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Summary P-protein and the changes it undergoes after wounding of sieve tubes of secondary phloem in one- to two-year old shoots ofHevea brasiliensis has been studied using electron microscopy. The P-protein in the form of tubules with a diameter of 8–9 nm and a lumen of 2–2.5 nm occurred in differentiating sieve elements and appeared as compact bodies which consisted of small aggregates of the tubules. As the sieve elements matured, these P-protein bodies dispersed with a disaggregation of the tubules before they turned into striated fibrils, 10–11 nm in diameter. In wounding experiments, as the mature sieve elements collapsed after cutting, their striated P-protein converted into tubules. These tubules were the same in ultrastructure as the tubules in differentiating sieve elements and they often were arranged in crystalline aggregates.  相似文献   

Using fourteen random mitochondrial DNA probes, we have examined restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) in wild and cultivatedHevea brasiliensis. A total of 395 accessions, including 345 from various prospectings collected in Brazil, Colombia and Peru and 50 cultivated clones, were analyzed. Two other species (H. benthamiana andH. pauciflora) were also included in the study for comparison. The high level of mitochondrial polymorphism allowed us to divide all the accessions analyzed into 212 distinct genotypes. The genetic variability of cultivated clones was limited to four genotypes forming two clusters. In contrast, considerable genetic variation was found in the wild collections. In almost all cases, accessions displaying the same RFLP profile were restricted to the same geographical area (same or neighbor administrative districts). In addition, accessions whose genetic closeness was predicted by RFLP profiles were also clustered according to geographical origin. In a few cases, however, similar RFLP profiles were found for accessions originating from geographically distant districts. This discrepancy can be explained either by seed dispersion (by river) or possibly by similar genetic events occurring independently in different geographical locations. Chloroplast DNA RFLP was also analyzed in 217 accessions, representative of 126 distinct mitochondrial genotypes. Very few differences were found, indicating that the chloroplast genome is more highly conserved than the mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

To study the effect of elevated CO2 concentration on plant growth and photosynthesis, two clones ofHevea brasiliensis were grown in polybags and exposed to elevated concentration (700±25ppm) for 60 days. There was higher biomass accumulation, leaf area and better growth when compared to ambient air grown plantso From A/Ci curves it is clear that photosynthetic rates increases with increase in CO2 concentrations. After 60 days of exposure to higher CO2 concentration, a decrease in the carbon assimilation rate was noticed.  相似文献   

Somatic embryos ofHevea brasiliensis can be obtained by culturing thin sections of inner tegument of seed on two successive different media, MH1 and MH3. Histological study showed that in calli cultured on non-renewed medium MH1 for 40 days, the embryogenesis process initiated on the 20th day did not produce results owing to early degeneration of the cells involved in the embryogenic pathway. However, typical embryogenic cells formed when medium MH1 was renewed once during the first phase of culture (between day 20 and day 30). Proembryos developed when the calli were subcultured on medium MH3 10–15 days later. Embryogenic cells did not form when there was frequent renewal of medium MH1 or early subculturing on MH3 after less than 40 days of culture on MH1. Methodical histological monitoring of the development of embryogenic quality of calli thus made it possible to define the optimum culture sequences for the embryogenesis process and which are favourable for regular obtaining of proembryos.  相似文献   

Over 90% of the cyanogenic precursors ofHevea seeds is stored in the endosperm tissue. During seedling development most of the cyanogenic material is consumed to form noncyanogenic compounds. No gaseous HCN is liberated in the course of this process. The -glucosidase, responsible for the cleavage of cyanogenic glucosides and the key enzyme for cyanogenesis is widely distributed over all tissues. The highest enzyme activity of the HCN-metabolizing -cyanoalaninesynthase is found in young seedling tissues. It is concluded, that the cyanogenic glucosides must be transported and metabolized in the young, growing tissues.Lecture held at the Tagung der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft in Vienna, September 1984.  相似文献   

