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The reduction of methemerythrin (Hr+) by dithionite produces deoxyhemerythrin (Hro) in multi, possibly three, stages. The kinetics were examined at pH 8·2 and 25 °C. The first stage is reduction of methemerythrin to an intermediate A by SO2- (k = 1.3 × 105m?1s?1). The much slower second and third stages have rates independent of dithionite concentrations. Reaction is completed after about 10 h. The kinetics of reactions of A with N3-, H2O2, and O2 were examined, as well as the conversion of A to intermediate B (k = 4·4 × 10?4s?1). It is concluded that A is an (Fe(II)Fe(III))8 species, and that in B the unit (Fe(II)Fe(II))8 is well developed, judging by its unreactivity towards N3?, its reaction with H2O2, and its reversible uptake of O2 (85–90% of the final product). There is little effect of adjusting the pH to 6·3 on the rates of the processes examined.  相似文献   

D R Meloon  R G Wilkins 《Biochemistry》1976,15(6):1284-1290
The kinetics of anation of methemerythrin over a wide range of pH and concentration of anions have been studied at 25 degrees C. The azide and thiocyanate ions have been most intensively investigated but experiments with fluoride and chloride are also reported. The replacement of anion in methemerythrin-anionic adducts by other anions has also been studied. Except for replacement of met-fluoride by azide, all replacements can be explained by a dissociative mechanism via the aquated species. Anations are second-order and an associative mechanism is preferred. The second-order rate constant decreases with increasing anion concentrations (from 20 muM to 20 mM). This is attributed to the effect of a secondary anion binding site. The behavior of octameric and monomeric forms of the protein toward thiocyanate is identical. A comparison of results with simple Fe(III) complexes and certain metalloproteins is made.  相似文献   

Mical, a redox enzyme, binds the cytoplasmic domain of the semaphorin receptor plexin A and mediates semaphorin-signaled collapse of the actin cytoskeleton. Recent work now shows that Mical's ability to bind actin filaments and destabilize them in a NADPH-dependent manner is responsible for semaphorin 1a's effects.  相似文献   

Reduction of vanadate by a microsomal redox system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The reduction of vanadate catalyzed by rat liver microsomes is demonstrated. This reaction is SOD-insensitive. It is specific for NADH and polyvanadate and is not obtained with metavanadate and NADPH.  相似文献   

L L Pearce  R E Utecht  D M Kurtz 《Biochemistry》1987,26(26):8709-8717
We have examined the effects on redox kinetics of changing the reduction potential of the mu-oxo-bridged binuclear iron center in octameric hemerythrin (Hr) from Phascolopsis gouldii. The opportunity to examine such effects is provided by the availability of mu-sulfidomethemerythrin (mu-S2-metHr), whose [Fe(III),Fe(III)]met----[Fe(II),Fe(III)]semi-met reduction potential is approximately 200 mV higher than that of methemerythrin (metHr). We have used, as redox partners to Hr, a set of metal complexes and the heme proteins deoxymyoglobin (Mb) and cytochrome b5. The latter protein from P. gouldii is a presumed physiological redox partner of Hr. Similar kinetics at pH 8 in the presence or absence of the allosteric effector perchlorate suggest reduction of the iron atom closer to the outer surface of each subunit in the Hr octamer during the met----semi-met transformation. For all reducing agents, the experimentally determined ratio of second-order rate constants for reductions of mu-S2-metHr and metHr, k12(mu-S2-met)/k12(met), is close to the value of 40 predicted by the simple Marcus relation for "outer-sphere" electron transfer. For oxidations of (semi-met)RHr and mu-S2-semi-metHr, the predicted value of 40 for k12[(semi-met)R]/k12(mu-S2-semi-met) is closely approximated when Fe(CN)6(3-) is used as oxidant. The ionic strength dependence of the second-order rate constant suggests electrostatic interactions of opposite charges during reduction of metHr by P. gouldii cytochrome b5.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

