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Antibiotic activity of epiphytic bacteria isolated from intertidal seaweeds   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A survey of antibiotic-producing bacteria from the microbial flora attached to seaweeds and the study of their antibiotic capacities were carried out. From 5 species of green and brown marine algae, 224 bacterial strains were isolated and tested for antibiotic production. A total of 38 strains displayed antibiotic activity, withEnteromorpha intestinalis being the source of the highest number of producer strains. All epiphytic bacteria with antibiotic activity were assigned to thePseudomonas-Alteromonas group. Antagonism assays among the isolates demonstrated that each producer strain inhibits the growth of the other producers, as well as of some nonproducer strains also isolated from seaweeds. Likewise, an autoinhibitory effect was observed in all antibiotic-producing strains. Antibacterial spectra of all the strains include activity againstStaphylococcus, Alcaligenes, Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Pasteurella, andAchromobacter. A preliminary characterization of the antibiotic substances produced by these epiphytic bacteria demonstrated that they are low molecular weight compounds, thermolabile, and anionic and are not affected by proteolytic enzymes. The role that these inhibitory substances can play in the natural environment is discussed.  相似文献   

Moss-inhabiting diatom communities from Heard Island,sub-Antarctic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we list 192 diatom taxa, collected from bryophyte samples from Heard Island (52°05S, 73°30E). The Heard Island diatom flora shows a marked similarity to those of the Crozet and Kerguelen archipelagos, and is quite dissimilar to the moss-dwelling diatom flora of Macquarie and Amsterdam Island. Based on species composition, three main groups of samples could be discerned. Each group represents a different habitat. Samples dominated by Diadesmis ingeae, Pinnularia borealis and several Psammothidium species seem to prefer the driest habitats. A special form of this community was found in shaded areas. Samples from wet habitats such as flush areas and pools were dominated by species such as Adlafia bryophila, Sellaphora tumida, Fragilaria capucina and Planothidium lanceolatum. An intermediate group was observed in more acid, but terrestrial, conditions, characterised by Eunotia paludosa and Chamaepinnularia soehrensis var. muscicola. These community patterns are similar to those found on other sub-Antarctic islands, and we suggest that a group of typical sub-Antarctic species and communities exists.  相似文献   

Intertidal seaweeds are periodically exposed during low tide and thus experience extreme levels of desiccation. The physiological activity of seaweeds changes during this water loss process. This study examined how desiccation affects the photosynthesis and respiration of seaweeds from different intertidal levels, and whether the ability to retain photosynthesis and respiration rates during desiccation varies among these species. Photosynthesis and respiration rates of 12 species of seaweeds were measured under various levels of desiccation, using an infrared CO2 gas analyzer. High levels of drought negatively affected photosynthesis, while most species showed initial rises in photosynthetic rates. The ability to retain photosynthesis and respiration activities under desiccation conditions varied among species. These physiological responses were not related to the intertidal level at which these species occur, but to their ability to prevent water loss. The species with lower rates of water loss had slower declines in the rate of photosynthesis and respiration.  相似文献   

Modification of the coastal environment by human activities often leads to an increase in sedimentation of nearshore waters, with potential impacts on benthic marine assemblages. Here we assess the relationships between the levels of sedimentation, wave exposure and benthic organisms on rocky intertidal platforms around the Kaikoura Peninsula in southern New Zealand. We designed and tested five sediment traps to provide a tool for measuring the relative abundance of sediment across sites. Using field- and laboratory-based experiments, we tested hypotheses concerning whether different levels of sedimentation affected algal germling survival and algal zygote attachment, and whether the interactions of grazers and sediments affected germling survival. Levels of sediment and exposure were inversely related across seven sites. The fucoid alga Hormosira banksii characterized the more sedimented wave-sheltered and intermediately wave-exposed sites, with up to 80% cover in the lower mid-tidal zone, while the bull kelp Durvillaea antarctica characterized the three most wave-exposed sites. Grazing molluscs were found across all sites but species abundances varied by sediment and exposure levels. We did two 11-day trials testing the effects of different levels of sediment and different species of molluscan grazers on the survival of 1-week-old Hormosira germlings. Generally, there was no significant treatment effect of grazers, but mortality varied considerably among sites. In particular, one site had very high levels of sediment, which resulted in 100% mortality of germlings across all grazer treatments. Removing sediment at 1-week, 2-week and 4-week intervals made no difference to the survival of Hormosira germlings. In laboratory-based experiments, a light dusting of sediment reduced the percentage of zygotes of Hormosira by 34% and Durvillaea by 71% that attached to primary substratum, and a complete cover of sediment prevented attachment altogether. Overall, the effects of sediments and its interaction with molluscan grazing were highly variable but often large, particularly on the attachment of zygotes to primary substratum.  相似文献   

