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目的 探索肠道益生菌在抗生素残留监测中的应用并建立牛奶中多种抗生素残留的微生物学筛检方法。方法 厌氧培养分离健康人肠道益生菌并用纸片扩散法检测其对四环素、红霉素、青霉素、庆大霉素、氯霉素和万古霉素的敏感性。根据药敏结果及产酸能力选择工作菌株。建立基于厌氧培养的益生菌抗生素残留筛检方法并优化实验条件,测定其对不同抗生素的检测限,通过测定加标模拟阳性和阴性样本计算方法的准确性。结果 短双歧杆菌A2可用于牛奶抗生素残留筛检。应用短双歧杆菌筛检牛奶中四环素、红霉素和青霉素的检测限分别为80 μg/L、40 μg/L和3 μg/L,检测加标四环素、红霉素和青霉素的牛奶样品准确性为100.0%、92.5%和90.0%,无假阴性结果。结论 应用益生菌的筛检方法敏感、简便,对环境和操作者友好,适用于监测牛奶中四环素、红霉素和青霉素等多种抗生素。  相似文献   

近年来,食品安全问题越来越引起社会的关注,而乳及乳制品作为动物源食品(牛奶,肉类等)中的重要来源,其安全问题更是涉及广泛,而其中的抗生素残留问题更是重中之重.主要介绍了牛奶中抗生素残留类别,其中包括四环素类抗生素、-内酰胺类抗生素以及氨基糖苷类抗生素,并阐述了牛奶中抗生素残留的危害.高灵敏、高特异性和快速检测的新型传感...  相似文献   

食品安全是关系国计民生的重大战略问题。农药残留(简称农残)是造成食品质量与安全问题的重要因素。食品中农药残留不仅发生率高,而且超标严重,涉及范围广,长期接触或食用含有农药残留的食品会危害人体健康。传统的农残分析技术已经很难满足多样化食品安全检测的实际需求,现代新型生物技术因特异性强、灵敏度高、简单快速等优势,在食品的农残检测中得到广泛应用和持续发展。分析了食品中农药残留及检测技术现状,综述了酶联免疫吸附测定法、荧光免疫法和生物条形码免疫法等分析技术,及电化学、光学、压电传感器等生物传感技术在食品农残检测中的应用进展,讨论了各种技术的优势和局限,以期为相关研究提供参考,从而进一步提高我国食品农残的检测效率,保障食品安全,促进我国食品行业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

为了现场快速检测牛奶溶液中四环素类抗生素的含量,对电极进行阳极氧化、氨基化、活化等一系列处理,将四环素核酸适体作为识别分子,共价固定于玻碳电极表面,构建出新型核酸适体生物传感器。传感器可以特异性结合标本中四环素类抗生素,并产生电化学信号,强度与抗生素浓度相关。其最低检测量是1μg/L,检测时间为5 m in。  相似文献   

抗生素滥用导致的细菌耐药性的增强,给人类医疗健康及环境带来巨大挑战。生物传感器凭借其优点,在抗生素研究领域有着重要的应用价值。介绍生物传感器在抗生素研究领域中的应用,包括环境及食品中的抗菌研究,展望了未来发展方向。  相似文献   

抗生素作为一种微生物的次级代谢产物,具有杀死或抑制微生物生长的作用。抗生素的滥用导致了它在食物中的残留量逐年增加。因此,需要建立一种快速灵敏检测方法用于食品中抗生素残留量的检测。核酸适配体传感器因其高选择性、高特异性和高灵敏性等优点而备受关注。同时,借助纳米材料独特的光、电特性,能够进一步提高适配体传感器的性能。本文综述了目前用于抗生素检测的核酸适配体传感器如荧光适配体传感器、比色适配体传感器和电化学适配体传感器等的研究进展。此外,还对该研究领域面临的挑战和未来前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

动物性食品中兽药残留酶联免疫分析研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了动物性食品中兽药残留酶联免疫分析技术的原理、类型、技术环节和国内外的应用现状,并对其存在的问题和应用前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

