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Peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)/ONOOH), the product of the diffusion-limited reaction of nitric oxide (*NO) with superoxide (O(-*)(2)), has been implicated as an important mediator of tissue injury during conditions associated with enhanced *NO and O(-*)(2) production. Although several groups of investigators have demonstrated substantial oxidizing and cytotoxic activities of chemically synthesized peroxynitrite, others have proposed that the relative rates of *NO and production may be critical in determining the reactivity of peroxynitrite formed in situ (Miles, A. M., Bohle, D. S., Glassbrenner, P. A., Hansert, B., Wink, D. A., and Grisham, M. B. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 40-47). In the present study, we examined the mechanisms by which excess O(-*)(2) or *NO production inhibits peroxynitrite-mediated oxidation reactions. Peroxynitrite was generated in situ by the co-addition of a chemical source of *NO, spermineNONOate, and an enzymatic source of O(-*)(2), xanthine oxidase, with either hypoxanthine or lumazine as a substrate. We found that the oxidation of the model compound dihydrorhodamine by peroxynitrite occurred via the free radical intermediates OH and NO(2), formed during the spontaneous decomposition of peroxynitrite and not via direct reaction with peroxynitrite. The inhibitory effect of excess O(-*)(2) on the oxidation of dihydrorhodamine could not be ascribed to the accumulation of the peroxynitrite scavenger urate produced from the oxidation of hypoxanthine by xanthine oxidase. A biphasic oxidation profile was also observed upon oxidation of NADH by the simultaneous generation of *NO and O(-*)(2). Conversely, the oxidation of glutathione, which occurs via direct reaction with peroxynitrite, was not affected by excess production of *NO. We conclude that the oxidative processes initiated by the free radical intermediates formed from the decomposition of peroxynitrite are inhibited by excess production of *NO or O(-*)(2), whereas oxidative pathways involving a direct reaction with peroxynitrite are not altered. The physiological implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)) is a potent nitrating and oxidizing agent that is formed by a rapid reaction of nitric oxide (NO) with superoxide anion (O(2)). It appears to be involved in the pathophysiology of many inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. It has recently been reported (Pfeiffer, S., and Mayer, B. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 27280-27285) that ONOO(-) generated at neutral pH from NO and O(2) (NO/O(2)) was substantially less efficient than preformed ONOO(-) at nitrating tyrosine. Here we re-evaluated tyrosine nitration by NO/O(2) with a shorter incubation period and a more sensitive electrochemical detection system. Appreciable amounts of nitrotyrosine were produced by ONOO(-) formed in situ (2.9 micrometer for 5 min; 10 nm/s) by NO/O(2) flux obtained from propylamine NONOate (CH(3)N[N(O)NO](-) (CH(2))(3)NH(2)(+)CH(3)) and xanthine oxidase using pterin as a substrate in phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) containing 0.1 mm l-tyrosine. The yield of nitrotyrosine by this NO/O(2) flux was approximately 70% of that produced by the same flux of preformed ONOO(-) (2.9 micrometer/5 min). When hypoxanthine was used as a substrate, tyrosine nitration by NO/O(2) was largely eliminated because of the inhibitory effect of uric acid produced during the oxidation of hypoxanthine. Tyrosine nitration caused by NO/O(2) was inhibited by the ONOO(-) scavenger ebselen and was enhanced 2-fold by NaHCO(3), as would be expected, because CO(2) promotes tyrosine nitration. The profile of nitrotyrosine and dityrosine formation produced by NO/O(2) flux (2.9 micrometer/5 min) was consistent with that produced by preformed ONOO(-). Tyrosine nitration predominated compared with dityrosine formation caused by a low nanomolar flux of ONOO(-) at physiological concentrations of free tyrosine (<0.5 mm). In conclusion, our results show that NO generated with O(2) nitrates tyrosine with a reactivity and efficacy similar to those of chemically synthesized ONOO(-), indicating that ONOO(-) can be a significant source of tyrosine nitration in physiological and pathological events in vivo.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of reactive nitrogen species (RNS) such as peroxynitrite have been implicated in over 50 diverse human diseases as measured by the formation of the RNS biomarker 3-nitrotyrosine. Recently, an additional RNS was postulated to contribute to 3-nitrotyrosine formation in vivo; nitryl chloride formed from the reaction of nitrite and neutrophil myeloperoxidase-derived hypochlorous acid (HOCl). Whether nitryl chloride nitrates intracellular protein is unknown. Therefore, we exposed intact human HepG2 and SW1353 cells or cell lysates to HOCl and nitrite and examined each for 3-nitrotyrosine formation by: 1) Western blotting, 2) using a commercial 3-nitrotyrosine enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit, 3) flow cytometric analysis, and 4) confocal microscopic analysis. With each approach, no significant 3-nitrotyrosine formation was observed in either whole cells or cell lysates. However, substantial 3-nitrotyrosine was observed when peroxynitrite (100 microm) was added to cells or cell lysates. These data suggest that nitryl chloride formed from the reaction of nitrite with HOCl does not contribute to the elevated levels of 3-nitrotyrosine observed in human diseases.  相似文献   