Summary Seedlings of Ceratonia siliqua L., an evergreen sclerophyll species native to the Mediterranean region, were grown in 30-cm deep tubes of John Innes II potting compost in a growth cabinet maintained at 15° C during a 12-h day where PAR was 400 mol m–2 s–1. After a period of acclimatisation to the conditions in the cabinet during which plants were watered every day, water was withheld from the soil in some tubes for 24 days. These conditions may be regarded as a simulation of the natural situation. Estimates of leaf and root water potential and solute potential, leaf growth and root development were made at intervals during the soil drying cycle on both watered and unwatered plants. Water potential and solute potential measurements were made both on young expanding and on fully expanded leaves. During the experimental period, root growth of C. siliqua was not much affected by soil drying, and roots in both the watered and the unwatered columns penetrated to the bottom of the soil tubes by the end of the drying treatment. Expanded leaves showed significant limitation in stomatal conductance as soil drying progressed. Leaf water potential of fully expanded leaves of unwatered plants declined substantially. In contrast, water potential of young expanding leaves on unwatered plants declined to only a limited extent and turgor was sustained. As the soil dried, stomatal conductance of young leaves was always higher than that of mature leaves; also, placticity and elasticity of young leaves slowly decreased whereas mature leaves became stiff. Changing leaf cell wall properties may determine different patterns of water use as the leaves age. A mechanism of continuous diffusion of water through the soil towards the tip and pumping towards the young leaves is proposed.  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) was isolated from the B-serum obtained after repetitive freeze-thawing of the bottom fraction isolated from ultracentrifuged fresh latex. The B-serum was subjected to acetone precipitation and CM-Sepharose chromatography, affording two PPOs, PPO-I and PPO-II, which, upon SDS-PAGE, were 32 and 34 kDa, respectively. Both PPOs possessed the same pI (9.2), optimum pH (7) and optimum temperature (35-45 degrees C). They are stable up to 60 degrees C and active at broad pH ranges from 4-9. The K(m) values of PPO-I for dopamine, L-dopa and catechol as substrates are 2.08, 8.33 and 9.09 mM, while those for PPO-II are 2.12, 4.76 and 7.14 mM, respectively. Among various PPO inhibitors tested, 4-hexylresorcinol was the most potent. Anionic detergents were among the most effective activators of the enzymes, while cationic and nonionic detergents showed little and no effect on the PPO activities, respectively.  相似文献   

Larrea tridentata is a xerophytic evergreen shrub, dominant in the arid regions of the southwestern United States. We examined relationships between gasexchange characteristics, plant and soil water relations, and growth responses of large versus small shrubs of L. tridentata over the course of a summer growing season in the Chihuahuan Desert of southern New Mexico, USA. The soil wetting front did not reach 0.6 m, and soils at depths of 0.6 and 0.9 m remained dry throughout the summer, suggesting that L. tridentata extracts water largely from soil near the surface. Surface soil layers (<0.3 m) were drier under large plants, but predawn xylem water potentials were similar for both plant sizes suggesting some access to deeper soil moisture reserves by large plants. Stem elongation rates were about 40% less in large, reproductively active shrubs than in small, reproductively inactive shrubs. Maximal net photosynthetic rates (Pmax) occurred in early summer (21.3 mol m-2 s-1), when pre-dawn xylem water potential (XWP) reached ca. -1 MPa. Although both shrub sizes exhibited similar responses to environmental factors, small shrubs recovered faster from short-term drought, when pre-dawn XWP reached about -4.5 MPa and Pmax decreased to only ca. 20% of unstressed levels. Gas exchange measurements yielded a strong relationship between stomatal conductance and photosynthesis, and the relationship between leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit and stomatal conductance was found to be influenced by pre-dawn XWP. Our results indicate that stomatal responses to water stress and vapor pressure deficit are important in determining rates of carbon gain and water loss in L. tridentata.  相似文献   

Whole-canopy measurements of water flux were used to calculate stomatal conductance (g s ) and transpiration (E) for seedlings of western water birch (Betula occidentalis Hook.) under various soil-plant hydraulic conductances (k), evaporative driving forces (ΔN; difference in leaf-to-air molar fraction of water vapor), and soil water potentials (Ψs). As expected, g s dropped in response to decreased k or ΨS, or increased ΔN(> 0.025). Field data showed a decrease in mid-day g s with decreasing k from soil-to-petiole, with sapling and adult plants having lower values of both parameters than juveniles. Stomatal closure prevented E and Ψ from inducing xylem cavitation except during extreme soil drought when cavitation occurred in the main stem and probably roots as well. Although all decreases in g s were associated with approximately constant bulk leaf water potential (ψl), this does not logically exclude a feedback response between ΨL and g s . To test the influence of leaf versus root water status on g s , we manipulated water status of the leaf independently of the root by using a pressure chamber enclosing the seedling root system; pressurizing the chamber alters cell turgor and volume only in the shoot cells outside the chamber. Stomatal closure in response to increased ΔN, decreased k, and decreased ΨS was fully or partially reversed within 5 min of pressurizing the soil. Bulk ΨL remained constant before and after soil pressurizing because of the increase in E associated with stomatal opening. When ΔN was low (i.e., < 0.025), pressurizing the soil either had no effect on g s , or caused it to decline; and bulk ΨL increased. Increased Ψl may have caused stomatal closure via increased backpressure on the stomatal apparatus from elevated epidermal turgor. The stomatal response to soil pressurizing indicated a central role of leaf cells in sensing water stress caused by high ΔN, low k, and low ΨS. Invoking a prominent role for feedforward signalling in short-term stomatal control may be premature.  相似文献   

