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Social insect colonies invest in reproduction and growth, buthow colonies achieve an adaptive allocation to these life-historycharacters remains an open question in social insect biology.Attempts to understand how a colony's investment in reproductionis shaped by the queen and the workers have proved complicatedbecause of the potential for queen–worker conflict overthe colony's investment in males versus females. Honeybees,in which this conflict is expected to be minimal or absent,provide an opportunity to more clearly study how the actionsand interactions of individuals influence the colony's productionand regulation of males (drones). We examined whether honeybeequeens can influence drone regulation by either allowing orpreventing them from laying drone eggs for a period of timeand then examining their subsequent tendency to lay drone andworker eggs. Queens who initially laid drone eggs subsequentlylaid fewer drone eggs than the queens who were initially preventedfrom producing drone eggs. This indicates that a colony's regulationof drones may be achieved not only by the workers, who buildwax cells for drones and feed the larvae, but also by the queen,who can modify her production of drone eggs. In order to betterunderstand how the queen and workers contribute to social insectcolony decisions, future work should attempt to distinguishbetween actions that reflect conflict over sex allocation andthose that reflect cooperation and shared control over the colony'sinvestment in reproduction.  相似文献   

Honeybees (Apis mellifera) have haplodiploid sex determination: males develop from unfertilized eggs and females develop from fertilized ones. The differences in larval food also determine the development of females. Here we compared the total somatic gene expression profiles of 2-day and 4-day-old drone, queen and worker larvae by RNASeq. The results from a co-expression network analysis on all expressed genes showed that 2-day-old drone and worker larvae were closer in gene expression profiles than 2-day-old queen larvae. This indicated that for young larvae (2-day-old) environmental factors such as larval diet have a greater effect on gene expression profiles than ploidy or sex determination. Drones had the most distinct gene expression profiles at the 4-day larval stage, suggesting that haploidy, or sex dramatically affects the gene expression of honeybee larvae. Drone larvae showed fewer differences in gene expression profiles at the 2-day and 4-day time points than the worker and queen larval comparisons (598 against 1190 and 1181), suggesting a different pattern of gene expression regulation during the larval development of haploid males compared to diploid females. This study indicates that early in development the queen caste has the most distinct gene expression profile, perhaps reflecting the very rapid growth and morphological specialization of this caste compared to workers and drones. Later in development the haploid male drones have the most distinct gene expression profile, perhaps reflecting the influence of ploidy or sex determination on gene expression.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies display a remarkable ability to adjust investment in reproduction (i.e., production of sexuals) in accordance with environmental conditions such as season and food availability. How this feat is accomplished by the colony’s queen(s) and workers remains a puzzle. Here, I review what we have learned about this subject in the European honeybee (Apis mellifera), specifically with regard to a colony’s production of males (drones). I identify five environmental conditions that influence colony-level patterns of drone production and then define five stages of drone rearing that are accomplished by the queen and workers. Using this framework, I detail our current understanding of how the queen or workers adjust their actions at each stage of drone rearing in response to each of the environmental conditions. Future investigations of this topic in honeybees and other social insect societies will lead to a better understanding of how colonies manage to flexibly and efficiently allocate their resources under changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Queens of the honey bee, Apis mellifera (L.), exhibit extreme polyandry, mating with up to 45 different males (drones). This increases the genetic diversity of their colonies, and consequently their fitness. After copulation, drones leave a mating sign in the genital opening of the queen which has been shown to promote additional mating of the queen. On one hand, this signing behavior is beneficial for the drone because it increases the genetic diversity of the resulting colony that is to perpetuate his genes. On the other hand, it decreases the proportion of the drone??s personal offspring among colony members which is reducing drone fitness. We analyze the adaptiveness and evolutionary stability of this drone??s behavior with a game-theoretical model. We find that theoretically both the strategy of leaving a mating sign and the strategy of not leaving a mating sign can be evolutionary stable, depending on natural parameters. However, the signing strategy is not favored for most scenarios, including the cases that are biologically plausible in reference to empirical data. We conclude that leaving a sign is not in the interest of the drone unless it serves biological functions other than increasing subsequent queen mating chances. Nevertheless, our analysis can also explain the prevalence of such a behavior of honey bee drones by a very low evolutionary pressure for an invasion of the nonsigning strategy.  相似文献   