Activation of the NADPH oxidase-derived oxidant burst of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) is of critical importance in inflammatory disease. PMN-derived superoxide (O(2)) can be scavenged by nitric oxide (NO( small middle dot)) with the formation of peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)); however, questions remain regarding the effects and mechanisms by which NO( small middle dot) and ONOO(-) modulate the PMN oxidative burst. Therefore, we directly measured the dose-dependent effects of NO( small middle dot) and ONOO(-) on O(2) generation from human PMNs stimulated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate using EPR spin trapping. Pretreatment with low physiological (microm) concentrations of NO( small middle dot) from NO( small middle dot) gas had no effect on PMN O(2) generation, whereas high levels (> or =50 microm) exerted inhibition. With ONOO(-) pretreatment, however, a biphasic modulation of O(2) generation was seen with stimulation by microm levels, but inhibition at higher levels. With the NO( small middle dot) donor NOR-1, which provides more sustained release of NO( small middle dot) persisting at the time of O(2) generation, a similar biphasic modulation of O(2) generation was seen, and this was inhibited by ONOO(-) scavengers. The enhancement of O(2) generation by low concentrations of ONOO(-) or NOR-1 was associated with activation of the ERK MAPKs and was blocked by their inhibition. Thus, low physiological levels of NO( small middle dot) present following PMN activation are converted to ONOO(-), which enhances O(2) generation through activation of the ERK MAPK pathway, whereas higher levels of NO( small middle dot) or ONOO(-) feed back and inhibit O(2) generation. This biphasic concentration-dependent regulation of the PMN oxidant burst by NO( small middle dot)-derived ONOO(-) may be of critical importance in regulating the process of inflammation.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase and Fe3+EDTA catalyzed the nitration by peroxynitrite (ONOO-) of a wide range of phenolics including tyrosine in proteins. Nitration was not mediated by a free radical mechanism because hydroxyl radical scavengers did not reduce either superoxide dismutase or Fe3+EDTA-catalyzed nitration and nitrogen dioxide was not a significant product from either catalyst. Rather, metal ions appear to catalyze the heterolytic cleavage of peroxynitrite to form a nitronium-like species (NO2+). The calculated energy for separating peroxynitrous acid into hydroxide ion and nitronium ion is 13 kcal.mol-1 at pH 7.0. Fe3+EDTA catalyzed nitration with an activation energy of 12 kcal.mol-1 at a rate of 5700 M-1.s-1 at 37 degrees C and pH 7.5. The reaction rate of peroxynitrite with bovine Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase was 10(5) M-1.s-1 at low superoxide dismutase concentrations, but the rate of nitration became independent of superoxide dismutase concentration above 10 microM with only 9% of added peroxynitrite yielding nitrophenol. We propose that peroxynitrite anion is more stable in the cis conformation, whereas only a higher energy species in the trans conformation can fit in the active site of Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase. At high superoxide dismutase concentrations, phenolic nitration may be limited by the rate of isomerization from the cis to trans conformations of peroxynitrite as well as by competing pathways for peroxynitrite decomposition. In contrast, Fe3+EDTA appears to react directly with the cis anion, resulting in greater nitration yields.  相似文献   

