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A general concern for the conservation of endangered species is the maintenance of genetic variation within populations, particularly when they become isolated and reduced in size. Estimates of gene flow and effective population size are therefore important for any conservation initiative directed to the long-term persistence of a species in its natural habitat. In the present study, 10 microsatellite loci were used to assess the level of genetic variability among populations of the Komodo dragon Varanus komodoensis. Effective population size was calculated and gene flow estimates were compared with palaeogeographic data in order to assess the degree of vulnerability of four island populations. Rinca and Flores, currently separated by an isthmus of about 200 m, retained a high level of genetic diversity and showed a high degree of genetic similarity, with gene flow values close to one migrant per generation. The island of Komodo showed by far the highest levels of genetic divergence, and its allelic distinctiveness was considered of great importance in the maintenance of genetic variability within the species. A lack of distinct alleles and low levels of gene flow and genetic variability were found for the small population of Gili Motang island, which was identified as vulnerable to stochastic threats. Our results are potentially important for both the short- and long-term management of the Komodo dragon, and are critical in view of future re-introduction or augmentation in areas where the species is now extinct or depleted.  相似文献   

The importance of protecting genetic diversity within a species is increasingly being recognised by conservation management authorities. However, discrepancies in conservation policy between authorities, such as state versus national bodies, can have significant implications for species management when they cross state boundaries. We conducted a phylogeographic study of the south-eastern Australian lizard Rankinia diemensis to identify evolutionary significant units (ESUs), including the endangered population from the Grampians National Park in western Victoria. Phylogenetic analyses of two gene regions (mtDNA: ND2; nuclear: RAG1) revealed high levels of genetic divergence between populations, indicating isolation over long evolutionary time frames. Based on criteria of genetic divergence and isolation, R. diemensis contains at least two ESUs that require specific management. We found that R. diemensis from the Grampians are closely related to Tasmanian populations, but that the divergence between these regions is great enough (3.7 % mtDNA) that they should be considered separate ESUs. However, we believe the close evolutionary ties between these two regions needs to be taken into account; yet under current practises, conservation management of subspecific ESUs relies on state-level efforts. We argue that another population that occurs on the Victorian coast also qualifies as an ESU and requires targeted conservation action. Rankinia diemensis provides a case-in-point of the discrepancy between the state-level approach of maintaining genetic variation within a species and the more conservative Commonwealth focus on conserving biodiversity at the species level.  相似文献   

The impact of genetic drift in population divergence can be elucidated using replicated laboratory experiments. In the present study we used microsatellite loci to study the genetic variability and differentiation of laboratory populations of Drosophila subobscura derived from a common ancestral natural population after 49 generations in the laboratory. We found substantial genetic variability in all our populations. The high levels of genetic variability, similar across replicated populations, suggest that careful maintenance procedures can efficiently reduce the loss of genetic variability in captive populations undergoing adaptation, even without applying active management procedures with conservation purposes, in organisms that generate a high number of offspring such as Drosophila. Nevertheless, there was a significant genetic differentiation between replicated populations. This shows the importance of genetic drift, acting through changes in allele frequencies among populations, even when major changes in the degree of genetic diversity in each population are not involved.  相似文献   

Somatic growth patterns represent a major component of organismal fitness and may vary among sexes and populations due to genetic and environmental processes leading to profound differences in life-history and demography. This study considered the ontogenic, sex-specific and spatial dynamics of somatic growth patterns in ten populations of the world’s largest lizard the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis). The growth of 400 individual Komodo dragons was measured in a capture-mark-recapture study at ten sites on four islands in eastern Indonesia, from 2002 to 2010. Generalized Additive Mixed Models (GAMMs) and information-theoretic methods were used to examine how growth rates varied with size, age and sex, and across and within islands in relation to site-specific prey availability, lizard population density and inbreeding coefficients. Growth trajectories differed significantly with size and between sexes, indicating different energy allocation tactics and overall costs associated with reproduction. This leads to disparities in maximum body sizes and longevity. Spatial variation in growth was strongly supported by a curvilinear density-dependent growth model with highest growth rates occurring at intermediate population densities. Sex-specific trade-offs in growth underpin key differences in Komodo dragon life-history including evidence for high costs of reproduction in females. Further, inverse density-dependent growth may have profound effects on individual and population level processes that influence the demography of this species.  相似文献   

