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Measurements of the penetration of tissue from Chromodoris zebra are believed to show that a determining factor in penetration involves the establishment of a critical pH (near 3.5) in relation to superficial cell proteins. The rapidity with which this state is produced depends upon acid strength, and upon some property of the acid influencing the speed of absorption; hence it is necessary to compare acids within groups of chemical relationship. The actual speed of penetration observed with any acid is dependent upon two influences: preliminary chemical combination with the outer protoplasm, followed by diffusion. The variation of the temperature coefficient of penetration velocity with the concentration of acid, and the effect of size (age) of individual providing the tissue sample agree in demonstrating the significant part played by diffusion. In comparing different acids, however, their mode of chemical union with the protoplasm determines the general order of penetrating ability.  相似文献   

With homemade active crystalline fibers, we generated bright and broadband light sources for full-field optical coherence tomography, offering deep penetration into skin tissues with cellular resolution at a high frame rate. Extraction of backscattered spectra from the tissue has potential applications in biomedicine. The hysteresis nonlinearity of the piezoelectric transducer actuating the Mirau interferometer has been greatly reduced by a feedforward compensation approach. The linearized hysteresis response enables us to extract depth-dependent spectra accurately. To validate, the complex dispersion of a fused silica plate was characterized with 2% error. Further validation on an in vitro setting, the backscattered spectra from indocyanine green pigment and nonpigmented microspheres were obtained and verified. For in vivo skin measurement, the backscattered spectra show depth-dependent spectral shift and bandwidth variation due to the complex skin anatomy and pigment absorption. Such a high-speed spectra acquisition of in vivo deep tissue backscattering could lead to disease diagnosis in clinical settings.  相似文献   

Pigment production by the fungus Monascus sp. was studied to determine why Monascus sp. provides more pigment in solid culture than in submerged culture. Adding a sterilized nonionic polymeric adsorbent resin directly to the growing submerged culture did not enhance the pigment production, thus indicating that pigment extraction is probably not a factor. Monascus cells immobilized in hydrogel were studied and exhibited decreased pigment production as a result of immobilization. This result is thought to be due to diffusional resistance of the pigment through the hydrogel beads. Addition of the adsorbent resin to the immobilized Monascus culture increased both the maximum pigment yield and the production rate above those of the free-cell fermentations. The provision of a support for the mycelium may explain enhanced pigment production by the solid-state culture. These results indicate that product diffusion from immobilized cell systems can be the limiting factor and that in situ extraction is one possible way to circumvent this problem.  相似文献   

The differential equations describing diffusion in cell models have been extended to include the simultaneous penetration of water and two salts. These equations have been solved for the steady state. Values for the concentrations in the steady state which may be computed from the equations compare favorably with the experimental values obtained by Osterhout, Kamerling, and Stanley. Moreover, it has been shown elsewhere that the solution for the steady state is essential to a discussion of the volume change or "growth" of phase C in the models and, by analogy, in living cells.  相似文献   

Penetration of naphthaleneacetic acid through enzymatically isolated upper pear (Pyrus communis L. cv. Bartlett) leaf cuticle increased as the donor pH was decreased. Naphthaleneacetamide penetration was not influenced by donor pH. The effect of pH on naphthaleneacetic acid penetration was reversible. Higher receiver (simulated leaf interior) pH favored penetration of naphthaleneacetic acid. Changes in the degree of dissociation, and hence polarity, as controlled by hydrogen ion concentration was the prime factor in the response of naphthaleneacetic acid to pH. At pH values lower than the pK (4.2 for naphthaleneacetic acid), the molecule was primarily undissociated, lipophilic, and penetrated into the cuticle; whereas, at pH values above the pK naphthaleneacetic acid was ionized, hydrophilic, and penetrated the cuticle with difficulty or not at all. Data presented are consistent with the hypothesis that naphthaleneacetic acid and naphthaleneacetamide penetration through the cuticle takes place by diffusion.  相似文献   