ELISA检测技术在畜产品抗生素类药物残留检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
畜产品中药物残留主要包括抗生素类、磺胺药类、呋喃药类、抗球虫类、激素药类和驱虫药类药物.而抗生素类药物是一种应用最广、种类最多的药物,在畜产品中的残留更严重,目前对于畜产品中抗生素类药物残留的检测方法很多;ELISA检测技术因其灵敏度高,特异性强,仪器设备要求不高,测定成本低,方法快速、简便,试剂保存时间较长,自动化程度高,无放射性同位素污染等优点,成为畜产品中药物残留目前最理想的检测技术之一.就ELISA检测技术在畜产品中抗生素类药物残留检测中的应用和进展进行了归纳总结.  相似文献   

紫杉醇免疫检测方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫杉醇是一种有效的抗肿瘤药物,广泛应用于治疗卵巢癌、乳腺癌和肺癌等癌症。紫杉醇在紫杉树皮中的含量极低(仅为0.01%),而且紫杉醇是一种对蛋白质有着高亲和力的小分子,在体液中约有98%的分子与蛋白质结合,因此需要一种高灵敏度、高通量的检测方法对紫杉醇进行鉴定。在分析紫杉醇检测方法的基础之上,综述了紫杉醇免疫学检测方法的研究进展,包括紫杉醇半抗原的分子修饰、蛋白偶联物的构建和鉴定以及免疫学检测方法在植物组织和病人血浆中紫杉醇定性和定量中的应用。  相似文献   

目的:旨在应用基于荧光编码微球技术的悬液芯片系统建立一种方便、稳定性好及高通量的检测牛奶中头孢氨苄和莱克多巴胺残留的免疫检测方法。方法:利用碳二亚胺法将抗生素合成抗原与表面具有羧基的聚苯乙烯微球通过酰胺键偶联成捕获抗原。利用捕获抗原、抗生素的单克隆抗体及抗生素标准品构建竞争性免疫检测体系。荧光标记的羊抗小鼠的IgG作为荧光探针标记与捕获抗原结合的单克隆抗体得到悬液芯片系统的检测物。悬液芯片系统的检测器由两束特殊的激光构成,能够检测荧光探针荧光强度的同时分辨不同型号的微球以实现高通量检测的目的。结果:通过对头孢氨苄和莱克多巴胺合成抗原包被微球的条件进行优化得到包被100μl的微球所需两者合成抗原的量分别是8.4μg 和 87.73μg;实验结果表明抗生素的单克隆抗体特异性良好;在牛奶中,该方法对头孢氨苄和莱克多巴胺的检测限(LOD)分别是20.59 ng/ml 和23.51 ng/ml, 标准添加回收率在70%~110%之间。  相似文献   

Different agar diffusion methods were compared in order to find a sensitive method for the detection of various antimicrobial residues in milk. A total of 588 producer milk samples were analyzed using subsets of the most sensitive methods. With the IDF method, 2 positive cases (0.34 %) appeared among the producer milk samples, with the Thermocult method 13 positive cases (2.21 %) and with the Test agar pH 8 method with trimethoprim and glucose 4 positive cases (0.68 %). A combination of the IDF method and the Test agar pH 8 method resulted in 6 positive cases (1.02 %) and a combination of the Thermocult method and the Test agar pH 8 method in 17 positive cases (2.89 %). With penicillinase 41 % of the positive cases were identified as β-lactam antibiotics and with p-aminobenzoic acid 18 % of the positive cases were identified as sulphonamides. 41 % of the positive cases remained unexplained. The best combination for the detection of antimicrobial agents in milk seems to be that of the Thermocult method and the Test agar pH 8 method with trimethoprim and glucose.  相似文献   

