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Cytoplasmic processing bodies are sites where nontranslating mRNAs accumulate for different fates, including decapping and degradation, storage, or returning to translation. Previous work has also shown that the Lsm1-7p complex, Dhh1p, and Pat1p, which are all components of P bodies, are required for translation and subsequent recruitment to replication of the plant virus brome mosaic virus (BMV) genomic RNAs when replication is reproduced in yeast cells. To better understand the role of P bodies in BMV replication, we examined the subcellular locations of BMV RNAs in yeast cells. We observed that BMV genomic RNA2 and RNA3 accumulated in P bodies in a manner dependent on cis-acting RNA replication signals, which also directed nonviral RNAs to P bodies. Furthermore, the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase coimmunoprecipitates and shows partial colocalization with the P-body component Lsm1p. These observations suggest that the accumulation of BMV RNAs in P bodies may be an important step in RNA replication complex assembly for BMV, and possibly for other positive-strand RNA viruses.  相似文献   

Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) RNA was used to study electroporation conditions suitable for protoplasts from rice suspension cultures. Rice protoplasts required a stronger and shorter electric pulse than tobacco protoplasts for introduction of viral RNA. Under optimized conditions, CMV infection was established in 65 % of electroporated protoplasts. In contrast, electroporation with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA did not result in infection of rice protoplasts. However, when TMV RNA was electroporated into rice protoplasts together with CMV RNA, TMV production was demonstrated in 15 % of protoplasts. Differential staining with fluorescent antibodies against the two viruses showed that the protoplasts producing TMV were without exception also infected by CMV. The results show that CMV replicates in rice protoplasts by itself, whereas TMV does so only with the aid of CMV.Abbreviations CMV cucumber mosaiv virus - PBS phosphate buffered saline - TMV tobacco mosaic virus.  相似文献   

A 3′-terminal fragment, about 160 nucleotides long, was cleaved by limited nuclease digestion from each of the four RNA components of brome mosaic virus, and purified by two cycles of gel electrophoresis. These fragments accepted tyrosine in reactions catalyzed by wheat germ aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. Analyses of nuclease digests suggested that the sequences of the fragments from brome mosaic virus RNA 3 and 4 were identical and that the fragments from RNA 1 and 2 differed from that of RNA 4 only in the positions of two and one nucleotides, respectively. A fragment isolated in a similar way from cowpea chlorotic mottle virus was similar in size to the brome mosaic virus RNA fragments, accepted tyrosine in the presence of wheat germ aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase, but had a substantially different nucleotide sequence.  相似文献   

During our studies on the interaction of anthocyanins and plant virus diseases, reproduction of sugar beet mosaic (SBMV) and tobacco mosaic viruses (TMV) was investigated. Experiments were carried out in leaves of sugar beet,Beta vulgaris cv. Dobrovicka N and its spontaneous anthocyanized mutant. SBMV induces a systemic infection while TMV is responsible for primary local symptoms in sugar beet leaves only. Our quantitative analyses onAmaranthus caudatus L. andChenopodium quinoa Wilid. showed a significant decrease in concentration of SBMV in juice extracted from anthocyanized beet plants as compared with extracts from normal green infected plants. Significant differences were also obtained when SBMV — containing juice was tested in mixtures with healthy extracts from anthocyanized and normal green plants. Also the intensity of TMV symptoms in beet leaves was considerably decreased in leaves of antho-eyanized plants.  相似文献   

