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The growth of the lens of the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, was studied over the 5 years of larval development. Whole lenses (25) and Golgi-impregnated cells (393) were reconstructed with computer-assisted microscopy. Several cellular geometric parameters (length, width, curvature, surface, volume, shape) were correlated with the position of the cell's base on the lens capsular perimeter. Based on these correlations, the cells formed four groups that correspond to the central anterior, germinative, transitional and cortical fiber zones. A fifth zone, containing nuclear fiber cells, never stained. Lens growth is exponential during the 5 years. The anterior epithelium increases in size and in cell number by cell growth and division. The posterior mass increases in cell number by recruitment and increases in size by cell growth. A model is proposed to account for the size and shape of the lens based upon the coupling of anterior and posterior growth patterns. Four zonal boundaries are defined by changes in cell growth patterns. With growth, cells are subsumed into adjacent zones and zonal boundaries move away from the lens center. We find no support for the suggestion that cells migrate centrally.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the immediate and long-term effects of type of infant diet (formula-fed vs. breast-fed) on the weight growth of baboons. Longitudinal (serial) weight data were collected from 44 savannah baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis) for the total preadult period of growth from birth to approximately 8 years of age. Fifty percent of the sample (11 females and 11 males) were fed a standard infant formula by a nursery care technician for the first 18 weeks of postnatal life. The remaining 11 females and 11 males were breast-fed by their mothers for an equivalent period of time. After 18 weeks of age the animals were removed from their infant environments (either nursery or mother-reared) and assigned to one of four age-cohort social groups. Each age-cohort group was balanced for infant treatment and gender. The animals remained in these social groups for the duration of the project and were provided nutritionally identical postweaning diets. No significant weight differences were found between the two rearing conditions for either gender during the initial 15 weeks of growth. Following this period, however, females of breast-fed environments averaged greater weight at all ages than their bottle-fed peers. The intensity of the adolescent growth spurt was also slightly greater among the female breast-fed group. No postinfant average weight-per-age disparity was observed between the male treatment groups.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel and versatile three-dimensional cellular automaton model of brain tumor growth. We show that macroscopic tumor behavior can be realistically modeled using microscopic parameters. Using only four parameters, this model simulates Gompertzian growth for a tumor growing over nearly three orders of magnitude in radius. It also predicts the composition and dynamics of the tumor at selected time points in agreement with medical literature. We also demonstrate the flexibility of the model by showing the emergence, and eventual dominance, of a second tumor clone with a different genotype. The model incorporates several important and novel features, both in the rules governing the model and in the underlying structure of the model. Among these are a new definition of how to model proliferative and non-proliferative cells, an isotropic lattice, and an adaptive grid lattice.  相似文献   

The heart is the first organ to form and undergoes adaptive remodelling with age. Ventricular hypertrophy is one such adaptation, which allows the heart to cope with an increase in cardiac demand. This adaptation is necessary as part of natural growth from foetal life to adulthood. It may also occur in response to resistance in blood flow due to various insults on the heart and vessels that accumulate with age. The heart can only compensate to this increase in workload to a certain extent without losing its functional architecture, ultimately resulting in heart failure. Many genes have been implicated in cardiac hypertrophy, however none have been shown conclusively to be responsible for pathological cardiac hypertrophy. MicroRNAs offer an alternative mechanism for cellular regulation by altering gene expression. Since 1993 when the function of a non‐coding DNA sequence was first discovered in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans, many microRNAs have been implicated in having a central role in numerous physiological and pathological cellular processes. The level of control these antisense oligonucleotides offer can often be exploited to manipulate the expression of target genes. Moreover, altered levels of microRNAs can serve as diagnostic biomarkers, with the prospect of diagnosing a disease process as early as during foetal life. Therefore, it is vital to ascertain and investigate the function of microRNAs that are involved in heart development and subsequent ventricular remodelling. Here we present an overview of the complicated network of microRNAs and their target genes that have previously been implicated in cardiogenesis and hypertrophy. It is interesting to note that microRNAs in both of these growth processes can be of possible remedial value to counter a similar disease pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data for a twenty-year period are presented for a dimension of the human sphenoid bone as seen on postero-anterior roentgenograms of 22 males and 18 females (healthy, American-born Caucasoids). Birotundal diameter measured as the distance between the centers of the right and left foramen rotundum averaged near 32.0 mm for each sex at age 6 years. Individual increase in size to age 26 years ranged between 3.2 mm and 8.3 mm. There is no correlation between size at age 6 years and change between this age and early adulthood. For 54 males and 50 females at age 9 years, intercorrelations were obtained among six variables: birotundal diameter, head breadth, bizygomatic diameter, bigonial diameter, upper and loweer dental arch widths at the permanent first molars. The r's were nonsignificant or low positive (with the exception of upper-lower dental arch, r = 0.76). The results of this study are aligned with three previous studies of human cranial base width.  相似文献   

