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中国人精母细胞和卵母细胞联会复合体的电镜观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
施立明  马昆 《遗传学报》1992,19(5):403-409
以微铺展技术结合硝酸银染色,对中国人精母细胞和流产胎儿卵巢联会复合体的形态和行为作了电镜观察。列出中国人的SC核型和模式图。根据减数分裂前期XY的复杂形态变化,XY的配对可分为5种类型。对XY短臂之间形成的SC和XY长臂顶端的次级联合以及XY配对的性质和机理作了描述和讨论。本文还报道了一个罕见的三倍体精母细胞,对三倍体精母细胞中SC的配对行为以及和人类染色体疾病病因的可能关系作了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

联会复合体免疫荧光技术在全基因减数分裂遗传重组研究中具有精确和直观的优势.本研究通过免疫荧光染色方法制备小鼠精母细胞联会复合体,研究其形态组成与遗传重组特征,展示雄性小鼠遗传重组图谱并分析其重组位点(MLH1位点)的分布特征.4只小鼠共145个精母细胞在平均每个细胞的MLH1位点数为23.3±2.4;在常染色体联会复合体中,未发现有3个MLH1位点的联会复合体,具有1个MLH1位点的联会复合体较多,平均为14.2;无XY联会复合体的细胞占所有细胞的4.1%,XY联会复合体上有MLH1位点的细胞占30.2%;联会复合体上有裂缝的细胞占0.7%.通过联会复合体免疫荧光染色可以清晰地分辨出联会复合体(红色)、着丝粒(蓝色)和MLH1位点(绿色),是遗传重组分析的一种强有力工具.  相似文献   

本文以微铺展技术制备中华鳖精母细胞联会复合体标本,经硝酸银染色后电镜观察,分析了SC组型.并与有丝分裂染色体组型相比较,发现二者有着良好的一致性,而且微小染色体的SC结构和着丝粒清晰,未发现形态上有分化的性染色体.中华鳖SC的研究为其细胞遗传学及性别决定机制提供了重要的依据.  相似文献   

本文采用表面铺展法, 应用AgNO3及PTA 染色技术研究了达乌尔黄鼠精母细胞联会复合体。根据对10个精母细胞SC 的测量结果, 作出了达乌尔黄鼠SC 的核型, 并与有丝分裂核型进行了比较。本文对XY 配对行为进行了讨论, 同时按性染色体配对特征划分了SC 在粗线期的不同发展阶段。  相似文献   

本工作采用去污剂微铺展——硝酸银染色技术研究熊猴、平顶猴、藏酋猴、恒河猴及其亚种毛耳猴的精母细胞联会复合体(SC)核型、SC的结构及其在减数分裂中的行为。结果表明这几种动物的SC核型以及SC的发育过程基本一致。SC的形成开始于偶线期,成熟于粗线期,解体于双线期。在减数分裂前期,性染色体轴呈强嗜银性,配对明显落后于常染色体。根据减数分裂前期性染色体的形态和行为,性染色体的配对可分为五种类型。此外,本文还对XY染色体的同源性和侧轴加粗等现象进行了讨论。  相似文献   

ReviewofStudiesonRecombinationNodulesJinQuanwen.(InstituteofGenetics,AcademiaSinica,Beijing100101)WangYamei(BeijingAgriculturalCollege,Beijing102208)ZhangChuanshan(DepartmentofBiology,NortheastNormalUniversity,Changchun130024)联会复合体(SynaptonemalComPlex,SC)是减数分裂前期染色体配对时,同源染色体之间形成的~种复合结构,这种结构最初是由Moses和Fawcet于1956年在喇站、家鸽、猫及人的初级精母细胞的电税超薄切片中观察到的。到目前为止,几乎所有观察过的真核生物中都有这种结构。一般说来,在…  相似文献   

植物减数分裂中的染色体配对、联会和重组研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Liu CX  He QY  Jin WW 《遗传》2010,32(12):1223-1231
减数分裂是有性生殖的关键步骤,而染色体配对、联会和重组又是减数分裂的重要环节,也是减数分裂研究的热点之一。近些年来,借助于先进的分子生物学和细胞学技术,通过大量突变体的筛选,在植物减数分裂中染色体的配对、联会和重组研究取得了长足的进展。文章就目前克隆的植物减数分裂中染色体配对、联会和重组相关的基因及功能研究进行了总结,并进一步对其分子机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

减数分裂时期染色体行为作为遗传学三大遗传规律(基因分离规律、基因自由组合定律及连锁遗传规律)的细胞学基础,是遗传学教学中的重点,也是生命科学前沿研究的焦点。快速发展的分子生物学为减数分裂的分子机制提供了更深的认识和理解,并出现一些与教科书内容不一致的情况。本文对减数分裂研究前沿进行简单综述,重点阐述对减数分裂时期配对、联会和重组关系的新认识,以期将前沿研究融入遗传学教学之中,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,提高授课效果。  相似文献   

以微铺展法制备豚鼠精母细胞联会复合体标本,经硝酸银染色后作电镜观察,建立了SC组型.与有丝分裂染色体组型比较,发现二者有良好的一致性.在粗线期,X,Y轴的配对区很短,配对区的X轴和Y轴没有明显变细.未发现银染SC具有着丝粒,并对可能的原因作了分析讨论.  相似文献   

