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Over the past ~40 years, several attempts were made to reintroduce Eurasian lynx to suitable habitat within their former distribution range in Western Europe. In general, limited numbers of individuals have been released to establish new populations. To evaluate the effects of reintroductions on the genetic status of lynx populations we used 12 microsatellite loci to study lynx populations in the Bohemian–Bavarian and Vosges–Palatinian forests. Compared with autochthonous lynx populations, these two reintroduced populations displayed reduced genetic diversity, particularly the Vosges–Palatinian population. Our genetic data provide further evidence to support the status of ‘endangered’ and ‘critically endangered’ for the Bohemian–Bavarian and Vosges–Palatinian populations, respectively. Regarding conservation management, we highlight the need to limit poaching, and advocate additional translocations to bolster genetic variability.  相似文献   

Long-term studies on urban phenology using network data are commonly limited by the small number of observation sites within city centres. Moreover, cities are often located on major rivers and consequently at lower altitudes than their rural surroundings. For these reasons, it is important (1) to go beyond a plain urban–rural comparison by taking the degree of urbanisation into account, and (2) to evaluate urbanisation and altitudinal effects simultaneously. Temporal phenological trends (1980–2009) for nine phenological spring events centred on the German cities of Frankfurt, Cologne and Munich were analysed. Trends of phenological onset dates were negative (i.e. earlier onset in phenology) for 96% of the 808 time series and significantly negative for 56% of the total number. Mean trends for the nine phenological events ranged between −0.23 days year−1 for beech and −0.50 days year−1 for hazel. The dependence of these trends and of mean dates on altitude and on the degree of urbanisation was explored. For mean dates, we demonstrated an earlier phenological onset at lower altitude and with a higher degree of urbanisation: altitude effects were highly significant and ranged between 1.34 days (100 m)−1 (beech) and 4.27 days (100 m)−1 (hazel). Coefficients for the log-transformed urban index were statistically significant for five events and varied greatly between events (coefficients from −1.74 for spruce to −5.08 for hazel). For trends in phenology, altitude was only significant for Norway maple, and no urban effects were significant. Hence, trends in phenology did not change significantly with higher altitudes or urbanised areas.  相似文献   

The basic aim of this study was to analyse the influence of calcium on the Chl–TP relationship and to apply the findings to improve dynamic (mechanistically-based) modelling of phosphorus and lake eutrophication. We have analysed long-term data from 73 lakes. The influences of calcium found in these statistical analyses have been integrated into a dynamic foodweb model, the LakeWeb-model, which also includes a mass-balance model for phosphorus. Differences in the model outcome between simulations without and with considerations to the role of calcium are discussed. We can conclude that calcium is an important factor influencing both the Chl–TP relationship and Secchi depths in mesotrophic and eutrophic lakes. Our results also indicate that lakes with long-term median Ca-concentration between 10–30mg/l function as hardwater lakes. The results also stress the importance of taking a holistic view of lakes since the bedrock, soils and land-use activities in the catchment influence the calcium concentration in lakes and therefore the phosphorus cycle, water clarity and the productivity of a given lake. The predictive power of the Chl–TP regression increases markedly if hardwater lakes are omitted from the model domain. For lake foodweb and mass-balance modelling, we show that the inclusion of the presented calcium moderator clearly improved the predictions of lake TP-concentrations in water and sediments, chlorophyll and Secchi depths in Lake Erken, a hardwater lake in Sweden.  相似文献   

