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1. It is well known that neutral salts depress the osmotic pressure, swelling, and viscosity of protein-acid salts. Measurements of the P.D. between gelatin chloride solutions contained in a collodion bag and an outside aqueous solution show that the salt depresses the P.D. in the same proportion as it depresses the osmotic pressure of the gelatin chloride solution. 2. Measurements of the hydrogen ion concentration inside the gelatin chloride solution and in the outside aqueous solution show that the difference in pH of the two solutions allows us to calculate the P.D. quantitatively on the basis of the Nernst formula See PDF for Equation if we assume that the P.D. is due to a difference in the hydrogen ion concentration on the two sides of the membrane. 3. This difference in pH inside minus pH outside solution seems to be the consequence of the Donnan membrane equilibrium, which only supposes that one of the ions in solution cannot diffuse through the membrane. It is immaterial for this equilibrium whether the non-diffusible ion is a crystalloid or a colloid. 4. When acid is added to isoelectric gelatin the osmotic pressure rises at first with increasing hydrogen ion concentration, reaches a maximum at pH 3.5, and then falls again with further fall of the pH. It is shown that the P.D. of the gelatin chloride solution shows the same variation with the pH (except that it reaches its maximum at pH of about 3.9) and that the P.D. can be calculated from the difference of pH inside minus pH outside on the basis of Nernst''s formula. 5. It was found in preceding papers that the osmotic pressure of gelatin sulfate solutions is only about one-half of that of gelatin chloride or gelatin phosphate solutions of the same pH and the same concentration of originally isoelectric gelatin; and that the osmotic pressure of gelatin oxalate solutions is almost but not quite the same as that of the gelatin chloride solutions of the same pH and concentration of originally isoelectric gelatin. It was found that the curves for the values for P.D. of these four gelatin salts are parallel to the curves of their osmotic pressure and that the values for pH inside minus pH outside multiplied by 58 give approximately the millivolts of these P.D. In this preliminary note only the influence of the concentration of the hydrogen ions on the P.D. has been taken into consideration. In the fuller paper, which is to follow, the possible influence of the concentration of the anions on this quantity will have to be discussed.  相似文献   

1. It has been shown by titration experiments that the globulin edestin behaves like an amphoteric electrolyte, reacting stoichiometrically with acids and bases. 2. The potential difference developed between a solution of edestin chloride or acetate separated by a collodion membrane from an acid solution free from protein was found to be influenced by salt concentration and hydrogen ion concentration in the way predicted by Donnan''s theory of membrane equilibrium. 3. The osmotic pressure of such edestin-acid salt solutions was found to be influenced by salt concentration and by hydrogen ion concentration in the same way as is the potential difference. 4. The colloidal behavior of edestin is thus completely analogous to that observed by Loeb with gelatin, casein, and egg albumin, and may be explained by Loeb''s theory of colloidal behavior, which is based on the idea that proteins react stoichiometrically as amphoteric electrolytes and on Donnan''s theory of membrane equilibrium.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for applying the phase rule to systems of several protein components in serum. The globulin fractions which have been investigated appear to be homogeneous substances.  相似文献   

1. The action of a number of acids on four properties of gelatin (membrane potentials, osmotic pressure, swelling, and viscosity) was studied. The acids used can be divided into three groups; first, monobasic acids (HCl, HBr, HI, HNO3, acetic, propionic, and lactic acids); second, strong dibasic acids (H2SO4 and sulfosalicylic acid) which dissociate as dibasic acids in the range of pH between 4.7 and 2.5; and third, weak dibasic and tribasic acids (succinic, tartaric, citric) which dissociate as monobasic acids at pH 3.0 or below and dissociate increasingly as dibasic acids, according to their strength, with pH increasing above 3.0. 2. If the influence of these acids on the four above mentioned properties of gelatin is plotted as ordinates over the pH of the gelatin solution or gelatin gel as abscissæ, it is found that all the acids have the same effect where the anion is monovalent; this is true for the seven monobasic acids at all pH and for the weak dibasic and tribasic acids at pH below 3.0. The two strong dibasic acids (the anion of which is divalent in the whole range of pH of these experiments) have a much smaller effect than the acids with monovalent anion. The weak dibasic and tribasic acids act, at pH above 3.0, like acids the anion of which is chiefly monovalent but which contain also divalent anions increasing with pH and with the strength of the acid. 3. These experiments prove that only the valency but not the other properties of the anion of an acid influences the four properties of gelatin mentioned, thus absolutely contradicting the Hofmeister anion series in this case which were due to the failure of the earlier experimenters to measure properly the pH of their protein solutions or gels and to compare the effects of acids at the same pH of the protein solution or protein gel after equilibrium was established. 4. It is shown that the validity of the valency rule and the non-validity of the Hofmeister anion series for the four properties of proteins mentioned are consequences of the fact that the influence of acids on the membrane potentials, osmotic pressure, swelling, and viscosity of gelatin is due to the Donnan equilibrium between protein solutions or gels and the surrounding aqueous solution. This equilibrium depends only on the valency but not on any other property of the anion of an acid. 5. That the valency rule is determined by the Donnan equilibrium is strikingly illustrated by the ratio of the membrane potentials for divalent and monovalent anions of acids. Loeb has shown that the Donnan equilibrium demands that this ratio should be 0.66 and the actual measurements agree with this postulate of the theory within the limits of accuracy of the measurements. 6. The valency rule can be expected to hold for only such properties of proteins as depend upon the Donnan equilibrium. Properties of proteins not depending on the Donnan equilibrium may be affected not only by the valency but also by the chemical nature of the anion of an acid.  相似文献   

