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The territorial behaviour of a small rock-dwelling cichlid, Pseudotropheus aurora , was studied at Thumbi Island West at the southern end of Lake Malawi. P. aurora is one of several species that have been introduced to an already diverse fish community. Many of the endemic and introduced species are highly territorial. The coexistence of an introduced territorial species within a speciesrich community of other territorial species is examined. Territories from which P. aurora individuals were removed were invariably re-occupied by conspecifics. Similarly, when all territories of a certain area were emptied of all territory owners of any existing species, the former P. aurora territories were re-occupied by conspecifics.
The possible roles of site specificity, competitive exclusion and behaviourally transmitted traditions regarding territories are discussed.  相似文献   

For many species securing territories is important for feeding and reproduction. Factors such as competition, habitat availability, and male characteristics can influence an individual’s ability to establish and maintain a territory. The risk of predation can have an important influence on feeding and reproduction; however, few have studied its effect on territoriality. We investigated territoriality in a haremic, polygynous species of coral reef herbivore, Sparisoma aurofrenatum (redband parrotfish), across eight reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary that were either protected or unprotected from fishing of piscivorous fishes. We examined how territory size and quality varied with reef protection status, competition, predation risk, and male size. We then determined how territory size and quality influenced harem size and female size to understand the effect of territoriality on reproductive potential. We found that protected reefs trended towards having more large predatory fishes and that territories there were smaller but had greater algal nutritional quality relative to unprotected reefs. Our data suggest that even though males in protected sites have smaller territories, which support fewer females, they may improve their reproductive potential by choosing nutritionally rich areas, which support larger females. Thus, reef protection appears to shape the trade-off that herbivorous fishes make between territory size and quality. Furthermore, we provide evidence that males in unprotected sites, which are generally less complex than protected sites, choose territories with higher structural complexity, suggesting the importance of this type of habitat for feeding and reproduction in S. aurofrenatum. Our work argues that the loss of corals and the resulting decline in structural complexity, as well as management efforts to protect reefs, could alter the territory dynamics and reproductive potential of important herbivorous fish species.  相似文献   

Coexistence mechanisms of permanently territorial fishes proposed hitherto have been mainly based on interspecific competition. To test the hypothesis of the coexistence through male-mating aggression (Kohda, 1995a), spacing patterns of feeding territories of three coexisting herbivorous cichlids, Petrochromis polyodon, P. trewavasae and P. famula, were investigated in a homogeneous habitat at a shallow rocky shore in Lake Tanganyika. All three species maintained individual feeding territories that were defended against both conspecifics and congenerics and rarely overlapped either intra- or interspecifically. Territories of three species were scattered and covered almost all rocky bottoms. Territorial attacks usually occurred near the border of feeding territories. But male P. polyodon, the largest and socially most dominant fish, attacked conspecific males far beyond their feeding territories, which were widely separated. Removal of some territory owners suggested that such attacks result in the separate distribution of male P. polyodon territories. The interstitial space between P. polyodon feeding territories resulting from their mating aggression can be occupied by subordinate congeneric fishes. Male-mating attack of dominant males of Petrochromis will facilitate the coexistence of other congeners.  相似文献   

Choice of microhabitats by coral reef fishes at settlement   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A set of small lagoonal patch reefs was searched every 1 to 3 days during the peak recruitment seasons of three summers and newly settled juvenile fishes were located. The majority of species remain rather sedentary during the first few days in the demersal environment, and we assumed that the site occupied was the site chosen at settlement. A series of characteristics of the occupied site were recorded, including percent cover of different types of substratum, and attributes related to the site's position on the patch reef. A set of null sites was randomly located on the same reefs for comparison with those selected by the fish. Sites chosen by individuals of eight common species were compared with these null sites, and sites chosen by fourteen species (including the eight) were compared with each other. Multiple discriminant analysis was used to assess the degree to which each species selected a unique type of site, and, for the eight species, the degree to which sites chosen by fish could be discriminated from randomly selected sites on the same patch reefs. Chosen sites were readily discriminated from null sites in seven of eight species, however the procedure was poor at discriminating among sites chosen by different species, and 8 pairs of species among the 14 chose sites which on average did not differ in the attributes measured. Attributes most important in discriminating sites chosen by each species are considered. Overall, the results indicate that while juvenile fish do not settle indiscriminantly onto lagoonal patch reefs, sites chosen by different species are often not very different from one another.  相似文献   

