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The important role of the cytoskeletal scaffold is increasingly recognized in host-pathogen interactions. The cytoskeleton potentially functions as a weapon for both the plants defending themselves against fungal or oomycete parasites, and for the pathogens trying to overcome the resisting barrier of the plants. This concept, however, had not been investigated in marine algae so far. We are opening this scientific chapter with our study on the functional implications of the cytoskeleton in 3 filamentous brown algal species infected by the marine oomycete Eurychasma dicksonii. Our observations suggest that the cytoskeleton is involved in host defense responses and in fundamental developmental stages of E. dicksonii in its algal host.Oomycetes are important plant and animal pathogens and are the cause of significant crop losses every year. Hence, a plethora of studies with different cultivated and model plant species investigate the diversity of parasite infection pathways and host defense responses.1 However, little information is available on the interactions between algae and marine oomycetes, despite the epidemic outbreaks reported2 and the huge impact on intensive algal aquaculture.3Eurychasma dicksonii is a biotrophic, intracellular marine oomycete, capable to infect at least 45 species of brown seaweeds in laboratory cultures.4 Molecular data reveal that E. dicksonii has a basal phylogenetic position in the oomycete lineage.5,6 The basic stages of the infection are known: the attachment of the parasite spore to the host cell wall, the penetration of its cytoplasm into the host cell, the formation of a multinucleated, unwalled thallus, and zoosporogenesis.6 Hitherto, though, there was no knowledge about the role of cytoskeleton in the context of infection, which stimulated our research.In land plants, reorganization of the cytoskeleton is part of the reaction to infection by fungal pathogens. The rearrangement of the cytoplasm and the relocation of the nuclei and other organelles are accompanied by rapid rearrangements of the cytoskeletal elements.7 The plant cytoskeleton shows an extreme plasticity in order to serve the intracellular realignment.At the same time, this indicates that the plant cytoskeleton could be the parasite’s target by producing anti-cytoskeletal compounds in an effort to overcome plant resistance, a mechanism known in several fungal and oomycete pathogens of higher plants.8,9Consequently, the changes in microtubule (MT) organization are associated with both the plant defense and/or susceptibility toward oomycetes, respectively.10 Therefore, our research on the organization and role of cytoskeleton in the host and the parasite sheds some light into the enormous variability in the specificity of the recognition, defense, and infection mechanisms.  相似文献   

Oomycete diseases in seaweeds are probably widespread and of significant ecological and economic impact, but overall still poorly understood. This study investigates the organisation of the cytoskeleton during infection of three brown algal species, Pylaiella littoralis, Ectocarpus siliculosus, and Ectocarpus crouaniorum, by the basal marine oomycete Eurychasma dicksonii. Immunofluorescence staining of tubulin revealed how the development of this intracellular biotrophic pathogen impacts on microtubule (MT) organisation of its algal host. The host MT cytoskeleton remains normal and organised by the centrosome until very late stages of the infection. Additionally, the organisation of the parasite's cytoskeleton was examined. During mitosis of the E. dicksonii nucleus the MT focal point (microtubule organisation centre, MTOC, putative centrosome) duplicates and each daughter MTOC migrates to opposite poles of the nucleus. This similarity in MT organisation between the host and pathogen reflects the relatively close phylogenetic relationship between oomycetes and brown algae. Moreover, actin labelling with rhodamine‐phalloidin in E. dicksonii revealed typical images of actin dots connected by fine actin filament bundles in the cortical cytoplasm. The functional and phylogenetic implications of our observations are discussed.  相似文献   

The morphological development, ultrastructural cytology, and molecular phylogeny of Eurychasma dicksonii, a holocarpic oomycete endoparasite of phaeophyte algae, were investigated in laboratory cultures. Infection of the host algae by E. dicksonii is initiated by an adhesorium-like infection apparatus. First non-walled, the parasite cell developed a cell wall and numerous large vacuoles once it had almost completely filled the infected host cell (foamy stage). Large-scale cytoplasmic changes led to the differentiation of a sporangium with peripheral primary cysts. Secondary zoospores appeared to be liberated from the primary cysts in the internal space left after the peripheral spores differentiated. These zoospores contained two phases of peripheral vesicles, most likely homologous to the dorsal encystment vesicles and K-bodies observed in other oomycetes. Following zoospore liberation the walls of the empty cyst were left behind, forming the so-called net sporangium, a distinctive morphological feature of this genus. The morphological and ultrastructural features of Eurychasma were discussed in relation to similarities with other oomycetes. Both SSU rRNA and COII trees pointed to a basal position of Eurychasma among the Oomycetes. The cox2 sequences also revealed that the UGA codon encoded tryptophan, constituting the first report of stop codon reassignment in an oomycete mitochondrion.  相似文献   