Five microsatellite loci were used to determine paternities in six Apis mellifera colonies headed by naturally mated queens. The last inseminating males were identified by collecting and genotyping the mating sign left in the genital tract of each queen. Significant differences in paternity frequencies were observed between males, but the proportion of worker and queen offspring sired by the last inseminating drone did not differ significantly from those of other drones. Each male kept his rank of precedence for the different cohorts, although the variance in subfamily proportions decreased over time, most notably in the colony displaying the lowest level of polyandry. These results suggest that, if sperm competition exists in the honeybee, it does not significantly increase the fitness of the last inseminating drone. The spermatozoa of the different inseminating drones are not totally mixed before they reach the spermatheca, in particular when only few males mate with the queen. The weak difference in the subfamily proportions observed between queen and worker samples confirms that nepotistic interactions are rare. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Hornets (Vespa affinis) flying in a drone congregation area attracted drones of Apis cerana. The drones followed the hornet and were ‘manoeuvred’ towards a leaf or a tree. The hornet then rushed at one of the drones. Many attempts by the hornet to catch a drone were unsuccessful and all drones fled. After failing, the hornet returned to centre of the drone congregation area and repeated the behaviour. Only after successfully seizing of a drone did the hornet leave the drone congregation area carrying its prey. In a two-choice test in the centre of the drone congregation area, free-flying A. cerana drones preferred a hornet model to a live A. cerana queen. V. affinis apparently ‘exploits’ the intraspecific communication between queen and drones of A. cerana. Hunting of drones in the drone congregation area by V. affinis may be an example of predatory mimicry.  相似文献   

Summary In the haemolymph of honeybee drones, concentrations of free amino acids were higher than in worker haemolymph, with different relative proportions of individual amino acids. The overall concentration of free amino acids reached its highest level at the 5th day after adult drone emergence, and after the 9th day only minor changes in the concentration and distribution of free amino acids were observed. This coincides with the age when drones reach sexual maturity and change their feeding behaviour. Levels of essential free amino acids were high during the first 3 days of life and thereafter decreased. Osmolarity was lowest at emergence (334 ± 41 mOsm), increased until the age of 3 days (423 ± 32mOsm) and then stayed generally constant until the 16th day of life. Only 25-day-old drones had significantly higher osmolarity (532 ± 38 mOsm). The overall change in osmolarity during a drone's lifetime was about 40%.  相似文献   

Summary Reciprocal transfer of sealed drone brood between colonies ofApis cerana andApis koschevnikovi was successful and resulted in four colonies (two of each species) with a mixed drone population. Flights ofApis cerana drones occurred between 14.00 and 16.15 regardless whether they were in a conspecific or alien colony.Apis koschevnikovi drones also flew at their species specific time from 16.45 to 18.30. A variance estimation revealed that 99.4% of the total variance depended on the species of the drone. In contrast to theApis drone's general biological dependence upon the colony, crossfostered drones ofApis cerana andApis koschevnikovi showed an unexpected autonomy in chosing their mating flight time.  相似文献   

Summary Free flying drone bees (Apis mellifera carnia () were filmed from the side while chasing the honey bee queen or landing on a hive.Drones use the upper frontal part of the field of view of their eyes while chasing the queen. They fixate with the lower frontal part of the field of view of their eyes during landing. Drones keep a particular distance from the queen while chasing her.The diameter of ommatidial lenses in drones shows a maximum in the region where the queen is fixated.Niedersächsisches Landesinstitut für Bienenforschung und Bienenwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre, Wehrstrasse 4, D-3100 Celle, Federal Republic of GermanyLehrstuhl Entwicklungsphysiologie, Fakultät für Biologie, Universität Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle, D-7400 Tübingen, Federal Republic of GermanyWe thank Walter F. Gelinski for kind cooperation and Professor W. Engels for support.  相似文献   