The paper presents the analysis of the frequency, density, and distribution of recombination sites in the male meiosis of the domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus). The study was carried out using immunofluorescent staining of synaptonemal complex (SC) proteins, centromeric proteins and mismatch repair protein MLH1, a reliable marker of crossingover sites. We mapped 2633 sites of crossing over in 1098 individual autosomes. Based on these data, we estimated the total length of the genetic map of the domestic cat to be 2176 centimorgans. Positive correlation between the length of SC and the number of recombination sites common for mammalians was also found in the domestic cat. It was shown that this species was characterized by the highest density of recombination and the lowest interference in mammals.  相似文献   

The synaptonemal complex (SC) is a tripartite protein structure consisting of two parallel axial elements (AEs) and a central region. During meiosis, the SC connects paired homologous chromosomes, promoting interhomologue (IH) recombination. Here, we report that, like the CE component Zip1, Saccharomyces cerevisiae axial-element structural protein, Red1, can bind small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) polymeric chains. The Red1–SUMO chain interaction is dispensable for the initiation of meiotic DNA recombination, but it is essential for Tel1- and Mec1-dependent Hop1 phosphorylation, which ensures IH recombination by preventing the inter-sister chromatid DNA repair pathway. Our results also indicate that Red1 and Zip1 may directly sandwich the SUMO chains to mediate SC assembly. We suggest that Red1 and SUMO chains function together to couple homologous recombination and Mec1–Tel1 kinase activation with chromosome synapsis during yeast meiosis.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic RecA homologues RAD51 and DMC1 function in homology recognition and formation of joint-molecule recombination intermediates during yeast meiosis. The precise immunolocalization of these two proteins on the meiotic chromosomes of plants and animals has been complicated by their high degree of identity at the amino acid level. With antibodies that have been immunodepleted of cross-reactive epitopes, we demonstrate that RAD51 and DMC1 have identical distribution patterns in extracts of mouse spermatocytes in successive prophase I stages, suggesting coordinate functionality. Immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy with these antibodies demonstrate colocalization of the two proteins on the meiotic chromosome cores at early prophase I. We also show that mouse RAD51 and DMC1 establish protein-protein interactions with each other and with the chromosome core component COR1(SCP3) in a two-hybrid system and in vitro binding analyses. These results suggest that the formation of a multiprotein recombination complex associated with the meiotic chromosome cores is essential for the development and fulfillment of the meiotic recombination process.  相似文献   

A large subset of meiotic recombination intermediates form within the physical context of synaptonemal complex (SC), but the functional relationship between SC structure and homologous recombination remains obscure. Our prior analysis of strains deficient for SC central element proteins demonstrated that tripartite SC is dispensable for interhomolog recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here, we report that while dispensable for recombination per se, SC proteins promote efficient mismatch repair at interhomolog recombination sites. Failure to repair mismatches within heteroduplex-containing meiotic recombination intermediates leads to genotypically sectored colonies (postmeiotic segregation events). We discovered increased postmeiotic segregation at THR1 in cells lacking Ecm11 or Gmc2, or in the SC-deficient but recombination-proficient zip1[Δ21-163] mutant. High-throughput sequencing of octad meiotic products furthermore revealed a genome-wide increase in recombination events with unrepaired mismatches in ecm11 mutants relative to wildtype. Meiotic cells missing Ecm11 display longer gene conversion tracts, but tract length alone does not account for the higher frequency of unrepaired mismatches. Interestingly, the per-nucleotide mismatch frequency is elevated in ecm11 when analyzing all gene conversion tracts, but is similar between wildtype and ecm11 if considering only those events with unrepaired mismatches. Thus, in both wildtype and ecm11 strains a subset of recombination events is susceptible to a similar degree of inefficient mismatch repair, but in ecm11 mutants a larger fraction of events fall into this inefficient repair category. Finally, we observe elevated postmeiotic segregation at THR1 in mutants with a dual deficiency in MutSγ crossover recombination and SC assembly, but not in the mlh3 mutant, which lacks MutSγ crossovers but has abundant SC. We propose that SC structure promotes efficient mismatch repair of joint molecule recombination intermediates, and that absence of SC is the molecular basis for elevated postmeiotic segregation in both MutSγ crossover-proficient (ecm11, gmc2) and MutSγ crossover-deficient (msh4, zip3) strains.  相似文献   

Meiotic recombination is a fundamental biological process that plays a central role in the evolution and breeding of plants. We have developed a new seed-based assay for meiotic recombination in Arabidopsis. The assay is based on the transformation of green and red fluorescent markers expressed under a seed-specific promoter. A total of 74 T-DNA markers were isolated, sequenced and mapped both physically and genetically. Lines containing red and green markers that map 1-20 cM apart were crossed to produce tester lines with the two markers linked in cis yielding seeds that fluoresced both in red and green. We show that these lines can be used for efficient scoring of recombinant types (red only or green only fluorescing seeds) in a seed population derived from a test cross (backcross) or self-pollination. Two tester lines that were characterized during several generations of backcross and self-pollination, one in the background of ecotype Landsberg and one in the ecotype Columbia, are described. We discuss the number of plants and seeds to be scored in order to obtain reliable and reproducible crossing over rate values. This assay offers a relatively high-throughput method, with the benefit of seed markers (similar to the maize classical genetic markers) combined with the advantages of Arabidopsis. It advances the prospect to better understand the factors that affect the rate of meiotic crossover in plants and to stimulate this process for more efficient breeding and mapping.  相似文献   