F C Lahser  L E Marsh    T C Hall 《Journal of virology》1993,67(6):3295-3303
Sequences upstream of the 3'-terminal tRNA-like structure of brome mosaic virus RNAs have been predicted to fold into several stem-loop and pseudoknot structures. To elucidate the functional role of this upstream region, a series of deletions was made in cDNA clones of RNA-3, a genomic component not required for replication. These deletion mutants were transcribed in vitro and cotransfected with RNA-1 and RNA-2 into barley protoplasts. Deletion of single stem-loop structures gave progeny retaining near-wild-type accumulation levels. Constructions representing deletion of two or three stem-loops substantially lowered the accumulation of progeny RNA-3 relative to wild-type levels. RNA-3 mutants bearing deletions of longer sequences or of the entire region (delta PsKs RNA-3) replicated poorly, yielding no detectable RNA-3 or RNA-4 progeny. Levels of RNA-1 and RNA-2, in the presence of a mutant RNA-3, were found to increase relative to the accumulation observed in a complete wild-type transfection. The stability of delta PsKs RNA-3 in protoplasts was somewhat lower than that of wild-type RNA during the first 3 h postinoculation. Little difference in translatability in vitro of wild-type and RNA-3 constructs bearing deletions within the stem-loop region was observed, and Western immunoblot analysis of viral coat protein produced in transfected protoplasts showed that protein accumulation paralleled the amount of RNA-4 message produced from the various sequences evaluated. These results indicate that the RNA-3 pseudoknot region plays a minor role in translational control but contributes substantially to the overall replication of the brome mosaic virus genome.  相似文献   

The swelling of brome mosaic virus induced by pH and temperature has been investigated with intensity fluctuation spectroscopy. A special light-scattering cell was designed which permits titrations within the cell in which Stokes radii, pH and temperature are measured simultaneously. Freshly prepared viruses in the presence of EDTA at 20 °C show a partially irreversible swelling in a first titration cycle (pH 5.8 to 7.2 to 5.8): the viruses do not recontract completely to the original compact form. All further titration cycles lead to a closed hysteresis with respect to the Stokes radii. These are stable in the swelling branch (obtained when adding base) of the titration cycle, but metastable in the contraction branch (i.e. when adding acid). In the latter, the Stokes radii relax to the values observed in the swelling branch within a few hours. If MgCl2 is present, fresh viruses have slightly bigger radii than with EDTA, and the initial titration cycle is closed. It exhibits a similarly pronounced hysteresis with a metastable contraction branch as in the abscence of divalent cations. However, further titrations do not exhibit significant hysteresis. An irreversible swelling of the viruses can be induced in the absence of Mg2+ by raising the temperature from 5 ° to 35 °C at a constant pH value. In the presence of MgCl2, Stokes radii are not affected by temperature.  相似文献   

Biological activities of cecropin B-thanatin hybrid peptides.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ten kinds of hybrid peptides containing the N-terminal residues of cecropin B (CB) and C-terminal of thanatin (TH) were constructed and expressed as gluthathion S-transferase (GST)-fusion proteins. Variants were screened for the better biological activity, which was paralleled with the degree of growth inhibition of the transformant cells. The hybrid CB-TH g was selected as the best one among those hybrids by in vivo monitoring method and was chemical synthesized for in vitro antimicrobial activity analysis. The hybrid peptide showed rescued activity against several test strains when compared with the truncated isoforms of TH, suggesting that the peptides with different structure and mechanism could be used as templates for hybrid peptides design.  相似文献   

Each of the two largest brome mosaic virus RNAs, RNA1 and RNA2, directs the synthesis of a large protein in cell-free extracts derived from wheat embryo. The size of each protein represents the translation of almost the entire length of the corresponding RNA. It was shown previously that brome mosaic virus RNA4 directs the synthesis of the coat protein and that brome mosaic virus RNA3, although it also contains the coat protein cistron, is translated mostly into a single product unrelated to the coat protein (Shih & Kaesberg, 1973). Thus, the brome mosaic virus genome encodes a total of four proteins.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of the subgenomic coat protein messengers (RNA4's) of two related bromoviruses, brome mosaic virus (BMV) and cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV), have been determined by direct RNA and CDNA sequencing without cloning. BMV RNA4 is 876 b long including a 5' noncoding region of nine nucleotides and a 3' noncoding region of 300 nucleotides. CCMV RNA 4 is 824 b long, including a 5' noncoding region of 10 nucleotides and a 3' noncoding region of 244 nucleotides. The encoded coat proteins are similar in length (188 amino acids for BMV and 189 amino acids for CCMV) and display about 70% homology in their amino acid sequences. Length difference between the two RNAs is due mostly to a single deletion, in CCMV with respect to BMV, of about 57 b immediately following the coding region. Allowing for this deletion the RNAs are indicate that mutations leading to divergence were constrained in the coding region primarily by the requirement of maintaining a favorable coat protein structure and in the 3' noncoding region primarily by the requirement of maintaining a favorable RNA spatial configuration.  相似文献   