We assess population genetic structure and variability in the endangered Azorean endemic Viburnum treleasei Gand., an evergreen shrub or small tree, occurring in eight out of nine islands of the archipelago. We combine RAPD and ISSR markers in eight populations and four islands covering the three subgroups of islands that compose the archipelago, and one population of V. tinus from the Portuguese mainland. Most of the genetic variability was found within populations, which is in accordance with the bi-parental reproductive strategy favored by the taxon. Gene flow estimations for the combined RAPD and ISSR markers suggest that the main cause for population variability between the studied populations is genetic drift. In accordance with the genetic structure indicators obtained, conservation measures should consider that translocation of individuals between islands must be avoided. In specific cases, the analysed populations may require the implementation of augmentation strategies due to their depleted state. With this study, a genetic background is now available to better define conservation measures for the taxon.  相似文献   

Amidst a worldwide decline in amphibian populations, those species endemic to islands remain an important focus for conservation efforts. The Sooglossidae are a family of frog species endemic to the Seychelles islands that are believed to have evolved in isolation for approximately 75 million years. Formerly thought to inhabit just two Seychelles islands (Mahé and Silhouette), a third population was discovered on Praslin in 2009. Phylogenetic analysis based on 438 bp of mitochondrial 16S rRNA suggests that the Praslin population is most closely related to Sooglossus sechellensis from Silhouette, and identifies these as two separate clades which together sit distinct from the population on Mahé. An average of 4.06% uncorrected pairwise sequence divergence between the Praslin and Silhouette populations suggests substantial evolutionary divergence rather than recent introduction. Discriminant function analysis also revealed differences in morphology in frogs from Praslin and Mahé. DNA sequences of two Praslin specimens group more closely with the Mahé population, indicating some shared haplotypes that suggest recent secondary contact. Tests for a genetic signature of recent population expansion on either island were not significant. Our results suggest substantial evolutionary divergence between the three populations of S. sechellensis, most likely following isolation due to changes in sea level in the Indian Ocean. Whilst further genetic sampling and ecological studies are needed, our initial phylogenetic analyses suggest that the sooglossid population on Praslin should be managed as an evolutionarily significant unit to retain the uniqueness of its genetic diversity and its evolutionary trajectory within this ancient family of amphibians.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess the level of genetic variability and population differentiation within captive populations of an endangered large mammal, Baird's tapir (Tapirus bairdii). We genotyped 37 captive animals from North American (NA) and Central American (CA) zoos and conservation ranches using six polymorphic microsatellite loci. Standard indices of genetic variability (allelic richness and diversity, and heterozygosity) were estimated and compared between captive populations, and between captive and wild population samples. In addition, we evaluated levels of population differentiation using Weir and Cockerham's version of Wright's F-statistics. The results indicate that the NA and CA captive populations of Baird's tapirs have retained levels of genetic variability similar to that measured in a wild population. However, inbreeding coefficients estimated from the molecular data indicate that the CA captive population is at increased risk of losing genetic variability due to inbreeding. Despite this, estimated levels of population differentiation indicate limited divergence of the CA captive population from the wild population. Careful management appears to have kept inbreeding coefficients low in the NA captive population; however, population differentiation levels indicate that the NA population has experienced increased divergence from wild populations due to a founder effect and isolation. Based on these results, we conclude that intermittent exchanges of Baird's tapirs between the NA and CA captive populations will benefit both populations by increasing genetic variability and effective population size, while reducing inbreeding and divergence from wild populations. Zoo Biol 23:521–531, 2004. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Pteropus livingstonii and Pteropus seychellensis comorensis are endemic fruit bat species that are among the most threatened animals in the Comoros archipelago. Both species are pollinators and seed dispersers of native and cultivated plants and are thus of crucial importance for the regeneration of natural forests as well as for cultivated plantations. However, these species are subject to strong anthropogenic pressures and face one of the highest rates of natural habitat loss reported worldwide. Yet little is known about the population genetic structure of these two species, making it difficult to define relevant conservation strategies. In this study, we investigated for the two flying fox species (1) the level of genetic diversity within islands, as well as across the archipelago and (2) the genetic structure between the two islands (Anjouan and Mohéli) for P. livingstonii and between the four islands of the archipelago (Anjouan, Mohéli, Grande Comore and Mayotte) for P. s. comorensis using mitochondrial and microsatellite markers. The results revealed contrasting patterns of genetic structure, with P. s. comorensis showing low genetic structure between islands, whereas P. livingstonii exhibited high levels of inter-island genetic differentiation. Overall, the genetic analyses showed low genetic diversity for both species. These contrasting genetic patterns may be the result of different dispersal patterns and the populations’ evolutionary histories. Our findings lead us to suggest that in terms of conservation strategy, the two populations of P. livingstonii (on Anjouan and Mohéli islands) should be considered as two separate management units. We recommend focusing conservation efforts on the Anjouan population, which is the largest, exhibits the highest genetic diversity, and suffers the greatest anthropogenic pressure. As for P. s. comorensis, its four populations could be considered as a single unit for conservation management purposes. For this species, we recommend protecting roosting trees to reduce population disturbance.  相似文献   