The investigations of habitat conditions on the variability of selected population features in the two invasive, annuals with different life-history traits were conducted in the years 2008–2010, in the Polish part of the Carpathian Mountains in communities characterized by the gradual decrease of light availability. The individuals of Impatiens glandulifera were surveyed along roadsides, in willow thickets, as well as inside and along the edges of the riparian forest, whereas the individuals of Bidens frondosa were observed in riverside gravels characterized by a different species composition. Each year, the number and density of individuals (stems) occurring in the particular sites were examined, as well as the height and the fruit production in 30 randomly chosen stems were surveyed. Moreover, the number of seeds per fruit, the diaspore dimensions and the seedling recruitment in laboratory conditions were examined during each season. As the values of height of individuals, number of fruits per stem, number of seeds per fruit, as well as the seedling abundance in some groups were not consistent with the normal distribution and the variances were not homogeneous, the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test was used in statistical analyses. Much greater number and density of individuals of Impatiens glandulifera were found in riparian forest, than in willow thickets and along the roadsides. In all sites the number and density of individuals increased steadily in consecutive seasons. The great number and density of Bidens frondosa individuals observed in shady and partly shady sites during the first year of studies raised in the second year and subsequently dramatically decreased in the third season. The lowest number and density of individuals noted in the first season in unshaded site raised substantially in subsequent years. The height of stems, as well as seed and fruit production of both taxa diminished with a decrease of height of neighboring plants. The seed dimensions presented the spatial and temporal variability, whereas the number of seedlings among consecutive years and in successive sites did not differ. The considerable height of the individuals of Impatiens glandulifera, high production of large fruits and seeds in open and dry roadside areas can contribute to more effective ballistic dissemination, while substantial seedling recruitment enables the colonization of new, perhaps more advantageous sites. On the other hand, lower individual height, as well as fruit and seed production and considerable seedling emergence allow the population to last and to gradually extend the area in forest communities. The considerable abundance of the high-statured Bidens frondosa individuals, substantial production of large capitula and achenes contribute to long persistence of populations in open and sun-lit sites. The gradually decrease in the height of the stems, achene number and size observed in partly-shaded and shaded places might allow to long-distance dispersal of seeds by animals, while substantial seedling recruitment might contribute to establishment in new areas.  相似文献   

印度特莱东部林地-草地系统中非生物和空间变量对木本和草本物种丰度的影响 目前尚不清楚哪些环境因素决定了热带稀树草原特别是在潮湿地带的林地和草地镶嵌处的林地和草地的物种多度。基于此,本研究探究了非生物和空间变量对印度东北部的台拉河生态系统木本和草本物种分布的影响,评估了气候和非气候因素在整个景观中保持可变的树草比和空间连通性和分散性的相对重要性。在519 km2的受保护的特莱栖息地中随机建立了134个30 m × 30 m的抽样样方,并调查了每个样方的木本和草本植物的物种多度和气候,以及非气候环境因素。基于不同的地点空间连通性模型,通过构建变量检验气候和非气候环境因素对物种多度的影响。使用冗余分析和方差分解定量解析环境变量和空间结构对林地和草地物种多度的相对重要性。研究结果表明,降雨、火灾、水分胁迫、地形和土壤养分在内的环境变量对物种多度和林草比有显著的影响。空间结构显著,最佳空间模型为反距离加权模型(inverse distance-weighted model), 而且显示最大的空间扩散距离可以达到23.5 km,表明扩散限制较弱。约21%的物种多度变化能够被环境和空间因素解释。这些结果揭示了植物群落动态的决定因素,即环境因子的时空变化可能驱动物种分布和多度的随机性,并对植被镶嵌产生主导影响。  相似文献   

Tad A. Dallas  Luca Santini 《Ecography》2020,43(9):1341-1351
Species have been commonly hypothesized to have high population densities in geographic areas which correspond to either the centre of the species geographic range or climatic niche (abundant–centre hypothesis). However, there is mixed empirical support for this relationship, and little theoretical underpinning. We simulate a species spreading across a set of replicated artificial landscapes to examine the expected level of support for abundant–centre relationships in geographic and niche space. Species niche constraints were modeled as a single axis which was related directly to population growth rates. We found strong evidence for abundant–centre relationships when populations follow deterministic growth, dispersal is high, environmental noise is absent and intraspecific competition is low. However, the incorporation of ecological realism reduced the detectability of abundant–centre relationships considerably. Our results suggest that even in carefully constructed artificial landscapes designed to demonstrate abundant–centre dynamics, the incorporation of small amounts of demographic stochasticity, environmental heterogeneity or landscape structure can strongly influence the relationship between species population density and distance to species geographic range or niche centre. While some simulated relationships were of comparable strength to common empirical support for abundant–centre relationships, our results suggest that these relationships are expected to be fairly variable and weak.  相似文献   