Investigating weeds for viruses in ruderal localities of Greater Prague two forms of mosaic diseases inSisymbrium loeselii Jusl. were demonstrated (green and yellowish-green mosaic). Transmission tests carried out on differential host plants showed that the green mosaic is caused by cabbage black ringspot virus (CBRV) and the yellowish green by mixed infection of CBRV and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). TMV—isolate is characterized as an unusual necrotic strain; its capability to reproduce in cruciferous plant in nature is unique. It was ascertained that green mosaic was commonly spread overSisymbrium plants in ruderal ***DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01GP029 00004 associations on Prague territory; epidemiological significance of this discovery is discussed.  相似文献   

Optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) spectra in 250 to 350 nm region were measured for preparations of five TMV-like viruses (TMV vulgare, HR and U2 strains of TMV dolihosenation mosaic virus and cucumber virus 4) and also for RNA and protein preparations of these viruses. The data obtained testify against the possibility that the double peak with maxima at 286 and 293 nm observed in ORD of all the five viruses is due to interaction of tryptophan residues in virus coat protein with the RNA of the virul particle. The spectra of intravirus RNA of the five viruses, calculated as the difference between ORD of the intact virus and of its coat protein, were found to differ significantly from each other and from ORD of free RNA. ORD spectra of hybrid viruses, reconstituted from RNA of one virus and coat protein of another, proved to be identical to the ORD of the virus, whose protein was used in reconstitution. We suppose that the difference in ORD of the intravirus RNA of the five viruses reflect differences of RNA-protein interactions in them.  相似文献   

The four encapsidated RNAs of brome mosaic virus (BMV; B1, B2, B3, and B4) contain a highly conserved 3' 200-nucleotide (nt) region encompassing the tRNA-like structure (TLS) which is required for packaging in vitro (Y. G. Choi, T. W. Dreher, and A. L. N. Rao, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99:655-660, 2002). To validate these observations in vivo, we performed packaging assays using Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression of RNAs and coat protein (CP) (P. Annamalai and A. L. N. Rao, Virology 338:96-111, 2005). Coexpression of TLS-less constructs of B1 or B2 or B3 and CP mRNAs in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves resulted in packaging of TLS-less B1 and B2 but not B3, suggesting that packaging of B3 requires the TLS in cis. This conjecture was confirmed by the efficient packaging of a B3 chimera in which the viral TLS was replaced with a cellular tRNA(Tyr). When N. benthamiana leaves were infiltrated with a mixture of transformants containing wild-type B1 (wtB1) plus wtB2 plus a TLS-less B3 (wtB1+wtB2+TLS-lessB3), the 3' end of progeny B3 was restored by heterologous recombination with that of either B1 or B2. This intrinsic cis-requirement of TLS in promoting B3 packaging was further confirmed when a mixture containing agrotransformants of TLS-less B1+B2+B3 was supplemented with either wtB4 or a 3' 200-nt or 3' 336-nt untranslated region (UTR) of B3. Northern blot analysis followed by sequencing of B3 progeny revealed that replication of TLS-less B3, but not TLS-less B1 or B2, was fully restored due to recombination with TLS from transiently expressed wtB4 or the B3 3' UTR. Collectively, these observations suggested that the requirement of a cis-acting TLS is distinct for B3 compared with B1 or B2.  相似文献   

The rRNA depurination activities of five ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) were compared in vitro using yeast and tobacco leaf ribosomes as substrates. All of the RIPs (pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP), dianthin 32, tritin, barley RIP and ricin A-chain) were active on yeast ribosomes. PAP and dianthin 32 were highly active and ricin A-chain weakly active on tobacco ribosomes, whereas tritin and barley RIP were inactive. PAP and dianthin 32 were highly effective in inhibiting the formation of local lesions caused by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) on tobacco leaves, whereas tritin, barley RIP and ricin A-chain were ineffective. The apparent anomaly between the in vitro rRNA depurination activity, but lack of antiviral activity of ricin A-chain was further investigated by assaying for rRNA depurination in situ following the topical application of the RIP to leaves. No activity was detected, a finding consistent with the apparent lack of antiviral activity of this RIP. Thus, it is concluded that there is a positive correlation between RIP-catalysed depurination of tobacco ribosomes and antiviral activity which gives strong support to the hypothesis that the antiviral activity of RIPs works through ribosome inactivation.  相似文献   