A study was made of the diffusion of the red pigment echinochrome from the eggs of the sea urchin, Arbacia punctulata, into sea water. Unfertilized eggs retained their pigment, over periods of hours. Outward diffusion of pigment from unfertilized eggs normally is entirely negligible, or does not occur at all. Enchancing the calcium or potassium content of the artificial sea water (while retaining isosmotic conditions) did not induce pigment release. Under anaerobic conditions, unfertilized eggs release pigment in small quantities. Fertilization alone brings about echinochrome release. Fertilized eggs invariably released pigment, whether in normal sea water, or sea water with increased calcium or potassium. This diffusion of the pigment began during the first cleavage, possibly soon after fertilization. The pigment release is not a consequence solely of the cell''s permeability to echinochrome (or chromoprotein, or other pigment combination) but is preceded by events leading to a release of echinochrome from the granules in which it is concentrated within the cell. These events may be initiated by activation or by anaerobiosis. The phenomenon was not due to cytolysis.  相似文献   

1. Comparison of the rates of activation of unfertilized starfish eggs in pure solutions of a variety of parthenogenetically effective organic acids (fatty acids, carbonic acid, benzoic and salicylic acids, chloro- and nitrobenzoic acids) shows that solutions which activate the eggs at the same rate, although widely different in molecular concentration, tend to be closely similar in CH. The dissociation constants of these acids range from 3.2 x 10–7 to 1.32 x 10–3. 2. In the case of each of the fourteen acids showing parthenogenetic action the rate of activation (within the favorable range of concentration) proved nearly proportional to the concentration of acid. The estimated CH of solutions exhibiting an optimum action with exposures of 10 minutes (at 20°) lay typically between 1.1 x 10–4 M and 2.1 x 10–4 M (pH = 3.7–3.96), and in most cases between 1.6 x 10–4 M and 2.1 x 10–4 M (pH = 3.7–3.8). Formic acid (CH = 4.2 x 10–4 M) and o-chlorobenzoic acid (CH = 3.5 x 10–4 M) are exceptions; o-nitrobenzoic acid is ineffective, apparently because of slow penetration. 3. Activation is not dependent on the penetration of H ions into the egg from without, as is shown by the effects following the addition of its Na salt to the solution of the activating acid (acetic, benzoic, salicylic). The rate of activation is increased by such addition, to a degree indicating that the parthenogenetically effective component of the external solution is the undissociated free acid. Apparently the undissociated molecules alone penetrate the egg freely. It is assumed that, having penetrated, they dissociate in the interior of the egg, furnishing there the H ions which effect activation. 4. Attention is drawn to certain parallels between the physiological conditions controlling activation in the starfish egg and in the vertebrate respiratory center.  相似文献   

Glycolic acid is accumulated by in vitro preparations of gill tissue from the quahog clam, Mercenaria sp., by a process indicating diffusion kinetics. Carbon-14 from labelled glycolic acid was found in the lipid fraction of the gill tissue. Evolution of labelled carbon dioxide suggests that the glycolic acid is metabolized in gill tissue.  相似文献   

The diffusion within the polymeric matrix of the cell wall is a process that determines the possibility and the rate of ion penetration into cell. In this work, we quantitatively determined the diffusion of Methylene Blue cation within the cell walls isolated from the crustose lichen Cladonia rangiferina (L.) F. H. Wigg. and its possible contribution to the processes of absorption into the lichen thalli. The swelling coefficient of the cell wall matrix and the diffusion coefficient of the organic cation within the cell walls were determined. Our results show that lichen cell walls are characterized by a higher crosslinking degree and a smaller diffusion coefficient than plants.  相似文献   

The rate of penetration and the solubility of H, O, N, NH3, H2O, HCl gas, CO2, formic, acetic, chloracetic, dichloracetic acid, glycerol, phenol and mercury bichloride in dry collodion membranes have been measured. The rate of penetration of H and CO2 is the same whether the membrane and gas are dry or whether the membrane is immersed in water. The solubility of CO2, acetic acid, phenol and water in collodion is completely reversible and is proportional to the concentration (or vapor pressure) in low concentrations and independent of the surface of the collodion. The size of the pores has been calculated from the vapor pressure of water in the collodion and from the rate of flow of water through the membrane. The results do not agree and are not consistent with the observed rates of penetration. The relative rates of penetration of the gases bear no relation to the density of the gas. When the results are corrected for the solubility of the substances in the collodion and expressed as the diffusion coefficient in collodion they show that the diffusion coefficient increases rapidly as the molecular weight decreases.  相似文献   