The protolytic equilibrium of fluorescein in aqueous solutions was studied in the presence of cycloheptaamylose (β-cyclodextrin, or β-CD). The constants of stepwise ionization of the dye (), Ka0, Ka1, and Ka2 were determined using vis-spectroscopy at ionic strength 0.05 M (NaCl + buffer) and 25 °C. In the presence of 0.0086 M β-CD, the indices of ionization constants are as follows: pKa0 = 1.21 ± 0.12, pKa1 = 5.08 ± 0.03, pKa2 = 6.35 ± 0.02. The changes in these pKas, as compared with the values determined without cyclodextrin, are unequal. Namely, the pKa0 value decreases by 1.0, while the pKa1 value increases by 0.7. Thus, the introduction of β-CD allows to govern the ratios Ka0/Ka1 and Ka1/Ka2, which are equal to, respectively, 141 and 151 in water, and 7.4 × 103 and 18.6 with cyclodextrin added. Rationalization of the observed phenomenon is possible taking into account the detailed scheme of protolytic equilibrium. Conclusions concerning tautomerism of dye molecules were deduced from absorption spectra; the fractions of tautomers, tautomerization constants, and microscopic ionization constants were evaluated. These data allow concluding that the main reason for the aforementioned pKa alterations is the binding of H2R by the cyclodextrin cavity accompanied by turning these neutral species into the colorless lactone. The host-guest interaction of neutral species of fluorescein isothiocyanate, 2,7-dichlorofluorescein, and 3′,4′,5′,6′-tetrachlorofluorescein also results in the cyclodextrin-assisted shift of tautomeric equilibrium. Such nature of interactions is proved by the addition of competing agents, camphor-4-carboxylic acid and sodium n-nonylsulfonate, which results in the removing of neutral dye species from the cycloheptaamylose cavity.  相似文献   

Phospholipid (PL) and fatty acid (FA) compositions of the plasma membrane (PM), as well as the FA composition of the PM phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdEtn) in the pure culture (zero generation) and the first three recycled generations of the bottom-fermenting brewer’s yeast, have been determined. The PL composition differed markedly among the generations; in the zero generation, phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) was the main PL, accounting for 27% of total PLs, followed by phosphatidic acid and PtdCho. In all recycled generations, the main PL was PtdCho with a marked increase in the first generation compared with the zero (32% and 20%, respectively), followed by PtdIns in the first and second generations. In the FA composition of the PM, 22 FAs were identified, ranging from C10 to C26. The compositions of the PM FAs, as well as those of PtdCho and PtdEtn, were characterised by a high preponderance of C16 acids. Saturated FAs prevailed in the zero generation, whilst unsaturated prevailed in the first and second generation. Although the profiles of FAs in PtdCho and PtdEtn were similar, some marked differences were observed, pointing out to their specific functions in the regulation of membrane properties.  相似文献   

The effect of cyclic anaerobic–aerobic conditions on the biodegradative capability of the mixed microbial culture for the azo dye Remazol Brilliant Violet 5R (RBV-5R) was investigated in the sequencing batch reactor (SBR) fed with a synthetic textile wastewater. The SBR had a 12-h cycle time with anaerobic–aerobic periods of 3/9, 6/6 and 9/3 h. General SBR performance was assessed by measurement of catabolic enzymes (catechol 2,3-dioxygenase, azo reductase), chemical oxygen demand (COD), color and amount of aromatic amines. In this study, under steady-state conditions, the anaerobic period of the cyclic SBR was found to allow the reductive decolorization of azo dye. Longer anaerobic periods resulted in higher color removal efficiencies, approximately 71% for the 3-h, 87% for 6-h and 92% for the 9-h duration. Total COD removal efficiencies were over 84% under each of the cyclic conditions and increased as the length of the anaerobic period was increased; however, the highest color removal rate was attained for the cycle with the shortest anaerobic period of 3 h. During the decolorization of RBV-5R, two sulfonated aromatic amines (benzene based and naphthalene based) were formed. Additionally, anaerobic azo reductase enzyme was found to be positively affected with the increasing duration of the anaerobic period; however; it was vice versa for the aerobic catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (C23DO) enzyme.  相似文献   

