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Redheads, Aythya americana, concentrate in large numbers annually in traditional wintering areas along the western and northern rim of the Gulf of Mexico. Two of these areas are the Laguna Madre of Texas and Chandeleur Sound of Louisiana. We collected data on 54,340 activities from 103 redhead flocks in Texas and 51,650 activities from 57 redhead flocks in Louisiana. Males and females fed similarly, differing neither in levels of feeding (percent of all birds in flock that were feeding) (p>0.90) nor in percentages of birds feeding by diving, tipping, dipping, or gleaning from the surface (p>0.10). The foraging level of redheads in the upper Laguna Madre region was relatively constant throughout two winters. Foraging of redheads in early winter in Louisiana was significantly greater than redhead foraging in the upper Laguna Madre, but by late winter, foraging by redheads in Louisiana had declined to the same level as that shown by redheads foraging in the upper Laguna Madre. The overall foraging level of redheads from Chandeleur Sound was greater (41%) than that of redheads in the upper Laguna Madre (26%), yet it was quite similar to the 46% foraging level reported for redheads from the lower Laguna Madre. Redheads in the upper Laguna Madre region of Texas fed more by diving than did those in the Chandeleur Sound and the lower Laguna Madre. Diving increased in frequency in late winter. Greater reliance by redheads on diving in January and February indicates that the birds altered their foraging to feed in deeper water, suggesting that the large concentrations of redheads staging at this time for spring migration may have displaced some birds to alternative foraging sites. Our results imply that the most likely period for food resources to become limiting for wintering redheads is when they are staging in late winter.  相似文献   

Diurnal time-activity budgets were determined for wintering redheads (Aythya americana) from estuarine seagrass beds in Louisiana (Chandeleur Sound) and Texas (Laguna Madre) and from ponds adjacent to the Laguna Madre. Activities differed (p<0.0001) by location, month, and diurnal time period. Resting and feeding were the most frequent activities of redheads at the two estuarine sites, whereas drinking was almost nonexistent. Birds on ponds in Texas engaged most frequently in resting and drinking, but feeding was very infrequent. Redheads from the Louisiana estuarine site rested less than birds in Texas at either the Laguna Madre or freshwater ponds. Redheads in Louisiana fed more than birds in Texas; this was partially because of weather differences (colder temperatures in Louisiana), but the location effect was still significant even when we adjusted the model for weather effects. Redheads in Louisiana showed increased resting and decreased feeding as winter progressed, but redheads in Texas did not exhibit a seasonal pattern in either resting or feeding. In Louisiana, birds maintained a high level of feeding activity during the early morning throughout the winter, whereas afternoon feeding tapered off in mid- to late-winter. Texas birds showed a shift from morning feeding in early winter to afternoon feeding in late winter. Males and females at both Chandeleur Sound and Laguna Madre showed differences in their activities, but because the absolute difference seldom exceeded 2%, biological significance is questionable. Diurnal time-activity budgets of redheads on the wintering grounds are influenced by water salinities and the use of dietary fresh water, as well as by weather conditions, tides, and perhaps vegetation differences between sites. The opportunity to osmoregulate via dietary freshwater, vs. via nasal salt glands, may have a significant effect on behavioral allocations.  相似文献   

Woodin  Marc C. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):279-287
Behavioral data were gathered for redheads (Aythya americana Eyton) using saltwater and freshwater habitats in southern Texas, the northern portion of their major wintering range, in 1989–90. Saltwater and freshwater habitats were used for different purposes by wintering redheads. Approximately 41% of all redheads in saltwater habitats were feeding, while only 0.1% of redheads in freshwater habitats were feeding. Redheads in saltwater habitats drank infrequently (0.3%), but 7.5% of redheads in freshwater wetlands were drinking. Only 23 courting activities were observed, but all occurred in freshwater wetlands. This study showed that redheads depend on saltwater habitats for feeding, which confirmed similar results from recent studies of redheads in the central and southern portions of the Laguna Madre in southern Texas. This study also showed that redheads depend on freshwater wetlands as sources of drinking water. This concurred with data on redhead behavior in the central portion of the Laguna Madre in Texas, but not for redheads wintering in the southern part of the Laguna Madre. Both habitats, saltwater and freshwater, must be considered as integral components of the redhead winter range throughout southern Texas.  相似文献   

