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The free radical, nitric oxide (√NO), is responsible for a myriad of physiological functions. The ability to verify and study √NO in vivo is required to provide insight into the events taking place upon its generation and in particular the flux of √NO at relevant cellular sites. With this in mind, several iron-chelates (Fe2+(L)2) have been developed, which have provided a useful tool for the study and identification of √NO through spin-trapping and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. However, the effectiveness of √NO detection is dependent on the Fe2+(L)2 complex. The development of more efficient and stable Fe2+(L)2 chelates may help to better understand the role of √NO in vivo. In this paper, we present data comparing several proline derived iron–dithiocarbamate complexes with the more commonly used spin traps for √NO, Fe2+-di(N-methyl-D-glutamine-dithiocarbamate) (Fe2+(MGD)2) and Fe2+-di(N-(dithiocarboxy)sarcosine) (Fe2+(DTCS)2). We evaluate the apparent rate constant (kapp) for the reaction of √NO with these Fe2+(L)2 complexes and the stability of the corresponding Fe2+(NO)(L)2 in presence of NOS I.  相似文献   

Core complexes (LH1–RC) were isolated using preparative gel electrophoresis from photosynthetic membranes of the purple bacterium, Thiorhodospira sibirica, grown in the absence or presence of the carotenoid biosynthesis inhibitor, diphenylamine. The biosynthesis of carotenoids is affected by diphenylamine both quantitavely and qualitatively: after inhibition, the level of carotenoids in core complexes reaches only 10% of the normal content, as analyzed by HPLC and absorption spectroscopy. The normally grown bacterium biosynthesizes spirilloxanthin, rhodopin, anhydrorhodovibrin and lycopene, whereas after inhibition only neurosporene, ζ-carotene and their derivatives are found in the complexes. There is no concomitant accumulation of appreciable amounts of colorless carotenoid precursors. Interestingly, the main absorption band of the core light harvesting complex isolated from carotenoid-inhibited cells, shows a red shift to 889 nm, instead of a blue shift observed in many carotenoid-deficient species of purple photosynthetic bacteria. The stability of isolated core complexes against n-octyl-β-D-glucopyranoside clearly depends on the presence of carotenoids. Subcomplexes resulting from the detergent treatment, were characterized by non-denaturating gel electrophoresis combined with in situ absorption spectroscopy. Core complexes with the native carotenoid complement dissociate into three subcomplexes: (a) LH1 complexes partially depleted of carotenoids, with an unusual spectrum in the NIR region (λmax = 791, 818, 847 and 875 nm), (b) reaction centers associated with fragments of LH1, (c) small amounts of a carotenoidless B820 subcomplex. The core complex from the carotenoid-deficient bacterium is much less stable and yields only the two sub-complexes (b) and (c). We conclude that carotenoids contribute critically to stability and interactions of the core complexes with detergents.  相似文献   

Antibiotics have a strong killing effect on bacteria and are the first choice for the prevention and treatment of bacterial infectious diseases. Therefore, they have been widely used in the medical field, animal husbandry and planting industry. However, with the massive use of antibiotics, more and more antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) have emerged. Because human intestines are rich in nutrients, have suitable temperature, and are high in bacterial abundance, they can easily become a hotbed for the spread of ARB and antibiotic-resistant genes (ARGs). When opportunistic pathogenic bacteria in the intestine acquire ARGs, the infectious diseases caused by such opportunistic pathogens will become more difficult to treat, or even impossible to cure. Therefore, ARB in the human intestine are like a ‘time bomb’. In this review, we discuss the sources of intestinal ARB and the transmission routes of ARGs in the human intestine from the perspective of One Health. Further, we describe various methods to prevent the emergence of ARB and inhibit the spread of ARGs in the human intestine. Finally, we may be able to overcome ARB in the human intestine using an interdisciplinary ‘One Health’ approach.  相似文献   

“Far-West” Africa is known to be a secondary contact zone between the two major malaria vectors Anopheles coluzzii and A. gambiae. We investigated gene-flow and potentially adaptive introgression between these species along a west-to-east transect in Guinea Bissau, the putative core of this hybrid zone. To evaluate the extent and direction of gene flow, we genotyped site 702 in Intron-1 of the para Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel gene, a species-diagnostic nucleotide position throughout most of A. coluzzii and A. gambiae sympatric range. We also analyzed polymorphism in the thioester-binding domain (TED) of the innate immunity-linked thioester-containing protein 1 (TEP1) to investigate whether elevated hybridization might facilitate the exchange of variants linked to adaptive immunity and Plasmodium refractoriness. Our results confirm asymmetric introgression of genetic material from A. coluzzii to A. gambiae and disruption of linkage between the centromeric "genomic islands" of inter-specific divergence. We report that A. gambiae from the Guinean hybrid zone possesses an introgressed TEP1 resistant allelic class, found exclusively in A. coluzzii elsewhere and apparently swept to fixation in West Africa (i.e. Mali and Burkina Faso). However, no detectable fixation of this allele was found in Guinea Bissau, which may suggest that ecological pressures driving segregation between the two species in larval habitats in this region may be different from those experienced in northern and more arid parts of the species’ range. Finally, our results also suggest a genetic subdivision between coastal and inland A. gambiae Guinean populations and provide clues on the importance of ecological factors in intra-specific differentiation processes.  相似文献   

