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1. The writer had previously published the observation that if a salt solution made up in an acid solution (e.g. HCl) of a definite pH (e.g. 3.0) is separated by a collodion membrane from pure water containing the same acid of the same pH, acid is at first driven from the salt solution into the water, so that the pH of the latter becomes at first lower than that of the solution. 2. It is shown in this paper that this paradoxical phenomenon is not due to any peculiarity of the membrane but is a consequence of the well known fact that the diffusion constant of an acid is increased by a salt.  相似文献   

Abstract. Evidence in favour of labelling of DNA in excess of requirements for mitosis was found in adult organs showing no mitosis (heart muscle and brain), in organs with low mitotic indexes (liver, seminal vesicle) and, more recently, in the small intestine of rodents, in bone formation and in growing roots of Vicia faba. A survey of published data showed higher labelling indexes than would be expected from the data for S, M and t c deducted from labelled mitoses curves. to improve the accuracy of the data needed for a complete assessment the duration of mitosis (M) and the proportion of cells which are no longer in the mitotic cycle in the crypts were determined using Colcemid. the fact that all cells in the villi are derived from the crypts and that there is no cell-loss in the villi was checked by cell-counts.
The results show that 3040%of the labelled nuclei found in crypts of the jejunum of mice at 1 hr after injection of 3H-thymidine do not proceed to mitosis.
The labelling after the last mitosis is interpreted as formation of the metabolic DNA necessary for the function of the differentiated cells in the villi. There is some evidence that metabolic DNA necessary for the processes of mitosis might be lost  相似文献   

A satisfactory correlation of our observations dealing with the influence of salts and those dealing with the influence of x-rays is not possible at present. Any far reaching conclusion is not permitted because the information we have at this time regarding the physical chemical conditions concerned in the process of injury, as well as that pertaining to the nature of radio-chemical reactions, is too meager. As far as the experiments with salts are concerned, it may be said that we are dealing with ion effects, and their importance in physiological processes is made clear by the investigations of Loeb (3) and those of Osterhout (4). The results that we have obtained in our experiments present an interesting analogy between the effect of x-rays and certain salts on the lymphoid elements of the animal body. We regard this analogy as significant in that it presents suggestions regarding the chemical nature of x-ray effects in the animal body.  相似文献   

Two rather simple equations have been derived, which make it possible to express in a single number the result of a series of determinations of the volume of erythrocytes swelling in solutions of ammonium salts. In all experiments made with several combinations of different concentrations of permeating and non-permeating salts, the curves calculated from the equations have covered the points found by experiment.  相似文献   

  1. Investigations were made on the influence of inorganic nitrogenouscompounds upon the the germination of tobacco seeds (Nicotianatabacum L. var. virginica (AGDH.) COM. "Bright Yellow") inducedby GA3, kinetin and ammonium salts of organic acids. Potassiumnitrate, ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrategreatly increase the germination of the seeds induced by theabove reagents, while these inorganic salts, given alone, arealmost ineffective in causing germination.
  2. Kinetin was shownto induce germination of tobacco seeds inthe dark. The discrepancywith the results of previous investigationsin this respectwas discussed.
  3. It was inferred that nitrogenous metabolismis involved in theprocess of dark-germination of tobacco seedsas induced by theabove-stated stimulating factors and promotedby inorganic nitrogenoussubstances.
(Received July 17, 1961; )  相似文献   

The influence of adrenergic stimulation, adrenergic blockade and sympathectomy on crypt cell cycle time and mitotic time in rat jejunum was studied. Alpha adrenergic stimulation by noradrenaline was found to shorten both cell cycle and mitotic times, whereas beta adrenergic stimulation by adrenaline or isoprenaline was found to prolong both cell cycle and mitotic times. Conversely, alpha adrenergic blockade by phentolamine prolonged cell cycle time and beta adrenergic blockade by propranolol or practolol shortened cell cycle time but not mitotic time. Both chemical and surgical sympathectomy inhibited crypt cell proliferation. Chemically sympathectomized animals manifested supersensitivity to exogenous noradrenaline.  相似文献   

The effect of the addition of sodium chloride to gelatin solutions is shown from the Donnan relationship to increase the ionisation of the gelatin, the increase produced in acid solutions reaching a maximum at about 1/1000 molar salt concentration. This effect is attributed to the formation of complex ions. From the similar action of calcium and copper chlorides the effective combining power of gelatin for complex positive ion formation is deduced. The bearing of complex ion formation on the zwitter-ionic structure and solubility phenomena of proteins is pointed out.  相似文献   