Detached etiolated wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Chris) leaves accumulated plastid pigments at a high rate, developed chloroplasts with stacked thylakoids, and stored plastid starch when wetted on filter paper in light. A moderate water deficit of — 10 bars markedly reduced the accumulation of chlorophyll and carotenoids in the 8-day-old detached leaves during greening. δ-Aminolevulinic acid treatment of stressed leaf segments resulted in slightly increased pigment accumulations but benzyladenine application restored plastid pigment formation in stressed tissue to within 15% of the pigment content of the nonstressed detached leaves. The addition of δ-aminolevulinic acid to benzyladenine-treated stressed leaf segments improved both chlorophyll and carotenoid formation to nearly the amounts found in nonstressed leaf tissue. Stressed leaf sections developed plastids that were small, lacked starch, contained few thylakoids per granum, and possessed dilated thylakoids. Benzyladenine application to the stressed leaf segments did not restore normal plastid stacking but benzyladenine induced the formation of extended intergranal lamellae and stimulated pigment accumulations in both stressed and nonstressed detached leaves. Starch was absent in plastids of benzyladeninetreated leaf sections.  相似文献   

Acylated anthocyanins from the red-purple flowers of Arabis blepharophylla 1: pigment 1, R1 = H, trans, R2 = malonic acid 2: pigment 2, R1 = OCH3, trans, R2 = malonic acid 3: pigment 3, R1 = H, cis, R2 = malonic acid 4: pigment 4, R1 = H, trans, R2 = H 5: pigment 5, R1 = OCH3, trans, R2 = H.
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Highlights► Five anthocyanins were isolated from the flowers of Arabis blepharophylla. ► Anthocyanins were identified as acylated cyanidin 3-sambubioside-5-glucoside. ► Anthocyanins were acylated by p-coumaric acid, sinapic acid and/or malonic acid.  相似文献   

Some of the factors affecting penetration in living cells may be advantageously studied in models in which the organic salts KG and NaG diffuse from an aqueous solution A, through a non-aqueous layer B (representing the protoplasmic surface) into an aqueous solution C (representing the sap and hence called artificial sap) where they react with CO2 to form KHCO3 and NaHCO3. Their relative proportions in C depend chiefly on the partition coefficients and on the diffusion constants in the non-aqueous layer. But the ratio is also affected by other variables, among which are the following: 1. Temperature, affecting diffusion constants and partition coefficients and altering the thickness of the unstirred layers by changing viscosity. 2. Viscosity (especially in the non-aqueous layers) which depends on temperature and the presence of solutes. 3. Rate of stirring, which affects the thickness of the unstirred layers and the transport of electrolyte in those that are stirred. 4. Shape and surface area of the non-aqueous layer. 5. Surface forces. 6. Reactions occurring at the outer surface such as loss of water by the electrolyte or its molecular association in the non-aqueous phase. The reverse processes will occur at the inner surface and here also combinations with acids or other substances in the "artificial sap" may occur. 7. Outward diffusion from the artificial sap. The outward movement of KHCO3 and NaHCO3 is small compared with the inward movement of KG and NaG when the concentrations are equal. This is because the partition coefficients3 of the bicarbonates are very low as compared with those of NaG and KG. Since CO2 and HCO3 - diffuse into A and combine with KG and NaG the inward movement of potassium and sodium falls off in proportion as the concentration of KG and NaG is lessened. 8. Movement of water into the non-aqueous phase and into the artificial sap. This may have a higher temperature coefficient than the penetration of electrolytes. 9. Variation of the partition coefficients with concentration and pH. Many of these variables may occur in living cells. (It happens that the range of variation in the ratio of potassium to sodium in the models resembles that found in Valonia.)  相似文献   