Peroxynitrite, which is formed in biological systems by the reaction of nitric oxide with superoxide anion, is a highly reactive molecule that can lead to cell injury or cell death. Reactions of peroxynitrite under physiological conditions include nitration of tyrosine-containing proteins or peptides, and we have been investigating the behavior of human serum albumin following exposure to peroxynitrite. Peroxynitrite, at relative concentrations ranging from 0.2 to 50 with respect to protein, was added to human serum albumin in buffer at pH 7.2. The resulting mixtures were dialyzed to remove small molecules, dried under vacuum, and then digested with trypsin. The digests were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection at 230 and 354 nm, the latter wavelength being selective for nitrotyrosine. At the higher relative concentrations of peroxynitrite, the 354-nm chromatograms contained a large number of peaks, including at least nine with molecular weights corresponding to nitration of nominal tryptic peptides. Following treatment with the lower relative concentrations of peroxynitrite, however, the 354-nm chromatograms were dominated by only two nitrated peptides; these were identified by comparison of LC retention times and collision-induced decomposition mass spectra as nitro-Y(411)TK(413) and nitro-Y(138)LYEIAR(144). Each of these tyrosines resides in a known reactive site within the protein, i.e., subdomains IIIA and IB, respectively.  相似文献   

Tyrosine nitration is a posttranslational modification observed in many pathologic states that can be associated with peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)) formation. However, in vitro, peroxynitrite-dependent tyrosine nitration is inhibited when its precursors, superoxide (O(2)*(-)) and nitric oxide ((*)NO), are formed at ratios (O(2)*(-)/(*)NO) different from one, severely questioning the use of 3-nitrotyrosine as a biomarker of peroxynitrite-mediated oxidations. We herein hypothesize that in biological systems the presence of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the facile transmembrane diffusion of (*)NO preclude accumulation of O(2)*(-) and (*)NO radicals under flux ratios different from one, preventing the secondary reactions that result in the inhibition of 3-nitrotyrosine formation. Using an array of reactions and kinetic constants, computer-assisted simulations were performed in order to assess the flux of 3-nitrotyrosine formation (J(NO(2(-))Y)) during exposure to simultaneous fluxes of superoxide (J(O(2)*(-))) and nitric oxide (J((*)NO)), varying the radical flux ratios (J(O(2)*(-))/ J((*)NO)), in the presence of carbon dioxide. With a basic set of reactions, J(NO(2(-))Y) as a function of radical flux ratios rendered a bell-shape profile, in complete agreement with previous reports. However, when superoxide dismutation by SOD and (*)NO decay due to diffusion out of the compartment were incorporated in the model, a quite different profile of J(NO(2(-))Y) as a function of the radical flux ratio was obtained: despite the fact that nitration yields were much lower, the bell-shape profile was lost and the extent of tyrosine nitration was responsive to increases in either O(2)*(-) or (*)NO, in agreement with in vivo observations. Thus, the model presented herein serves to reconcile the in vitro and in vivo evidence on the role of peroxynitrite in promoting tyrosine nitration.  相似文献   

The present study shows that nitric oxide (NO) irreversibly inhibits purified cytochrome oxidase in a reverse oxygen concentration-dependent manner. The inhibition is dramatically protected by a peroxynitrite scavenger, suggesting that peroxynitrite is formed from the reaction of NO with cytochrome oxidase at low oxygen concentration, and that peroxynitrite is involved in irreversible cytochrome oxidase inactivation. Production of nitroxyl anion or superoxide was tested as potential mechanisms underlying the conversion of NO to peroxynitrite. A nitroxyl anion scavenger potently protected the irreversible inhibition, whereas a superoxide dismutase did not provide protective effect, suggesting that the peroxynitrite was formed from nitroxyl anion rather than the reaction of NO with superoxide.  相似文献   