Understanding how threatened wildlife can coexist with humans over the long term is a central issue in conservation and wildlife management. Komodo National Park in Eastern Indonesia, harbors the largest extant populations of the endemic Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis). Consistent with global trends, this species is expected to be increasingly exposed to human activities and in particular growing ecotourism activities. Here we comprehensively evaluated how human activities affected individual and population level attributes of Komodo dragons. We compared Komodo dragons phenotypic (behaviour, body size, and body condition) and demographic (age structure, sex ratio, survival, and density) responses to variation in human activities across national park. Komodo dragons were found to exhibit pronounced responses to high human activity level relative to sites with low and negligible human activities. Komodo dragons exposed to ecotourism exhibited significantly less wariness, larger body mass, better body condition, and higher survival. These results are entirely consistent with ecotourism activities that provided Komodo dragons with long-term and substantial nutritional subsidies as a consequence of feeding and human food refuse. However, we also noted the potential negative consequences of altered behaviour and adult-biased populations in ecotourism areas which may influence demographic processes through intraspecific competition or predation. To address this issue, we recommend that three management strategies to be implemented in future include: (1) removal of human-mediated nutritional subsidies, (2) alternative ecotourism, and (3) spatial regulation of ecotourism. Furthermore, we advocate the development of approaches to achieve a socio–ecological sustainability that benefits both people and wildlife conservation.  相似文献   

We conducted comparative phylogeographic and population genetic analyses of Plestiodon kishinouyei and P. stimpsonii, two sympatric skinks endemic to islands in the southern Ryukyus, to explore different factors that have influenced population structure. Previous phylogenetic studies using partial mitochondrial DNA indicate similar divergence times from their respective closest relatives, suggesting that differences in population structure are driven by intrinsic attributes of either species rather than the common set of extrinsic factors that both presumably have been exposed to throughout their history. In this study, analysis of mtDNA sequences and microsatellite polymorphism demonstrate contrasting patterns of phylogeography and population structure: P. kishinouyei exhibits a lower genetic variability and lower genetic differentiation among islands than P. stimpsonii, consistent with recent population expansion. However, historical demographic analyses indicate that the relatively high genetic uniformity in P. kishinouyei is not attributable to recent expansion. We detected significant isolation-by-distance patterns among P. kishinouyei populations on the land bridge islands, but not among P. stimpsonii populations occurring on those same islands. Our results suggest that P. kishinouyei populations have maintained gene flows across islands until recently, probably via ephemeral Quaternary land bridges. The lower genetic variability in P. kishinouyei may also indicate smaller effective population sizes on average than that of P. stimpsonii. We interpret these differences as a consequence of ecological divergence between the two species, primarily in trophic level and habitat preference.  相似文献   