Earlier studies of the behavior of the bluehead wrasse Thalassoma bifasciatum have shown it to be a migratory spawner with large terminal-phase males defending temporary spawning territories. We describe a variant social structure where fish occupy permanent home ranges, spawn within or near these home ranges, and are not territorial. Movements of identified terminal-phase and intermediate males and females were mapped in the backreef areas of three coral reefs in Puerto Rico. Locations of spawns were then compared with these home-range maps. All fish used most or all of their morning home range during the afternoon spawning period. Both terminal-phase males and females spawned within or near their home ranges. Males were relatively tolerant of other males during the afternoon spawning period: only one in five encounters between large males resulted in aggressive chases. The location of chases bore no relation to spawning sites, areas of morning foraging, or to home-range borders. A Monte Carlo computer simulation was used to measure home-range dispersion of terminal-phase and intermediate males at our main site. If males were territorial, we should expect their home ranges to be significantly overdispersed within the cumulative area they occupied. During the first year male home ranges were overdispersed but during the second year they were randomly dispersed, even though the same number of terminal-phase males occupied the same study site both years. Differences in social behavior between backreef areas and other areas reported in the literature, and found in other portions of our reefs, may be related to differences in feeding ecology between populations and between different portions of the same reef.  相似文献   

Male songbirds usually sing when they have occupied a territory, but the territory prospecting of non-territorial males is more elusive and has been rarely studied. Here, we simulated newly arriving, non-territorial males by translocating unmated male nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) to our study site. We show that territory prospecting of translocated males was largely confined to the hour before sunrise. The radio-tagged males made extensive excursions visiting several singing males at dawn, but after dawn they remained stationary outside occupied territories. As in many other songbird species, dawn was also the time when resident males sang the most. These results suggest that nonterritorial male nightingales use the dawn chorus to assess singing residents or territory occupancy. For resident males, dawn singing may be important to announce territory occupancy to prospecting males and may thus play a role in territory maintenance.  相似文献   

Ungulate mating systems vary broadly both between and within species. Studies on mating systems in different habitats can provide clues to the ecological factors determining this diversity. Despite its abundance in the European Alps and its importance as a game species, surprisingly little is known about the mating system of Alpine chamois Rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra. We tested the hypothesis that adult males first defend mating territories in late spring, when females segregate from males and well before the Nov. rut. In the Gran Paradiso National Park (north‐western Italian Alps), adult males shared a winter range but occupied individual ranges in summer and early autumn. Males were more aggressive to each other in the summer than in the spring. A strong site fidelity from one year to the next was found for the summer and early autumn months. Those males that occupied the same territories both in the summer and during the rut (Nov.) appeared to be at hotspots, attractive to females during the rut because of reduced snow cover. Other males appeared to cluster around these hotspots during the rut. Territories that were first occupied during the summer were visited by more females than those that were not established until the rut began. Our results suggest that the mating system of this population of Alpine chamois consists of the early occupation of clustered mating territories. The early establishment of mating territories in areas frequented by females during the rut may lead to reproductive benefits for male chamois.  相似文献   

Dichromatism and habitat utilization of a small herbivorous cichlid fish,Telmatochromis temporalis, were studied in a littoral rocky area of Lake Tanganyika. Individuals of both sexes had either pale or dark body coloration that did not change for long periods. Both sexes defended territories from consexuals, and a male had a harem of several females. Pale fish had territories in exposed areas and dark fish in shaded ones. Larger fish were dominant over smaller consexuals and occupied well-illuminated areas. When pale and dark fish were kept in areas with shaded and lighted backgrounds, respectively, they changed body colour within a few weeks. When pale fish were in well-illuminated areas and dark ones in shaded areas, they were cryptic. BecauseTelmatochromis temporalis are very vulnerable prey in coastal areas, dichromatism may function as antipredator camouflage.  相似文献   