In the last 15 years, outstanding progress has been made in understanding the function of meiotic genes in the model dicot and monocot plants Arabidopsis and rice (Oryza sativa L.), respectively. This knowledge allowed to modulate meiotic recombination in Arabidopsis and, more recently, in rice. For instance, the overall frequency of crossovers (COs) has been stimulated 2.3‐ and 3.2‐fold through the inactivation of the rice FANCM and RECQ4 DNA helicases, respectively, two genes involved in the repair of DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs) as noncrossovers (NCOs) of the Class II crossover pathway. Differently, the programmed induction of DSBs and COs at desired sites is currently explored by guiding the SPO11‐1 topoisomerase‐like transesterase, initiating meiotic recombination in all eukaryotes, to specific target regions of the rice genome. Furthermore, the inactivation of 3 meiosis‐specific genes, namely PAIR1, OsREC8 and OsOSD1, in the Mitosis instead of Meiosis (MiMe) mutant turned rice meiosis into mitosis, thereby abolishing recombination and achieving the first component of apomixis, apomeiosis. The successful translation of Arabidopsis results into a crop further allowed the implementation of two breakthrough strategies that triggered parthenogenesis from the MiMe unreduced clonal egg cell and completed the second component of diplosporous apomixis. Here, we review the most recent advances in and future prospects of the manipulation of meiotic recombination in rice and potentially other major crops, all essential for global food security.  相似文献   

This study attempted to investigate the time course of meiotic progression after transferring primary spermatocyte (PS) into ooplasm at different maturing stages. In present experiments, PSs were introduced into maturing ooplasts or oocytes by electrofusion. Higher fusion rate was obtained by phytohemagglutinin (PHA) agglutination than by perivitelline space (PVS) insertion. When the ooplasms prepared at 0, 2, 5, and 8.5 hr of in vitro maturation (IVM) were used as recipients and PSs were used as donors, the reconstructed cells extruded the first polar body (PB1) approximately 8.5, 7, 5.5, and 3 hr after electrofusion, respectively. Especially, when ooplasm cultured for 8.5 hr in vitro after GV removal was fused with PS, the PB1 was emitted 7-11 hr after electrofusion. Additionally, the PB1 extrusions of GV and pro-MI oocytes fertilized with PSs were 2.5 hr earlier than control oocytes. The results suggest that (1) PSs undergo the first meiosis in different time courses when introduced into ooplasm at different maturing stages; (2) GV material plays an important role in determining the timing of PB1 extrusion; and (3) first meiotic division of GV and pro-MI oocytes can be accelerated by introducing PS.  相似文献   

Penkina  M. V.  Karpova  O. I.  Bogdanov  Yu. F. 《Molecular Biology》2002,36(3):304-313
The review considers proteins of the synaptonemal complex (SC), a specific structure formed between homologous chromosomes in maturing germline cells during meiotic prophase I. The structure and functions are described for proteins that form ultrastructural SC elements in mammals, in yeast, and in higher plants. The roles of cohesins and of the SC proteins in meiotic sister-chromatid cohesion are considered. Though still scarce, data are summarized on the SC self-assembly and dissociation and on the molecular composition of SC-associated recombination nodules, which provide a compartment for meiotic recombination enzymes. The accumulating data on the SC molecular components and on their structure, properties, and interactions improve the understanding of the SC function.  相似文献   

减数分裂重组不仅保证了真核生物有性生殖过程中染色体数量的稳定,还通过父母亲本间遗传物质的互换在后代中产生遗传变异。因此,减数分裂重组是遗传多样性形成的重要途径,也是生物多样性和物种进化的主要动力。在绝大多数真核生物中,不管染色体数目的多少或基因组的大小,减数分裂重组的形成都受到严格的调控,但抑制减数分裂重组的分子机理目前仍不清楚。近年来,通过正向遗传学筛选鉴定出多个减数分裂重组抑制基因,揭示了抑制基因的功能和调控途径。本文基于拟南芥中减数分裂重组抑制基因的研究现状,综述了植物减数分裂重组抑制基因研究取得的突破性进展,并结合基因功能与其调控网络阐述了抑制植物减数分裂重组的分子机理。  相似文献   

Programmed and unprogrammed double-strand breaks (DSBs) often arise from such physiological requirements as meiotic recombination, and exogenous insults, such as ionizing radiation (IR). Due to deleterious impacts on genome stability, DSBs must be appropriately processed and repaired in a regulatory manner. Recent investigations have indicated that ubiquitination is a critical factor in DNA damage response and meiotic recombination repair. This review summarizes the effects of proteins and complexes associa...  相似文献   

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