The theoretical aspects of the problem of sieve-like membranes are developed. The method of preparing the dried collodion membrane is described, and the method of defining the property of a particular membrane is given. It consists of the measurement of the Co P, that is the P.D. between an 0.1 and an 0.01 M KCl solution separated by the membrane. Co P is in the best dried membranes 50 to 53 millvolts, the theoretically possible maximum value being 55 millivolts. Diffusion experiments have been carried out with several arrangements, one of which is, for example, the diffusion of 0.1 M KNO3 against 0.1 M NaCl across the membrane. The amount of K+ diffusing after a certain period was in membranes with a sufficiently high Co P (about 50 millivolts or more) on the average ten times as much as the amount of diffused Cl-. In membranes with a lower Co P the ratio was much smaller, down almost to the proportion of 1:1 which holds for the mobility of these two ions in a free aqueous solution. When higher concentrations were used, e.g. 0.5 M solution, the difference of the rate of diffusion for K+ and Cl- was much smaller even in the best membranes, corresponding to the fact that the P.D. of two KCl solutions whose concentrations are 10:1 is much smaller in higher ranges of concentration than in lower ones. These observations are confirmed by experiments arranged in other ways. It has been shown that, in general, the diffusion of an anion is much slower than the one of a cation across the dried collodion membrane. The ratio of the two diffusion coefficients would be expected to be calculable in connection with the potential difference of such a membrane when interposed between these solutions. The next problem is to show in how far this can be confirmed quantitatively.  相似文献   

Cation Penetration through Isolated Leaf Cuticles   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The rates of penetration of various cations through isolated apricot Prunus armeniaca L. leaf cuticles were determined. Steady state rates were measured by using a specially constructed flow-through diffusion cell. The penetration rates of the monovalent cations in group IA followed a normal lyotropic series, i.e., CS+ ≥ Rb+ > K+ > Na+ > Li+. The divalent cations all penetrated through the cuticle more slowly than the monovalent cations. Comparison of the relative values of k (permeability coefficient) and D (diffusion coefficient) indicates that the penetration of ions through isolated cuticles took place by diffusion and was impeded by charge interactions between the solute and charge sites in the penetration pathway. Cuticular penetration rates of K+ and H2O at pH above 9 were of similar magnitude. At pH 5.5 H2O penetration was not affected but that of K+ was greatly reduced. From this observation and from data on cuticle titration and ion adsorption studies, we hypothesize that cuticular pores are lined with a substance (perhaps a protein) which has exposed positively charged sites.  相似文献   

Synthesis of germ tube wall is a major quantitative event during germination penetration of fungi on host plants, but little is known of germ tube composition or metabolic regulation. Sonic oscillation was used to separate germ tubes from germinating uredospores of Uromyces phaseoli var. typica. Uniformly 14C-labeled wall fractions from both structures were prepared by repeated low speed centrifugation and extraction with polar and nonpolar solvents. Based on amino acid analysis, approximately 6 and 16% of the carbon from uredospore and germ tube walls, respectively, was present in amino acids readily accessible to protease. Covalent linkages between amino acid and carbohydrate of walls was indicated by analysis of fragments prepared by mild hydrolytic procedures and separated by column chromatography and paper electrophoresis. The existence of protein in wall structures may resolve some previous uncertainty about the occurrence of protein biosynthesis during germination of rust fungi. Glucose, mannose, and glucosamine were the only carbohydrate components identified in both germ tubes and uredospore walls but different percentages were observed (germ tubes 28: 16: 16; uredospore 6: 36: 6). In germ tubes, most of the glucosamine was present in linkages hydrolyzed only by strong acid treatment, suggesting chitin-like polymers. In uredospore walls, glucosamine appears to be associated with red uredospore pigment which has properties similar to those of a melanin. Approximately 20% of the carbon in walls could not be identified with known compounds, partially because of degradation during the analytical procedures.  相似文献   

1. It is shown that NaCl acts like CaCl2 or LaCl3 in preventing the diffusion of strong acids through the membrane of the egg of Fundulus with this difference only that a M/8 solution of NaCl acts like a M/1,000 solution of CaCl2 and like a M/30,000 solution of LaCl3. 2. It is shown that these salts inhibit the diffusion of non-dissociated weak acid through the membrane of the Fundulus egg but slightly if at all. 3. Both NaCl and CaCl2 accelerate the diffusion of dissociated strong alkali through the egg membrane of Fundulus and CaCl2 is more efficient in this respect than NaCl. 4. It is shown that in moderate concentrations NaCl accelerates the rate of diffusion of KCl through the membrane of the egg of Fundulus while CaCl2 does not.  相似文献   