Rocky shores provide a harsh environment for marine organisms andwe briefly discuss natural sources of variation in community structure beforeconsidering anthropogenic impacts in detail. We review impacts caused by (a) acutedisturbances: oil spills, toxic algal blooms and (b) chronic disturbances: nutrient pollution,oil, heavy metals, pesticides, antifouling paints, collecting, trampling/habitatdegradation, siltation and introduced species. Community level effects are emphasisedthroughout and illustrative examples are drawn from field-based case studies. Particularattention is given to the lessons learned from oil spills and the effect of chronicpollution by tributyltin on dogwhelks, the impacts of which ranged from the biochemical tocommunity levels of organisation. Impacts are placed in a global and historicalperspective and the potential for the recovery of shores under appropriate management isdiscussed. Finally we consider the relative merits of the multivariate and univariateapproaches to studying impacted communities and suggest priorities for future research.  相似文献   

Chestnut forest ecosystems represent an important component of the European Mediterranean basin and the Southern Alps landscape. Despite the good knowledge acquired in the phytosanitary and cultural aspects of chestnut, there is still a lack of data on the relationships between chestnut and epiphytes. We have investigated the changes in frequency of occurrence and species composition of lichen assemblages against the main site characteristics and environmental variables in chestnut woods along a bioclimatic and geographical gradient in Central-North Italy.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: What are the relative influences of human impact, macroclimate, geographic location and habitat related environmental differences on species composition of boreal epiphytic macrolichen communities? Location: Troms county in northern Norway. Methods: Detrended Correspondence Analysis revealed the main gradient structure in lists of epiphytic macrolichen species from deciduous forests. By Canonical Correspondence Analysis with variance partitioning, the relative amount of variance in macrolichen species composition attributable to human impact, macroclimate, spatial context and environmental differences was quantified. Results: There was no significant effect of human impact on species composition of epiphytic macrolichens of deciduous forests. Macroclimate was the most important factor determining epiphytic macrolichen communities, which were also strongly influenced by ecological differences such as forest stand properties. Conclusions: Epiphytic macrolichen communities are determined by a macroclimatic gradient from the coastline to the interior of central north Norway. In marked contrast, the species composition of epiphytic macrolichen communities seems to be unaffected by human impact in the study area, where air pollution was marginal.  相似文献   

Marine diatom species harbour distinct bacterial communities   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We examined bacterial dynamics in batch cultures of two axenic marine diatoms (Thalassiosira rotula and Skeletonema costatum). The axenic diatoms were inoculated with natural bacterial assemblages and monitored by 4,6-diamidino-2-phenolindole (DAPI) counts, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) with subsequent analysis of excised, sequenced 16S rRNA gene fragments, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with group-specific 16S rRNA oligonucleotide probes. Our results show that algal growth exhibited pronounced differences in axenic treatments and when bacteria were present. Bacterial abundance and community structure greatly depended on species, growth and physiological status of even closely related algae. Free-living and phytoplankton-associated bacteria were very different from each other and were dominated by distinct phylogenetic groups. The diatom-associated bacteria mainly belonged to the Flavobacteria-Sphingobacteria group of the Bacteroidetes phylum whereas free-living bacteria, which were rather similar in both cultures, comprised mainly of members of the Roseobacter group of alpha-Proteobacteria. Presence and disappearance of specific bacteria during algal growth indicated pronounced differences in environmental conditions over time and selection of bacteria highly adapted to the changing conditions. Tight interactions between marine bacteria and diatoms appear to be important for the decomposition of organic matter and nutrient cycling in the sea.  相似文献   