Aim Genetically differentiated insular populations are candidates for independent units for conservation. However, occasional immigration to reduced island populations may occur and potentially have important consequences in their future viability and evolutionary potential. In this study, we investigate the conservation implications of population structure and connectivity of insular and continental populations of a migratory raptor as determined using genetic tools and satellite tracking. Location Western European populations in the Iberian Peninsula and two insular populations in the Mediterranean Sea (Balearic Islands) and Atlantic Ocean (Canary Islands). Methods We genotyped 22 microsatellite loci in 96 Egyptian vultures (Neophron percnopterus) from the Iberian Peninsula, 36 from Menorca (Balearic archipelago) and 242 (85% of the current population) from Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). We analysed genetic variation to estimate structure, gene flow, genetic diversity, effective size and recent demographic history of the populations. Additionally, 19 vultures were marked with satellite transmitters to track their migration routes. Results Insular populations were genetically differentiated from those of the mainland. We detected immigration in the insular populations and within the continental counterpart. We found similar levels of genetic variability between the continent and the islands, and a bottleneck analysis indicated recent sharp population declines in both archipelagos but not on the continent. Main conclusions Our study provides evidence that, in spite of significant differentiation, insular populations of highly mobile species may remain connected with the mainland. Conservation programmes should take into account population connectivity and integrate differentiated units of management within complex units of conservation that can best maintain processes and potential for evolutionary change.  相似文献   

Finding practical ways to robustly estimate abundance or density trends in threatened species is a key facet for effective conservation management. Further identifying less expensive monitoring methods that provide adequate data for robust population density estimates can facilitate increased investment into other conservation initiatives needed for species recovery. Here we evaluated and compared inference-and cost-effectiveness criteria for three field monitoring-density estimation protocols to improve conservation activities for the threatened Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis). We undertook line-transect counts, cage trapping and camera monitoring surveys for Komodo dragons at 11 sites within protected areas in Eastern Indonesia to collect data to estimate density using distance sampling methods or the Royle–Nichols abundance induced heterogeneity model. Distance sampling estimates were considered poor due to large confidence intervals, a high coefficient of variation and that false absences were obtained in 45 % of sites where other monitoring methods detected lizards present. The Royle–Nichols model using presence/absence data obtained from cage trapping and camera monitoring produced highly correlated density estimates, obtained similar measures of precision and recorded no false absences in data collation. However because costs associated with camera monitoring were considerably less than cage trapping methods, albeit marginally more expensive than distance sampling, better inference from this method is advocated for ongoing population monitoring of Komodo dragons. Further the cost-savings achieved by adopting this field monitoring method could facilitate increased expenditure on alternative management strategies that could help address current declines in two Komodo dragon populations.  相似文献   

This study documents variation in maximum body size of Komodo dragons ( Varanus komodoensis ) among the four extant island populations in Komodo National Park and compares an indirect measure of deer density, the major prey item for large dragons, to differences in maximum body size among islands. The largest 15% of dragons from the large islands of Komodo and Rinca were significantly longer and heavier than the largest 15% of dragons on the small islands of Gili Motang and Nusa Kode. There was a 33% difference in snout vent length (SVL) between dragons found on Komodo and those found on Gili Motang, with mass varying by more than four-fold. Density of deer pellet groups between islands ranged from 5.86±0.75 groups per transect on Gili Motang to 20.73±1.02 groups per transect on Komodo Island. Maximal dragon SVL and mass was highly positively correlated with this index of deer density. Low prey density on the two small islands could constrain body size via energetic constraints. At present we can not deduce if insular body size variation has arisen through genotypic or phenotypic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Geological and climatic events are considered to profoundly affect the evolution and lineage divergence of plant species. However, the evolutionary histories of tree species that have responded to past geological and climate oscillations in central China''s mountainous areas remain mostly unknown. In this study, we assessed the evolutionary history of the endangered and relict tree species Dipteronia sinensis in the Qinling Mountains (QM) and adjacent areas in East Asia based on variations in the complete chloroplast genomes (cpDNA) and reduced‐genomic scale single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Population structure and phylogenetic analysis based on the cpDNA variations suggested that D. sinensis could be divided into two intraspecific genetic lineages in the eastern and western sides of the QM (EQM and WQM, respectively) in East Asia. Molecular dating suggested that the intraspecific divergence of D. sinensis occurred approximately 39.2 million years ago during the later Paleogene. It was significantly correlated with the orogeny of the QM, where the formation of this significant geographic barrier in the region may have led to the divergence of independent lineages. Bayesian clustering and demographic analysis showed that intraspecific gene flow was restricted between the EQM and WQM lineages. Isolation‐with‐migration analysis indicated that the two genetic lineages experienced significant demographic expansions after the Pleistocene ice ages. However, the genetic admixture was determined in some populations between the two lineages by the large scale of SNP variations due to DNA incompatibility, the large significant population size, and rapid gene flow of nuclear DNA markers. Our results suggest that two different conservation and management units should be constructed for D. sinensis in the EQM and WQM areas. These findings provide novel insights into the unprecedented effects of tectonic changes and climatic oscillations on lineage divergence and plant population evolution in the QM and adjacent areas in East Asia.  相似文献   