Ahola T  Ahlquist P 《Journal of virology》1999,73(12):10061-10069
Brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA replication is directed by two virus-encoded proteins, 1a and 2a. The amino-terminal half of 1a is a distant homolog of alphavirus nonstructural protein nsP1, which has been implicated in capping viral RNAs. In this study, we examined the enzymatic activities of BMV 1a expressed in yeast, where the protein is fully functional in RNA replication. 1a methylated GTP, dGTP, and the cap analogs GpppG and GpppA, using S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) as the methyl donor. Product analysis by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy showed that 1a methylation was specific for guanine position 7. Additionally, 1a interacted with GTP to form a covalent 1a-m(7)GMP complex. This reaction was specific for GTP, required AdoMet, and was accompanied by transfer of (3)H-methyl from AdoMet to the covalent 1a-guanylate complex. The covalent complex could be immunoprecipitated by 1a antibodies. The 1a-m(7)GMP complex was inhibited in catalyzing further methyltransferase reactions. Mutation of conserved amino acids in the N-terminal half of 1a reduced both methyltransferase and covalent complex formation activities to very low or undetectable levels. Covalent 1a-guanylate complex formation took place in similar, AdoMet-dependent fashion in extracts of BMV-infected barley protoplasts. These results show that BMV 1a has activities similar to those of alphavirus nsP1, demonstrating conservation of these putative capping functions across a wide span of sequence divergence within the alphavirus-like superfamily. Conservation of this unusual combination of functions also supports the inference that the superfamily caps viral RNAs by an unusual pathway proceeding via a m(7)GMP intermediate.  相似文献   

Tomato aucuba mosaic virus, tobacco mosaic virus and potato virus X took 3'5-4, 5 and 3 days respectively to move from inoculated tomato leaflets into the petioles and stems
On reaching the stem each virus usually first moved downward, but in some plants both upward and downward movement occurred simultaneously and in a few
upward movement occurred first.
All three viruses travelled through the stem at approximately the same rate. Each was capable of travelling more than 80 cm. during the first 12 hr. after entering the stem, giving a minimal average rate of about 8 cm. per hr.
Uninfected pieces of stem invariably occurred between infected pieces. Maximum lengths of stem through which virus particles had apparently passed without causing infection, were 44.5, 49 and 39 cm. for the three viruses.  相似文献   

Bovine serum albumin (BSA) causes tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) to crystallize at pH values where both have negative charges. The amount of albumin required to precipitate the virus varies inversely with ionic strength of added electrolyte. At pH values above 5, the precipitating power is greatest when BSA has the maximum total, positive plus negative, charge. Unlike early stages of the crystallization of TMV in ammonium sulfate-phosphate solutions, which can be reversed by lowering the temperature, the precipitation of TMV by BSA is not readily reversed by changes in temperature. The logarithm of the apparent solubility of TMV in BSA solutions, at constant ionic strength of added electrolyte, decreases linearly with increasing BSA concentration. This result and the correlation of precipitating power with total BSA charge suggest that BSA acts in the manner of a salting-out agent. The effect of BSA on the reversible entropy-driven polymerization of TMV protein (TMVP) depends on BSA concentration, pH, and ionic strength. In general, BSA promotes TMVP polymerization, and this effect increases with increasing BSA concentrations. The effect is larger at pH 6.5 than at pH 6. Even though increasing ionic strength promotes polymerization of TMVP in absence of BSA, the effect of increasing ionic strength from 0.08 to 0.18 at pH 6.5 decreases the polymerization-promoting effect of BSA. Likewise, the presence of BSA decreases the polymerization-promoting effect of ionic strength. The polymerization-promoting effect of BSA can be interpreted in terms of a process akin to salting-out. The mutual suppression of the polymerization-promoting effects of BSA and of electrolytes by each other can be partially explained in terms of salting-in of BSA.  相似文献   

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