Photosystem II is the oxygen-evolving enzyme of photosynthesis. It is a membrane-bound protein-pigment complex. The oxygen is produced at the oxygen-evolving centre (OEC), a Mn4CaO5 metallocluster, which is largely ligated by amino acids of the D1 protein. The OEC-ligating residues are invariant between most cyanobacteria and higher plants. In this study, a new class of cyanobacterial D1 proteins has been identified in which the OEC metal-ligating residues are very different to the consensus. This new class of ‘rogue’ D1 proteins is associated with diazotrophic cyanobacteria. Their function, activity and origins are discussed.  相似文献   

The negative wealth–fertility relationship brought about by market integration remains a puzzle to classic evolutionary models. Evolutionary ecologists have argued that this phenomenon results from both stronger trade-offs between reproductive and socioeconomic success in the highest social classes and the comparison of groups rather than individuals. Indeed, studies in contemporary low fertility settings have typically used aggregated samples that may mask positive wealth–fertility relationships. Furthermore, while much evidence attests to trade-offs between reproductive and socioeconomic success, few studies have explicitly tested the idea that such constraints are intensified by market integration. Using data from Mongolia, a post-socialist nation that underwent mass privatization, we examine wealth–fertility relationships over time and across a rural–urban gradient. Among post-reproductive women, reproductive fitness is the lowest in urban areas, but increases with wealth in all regions. After liberalization, a demographic–economic paradox emerges in urban areas: while educational attainment negatively impacts female fertility in all regions, education uniquely provides socioeconomic benefits in urban contexts. As market integration progresses, socio-economic returns to education increase and women who limit their reproduction to pursue education get wealthier. The results support the view that selection favoured mechanisms that respond to opportunities for status enhancement rather than fertility maximization.  相似文献   

The purple photosynthetic bacterium Thermochromatium tepidum is a moderate thermophile, with a growth optimum of 48–50 °C. The X-ray crystal structure of the reaction centre from this organism has been determined, and compared with that from mesophilic bacteria such as Blastochloris viridis and Rhodobacter sphaeroides (Nogi T et al. (2000) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 97: 13561–13566). Structural features that could contribute to the enhanced thermal stability of the Thermochromatium tepidum reaction centre were discussed, including three arginine residues exposed at the periplasmic side of the membrane that are not present in reaction centres from mesophilic organisms, and potentially could increase the affinity of the complex for the surrounding membrane. In the present report these arginine residues, plus a histidine identified from an extensive sequence alignment, were engineered into structurally homologous positions in the Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centre, and the effect on the thermal stability of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides complex was examined. We find that these residues do not enhance the thermal stability of the reaction centre, as assessed by absorbance spectroscopy of the bacteriochlorin cofactors in membrane-bound reaction centres. Possible roles of these residues in the Thermochromatium tepidum reaction centre are discussed, and it is proposed that they facilitate stronger binding of the reaction centre to the encircling LH1 antenna complex, through ionic interactions with acidic residues at the C-terminal end of the LH1 α-polypeptide. Such an interaction could enhance the stability of the so-called ‘RC–LH1 core’ complex that is formed between the reaction centre and the LH1 antenna, and which represents the minimal functional photosynthetic unit in all known purple photosynthetic bacteria. Stronger bonding interactions between the two complexes could also contribute to an increase in the rigidity of the photosynthetic membrane in Thermochromatium tepidum, in accord with the general finding that the cytoplasmic membrane from thermophilic eubacteria is less fluid than its counterpart in mesophilic bacteria.  相似文献   

Summary Salivary gland cells of members of theDrosophila melanogaster group (from four different subgroups) were examined electron microscopically and histochemically during the late larval period of development. The secretory product, which is supposed to be utilized as glue at the time of puparium formation, appears, by analogy to Palade and Jamieson's results, to be synthesized partially in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and partially in the Golgi complex. The latter is also the usual site of the packaging of the product into secretory granules, except in the case of one of the secretory granule components ofD. lucipennis. The phylogenetic relationships among the subgroups, implied by the morphological appearance of the secretory granules, fit well with the existing phylogenetic relationships within the group. The secretory granules of each species have their own morphological features; granules of species of the same subgroup share some of these features. Secretion occurs from the cells via exocytosis during which the morphology of the secretory granules changes. Light microscope examination of PAS (Periodic Acid-Schiff reaction) stained glands shows a strong positive reaction in most species, with the exception of the species of thesuzukii subgroup which show a weak, or a negative reaction (D. rajasekari). Electron histochemical localization of polysaccharides in the secretory granules was possible inD. melanogaster and the species of theananassae subgroup.  相似文献   