1. Geographical orientation affects the magnitude of microclimatic edge effects, mainly by altering the exposure to solar radiation. There is considerable evidence available concerning the influence of microclimatic edge effects on organisms at the population level, although little is known about effects at the community level, and variations with edge geographical orientation have barely been addressed. The present study investigated the influence of microclimatic conditions at the forest interior and edges with different geographical orientation on plant–leafminer–parasitoid food webs in the fragmented Chaco Serrano forest located in Central Argentina. 2. Microclimatic variables were measured in three locations: interior, north, and south-facing edges of six forest fragments. In each location, plant resource availability was assessed and mined leaves were collected to investigate plant–leafminer–parasitoid communities by rearing leafminer and parasitoid adults. 3. The results obtained revealed changes in the specific composition of plant, leafminer and parasitoid communities among locations, although they failed to detect location influences on most variables linked to abundance (except for leafminers), richness or food web structure. Leafminer abundance was negatively related to temperature, whereas their richness was related, also negatively, to moisture. Instead, parasitoids were favoured by higher temperatures and light levels, stronger winds, and lower humidity. 4. The results of the present study indicate that the effects of microclimatic conditions may depend on the trophic level considered. Moreover, the findings suggest that possible trade-offs between direct and indirect effects (such as plant quality, floral resources, etc.) of microclimatic conditions could influence plant and insect responses to location.  相似文献   

《Mutation Research Letters》1989,225(3):131-136
Unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) and lipid peroxidation (LPO) were measured in human peripheral lymphocytes from healthy volunteers. These processes were induced by the catalytic system Fe2+-sodium ascorbate. The degree of induced LPO was measured spectrophotometrically by the thiobarbituric acid assay. UDS was detected by scintillometric measurement of the incorporation of 3H-thymidine into DNA. The protective action by fat-soluble vitamin E (d,l-α-tocopherol) and the artificial antioxidant pyritinol on UDS and LPO was also investigated.The system Fe2+ (2 μmole/1)-sodium ascorbate (30 μmole/1) increased the LPO level in healthy volunteers approximately 2.5 times and the incorporation of 3H-thymidine by 60–70%. α-Tocopherol (0.2 mmole/1) very efficiently suppressed LPO processes (p < 0.01) and the oxidative damage of DNA measured as UDS was also significantly diminished (p < 0.05). Pyritinol had no effect on LPO and UDS under our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Sesquiterpene lactone glaucolide-A from Vernonia, incorporated in the rearing diets of five species of Lepidoptera, significantly reduced the rate of growth of larvae of the southern armyworm, Spodoptera eridania; fall armyworm, S. frugiperda; and yellowstriped armyworm, S. ornithogalli. Quantitative feeding tests demonstrated that decreased feeding levels and reduced growth resulted from ingestion of a sesquiterpene lactone. Ingestion of glaucolide-A increased the number of days to pupation in four of the species. In the southern armyworm, it significantly reduced pupal weight. Glaucolide-A decidedly reduced percentage of survival of southern and fall armyworms. Yellow woollybear, Diacrisia virginica, and cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni, larvae were essentially uneffected by the ingestion of the sesquiterpene lactone. Sesquiterpene lactones adversely affect growth rate and survival of certain insects that feed upon plants containing them. They apparently function as defensive products, screening out a portion of the potential herbivores.Vernonieae: Compositae  相似文献   

Heme–copper oxygen reductases (HCO) reduce O2 to water being the last enzymatic complexes of most aerobic respiratory chains. These enzymes promote energy conservation coupling the catalytic reaction to charge separation and charge translocation across the prokaryotic cytoplasmatic or mitochondrial membrane. In this way they contribute to the establishment and maintenance of the transmembrane difference of electrochemical potential, which is vital for solute/nutrient cell import, synthesis of ATP and motility. The HCO enzymes most probably share with the nitric oxide reductases, NORs, a common ancestor. We have proposed the classification of HCOs into three different types, A, B and C; based on the constituents of their proton channels (Pereira, Santana and Teixeira (2001) Biochim Biophys Acta, 1505, 185–208). This classification was recently challenged by the suggestion of other different types of HCOs. Using an enlarged sampling we performed an exhaustive bioinformatic reanalysis of HCOs family. Our results strengthened our previously proposed classification and showed no need for the existence of more divisions. Now, we analyze the taxonomic distribution of HCOs and NORs and the congruence of their sequence trees with the 16S rRNA tree. We observed that HCOs are widely distributed in the two prokaryotic domains and that the different types of enzymes are not confined to a specific taxonomic group or environmental niche. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Respiratory Oxidases.  相似文献   