The honeybee (Apis mellifera) queen mates during nuptial flights, in the so-called drone congregation area where many males from surrounding colonies gather. Using 20 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci, we studied a sample of 142 drones captured in a congregation close to Oberursel (Germany). A parentage test based on lod score showed that this sample contained one group of four brothers, six groups of three brothers, 20 groups of two brothers and 80 singletons. These values are very close to a Poisson distribution. Therefore, colonies were apparently equally represented in the drone congregation, and calculations showed that the congregation comprised males that originated from about 240 different colonies. This figure is surprisingly high. Considering the density of colonies around the congregation area and the average flight range of males, it suggests that most colonies within the recruitment perimeter delegated drones to the congregation with an equal probability, resulting in an almost perfect panmixis. Consequently, the relatedness between a queen and her mates, and hence the inbreeding coefficient of the progeny, should be minimized. The relatedness among the drones mated to the same queen is also very low, maximizing the genetic diversity among the different patrilines of a colony.  相似文献   

  1. It is often necessary to assess the density of honey bee colonies in an environment. In theory, a random sample of males obtained at a mating lek (Drone Congregation Area) can be used to infer the number of queens that contributed sons to the sample, and thereby estimate colony density based on the area from which drones are drawn to a DCA. Because of its utility and efficiency, the technique is being increasingly used. However, the accuracy of the method has never been evaluated, and there are no recommendations for sample size.
  2. Here, we infer the genotypes of 322 mother queens from the genotypes of 2329 drones caught at a single DCA using the program COLONY. We then use this realistic pool of queen genotypes to generate multiple simulated data sets of drone genotypes, varying the number of queens and sons that each queen contributed to the sample.
  3. We find that the technique provides an accurate estimate (<10% error) of the total number of families present in a drone sample, provided that queens contribute at least six drones to the sample on average. This threshold can be reduced when colony density is low. Non‐sampling error only becomes significant when queens contribute fewer than three sons on average across simulated samples.
  4. We conclude that the technique is robust and can be used with confidence provided that the sample size is adequate.

Effects of insemination quantity on honey bee queen physiology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mating has profound effects on the physiology and behavior of female insects, and in honey bee (Apis mellifera) queens, these changes are permanent. Queens mate with multiple males during a brief period in their early adult lives, and shortly thereafter they initiate egg-laying. Furthermore, the pheromone profiles of mated queens differ from those of virgins, and these pheromones regulate many different aspects of worker behavior and colony organization. While it is clear that mating causes dramatic changes in queens, it is unclear if mating number has more subtle effects on queen physiology or queen-worker interactions; indeed, the effect of multiple matings on female insect physiology has not been broadly addressed. Because it is not possible to control the natural mating behavior of queens, we used instrumental insemination and compared queens inseminated with semen from either a single drone (single-drone inseminated, or SDI) or 10 drones (multi-drone inseminated, or MDI). We used observation hives to monitor attraction of workers to SDI or MDI queens in colonies, and cage studies to monitor the attraction of workers to virgin, SDI, and MDI queen mandibular gland extracts (the main source of queen pheromone). The chemical profiles of the mandibular glands of virgin, SDI, and MDI queens were characterized using GC-MS. Finally, we measured brain expression levels in SDI and MDI queens of a gene associated with phototaxis in worker honey bees (Amfor). Here, we demonstrate for the first time that insemination quantity significantly affects mandibular gland chemical profiles, queen-worker interactions, and brain gene expression. Further research will be necessary to elucidate the mechanistic bases for these effects: insemination volume, sperm and seminal protein quantity, and genetic diversity of the sperm may all be important factors contributing to this profound change in honey bee queen physiology, queen behavior, and social interactions in the colony.  相似文献   

Deformed wing virus (DWV) in western honey bees (Apis mellifera) often remains asymptomatic in workers and drones, and symptoms have never been described from queens. However, intense infections linked to parasitism by the mite Varroa destructor can cause worker wing deformity and death within 67 h of emergence. Ten workers (eight with deformed wings and two with normal wings) and three drones (two with deformed wings and one with normal wings) from two colonies infected with V. destructor from Nova Scotia, Canada, and two newly-emerged queens (one with deformed wings and one with normal wings) from two colonies infected with V. destructor from Prince Edward Island, Canada, were genetically analyzed for DWV. We detected DWV in all workers and drones, regardless of wing morphology, but only in the deformed-winged queen. This is the first report of DWV from Atlantic Canada and the first detection of a symptomatic queen with DWV from anywhere.  相似文献   