Nitrogen gixation (acetylene reduction) associated with various communities in the intertidal sand and mud flat was measured in situ. Areas which were colonized by algae, plants, and animals generally had significantly higher activities than areas which were visibly uncolonized. The highest activities were measured at sites colonized by a mixed bloom of Oscillatoria-Euglena-photosynthetic bacteria. These areas occupied only about 1% of the surface of the sediments, yet contributed nearly 50% of the biologically fixed nitrogen. Enteromorpha communities also exhibited relatively high activities. Sites were grouped according to the statistical significance of the mean of their activities: group I: uncolonized sand, mud and gravel flats, Eelgrass (Zostera) communities, and snail (amphibola) beds, with an estimated contribution of 1 g N ha-1 day-1; group II: Cockel (Chione) beds, 3 g N ha-1 day-1; group III: Salicornia, Ulva, Juncus, and Enteromorpha, 10 g N ha-1 day-1; and group IV: Oscillatoria-Euglena-photosynthetic bacteria association, 200 g N ha-1 day-1. Enteromorpha and Oscillatoria-Euglena-photosynthetic bacteria communities showed significantly lower rates of nitrogen fixation in the dark than in the light.  相似文献   

Polyelectrolytes from seaweeds   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Smidsrød  Olav  Grasdalen  Hans 《Hydrobiologia》1984,116(1):19-28

Iceland is situated in an important subarctic transition area where complex oceanographic dynamics occur. The intertidal, subtidal, and deep-sea faunal communities of Iceland are being intensively studied, as a critical resource for continued sustainability of fisheries and the preservation of northern littoral ecosystems. However, the meiofaunal communities and the environmental factors affecting them are still relatively poorly known. The meiobenthic metazoan community was studied with core sampling in 23 sandy beaches along the intertidal zone of the Iceland coast in a campaign developed in September 2003. Small-scale variation in meiofauna composition (major taxa) was explored and related to biotic and abiotic factors at different scales, such as beach exposure, granulometry, and organic matter content. Differences in meiofaunal community structure at a low taxonomic resolution appeared among beaches located within wide biogeographical zones of hydrobiological significance (NE and SW Shelf regions) and exposure degrees. Seventeen major taxa were recorded. In contrast with more local and taxon-focused studies, oligochaetes were the dominant group all around Iceland, followed by nematodes, turbellarians, gastrotrichs, and copepods (mainly harpacticoids). Acari, ascidians, bivalves, cnidarians, collembolans, gastropods, isopods, kinorhynchs, insects, nemerteans, ostracods, and polychaetes were relatively scarce groups, together being less than 1.6% of the meiofauna. There was a large variation in meiofaunal abundance between sites. Maximum abundances (>500 ind. cm?2) were found in Sau?arkrökur, Hraunhafnartangi, and Skálaness, whereas minimum abundances (<40 ind. cm?2) were recorded in Magnavík, Jokülsárlón (glacier beach site), Vikurnúpur, Breidalsvík, and Stokknes. We did not find a clear pattern in overall meiofaunal abundance regarding the degree of exposure of beaches. Oligochaetes, nematodes, and copepods were relatively more abundant in sheltered beaches, whereas turbellarians and gastrotrichs tended to be more abundant in exposed beaches. The best correlates of meiofaunal composition and abundance within beaches were the proportion of gravels and the content of utilizable organic matter in the sediment. We should consider factors operating at wider scales (importantly beach exposure and overall situation in the complex oceanographical context of Iceland) to find a pattern in the local structure of intertidal meiofaunal assemblages.  相似文献   