Efforts to understand the cause of 12C versus 13C isotope fractionation in plants during photosynthesis and post‐photosynthetic metabolism are frustrated by the lack of data on the intramolecular 13C‐distribution in metabolites and its variation with environmental conditions. We have exploited isotopic carbon‐13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) spectrometry to measure the positional isotope composition (δ13Ci, ‰) in ethanol samples from different origins: European wines, liquors and sugars from C3, C4 and crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plants. In C3‐ethanol samples, the methylene group was always 13C‐enriched (~2‰) relative to the methyl group. In wines, this pattern was correlated with both air temperature and δ18O of wine water, indicating that water vapour deficit may be a critical defining factor. Furthermore, in C4‐ethanol, the reverse relationship was observed (methylene‐C relatively 13C‐depleted), supporting the concept that photorespiration is the key metabolic process leading to the 13C distribution in C3‐ethanol. By contrast, in CAM‐ethanol, the isotopic pattern was similar to but stronger than C3‐ethanol, with a relative 13C‐enrichment in the methylene‐C of up to 13‰. Plausible causes of this 13C‐pattern are briefly discussed. As the intramolecular δ13Ci‐values in ethanol reflect that in source glucose, our data point out the crucial impact on the ratio of metabolic pathways sustaining glucose synthesis.  相似文献   

Accumulation of poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB) was studied in Alcaligenes eutrophus strain N9A. Under nitrogen limitation and heterotrophic conditions, the cells accumulated PHB at a rate of 50 fg cell-1 h-1. Volume increased from 1.208 to 3.808 m3 and buoyant density from 1.110 to 1.145 pg m-3 with an increase in PHB from 0 up to 1.699 pg cell-1. Volume was found to change linearly with PHB content. The changes were due to increases in cell width and not in cell length. PHB explained 93% of the changes in cellular volume. The relationship between density and PHB was hyperbolic. PHB explained 96% of the changes in density. When a mutant strain unable to accumulate PHB was analyzed together with the wild type, the PHB-less mutant and the wild type showed densities of 1.100 pg m-3 and 1.120 pg m-3, respectively, in gradients of 65% Percoll. In sucrose gradients, nevertheless, the results were reversed. This discrepancy was explained by the high osmolarity of sucrose which gives artificial results. Thus, we conclude that Percoll is a more suitable medium than sucrose to measure the density of live bacterial cells.Abbreviation PHB poly--hydroxybutyrate  相似文献   

Laboratory studies on artificial leaves suggest that leaf thermal dynamics are strongly influenced by the two‐dimensional size and shape of leaves and associated boundary layer thickness. Hot environments are therefore said to favour selection for small, narrow or dissected leaves. Empirical evidence from real leaves under field conditions is scant and traditionally based on point measurements that do not capture spatial variation in heat load. We used thermal imagery under field conditions to measure the leaf thermal time constant (τ) in summer and the leaf‐to‐air temperature difference (?T) and temperature range across laminae (Trange) during winter, autumn and summer for 68 Proteaceae species. We investigated the influence of leaf area and margin complexity relative to effective leaf width (we), the latter being a more direct indicator of boundary layer thickness. Normalized difference of margin complexity had no or weak effects on thermal dynamics, but we strongly predicted τ and ?T, whereas leaf area influenced Trange. Unlike artificial leaves, however, spatial temperature distribution in large leaves appeared to be governed largely by structural variation. Therefore, we agree that small size, specifically we, has adaptive value in hot environments but not with the idea that thermal regulation is the primary evolutionary driver of leaf dissection.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to investigate the role of the ABC transporters in the evolution of tumor cell populations treated with bortezomib. Bortezomib (PS-341, Velcade) is a proteasome inhibitor used for treatment of some malignancies. Several pairs of cell lines different in Pgp expression (P-glycoprotein transporter, ABCB1) have been used in the study. We showed that the influence of the Pgp hyperexpression on cell sensitivity to bortezomib was bidirectional and depended on the tissue type. Bortezomib changed the mRNA level of MDR1 (ABCB1 and MRP1 (ABCC1)) genes, suggesting that the proteasome inhibitor is able to decrease the activity of some regulators of genes/proteins implicated in MDR. Bortezomib treatment increased the levels of proteins (Pgp or MPR1) in 3 out of 4 cell populations studied. Pgp was shown to remain functionally active in the cells cultured in bortezamib-containing medium. The UIC2-shift assay has shown that bortezomib is able to activate Pgp. This means that bortezomib influences Pgp conformation, thus activating the protein (in K562/i-S9 cells). These experiments also demonstrate that bortezomib is Pgp substrate.  相似文献   

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