Human recombinant MnSOD and CuZnSOD were both inactivated when exposed to simultaneous fluxes of superoxide (JO(2)(*-)) and nitric oxide (J*NO). The inactivation was also observed with varying J*NO/JO(2)(*-) ratios. Protein-derived radicals were detected in both CuZn and MnSOD by immuno-spin trapping. The formation of protein radicals was followed by tyrosine nitration in the case of MnSOD. When MnSOD was exposed to J*NO and JO(2)(*-) in the presence of uric acid, a scavenger of peroxynitrite-derived free radicals, nitration was decreased but inactivation was not prevented. On the other hand, glutathione, known to react with both peroxynitrite and nitrogen dioxide, totally protected MnSOD from inactivation and nitration on addition of authentic peroxynitrite but, notably, it was only partially inhibitory in the presence of the more biologically relevant J*NO and JO(2)(*-). The data are consistent with the direct reaction of peroxynitrite with the Mn center and a metal-catalyzed nitration of Tyr-34 in MnSOD. In this context, we propose that inactivation is also occurring through a *NO-dependent nitration mechanism. Our results help to rationalize MnSOD tyrosine nitration observed in inflammatory conditions in vivo in the presence of low molecular weight scavengers such as glutathione that otherwise would completely consume nitrogen dioxide and prevent nitration reactions.  相似文献   

This present study examined the effects of high concentrations of nitric oxide (NO*) and peroxynitrite (ONOO-) on superoxide (O2*-) production from formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP)-stimulated polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) by using electron spin resonance (ESR) and spin trapping with 5-(diethoxyphosphoryl)-5-methyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DEPMPO). We demonstrated that ONOO- (100 microM) decreased the ESR signal of DEPMPO-OOH from fMLP-activated PMNs, indicating the inhibition of O2*- generation, while it enhanced the signal of DEPMPO-OH. Inhibition of the respiratory burst was also observed when PMNs were pre-exposed to high concentrations of NO* (100 microM), generated by the NO* donor NOR-1, 30 min prior to stimulation with fMLP. NOR-1 inhibited O2*- generation more effectively under conditions in which ONOO-was formed concurrently. The ability of high concentrations of either ONOO- or NO* to inhibit O2*-generation from fMLP-stimulated PMNs is relevant to pathophysiological conditions, such as severe inflammation, in which NO* or ONOO- production can be significantly elevated.  相似文献   

Hydroxytyrosol is one of the o-diphenolic compounds in extra virgin olive oil and has been suggested to be a potent antioxidant. The superoxide radical (O2*-) and nitric oxide (NO*) can react very rapidly to form peroxynitrite (ONOO ), a reactive tissue damaging species thought to be involved in the pathology of several chronic diseases. Hydroxytyrosol was highly protective against the peroxynitrite-dependent nitration of tyrosine and DNA damage by peroxynitrite in vitro. Given that extra virgin olive oil is consumed daily by many humans, hydroxytyrosol derived from this diet could conceivably provide a defense against damage by oxidants in vivo. The biological activity of hydroxytyrosol in vivo will depend on its intake, uptake and access to cellular compartments.  相似文献   