J S Zhou  N M Kosti? 《Biochemistry》1992,31(33):7543-7550
A carbodiimide promotes noninvasive cross-linking between amino groups surrounding the exposed heme edge in zinc cytochrome c and carboxylic groups in the acidic patch in plastocyanin. Eight derivatives of the covalent complex Zncyt/pc(I), which have similar structures but different overall charges because of different numbers and locations of N-acylurea groups, are separated by cation-exchange chromatography. Kinetics of electron transfer from the diprotein complex in the triplet excited state, 3Zncyt/pc(I), to free cupriplastocyanin at pH 7.0 and various ionic strengths is studied by laser flash spectroscopy. This reaction is purely bimolecular for all eight N-acylurea derivatives of the diprotein complex. The overall charges of the derivatives 1 and 2 at pH 7.0 are -2 and 0, respectively; both of them, however, have very large dipole moments of 410-480 D. The rate constants for their reactions with cupriplastocyanin, whose charge at pH 7.0 is -8 and whose dipole moment is 362 D, are determined over the range of ionic strengths from 2.5 mM to 3.00 M. The observed dependence of the rate constants on ionic strength cannot be explained in terms of net charges (monopole-monopole interactions) alone, but it can be fitted quantitatively with a theory that recognizes also monopole-dipole and dipole-dipole interactions [van Leeuwen, J. W. (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 743, 408]. At ionic strengths up to ca. 10 mM monopole-monopole interactions predominate and Br?nsted-Debye-Hückel theory applies.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cellular signaling pathways induced by growth-factor receptors are frequently deregulated in cancer. Anti-tumor agents that inhibit their enzymatic tyrosine kinase activity have been designed and are now used in human chemotherapy. We propose here an alternative way to interrupt over-expressed signaling by inhibiting protein-protein interactions that involve either the over-expressed proteins or proteins located downstream. The adaptor protein Grb2 over-expressed in connection with HER2/ErbB2/neu in Ras signaling pathway was chosen as a target. Peptides with very high affinity for Grb2 were rationally designed from structural data. Their capacity to interrupt the signaling pathway, their anti-proliferative activity as well as their potential anti-tumor properties are described.  相似文献   

Reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas viridis were reconstituted into dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dielaidoylphosphatidylcholine (DEPC) liposomes. Freeze-fracture electron micrographs were performed on the samples frozen from temperatures above and below the phase transition temperatures of those lipids (Tc = 23 and 9.5 degrees C, in DMPC and DEPC, respectively). Above Tc, in the fluid conformation of the lipids, the reaction centers are randomly distributed in the vesicle membranes. Below Tc, aggregation of the proteins occurs. The Arrhenius plots of the rate constants of the charge recombination between P+ and QA- display a break at about 24 degrees C in DMPC vesicles and about 10 degrees C in DEPC vesicles (P represents the primary electron donor, a dimer of bacteriochlorophyll, and QA the primary quinone electron acceptor). This is in contrast to what was previously observed for the proteoliposomes of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine and for chromatophores [Baciou, L., Rivas, E., & Sebban, P. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 2966-2976], for which Arrhenius plots were linear. In DMPC and DEPC proteoliposomes, the activation parameters were very different on the two sides of Tc (delta H degrees for T less than Tc = 2.5 times delta H degrees for T greater than Tc), leading however, to the same delta G degrees values. Taking into account the structural and thermodynamic data, we suggest that, in vivo, protein-protein interactions play a role in the thermodynamic parameters associated with the energy stabilization process within the reaction centers.  相似文献   

F1-ATPase from rat liver mitochondria exhibited a change in properties when reduced by dithionite: an increase in activity together with a disappearance of its sensitivity to bicarbonate stimulation was observed. A complete reversion to the original properties was achieved with the oxidizing agent 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol.  相似文献   

Peptide and protein sequence analysis using a combination of gas-phase ion-ion chemistry and tandem MS is described. Samples are converted to multiply charged ions by ESI and then allowed to react with fluoranthene radical anions in a quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer. Electron transfer from the radical anion to the multiply charged peptide or protein promotes random fragmentation along the amide backbone that is independent of peptide or protein size, sequence, or the presence of post-translational modifications. Examples are provided that demonstrate the utility of electron-transfer dissociation for characterizing post-translational modifications and for identifying proteins in mixtures on a chromatographic timescale (500 ms/protein).  相似文献   

The rate and yield of oxidative renaturation of reduced RNase A has been studied as a function of [-S-S-]/[-SH]. The principal conclusion of these studies is that rates and yields of oxidative renaturation are strongly dependent on the low mol. wt disulfide/thiol ratio. The relationships are complex and do not parallel the redox potential of the system. The present results are consistent with earlier findings on other proteins, and lead us to believe that the above conclusion is general. Kinetic studies of oxidative renaturation should recognize and account for the dependence of reaction rate and extent on the disulfide/thiol ratio. This ratio can change substantially over the course of a reaction, either due to stoichiometric transfer of disulfide to protein, and/or adventitious air oxidation of thiols. Failure to account for changes in the disulfide/thiol ratio may compromise the interpretation of such experiments.  相似文献   