Fox  A. D.  Jones  T. A.  Singleton  R.  Agnew  A. D. Q. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,279(1):253-261
The Cotswold Water Park, an area of over 100 flooded gravel pits in south central Britain, supports Nationally Important numbers of wintering Pochard Aythya ferina associated with abundant Stoneworts Chara spp. Based on extensive presence/absence data and intensive biomass sampling, the submerged macrophyte communities were surveyed. Charophytes were most frequent and developed highest biomass at water depths below 3 m. Counts of wintering Pochard showed that water-based recreational activity displaced birds from lakes. Analysis of bird density showed significantly higher use of reserves with restricted bankside access than lakes where angling, walking or other bank-side activities were permitted. These in turn supported higher Pochard densities than lakes with water-based recreation.  相似文献   

Canvasback ducks (Aythya valisineria) suffer both intra- andinterspecific brood parasitism. During 3 years in Manitoba,80% of canvasback nests (n = 179 nests with completed clutches)were parasitized by redheads (A. americana), other canvasbacks,or both, with an average of 4.7 parasitic eggs per parasitizednest. Parasitism had significant negative effects on the reproductivesuccess of nesting canvasbacks, although the proximate mechanismsinvolved differed from those operating in altricial species.Accidental displacement of eggs when parasitic females forcedtheir way onto host nests was the principal negative effectof parasitism, reducing the number of host eggs that were incubatedand ultimately hatched. Parasitism by redheads was relativelymore costly to canvasbacks than was intraspecific parasitism,with approximately 0.31 and 0.17 host eggs displaced per parasiticredhead and canvasback egg laid, respectively. No additionalnegative effects of parasitism on the hatchability of host eggsoccurred subsequent to parasitic laying. Posthatch survivalof canvasback ducklings was lower in broods from parasitizednests but was unrelated to the presence or absence of redheadducklings. Canvasback hosts resisted intrusions by parasiticfemales but showed no evidence of discrimination against parasiticeggs or ducklings. Because most costs of parasitism in thissystem are inflicted at the time of parasitic laying, subsequentrejection of parasitic eggs or ducklings is probably of littlebenefit to canvasback hosts, while the evolution of behaviorthat might prevent parasitic laying in the first place, suchas more vigorous nest defense, may be constrained by its highcosts  相似文献   

While foraging on the substrate, two closely-related wrasses,Pseudolabrus eoethinus andP. sieboldi, which occur sympatrically in the Uwa Sea, Shikoku Island, Japan, often accompanied the morwong,Goniistius zonatus, eating benthic invertebrates flushed out by the latter's feeding activities. Both wrasses tended to feed more frequently in such an association than when solitary.Pseudolabrus eoethinus (9–17 cm TL) accompaniedG. zonatus more frequently than the smallerP. sieboldi (7.5–12 cm TL), large individuals of the former attending the host more often than smaller ones. This tendency was not apparent inP. sieboldi. The size-dependent association frequency was determined by 1) the chances of encountering a host, and 2) interference among the wrasses. The frequency of encounter of wrasses with a host depended on the home range size of the former, such being positively correlated with body size. Interference among the wrasses resulted in smaller individuals being repelled by larger ones, irrespective of species, when they were approaching or attending a host.  相似文献   

Plant secondary compounds can prevent feeding by phytophagous insects or, if ingested, can be poisonous to them. Less attention has been paid to the additional effects they have on feeding behavior when they are only weakly deterrent or not deterrent at all. Experiments were carried out on the generalist grass-hopperSchistocerca americana. Individuals were presented either with two cakes of high-quality artificial food with a single deterrent compound added or with two cakes, each with a different added deterrent compound. The deterrents consisted of single plant secondary compounds that were either marginally or strongly deterrent. There were profound differences in feeding behavior between those individuals given identical and those given different cake types, including longer feeding bouts on single cakes when a choice of different cake types was available. The behavioral effects demonstrate that the presence of secondary compounds in one food can influence the patterns of feeding on other available foods and suggest that such chemicals could impact foraging activities in a complex manner.  相似文献   