It is shown by the older experiments by Loeb and by the experiments reported in this paper that the effect of salts on the membrane potentials, osmotic pressure, swelling of gelatin chloride, and that type of viscosity which is due to the swelling of protein particles, depends only on the valency but not on the chemical nature of the anion of the salt, and that the cation of the salt has no effect on these properties, if the pH of the protein solution or protein gel is not altered by the salt. The so called Hofmeister series of salt effects on these four properties are purely fictitious and due to the failure of the former authors to measure the hydrogen ion concentration of their protein solutions or gels and to compare the effects of salts at the same pH of the protein solution or the protein gel. These results confirm the older experiments of Loeb and together they furnish a further proof for the correctness of the idea that the influence of electrolytes on the four properties of proteins is determined by membrane equilibria. Such properties of proteins which do not depend on membrane equilibria, such as solubility or cohesion, may be affected not only by the valency but also by the chemical nature of the ions of a salt.  相似文献   

用生长速率测定法研究了ZnS胶体光诱导的抑菌(bacteriostasis)作用。实验结果表明,ZnS胶体在光照时能够明显地抑制大丽菊轮枝霉(VerticilliumDahliae)的生长,而在不光照时没有这一效果。其原因是ZnS胶体在光激发下能够生成大量的活性氧自由基。在本文实验条件下ZnS胶体的半致死浓度(LC50)是4.33×10-5mol/L。  相似文献   

1. When a solution of a salt of gelatin or crystalline egg albumin is separated by a collodion membrane from a watery solution (free from protein) a potential difference is set up across the membrane in which the protein is positively charged in the case of protein-acid salts and in which the protein is negatively charged in the case of metal proteinates. The turning point is the isoelectric point of the protein. 2. Measurements of the pH of the (inside) protein solution and of the outside watery solution show that when equilibrium is established the value pH inside minus pH outside is positive in the case of protein-acid salts and negative in the case of metal proteinates. This is to be expected when the P.D. is caused by the establishment of a Donnan equilibrium, since in that case the pH should be lower outside than inside in the case of a protein-acid salt and should be higher outside than inside in the case of a metal proteinate. 3. At the isoelectric point where the electrical charge is zero the value of pH inside minus pH outside becomes also zero. 4. It is shown that a P.D. is established between suspended particles of powdered gelatin and the surrounding watery solution and that the sign of charge of the particles is positive when they contain gelatin-acid salts, while it is negative when the powdered particles contain metal gelatinate. At the isoelectric point the charge is zero. 5. Measurements of the pH inside the powdered particles and of the pH in the outside watery solution show that when equilibrium is established the value pH inside minus pH outside is positive when the powdered particles contain a gelatin-acid salt, while the value pH inside minus pH outside is negative when the powdered particles contain Na gelatinate. At the isoelectric point the value pH inside minus pH outside is zero. 6. The addition of neutral salts depresses the electrical charge of the powdered particles of protein-acid salts. It is shown that the addition of salts to a suspension of powdered particles of gelatin chloride also diminishes the value of pH inside minus pH outside. 7. The agreement between the values 58 (pH inside minus pH outside) and the P. D. observed by the Compton electrometer is not only qualitative but quantitative. This proves that the difference in the concentration of acid (or alkali, as the case may be) in the two phases is the only cause for the observed P.D. 8. The Donnan theory demands that the P.D. of a gelatin chloride solution should be 1½ times as great as the P.D. of a gelatin sulfate solution of the same pH and the same concentration (1 per cent) of originally isoelectric gelatin. This is found to be correct and it is also shown that the values of pH inside minus pH outside for the two solutions possess the ratio of 3:2. 9. All these measurements prove that the electrical charges of suspended particles of protein are determined exclusively by the Donnan equilibrium.  相似文献   

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