The giant honeybee Apis dorsata often forms dense colony aggregations which can include up to 200 often closely related nests in the same location, setting the stage for inbred matings. Yet, like in all other Apis species, A. dorsata queens mate in mid‐air on lek like drone congregation areas (DCAs) where large numbers of males gather in flight. We here report how the drone composition of A. dorsata DCAs facilitates outbreeding, taking into the account both spatial (three DCAs) and temporal (subsequent sampling days) dynamics. We compared the drones’ genotypes at ten microsatellite DNA markers with those of the queen genotypes of six drone‐producing colonies located close to the DCAs (Tenom, Sabah, Malaysia). None of 430 sampled drones originated from any of these nearby colonies. Moreover, we estimated that 141 unidentified colonies were contributing to the three DCAs. Most of these colonies were participating multiple times in the different locations and/or during the consecutive days of sampling. The drones sampled in the DCAs could be attributed to six subpopulations. These were all admixed in all DCA samples, increasing the effective population size an order of magnitude and preventing matings between potentially related queens and drones.  相似文献   

The number of spermatozoa, length of testis, length of mucus gland and weights of drones were estimated in caged and free honeybee drones in relation to their ages. For this purpose, three Carniolan colonies were used as sources of drones and two were used as nursery colonies. The drones were held either in cages or freely in the queenless part of the nursery colonies. Measurements were carried out on samples of drones taken at 3-day intervals from 1–3, 4–6, 7–9, 10–12 and 13–15 days old. While the number of spermatozoa in drone testes decreased in both caged and free drones as the drone age increased, it increased gradually in the seminal vesicles. The results also showed that weight of drones and length of testes decreased, but the length of the mucus gland did not significantly differ with age. Further, the drones' weight, length of mucus gland and total number of spermatozoa tend to be slightly larger in the caged than in free drones. The total number of spermatozoa in all parts of the reproductive organs was lower in the older than younger drones; thus, the number of spermatozoa in the newly emerged drones does not help to predict the real number reaching the queen during mating.  相似文献   

G J Hunt  E Guzmán-Novoa  M K Fondrk  R E Page  Jr 《Genetics》1998,148(3):1203-1213
A study was conducted to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that affect colony-level stinging behavior and individual body size of honey bees. An F1 queen was produced from a cross between a queen of European origin and a drone descended from an African subspecies. Haploid drones from the hybrid queen were individually backcrossed to sister European queens to produce 172 colonies with backcross workers that were evaluated for tendency to sting. Random amplified polymorphic DNA markers were scored from the haploid drone fathers of these colonies. Wings of workers and drones were used as a measure of body size because Africanized bees in the Americas are smaller than European bees. Standard interval mapping and multiple QTL models were used to analyze data. One possible QTL was identified with a significant effect on tendency to sting (LOD 3.57). Four other suggestive QTLs were also observed (about LOD 1.5). Possible QTLs also were identified that affect body size and were unlinked to defensive-behavior QTLs. Two of these were significant (LOD 3.54 and 5.15).  相似文献   

A colony-level phenotype was used to map the major sex determination locus (designatedX) in the honey bee (Apis mellifera). Individual queen bees (reproductive females) were mated to single drones (fertile males) by instrumental insemination. Haploid drone progeny of an F1 queen were each backcrossed to daughter queens from one of the parental lines. Ninety-eight of the resulting colonies containing backcross progeny were evaluated for the trait ‘low brood-viability’ resulting from the production of diploid drones that were homozygous atX. DNA samples from the haploid drone fathers of these colonies were used individually in polymerase chain reactions (PCR) with 10-base primers. These reactions generated random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers that were analyzed for cosegregation with the colony-level phenotype. One RAPD marker allele was shared by 22 of 25 drones that fathered low brood-viability colonies. The RAPD marker fragment was cloned and partially sequenced. Two primers were designed that define a sequence-tagged site (STS) for this locus. The primers amplified DNA marker fragments that cosegregated with the original RAPD marker. In order to more precisely estimate the linkage betweenX and the STS locus, another group of bees consisting of progeny from one of the low-brood viability colonies was used in segregation analysis. Four diploid drones and 181 of their diploid sisters (workers, nonfertile females) were tested for segregation of the RAPD and STS markers. The cosegregating RAPD and STS markers were codominant due to the occurrence of fragment-length alleles. The four diploid drones were homozygous for these markers but only three of the 181 workers were homozygotes (recombinants). Therefore the distance betweenX and the STS locus was estimated at 1.6 cM. An additional linked marker was found that was 6.6 cM from the STS locus.  相似文献   