Unialgal cultures of the brown alga Pylaiella littoralis (L.) Kjellman infected by either Eurychasma dicksonii (Wright) Magnus (Oomycota) or Chytridium polysiphoniae (Cohn) H. E. Petersen (Chytridiomycota) were used to elaborate the host ranges of these pathogens. Infection experiments with 48 host species covering 13 orders of the Phaeophyceae showed that 45 species were susceptible to attack by Eurychasma and 23 to Chytridium. The two pathogens showed host-specific differences in generation times: while in Pylaiella the shortest cycles were 16 days for Eurychasma and 6 days for Chytridium, one and five days more, respectively, were required in Acinetospora. Heavy parasite attack on the microscopic stages of host species with heteromorphic life histories, like kelps (Laminariales), is documented and discussed as a potential regulatory factor for the population dynamics of macroalgae.  相似文献   

Interactions between bacteria and the host were studied from day 0 up to day 10 post-challenge in mice pretreated with soluble glucan (20 mg/kg i.p.) and challenged supralaryngeally with a virulent strain ofKlebsiella pneumoniae. In the initial phase of infection, clearance of bacteria in the airways of glucan-treated mice was improved to an extent comparable with the vaccinated group but, in contrast to the immunized animals, subsequent regrowth of the bacterial inoculum was not prevented. The efficacy of defense, based during the entire course of infection mainly upon phagocytosis by neutrophils, markedly increased at intervals corresponding to the onset of humoral immune response. No evidence was obtained to indicate an enhanced involvement of alveolar macrophages in the phagocytosis of bacteria in glucan-stimulated mice. The results further support the notion that improvement of specific immune responsiveness rather than activation of nonspecific effector functions might be the most important expression of the host-defense-potentiating capacity of glucan and related stimulants of microbial origin.  相似文献   

Restoration of host defense mechanisms in man by levamisole   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Levamisole, a broad-spectrum anthelmintic, increased the delayed hypersensitivity skin reaction to tuberculin and to DNCB in about one third of the patients. Levamisole and the racemate tetramisole temporarily increased serum antibody titres in response to vaccination against influenza.  相似文献   

The filamentous marine brown algae Ectocarpus siliculosus and Feldmannia simplex are infected by host specific DNA-viruses. Under Percoll isolation, Ectocarpus siliculosus-virus (EsV)-particles maintained their infective potential.The EsV has a circular genome of dsDNA with a size of 320 kb. A restriction map has been established. The gene of a major coat protein (gp1) was detected in a genomic library and partly sequenced. Using gpl- sequences for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification analysis, EsV specific sequences could be detected in various symptom-free, clonal cultures of Ectocarpus. The PCR was also used to follow the passage of the virus genome during the meiosis of hosts. A monospecific antibody against recombinant gpl was used for immunostaining and infection experiments.The Feldmannia simplex-virus (FlexV-1) has a circular genome with a size of 220 kb and a 43% G+C content. FsV-DNA contains methylated bases. 5-methylcytosine (5 mC) makes up 12% of the total cytosines.  相似文献   