Six acylated delphinidin glycosides (pigments 1-6) and one acylated kaempferol glycoside (pigment 9) were isolated from the blue flowers of cape stock (Heliophila coronopifolia) in Brassicaceae along with two known acylated cyanidin glycosides (pigments 7 and 8). Pigments 1-8, based on 3-sambubioside-5-glucosides of delphinidin and cyanidin, were acylated with hydroxycinnamic acids at 3-glycosyl residues of anthocyanidins. Using spectroscopic and chemical methods, the structures of pigments 1, 2, 5, and 6 were determined to be: delphinidin 3-O-[2-O-(β-xylopyranosyl)-6-O-(acyl)-β-glucopyranoside]-5-O-[6-O-(malonyl)-β-glucopyranoside], in which acyl moieties were, respectively, cis-p-coumaric acid for pigment 1, trans-caffeic acid for pigment 2, trans-p-coumaric acid for pigment 5 (a main pigment) and trans-ferulic acid for pigment 6, respectively. Moreover, the structure of pigments 3 and 4 were elucidated, respectively, as a demalonyl pigment 5 and a demalonyl pigment 6. Two known anthocyanins (pigments 7 and 8) were identified to be cyanidin 3-(6-p-coumaroyl-sambubioside)-5-(6-malonyl-glucoside) for pigment 7 and cyanidin 3-(6-feruloyl-sambubioside)-5-(6-malonyl-glucoside) for pigment 8 as minor anthocyanin pigments. A flavonol pigment (pigment 9) was isolated from its flowers and determined to be kaempferol 3-O-[6-O-(trans-feruloyl)-β-glucopyranoside]-7-O-cellobioside-4′-O-glucopyranoside as the main flavonol pigment.On the visible absorption spectral curve of the fresh blue petals of this plant and its petal pressed juice in the pH 5.0 buffer solution, three characteristic absorption maxima were observed at 546, 583 and 635 nm. However, the absorption curve of pigment 5 (a main anthocyanin in its flower) exhibited only one maximum at 569 nm in the pH 5.0 buffer solution, and violet color. The color of pigment 5 was observed to be very unstable in the pH 5.0 solution and soon decayed. In the pH 5.0 solution, the violet color of pigment 5 was restored as pure blue color by addition of pigment 9 (a main flavonol in this flower) like its fresh flower, and its blue solution exhibited the same three maxima at 546, 583 and 635 nm. On the other hand, the violet color of pigment 5 in the pH 5.0 buffer solution was not restored as pure blue color by addition of deacyl pigment 9 or rutin (a typical flower copigment). It is particularly interesting that, a blue anthocyanin-flavonol complex was extracted from the blue flowers of this plant with H2O or 5% HOAc solution as a dark blue powder. This complex exhibited the same absorption maxima at 546, 583 and 635 nm in the pH 5.0 buffer solution. Analysis of FAB mass measurement established that this blue anthocyanin-flavonol complex was composed of one molecule each of pigment 5 and pigment 9, exhibiting a molecular ion [M+1] + at 2102 m/z (C93H105O55 calc. 2101.542). However, this blue complex is extremely unstable in acid solution. It really dissociates into pigment 5 and pigment 9.  相似文献   

Expressions are derived for the overall oxygen consumption and the O2 penetration depth into a tissue section in terms of the basic parameters, of the system under steady-state conditions. The approach differs from many previous analyses in so far as the oxygen molecules are regarded as reaching their sites of chemical assimilation by diffusion through extracellular fluid followed by bulk diffusion into irregular cells of significantly lower permeability. This “two-phase” model would seem to be compatible with the major experimental features of steady-state respiration, and gives a ratio of cellular to extracellular diffusion coefficients of the same low order as that found for inert gases under transient conditions. The greater oxygen penetration predicted by this model is discussed in relation to the survival of ischemic tissue and is shown to be consistent with data for myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

Intracellular penetration mechanism ofPuccinia graminis var.tritici is studied with the Gomori method modified for electronic microscopy. The cellular wall of the fungi and of the host is dissolved under the action of fungal enzymes. The discussion bears on the stage of penetration and on the part played by acid phosphatase in this phenomenon.  相似文献   

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