The osteological development of elements comprising the oral cavity and fins was examined in early stage larvae of laboratory-reared milkfish,Chanos chanos, from hatching to 200 hours after hatching. Fundamental elements of the oral cavity had developed by the time of initial mouth opening, 54 hours after hatching. The oral cavity was long and cylindrical, with a short, robust Meckel's cartilage, and robust quadrate and symplectic-hyomandibular cartilages. The initial ossification of existing elements and addition of new elements occurred between 120–146 hours after initial mouth opening (HAMO), whereas the cartilaginous basihyal and caudal fin-supports appeared at 37.5 and 61.5 HAMO, respectively. Based on the morphology and developmental patterns of characters examined in this study, the feeding mode of early stage larval milkfish was considered to be “straining,” with an improvement in feeding ability occurring between 120–146 HAMO.  相似文献   

Feeding preferences of a group of specialist and generalist chrysomelid beetles were examined using three test methods: whole plants, excised leaves and leaf discs. Method of testing had a very significant effect on relative preferences of the beetles for corn, bean and squash. In some cases the level of statistical significance for a particular preference was affected by test methodology and in other cases the direction of preference was reversed altogether. The feeding preferences of the specialist beetle species were less affected by test method than were the more generalist species. There was also a much greater effect of the difference in test method between the disc test and whole leaf test than between the whole leaf test and whole plant test.Chemical changes in plants induced by damage are probably quite widespread in plants and investigators should take this into account when designing and interpreting tests of insect feeding preference.
Résumé Les choix alimentaires d'un groupe de chrysoméles spécialistes ou généralistes a été étudié en utilisant 3 méthodes: plantes entières, feuilles coupées, rondelles de feuilles. Les méthodes utilisées out eu un effet très significatif sur les préférences relatives des chrysomèles du maïs, du haricot et de la courge. Dans quelques cas le seuil de signification statistique pour un choix particulier a été modifié par la méthode utilisée et dans d'autres cas l'ordre de préférence a été totalement inversé. Les choix alimentaires des spécialistes ont été moins affectés par la méthode utilisée que pour les espèces les plus généralistes. Il y a eu aussi un effet plus important des différences entre les méthodes rondelle de feuilles et feuille entière qu'entre feuille entière et plante entière.Les changements chimiques induits dans les plantes par les dégâts sont probablement très répandus et les chercheurs devraient en tenir compte quand ils programment et interprètent des expériences sur les préférences alimentaires.

We investigated seasonal changes in the number and feeding activity of Shovelers wintering in Lake Teganuma in connection with temporal and horizontal fluctuations of zooplankton, and analyzed esophageal contents of a captured Shoveler. Zooplankton community was dominated by rotifers followed by copepods during the study period. Horizontal distribution of both invertebrate taxa differed; rotifers most abundant in the western and eastern parts of the lake in February–March, and cyclopoid copepodids and nauplii more common in the northeast area of the eastern portion of the lake. The number and feeding activity of Shovelers increased from January to March in the northeast area of Lake Teganuma. A Shoveler captured in the area had mostly consumed cyclopoid copepodids despite the fact that rotifers dominated in the zooplankton community at that location. These results suggest that the horizontal distribution and feeding activity of the Shovelers were correlated with the distribution of the cyclopoid copepodids.  相似文献   

于2012年1—3月和2012年12—2013年3月,采用瞬时扫描法研究了鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区越冬白鹤(Grusleucogeranus)的昼间时间分配模式和日活动节律,分析了年龄、集群大小、生境类型和天气对白鹤越冬行为的影响。结果表明,白鹤越冬期的主要行为有觅食、警戒、理羽、游走、休息和争斗。其中,觅食是鄱阳湖越冬白鹤主要行为,占其昼间活动时间的82.94%;警戒占11.94%,理羽占3.52%,游走占1.88%,休息占0.15%,争斗占0.02%。白鹤在越冬期间的觅食、游走、休息和争斗行为存在明显的昼间节律性,其中游走、觅食和争斗行为在每天的上午和下午各存在1个高峰,休息行为在中午出现一个高峰;警戒和理羽行为则没有显著的昼间节律变化。年龄、集群大小、天气和生境对白鹤的越冬行为具有显著的影响:幼鹤取食的时间显著多于成鹤,而警戒时间则显著的小于成鹤;与家庭群中的个体相比,集体群中的个体取食和争斗时间显著增加,警戒时间显著减少;在天气晴朗时,白鹤的警戒时间显著大于阴天的警戒时间,取食时间则显著少于阴天时白鹤的取食时间;白鹤在大风天气显著增加理羽行为;在有雾的天气会显著增加取食时间,减少警戒时间。在草洲和浅水两种生境中,白鹤的游走和理羽行为存在显著差异,而觅食和警戒行为没有显著的差异,这可能源于草洲和浅水生境相互毗邻,并且具有相同程度的人为干扰。GLM分析结果表明,年龄和集群大小、年龄和生境、集群大小和天气、集群大小和生境、天气和生境对白鹤昼间时间分配模式的影响存在显著交互效应。  相似文献   