In the marine environment, a growing body of evidence points to parasites as key players in the control of population dynamics and overall ecosystem structure. However, their prevalence and impact on marine macroalgal communities remain virtually unknown. Indeed, infectious diseases of seaweeds are largely underdocumented, partly because of the expertise required to diagnose them with a microscope. Over the last few years, however, real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) has emerged as a rapid and reliable alternative to visual symptom scoring for monitoring pathogens. Thus, we present here a qPCR assay suitable for the detection and quantification of the intracellular oomycete pathogen Eurychasma dicksonii in its ectocarpalean and laminarialean brown algal hosts. qPCR and microscopic observations made of laboratory-controlled cultures revealed that clonal brown algal strains exhibit different levels of resistance against Eurychasma, ranging from high susceptibility to complete absence of symptoms. This observation strongly argues for the existence of a genetic determinism for disease resistance in brown algae, which would have broad implications for the dynamics and genetic structure of natural populations. We also used qPCR for the rapid detection of Eurychasma in filamentous brown algae collected in Northern Europe and South America and found that the assay is specific, robust, and widely applicable to field samples. Hence, this study opens the perspective of combining large-scale disease monitoring in the field with laboratory-controlled experiments on the genome model seaweed Ectocarpus siliculosus to improve our understanding of brown algal diseases.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular parasite that does not differentiate among hosts and is capable of infecting nearly all warm-blooded vertebrates. Although about 30% of the human population is thought to be infected with T. gondii, it is one of the most common opportunistic infections that does not cause serious symptoms when the immune system is functioning normally. In this review, we focus on anti-T. gondii infection by host innate immunity, acquired immunity, and type II interferon-mediated cell-autonomous immunity. T. gondii has three types of secretory structures, rhoptries, dense granules, and micronemes, among which molecules released from T. gondii via rhoptries and dense granules act to inhibit host responses to eliminate. T. gondii. The molecules released by T. gondii through rhoptries and dense granules not only act to suppress host immunity, but also to control gene expression in infected cells, thereby favouring the spread of infection. T. gondii has survived to this day, and may continue to evolve by skilfully applying its own factors to the infected host.  相似文献   

Signaling mechanisms in the antimicrobial host defense of Drosophila   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Drosophila has appeared in recent years as a powerful model to study innate immunity. Several papers published in the past year shed light on the role of the three Rel proteins Dorsal, Dif and Relish in the regulation of antimicrobial peptide expression. In addition, the discovery that a blood serine protease inhibitor is involved in the control of the antifungal response indicates that Toll is activated upon triggering of a proteolytic cascade and does not function as a Drosophila pattern recognition receptor.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages are an attractive tool for application in the therapy of bacterial infections, for biological control of bacterial contamination of foodstuffs in the alimentary industry, in plant protection, for control of water-borne pathogens, and control of environmental microflora. This review is mainly focused on structures governing phage recognition of host cell and mechanisms of phage adsorption and penetration into microbial cell.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi causes Chagas disease, a neglected illness that affects millions of people worldwide, especially in Latin America. The balance between biochemical pathways triggered by the parasite and host cells response will ultimately define the progression of a life-threatening disease, justifying the efforts to understand cellular mechanisms for infection restrain. In this interaction, parasite and host cells are affected by different physiological responses as autophagy modulation, which could be under intense cellular stress, such as nutrient deprivation, hormone depletion, or infection. Autophagy is a constitutive pathway that leads to degradation of macromolecules and cellular structures and may induce cell death. In Trypanosoma cruzi infection, the relevance of host autophagy is controversial regarding in vitro parasite intracellular life cycle. In the present study, we evaluated host cell autophagy during T. cruzi infection in phagocytic and non-professional phagocytic cells. We described that the presence of the parasite increased the number of LC3 puncta, a marker for autophagy, in cardiac cells and peritoneal macrophages in vitro. The induction of host autophagy decreased infection in macrophages in early and late time-periods. We suggest that starved phagocytic cells reduced internalization, also confirmed by inert particles and dead trypomastigotes. Whereas, in cardiac cells, starvation-induced autophagy decreased lipid droplets and infection in later time-point, by reducing parasite differentiation/proliferation. In ATG5 knockout MEF cells, we confirmed our hypothesis of autophagy machinery activation during parasite internalization, increasing infection. Our data suggest that host autophagy downregulates T. cruzi infection through impairing parasite intracellular life cycle, reducing the infection in primary culture cells.  相似文献   