为探讨巴西橡胶树(Hevea brasiliensis)自根幼态无性系与供体间差异产生的原因,应用甲基化敏感扩增多态性扩增技术,对巴西橡胶树体细胞胚发生过程中基因组DNA 胞嘧啶甲基化程度和模式进行了分析。结果表明,在巴西橡胶树体细胞胚发生过程中不同阶段的DNA 甲基化程度不同,以花药的DNA 甲基化程度最高,体细胞胚的DNA 甲基化水平最低。在体细胞胚发生过程中出现了I、Ⅱ和Ⅲ 3 种类型的甲基化多态性带型的改变,包括他们的出现与消失。因此,橡胶树体细胞胚发生过程中可能通过DNA 甲基化甲基化和去甲基化来调控基因的表达。  相似文献   

Summary A two year comparative field water relations study was conducted in central Maryland on three sympatric temperate lianas, Lonicera japonica, Vitis vulpina and Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Seasonal physiological activity was longer by approximately 9 weeks in the evergreen L. japonica, while peak rates of stem elongation were 4–10 fold higher in the two deciduous species. There were marked differences in vascular anatomy and water use patterns among the three species, however all three evidenced varying degrees of stomatal closure in response to decreasing soil water availability and increasing atmospheric evaporative demand. The range of leaf water potentials measured in these species was quite narrow in comparison to other temperate woody species. Two of the species showed no alterations in their tissue water release properties in response to decreased soil water availability, while V. vulpina showed a limited capacity in this regard. Most significant among the species differences in water relations were the conservative water use patterns of P. quinquefolia, and the midday maxima of transpirational water loss measured in L. japonica compared to the morning peaks in traspiration for the two deciduous species. The differences found in anatomy, leaf phenology, climbing mechanics, water relations and canopy development among these three sympatric vines implies a spatial and temporal partitioning of light and water resources and emphasizes the diversity of morphological-physiological suites of characters present among species co-occurring in the same macrohabitat.  相似文献   

C. Schäfer  U. Lüttge 《Oecologia》1986,71(1):127-132
Summary Measurements of gas exchange, xylem tension and nocturnal malate synthesis were conducted with well-watered and droughted plants of Kalanchoë uniflora. Corresponding results were obtained with plants grown in 9 h and 12 h photoperiods. In well-watered plants, 50 to 90% of total CO2-uptake occurred during the light period. Nocturnal CO2-uptake and malate synthesis were higher and respiration rate was lower in old leaves (leaf pairs 6 to 10) compared to young leaves (leaf pairs 1 to 5). Within four days of drought distinct physiological changes occurred. Gas exchange during the light period decreased and CO2-uptake during the dark period increased. Nocturnal malate synthesis significantly increased in young leaves.Respiration rate decreased during periods of drought, this decrease being more pronounced in young leaves compared to old leaves. Restriction of gas exchange during the light period resulted in a decrease of transpiration ratio from more than 100 to about 20. The difference between osmotic pressure and xylem tension decreased in young leaves, indicating a reduction in bulk leaf turgor-pressure.We conclude that both the CAM-enhancement in young leaves and the decrease of respiration rate are responsible for the increase of nocturnal CO2-uptake during water stress. During short drought periods, which frequently occur in humid habitats, the observed physiological changes result in a marked reduction of water loss while net CO2-uptake is maintained. This might be relevant for plant growth in the natural habitat.Abbreviations LP light period - DP dark period - CAM crassulacean acid metabolism  相似文献   