Colony reproduction in honey bees involves complex interactions between sterile workers and reproductive castes. Although worker–queen interactions have been studied in detail, worker–drone interactions are less well understood. We investigated caste interactions in honey bees by determining the age and behavior of workers that perform vibration signals, trophallaxis, and grooming with drones. Workers of all ages could engage in the different interactions monitored, although workers that performed vibration signals on drones were significantly older than those engaging in trophallaxis and grooming. Only 3–8% of workers engaged in the different behaviors were monitored. Compared with workers that performed vibration signals only on workers (‘worker vibrators’), those that performed signals on both workers and drones (‘drone vibrators’) had greater movement rates inside the nest, higher vibration signaling rates, and were more likely to have an immediate association with foraging. Both worker vibrators and drone vibrators contacted drones of all ages as they moved through the nest. However, drone vibrators contacted drones at higher rates, contacted slightly, but significantly younger drones, and were more likely to engage in trophallaxis and grooming with drones, in addition to vibrating them. Taken together, our results suggest that tiny proportions of workers belonging to separate, but overlapping age groups provide most of the care received by adult drones, and that drone vibrators comprise a subset of signalers within a colony that have an increased tendency to contact and interact with drones. Vibratory, tactile signals are involved in colony reproductive and movement decisions in a number of species of bees, wasps and ants, and may provide valuable tools for investigating caste interactions in many insect societies.  相似文献   

Normally, worker honey bees (Apis mellifera) only lay eggs when their colony is queenless. When a queen is present, worker egg-laying is controlled by mutual “policing” behavior in which any rare worker-laid eggs are eaten by other workers. However, an extremely rare behavioral phenotype arises in which workers develop functional ovaries and lay large numbers of eggs despite the presence of the queen. In this study, microsatellite analysis was used to determine the maternity of drones produced in such a colony under various conditions. One subfamily was found to account for about 90% of drone progeny, with the remainder being laid by other subfamilies or the queen. No evidence of queen policing was found. After a one-month period of extreme worker oviposition in spring, the colony studied reverted to normal behavior and showed no signs of worker oviposition. However, upon removal of the queen, workers commenced oviposition very quickly. Significantly, the subfamily that laid eggs when the queen was present did not contribute to the drone production when the colony was queenless. However, another subfamily contributed a disproportionately large number of drones. The frequency of worker oviposition appears to be determined by opposing selective forces. Individual bees benefit from personal reproduction, whereas other bees and the colony are disadvantaged by it. Thus a behavioral polymorphism can be maintained in the population in which some workers can escape worker policing, with balancing selection at the colony level to detect and eliminate these mutations.  相似文献   

Estimating the population size of social bee colonies in the wild is often difficult because nests are highly cryptic. Because of the honeybee (Apis mellifera) mating behaviour, which is characterized by multiple mating of queens at drone congregation areas (DCA), it is possible to use genotypes of drones caught at these areas to infer the number of colonies in a given region. However, DCAs are difficult to locate and we assess the effectiveness of an alternative sampling technique to determine colony density based on inferring male genotypes from queen offspring. We compare these methods in the same population of wild honeybees, Apis mellifera scutellata. A set of linked microsatellite loci is used to decrease the frequency of recombination among marker loci and therefore increase the precision of the estimates. Estimates of population size obtained through sampling of queen offspring is significantly larger than that obtained by sampling drones at DCAs. This difference may be due to the more extensive flying range of queens compared with drones on mating flights. We estimate that the population size sampled through queen offspring is about double that sampled through drones.  相似文献   

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