Large rivers are worldwide under severe pressure and there is a lack of information on large river restoration. The present paper represents a meta-analysis of available data on river rehabilitation projects performed at the Austrian Danube River consisting of six rehabilitation projects addressing 19 sites. The overall goal was to analyse the response of fish assemblages to different rehabilitation types based on (1) morphological type (“Instream Habitat Enhancement”, “backwater Enhancement”, “extended Enhancement”), (2) length of rehabilitation measure (3) time after construction (4) applied monitoring design. Biological metrics evaluated included number of fish species and relative density, habitat guilds and Leitbild species. In total, number of species increases by 55% comparing rehabilitated with unrestored sites. The number of species of all habitat guilds is higher after rehabilitation. The proportion of rheophilic species increased and the community evolved toward a more type-specific community, according to the Leitbild. Significant differences between measure types were not detected. The rehabilitation success depends mainly on its spatial extent. Highest positive response of number of rheophilic species is achieved by a length >3.9 km. The results show that habitat rehabilitation of large rivers is effective if the spatial extent of the measure is in accordance with river size.  相似文献   

The Antarctic ice diatom Amphiprora kufferathii Manguin is always accompanied by epiphytic bacteria in its natural habitat. To investigate the nature of this relationship, axenic cultures of A. kufferathii were obtained by ampicillin treatment. Diatom cultures without bacteria were less dense. The bacteria were shown to consume hydrogen peroxide produced by the diatom during photosysnthesis and algal photosynthesis after a hydrogen peroxide shock recovered faster in the presence of bacteria. Three proteobacterial strains isolated from a culture of A. kufferathii were phylogenetically affiliated with the alphaproteobacterial genus Sulfitobacter, the gammaproteobacterial genus Colwellia, and the genus Pibocella of the Bacteriodetes. Native protein gel electrophoresis and enzyme activity staining revealed the presence of superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase in the isolated bacteria and in A. kufferathii cultures. Catalase was detected in bacterial extracts but not in axenic cultures of A. kufferathii. These observations indicate that the epiphytic bacteria make a significant contribution to the diatom's antioxidative defences. The relationship between the bacteria and A. kufferathii seems to be beneficial for both partners and enhances growth of Amphiprora in the sea ice.  相似文献   

Soil diatom communities from Ile de la Possession (Crozet,sub-Antarctica)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An ecological study of soil diatoms on Ile de la Possession (Crozet Archipelago, sub-Antarctica) was carried out during the austral summer of 1998/1999. Both diatom and chemistry data were collected. A highly diverse diatom flora of 230 taxa, belonging to 39 genera were identified from 104 samples. Several of them are considered to be new. The most abundant genera were Diadesmis, Achnanthes and Pinnularia. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to classify the samples based on their chemical characteristics. Moisture and nutrients were the main factors separating three groups of samples: dry fellfield soils, soils influenced by marine animals and mesic valley soils. Species assemblages correspond well with this division. Forward Selection with Monte Carlo permutations was used to reduce the number of significant variables. The analysis selected moisture, phosphate and sulphate concentrations. Based on the analysis, the same three groups of the PCA were found. Weighted averaging and calibration were used to develop a statistical transfer function to infer the moisture content of soils from the diatom assemblages.  相似文献   

Data on recenr diatom community structure and relevant environmental characteristics from the lakes and their catchments have been collected from 151 oligotrophic lakes in eastern Finland. The pattern of frequency distribution of diatoms as a function of environmental variables, including land use in the catchment, differs between diatom taxa and indicates the optimum conditions and amplitude of occurrence for particular species. This kind of study should lead to increased understanding of the environmental requirements of diatom species and will be useful in the interpretation of historical changes in lakes as well as in forecasting possible future changes.  相似文献   

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