E. de Faÿ  C. Sanier  C. Hebant 《Protoplasma》1989,149(2-3):155-162
Summary Cell to cell connections, including plasmodesmata and perforations, were examined in the non-conducting secondary phloem ofHevea brasiliensis. Samples were taken from trunks of numerous trees, from several clones, and prepared for thin sectioning and transmission or scanning electron microscopy and as optical sections for fluorescence microscopy. Numerous plasmodesmata were found clustered in primary pit-fields between the ray and axial parenchyma cells. Between the laticifers and adjacent parenchyma sheath cells, structures corresponding to functional plasmodesmata were not observed. But some unusual structural features were occasionally seen in these walls. These observations are discussed in relation to the possible function of the cell types, and to the loss of latex on the tapping ofHevea. It is suggested that the loading of the laticifer might first require a symplastic pathway for the transport of metabolites, at the end of which the assimilates must enter the apoplast. A transmembrane active transport system then transfers the metabolites in the laticifer. The presumable role of parenchyma cells in the loading of laticifers is emphasized.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism was assessed in wild and cultivated populations of Hevea brasiliensis using random probes from an Hevea nuclear library. One-hundred-and-sixty-four individuals were surveyed, and the results discussed in the light of previous work performed on isozyme variation. Both studies show that germplasm collections have led to an effective enrichment of the genetic resources available for Hevea breeding, and that cultivated clones have conserved a relatively high level of polymorphism, despite their narrow genetic base and their high level of inbreeding. An equivalent level of polymorphism is revealed by random nuclear probes and isozymes. However, the genetic structuring of the diversity appears more striking using RFLP markers. Wild accessions can be divided into three genetic groups according to their geographical origin. The present results are an essential guide to the incorporation of wild material in breeding schemes.  相似文献   

Summary The seasonal and diurnal water relations were investigated within arctic and alpine populations of the dwarf willow Salix arctica. Marked differences that were habitat dependent (e.g. xeric vs. mesic) occured both within and between the populations. The environmental variables that most affected plant water balance and the bulk tissue water relations were soil water potential (soil) and the leafto-air water vapor pressure gradient (w), however, low soil temperature (<4.0° C) also had a marked effect in the wet to mesic habitats. The effects of declining soil and increased w were most pronounced in the plants growing in xiric habitats in both populations. Stomatal response to increased w was two-fold greater in alpine versus arctic plants and is hypothesized to have arisen in response to more frequent exposure to the higher evaporative conditions of alpine existance. Seasonal fluctuations in the osmotic potential closely followed changes in soil, suggesting that these were active rather that passive changes. Additionally, plants from xeric habiats had a lower bulk tissue elastic modulus (more elastic tissues) in both arctic and alpine populations. The osmotic and elastic properties enhanced turgor maintenance over a broad range of leaf water potentials and during periods when w was high. Turgor maintenance also correlated to continued transpiration despite fluctuations in soil and atmospherically induced water deficits. Arctic habitats have a shorter growing season, lower soil temperatures due to the presence of permafrost, but higher soil water potentials and lower leaf-to-air vapor pressure gradients than alpine habitats. The observed variation in patterns of stomatal conductance and in values of tissue water relations characteristics between arctic and alpine populations of S. arctica is hypothesized to have arisen in response to these different environmental regimes which represent different selective regimes that occur along the arctic-alpine environmental continuum inhabited by this wide ranging species.  相似文献   

Application of in vitro culture techniques to Hevea brasiliensis has encountered serious difficulties. In particular, protoplasts have been found to be recalcitrant to division. The aim of the present work was to compare biochemically non-mitotic protoplasts isolated from young Hevea stems with mitotic protoplasts from Citrus, tobacco and rice cells. Hevea tissue maceration did not promote ethylene production contrary to the mitotic systems, rather aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid (ACC) synthesis occurred. Large increases in superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (PER) activities during maceration indicated the occurrence of a peroxidative phenomenon. During Hevea protoplast culture, a rapid decrease in viability was associated with an increase in ethylene production, reactions common to stress conditions. Activities of enzymes involved in the production and elimination of toxic oxygen forms were not related to protoplast reactivity. Differences in polyamine content and especially the high putresceine/spermididine + spermine ratio could be used, together with ethylene rise during culture, as markers of Hevea protoplast recalcitrance in culture. Thus, a number of physiological phenomena are associated with lack of mitotic division of stem protoplasts of rubber.  相似文献   

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