Terpenoids, polyphenols, and C11 metabolites are broadly distributed among brown seaweeds. Terpenoids and polyphenols have often been investigated as chemical defenses against herbivores, while there are only few investigations of the fatty-acid-derived C11 hydrocarbons and C11 sulfur compounds as potential defenses. We investigated effects of C11 sulfur metabolites from the cosmopolitan brown alga Dictyopteris membranacea on feeding and fitness of the herbivorous amphipod Ampithoe longimana. In choice tests between freshly collected thalli of D. hoytii (which lacks C11 sulfur compounds) and D. membranacea (which contains C11 sulfur compounds) amphipods consumed about 4 times more of the species lacking the C11 sulfur compounds. The same feeding preference was observed when these plants were finely ground and embedded in an agar matrix to destroy morphological differences. When a diet made from field-collected thalli of D. membranacea containing C11 sulfur compounds was tested against a diet made from a laboratory culture of D. membranacea that had lost the ability to produce C11 sulfur compounds, the same magnitude of preference was observed for the population lacking the sulfur compounds. In addition to the C11 sulfur compounds, a water-soluble C9-oxo acid that appears to be a by-product in the biosynthesis of the C11 metabolites also suppressed amphipod feeding to a comparable extent. Both classes of compound may contribute to the effective chemical protection of D. membranacea. When juvenile amphipods were reared for 28 days on artificial diets containing the above compounds, their survivorship (⢪%) closely resembled that of a starved treatment, but differed dramatically from a control treatment (60%) consisting of the same food, but without the metabolites. Most other classes of brown algal secondary metabolites are defensive against a broad spectrum of larger herbivores, but relatively ineffective against the amphipod studied here. In contrast, the fatty-acid-derived sulfur compounds and the C9-oxo acid strongly deter Ampithoe-like mesograzers but appear less effective against other herbivores, suggesting that these metabolites could be ecologically important in defending zygotes and germlings against these small consumers.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) act as a portal for virus invasion and as the most potent antigen-presenting cells in antiviral host defense. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 has served as the paradigm for virus interaction with DCs. HIV-1 infection of DCs via its primary CD4 receptor and secondary chemokine receptors leads to full virus replication (cis infection), whereas binding to C-type lectin receptors results both in cis replication, as well as transfer and replication of virus in CD4(pos) T cells (trans infection). DCs respond to this invasion by processing viral proteins through MHC class I and II pathways and undergoing a maturation that enhances their presentation of antigen to T cells for induction of adaptive antiviral immunity. HIV-1 and other viruses have evolved mechanisms to subvert this immune function. Engineering of DCs with various forms of viral immunogens and co-treatment with cytokines and chemokines is being used as an immunotherapy for HIV-1 and other viral infections.  相似文献   

The host cell cytoskeleton is known to play a vital role in the life cycles of several pathogenic intracellular microorganisms by providing the basis for a successful invasion and by promoting movement of the pathogen once inside the host cell cytoplasm. McCoy cells infected with Chlamydia trachomatis serovars E or L2 revealed, by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy, collocation of microtubules and Chlamydia -containing vesicles during the process of migration from the host cell surface to a perinuclear location. The vast majority of microtubule-associated Chlamydia vesicles also collocated with tyrosine-phosphorylated McCoy cell proteins. After migration, the Chlamydia -containing vesicles were positioned exactly at the centre of the microtubule network, indicating a microtubule-dependent mode of chlamydial redistribution. Inhibition of host cell dynein, a microtubule-dependent motor protein known to be involved in directed vesicle transport along microtubules, was observed to have a pronounced effect on C. trachomatis infectivity. Furthermore, dynein was found to collocate with perinuclear aggregates of C. trachomatis E and L2 but not C. pneumoniae VR-1310, indicating a marked difference in the cytoskeletal requirements for C. trachomatis and C. pneumoniae during early infection events. In support of this view, C. pneumoniae VR-1310 was shown to induce much less tyrosine phosphorylation of HeLa cell proteins during uptake than that seen for C. trachomatis .  相似文献   

The germination of spores of the endophytic brown algae Laminariocolax aecidioides and Laminarionema elsbetiae (Ectocarpales sensu lato) on their host Laminaria saccharina was studied using scanning electron microscopy. Zoids were the infective units in both taxa. Despite a large difference in size between spores of the species studied, the initial steps of infection were similar. Zoids settled on the host surface, and during secretion of adhesive material from their anterior end, the spores became elongated to rod-shaped and stood erect on the host. A single germ tube developed at the proximal end and penetrated the intact surface of the host. Sharp edges around the entrance hole and the absence of inward deformation of the host surface around the settled zoids suggest an enzymatic rather than a mechanical penetration mechanism.  相似文献   

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