H Zhang  J Joseph  J Feix  N Hogg  B Kalyanaraman 《Biochemistry》2001,40(25):7675-7686
It has been reported that peroxynitrite will initiate both oxidation and nitration of tyrosine, forming dityrosine and nitrotyrosine, respectively. We compared peroxynitrite-dependent oxidation and nitration of a hydrophobic tyrosine analogue in membranes and tyrosine in aqueous solution. Reactions were carried out in the presence of either bolus addition or slow infusion of peroxynitrite, and also using the simultaneous generation of superoxide and nitric oxide. Results indicate that the level of nitration of the hydrophobic tyrosyl probe located in a lipid bilayer was significantly greater than its level of oxidation to the corresponding dimer. During slow infusion of peroxynitrite, the level of nitration of the membrane-incorporated tyrosyl probe was greater than that of tyrosine in aqueous solution. Evidence for hydroxyl radical formation from decomposition of peroxynitrite in a dimethylformamide/water mixture was obtained by electron spin resonance spin trapping. Mechanisms for nitration of the tyrosyl probe in the membrane are discussed. We conclude that nitration but not oxidation of a tyrosyl probe by peroxynitrite is a predominant reaction in the membrane. Thus, the local environment of target tyrosine residues is an important factor governing its propensity to undergo nitration in the presence of peroxynitrite. This work provides a new perspective on selective nitration of membrane-incorporated tyrosine analogues.  相似文献   

Using NO specific probe (MNIP-Cu), rapid nitric oxide (NO) accumulation as a response to auxin (IAA) treatment has been observed in the protoplasts from the hypocotyls of sunflower seedlings (Helianthus annuus L.). Incubation of protoplasts in presence of NPA (auxin efflux blocker) and PTIO (NO scavenger) leads to significant reduction in NO accumulation, indicating that NO signals represent an early signaling event during auxin-induced response. A surge in NO production has also been demonstrated in whole hypocotyl explants showing adventitious root (AR) development. Evidence of tyrosine nitration of cytosolic proteins as a consequence of NO accumulation has been provided by western blot analysis and immunolocalization in the sections of AR producing hypocotyl segments. Most abundant anti-nitrotyrosine labeling is evident in proteins ranging from 25–80 kDa. Tyrosine nitration of a particular protein (25 kDa) is completely absent in presence of NPA (which suppresses AR formation). Similar lack of tyrosine nitration of this protein is also evident in other conditions which do not allow AR differentiation. Immunofluorescent localization experiments have revealed that non-inductive treatments (such as PTIO) for AR develpoment from hypocotyl segments coincide with symplastic and apoplastic localization of tyrosine nitrated proteins in the xylem elements, in contrast with negligible (and mainly apoplastic) nitration of proteins in the interfascicular cells and phloem elements. Application of NPA does not affect tyrosine nitration of proteins even in the presence of an external source of NO (SNP). Tyrosine nitrated proteins are abundant around the nuclei in the actively dividing cells of the root primordium. Thus, NO-modulated rapid response to IAA treatment through differential distribution of tyrosine nitrated proteins is evident as an inherent aspect of the AR development.  相似文献   

Peroxynitrite has been receiving increasing attention as the pathogenic mediator of nitric oxide cytotoxicity. In most cases, the contribution of peroxynitrite to diseases has been inferred from detection of 3-nitrotyrosine in injured tissues. However, presently it is known that other nitric oxide-derived species can also promote protein nitration. Mechanistic details of protein nitration remain under discussion even in the case of peroxynitrite, although recent literature data strongly suggest a free radical mechanism. Here, we confirm the free radical mechanism of tyrosine modification by peroxynitrite in the presence and in the absence of the bicarbonate-carbon dioxide pair by analyzing the stable tyrosine products and the formation of the tyrosyl radical at pH 5.4 and 7.4. Stable products, 3-nitrotyrosine, 3-hydroxytyrosine, and 3, 3-dityrosine, were identified by high performance liquid chromatography and UV spectroscopy. The tyrosyl radical was detected by continuous-flow and spin-trapping electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). 3-Hydroxytyrosine was detected at pH 5.4 and its yield decreased in the presence of the bicarbonate-carbon dioxide pair. In contrast, the yields of the tyrosyl radical increased in the presence of the bicarbonate-carbon dioxide pair and correlated with the yields of 3-nitrotyrosine under all tested experimental conditions. Taken together, the results demonstrate that the promoting effects of carbon dioxide on peroxynitrite-mediated tyrosine nitration is due to the selective reactivity of the carbonate radical anion as compared with that of the hydroxyl radical. Colocalization of 3-hydroxytyrosine and 3-nitrotyrosine residues in proteins may be useful to discriminate between peroxynitrite and other nitrating species.  相似文献   