The debate on whether artificial reefs produce new fish or simply attract existing fish biomass continues due to the difficulty in distinguishing these processes, and there remains considerable doubt as to whether artificial reefs are a harmful form of habitat modification. The harm typically associated with attraction is that fish will be easier to harvest due to the existing biomass aggregating at a newly deployed reef. This outcome of fish attraction has not progressed past an anecdotal form, however, and is always perceived as a harmful process. We present a numerical model that simulates the effect that a redistributed fish biomass, due to an artificial reef, has on fishing catch per unit effort (CPUE). This model can be used to identify the scenarios (in terms of reef, fish, and harvest characteristics) that pose the most risk of exploitation due to fish attraction. The properties of this model were compared to the long‐standing predictions by Bohnsack (1989) on the factors that increase the risk or the harm of attraction. Simulations revealed that attraction is not always harmful because it does not always increase maximum fish density. Rather, attraction sometimes disperses existing fish biomass making them harder to catch. Some attraction can be ideal, with CPUE lowest when attraction leads to an equal distribution of biomass between natural and artificial reefs. Simulations also showed that the outcomes from attraction depend on the characteristics of the target fish species, such that transient or pelagic species are often at more risk of harmful attraction than resident species. Our findings generally agree with Bohnsack's predictions, although we recommend distinguishing “mobility” and “fidelity” when identifying species most at risk from attraction, as these traits had great influence on patterns of harvest of attracted fish biomass.  相似文献   

A number of tropical coral reef fish hold station and display restricted home ranges. If artificially displaced, they will return to their home site. We questioned if marine fish are using the same mechanisms for home site detection as many freshwater fish, that is, by olfactory sensing of chemical signals deposited on the substrate by conspecific fish. Behavioral experiments were conducted on Lizard Island Research Station, Queensland, Australia, in 2001 and 2002. Five-lined cardinalfish (Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus) were tested in groups with split-branded cardinalfish (Apogon compressus) as a reference species and individually against Apogon leptacanthus as well as conspecifics of another reef site. The group tests showed that both species preferred artificial reef sites that had previously been occupied by conspecifics. Individual C. quinquelineatus preferred scent of conspecifics from their own reef site to that from another site. They also preferred the scent released by artificial reefs previously occupied by conspecifics of their reef site to that of similar reefs previously occupied by conspecifics of another reef site. No discrimination between species from the same reef site was obtained in experiments with individual fish. Our data suggest that cardinalfish are keeping station and are homing by use of conspecific olfactory signals.  相似文献   

Social structure and behavioural mechanisms enabling sympatry in three species of predatory fish in the Gulf of Aqaba ( Cephalopholis miniata (Forsskål), Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, and Cephalopholis henistiktos (Rüppell)) were examined in this study. C. miniata and C. argus formed compound interspecific territories in which they occurred in haremic groups consisting of a dominant male and two to 12 females. C. miniata and C. argus groups occupied territories of up to 475 m2, and 2000 m2 respectively, subdivided into secondary territories, each inhabited by an individual female. Observations of tagged fish disclosed behaviour patterns of patrolling by males, visiting the females, and antiparallel swimming of sexes. C. hemistiktos , in contrast, was monogamous and each pair jointly defended a common territory of up to 62 m2. Among the three species the dominance hierarchy was C. argus > C. miniata > C. hemistiktos .  相似文献   

Numbers and biomass of piscivorous fish and their predation on other fish may often be high in undisturbed coral reef communities. The effects of such predation have sometimes been studied by removal of piscivores (either experimentally or by fishermen). Such perturbations have usually involved removal of large, highly vulnerable, mobile piscivores that are often actively sought in fisheries. The effects of fishing on smaller, demersal, semi-resident piscivores have been little studied. We studied such effects on the fish communities of patch reefs at Midway atoll by experimentally removing major resident, demersal, piscivorous fishes. First, four control reefs and four experimental reefs were selected, their dimensions and habitats mapped, and their visible fish communities censused repeatedly over 1 year. Census of all control and experimental reefs was continued for the following 39 months, during which known piscivores were collected repeatedly by hand spearing. Records were kept of catch and effort to calculate CPUE as an index of predator density. Spearfishing on the experimental reefs removed 2504 piscivorous fish from 12 families and 43 taxa (mostly species). The species richness of the catch did not show an overall change over the duration of the experiment. Spearman rank correlation analysis showed some unexpected positive correlations for density in numbers and biomass of major fished piscivorous groups (especially lizardfish) over the experiment. Only two relatively minor fished piscivorous taxa declined in abundance over the experiment, while the overall abundance of piscivores increased. Visual censuses of fish on the experimental reefs also failed to show reduction of total piscivores over the full experimental period. No significant trend in the abundance of lizardfish censused over the full period was apparent on any of the control reefs. The high resilience of piscivores on these experimental reefs to relatively intense fishing pressure could result from their protracted recruitment seasons, high immigration rates, cryptic habits, or naturally high abundances. A major factor was the high immigration rates of lizardfish, replacing lizardfish and other less mobile piscivores removed from the reefs by spearing. On the fished reefs, the removed lizardfish population replaced itself >20 times during the experiment; other piscivorous taxa replaced themselves only 5 times.  相似文献   