Phytoplankton exhibit a diversity of morphologies, nutritional values, and potential chemical defenses that could affect the feeding and fitness of zooplankton consumers. However, how phytoplankton traits shape plant–herbivore interactions in the marine plankton is not as well understood as for terrestrial or marine macrophytes and their grazers. The occurrence of blooms of marine dinoflagellates such as Karenia brevis suggests that, for uncertain reasons, grazers are unable to capitalize on, or control, this phytoplankton growth—making these systems appealing for testing mechanisms of grazing deterrence. Using the sympatric copepod Acartia tonsa, we conducted a mixed diet feeding experiment to test whether K. brevis is beneficial, toxic, nutritionally inadequate, or behaviorally rejected as food relative to the palatable and nutritionally adequate phytoplankter Rhodomonas lens. On diets rich in K. brevis, copepods experienced decreased survivorship and decreased egg production per female, but the percentage of eggs that hatched was unaffected. Although copepods showed a 6–17% preference for R. lens over K. brevis on some mixed diets, overall high ingestion rates eliminated the possibility that reduced copepod fitness was caused by copepods avoiding K. brevis, leaving nutritional inadequacy and toxicity as remaining hypotheses. Because egg production was dependent on the amount of R. lens consumed regardless of the amount of K. brevis eaten, there was no evidence that fitness costs were caused by K. brevis toxicity. Copepods limited to K. brevis ate 480% as much as those fed only R. lens, suggesting that copepods attempted to compensate for low food quality with increased quantity ingested. Our results indicate that K. brevis is a poor food for A. tonsa, probably due to nutritional inadequacy rather than toxicity, which could affect bloom dynamics in the Gulf of Mexico where these species co-occur.  相似文献   

Food supply caused an increase in the overall energy budget of all size groups of Pila globosa. Feeding rate increased from 3.4 to 28.7, 2.0 to 19.1 and 0.2 to 7.2 mg/g/day in young, intermediate and old snails respectively. The corresponding increase in body weight (growth rate) ranged from 1.3 to 2.7, 0.5 to 1.5 and 0.4 to 0.5 mg/g/day. When compared with the other two groups, maximum values were recorded for young P. globosa, i.e. an increase in size (ageing) caused a decrease in the energy budget. Data obtained for the maintenance, optimum and maximum feeding rates for the young P. globosa were 12.0, 22.0 and 28.8 mg/g/day. The corresponding values for the intermediate and old snails were 7.4, 14.0 and 19.0 mg/g/day and 4.1, 5.6 and 7.2 mg/g/day. With the increase in body weight, a progressive reduction in the slope of the regression lines was noticed in the body weight-conversion rate relationship.Paper presented in the first Indian Conference on Ecology and Environmental Sciences, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur (1980).  相似文献   

Neem oil deterred feeding by pear sawfly, Caliroa cerasi L., larvae (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae), both in choice and in no-choice cherry leaf disk bioassays. Deterrence was greater in the choice tests, with 50% inhibition occurring at 0.49% aqueous neem oil compared with 1.11% in the no-choice tests. Antifeedant activity towards pear sawfly larvae is slightly less than has been observed for Lepidoptera, but is higher than deterrence to other insects such as aphids. Topical application of neem oil to sawfly larvae resulted in reduced feeding, increased mortality, and a trend towards slower development. Most larval mortality after neem treatment resulted from incomplete subsequent moults. The potential utilization of neem insecticides for control of pear sawfly in tree fruit pest management is discussed.  相似文献   