Mitochondria require nitric oxide (NO) to exert a delicate control of metabolic rate as well as to regulate life functions, cell cycle activation and arrest, and apoptosis. All activities depend on the matrical NO steady state concentration as provided by mitochondrial (mtNOS) and cytosolic sources (eNOS) and reduced by forming superoxide anion and H2O2 and a low peroxynirite (ONOO) yield. We review herein the biochemical pathways involved in the control of NO mitochondrial level and its biological and physiological significance in hormone effects and aging. At high NO, the cost of this physiological regulation is that ONOO excess will lead to nitrosation/nitration and oxidization of mitochondrial and cell proteins and lipids. The disruption of NO modulation of mitochondrial respiration supports then, a platform for prevalent neurodegenerative and metabolic diseases.  相似文献   

Peroxynitrite, formed in a rapid reaction of nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide anion radical (O(2)), is thought to mediate protein tyrosine nitration in various inflammatory and infectious diseases. However, a recent in vitro study indicated that peroxynitrite exhibits poor nitrating efficiency at biologically relevant steady-state concentrations (Pfeiffer, S., Schmidt, K., and Mayer, B. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 6346-6352). To investigate the molecular mechanism of protein tyrosine nitration in intact cells, murine RAW 264.7 macrophages were activated with immunological stimuli, causing inducible NO synthase expression (interferon-gamma in combination with either lipopolysaccharide or zymosan A), followed by the determination of protein-bound 3-nitrotyrosine levels and release of potential triggers of nitration (NO, O(2)*, H(2)O(2), peroxynitrite, and nitrite). Levels of 3-nitrotyrosine started to increase at 16-18 h and exhibited a maximum at 20-24 h post-stimulation. Formation of O(2) was maximal at 1-5 h and decreased to base line 5 h after stimulation. Release of NO peaked at approximately 6 and approximately 9 h after stimulation with interferon-gamma/lipopolysaccharide and interferon-gamma/zymosan A, respectively, followed by a rapid decline to base line within the next 4 h. NO formation resulted in accumulation of nitrite, which leveled off at about 50 microm 15 h post-stimulation. Significant release of peroxynitrite was detectable only upon treatment of cytokine-activated cells with phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate, which led to a 2.2-fold increase in dihydrorhodamine oxidation without significantly increasing the levels of 3-nitrotyrosine. Tyrosine nitration was inhibited by azide and catalase and mimicked by incubation of unstimulated cells with nitrite. Together with the striking discrepancy in the time course of NO/O(2) release versus 3-nitrotyrosine formation, these results suggest that protein tyrosine nitration in activated macrophages is caused by a nitrite-dependent peroxidase reaction rather than peroxynitrite.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the effect of the dopaminergic neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) on hydroxyl free radical and peroxynitrite formation in vivo using D-phenylalanine as a novel mechanistic probe. In vivo microdialysis was carried out in the striatum of freely moving male Wistar rats. The microdialysis probes were perfused with artificial cerebrospinal fluid containing 5 mM D-phenylalanine (flow rate 2 microL/min). After obtaining a stable baseline 6-OHDA was delivered into the striatum via reverse microdialysis for 60 min. HPLC measurements of the effluent were performed using photodiode array detection for determination of phenylalanine derived o-tyrosine and m-tyrosine (as hydroxylation markers) as well as of nitrotyrosine and nitrophenylalanine (as nitration markers). The basal levels of the hydroxylation derived products of phenylalanine were approximately 100-fold higher than those of the nitration derived products. 6-OHDA (0.1, 1, 10 mM) significantly increased o- and m-tyrosine up to nine- and 13-fold, respectively, whereas levels of 3-nitrotyrosine and 4-nitrophenylalanine were significantly increased up to 422- and 358-fold, respectively. The results demonstrate that phenylalanine is a sensitive in vivo marker for 6-OHDA-induced hydroxylation and nitration reactions which are clearly concentration dependent. We conclude that peroxynitrite formation is involved in 6-OHDA-induced neurochemical effects.  相似文献   