Growth and form traits data were obtained from eight provenance trials of radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) planted across the radiata pine plantation estate in southeast Australia. The genetic pool included 466 open-pollinated families collected from A?o Nuevo, Monterey and Cambria provenances on the Californian mainland coast in the USA and from Guadalupe and Cedros islands off the coast of Baja California in Mexico. Early survival of all provenances was around 90%, except for Cedros (<60%). Monterey and A?o Nuevo were the best performers at almost all sites. However, good growth performance of Cambria and good stem straightness of Guadalupe on some sites are important results, because the genetic base of the present Australian plantations evidently originated from only Monterey and A?o Nuevo. The average estimated single-site heritability for diameter at breast height was 0.22 and 0.32 at juvenile and mature ages, respectively. Heritability estimates for stem straightness and branching ranged from 0.23 to 0.55. Genetic correlation estimates between diameter at breast height (DBH) at juvenile and rotation ages were all >0.80. Estimates of between-site genetic and provenance correlations for DBH were often low, indicating high genotype by environment interaction across trials, consistent with previous Australian studies. However, there was minimal G × E among trials on high-altitude high-rainfall sites and among trials on low-altitude, low-rainfall sites.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the amyloid-β peptides (Aβ) cause the neuronal degeneration in the Alzheimer’s disease brain. An imbalance between peptide production at the neuronal level and their elimination across the blood–brain–barrier (BBB) results in peptide accumulation inside the brain. The identification and functional characterization of the transport systems in the BBB with the capacity to transport Aβ is crucial for the understanding of Aβ peptide traffic from the brain to the blood. In this context, it has been suggested that the P-glycoprotein (P-gp), expressed in endothelial cells of the BBB, plays a role in the elimination of Aβ. However, there is little, if any, experimental evidence to support this; therefore, the aim of this investigation was to determine whether P-gp is capable of transporting Aβ peptides. Our results show that ATPase activity measured in plasma membrane vesicles of K562 cells overexpressing P-gp is not increased by the presence of Aβ42, suggesting that Aβ42 is not a P-gp substrate. Similarly, P-gp of pirarubicin was unaffected by Aβ42. Moreover, the overexpression of P-gp does not protect cells against Aβ42 toxicity. Taken together, our results support the conclusion that Aβ42 is not transported by P-gp.  相似文献   

Amyloid beta peptide (A) is a small peptide present in normal cells and aggregated A is the main constituent of the extracellular amyloid plaques found in Alzheimers disease (AD) brain. Recent studies suggest that soluble A oligomers are neurotoxic rather than amyloid fibrils found in amyloid plaques. This study using multidimensional NMR spectroscopy and circular dichroism (CD) provides the first direct evidence that alterations in membrane structure can trigger the conversion of soluble -helical monomeric A into oligomeric A in a -sheet conformation.  相似文献   

A comparative theoretical investigation into the change in strength of the trigger-bond upon formation of the Na+, Mg2+ and HF complexes involving the nitro group of RNO2 (R?=? –CH3, –NH2, –OCH3) or the C?=?C bond of (E)-O2N–CH?=?CH–NO2 was carried out using the B3LYP and MP2(full) methods with the 6-311++G**, 6-311++G(2df,2p) and aug-cc-pVTZ basis sets. Except for the Mg2+?π system with (E)-O2N–CH?=?CH–NO2 (i.e., C2H2N2O4?Mg2+), the strength of the trigger-bond X–NO2 (X?=?C, N or O) was enhanced upon complex formation. Furthermore, the increment of bond dissociation energy of the X–NO2 bond in the Na+ complex was far greater than that in the corresponding HF system. Thus, the explosive sensitivity in the former might be lower than that in the latter. For C2H2N2O4?Mg2+, the explosive sensitivity might also be reduced. Therefore, it is possible that introducing cations into the structure of explosives might be more efficacious at reducing explosive sensitivity than the formation of an intermolecular hydrogen-bonded complex. AIM, NBO and electron density shifts analyses showed that the electron density shifted toward the X–NO2 bond upon complex formation, leading to a strengthened X–NO2 bond and possibly reduced explosive sensitivity.
Introducing cations into explosives is more efficacious at reducing sensitivity than H-bond formation  相似文献   

Scab, caused by the ascomycete fungus Venturia pirina, leads to severe damage on European pear varieties resulting in a loss of commercial value and requiring frequent use of fungicides. Identifying scab resistance genes, developing molecular markers linked to these genes and establishing marker-assisted selection would be an effective way to improve European pear breeding for scab resistance. Most of the European pear cultivars (Pyrus communis) are currently reported to be sensitive. The pear cultivar ‘Navara’ was shown to carry a major scab resistance gene whose phenotypic expression in seedling progenies was a typical stellate necrosis symptom. The resistance gene was called Rvp1, for resistance to V. pirina, and was mapped on linkage group 2 of the pear genome close to microsatellite marker CH02b10. This genomic region is known to carry a cluster of scab resistance genes in apple indicating a first functional synteny for scab resistance between apple and pear.  相似文献   

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