Conservation management can be aided by knowledge of genetic diversity and evolutionary history, so that ecological and evolutionary processes can be preserved. The Button Wrinklewort daisy (Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides) was a common component of grassy ecosystems in south-eastern Australia. It is now endangered due to extensive habitat loss and the impacts of livestock grazing, and is currently restricted to a few small populations in two regions >500 km apart, one in Victoria, the other in the Australian Capital Territory and nearby New South Wales (ACT/NSW). Using a genome-wide SNP dataset, we assessed patterns of genetic structure and genetic differentiation of 12 natural diploid populations. We estimated intrapopulation genetic diversity to scope sources for genetic management. Bayesian clustering and principal coordinate analyses showed strong population genetic differentiation between the two regions, and substantial substructure within ACT/NSW. A coalescent tree-building approach implemented in SNAPP indicated evolutionary divergence between the two distant regions. Among the populations screened, the last two known remaining Victorian populations had the highest genetic diversity, despite having among the lowest recent census sizes. A maximum likelihood population tree method implemented in TreeMix suggested little or no recent gene flow except potentially between very close neighbours. Populations that were more genetically distinctive had lower genetic diversity, suggesting that drift in isolation is likely driving population differentiation though loss of diversity, hence re-establishing gene flow among them is desirable. These results provide background knowledge for evidence-based conservation and support genetic rescue within and between regions to elevate genetic diversity and alleviate inbreeding.Subject terms: Ecological genetics, Population genetics  相似文献   

The evolutionary mechanisms generating the tremendous biodiversity of islands have long fascinated evolutionary biologists. Genetic drift and divergent selection are predicted to be strong on islands and both could drive population divergence and speciation. Alternatively, strong genetic drift may preclude adaptation. We conducted a genomic analysis to test the roles of genetic drift and divergent selection in causing genetic differentiation among populations of the island fox (Urocyon littoralis). This species consists of six subspecies, each of which occupies a different California Channel Island. Analysis of 5293 SNP loci generated using Restriction‐site Associated DNA (RAD) sequencing found support for genetic drift as the dominant evolutionary mechanism driving population divergence among island fox populations. In particular, populations had exceptionally low genetic variation, small Ne (range = 2.1–89.7; median = 19.4), and significant genetic signatures of bottlenecks. Moreover, islands with the lowest genetic variation (and, by inference, the strongest historical genetic drift) were most genetically differentiated from mainland grey foxes, and vice versa, indicating genetic drift drives genome‐wide divergence. Nonetheless, outlier tests identified 3.6–6.6% of loci as high FST outliers, suggesting that despite strong genetic drift, divergent selection contributes to population divergence. Patterns of similarity among populations based on high FST outliers mirrored patterns based on morphology, providing additional evidence that outliers reflect adaptive divergence. Extremely low genetic variation and small Ne in some island fox populations, particularly on San Nicolas Island, suggest that they may be vulnerable to fixation of deleterious alleles, decreased fitness and reduced adaptive potential.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of island species are considered particularly sensitive to variation in environmental, demographic and/or genetic processes. However, few studies have attempted to evaluate the relative importance of these processes for key vital rates in island endemics. We integrated the results of long‐term capture–mark–recapture analysis, prey surveys, habitat quality assessments and molecular analysis to determine the causes of variation in the survival rates of Komodo dragons Varanus komodoensis at 10 sites on four islands in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. Using open population capture–mark–recapture methods, we ranked competing models that considered environmental, ecological, genetic and demographic effects on site‐specific Komodo dragon survival rates. Site‐specific survival rates ranged from 0.49 (95% CI: 0.33–0.68) to 0.92 (0.79–0.97) in the 10 study sites. The three highest‐ranked models (i.e. ΔQAICc < 2) explained ~70% of variation in Komodo dragon survival rates and identified interactions between inbreeding coefficients, prey biomass density and habitat quality as important explanatory variables. There was evidence of additive effects from ecological and genetic (e.g. inbreeding) processes affecting Komodo dragon survival rates. Our results indicate that maintaining high ungulate prey biomass and habitat quality would enhance the persistence of Komodo dragon populations. Assisted gene flow may also increase the genetic and demographic viability of the smaller Komodo dragon populations.  相似文献   