Finite element simulation of facial mimics provides objective indicators about soft tissue functions for improving diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of facial disorders. There is a lack of in vivo experimental data for model development and validation. In this study, the contribution of the paired Zygomaticus Major (ZM) muscle contraction on the facial mimics was investigated using in vivo experimental data derived from MRI. Maximal relative differences of 7.7% and 37% were noted between MRI-based measurements and numerical outcomes for ZM and skin deformation behaviors respectively. This study opens a new direction to simulate facial mimics with in vivo data.  相似文献   



Birth order has been associated with early growth variability and subsequent increased adiposity, but the consequent effects of increased fat mass on metabolic risk during adulthood have not been assessed. We aimed to quantify the metabolic risk in young adulthood of being first-born relative to those born second or subsequently.

Methodology and Principal Findings

Body composition and metabolic risk were assessed in 2,249 men, aged 17–19 years, from a birth cohort in southern Brazil. Metabolic risk was assessed using a composite z-score integrating standardized measurements of blood pressure, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, triglycerides and fat mass. First-borns had lower birth weight z-score (Δ = −0.25, 95%CI −0.35, −0.15,p<0.001) but showed greater weight gain during infancy (change in weight z-score from birth to 20 months: Δ = 0.39, 95%CI 0.28–0.50, p<0.0001) and had greater mean height (Δ = 1.2 cm, 95%CI: 0.7–1.6, p<0.0001) and weight (Δ = 0.34 kg, 95%CI: 0.13–0.55, p<0.002) at 43 months. This greater weight and height tracked into early adulthood, with first-borns being significantly taller, heavier and with significantly higher fat mass than later-borns. The metabolic risk z-score was significantly higher in first-borns.


First-born status is associated with significantly elevated adiposity and metabolic risk in young adult men in Brazil. Our results, linking cardiovascular risk with life history variables, suggest that metabolic risk may be associated with the worldwide trend to smaller family size and it may interact with changes in behavioural or environmental risk factors.  相似文献   

T Shimizu  T Yoshida  F Cho  N Goto 《Jikken dobutsu》1991,40(2):215-221
The relative growth was examined in laboratory-bred cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) aged from zero to 9 years. The principal component analysis and multivariate allometry were applied to the biometrical data. As the result of the principal component analysis, the cumulative contribution ratio of the 1 st (PC 1) and 2 nd (PC 2) principal components accounted for 99.0 percent. According to the eigen vector values of each morphological site (14 sites), PC 1 was acceptable not only as a size factor but also as a shape factor of the morphological growth changes from birth to the 3rd year of life in both sexes. PC 2 was acceptable as a shape factor of the morphological differences between sexes after the 3rd year of life. As the result of the multivariate allometric analysis applied to the same data, proximate sites of the trunk showed relatively high growth rates compared to distal ones of the trunk. The head, limbs and arms grew slowly in contrast to the trunk. Thus, we could demonstrate the relative growth of cynomolgus monkeys morphometrically.  相似文献   