Electron-transfer flavoprotein:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (ETF-Q oxidoreductase) catalyses the re-oxidation of reduced electron-transfer flavoprotein (ETF) with ubiquinone-1 (Q-1) as the electron acceptor. A kinetic assay for the enzyme was devised in which glutaryl-CoA in the presence of glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase was used to reduce ETFox. and the reduction of Q-1 was monitored at 275 nm. The partial reactions involved in the overall assay system were examined. Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase catalyses the rapid reduction of ETFox. to the anionic semiquinone (ETF.-), but reduces ETF.- to the fully reduced form (ETFhq) at a rate that is about 6-fold lower. ETF.-, but not ETFhq, is directly re-oxidized by Q-1 at a rate that, depending on the steady-state concentration of ETF.-, may contribute significantly to the overall reaction. ETF-Q oxidoreductase catalyses rapid disproportionation of ETF.- with an equilibrium constant of about 1.0 at pH 7.8. In the presence of Q-1 it also catalyses the re-oxidation of ETFhq at a rate that is faster than that of the overall reaction. Rapid-scan experiments indicated the formation of ETF.-, but its fractional concentration in the early stages of the re-oxidation of ETFhq is low. The data indicate that the re-oxidation of ETFhq proceeds at a rate that is adequate to account for the overall rate of electron transfer from glutaryl-CoA to Q-1. An unusual property of ETF-Q oxidoreductase seems to be that it not only catalyses the re-oxidation of the reduced forms of ETF but also facilitates the complete reduction of ETFox. to ETFhq by disproportionation of the radical.  相似文献   

The complex of sulfide and methemerythrin has been characterized by resonance Raman spectroscopy. At pH 8.0 the complex contains two irons and one S2- at the active site. The resonance Raman spectrum of the sulfidomethemerythrin complex contains only one vibration, at 444 cm-1. This vibration is assigned to an iron-sulfide stretch. The possibility that sulfidomethemerythrin contains a mu-sulfido bridge. FeIII-S2-FeIII, analogous to the proposed mu-oxo bridge in azidomethemerythrin is discussed.  相似文献   

The reduction of single-site haem and copper redox proteins by ascorbic acid was studied as a function of pH. Evidence is presented that indicates that the double-deprotonated ascorbate anion, ascorbate2-, is the reducing agent, and the pH-independent second-order rate constants for reduction by this species are given. Investigation of the temperature dependences of these rate constants have yielded the values of the activation parameters (delta H++ and delta S++) for reduction. These values, together with ligand-replacement studies, suggest that ascorbate2- acts as an outer-sphere reductant for these proteins. Reasons to account for the apparent inability of ascorbic acid to reduce the alkaline conformer of mammalian ferricytochrome c are suggested.  相似文献   

The effects of redox potential and electric charge on the rate of electron-transfer reaction by a two-electron process were investigated. For electron donors, beta-NADH, beta-NADPH and alpha-NADH were used; they have similar structures but different charges and different redox potentials. For electron acceptors, the following 5-ethylphenazine derivatives were used: 1-(3-carboxypropyloxy)-5-ethylphenazine, 1-(3-ethoxycarbonylpropyloxy)-5-ethylphenazine, and 1-[N-(2-aminoethyl)carbamoylpropyloxy]-5-ethylphenazine. They have similar structures and different charges. Using these donors and acceptors, the potential and the charge effects were estimated separately. In the potential effect, a linear free energy relationship was observed for the change in the redox potential of the donor with a Br?nsted slope of about unity. On the other hand, the slope for the change in the potential of the acceptor was about 0.5. These results show that the potential effect due to electron donors is different from that due to electron acceptors. A linear relationship was also observed between activation free energy and electrostatic force (or potential). The redox potential effect and the electrostatic effect are independent and additive. New theory for the mechanism of electron-transfer reactions is needed to explain these results.  相似文献   

Advancement in proteomics research relies on the development of new, innovative tools for identifying and characterizing proteins. Here, we describe a protocol for analyzing peptides and proteins on a chromatographic timescale by coupling nanoflow reverse-phase (RP) liquid chromatography (LC) to electron-transfer dissociation (ETD) mass spectrometry. For this protocol, proteins can be proteolytically digested before ETD analysis, although digestion is not necessary for all applications. Proteins 相似文献   

Redox enzymes in bioelectronic devices usually lack direct electrical contact with electrodes, owing to the spatial separation of their redox centers from the conductive surfaces by the protein shells. The reconstitution of apo-enzymes on cofactor-functionalized nanostructures associated with electrodes provides a means to align the biocatalysts on the conductive surface and to electrically contact redox enzymes with electrodes. The reconstitution of apo-enzymes on cofactor-functionalized gold nanoparticles or carbon nanotubes has led to effective electrical communication between the redox proteins and the electrodes. Alternatively, the reconstitution of redox enzymes on molecular wires that enable electron tunneling or dynamic charge shuttling represent supramolecular biocatalytic nanostructures exhibiting electrical contact. The bioelectrocatalytic activities of the electrically wired reconstituted enzymes on electrodes have allowed the development of amperometric biosensors and biofuel cell elements.  相似文献   

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