoE in an in vivo pulse-chase labeling experiment (32%).
  • 5.5. Interestingly, apoE secretion rate was found to be significantly reduced with insulin (84%) suggesting that a major portion of newly-synthesized apoE may be shunted into a degradative pathway.
  • 6.6. Using a similar experimental approach, triiodothyronine showed no significant effect on the rate of apoE synthesis or translation (6–15% decrease), however a slight reduction (20%) in secretion rate was shown.
  • 7.7. Overall, apoE gene expression does not appear to be influenced by triiodothyronine significantly but is modulated by insulin at the translational and post-translational level.

Structure of the human apolipoprotein B gene   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Human apolipoprotein B100 cDNA is 14 kilobases in length and encodes a 4563-amino acid precursor protein. The corresponding human gene has been isolated as a series of overlapping lambda clones and extends over 43 kilobases. The gene comprises 29 exons and 28 introns. The distribution of introns is extremely asymmetrical, most of them appearing in the 5'-terminal one-third of the gene. Although most of the exons fall within the normal size limits for mammalian genes, two are unusually long: 1906 and 7572 base pairs. The latter exon is by far the longest reported for a vertebrate gene.  相似文献   

The gene for human apolipoprotein (apo) C-I was selected from human genomic cosmid and lambda libraries. Restriction endonuclease analysis showed that the gene for apoC-I is located 5.5 kilobases downstream of the gene for apoE. A copy of the apoC-I gene, apoC-I', is located 7.5 kilobases downstream of the apoC-I gene. Both genes contain four exons and three introns; the apoC-I gene is 4653 base pairs long, the apoC-I' gene 4387 base pairs. In each gene, the first intron is located 20 nucleotides upstream from the translation start signal; the second intron, within the codon of Gly-7 of the signal peptide region; and the third intron, within the codon for Arg39 of the mature plasma protein coding region. The upstream apoC-I gene encodes the known apoC-I plasma protein and differs from the downstream apoC-I' gene in about 9% of the exon nucleotide positions. The most important difference between the exons results in a change in the codon for Gln-2 of the signal peptide region, which introduces a translation stop signal in the downstream gene. Major sequence differences are found in the second and third introns of the apoC-I and apoC-I' genes, which contain 9 and 7.5 copies, respectively, of Alu family sequences. The apoC-I gene is expressed primarily in the liver, and it is activated when monocytes differentiate into macrophages. In contrast, no mRNA product of the apoC-I' gene can be detected in any tissue, suggesting that it may be a pseudogene. The similar structures and the proximity of the apoE and apoC-I genes suggest that they are derived from a common ancestor. Furthermore, they may be considered to be constituents of a family of seven apolipoprotein genes (apoE, -C-I, -C-II, -C-III, -A-I, -A-II, and -A-IV) that have a common evolutionary origin.  相似文献   

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