A mixed longitudinal study of growth and development has been conducted, centering on an analysis of differences based on sex between the ages of 8 and 18 years for a series of 12 anthropometric indicators. The sample consisted of 50 girls and 63 boys. Proceeding from the specific differences, the variables can be divided into four groups with identical structures of differences. The first group comprises measurements of body height, body mass, shoulder width and pelvic span, all of which have higher values in boys between 8 and 10 and between 14 and 18. Between the ages of 11 and 13 girls are taller, heavier, with broader shoulders and pelvises. The second group covers measurements of subcutaneous fat. which are higher for girls throughout the period under review. The third group of indicators comprises the diameters of the joints of the extremities, i.e. of elbows and knees. Throughout the period under observation, these measurements are higher in boys, with the absolute differences between the sexes being the same at the age of 8 and ten years later. The fourth group consists of circumferences measurements of the extremities. It was found that calf circumferences manifested a specific inversion of the curves between 14 and 15, with girls showing a larger calf circumference up to the age of 14, and boys from the age of 15. The effect of earlier onset of puberty in girls was found to be reflected only on the inversion of the curve flow of the variables from the first group.  相似文献   

The testosterone plasma level was determined in 5 groups: 1. in 69 normal juveniles and 85 fertile males at the age of 11 to 45 years, 2. in 42 patients with hypospadia or epispadia aged 11 to 25 years, 3. in 72 males with unilateral cryptorchidism at the age of 11 to 45 years, 4. in 83 males with bilateral cryptorchidism aged 11 to 45 years and 5. in 106 patients with Klinefelter's syndrome at the age of 16 to 45 years. A pubertal increase of the testosterone plasma level was found to begin in subjects with cryptorchidism or Klinefelter's syndrome at a similar age as in the control group. However, as early as at the age of 13 to 14 years decreased testosterone values were found in the patients as compared to normal juveniles. Between 19 and 20 years, the plasma testosterone level was significantly decreased in all patient-groups as compared to the controls of similar age. In adulthood, plasma testosterone concentrations in the patient groups were observed to be 4 to 6 ng/ml without significant age-dependent changes, which are characteristic of normospermic males. Different degrees of clinical symptoms indicating androgen deficiency found in various patient groups despite similar androgen levels in adulthood suggest a different responsiveness of their target organs to androgens.  相似文献   

Summary Human testicular specimens were obtained from biopsies and autopsies covering the period from birth to adulthood. The number of testosterone-containing Leydig cells was determined using the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase method. This number decreased markedly from 3–6 months of age to the end of the first year of life and, up to 6 years of age, only a small number of testosterone-containing cells was found. From 6 years onwards the number of Leydig cells progressively increased. Ultrastructural examination revealed four types of Leydig cells: (1) fetal-type Leydig cells (from birth to 1 year of age) with round nuclei, abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria with tubular cristae; (2) infantile-type Leydig cells (from birth to 8–10 years of age), showing a multilobated nucleus, moderately abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum, some lipid droplets and mitochondria with parallel cristae; (3) prepubertal, partially differentiated Leydig cells (from 6 years of age onwards) with regularly-outlined round nuclei, abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria with tubular cristae, and some lipid droplets and lipofuscin granules; and (4) mature adult Leydig cells (from 8–10 years of age onwards). The ultrastructure of the infantile-type Leydig cells and the lack of delay between the disappearance of the fetal-type Leydig cells and the appearance of infantile-type Leydig cells suggest that fetal-type Leydig cells give rise to the infantile-type Leydig cells. Before puberty, myofibroblast-like precursor cells differentiate into the prepubertal, partially differentiated Leydig cells, which complete their differentiation into the adult Leydig cells.This work was supported by grants from the Comisión Asesora de Investigation Científica y Técnica, and the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias de la Seguridad Social, Madrid, Spain  相似文献   