To lek or not to lek: mating strategies of male fallow deer   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
We studied the mating system of fallow deer (Dama dama) for6 years in central Italy. Males in this population could defendterritories that were either single, clumped in leks, or satelliteto leks. The most highly successful males in our study werein leks. When we considered all males, there were no significantdifferences in average copulatory success according to territorytype because many lek males did not achieve any copulations,which were seen in only a few lek territories. The variancein copulatory success, however, was much greater for leks thanelsewhere. Single territories were occupied for shorter timesduring the rut than lek territories. Fighting among males wasmore frequent in the lek, even when we excluded highly successfullek males from the analysis. Chases of nonterritorial malesand harem size were correlated with the number of copulationsachieved by individual males, but did not vary according toterritory type. Copulatory success of some individuals increasedwith age, but there were no age differences among males holdingdifferent types of territories. Satellite males switched tolek territoriality in the course of one rut, but switches fromsingle territory to lek territory were rare. We suggest thatmales in single territories are inferior competitors that selecta low-risk, lowbenefit strategy, whereas those in lek territorieswhere no copulations were seen may be attempting to establishthemselves on the lek to increase their copulatory success infuture years.  相似文献   

Synopsis Social organization and spawning in the sharpnose pufferCanthigaster rostrataere studied on a reef in the San Blas Islands, Panama. Sexes were dimorphic. In mixed coral and rubble habitat, females defended territories against other females and small males. From one to six female territories were included within the territories of certain large males. These haremic males visited their females and patrolled their territories throughout the day. Smaller, non-haremic males occupied territories or home ranges within or adjacent to those of haremic males or were wanderers. Spawning between a haremic male and a territorial female occurred within the female's territory. The female prepared an algal nest into which demersal eggs were deposited. There was no parental care. Eggs were spherical, translucent, and measured approximately 0.66 mm in diameter. Larvae were about 1.4 mm TL and closely resembled those of other species ofCanthigaster.  相似文献   

Biological invasions have become major players in the current biodiversity crisis, but realistic tools to predict which species will establish successful populations are still unavailable. Here we present a novel approach that requires only a morphometric characterisation of the species. Using fish invasions of the Mediterranean, we show that the abundance of non‐indigenous fishes correlates with the location and relative size of occupied morphological space within the receiving pool of species. Those invaders that established abundant populations tended to be added outside or at the margins of the receiving morphospace, whereas non‐indigenous species morphologically similar to resident ones failed to develop large populations or even to establish themselves, probably because the available ecological niches were already occupied. Accepting that morphology is a proxy for a species' ecological position in a community, our findings are consistent with ideas advanced since Darwin's naturalisation hypothesis and provide a new warning signal to identify invaders and to recognise vulnerable communities.  相似文献   

Underwater observations conducted in Lake Tanganyika showed that males of a maternal mouthbrooding cichlid, Petrochromis fasciolatus, defended a mating territory for at least several months, but left at approximately noon every day. After the experimental removal of males from their territories, new owners occupied the vacated territories within several days. New owners exhibited higher body-condition factors and fat indices than the original owners. These results suggest that the new owners had not previously occupied a territory, considering the physical exhaustion of owners owing to the energy expenditure on territory maintenance and mating behaviors and a limited time for feeding. Original owners had heavier testes than new owners, despite similar body sizes. This disparity in testis weight suggests that energy investment in testes increases following territory acquisition. Among males that newly occupied a territory during the observation period, larger individuals occupied territories sooner, suggesting that large body size facilitates competition for territory. It is concluded that energy investment in testes is delayed for somatic growth until territory acquisition.  相似文献   