Using 2 paper disc assay procedures, Bacillus cereus and Sarcina lutea were challenged with extracts from chicken and pig muscle paste to which various antibiotics had been added. The first method could detect tetracycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, penicillin, erythromycin, tylosin and virginiamycin at or <1 μg/g of muscle paste, whilst the second method was necessary to detect the remaining 5 antibiotics at this level. Using the first assay procedure, penicillin, zinc bacitracin and the 3 tetracycline compounds could be detected below FAO/WHO maximum permissible levels for meat for human consumption, whilst the second method was necessary to meet requirements for streptomycin, erythromycin and tylosin. Spiramycin could not be detected by either method at the levels permitted by FAO/WHO. The minimum levels of detection obtained for flavomycin, virginiamycin and monensin were 0.2, 0.02 and 0.5–1.0 μg/g, respectively.  相似文献   

In this study, a sensitive dual-label time-resolved reverse competitive chemiluminescent immunoassay was developed for simultaneous detection of chloramphenicol (CAP) and clenbuterol (CLE) in milk. The strategy was performed based on the distinction of the kinetic characteristics of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in chemiluminesecence (CL) systems and different orders of magnitude in HRP CL value for CAP and ALP CL value for CLE in the chemiluminescent immunoassay. Capture antibodies were covalently bound to the amine group functionalized chemiluminescent microtiter plate (MTP) for efficient binding of detection antibodies for the enzymes labeled CAP (HRP-CAP) and CLE (ALP-CLE). The CL signals were recorded at different time points by the automatic luminometers with significant distinction in the dynamic curves. When we considered the ALP CL value (about 105) of CLE as background for HRP CL signal value (about 107) of CAP, there was no interaction from ALP CL background of CLE and the differentiation of CAP and CLE can be easily achieved. The 50% inhibition concentration (IC50) values of CAP and CLE in milk samples were 0.00501 µg L−1 and 0.0128 µg L−1, with the ranges from 0.0003 µg L−1 to 0.0912 µg L−1 and from 0.00385 µg L−1 to 0.125 µg L−1, respectively. The developed method is more sensitive and of less duration than the commercial ELISA kits, suitable for simultaneous screening of CAP and CLE.  相似文献   

转基因产品免疫学检测技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前转基因产品的检测主要有基于DNA的检测方法以及基于蛋白质的免疫学检测方法,简述了免疫学检测方法中的免疫印迹法(Western blotting)、酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)和试纸条法的原理、特点、应用例子以及存在问题。对一些新的方法如免疫PCR法、生物传感器法也略作介绍。  相似文献   

Biological methods in current use for the detection of antibiotic residues in slaughter animals are reviewed. A modified method is suggested in which the conditions for the control have been standardized. By the use of a semi-defined medium, the batch-to-batch variations are minimized. In order to facilitate the detection of sulfonamides the medium is supplemented with trimethoprim. The standardized conditions included the use of a sporulating organism, Bacillus subtilis, an inoculum size of 0.5 × 105 spores per ml medium, and 5 ml medium of pH 6.0 per plate. A preincubation-diffusion time of 1 h in room temperature is recommended before incubation. The modified method was compared with the currently prescribed Swedish method. The new method was easier to perform and showed a more uniform sensitivity to most of the antibiotics used.  相似文献   

The use of antibiotics and drugs in fish farming has prompted an investigation into the elimination of these residues from fish muscle. Young rainbow trout were given intraperitoneal injections of either chloramphenicol, framycetin, oxytetracycline or sulphadiazine/ trimethoprim and muscle tissue was examined by microbiological assay over a period of weeks for the presence of active residues. The effect of the method of administration of two of the drugs was also investigated and the results discussed.  相似文献   

免疫分析新方法在食品安全检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
免疫分析技术具有特异性强、灵敏度离、方便快捷、检测成本低、安全可靠等优点,已成为现代生命科学的重要研究手段,在食品安全检测中有着良好的应用前景。本文综述了近几年来出现的免疫分析新方法,简单介绍了它们在食品安全检测中的应用。  相似文献   

Antibiotic Residues and Their Recovery from Animal Tissues   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Investigations were carried out to detect antibiotics in the presence of animal tissues. It was found that antibiotic levels below the maximum permissible level suggested for meat by the F.A.O./W.H.O. could be detected. Tissue samples from animals injected with an antibiotic were examined and results compared with meat to which antibiotic had been added  相似文献   

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