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common and highly heritable developmental disorder characterized by a persistent impairing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity. Using families from a genetic isolate, the Paisa population from Colombia, and five independent datasets from four different populations (United States, Germany, Norway and Spain), a highly consistent association was recently reported between ADHD and the latrophilin 3 (LPHN3) gene, a brain-specific member of the LPHN subfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors that is expressed in ADHD-related regions, such as amygdala, caudate nucleus, cerebellum and cerebral cortex. To replicate the association between LPHN3 and ADHD in adults, we undertook a case-control association study in 334 adult patients with ADHD and 334 controls with 43 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) covering the LPNH3 gene. Single- and multiple-marker analyses showed additional evidence of association between LPHN3 and combined type ADHD in adulthood [P = 0.0019; df = 1; odds ratio (OR) = 1.82 (1.25-2.70) and P = 5.1e-05; df = 1; OR = 2.25 (1.52-3.34), respectively]. These results further support the LPHN3 contribution to combined type ADHD, and specifically to the persistent form of the disorder, and point at this new neuronal pathway as a common susceptibility factor for ADHD throughout the lifespan.  相似文献   

Local administration of FK506, an FDA approved immunosuppressant with neuroregenerative properties, is a promising technique to achieve improved peripheral nerve regeneration while preventing the side effects associated with the systemic administration of this drug. Although considerable research has been devoted to the development of clinically suitable systems for local delivery of FK506 to the site of nerve injury and repair, the optimal dose of FK506 for enhancement of axon regeneration in the peripheral nerve has not yet been established. To this end, we devised a three-dimensional (3D) organotypic assay capable of mimicking the peripheral nerve. This assay consisted of a neonatal rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) extending its neurites into the native peripheral nerve scaffold provided by an acellular nerve allograft (ANA). A novel 3D compartmented cell culture system was adapted from the 3D organotypic assay to achieve local delivery of FK506 just to the growing neurites in vitro and establish the required local dose of FK506 for peripheral nerve regeneration. A bimodal dose response was observed by culturing the entire DRG–ANA construct with media containing different concentrations of FK506. Low drug concentration of 1 pg/ml and high drug concentration of 100 ng/ml lead to the longest neurite extension in vitro. Furthermore, regardless of the FK506 concentration, concentrating the drug to the growing neurites resulted in significant increase in both neurite extension and neurite density, an effect that was not observed with the FK506 delivery to both neurites and neural cell bodies within DRG. The findings in this study provide valuable insight into the optimal local dose of FK506 for peripheral nerve regeneration. Furthermore, for the first time, this study suggests the potential interaction of FK506 with axons at the level of the growth cone.  相似文献   

G6PD Viangchan: a new glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase variant from Laos   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary We describe a previously unreported glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-(G6PD) variant. G6PD Viangchan was found in a Laotian immigrant to Calgary, Canada, and was characterized by severe enzyme deficiency, normal electrophoretic mobility, increased pH optimum, and abnormal kinetics for the natural substrates G6PD and NADP, as well as the artificial substrates 2-deoxy G6PD and deamino NADP. The inhibition constant for NADPH was decreased. The subject has no evidence suggesting chronic or episodic hemolysis.  相似文献   

The Gompertz function is the most commonly used growth function for cetacean studies. However, this function cannot represent multiple phases of growth. In this study, we present a Bayesian framework fitting parameters of a triple-logistic growth function to describe multiple phases of growth for bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ), simultaneously fitting and comparing all growth parameters between South Carolina (SC), Mississippi Sound (MSS), and Indian River Lagoon (IRL) cohorts. The fitted functions indicated a preliminary early, rapid growth phase, followed by a second phase of slower growth, and then a moderate growth spurt later in life. Growth parameters between geographic cohorts did not show obvious differences, although asymptotic length for SC dolphins was lower than MSS and IRL dolphins and significantly lower between females from SC and the IRL. Growth rate velocities between the sexes showed females exceed males initially (<1 yr), followed by males gaining an advantage around the ages of 3–4 yr until the age of around 15 yr when growth rates for both sexes approached zero (asymptotic length). This study demonstrates age-related changes in growth rates between bottlenose dolphin sexes and evidence of at least some differences ( i.e. , asymptotic length) across geographic cohorts.  相似文献   

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