This in vivo study evaluates the effect of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) administration on nitric oxide (NO) production by the inducible form of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). NO production was induced in the rat by the ip administration of 2 mg/100 g lipopolysaccharide (LPS). This treatment caused: (1) a decrease in body temperature within 90 min, followed by a slow return to normal levels; (2) an increase in plasma levels of urea, nitrite/nitrate, and citrulline; (3) the appearance in blood of nitrosyl-hemoglobin (NO-Hb) and in liver of dinitrosyl-iron-dithiolate complexes (DNIC); and (4) increased expression of iNOS mRNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Rat treatment with 15 mg/100 g NAC ip, 30 min before LPS, resulted in a significant decrease in blood NO-Hb levels, plasma nitrite/nitrate and citrulline concentrations, and liver DNIC complexes. PBMC also showed a decreased expression of iNOS mRNA. NAC pretreatment did not modify the increased levels of plasma urea or the hypothermic effect induced by the endotoxin. The administration of NAC following LPS intoxication (15 min prior to sacrifice) did not affect NO-Hb levels. These results demonstrate that NAC administration can modulate the massive NO production induced by LPS. This can be attributed mostly to the inhibitory effect of NAC on one of the events leading to iNOS protein expression. This hypothesis is also supported by the lack of effect of late NAC administration.  相似文献   

Generation of superoxide by purified brain nitric oxide synthase.   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Brain nitric oxide synthase (NOS), which utilizes NADPH and calcium/calmodulin as cofactors for metabolizing L-arginine to nitric oxide (NO) and L-citrulline, contains recognition sites for the flavins FAD and FMN. Using a spin-trapping technique combined with electron spin resonance spectroscopy, we report that brain NOS generates superoxide O2-. in a calcium/calmodulin-dependent manner. The "specific inhibitors" of NOS, NG-monomethyl L-arginine (L-NMMA), and NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), have different effects on O2-. generation. For L-NMMA, O2-. production is unaffected, while for L-NAME, inhibition of this free radical is concentration-dependent.  相似文献   

Peroxynitrite is a potent oxidant generated by the reaction of nitric oxide (*NO) and superoxide anion (O2*-), and both can be produced in inflammatory tissues. In the present studies, we analyzed the effects of peroxynitrite treatment on the GTP-binding activity of Rac2, a low molecular weight GTP-binding protein important in regulating a number of cellular functions. Using a fluorescent analog of GTP (methylanthraniloyl guanosine triphosphate or mant-GTP) as a reporter group, we found that treatment of Rac2 with peroxynitrite inhibited the binding of mant-GTP to Rac2 in a dose-dependent manner. Peroxynitrite was also able to react directly with free mant-GTP, resulting in a significant decrease in mant-GTP fluorescence; however, the mechanism of peroxynitrite-mediated damage to mant-GTP was different than with Rac2. In the case of mant-GTP, protection from peroxynitrite-mediated oxidation was observed in the presence of the free radical scavengers, mannitol and DMTU. In contrast, DMTU was unable to prevent peroxynitrite-mediated inhibition of mant-GTP binding to Rac2. Instead, our data demonstrates a role for peroxynitrite-mediated tyrosine modification in the inhibition of mant-GTP binding to Rac2, and we were able to demonstrate the formation of a significant level of nitrotyrosine formation in Rac2 exposed to peroxynitrite. Thus, our studies support the premise that oxidative modification of key cellular proteins, such as Rac2, plays an important role in the cytotoxic effects observed for peroxynitrite and other reactive oxidants.  相似文献   

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