The Amazonian coast has several unique geological characteristics resulting from the interaction between drainage pattern of the Amazon River and the Atlantic Ocean. It is one of the most extensive and sedimentologically dynamic regions of the world, with a large number of continental islands mostly formed less than 10,000 years ago. The natural distribution of the cane toad (Rhinella marina), one of the world’s most successful invasive species, in this complex Amazonian system provides an intriguing model for the investigation of the effects of isolation or the combined effects of isolation and habitat dynamic changes on patterns of genetic variability and population differentiation. We used nine fast-evolving microsatellite loci to contrast patterns of genetic variability in six coastal (three mainlands and three islands) populations of the cane toad near the mouth of the Amazon River. Results from Bayesian multilocus clustering approach and Discriminant Analyses of Principal Component were congruent in showing that each island population was genetically differentiated from the mainland populations. All FST values obtained from all pairwise comparisons were significant, ranging from 0.048 to 0.186. Estimates of both recent and historical gene flow were not significantly different from zero across all population pairs, except the two mainland populations inhabiting continuous habitats. Patterns of population differentiation, with a high level of population substructure and absence/restricted gene flow, suggested that island populations of R. marina are likely isolated since the Holocene sea-level rise. However, considering the similar levels of genetic variability found in both island and mainland populations, it is reliable to assume that they were also isolated for longer periods. Given the genetic uniqueness of each cane toad population, together with the high natural vulnerability of the coastal regions and intense human pressures, we suggest that these populations should be treated as discrete units for conservation management purposes.  相似文献   

Understanding the divergence of behavioural signals in isolated populations is critical to knowing how certain barriers to gene flow can develop. For many bird species, songs are essential for conspecific recognition and mate choice. Measuring the rate of song divergence in natural populations is difficult, but translocations of endangered birds to isolated islands for conservation purposes can yield insights, as the age and source of founder populations are completely known. We found significant and rapid evolution in the structure and diversity of bird song in North Island saddlebacks, Philesturnus rufusater, in New Zealand, with two distinct lineages evolving in < 50 years. The strong environmental filters of serial translocations resulted in cultural bottlenecks that generated drift and reduced song variability within islands. This rapid divergence coupled with loss of song diversity has important implications for the behavioural evolution of this species, demonstrating previously unrecognised biological consequences of conservation management.  相似文献   

Five polymorphic microsatellites (simple sequence repeat; SSR) markers were used to estimate the levels of genetic variation within and among natural populations from different islands of the endangered endemic from the Canary Islands Sambucus palmensis Link (Sambucaceae). Genetic data were used to infer potential evolutionary processes that could have led to present genetic differentiation among islands. The levels of genetic variability of S. palmensis were considerably high; proportion of polymorphic loci (P = 100%), mean number of alleles per locus (A = 6.8), average expected heterozygosity (He = 0.499). In spite of its small population size and endemic character, 58 different multilocus genotypes were detected within the 165 individuals analyzed. All samples located in different islands always presented different multilocus genotypes. Principal Coordinates Analysis, genetic differentiation analysis (F ST and G ST ) and Bayesian Cluster Analysis revealed significant genetic differences among populations located in different islands. However, this genetic differentiation was not recorded among Tenerife and La Gomera populations, possibly revealing the uncontrolled transfer of material between both islands. AMOVA analysis attributed 77% of the variance to differences within populations, whereas 8% was distributed between islands. The levels of genetic differentiation observed among populations, and the genetic diversity distribution within populations in S. palmensis, indicate that management should aim to conserve as many of the small populations as possible. Concentrating conservation efforts only on the few large populations would result in the likelihood of loss of genetic variability for the species.  相似文献   

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