梵净山及邻近地区鱼类资源的现状   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了了解梵净山及邻近地区鱼类资源的现状及变化趋势,2001–2003年对这一地区乌江水系和沅江水系鱼类进行了系统的调查。本调查设立了19个调查点,共采集鱼类标本3614号,经鉴定为85种(亚种),分属5目14科61属。除胡子鲇(Clariasfuscus)为外来种外,其他均为土著鱼类。海南拟餐(PseudohemiculterHainanensis)、峨眉后平鳅(Metahomalopteraomeiensisomeiensis)和福建纹胸鱼兆(Glyptothoraxfukiensisfukiensis)为本地区土著鱼类新记录种。鱼类组成以鲤形目鲤科为主体,并以适应急流生活的鱼类占多数,小型野杂鱼类所占比例较高。乌江水系和沅江水系鱼类物种组成存在差异,分别属于长江上游鱼类区系成分和长江中下游区系成分。结果还表明这一地区土著鱼类物种数呈下降趋势,其中鲤形目鱼类物种数减少较多。导致该地区土著鱼类物种数下降的原因是酷渔滥捕和水域生境的破坏。  相似文献   

There is limited knowledge of the orientation cues used by reef fish in their movement among different habitats, especially those cues used during darkness. Although acoustic cues have been found to be important for settlement-stage fish as they seek settlement habitats, only a small number of studies support the possible role of acoustic cues in the orientation of post-settled and adult reef fish. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether habitat-specific acoustic cues were involved in the nocturnal movements of juvenile reef fish to small experimental patch reefs that were broadcasting sound previously recorded from different habitats (Fringing Reef, Lagoon, Silent). Juvenile fish arriving at each patch reef were caught the next morning by divers and were identified. There were a greater number of occasions when juvenile fish (from all species together) moved onto the patch reefs broadcasting Fringing Reef and Lagoon sound (43 and 38%, respectively) compared to Silent reefs (19%) (χ2 = 33.5; P < 0.05). There were significantly more occasions when juvenile fish from the family Nemipteridae were attracted to the patch reefs broadcasting Lagoon sound (63%) versus those reefs broadcasting either Fringing Reef sound (31%) or Silent (6%). In contrast, there were more occasions when juveniles from the family Pomacentridae were attracted to the patch reefs broadcasting Fringing Reef sound (56%) than either Lagoon (24%) or Silent patch reefs (20%) (χ2 = 19.5; P < 0.05). These results indicate that some juvenile fish use specific habitat sounds to guide their nocturnal movements. Therefore, the fish are able to not only use the directional information contained in acoustic cues, but can also interpret the content of the acoustic signals for relevant habitat information which is then used in their decision-making for orientation.  相似文献   

Territorial behaviour, reproduction and migration of the epilithic algal eater,Tropheus moorii, were investigated in Lake Tanganyika, Africa. Adults of both sexes had individual feeding territories which adjointed each other. Males, who occupied higher rocks than females, usually stayed at the same sites for more than 5 months. Females left their territories to pair with males in the males’ territories. Paired females actively foraged under the protection of their mates for up to 3 weeks prior to spawning. After spawning, females usually settled in a site unoccupied by territory-holders to mouthbrood the offspring for a month. An examination of the ovaries and a removal experiment of dominant males suggest that females cannot attain fully mature ovaries in their own territories and choose males whose territories can provide enough food to satisfy their nutritive demand. The evolution of a number of local colour morphs in this fish is briefly discussed in relation to social selection.  相似文献   

Male Polistes canadensis and P. carnifex aggregate along crests of prominent ridges in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. At these sites males of both species defend territories (trees and shrubs) by chasing conspecific rivals. Territories do not contain nests or resources that are collected by females. Chasing by territorial males reduces the amount of time spent by intruders in a territory. I describe and contrast male territorial behavior of both species. Some male P. canadensis are territorial while others in the same area exhibit patrolling behavior, flying from one occupied territory to another. Males of P. carnifex exhibit territoriality only. Patrolling in P. canadensis is an outcome of relatively high male density along the ridge, rendering territories in short supply, as shown by the observation that experimentally vacated territories are seized rapidly by formerly patrolling males. Due to a high intraspecific intrusion rate, territorial male P. canadensis spend less time perching and more time flying and chasing intruders from their territories than do male P. carnifex. Males of these two species also differ in the placement of their territories along the ridgeline; P. canadensis occupy territories in saddles while P. carnifex occupy those at peaktops. I show that this divergent spatial pattern is not maintained by competitive exclusion of either species by the other, and I discuss alternative explanations for their separate spatial distributions. Comparative data suggest that males are territorial because females restrict matings to within territories, and I discuss alternative hypotheses to explain this bias in female behavior.  相似文献   

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