1. No destruction of pepsin by heat is demonstrable at pH 1.6 until a temperature of 40°C. is exceeded. 2. The influence of the backward reaction in peptic hydrolysis is shown in the diminishing rate at which increasing concentrations of protein are hydrolyzed. 3. The backward reaction causes the optimum for the hydrolysis of higher concentrations of protein to be attained at a lower temperature than with more dilute solutions. 4. The proteose and peptone associated with commercial pepsin retard hydrolysis in the same sense as the products due to the action of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Effects of various ionic conditions on the development of the cellular slime molds D. discoideum and D. mucoroides were studied. A certain concentration of lithium ions (7 mM) promoted differentiation of the stalk cells and conversely inhibited formation of the spores. The presence of calcium and magnesium ions was needed for Li to manifest its specific effect. A high concentration of Ca (100-120 mM) also facilitated differentiation of the stalk cells. On the other hand, fluoride ions stimulated considerable formation of spores at 15 mM. In the absence of divalent cations, sodium ions inhibited morphogenesis and cell differentiation proportionately with its concentration, and complete inhibition was obtained at 20 mM. The inhibitory effect of Na was nullified by addition of small amounts of Ca. Possible mechanisms by which these ions exert their influences on development of this organism were discussed.  相似文献   

肺癌蛋白质组的研究,有助于阐明其发病机制并对肺癌的防治有益。本文从研究人肺癌细胞热休克蛋白的表达情况出发,通过比较37℃、42℃和45℃培养条件下的人肺癌细胞A549总蛋白质的双向电泳图谱,获得3个温度敏感的差异蛋白点,依次命名为P_1、P_2、P_3。对差异蛋白进行MALDI-TOF-MS分析和采用SWISS-PROT数据库中的Peptident软件检索后,初步鉴定P_1与2种醛酮还原酶家族成员相匹配,P_2可能为一种新蛋白,P_3为锌指蛋白11A。  相似文献   

在麻醉并麻痹的猫上观察到:刺激中缝背核(DR)可引起小脑皮层浦肯野细胞(PC)兴奋或抑制(主要是抑制);由被动性腕关节屈伸运动刺激引起的外周本体传入可以增强或减速PC对DR刺激的反应。这些结果表明中缝-小脑5-HT能纤维的传入活动可以调制PC的放电活动,并与外周传入有相互作用。  相似文献   

本实验用清醒麻痹的家猫观察到,皮层第二体感区(SⅡ区)的下行活动对尾核痛相关单位的自发放电和伤害性反应均有影响。在35个痛相关单位中,刺激SⅡ区后,62.7%的自发放电受到影响(p<0.05)。在72个痛相关单位中,刺激SⅡ区后,77.8%的伤害性反应受到抑制(p<0.01),其中抑制痛兴奋单位的伤害性反应最为明显。而用利多卡因局部阻滞SⅡ区后,33个痛相关单位中,51.5%的伤害性反应增强(p<0.01)。本结果提示:(1)SⅡ区的下行活动不仅对尾核痛相关单位的自发活动有影响,而且对痛相关单位的伤害性反应有以抑制为主的下行性调制作用。(2)在正常机能状态下,SⅡ区对伤害性信息向尾核的传递有一定的紧张性的下行性抑制作用。  相似文献   

Weissman , Gerard S. (Rutgers U., Camden, N. J.) Influence of ammonium and nitrate on the protein- and amino acids in shoots of wheat seedlings. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(5): 339–346. 1959.—Total and protein nitrogen per shoot of wheat seedlings grown with endosperm attached increased at a steady rate during a 96-hr. growth period, and protein nitrogen, as a percentage of total nitrogen, remained constant at about 53%. Total and protein nitrogen concentration was greatest for 24-hr. shoots and declined as the shoots became older. Total and protein nitrogen were determined in 96-hr. shoots of seedlings grown with endosperm attached but also supplied with ammonium, nitrate, or both in the culture solution. Total nitrogen was greatest in shoots supplied with ammonium, but only 38% was in the form of protein. Maximum protein synthesis occurred in shoots grown in both ammonium and nitrate and protein nitrogen as a percentage of total nitrogen approximated that achieved in shoots lacking nitrogen in the culture solution. The protein amino acid composition of 48-, 72-, and 96-hr. shoots was very similar but differed from 24-hr. shoots which contained higher percentages of arginine and lysine and lower percentages of alanine and threonine. This may be correlated with the higher proportion of meristematic cells in 24-hr. shoots. The protein amino acids in shoots grown with ammonium resembled that of shoots lacking nitrogen in the culture solution, but nitrate shoot protein contained a higher percentage of arginine and a lower percentage of lysine. Nitrate may stimulate the formation of enzymes, possibly of a nitrate-reducing system, with high arginine- low lysine content. Free asparagine and glutamine were both at a maximum in ammonium shoots and at a minimum in nitrate shoots, but asparagine predominated in shoots supplied with ammonium while glutamine was greatest in nitrate shoots. Aspartic acid, asparagine, and glutamine appeared to have ammonia-storage functions, but glutamic acid appeared to be primarily concerned with protein synthesis. Amino acid accumulation was greatest in shoots supplied with both ammonium and nitrate. Protein synthesis in these appeared to be limited by inadequate concentrations of glutamic acid and proline. A hypothesis is proposed in explanation of the high glutamic acid concentration in shoots provided with ammonium and nitrate.  相似文献   

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