Winfield  Denise K.  Winfield  Ian J. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,279(1):377-386
The overwintering population of tufted duck (Aythya fuligula) on Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland, has varied over the last three decades, with numbers declining in the early 1980s but then increasing to former levels in the late 1980s. Population fluctuations of recently introduced roach (Rutilus rutilus) mirrored these trends. The present study explores the possibility that competition for benthic food resources is responsible for these changes by examining the diets of tufted duck, roach and other major fish species of the lake. Diet overlaps were generally high due to the common consumption of chironomid larvae. The diet of tufted duck overlapped most with that of roach because these two species were the only significant consumers of molluscs. This evidence provides further support for a tufted duck — roach competition hypothesis.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that arbivorous insects are protein limited was tested by feeding larvae of Datana ministra mature leaves of Tilia americana that were coated with a mixture of protein. Larvae fed the protein supplement had a lower ingestion rate and net growth efficienty but higher apparent digestion efficiency and apparent assimilation rate than control larvae. Protein supplement had no effect on the rate of growth of 5th instar larvae although larvae fed added protein pupated at a lower weight than control larvae. The added protein placed a metabolic load on the larvae, perhaps by excessive nitrogen excretion demands and osmotic imbalance. The results do not support the hypothesis that arbivorous insects are protein limited.
Résumé L'hypothèse suivant laquelle la croissance des larves d'insectes est limitée par l'insuffisance des protéines disponibles dans les feuilles d'arbres a été examinée par l'alimentation des chenilles de Datana ministra Drury sur feuilles développées de Tilia americana L. enduites d'une mixture de protéines d'oeuf et de lait. Des chenilles de second stade, prélevées dans des colonies naturelles, ont été séparées en un lot témoin élevé en masse sur feuilles coupées et un lot expérimental élevé sur feuiles coupées mais enduites de protéines. Le bilan en matière sèche, le taux de croissance, la relation entre ce taux de croissance et la quantité de matière ingérée, le poids des prénymphes ont été déterminés sur 10 chenilles de dernier stade dans chaque lot. Les chenilles ayant consommé un supplément de protéine ont présenté un plus faible taux d'ingestion et un plus faible rendement de croissance, mais une meilleure efficacité apparente d'ingestion et un meilleur taux apparent d'assimilation que les témoins.Le complément protéique n'a pas eu d'effet sur le taux de croissance des chenilles de 5ème stade bien que l'alimentation avec addition de protéines ait provoqué la nymphose à un poids larvaire plus faible. L'addition de protéines avait provoqué une chargé métabolique pour les chenilles, peut-être en provoquant une demande d'excrétion d'azote excessive ou en créant un déséquilibre osmotique, ce qui aurait provoqué une réduction du taux de croissance et du poids des chenilles malgré un taux d'assimilation supérieur. Ces résultats ne confirment pas l'hypothèse que les insectes des arbres sont carencés en protéines.

Summary We simulated the feeding of Greater Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens atlantica) on the rhizomes of three-square bulrush (Scirpus americanus) in a tidal marsh along the St. Lawrence River estuary in Québec. During the spring staging period, aboveground biomass is unavailable and geese feed solely on rhizomes and overwintering buds. An experiment was designed to test the effect of three factors on subsequent growth of Scirpus: the intensity of removal (3 to 77% removal of belowground biomass), the number of bites (1, 2 or 3 sections removed) and the number of adventitious buds removed (1, 2 or 3). Rhizomes were dug out in May, treated and transplanted into 85-1 basins sunk in the marsh and filled with marsh soil freed of all plant material. Growth was observed weekly until the end of the growing season in August. Shoots and rhizomes were then collected, dried and weighed to obtain biomass estimates. The net above- and belowground production of Scirpus was inversely related to the initial rhizome biomass removed. At a high level of removal (>35%), the cumulative number of shoots was significantly reduced as early as two weeks after transplantation. The relative reduction in production of the treated rhizomes compared to the control plants was also related to the intensity of removal. An increased number of bites reduced production and the removal of an increased number of adventitious buds further amplified the effect of removal on rhizome production. These experimental results show that even low intensity of feeding by Snow Geese can reduce the production of Scirpus marshes.  相似文献   

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